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Easy Conversations, 28. His Line Is Never Busy

28. His Line Is Never Busy

A: My husband died.

B: I'm sorry for you.

A: Thank you.

B: When did he die?

A: A couple of months ago.

B: You still miss him.

A: Yes, but I talk to him almost every day.

B: When you go to church?

A: No, when I call him on his cell phone.

B: What do you mean?

A: I buried him with his cell phone.

B: What will you do when the battery dies?

28. His Line Is Never Busy 28.彼のラインは決して忙しくない 28\. Sua linha nunca está ocupada

A: My husband died. R: Mi esposo murió.

B: I’m sorry for you. B: Lo siento por ti.

A: Thank you. Un gracias.

B: When did he die? B: ¿Cuándo murió?

A: A couple of months ago. R: Hace un par de meses. A: Een paar maanden geleden.

B: You still miss him. B: Je mist hem nog steeds.

A: Yes, but I talk to him almost every day. A: Ja, maar ik praat bijna elke dag met hem.

B: When you go to church? B: Wanneer ga je naar de kerk?

A: No, when I call him on his cell phone.

B: What do you mean?

A: I buried him with his cell phone. A:私は彼を携帯電話で埋めました。

B: What will you do when the battery dies? B:バッテリーが切れたらどうしますか?