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Stephen Krashen - Youtube videos, Question & Answer Session with Dr. Stephen Krashen

Question & Answer Session with Dr. Stephen Krashen

Oh today we're going to speak to dr. stephen krashen who needs no introduction I'm sure we're here at the the extensive reading seminar it's Steve Young Women's University in Nagoya Japan we'll talk about there's a reading of course very soon but if I could ask you a few questions about your very productive career to date and I read that you started out you started out in Ethiopia with a Peace Corps we set your first teaching position they started out in Chicago in 1941 and Loretta Hospital but my first did in Chicago the Northside then my first teaching position g-guess I guess so I guess that was my first full-time job that was you know in 1964 1966 mm-hmm

I was a midnight now wife there we married 45 years laughs which makes us the third longest married couple in California sister a second okay she joined because she was full of the ability desire to serve and help she still is I was trying to move draft which of the time the Vietnam War was very hot and I got a deferment going

into the Peace Corps and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life teaching English of course the old fashioned terrible way cuz I didn't know any better and work very hard I'm trying to acquire the language of the country we here which is very tough because everybody wouldn't speak English to sit in the capital they had some progress and that was my early 20s where three years on a Forex been abroad hmm the other hear your music and so that stimulated my interest in languages that's for sure and then that's what makes you come back and study languages folk that are you right I went back we married and I decided I wanted to travel see the world and become an ESL teacher which may have been a good option for me looking back so I enrolled in an ESL program you see you later and they liked it that I was seduced by the dark side of the force I was seduced by chunks Ian Bremmer hmm which I still think it's absolutely wonderful and it took me years to get over this and see that my true destiny was in language acquisition so I don't regret those years of there's a lot was well when you when you started out when you were first doing your PhD I guess you could say that applied linguistics or or maybe second language acquisition was a fairly new field there was room there was a lot of room to move around and lot of things that to learn yes those are interesting terms yes applied linguistics as a term I don't think exists I think we pretty well destroyed not trying to be nasty turned out that way because in those days when you were a student at an ESL program or doing scratch networking what you did is you worked on a grammar and looked at grammatical structures you would do your dissertation on you know the passive ways or something how it's done in various languages then you translate this into pedagogical materials and it was assumed that the better description you had the better you could teach so it's clear to me that you know all the ESL teachers should study Chomsky and grammar because that was the best description it turns out that's not how language is acquired and right now looking directly in the camera we are making the same mistake in the field of English for academic purposes that we're doing very good academic work in the description the construction of academic text how that put together is your analysis all these things more and more sophisticated more subtle but there that's not how we learned that's they're not teaching materials it's really was good sir and it all comes through well not that I'm glad you mention it because when you came out with a five five hypothesis in the seventies and when you first presented that was the acquisition and learning and natural order and maintenance elbow did you realize that did you think what you were doing would have such an impact yes you did the moment they did the moment I realized that there were two systems going on hmm that there was aluminum in the acquired system and the learning system was very constrained and then most of our compliments of came from acquisition that it was done through comprehensible

ability and the affective factors outside academia which acquisition device mm-hmm they kept the hood up the moment that hit there was a felt sense that I knew it was right and it's very hard to shake me from it as it felt so good and I remember talking to my best friend at the time still my buddy Larry Levan who's Terry mystics department he was seeing the grad students together my salary I think I felt the answer this is it this is like finding the structure of DNA this is sick that it's two meanings now this is the answer we've made the breakthrough but actually I mean I've been looking back through some of your work this week obviously before we met and I was looking at the natural approach one of the old books and you were quite clear that that these were hypotheses missed or that they still are but I believe they're good chapters and those books were written by Tracy Terra we should have been the first author we decided to go alphabetically swum out but well then between the two of you it was very clear that although they were I thought this would say that however we don't have any counter examples to prove them otherwise don't and that's so they absolutely stand up to Uranus scrutiny the way science works there's two things going on here the way science works according to the traditional way Karl Popper you have a hypothesis let's say I have a hypothesis all languages in the world of promotes you look at 5000 languages the other pronouncement did you say I proved it because someone might find the dozens of your hole and then what happens your head publicist is gone it's destroyed of course then you start looking for a deeper hypothesis a better one that takes things into account so you can never improve anything you can only disprove and sometimes even when you have tons of supporting evidence it's not enough because some people have both strong developed since the other way there's a famous quote from Mary Schweitzer paleontologist who discovered that Tyrannosaurus bones that you looked at had some organic matter in them hmm which is clear amazing because they're supposed to be leveled and the reigning paleontologist thought it was horrible couldn't be true articles rejected she was talking to one big child who checked all the papers and she said look I've got evidence he says I don't care well what kind of evidence would convince you and he said so I think what I've come across are a lot of people who do matter what evidence you have they say well it's just not right I think the other felt sense that it is right but I hope I'm holdin to cover evidence if there is true cover evidence I will look for it pollicis and it's to my benefit to be the first person to notice that it's wrong to point out that that's wrong but so far so good so this is one way to assign souvenir improvements there's another way which I've learned from Chomsky in his book syntactic structures 1957 he is a beautiful analysis of how the negative works in English and how the auxilary has to be set up many systems limiter interrogatives nervously the same mechanism we saw for negatives philosophy and interrogatives that isn't proof that we've got a good description but that should meet something hmm so my point is we started this off with adult second language it fit for some very limited experimental divisions then it fit for working the shoes then an explained effect that it explained myself that's work then I noticed it works for child language acquisition in fact it looks rather works for acquisition in general expression then the 1980s they discovered the work of Frank Smith which is I feel like I saved five years despite reading his stuff and I said there's the same hypothesis understand what's on the page and their research completely different angles smooth and live different data and if you read Smith's work you see the explains of what survey the by different could be beautiful so that felt good then I started looking at expensive reading researching personally G sustained silent reading stuff the early stuff oh my gosh networks then I got embroiled in bilingual education controversies in the United States of the nineties and the best way of explaining why bilingual at worse when it does his comprehensive little community background knowledge to make it a little more comprehensible in the last few years I've been continuing to look at all these areas at once it's all on the field but I've been looking lately in animal studies hmm it is the comprehension hypothesis a contender for how chimpanzees acquire sign I'm going to present this afternoon at the case of the character Cosmo lady giving the Athens Georgia tiger professor retired ten years oh gosh it's very good how animals develop their own communication systems vervet monkeys acquire their distress calls manager you know coded for different kinds of attacks and you know comprehensible input it's not an airtight case but that's pretty good there are some cases where it looks like they're getting correction and all that that means we gotta look a little deeper so the cases you know saw the solidus we have our human language but it's helping me understand what research no question it means something yeah this is the idea it should count for something the next area research I so yes it's pretty complete CP as far as you know up today nothing is disproved no and I looked at every single the current contenders opponents are comprehensive awareness means idea and I've argued there just isn't enough good also correction and grammar is still up there and people are it's you know desperately seeking the walls or grammar it's there it's not very strong and all the studies they seem to write their concluding its before they analyze the data you see the screws remember works and they'll find one out of five effects works order like and I think the data of all shows when it does work it's under very constraining conditions from the conditions for the conscious mind or mental Truscott are the same thing same thing with courage so this is really supported in so the good thing is all these hypotheses that may help me make sense of all this research and oh yeah and probably grammar translation is probably still the president the authority was like I'd see so actually well that I guess that takes you back to mentioned this book me getting a natural approach I don't know if it's fair to say this is a methodology I mean approaches in the title absolutely um and I guess this came around the same time that things like task-based learning and communicative language learning were becoming popular but it's been said that now we're in a post methods ero but we're not okay so when you talk about that no I think method is perfectly fine it's just a way of teaching that's consistent with the theoretical approach so Dave I think that there are more than one they reasonable in one method that you could use absolutely that there are single methods in my way a biased opinion that are all consistent with comprehensible just one TBR's unbelievably interesting and then the answer I came out with it great and it's certainly consistent the gaseous years ahead since then TP RS homework assignment for anyone watching this video isn't too good at Google and with the TP RS to zulan high school foreign language teachers in the United States a true grassroots movement very interesting where they find this networks originated by a Spanish teacher at a California plane great very interestin it's all based on storytelling and developing stories with your kids very consistent with the word he developed that we you know start each other later sing with Tracy Tracy had the idea before he heard me what this is he what it's the acronym said it used to be TV our story other as well as that was teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling okay and small groups of teachers have organized themselves into like companies who small time entrepreneurs and they put together conferences 200 materials it's a great example of ethical capitalism where people are charging reasonable the mountain inexpensive materials sharing it they're working different areas of the country so there's no competition they'll get along then you go to these seminars and it's teachers there's no publishers they have their own stuff there's no university professors it's immediately and you can take short courses you can take I took intensive Mandarin twice an hour course whenever I go to these things I take intermediate Spanish as I like teachers there they're just wonderful so you have a great time and those are those are all methods then we have sheltered subject matter teaching which is a method content-based actually for intermediates we have extensive reading which is a method or even common technique and combine it with shelter new popular literature all these things are methods but they're simply different manifestations of comprehensible properties so I mean you didn't mention really as a potentially very good source of comprehensive we put very early on in your career but it seems to become more and more important than the thing is it fair to say that you become more convinced that extensive reading is probably one of the best ways or the best way that's wonderful yeah you would have to be doing it yourself all the time and then you see yeah but you have to be reading in other languages and you can just feel yourself I so read that I read in one of your articles that you can read in Star Trek novels even friends anymore men's with me well it's collection of short stories there you go trying to find new authors science fiction French or any comments got to come way cool that's reppin in a lot of my stuff it's a book swap thing it's where you can clean out of your office in your home put stuff up and someone who orders it from you you send it we've made the most engine you get points you can get other stuff so I've been using that for French and Spanish that's nice one thing about extensive reading so sometimes feel that people say they're doing it but they're not well they they misunderstand what it actually is so what what do you think we need to know about extensive reading what exactly is it it's a big question books first of all that are interesting and comprehensible more than interesting the goal is to find things to read that are so interesting you forget that it's in another line where you don't even notice the words that you don't quite understand as the story so interesting can't wait to get to the next page hmm very little perhaps zero accountability is the ideal books are available in the classroom the person doesn't have to finish every book they start mm-hmm you can read comic books you can read magazines you read whatever you want to if possible or just really good books some time set aside to do it so um for example I hear about some teachers perhaps to set comprehension tests at the end egregious or the class takes the grade agreed you know everyone reads the same books no no that's not a recovery but in reading the same book is okay if you're doing literature book difference yeah the core of language arts and I think a lot of esl/efl with good reason is literature I'm all for it you know and this is philosophy ethics and metaphysics embedded in the fiction there's a wonderful way to do it the big fan of this this is one of the reasons we go to school who introduced to great literature free to reading a summer so what people can do is have a literature class but they're all looking at one well Henry hunger games and which others and talk about its implications for society okay what does it mean and on that fine but also the 10-15 minutes a set aside to reach some brilliant people have combined these and I recommend to books Evelyn Miller called the book was written for native speaker build school kids it's wonderful they can see that well the reading so Canada through middle school native speakers where the kids are doing a lot of self selected reading but they're sharing their literature circles they talk about their books they went in reading an enormous amount and the specimens that are very merits and it's all relevant hmm our goal some name is to get everyone reading the classics the way to get it is the first massive amounts of interesting contemporary stuff I suppose some teachers might be worried that where's their role in this because if they could really can if your students really can learn English through reading alone and reading the right things interesting things a lot why do we need to teach I think the teachers role allows a lot easier more interesting pleasant and probably more important for the vandalism the goal of the teacher is to do two things bring you up to the intermediate level so you can talk outside class and see who can understand what people tell you and do some reading outside of class and improve on your own and and to do that you have to organize things they have to make the books

available they have to do the literature part discuss people to discuss with students help them find better reading this is why a conference and they help me become a reader and also they tell you how language is acquired I hope that the comprehension hypothesis will be considered a legal way of acquiring

language rather than an outlaw I'm not saying that we should make it required that all students believe you know the comprehension hypothesis but I think they should know about I think they should have the option they should totally finish that some people think that there's research that if you want appreciate vocabulary don't people kept very proud a lot of books you want to get better at TOEFL entire thing can be seen with the TOEFL but read a lot of books you want to get your grammar better grammar here there might help with you chance to monitor the most of it comes to reading not to worry about error correction I think to be on top of the staff to know how to get better so two things help kids get to the intermediate level giving them Koreans a little bit of class and tell them how to get better that's at the beginning level you've gotta have classes you've got to have a teachers because the adults will not have a comprehensive look at the outside world because it's too hard so if you're doing he has senior dfl that you can target English speakers trying to talk to and what they do find a few who can understand with a second and if I come here to Japan and I want to pick up Japanese I can spend twenty years here and never a good comprehensive window if you go to a language class the first ten minutes you can let me give you my experiences because it's identical to everybody's experience is watching this day not because it's different I probably spend three months of my life in since 2000 I was going there every year for various conferences the time Mandarin all around me after three months the very minute the only thing I could say or understand the manner it was was she what makes you think I like out some ice cream which is about it I then took tbrs Mandarin I know our class like wonderful teacher the delicious the first five and that's the first three minutes I got more comprehensible it within that class and they did all the time in Taiwan that's the value of classes beginners who belong in language classes because the language classes will give you the comprehensive look at the outside not the intermediate is to get you involved in reading literature that's or you could do that so those classes should be all email to know everyone is fine to give that chronology but do you know something toughest cup a little explanation you're in there man Blake great has this great technical pop-up grammar now this is where you can cover language with the students we're he'll interrupt the class for maybe five seconds to explain something in English about the grammar for example to to tell us in my Mandarin class my teacher interrupted the class and said in English by the way Mandarin doesn't have an infinitive the disturb the verbs together they can take it or leave it hmm those of us who are junior linguists in you know amateur means that both the most interesting thinking people with more recently life you know I've just kept going and ignored the answer this is only was in the Spanish class Jason Prince my wonderful Spanish teacher interrupted and said oh by the way this will load into the at its best as now people some people want to use that some people could monitor other people used to understand what's going on most people were mmm so the occasional thing like that fine where the kids have no idea say love this word its blah blah or some background reading in the first language so when we use the first language to give but make it a little more comprehensible it's okay when we use it instead like for translation okay thank you now I'll put it five-year-old son welcome it's like Johanna three of seven and my five throats very interesting books loves books Congress have to get what should I be doing to teach them to read no funny things I thank you and follow me my finger calls interrupting should we observe three months hmm there's now a trend in the United States which the newspapers are jumping on these researchers is people they just can't help it it's just a form before important they're having people read love the kids are very so uh experimental group the reader will stop and clean out aspects of a principle like this word means danger or do you know how this is pronounced here's a all those B it's above did you say about you know stuff like that and they looked at whether this helped the kids have more print awareness phonemic awareness all this if there was a little bit of an effect okay so they said we should be doing this and I think is a danger of destroying the story first of all and they admit that's possible and then I looked at the comparison groups which they didn't do they just looked at the experiment the comparisons got better too nearly as much money half as much yes the other so they're just reading stories that's gonna give you that so they want your child to get better I've been follow along with a finger unless he says to do I wouldn't point out the print unless he asked you to enjoy the story living in your house your kids have no choice to become highly literate it's only a question this schools they're very excited on speed and people varying rates of acquisition so I wouldn't worry about lots of good stories so at what point will I be able to put the book in front with him and you'll be able to stop reading it could happen anywhere between now and age seven and it's inevitable you kids get excited about writing about learning anyway we can't stop it to something in neighborhood and you know they didn't study two years ago they found every kid they looked at when they saw the golden arches tunnels you know starting a theater cell then it's pretty much inevitable and the amount of phonics that you need to become a reader actually you probably don't need any but a little bit is a little hopeful because alphabetic basic phonics it's um basically additional consonants a few of the vowel sounds and when you do that they would never deny the stuff to kids what they ask never and I certainly would teach the element but beyond that it's diminishing returns the studies they say now that our robotics that cell phonics works here's what they found they do intensive models with the kids do their every phonics rule known to civilization and they teach you to all kids in the strict order and the fence the government united states have said that the kids read better and the UK said the same thing the pronouncements about phonics programs expelling stopping and when you look at the data the kids who have intensify makes do better on tests where you read lists of words and isolation you perhaps not they do not do better really mm-hmm and that's what cats and kids learn to read by reading the hearing stories get all that stuff matching in most of our knowledge of phonics is the result of reading another cause big confusion thank you well I'll bear that in mind yeah just make sure he does removals I think that's a nice positive final message don't go to law school okay if you must be go we have to pay for yourself the current state of education thank you very much thank you thank you

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Question & Answer Session with Dr. Stephen Krashen Frage-Antwort-Sitzung mit Dr. Stephen Krashen Question & Answer Session with Dr. Stephen Krashen Sesión de preguntas y respuestas con el Dr. Stephen Krashen Séance de questions et réponses avec le Dr Stephen Krashen Sessione di domande e risposte con il dottor Stephen Krashen スティーブン・クラッシェン博士との質疑応答 스티븐 크라센 박사와의 질문 및 답변 세션 Sesja pytań i odpowiedzi z dr Stephenem Krashenem Sessão de perguntas e respostas com o Dr. Stephen Krashen Сессия вопросов и ответов с доктором Стивеном Крашеном Dr. Stephen Krashen ile Soru & Cevap Oturumu Сесія запитань та відповідей з доктором Стівеном Крашеном 斯蒂芬·克拉申博士的问答环节 斯蒂芬·克拉申博士问答环节 斯蒂芬-克拉申博士问答环节

Oh today we’re going to speak to dr. stephen krashen who needs no introduction I’m sure we’re here at the the extensive reading seminar it’s Steve Young Women’s University in Nagoya Japan we’ll talk about there’s a reading of course very soon but if I could ask you a few questions about your very productive career to date and I read ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||富有成效的|||||| oh||we are|||||||||needs||||sure||||||extensive||seminar|||Young|Women's|||Nagoya|Japan|we will|||||||||soon|||||ask||||||||productive|career||date||| |||||||||||||||||||||||seminarium czytelnicze||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Oh|hoy||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Oh, heute werden wir mit dr sprechen. Stephen Krashen, der keiner Vorstellung bedarf Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir hier bei dem umfangreichen Leseseminar sind, es ist die Steve Young Women's University in Nagoya, Japan Ihre bisher sehr produktive Karriere und ich habe gelesen Oh today we're going to speak to dr. stephen krashen who needs no introduction I'm sure we're here at the the extensive reading seminar it's Steve Young Women's University in Nagoya Japan we'll talk about there's a reading of course very soon but if I could ask you a few questions about your very productive career to date and I read 오늘은 소개할 필요가 없는 스티븐 크라센 박사님과 이야기할 것입니다. 일본 나고야의 세종여자대학교에서 진행되는 광범위 독서 세미나에 있습니다. 곧 독서에 대한 이야기를 나누겠지만, 당신의 생산적인 경력에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 드려도 될까요? Ah, hoje vamos falar com o dr. stephen krashen que dispensa apresentações tenho certeza de que estamos aqui no extenso seminário de leitura é a Steve Young Women's University em Nagoya Japão falaremos sobre há uma leitura é claro muito em breve mas se eu pudesse fazer algumas perguntas sobre sua carreira muito produtiva até agora e eu li Oh bugün dr ile konuşacağız. tanıtıma ihtiyacı olmayan stephen krashen eminim burada, Nagoya Japonya'daki Steve Young Women's Üniversitesi'ndeki kapsamlı okuma seminerindeyiz, elbette çok yakında bir okuma yapılacağını konuşacağız ama size birkaç soru sorabilirsem Bugüne kadarki çok verimli kariyeriniz ve okudum О, сьогодні ми поговоримо з доктором. Стівен Крашен, який не потребує представлення, я впевнений, що ми тут на семінарі з широкого читання, це Університет молодих жінок Стіва в Нагої, Японія, ми поговоримо про те, що, звичайно, незабаром буде читання, але я можу поставити вам кілька запитань про Ваша дуже продуктивна кар'єра на сьогоднішній день, і я читаю 哦,今天我们要和博士谈谈。不需要介绍的 stephen krashen 我确定我们在日本名古屋的史蒂夫青年女子大学参加广泛阅读研讨会,我们将讨论当然很快就会有阅读,但如果我能问你几个问题你迄今为止非常富有成效的职业生涯,我读过 that you started out you started out in Ethiopia with a Peace Corps we set your first teaching position they started out in Chicago in 1941 and Loretta Hospital but my first did in Chicago the Northside then my first teaching position g-guess I guess so I guess that was my first full-time job that was you know in 1964 1966 mm-hmm ||||||||埃塞俄比亚||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||teaching||||||||||Hospital|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||w Chicago|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dass Sie angefangen haben Sie haben in Äthiopien mit einem Peace Corps angefangen. Wir haben Ihre erste Lehrstelle festgelegt. Sie haben 1941 in Chicago und im Loretta Hospital begonnen, aber meine erste war in Chicago the Northside, dann meine erste Lehrstelle Das war mein erster Vollzeitjob, das war 1964 1966 mm-hmm 당신이 에티오피아에서 평화봉사단과 함께 시작했다고 읽었습니다. 당신의 첫 번째 가르침 자리로는 1941년에 시카고의 로레타 병원에서 시작하셨군요. 하지만 제가 처음 가르쳤던 곳은 시카고의 노스사이드였고, 그곳이 제 첫 번째 풀타임 직장이었던 것 같네요. 그건 1964년과 1966년 사이였던 것 같습니다. que você começou você começou na Etiópia com um Peace Corps estabelecemos sua primeira posição de ensino eles começaram em Chicago em 1941 e no Loretta Hospital, mas meu primeiro foi em Chicago, no Northside, então minha primeira posição de ensino g-acho que sim eu acho esse foi meu primeiro emprego em tempo integral, você sabe, em 1964 1966 mm-hmm Etiyopya'da Barış Gönüllüleri ile başladığınız için, ilk öğretmenlik pozisyonunuzu belirledik, 1941'de Chicago'da ve Loretta Hastanesi'nde başladılar, ancak ilk olarak Chicago'da Northside'da yaptım, sonra ilk öğretmenlik pozisyonum g-sanırım sanırım bu yüzden bu benim 1964 1966 mm-hmm'de bildiğiniz ilk tam zamanlı işimdi 你一开始是在埃塞俄比亚和和平队一起开始的那是我在 1964 年认识的第一份全职工作 1966 mm-hmm

I was a midnight now wife there we married 45 years laughs which makes us the third longest married couple in California sister a second okay she joined because she was full of the ability desire to serve and help she still is I was trying to move draft which of the time the Vietnam War was very hot and I got a deferment going |||minuit|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||report de report| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Pobór do wojska|||||||||||||||| Ich war jetzt eine Mitternachtsfrau dort, wir heirateten 45 Jahre, lacht, was uns zum drittlängsten Ehepaar in Kalifornien macht. Schwester, ein zweites Okay, sie trat bei, weil sie voller Lust war, ihr zu dienen und ihr zu helfen. Ich versuchte immer noch, einen Entwurf zu verschieben der Zeit war der Vietnamkrieg sehr heiß und ich bekam einen Aufschub Eu era uma meia-noite agora esposa lá nos casamos 45 anos risos o que nos torna o terceiro casal mais antigo na Califórnia irmã um segundo ok ela se juntou porque ela estava cheia de habilidade desejo de servir e ajudar ela ainda é eu estava tentando mover o rascunho que do tempo, a Guerra do Vietnã estava muito quente e eu recebi um adiamento Şimdi bir gece yarısıydım, orada evlendik 45 yıldır gülüyoruz ki bu bizi California'daki en uzun üçüncü evli çift yapıyor bir saniye kız kardeş tamam, katıldı çünkü o hizmet etme ve yardım etme arzusuyla doluydu, o hala taslağı hareket ettirmeye çalışıyordum. Vietnam Savaşı'nın çok sıcak olduğu ve ertelediğim zamanın 我现在是一个午夜的妻子,我们在那里结婚 45 年笑声这使我们成为加利福尼亚州第三长的已婚夫妇姐姐第二个好吧,她加入了,因为她充满了服务和帮助她的能力,仍然是我试图移动选秀当时越南战争非常火爆,我得到了延期

into the Peace Corps and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life teaching English of course the old fashioned terrible way cuz I didn’t know any better and work very hard I’m trying to acquire the language of the country we here which is very tough because everybody wouldn’t speak English to sit in das Peace Corps und wusste nicht, was ich mit meinem Leben anfangen wollte, Englisch zu unterrichten, natürlich auf die altmodische, schreckliche Art, weil ich es nicht besser wusste und sehr hart daran arbeitete, die Sprache des Landes zu lernen, in dem wir leben hier, was sehr schwierig ist, weil jeder kein Englisch sprechen würde, um zu sitzen into the Peace Corps and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life teaching English of course the old fashioned terrible way cuz I didn't know any better and work very hard I'm trying to acquire the language of the country we here which is very tough because everybody wouldn't speak English to sit 进入和平队,不知道我想用我的生活做什么,当然是老式的可怕方式,因为我不知道更好,工作非常努力我正在努力学习我们国家的语言这里很难,因为每个人都不会说英语来坐 in the capital they had some progress and that was my early 20s where three years on a Forex been abroad hmm the other hear your music and so that stimulated my interest in languages that’s for sure and then that’s what makes you come back and study languages folk that are you right I went back we married and I decided I In der Hauptstadt hatten sie einige Fortschritte und das war in meinen frühen 20ern, wo ich drei Jahre auf einem Forex im Ausland war, hmm, der andere hörte deine Musik und das hat mein Interesse an Sprachen geweckt, das ist sicher, und das ist es, was dich dazu bringt, zurückzukommen und Sprachen zu studieren Folk da hast du Recht, ich ging zurück, wir heirateten und ich entschied mich 在首都他们取得了一些进步,那是我 20 岁出头的时候,在国外呆了三年,嗯,另一个听到你的音乐,这激发了我对语言的兴趣,这是肯定的,然后这就是让你回来学习语言的原因你说得对吗?我回去了,我们结婚了,我决定我 wanted to travel see the world and become an ESL teacher which may have been a good option for me looking back so I enrolled in an ESL program you see you later and they liked it that I was seduced by the dark side of the force I was seduced by chunks Ian Bremmer hmm which I still think it’s absolutely wonderful and it took me wollte reisen, die Welt sehen und ESL-Lehrer werden, was rückblickend vielleicht eine gute Option für mich war, also schrieb ich mich für ein ESL-Programm ein, Sie sehen sich später, und sie mochten es, dass ich von der dunklen Seite der Macht, die ich war, verführt wurde verführt von Brocken Ian Bremmer hmm das finde ich immer noch absolut wunderbar und es hat mich mitgenommen 想环游世界并成为一名 ESL 老师,这对我来说可能是一个不错的选择被大块 Ian Bremmer 诱惑,嗯,我仍然认为这绝对是美妙的,我花了 years to get over this and see that my true destiny was in language acquisition so I don’t regret those years of there’s a lot was well when you when you started out when you were first doing your PhD I guess you could say that applied linguistics or or maybe second language acquisition was a fairly new field there was room Jahre, um darüber hinwegzukommen und zu sehen, dass mein wahres Schicksal im Spracherwerb lag, also bereue ich diese Jahre nicht, in denen viel gut war, als Sie anfingen, als Sie Ihren Doktortitel machten oder vielleicht war der Erwerb einer zweiten Sprache ein ziemlich neues Gebiet, in dem Platz war 이것을 극복하고 내 진정한 운명이 언어 습득에 있음을 알기까지 많은 세월이 걸렸습니다. 그래서 그 세월을 후회하지 않습니다. 처음 박사 과정을 시작할 때, 응용 언어학이나 아니면 제2언어 습득이 꽤 새로운 분야였다고 말할 수 있습니다. 그 분야는 발전할 공간이 많았습니다. 多年的时间来克服这一点,看到我真正的命运是在语言习得方面,所以我不后悔那些年,当你刚开始攻读博士学位时,很多事情都很好,我想你可以说应用语言学或者也许第二语言习得是一个相当新的领域,有空间 there was a lot of room to move around and lot of things that to learn yes those are interesting terms yes applied linguistics as a term I don’t think exists I think we pretty well destroyed not trying to be nasty turned out that way because in those days when you were a student at an ESL program or doing |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||angielski jako drugi||| Es gab viel Platz, um sich zu bewegen, und viele Dinge, die zu lernen waren. Ja, das sind interessante Begriffe. Ja, angewandte Linguistik als Begriff. Ich glaube nicht, dass es ihn gibt jene Tage, als Sie Student bei einem ESL-Programm waren oder gerade dabei waren 움직일 공간이 많았고 배울 것도 많았습니다. 예, 흥미로운 용어입니다. 예, 응용 언어학이라는 용어는 존재하지 않는 것 같습니다. 우리는 그것을 잘 없애버린 것 같습니다. 그렇게 의도한 것은 아니지만, 당시 ESL 프로그램에서 학생이거나 뭔가를 배우고 있었을 때 有很多可以移动的空间,还有很多东西要学,是的,这些都是有趣的术语当你还是 ESL 课程的学生或正在做的那些日子 scratch networking what you did is you worked on a grammar and looked at grammatical structures you would do your dissertation on you know the passive ways or something how it’s done in various languages then you translate this into pedagogical materials and it was assumed that the better description |Sieć kontaktów|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Scratch Networking Sie haben an einer Grammatik gearbeitet und sich grammatikalische Strukturen angesehen. Sie würden Ihre Dissertation darüber schreiben. Sie kennen die passiven Wege oder so, wie es in verschiedenen Sprachen gemacht wird. Dann übersetzen Sie dies in pädagogische Materialien, und es wurde angenommen, dass dies die bessere Beschreibung ist 네트워킹을 처음 시작했을 때, 당신은 문법 작업을 하고 문법 구조를 살펴보았습니다. 당신은 다양한 언어에서 수동형 방식이나 그런 것들에 대해 논문을 작성했습니다. 그런 다음 이것을 교수 자료로 번역했습니다. 더 나은 설명이 있을 것으로 생각되었습니다. 从头开始网络你所做的是你研究了语法并研究了语法结构 you had the better you could teach so it’s clear to me that you know all the ESL teachers should study Chomsky and grammar because that was the best description it turns out that’s not how language is acquired and right now looking directly in the camera we are making the same mistake in the field of Je besser Sie waren, desto besser konnten Sie unterrichten, also ist mir klar, dass Sie wissen, dass alle ESL-Lehrer Chomsky und Grammatik studieren sollten, denn das war die beste Beschreibung der gleiche Fehler im Bereich der 你可以教得更好,所以我很清楚你知道所有的 ESL 老师都应该学习乔姆斯基和语法,因为这是最好的描述,事实证明这不是语言是如何获得的,现在直接看着我们正在制作的相机领域中的同样错误 English for academic purposes that we’re doing very good academic work in the description the construction of academic text how that put together is your analysis all these things more and more sophisticated more subtle but there that’s not how we learned that’s they’re not teaching materials it’s really was Englisch für akademische Zwecke, dass wir sehr gute akademische Arbeit in der Beschreibung leisten, der Aufbau akademischer Texte, wie das zusammengesetzt ist, ist Ihre Analyse, all diese Dinge, immer ausgefeilter, subtiler, aber so haben wir nicht gelernt, dass sie nicht lehren Materialien war es wirklich 学术英语我们在描述方面做得很好学术工作学术文本的构建如何将这些放在一起是你的分析所有这些东西越来越复杂越来越微妙但这不是我们学到的那是他们没有教材料真的是 good sir and it all comes through well not that I’m glad you mention it because when you came out with a five five hypothesis in the seventies and when you first presented that was the acquisition and learning and natural order and maintenance elbow did you realize that did you think what you were doing would Guter Herr, und es kommt alles gut an, nicht dass ich froh bin, dass Sie es erwähnen, denn als Sie in den siebziger Jahren mit einer Fünf-Fünf-Hypothese herauskamen und als Sie das erste Mal präsentierten, war das der Erwerbs- und Lern- und natürliche Ordnungs- und Erhaltungsbogen, haben Sie erkannt das hast du gedacht, was du tust würde 好先生,这一切都很好,不是我很高兴你提到它,因为当你在七十年代提出五五假设时,当你第一次提出那是习得和学习,自然秩序和维护肘时,你是否意识到你以为你在做什么会 have such an impact yes you did the moment they did the moment I realized that there were two systems going on hmm that there was aluminum in the acquired system and the learning system was very constrained and then most of our compliments of came from acquisition that it was done through comprehensible einen solchen Einfluss haben, ja, Sie taten es in dem Moment, in dem sie es taten, in dem Moment, als mir klar wurde, dass es zwei Systeme gab, hmm, dass Aluminium im erworbenen System vorhanden war und das Lernsystem sehr eingeschränkt war, und dann kamen die meisten unserer Komplimente von der Aneignung, dass es erfolgte durch nachvollziehbar teve tanto impacto sim, você teve no momento em que eles fizeram no momento em que percebi que havia dois sistemas funcionando hmm que havia alumínio no sistema adquirido e o sistema de aprendizado era muito restrito e, em seguida, a maioria de nossos elogios veio da aquisição que foi feito através de compreensíveis 有这样的影响是的,当他们这样做的那一刻,您就做到了,当我意识到有两个系统正在进行时是通过可理解的

ability and the affective factors outside academia which acquisition device mm-hmm they kept the hood up the moment that hit there was a felt sense that I knew it was right and it’s very hard to shake me from it as it felt so good and I remember talking to my best friend at the time still my buddy Larry Fähigkeit und die affektiven Faktoren außerhalb der akademischen Welt, welches Erfassungsgerät mm-hmm, sie hielten die Haube hoch, in dem Moment, als es eintraf, gab es ein gefühltes Gefühl, dass ich wusste, dass es richtig war, und es ist sehr schwer, mich davon abzuschütteln, da es sich so gut anfühlte und ich mich erinnere Im Gespräch mit meinem damaligen besten Freund noch meinem Kumpel Larry capacidade e os fatores afetivos fora da academia, qual dispositivo de aquisição mm-hmm, eles mantiveram o capuz no momento em que aconteceu, tive uma sensação de que eu sabia que estava certo e é muito difícil me livrar disso, pois me senti tão bem e eu me lembro conversando com meu melhor amigo na época ainda meu amigo Larry 能力和学术界以外的情感因素 哪个采集设备 嗯,他们在击中的那一刻保持引擎盖 有一种感觉,我知道这是正确的,很难摆脱它,因为它感觉很好,我记得和我最好的朋友聊天,当时还是我的好友拉里 Levan who’s Terry mystics department he was seeing the grad students together my salary I think I felt the answer this is it this is like finding the structure of DNA this is sick that it’s two meanings now this is the answer we’ve made the breakthrough but actually I mean I’ve been looking back through some of your work this week Levan, der in der Terry-Mystikabteilung ist, hat die Doktoranden zusammen gesehen, mein Gehalt. Ich glaube, ich habe gespürt, dass die Antwort so ist. Das ist, als würde man die Struktur der DNA finden. Das ist krank, dass es zwei Bedeutungen hat. Das ist die Antwort, aber wir haben den Durchbruch geschafft Eigentlich meine ich, dass ich diese Woche einige Ihrer Arbeiten durchgesehen habe 莱文,他是特里神秘学系的,他正在和研究生一起看我的薪水实际上我的意思是我这周一直在回顾你的一些工作 obviously before we met and I was looking at the natural approach one of the old books and you were quite clear that that these were hypotheses missed or that they still are but I believe they’re good chapters and those books were written by Tracy Terra we should have been the first author we decided to Offensichtlich bevor wir uns trafen und ich mir den natürlichen Ansatz eines der alten Bücher ansah, war dir ziemlich klar, dass dies verfehlte Hypothesen waren oder dass sie es immer noch sind, aber ich glaube, es sind gute Kapitel und diese Bücher wurden von Tracy Terra geschrieben hätte der erste Autor sein sollen, für den wir uns entschieden haben 显然在我们见面之前,我正在看一本旧书的自然方法,你很清楚这些是遗漏的假设,或者它们仍然是,但我相信它们是很好的章节,这些书是由 Tracy Terra 写的,我们应该是我们决定的第一作者 go alphabetically swum out but well then between the two of you it was very clear that although they were I thought this would say that however we don’t have any counter examples to prove them otherwise don’t and that’s so they absolutely stand up to Uranus scrutiny the way science works there’s two things going gehen Sie alphabetisch geschwommen, aber naja, dann war zwischen Ihnen beiden sehr klar, dass, obwohl sie es waren, ich dachte, dies würde sagen, dass wir jedoch keine Gegenbeispiele haben, um zu beweisen, dass sie es nicht tun, und deshalb halten sie absolut stand Uranus untersucht die Art und Weise, wie die Wissenschaft funktioniert, es gibt zwei Dinge 按字母顺序游出来,但是在你们两个之间很明显,虽然他们是我认为这会说但是我们没有任何反例来证明他们没有,所以他们绝对站得住脚天王星审查科学的运作方式有两件事发生 on here the way science works according to the traditional way Karl Popper you have a hypothesis let’s say I have a hypothesis all languages in the world of promotes you look at 5000 languages the other pronouncement did you say I proved it because someone might find the dozens of your hole and then what Hier die Art und Weise, wie Wissenschaft nach der traditionellen Art und Weise funktioniert Karl Popper Sie haben eine Hypothese Sagen wir, ich habe eine Hypothese Alle Sprachen der Welt fördern Sie sehen sich 5000 Sprachen an Die andere Aussage Haben Sie gesagt, ich habe es bewiesen, weil jemand die Dutzende finden könnte von deinem Loch und was dann happens your head publicist is gone it’s destroyed of course then you start looking for a deeper hypothesis a better one that takes things into account so you can never improve anything you can only disprove and sometimes even when you have tons of supporting evidence it’s not enough because some people have Wenn Ihr Chefpublizist weg ist, ist es natürlich zerstört, dann suchen Sie nach einer tieferen Hypothese, einer besseren, die die Dinge berücksichtigt, sodass Sie nichts verbessern können, was Sie nur widerlegen können, und manchmal, selbst wenn Sie Tonnen von unterstützenden Beweisen haben, ist es nicht genug weil manche Leute haben both strong developed since the other way there’s a famous quote from Mary Schweitzer paleontologist who discovered that Tyrannosaurus bones that you looked at had some organic matter in them hmm which is clear amazing because they’re supposed to be leveled and the reigning paleontologist thought it was Beide haben sich stark entwickelt, da es umgekehrt ein berühmtes Zitat der Paläontologin Mary Schweitzer gibt, die entdeckte, dass die Tyrannosaurus-Knochen, die Sie sich angesehen haben, organisches Material enthielten, hmm, was eindeutig erstaunlich ist, weil sie eingeebnet werden sollten und der amtierende Paläontologe dachte, dass dies der Fall war ambos fortes desenvolvidos desde o outro lado, há uma citação famosa da paleontóloga Mary Schweitzer que descobriu que os ossos do Tiranossauro que você olhou tinham alguma matéria orgânica neles hmm, o que é incrível porque eles deveriam ser nivelados e o paleontólogo reinante pensou que era horrible couldn’t be true articles rejected she was talking to one big child who checked all the papers and she said look I’ve got evidence he says I don’t care well what kind of evidence would convince you and he said so I think what I’ve come across are a lot of people who do matter what evidence you have they schrecklich konnte nicht wahr sein artikel abgelehnt sie sprach mit einem großen kind das alle papiere überprüfte und sie sagte schau ich habe beweise er sagt es ist mir egal was für beweise sie überzeugen würden und er sagte das glaube ich Ich bin auf eine Menge Leute gestoßen, denen es egal ist, welche Beweise Sie haben say well it’s just not right I think the other felt sense that it is right but I hope I’m holdin to cover evidence if there is true cover evidence I will look for it pollicis and it’s to my benefit to be the first person to notice that it’s wrong to point out that that’s wrong but so far so good so this is one way to Sagen Sie, es ist einfach nicht richtig, ich denke, der andere fühlte, dass es richtig ist, aber ich hoffe, ich halte Beweise zurück, wenn es echte Beweise gibt, werde ich danach suchen, und es ist zu meinem Vorteil, die erste Person zu sein, die es bemerkt dass es falsch ist, darauf hinzuweisen, dass das falsch ist, aber so weit so gut, also ist dies ein Weg dazu assign souvenir improvements there’s another way which I’ve learned from Chomsky in his book syntactic structures 1957 he is a beautiful analysis of how the negative works in English and how the auxilary has to be set up many systems limiter interrogatives nervously the same mechanism we saw for negatives Souvenirverbesserungen zuweisen gibt es einen anderen Weg, den ich von Chomsky in seinem Buch syntaktische Strukturen von 1957 gelernt habe. Er ist eine schöne Analyse darüber, wie das Verneinen im Englischen funktioniert und wie das Hilfswort aufgebaut werden muss für Negative philosophy and interrogatives that isn’t proof that we’ve got a good description but that should meet something hmm so my point is we started this off with adult second language it fit for some very limited experimental divisions then it fit for working the shoes then an explained effect that it explained Philosophie und Fragewörter, das ist kein Beweis dafür, dass wir eine gute Beschreibung haben, aber das sollte etwas treffen, hmm, also mein Punkt ist, dass wir mit der Zweitsprache für Erwachsene begonnen haben, es passte für einige sehr begrenzte experimentelle Abteilungen, dann passte es, um die Schuhe zu bearbeiten eine erklärte Wirkung, die es erklärte myself that’s work then I noticed it works for child language acquisition in fact it looks rather works for acquisition in general expression then the 1980s they discovered the work of Frank Smith which is I feel like I saved five years despite reading his stuff and I said there’s the same hypothesis Ich selbst, das ist Arbeit, dann bemerkte ich, dass es für den Spracherwerb von Kindern funktioniert. Tatsächlich sieht es im Allgemeinen eher wie Arbeit für den Erwerb aus. Dann entdeckten sie in den 1980er Jahren die Arbeit von Frank Smith, was bedeutet, dass ich das Gefühl habe, fünf Jahre gespart zu haben, obwohl ich seine Sachen gelesen habe, und ich sagte, es gibt die gleiche Hypothese understand what’s on the page and their research completely different angles smooth and live different data and if you read Smith’s work you see the explains of what survey the by different could be beautiful so that felt good then I started looking at expensive reading researching personally G sustained silent reading stuff the early Verstehen Sie, was auf der Seite steht, und ihre Recherche aus ganz anderen Blickwinkeln, glätten Sie und leben Sie andere Daten, und wenn Sie Smiths Arbeit lesen, sehen Sie die Erklärungen, welche Umfrage das von anderen schön sein könnte, so dass es sich gut anfühlte, als ich anfing, mich mit teurem Lesen zu befassen, um persönlich zu recherchieren Stilles Lesen Zeug die frühen stuff oh my gosh networks then I got embroiled in bilingual education controversies in the United States of the nineties and the best way of explaining why bilingual at worse when it does his comprehensive little community background knowledge to make it a little more comprehensible in the last few years I’ve been continuing to Zeug, oh mein Gott, Netzwerke, dann war ich in den Vereinigten Staaten der neunziger Jahre in Kontroversen über zweisprachige Bildung verwickelt und der beste Weg, um zu erklären, warum zweisprachig schlechter ist, wenn es sein umfassendes kleines Community-Hintergrundwissen tut, um es in den letzten paar ein wenig verständlicher zu machen Jahre habe ich fortgesetzt look at all these areas at once it’s all on the field but I’ve been looking lately in animal studies hmm it is the comprehension hypothesis a contender for how chimpanzees acquire sign I’m going to present this afternoon at the case of the character Cosmo lady giving the Athens Georgia tiger professor retired Schauen Sie sich all diese Bereiche auf einmal an, es ist alles auf dem Feld, aber ich habe mich in letzter Zeit mit Tierstudien befasst. Hmm, es ist die Verständnishypothese, ein Anwärter darauf, wie Schimpansen Zeichen erwerben, die ich heute Nachmittag am Fall der Figur Cosmo vorstellen werde Dame, die den Athener Georgia-Tigerprofessor im Ruhestand gibt ten years oh gosh it’s very good how animals develop their own communication systems vervet monkeys acquire their distress calls manager you know coded for different kinds of attacks and you know comprehensible input it’s not an airtight case but that’s pretty good there are some cases where it looks like they’re getting zehn jahre oh gott, es ist sehr gut, wie tiere ihre eigenen kommunikationssysteme entwickeln grüne meerkatzen erwerben ihren notruf-manager sie wissen, dass sie für verschiedene arten von angriffen kodiert sind und sie wissen, dass sie verständliche eingaben machen es ist kein luftdichter fall, aber das ist ziemlich gut es gibt einige fälle, wo es aussieht wie sie bekommen correction and all that that means we gotta look a little deeper so the cases you know saw the solidus we have our human language but it’s helping me understand what research no question it means something yeah this is the idea it should count for something the next area research I so yes it’s pretty complete CP as far as you know up Korrektur und all das bedeutet, dass wir etwas tiefer schauen müssen, damit die Fälle, die Sie kennen, den Solidus gesehen haben, wir haben unsere menschliche Sprache, aber es hilft mir zu verstehen, was Forschung ist, keine Frage, es bedeutet etwas, ja, das ist die Idee, dass es für etwas im nächsten Bereich zählen sollte Ich recherchiere, also ja, es ist ein ziemlich vollständiger CP, soweit Sie wissen today nothing is disproved no and I looked at every single the current contenders opponents are comprehensive awareness means idea and I’ve argued there just isn’t enough good also correction and grammar is still up there and people are it’s you know desperately seeking the walls or grammar it’s there Heute ist nichts widerlegt, nein, und ich habe mir jeden einzelnen der aktuellen Konkurrenten angesehen. Die Gegner sind umfassendes Bewusstsein, bedeutet Idee, und ich habe argumentiert, dass es einfach nicht genug Gutes gibt, auch Korrektur und Grammatik sind immer noch da oben, und die Leute suchen verzweifelt nach den Wänden oder Grammatik, es ist da it’s not very strong and all the studies they seem to write their concluding its before they analyze the data you see the screws remember works and they’ll find one out of five effects works order like and I think the data of all shows when it does work it’s under very constraining conditions from the conditions for the conscious mind or Es ist nicht sehr stark und alle Studien, die sie zu schreiben scheinen, sind ihre abschließenden, bevor sie die Daten analysieren. Sie sehen, dass die Schrauben funktionieren, und sie werden feststellen, dass einer von fünf Effekten in der Reihenfolge funktioniert, und ich denke, die Daten aller zeigen, wann es funktioniert Arbeit ist es unter sehr einschränkenden Bedingungen von den Bedingungen für das Bewusstsein oder mental Truscott are the same thing same thing with courage so this is really supported in so the good thing is all these hypotheses that may help me make sense of all this research and oh yeah and probably grammar translation is probably still the president the authority was like I’d see so actually well that I guess that takes you back to mentaler Truscott ist dasselbe wie Mut, also wird dies wirklich unterstützt, also das Gute sind all diese Hypothesen, die mir helfen können, all diese Forschungen zu verstehen, und oh ja, und wahrscheinlich ist die Grammatikübersetzung wahrscheinlich immer noch der Präsident, wie die Behörde war Ich würde so eigentlich gut sehen, dass ich denke, das bringt Sie zurück mental Truscott est la même chose avec courage donc c'est vraiment soutenu donc la bonne chose est toutes ces hypothèses qui peuvent m'aider à donner un sens à toutes ces recherches et oh ouais et probablement la traduction grammaticale est probablement toujours le président l'autorité était comme Je verrais si bien que je suppose que cela vous ramène à mentioned this book me getting a natural approach I don’t know if it’s fair to say this is a methodology I mean approaches in the title absolutely um and I guess this came around the same time that things like task-based learning and communicative language learning were becoming popular but it’s been said that now we’re in a post Ich habe dieses Buch erwähnt, als ich einen natürlichen Ansatz bekam. Ich weiß nicht, ob es fair ist zu sagen, dass dies eine Methodik ist. Ich meine Ansätze im Titel, absolut ähm, und ich denke, das kam ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wie Dinge wie aufgabenbasiertes Lernen und kommunikatives Sprachenlernen wurden immer beliebter, aber es wurde gesagt, dass wir jetzt in einem Post sind methods ero but we’re not okay so when you talk about that no I think method is perfectly fine it’s just a way of teaching that’s consistent with the theoretical approach so Dave I think that there are more than one they reasonable in one method that you could use absolutely that there are single methods in my way a biased opinion that Methoden ero, aber wir sind nicht in Ordnung, also wenn Sie darüber sprechen, nein, ich denke, Methode ist vollkommen in Ordnung, es ist nur eine Art des Unterrichtens, die mit dem theoretischen Ansatz übereinstimmt, also Dave, ich denke, es gibt mehr als eine, die in einer Methode vernünftig ist als Sie Dass es einzelne Methoden gibt, könnte meiner Meinung nach durchaus eine voreingenommene Meinung sein are all consistent with comprehensible just one TBR’s unbelievably interesting and then the answer I came out with it great and it’s certainly consistent the gaseous years ahead since then TP RS homework assignment for anyone watching this video isn’t too good at Google and with the TP RS to zulan high school sind alle im Einklang mit nachvollziehbaren nur einem TBR ist unglaublich interessant und dann die Antwort Ich kam damit großartig heraus und es ist sicherlich konsistent, dass die gasförmigen Jahre seitdem TP RS-Hausaufgaben für alle, die sich dieses Video ansehen, bei Google und beim TP nicht allzu gut sind RS zur Zulan High School foreign language teachers in the United States a true grassroots movement very interesting where they find this networks originated by a Spanish teacher at a California plane great very interestin it’s all based on storytelling and developing stories with your kids very consistent with the word he developed that we you know start each Fremdsprachenlehrer in den Vereinigten Staaten sind eine echte Basisbewegung, die sehr interessant ist, wo sie diese Netzwerke finden, die von einem Spanischlehrer in einem kalifornischen Flugzeug entstanden sind Sie wissen, beginnen Sie jeden other later sing with Tracy Tracy had the idea before he heard me what this is he what it’s the acronym said it used to be TV our story other as well as that was teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling okay and small groups of teachers have organized themselves into like companies who small time andere singen später mit Tracy Tracy hatte die Idee, bevor er mir zuhörte, was das ist er, was das Akronym ist, sagte, es war früher im Fernsehen, unsere Geschichte, andere, und das war das Lehren von Kompetenz durch Lesen und Geschichtenerzählen, okay, und kleine Gruppen von Lehrern haben sich organisiert in wie Unternehmen, die kleine Zeit entrepreneurs and they put together conferences 200 materials it’s a great example of ethical capitalism where people are charging reasonable the mountain inexpensive materials sharing it they’re working different areas of the country so there’s no competition they’ll get along then you go to these seminars and it’s teachers Unternehmer und sie haben Konferenzen mit 200 Materialien zusammengestellt. Es ist ein großartiges Beispiel für ethischen Kapitalismus, wo die Leute den Berg vernünftig bezahlen, billige Materialien teilen, sie arbeiten in verschiedenen Gegenden des Landes, damit es keine Konkurrenz gibt, sie werden miteinander auskommen, dann gehen Sie zu diesen Seminaren und es sind Lehrer there’s no publishers they have their own stuff there’s no university professors it’s immediately and you can take short courses you can take I took intensive Mandarin twice an hour course whenever I go to these things I take intermediate Spanish as I like teachers there they’re just wonderful so you have a great time es gibt keine Verlage, sie haben ihre eigenen Sachen, es gibt keine Universitätsprofessoren, es ist sofort und Sie können kurze Kurse belegen, die Sie belegen können. Ich habe zweimal pro Stunde einen intensiven Mandarin-Kurs besucht, wann immer ich zu diesen Dingen gehe wunderbar, also hast du eine tolle Zeit and those are those are all methods then we have sheltered subject matter teaching which is a method content-based actually for intermediates we have extensive reading which is a method or even common technique and combine it with shelter new popular literature all these things are methods but they’re und das sind alles Methoden, dann haben wir geschützten Fachunterricht, der eine inhaltsbasierte Methode für Fortgeschrittene ist. Wir haben umfangreiches Lesen, das eine Methode oder sogar eine gängige Technik ist, und kombinieren sie mit neuer populärer Literatur, all diese Dinge sind Methoden, aber Sie sind simply different manifestations of comprehensible properties so I mean you didn’t mention really as a potentially very good source of comprehensive we put very early on in your career but it seems to become more and more important than the thing is it fair to say that you become more convinced that extensive einfach unterschiedliche Manifestationen von verständlichen Eigenschaften, also ich meine, Sie haben es nicht wirklich als eine potenziell sehr gute Quelle für umfassende Informationen erwähnt, die wir sehr früh in Ihrer Karriere eingesetzt haben, aber es scheint immer wichtiger zu werden, als die Sache zu sagen, dass Sie es sind werden mehr davon überzeugt, dass umfangreich reading is probably one of the best ways or the best way that’s wonderful yeah you would have to be doing it yourself all the time and then you see yeah but you have to be reading in other languages and you can just feel yourself I so read that I read in one of your articles that you can read in Star Trek Lesen ist wahrscheinlich einer der besten Wege oder der beste Weg, das ist wunderbar, ja, Sie müssten es die ganze Zeit selbst tun, und dann sehen Sie, ja, aber Sie müssen in anderen Sprachen lesen, und Sie können sich einfach fühlen, dass ich das so lese Ich habe in einem Ihrer Artikel gelesen, dass Sie in Star Trek lesen können novels even friends anymore men’s with me well it’s collection of short stories there you go trying to find new authors science fiction French or any comments got to come way cool that’s reppin in a lot of my stuff it’s a book swap thing it’s where you can clean out of your office in your home put stuff up and someone Romane sogar Freunde mehr Männer bei mir Nun, es ist eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten, da versuchst du, neue Autoren zu finden. Science-Fiction-Französisch oder irgendwelche Kommentare müssen kommen aus Ihrem Büro in Ihrem Haus Sachen aufstellen und jemanden who orders it from you you send it we’ve made the most engine you get points you can get other stuff so I’ve been using that for French and Spanish that’s nice one thing about extensive reading so sometimes feel that people say they’re doing it but they’re not well they they misunderstand what it actually is so Wer es bei Ihnen bestellt, schicken Sie es uns. Wir haben die meisten Engines gebaut. Sie bekommen Punkte. Sie können andere Sachen bekommen, also habe ich das für Französisch und Spanisch verwendet. Das ist eine schöne Sache beim ausgiebigen Lesen Wenn sie es tun, aber es ihnen nicht gut geht, verstehen sie falsch, was es eigentlich so ist what what do you think we need to know about extensive reading what exactly is it it’s a big question books first of all that are interesting and comprehensible more than interesting the goal is to find things to read that are so interesting you forget that it’s in another line where you don’t even notice was denkst du, was wir über ausgiebiges lesen wissen müssen was genau ist das ist eine große frage bücher vor allem interessant und verständlich mehr als interessant das ziel ist es, lesenswertes zu finden, das so interessant ist, dass man vergisst, dass es in einem anderen steht Linie, wo Sie nicht einmal bemerken the words that you don’t quite understand as the story so interesting can’t wait to get to the next page hmm very little perhaps zero accountability is the ideal books are available in the classroom the person doesn’t have to finish every book they start mm-hmm you can read comic books you can read magazines you read Die Wörter, die Sie nicht ganz verstehen, da die Geschichte so interessant ist, können es kaum erwarten, zur nächsten Seite zu gelangen, hmm, sehr wenig, vielleicht null Verantwortlichkeit, die idealen Bücher sind im Klassenzimmer verfügbar, die Person muss nicht jedes Buch zu Ende lesen Start mm-hmm du kannst Comics lesen, du kannst Zeitschriften lesen, die du liest whatever you want to if possible or just really good books some time set aside to do it so um for example I hear about some teachers perhaps to set comprehension tests at the end egregious or the class takes the grade agreed you know everyone reads the same books no no that’s not a recovery but in reading the was immer Sie wollen, wenn möglich oder einfach nur wirklich gute Bücher, nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit, um es zu tun, also ähm, zum Beispiel, ich höre von einigen Lehrern, dass sie vielleicht Verständnistests am Ende ungeheuerlich machen oder die Klasse die vereinbarte Note bekommt, Sie wissen, dass alle die gleichen Bücher lesen nein nein das ist keine erholung sondern beim lesen same book is okay if you’re doing literature book difference yeah the core of language arts and I think a lot of esl/efl with good reason is literature I’m all for it you know and this is philosophy ethics and metaphysics embedded in the fiction there’s a wonderful way to do it the big fan of this this is one of the reasons we go to Dasselbe Buch ist in Ordnung, wenn Sie Literatur machen, ein Buch, ein Unterschied, ja, der Kern der Sprachkunst, und ich denke, dass viel ESL / EFL aus gutem Grund Literatur ist. Ich bin alles dafür, wissen Sie, und das ist Philosophie, Ethik und Metaphysik, eingebettet in die Belletristik, es gibt einen wunderbaren Weg, dies zu tun, der große Fan davon, dies ist einer der Gründe, warum wir dorthin gehen school who introduced to great literature free to reading a summer so what people can do is have a literature class but they’re all looking at one well Henry hunger games and which others and talk about its implications for society okay what does it mean and on that fine but also the 10-15 minutes a set aside Schule, die großartige Literatur eingeführt hat, um einen Sommer lang kostenlos zu lesen. Was die Leute also tun können, ist, einen Literaturunterricht zu veranstalten, aber sie schauen sich alle eins an, Henry, Hungerspiele und welche anderen, und sprechen über ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft. Okay, was bedeutet das und so weiter das ist in Ordnung, aber auch die 10-15 Minuten, die Sie beiseite legen to reach some brilliant people have combined these and I recommend to books Evelyn Miller called the book was written for native speaker build school kids it’s wonderful they can see that well the reading so Canada through middle school native speakers where the kids are doing a lot of self selected reading but they’re sharing their Um einige brillante Leute zu erreichen, haben diese kombiniert und ich empfehle Bücher, die Evelyn Miller genannt hat. Das Buch wurde für muttersprachliche Schulkinder geschrieben. Es ist wunderbar, dass sie das Lesen so gut sehen können selbst ausgewählte Lektüre, aber sie teilen ihre literature circles they talk about their books they went in reading an enormous amount and the specimens that are very merits and it’s all relevant hmm our goal some name is to get everyone reading the classics the way to get it is the first massive amounts of interesting contemporary stuff I suppose Literaturkreise sprechen über ihre Bücher, sie haben enorm viel gelesen und die Exemplare sind sehr verdienstvoll und es ist alles relevant. Hmm, unser Ziel ist es, jeden dazu zu bringen, die Klassiker zu lesen Zeug, nehme ich an some teachers might be worried that where’s their role in this because if they could really can if your students really can learn English through reading alone and reading the right things interesting things a lot why do we need to teach I think the teachers role allows a lot easier more interesting pleasant and probably more important for Einige Lehrer könnten besorgt sein, wo ist ihre Rolle dabei, denn wenn sie es wirklich können, wenn Ihre Schüler wirklich Englisch lernen können, indem sie alleine lesen und die richtigen Dinge lesen, interessante Dinge, warum müssen wir unterrichten? Ich denke, die Rolle des Lehrers erlaubt viel einfacher interessanter angenehmer und wahrscheinlich wichtiger für the vandalism the goal of the teacher is to do two things bring you up to the intermediate level so you can talk outside class and see who can understand what people tell you and do some reading outside of class and improve on your own and and to do that you have to organize things they have to make the books Der Vandalismus Das Ziel des Lehrers ist es, zwei Dinge zu tun, um Sie auf die Mittelstufe zu bringen, damit Sie außerhalb des Unterrichts sprechen und sehen können, wer verstehen kann, was die Leute Ihnen sagen, und außerhalb des Unterrichts etwas lesen und sich selbst verbessern können und und tun dass Sie Dinge organisieren müssen, die sie haben müssen, um die Bücher zu machen

available they have to do the literature part discuss people to discuss with students help them find better reading this is why a conference and they help me become a reader and also they tell you how language is acquired I hope that the comprehension hypothesis will be considered a legal way of acquiring verfügbar sie müssen den literaturteil machen diskussionen mit schülern besprechen ihnen helfen, bessere lektüre zu finden deshalb eine konferenz und sie helfen mir, ein leser zu werden und sie erzählen ihnen auch, wie sprache erworben wird ich hoffe, dass die verständnishypothese in betracht gezogen wird legaler Erwerbsweg

language rather than an outlaw I’m not saying that we should make it required that all students believe you know the comprehension hypothesis but I think they should know about I think they should have the option they should totally finish that some people think that there’s research that if you want Ich sage nicht, dass wir es verlangen sollten, dass alle Schüler glauben, dass Sie die Verständnishypothese kennen, aber ich denke, sie sollten wissen, dass sie die Möglichkeit haben sollten, sie sollten vollständig beenden, dass einige Leute denken, dass es Forschung gibt das wenn du willst language rather than an outlaw I'm not saying that we should make it required that all students believe you know the comprehension hypothesis but I think they should know about I think they should have the option they should totally finish that some people think that there's research that if you want appreciate vocabulary don’t people kept very proud a lot of books you want to get better at TOEFL entire thing can be seen with the TOEFL but read a lot of books you want to get your grammar better grammar here there might help with you chance to monitor the most of it comes to reading not to worry about error correction I think to Vokabular schätzen Nicht Leute, die sehr stolz sind Viele Bücher Sie wollen beim TOEFL besser werden Alles kann mit dem TOEFL gesehen werden, aber lesen Sie viele Bücher Sie wollen Ihre Grammatik verbessern Grammatik hier hilft Ihnen vielleicht dabei Überwachen das meiste kommt es aufs Lesen an, um sich nicht um Fehlerkorrektur zu kümmern denke ich be on top of the staff to know how to get better so two things help kids get to the intermediate level giving them Koreans a little bit of class and tell them how to get better that’s at the beginning level you’ve gotta have classes you’ve got to have a teachers because the adults will not have a comprehensive look at the outside world Seien Sie an der Spitze des Personals, um zu wissen, wie man besser wird, also helfen zwei Dinge den Kindern, auf die Mittelstufe zu gelangen, geben Sie ihnen Koreanern ein wenig Unterricht und sagen Sie ihnen, wie sie besser werden können. Wir müssen einen Lehrer haben, weil die Erwachsenen keinen umfassenden Blick auf die Außenwelt haben werden because it’s too hard so if you’re doing he has senior dfl that you can target English speakers trying to talk to and what they do find a few who can understand with a second and if I come here to Japan and I want to pick up Japanese I can spend twenty years here and never a good comprehensive window if weil es zu schwer ist, also wenn du es machst hat er senior dfl, mit dem du gezielt englischsprachige versuchen kannst dich zu unterhalten und was sie finden finden sich ein paar die mit einer sekunde verstehen können und wenn ich hierher nach japan komme und ich abholen will Japanisch Ich kann zwanzig Jahre hier verbringen und nie ein gutes umfassendes Fenster, wenn you go to a language class the first ten minutes you can let me give you my experiences because it’s identical to everybody’s experience is watching this day not because it’s different I probably spend three months of my life in since 2000 I was going there every year for various conferences the time Mandarin all around me after wenn du in einen Sprachkurs gehst die ersten zehn minuten kannst du mich dir meine erfahrungen erzählen lassen denn es ist identisch mit den erfahrungen die jeder heute sieht nicht weil es anders ist ich verbringe wahrscheinlich drei monate meines lebens seit 2000 wofür ich jedes jahr dorthin ging verschiedene Konferenzen die Zeit Mandarin um mich herum nach three months the very minute the only thing I could say or understand the manner it was was she what makes you think I like out some ice cream which is about it I then took tbrs Mandarin I know our class like wonderful teacher the delicious the first five and that’s the first three minutes I got more comprehensible it Drei Monate in der Minute war das einzige, was ich sagen oder verstehen konnte, wie es war, sie, was dich denken lässt, ich mag Eiscreme, das ist es. Ich nahm dann tbrs Mandarin und das sind die ersten drei Minuten, in denen ich es besser nachvollziehen konnte within that class and they did all the time in Taiwan that’s the value of classes beginners who belong in language classes because the language classes will give you the comprehensive look at the outside not the intermediate is to get you involved in reading literature that’s or you could do that so those innerhalb dieser Klasse und sie haben die ganze Zeit in Taiwan getan, das ist der Wert von Anfängern, die in Sprachkurse gehören, weil die Sprachkurse Ihnen einen umfassenden Blick auf die Außenseite geben, nicht der Fortgeschrittene, um Sie in das Lesen von Literatur einzubeziehen, die ist oder Sie könnten mach das so die classes should be all email to know everyone is fine to give that chronology but do you know something toughest cup a little explanation you’re in there man Blake great has this great technical pop-up grammar now this is where you can cover language with the students we’re he’ll interrupt the class for maybe five seconds to explain Klassen sollten alle E-Mail sein, um zu wissen, dass jeder in Ordnung ist, um diese Chronologie zu geben, aber wissen Sie, was das Schwierigste ist? Studenten, die wir sind, wird er den Unterricht für vielleicht fünf Sekunden unterbrechen, um es zu erklären something in English about the grammar for example to to tell us in my Mandarin class my teacher interrupted the class and said in English by the way Mandarin doesn’t have an infinitive the disturb the verbs together they can take it or leave it hmm those of us who are junior linguists in you know amateur means that etwas auf englisch über die grammatik zum beispiel um uns in meinem mandarinunterricht zu sagen mein lehrer unterbrach den unterricht und sagte auf englisch übrigens mandarin hat keinen infinitiv die stören die verben zusammen die können sie nehmen oder lassen hmm die von Wir, die wir Junior-Linguisten sind, wissen, dass Amateur das bedeutet both the most interesting thinking people with more recently life you know I’ve just kept going and ignored the answer this is only was in the Spanish class Jason Prince my wonderful Spanish teacher interrupted and said oh by the way this will load into the at its best as now people some people want to use that some people could beides die interessantesten denkenden leute mit neuerem leben weißt du ich hab einfach weiter gemacht und die antwort ignoriert das ist nur was im spanischunterricht jason prinz mein wunderbarer spanischlehrer unterbrach und sagte ach übrigens das wird schon ins laden am besten wie jetzt Leute, die manche Leute benutzen wollen, die manche Leute könnten monitor other people used to understand what’s going on most people were mmm so the occasional thing like that fine where the kids have no idea say love this word its blah blah or some background reading in the first language so when we use the first language to give but make it a little more comprehensible it’s okay when we use it Überwachen Sie andere Leute, um zu verstehen, was vor sich geht aber machen Sie es etwas verständlicher, es ist in Ordnung, wenn wir es verwenden instead like for translation okay thank you now I’ll put it five-year-old son welcome it’s like Johanna three of seven and my five throats very interesting books loves books Congress have to get what should I be doing to teach them to read no funny things I thank you and follow me my finger calls interrupting should we observe three stattdessen liken für die Übersetzung okay danke jetzt sage ich fünf Jahre alter Sohn willkommen es ist wie Johanna drei von sieben und meine fünf Kehlen sehr interessante Bücher liebt Bücher Kongress muss bekommen was soll ich tun um ihnen das Lesen beizubringen nein komische sachen ich danke dir und folge mir meine fingerrufe unterbrechend sollen wir drei beobachten months hmm there’s now a trend in the United States which the newspapers are jumping on these researchers is people they just can’t help it it’s just a form before important they’re having people read love the kids are very so uh experimental group the reader will stop and clean out aspects of a principle like this word means Monate hmm, es gibt jetzt einen Trend in den Vereinigten Staaten, auf den die Zeitungen anspringen, diese Forscher sind Leute, sie können einfach nicht anders, es ist nur eine Form, bevor sie wichtig sind, dass sie die Leute lesen lassen, Liebe, die Kinder sind sehr, äh, experimentelle Gruppe der Leser wird aufhören und Aspekte eines Prinzips, wie dieses Wort bedeutet, ausräumen danger or do you know how this is pronounced here’s a all those B it’s above did you say about you know stuff like that and they looked at whether this helped the kids have more print awareness phonemic awareness all this if there was a little bit of an effect okay so they said we should be doing this and I think is a danger of Gefahr oder weißt du, wie das ausgesprochen wird, hier ist ein all das B, das ist oben, hast du darüber gesagt, dass du solche Sachen kennst, und sie haben sich angesehen, ob dies den Kindern geholfen hat, mehr Druckbewusstsein zu entwickeln, phonemisches Bewusstsein, all dies, wenn es ein bisschen ein gibt Effekt okay, also sagten sie, wir sollten das tun und ich denke, es ist eine Gefahr destroying the story first of all and they admit that’s possible and then I looked at the comparison groups which they didn’t do they just looked at the experiment the comparisons got better too nearly as much money half as much yes the other so they’re just reading stories that’s gonna give you that so Zuerst die Geschichte zerstören und sie geben zu, dass das möglich ist, und dann habe ich mir die Vergleichsgruppen angesehen, was sie nicht getan haben, sie haben sich nur das Experiment angesehen, die Vergleiche wurden besser, zu fast so viel Geld, halb so viel, ja, die anderen, also sind sie Lesen Sie einfach Geschichten, die Ihnen das geben werden they want your child to get better I’ve been follow along with a finger unless he says to do I wouldn’t point out the print unless he asked you to enjoy the story living in your house your kids have no choice to become highly literate it’s only a question this schools they’re very excited on speed and people Sie wollen, dass es Ihrem Kind besser geht. Ich bin ihm mit dem Finger gefolgt, es sei denn, er sagt, dass er es tun soll. Ich würde nicht auf den Druck hinweisen, es sei denn, er hat Sie gebeten, die Geschichte zu genießen, wenn Sie in Ihrem Haus leben. Ihre Kinder haben keine Wahl, hochgradig gebildet zu werden Es ist nur eine Frage, dass diese Schulen sehr begeistert von Geschwindigkeit und Menschen sind varying rates of acquisition so I wouldn’t worry about lots of good stories so at what point will I be able to put the book in front with him and you’ll be able to stop reading it could happen anywhere between now and age seven and it’s inevitable you kids get excited about writing about learning anyway we can’t stop it to something in unterschiedliche Erwerbsraten, damit ich mir keine Gedanken über viele gute Geschichten machen würde, also wann kann ich ihm das Buch vorlegen und du kannst aufhören zu lesen, es könnte irgendwo zwischen jetzt und deinem siebten Lebensjahr passieren Es ist unvermeidlich, dass Kinder sich darüber aufregen, über das Lernen zu schreiben, aber wir können es nicht aufhalten neighborhood and you know they didn’t study two years ago they found every kid they looked at when they saw the golden arches tunnels you know starting a theater cell then it’s pretty much inevitable and the amount of phonics that you need to become a reader actually you probably don’t need any but a little bit is a little hopeful because Nachbarschaft und Sie wissen, dass sie vor zwei Jahren nicht studiert haben, sie haben jedes Kind gefunden, das sie angeschaut haben, als sie die goldenen Bogentunnel gesehen haben, wissen Sie, eine Theaterzelle zu gründen, dann ist es ziemlich unvermeidlich und die Menge an Phonetik, die Sie brauchen, um tatsächlich ein Leser zu werden Sie brauchen wahrscheinlich keine, aber ein bisschen ist ein bisschen hoffnungsvoll, weil alphabetic basic phonics it’s um basically additional consonants a few of the vowel sounds and when you do that they would never deny the stuff to kids what they ask never and I certainly would teach the element but beyond that it’s diminishing returns the studies they say now that our robotics that cell phonics works Alphabetische Grundphonik, es sind im Grunde zusätzliche Konsonanten, ein paar der Vokale, und wenn Sie das tun, würden sie Kindern niemals das Zeug verweigern, wonach sie fragen, und ich würde das Element sicherlich lehren, aber darüber hinaus gibt es die Studien, die sie jetzt sagen, zurück unsere Robotik, die Handy funktioniert here’s what they found they do intensive models with the kids do their every phonics rule known to civilization and they teach you to all kids in the strict order and the fence the government united states have said that the kids read better and the UK said the same thing the pronouncements about phonics Hier ist, was sie herausgefunden haben, dass sie intensive Modelle mit den Kindern machen, alle der Zivilisation bekannten Phonetikregeln anwenden und sie allen Kindern in der strengen Reihenfolge und dem Zaun beibringen. Die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten hat gesagt, dass die Kinder besser lesen, und das Vereinigte Königreich hat dasselbe gesagt Sache die Verlautbarungen über Phonetik programs expelling stopping and when you look at the data the kids who have intensify makes do better on tests where you read lists of words and isolation you perhaps not they do not do better really mm-hmm and that’s what cats and kids learn to read by reading the hearing stories get all that stuff matching in most of our knowledge of Programme vertreiben das Stoppen und wenn Sie sich die Daten ansehen, die die Kinder haben, machen sie besser bei Tests, bei denen Sie Wortlisten lesen und isolieren, vielleicht nicht, sie schneiden nicht wirklich besser ab, mm-hmm, und daran lernen Katzen und Kinder lesen Lesen Sie die Hörgeschichten, um all das Zeug zu finden, das in den meisten Fällen mit unserem Wissen übereinstimmt phonics is the result of reading another cause big confusion thank you well I’ll bear that in mind yeah just make sure he does removals I think that’s a nice positive final message don’t go to law school okay if you must be go we have to pay for yourself the current state of education thank you very much thank you thank you Phonik ist das Ergebnis einer anderen Lektüre, die große Verwirrung verursacht. Danke, gut, ich werde das im Hinterkopf behalten. Ja, stellen Sie sicher, dass er Umzüge durchführt. Ich denke, das ist eine nette positive abschließende Nachricht. Gehen Sie nicht auf die juristische Fakultät den aktuellen Stand der Ausbildung selbst zu bezahlen vielen Dank vielen Dank vielen Dank la phonétique est le résultat de la lecture d'une autre cause une grande confusion merci bien je garderai cela à l'esprit ouais assurez-vous simplement qu'il fait des suppressions je pense que c'est un bon message final positif n'allez pas à l'école de droit d'accord si vous devez y aller nous avons payer pour vous-même l'état actuel de l'éducation merci beaucoup merci merci