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Easy Reading, 85. It Looks Like Rain

85. It Looks Like Rain

The TV weatherman says a lot of things.

He gives us a lot of information. He says it will be hot and sunny. He says it will be cold and rainy. We will get showers. We will get two inches of rain. We will get three inches of snow. The temperature tonight will go down to 50 degrees. The temperature tomorrow will be 73 degrees. The sun will rise at 6:30. The sun will set at 6:15. The beaches will have early morning fog. A winter storm is coming. The mountains will have snow. The waves at the beach will be high. The Santa Ana winds are coming. It will be hot and windy. We must be careful. We must watch for fires. The TV weatherman goes on and on. He talks and talks. He tells us everything about the weather. He has pretty pictures and maps. He points at the maps. He has lots of fancy technology. We don't have fancy technology. We don't need fancy technology. If we want to know what the weather is like, we just look out the window.

85. It Looks Like Rain 85. Parece que llueve 85\. 下雨了

The TV weatherman says a lot of things. テレビの天気予報士は多くのことを言っています。 电视天气预报员说了很多事情。

He gives us a lot of information. 彼は私たちに多くの情報を与えてくれます。 He says it will be hot and sunny. Spune că va fi cald și soare. He says it will be cold and rainy. Spune că va fi frig și ploi. We will get showers. にわか雨になります。 Vom face dușuri. We will get two inches of rain. 2インチの雨が降ります。 我们会下两英寸的雨。 We will get three inches of snow. The temperature tonight will go down to 50 degrees. 今夜の気温は50度まで下がります。 Temperatura din această seară va coborî la 50 de grade. The temperature tomorrow will be 73 degrees. 明日の気温は73度になります。 The sun will rise at 6:30. 太陽は6:30に昇ります。 The sun will set at 6:15. 太陽は6:15に沈むでしょう。 The beaches will have early morning fog. ビーチは早朝の霧になります。 A winter storm is coming. 冬の嵐が来ています。 The mountains will have snow. 山は雪になるでしょう。 The waves at the beach will be high. ビーチの波は高くなるでしょう。 海滩上的海浪会很大。 The Santa Ana winds are coming. サンタアナの風が来ています。 圣安娜风来了。 It will be hot and windy. 暑くて風が強いでしょう。 Va fi cald și vânt. 天气会很热,多风。 We must be careful. 注意が必要です。 我们必须小心。 We must watch for fires. 火事に気をつけなければならない。 Trebuie să fim atenți la incendii. 我们必须注意火灾。 The TV weatherman goes on and on. テレビのウェザーマンはどんどん進んでいきます。 Omul meteorologic TV continuă și continuă. 电视天气预报员一直在继续。 He talks and talks. 彼は話し、話します。 他说啊说啊。 He tells us everything about the weather. 彼は私たちに天気についてのすべてを教えてくれます。 他告诉我们关于天气的一切。 He has pretty pictures and maps. 彼はかわいい写真と地図を持っています。 Are poze și hărți frumoase. 他有漂亮的图片和地图。 He points at the maps. He has lots of fancy technology. 彼はたくさんの凝った技術を持っています。 他有很多花哨的技术。 We don’t have fancy technology. 私たちには派手な技術はありません。 Nu avem tehnologie de lux. 我们没有花哨的技术。 We don’t need fancy technology. 派手な技術は必要ありません。 我们不需要花哨的技术。 If we want to know what the weather is like, we just look out the window. 天気がどのようなものか知りたい場合は、窓の外を見るだけです。 Dacă vrem să știm cum este vremea, ne uităm doar pe fereastră. 如果我们想知道天气如何,我们只需看看窗外。