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Friends S02, Friends S02E11 5d

Friends S02E11 5d

- Everything. That's a lot of stuff. Oh, wait, I... I remember she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time. I'm sorry. There's laughing in my head. Worth a shot, huh? Look at this! These are all Halloween, three years ago. My little martini. I love your olive head. Oh, and look, here's Barry. He came straight from the office? Oh, no. That was his costume. See, he's actually an orthodontist, but he came as a regular dentist. He thought that was really funny. You guys? Remember when I said that I don't need your help? Actually, I think you said... ..."Don't touch that and get out of my kitchen." Really? Weird. Anyway... I planned really well. I planned and planned. I just didn't plan enough time to do it. - You want some help? - If you want. What a day! I took her everywhere. The Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center... ...the Statue of Liberty. She's still with you? Yes. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. Be right back. She has to go to the bathroom again. Such a pretty face! Oh, this is so much fun! Just the girls! Do you know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? God! Did I have to ask do we have pot. Look, no one's smoking pot around all this food. Well, that's fine. I never did it. I just thought I might. What's new in sex? What's new in sex? The only man I've been with is your father. I'm dicing. I'm dicing. I don't hear anything. This is no offense to your dad, but I was thinking... ...there might be more. You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. All right. You come here and drop this bomb on me before you even tell Daddy. Do you want my blessing? Want me to talk you out of it? Then what do you want? I guess I figured you would understand. Why on earth would I understand this? You didn't marry your Barry, honey. But I married mine.

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Friends S02E11 5d Freunde S02E11 5d フレンズ S02E11 5d Friends S02E11 5d Друзья S02E11 5d Arkadaşlar S02E11 5d Друзі S02E11 5d

- Everything. That's a lot of stuff. Oh, wait, I... I remember she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time. I'm sorry. There's laughing in my head. У мене в голові сміх. Worth a shot, huh? Варто спробувати, га? Look at this! These are all Halloween, three years ago. My little martini. I love your olive head. Oh, and look, here's Barry. He came straight from the office? Він прийшов прямо з офісу? Oh, no. That was his costume. See, he's actually an orthodontist, but he came as a regular dentist. He thought that was really funny. You guys? Remember when I said that I don't need your help? Actually, I think you said... ..."Don't touch that and get out of my kitchen." Really? Weird. Anyway... I planned really well. I planned and planned. I just didn't plan enough time to do it. - You want some help? - If you want. What a day! I took her everywhere. The Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center... ...the Statue of Liberty. She's still with you? Yes. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. Be right back. She has to go to the bathroom again. Such a pretty face! Oh, this is so much fun! Just the girls! Do you know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? У когось є марихуана? God! Did I have to ask do we have pot. Чи треба було питати, чи є у нас марихуана. Look, no one's smoking pot around all this food. Well, that's fine. I never did it. I just thought I might. What's new in sex? What's new in sex? The only man I've been with is your father. I'm dicing. Я ріжу кубиками. I'm dicing. Я ріжу кубиками. I don't hear anything. This is no offense to your dad, but I was thinking... ...there might be more. Не хочу образити твого батька, але я подумав... ...що їх може бути більше. You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. All right. You come here and drop this bomb on me before you even tell Daddy. Do you want my blessing? Want me to talk you out of it? Then what do you want? I guess I figured you would understand. Why on earth would I understand this? З якого дива я маю це розуміти? You didn't marry your Barry, honey. But I married mine.