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Thomas Frank Study Tips, 8 Habits You Should Practice at Least Once a Week

8 Habits You Should Practice at Least Once a Week

- We have talked a lot about habits on this channel

from the formation of good study habits

to building a morning routine, to even building the habit

of waking up early in the morning.

But there's a theme with a lot of what we've talked about

around the topic of habits

and it's that we've talked mostly about daily habits,

things that you should do every single day.

The thing is though, there are definitely still other things

you should be doing on a somewhat regular basis

but that aren't really feasibly done on a daily basis

so what are those things?

Well, that's what I wanna cover in this week's video

in which we'll be going over eight things

that you should be doing at least once a week.

Now to be clear, everything on this list

doesn't have to be done exactly once a week.

You don't need to be tracking it on a calendar

but I think once a week is a good rough estimate

to start with because all these things are very good

to be doing on at least a regular basis.

And the first thing that I wanna start with here

is something that will improve your social life

and make your friends

and the people that care about you happier as well

and it's to text or call somebody

that you haven't talked to in a while at least once a week.

A lot of the people that we've spent time with in the past

or even family members

just don't hear from us as much anymore

because we kinda fall

into our established routines and patterns

and we talk to the same people almost every single day.

And I think this is part of the reason

why a lot of people feel so lonely

or they don't feel as acknowledged as they once were

back when we lived in big communities.

So if you can build the habit of at least

trying to think of somebody

you haven't talked to in quite a while

and sending them something,

it could be even just a nonsense text

to acknowledge them and let them know

you're thinking about them,

they're gonna be a lot happier

and they're gonna remember that you care about them.

I think this is something that's very important to do.

Weekly habit number two is to do an all-out workout.

Something that leaves you sweating at the end of it

and sore the next day.

Now for people who are really active like me

and like some people out there

who are probably even more active than me,

this might mean every single workout

but a lot of people who are quote unquote "active"

kinda go to the gym and they go through the motions.

And if you do this, this might keep you healthy to a degree

but it won't make you progress,

it won't make you actually push the boundaries

of your physical fitness.

So at least once a week, push yourself,

do something that's really, really challenging

and that leaves you sore.

And remember that this doesn't have to be

just sprinting on the treadmill

or going to the gym and lifting weights

until your arms wanna fall off, this could be something fun.

For me, going and doing an all-out workout

might mean going to the arcade

and playing Dance Dance Revolution on doubles mode

or it might mean going to the rock climbing gym

and trying a route

that I haven't been able to do in the past.

And even if I'm not able to complete that route,

even if I had to throw myself at it

again and again and again, I'm gonna make progress,

I'm gonna come away sore and I'm gonna be able to do it

a little bit better the next time I come in.

Habit number three is to go

and review your productivity system, your task manager,

your calendar, your note-taking system,

anything of the sort and clear up any entropy.

Now entropy is a term in science

that generally means chaos or descent into chaos

as things spread out and become more complicated.

And I love using this term for productivity systems

because they seem to trend towards the exact same state.

As due dates pile up, as things get entered in,

as things get kinda messy, it can become disorganized

and the problem is it eventually becomes

a poor representation

of what actually needs to be done in your life.

And the poorer that representation gets,

the less your mind trusts it

and the more you start relying on your own memory

which of course is faulty.

So at least once a week,

possibly on the review day at the beginning of the week,

go through your systems

and make sure everything is cleaned up,

make sure you get rid of that entropy

and bring things back into a state of order,

that way you are trusting your system

and you're actually using it.

Habit number four is to do

a quick financial health check-up at least once a week.

Now you don't have to go look

at your entire financial life every single week,

you don't have to look at every single mutual fund,

bank statement, everything like that

but it's at least smart to log into your bank accounts,

make sure the balance is what you think it should be,

log into your credit cards,

make sure you don't see any transactions on there

that you don't recognize

and just generally check over the state of things.

And at least if you live in the U.S.

there are some tools out there

that can make this quicker and easier.

The one I use is called Personal Capital

but there's one out there called Mint

that's very, very similar

and these basically bring in your bank feeds,

your investment fund feeds, your credit card feeds,

and they will just basically give you a snapshot

of your entire financial life,

all the transactions that have been made

and the balances of each account.

Now you might think this process is a little bit boring

but if you're like me, if you're not the kind of person

who does hardcore budgeting, you're not the kind of person

who records every transaction when you buy something,

you at least need to stay on top of your financial health,

you need to know where you are on a regular basis.

Of course, if you are the kind of person

who wants to learn how to keep a budget

or you wanna learn how to record your transactions,

my friend Martin and I actually did

a whole podcast episode on budgeting

and you can click the link in the description down below

to listen to that later on if that's interesting to you.

Habit number five is to plan and lead some sort

of high-density fun activity with another person.

And this is on the list because a lot of us

tend to get into ruts with our friends

and these aren't depressive ruts, there aren't sad ruts,

but we tend to get into patterns of behavior

where we do sort of the same

kind of fun things all the time.

Maybe we play video games together,

maybe we go to the movies together.

And this is all well and good,

this is interaction with friends

but it's not high-density fun,

it's not the kind of fun that actually builds memories.

And the thing is that when we get older,

a lot of people slide into patterns of behavior

that causes them to fail to plan things,

it causes them to not be the leader, not take initiative

to plan really cool things.

So I'm gonna make the suggestion that you become the leader,

you become the kind of person who plans these things.

And if you're doing this once a week

or around the same kind of time interval,

then you're gonna be making a regular improvement

in the lives of your friends and in your own life as well.

Habit number six is to create something at least once a week

that's not done out of obligation.

And the reason I put that qualify on there

is that a lot of students or people that have creative jobs

are creating things on a weekly or daily basis

but a lot of times it's because they were assigned

or that other people are expecting them to do that.

And while that kind of work

can still be creatively fulfilling,

it's not the same as just exploring something on your own,

doing something purely for you own enjoyment.

So in my case, creating YouTube videos

doesn't really fit the criteria here.

Yes, I do get fulfillment out of it,

I really enjoy doing it but I am doing it as my job

and at this point, I've been doing it for long enough

that there's an audience expectation for me to do it.

So I wanna have something else on the side as well.

And for me, at least right now, that's playing guitar

almost every night, I make up something new on my guitar

and that is really fulfilling to me

that actually improves my life.

So whether or not you have a job

that's creative or artistic,

or whether or not you're on a program in your school

that lets you do things that are creative,

have something on the side at least once a week

that kinda feeds that curiosity,

that lets you explore on your own purely just for you.

Habit number seven is to do something once a week

completely alone.

Now a lot of you might think

that you already do a lot of things alone,

in that case this tip may not be for you

but for a lot of people,

they spend most their time around other people

whether it'd be roommates or a significant other or friends,

and when you do this,

you don't get a whole lot of time to just think,

to be with your own thoughts

or to explore something purely

because only you want to explore it.

When you're constantly spending time

with a significant other or with friends,

there's a lot of compromise involved.

But if you take at least a little bit of time

every single week to do something purely

because you wanna do it alone,

then you continue to be your own person,

you continue to generate your own thoughts

and you generate your own stories

that you can then take to your interactions with friends

or with a girlfriend or a boyfriend and tell to them.

Finally, habit number eight is to improve

some existing process in your life at least once a week

even if it is by the tiniest of margins.

And I've put this idea on the list

because I'm an ardent believer in the principle

that there is always a better way to do something.

This is one of the driving principles

that I try to live by and honestly,

this isn't a once a week thing for me,

I'm always on the lookout for things that I can improve

that I do every single day

because I think there's always some little tweak

or change to my processes that I can make

that will make things more efficient or make them easier

or even make them more fun to do.

For instance, one of the big regular tasks in my life

is editing these videos

or at least working with an editor to get them done,

and part of the planning process for doing an edit

is creating a list of what's called B-roll,

basically everything that goes

on top of this talking head layer,

all the pictures, all the animations,

all this stock footage, all that kind of stuff.

And for quite a while, I've used this really powerful tool

called Notion to create a spreadsheet

that helps us to filter and organize all this B-roll

which helps us to batch the creation of it,

batch the gathering of it,

and do all kinds of really cool stuff.

And for probably 10 or 20 weeks,

we used the exact same setup to do this.

But then last week I had an idea,

I actually added a new check box

to our B-roll spreadsheet called Premiere.

And the reason I did this

is that we do about half of our B-roll editing

in a program called Adobe Premiere

which is for video editing

and we do the other half in a program called After Effects

which is where we do

all of the motion graphics and animations.

And before I added this check box,

the only way we would sort the B-roll list

was by timestamps.

So when it came time to actually bring all the B-roll

into the video and place it,

we would have to go line by line down that spreadsheet

and make a decision for every single item,

does this go on Premiere or does this go on After Effects?

But by adding the check box,

we were able to create a filter

so we could only show the items that go on Premiere

or only show the items that go into After Effects.

So that basically just removed the decision

for every single piece of B-roll.

Now admittedly, this is a pretty small change

to our workflow but it's a change that removes mental work,

that removes a decision every single time

we wanna place a picture

or a piece of footage or an animation,

and that happens a lot.

Additionally, that is just one small change

over many that have been made over the years

and as with anything, if you make small changes over time,

eventually they accumulate

and the results can be pretty big.

And actually that's been one of the driving principles

ever since I started this YouTube channel

about four years ago.

Every single time I make a video,

I'm looking for at least one tiny element

in my workflow or in the way that I light things

or in the way that I speak to this camera

that I can improve so over time the entire product improves.

So start trying to be a little bit more observant

in the way that you work or even in the way

that you commute to work

or in the things that you do at home

like the way that you cook or do your laundry

because if you can start making

small improvements in any of these areas,

you're gonna start seeing greater results.

To give you just one more example,

if you've been watching my channel for any length of time,

you probably know that I haven't done a video

sitting on this set in this chair for quite a while.

And if I show you some footage

from the last time I did a video like this,

you'll probably notice that the lighting

and the color grading doesn't look nearly as good.

And that's because since then,

I've worked hard every single week

to make sure I'm lighting my shots just a little bit better

and doing my color grading just a little bit better as well

and the improvements at least to my eyes

have been substantial.

And if you're somebody who also wants to make videos someday

or if you have your own YouTube channel,

then you probably know how important lighting is as well

and how difficult it can be.

Now for me, there's been a lot

of trial and error and experimentation

and of course I am still not perfect at it

especially when it comes to lighting shots

that aren't done in this room.

But luckily there are experts out there

who can help you learn these skills much more quickly

such as Jordy Vandeput who has an entire curse

on lighting for video over on Skillshare.

Throughout his course, you learn the fundamentals

of how to properly light a shot,

how to deal with background lighting,

how to deal with colors and lighting

and if you are a video creator,

you might wanna check out some of his other courses

such as this course on how to edit video

with Adobe Premiere Pro which is the software

that I actually use to edit these videos.

And beyond that, you're also gonna find

over 25,000 courses in Skillshare's library

all built from the ground up to help creatives

enhance their skills, boost their curiosity,

and improve their career prospects as well.

Within that library, you're gonna find courses

on graphic design, on music production,

on business and marketing, on storytelling,

and all their courses have a focus on active learning,

featuring projects

that you can sink your teeth into immediately

and a discussion section where you can get feedback

and ask questions with both the teacher

and other students as well.

And the best part is, if you are one of the first 500 people

to click the link in the description down below and sign up,

you're gonna get two free unlimited months

of learning on Skillshare.

So click that link, sign up and start learning today

because you can learn a lot in two months.

Big thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video

and as always, huge thanks to you guys for watching.

Hopefully you found this video useful

and if you did, definitely give it a like

to support this channel.

You can also subscribe right there

if you wanna get new videos

every single week on this channel

or click right over there to get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades.

You can also follow me on Instagram over @tomfrankly

and last but not least,

you can get one more video on this channel

by clicking right here or smashing your face

into your phone screen, that works too.

Thanks for watching and I will see you in next week's video.

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8 Habits You Should Practice at Least Once a Week 8 Gewohnheiten, die Sie mindestens einmal pro Woche praktizieren sollten 8 hábitos que debería practicar al menos una vez a la semana 8 habitudes à adopter au moins une fois par semaine 8 hábitos que você deve praticar pelo menos uma vez por semana 每周至少练习一次的 8 个习惯

- We have talked a lot about habits on this channel - Falamos muito sobre hábitos neste canal

from the formation of good study habits da formação de bons hábitos de estudo

to building a morning routine, to even building the habit

of waking up early in the morning.

But there's a theme with a lot of what we've talked about |||موضوع||||||||

around the topic of habits

and it's that we've talked mostly about daily habits,

things that you should do every single day.

The thing is though, there are definitely still other things

you should be doing on a somewhat regular basis

but that aren't really feasibly done on a daily basis ||||実行可能に||||| ||||realmente factíveis|||||

so what are those things?

Well, that's what I wanna cover in this week's video

in which we'll be going over eight things

that you should be doing at least once a week.

Now to be clear, everything on this list

doesn't have to be done exactly once a week.

You don't need to be tracking it on a calendar |||||追跡している||||

but I think once a week is a good rough estimate ||||||||||見積もり

to start with because all these things are very good

to be doing on at least a regular basis.

And the first thing that I wanna start with here

is something that will improve your social life

and make your friends

and the people that care about you happier as well

and it's to text or call somebody

that you haven't talked to in a while at least once a week.

A lot of the people that we've spent time with in the past

or even family members

just don't hear from us as much anymore 私たちからあまり連絡が来なくなっただけです

because we kinda fall ||ちょっと| なぜなら私たちはある程度 porque meio que caímos

into our established routines and patterns ||確立された||| 確立されたルーチンやパターンに陥ってしまうからです

and we talk to the same people almost every single day. 私たちはほぼ毎日同じ人たちと話しています。

And I think this is part of the reason 私はこれが理由の一部だと思います。

why a lot of people feel so lonely なぜ多くの人がとても孤独に感じるのか

or they don't feel as acknowledged as they once were |||||認められて|||| それとも彼らは以前ほど認識されていると感じていない。 ou eles não se sentem tão reconhecidos como eram antes

back when we lived in big communities. ||||||コミュニティ 大きなコミュニティに住んでいた頃。

So if you can build the habit of at least だから、少なくともその習慣を身につけることができれば

trying to think of somebody

you haven't talked to in quite a while você não fala há um bom tempo

and sending them something,

it could be even just a nonsense text

to acknowledge them and let them know

you're thinking about them,

they're gonna be a lot happier

and they're gonna remember that you care about them. そして、彼らはあなたが彼らを気にかけていることを覚えているでしょう。

I think this is something that's very important to do. これは非常に重要なことだと思います。

Weekly habit number two is to do an all-out workout. ||||||||||トレーニング 週次習慣その2は、全力のワークアウトをすることです。 O hábito semanal número dois é fazer um treino completo.

Something that leaves you sweating at the end of it ||||汗をかく||||| Algo que deixa você suando no final

and sore the next day. |筋肉痛||| e dolorido no dia seguinte.

Now for people who are really active like me Agora, para pessoas realmente ativas como eu

and like some people out there

who are probably even more active than me,

this might mean every single workout

but a lot of people who are quote unquote "active" ||||||||いわゆる| しかし、いわゆる「アクティブ」な人がたくさんいます。 mas muitas pessoas que estão entre aspas "ativas"

kinda go to the gym and they go through the motions. ||||||||||font semblant ||||||||||動作 彼らはジムに行き、形だけの運動をしています。

And if you do this, this might keep you healthy to a degree |||||||garder||||| そして、これを続けると、ある程度健康を保つことができるかもしれません。

but it won't make you progress,

it won't make you actually push the boundaries |||||||限界

of your physical fitness.

So at least once a week, push yourself,

do something that's really, really challenging

and that leaves you sore.

And remember that this doesn't have to be

just sprinting on the treadmill ||||トレッドミル apenas correndo na esteira

or going to the gym and lifting weights

until your arms wanna fall off, this could be something fun.

For me, going and doing an all-out workout

might mean going to the arcade |||||アーケード |||||เกมอาร์เคด アーケードに行くことを意味するかもしれません pode significar ir ao fliperama

and playing Dance Dance Revolution on doubles mode ||ダンス||||| そしてダンスダンスレボリューションをダブルスモードでプレイすること

or it might mean going to the rock climbing gym またはボルダリングジムに行くことを意味するかもしれません

and trying a route |||ルート

that I haven't been able to do in the past.

And even if I'm not able to complete that route,

even if I had to throw myself at it

again and again and again, I'm gonna make progress,

I'm gonna come away sore and I'm gonna be able to do it

a little bit better the next time I come in.

Habit number three is to go

and review your productivity system, your task manager, |||生産性||||

your calendar, your note-taking system,

anything of the sort and clear up any entropy. ||||||||エントロピー ||||||||ความยุ่งเหยิง そのようなことは何でも、エントロピーを解消してください。 모든 종류의 엔트로피를 정리하십시오. qualquer coisa do tipo e esclarecer qualquer entropia.

Now entropy is a term in science |エントロピー||||| 今、エントロピーは科学用語です。

that generally means chaos or descent into chaos |||混沌|||| 一般的に混沌または混沌への下降を意味します。 que geralmente significa caos ou descida ao caos

as things spread out and become more complicated.

And I love using this term for productivity systems

because they seem to trend towards the exact same state.

As due dates pile up, as things get entered in,

as things get kinda messy, it can become disorganized ||||||||無秩序

and the problem is it eventually becomes

a poor representation ||表現

of what actually needs to be done in your life.

And the poorer that representation gets, そして、その表現が貧弱になるほど、

the less your mind trusts it ||||信頼する| あなたの心はそれを信頼しなくなり、

and the more you start relying on your own memory あなた自身の記憶に頼るようになります

which of course is faulty. もちろんそれは欠陥があります。

So at least once a week, だから少なくとも週に一度、

possibly on the review day at the beginning of the week, おそらく週の初めのレビューの日に、

go through your systems

and make sure everything is cleaned up, |||||掃除されて|

make sure you get rid of that entropy

and bring things back into a state of order,

that way you are trusting your system そうすることで、あなたは自分のシステムを信頼していることになります。

and you're actually using it. そして、実際にそれを使っています。

Habit number four is to do 習慣番号4は、行うことです

a quick financial health check-up at least once a week.

Now you don't have to go look

at your entire financial life every single week,

you don't have to look at every single mutual fund, ||||||||投資信託|

bank statement, everything like that

but it's at least smart to log into your bank accounts, ||||||||||口座

make sure the balance is what you think it should be,

log into your credit cards,

make sure you don't see any transactions on there ||||||取引||

that you don't recognize

and just generally check over the state of things.

And at least if you live in the U.S.

there are some tools out there

that can make this quicker and easier.

The one I use is called Personal Capital |||||||キャピタル

but there's one out there called Mint ||||||ミント でも、そこにはMintというものがあります。

that's very, very similar それは非常に非常に似ています。

and these basically bring in your bank feeds, そして、これらは基本的にあなたの銀行のフィードを取り込むものです。

your investment fund feeds, your credit card feeds,

and they will just basically give you a snapshot ||||||||スナップショット

of your entire financial life,

all the transactions that have been made

and the balances of each account. ||残高|||

Now you might think this process is a little bit boring

but if you're like me, if you're not the kind of person

who does hardcore budgeting, you're not the kind of person |||予算管理|||||| ハードコアな予算管理をする人ではないよね、

who records every transaction when you buy something, |記録する|||||| 何かを買うときにすべての取引を記録する人ではない、

you at least need to stay on top of your financial health, 少なくとも自分の財政状態を把握しておく必要があるよ、

you need to know where you are on a regular basis.

Of course, if you are the kind of person

who wants to learn how to keep a budget

or you wanna learn how to record your transactions,

my friend Martin and I actually did

a whole podcast episode on budgeting |entire||||financial planning

and you can click the link in the description down below

to listen to that later on if that's interesting to you.

Habit number five is to plan and lead some sort

of high-density fun activity with another person. ||密度||||| de atividades divertidas de alta densidade com outra pessoa.

And this is on the list because a lot of us

tend to get into ruts with our friends ||||habits||| ||||マンネリ||| ||||ร่องรอย|||

and these aren't depressive ruts, there aren't sad ruts, |||うつ病の|||||

but we tend to get into patterns of behavior

where we do sort of the same

kind of fun things all the time.

Maybe we play video games together,

maybe we go to the movies together.

And this is all well and good,

this is interaction with friends ||first|| ||交流||

but it's not high-density fun,

it's not the kind of fun that actually builds memories. ||||||||creates|lasting memories

And the thing is that when we get older, ||||||||age

a lot of people slide into patterns of behavior ||||slip|||| ||||滑り込む||||

that causes them to fail to plan things, |results in|||be unable|||

it causes them to not be the leader, not take initiative |||||||leader|||take charge ||||||||||イニシアティブ

to plan really cool things. |||awesome|

So I'm gonna make the suggestion that you become the leader, |||||recommendation|||||

you become the kind of person who plans these things. |||||||organizes||

And if you're doing this once a week ||you are|||||

or around the same kind of time interval, ||||||time period|time period

then you're gonna be making a regular improvement ||||making|||progress

in the lives of your friends and in your own life as well. ||lives||||||||||

Habit number six is to create something at least once a week

that's not done out of obligation. |||||หน้าที่

And the reason I put that qualify on there ||||||資格|| その資格をつけた理由は、

is that a lot of students or people that have creative jobs 多くの学生やクリエイティブな仕事をしている人たちが

are creating things on a weekly or daily basis 毎週または毎日何かを創造しているからです

but a lot of times it's because they were assigned |||||||||割り当てられた

or that other people are expecting them to do that.

And while that kind of work

can still be creatively fulfilling, |||創造的に|

it's not the same as just exploring something on your own, ||||||探検する||||

doing something purely for you own enjoyment.

So in my case, creating YouTube videos

doesn't really fit the criteria here. ||||基準|

Yes, I do get fulfillment out of it, ||||満足感||| はい、私はそれに満足を得ています。

I really enjoy doing it but I am doing it as my job 私は本当にそれをするのを楽しんでいますが、私はそれを仕事としてしています。

and at this point, I've been doing it for long enough そしてこの時点で、私はそれを十分に長くやっています。

that there's an audience expectation for me to do it.

So I wanna have something else on the side as well.

And for me, at least right now, that's playing guitar |||||||||ギター

almost every night, I make up something new on my guitar ||||||||||ギター

and that is really fulfilling to me

that actually improves my life. ||改善する||

So whether or not you have a job

that's creative or artistic, |||芸術的

or whether or not you're on a program in your school

that lets you do things that are creative,

have something on the side at least once a week

that kinda feeds that curiosity,

that lets you explore on your own purely just for you.

Habit number seven is to do something once a week

completely alone.

Now a lot of you might think

that you already do a lot of things alone,

in that case this tip may not be for you ||||アドバイス|||||

but for a lot of people,

they spend most their time around other people

whether it'd be roommates or a significant other or friends, |それが||||||||

and when you do this,

you don't get a whole lot of time to just think,

to be with your own thoughts

or to explore something purely

because only you want to explore it.

When you're constantly spending time

with a significant other or with friends,

there's a lot of compromise involved. ||||妥協| 타협이 많이 있습니다.

But if you take at least a little bit of time

every single week to do something purely

because you wanna do it alone,

then you continue to be your own person,

you continue to generate your own thoughts

and you generate your own stories

that you can then take to your interactions with friends |||||||やり取り||

or with a girlfriend or a boyfriend and tell to them.

Finally, habit number eight is to improve

some existing process in your life at least once a week algum processo existente em sua vida pelo menos uma vez por semana

even if it is by the tiniest of margins. ||||||||差(し) 아주 작은 여백이라도 마찬가지입니다. mesmo que seja pela menor das margens.

And I've put this idea on the list E eu coloquei essa ideia na lista

because I'm an ardent believer in the principle |||熱心な|||| |||กระตือรือร้น||||

that there is always a better way to do something.

This is one of the driving principles

that I try to live by and honestly, |||||従って|| 私が守ろうとしていることで、正直に言えば、

this isn't a once a week thing for me, これは私にとって週に一度のことではなく、

I'm always on the lookout for things that I can improve 私は常に改善できることを探しています

that I do every single day それは私が毎日行っていることです。

because I think there's always some little tweak |||||||調整 |||||||การปรับแต่ง なぜなら、常に何か小さな調整があると思うからです

or change to my processes that I can make

that will make things more efficient or make them easier

or even make them more fun to do.

For instance, one of the big regular tasks in my life

is editing these videos |編集している||

or at least working with an editor to get them done, ||||||編集者||||

and part of the planning process for doing an edit |||||||||編集

is creating a list of what's called B-roll, B-rollと呼ばれるもののリストを作成しています。

basically everything that goes 基本的にこのトーキングヘッドのレイヤーの上にあるすべてのもの、

on top of this talking head layer, ||||||レイヤー このトーキングヘッドレイヤーの上に、

all the pictures, all the animations, |||||アニメーション すべての写真、すべてのアニメーション、

all this stock footage, all that kind of stuff. |||映像||||| このストック映像、ああいったものすべて。

And for quite a while, I've used this really powerful tool

called Notion to create a spreadsheet |Notion||||

that helps us to filter and organize all this B-roll ||||フィルタリング||||||

which helps us to batch the creation of it, ||||バッチ処理する||作成||

batch the gathering of it, ||集まり||

and do all kinds of really cool stuff.

And for probably 10 or 20 weeks,

we used the exact same setup to do this.

But then last week I had an idea,

I actually added a new check box

to our B-roll spreadsheet called Premiere. ||||||プレミア

And the reason I did this

is that we do about half of our B-roll editing

in a program called Adobe Premiere ||||アドビ|

which is for video editing

and we do the other half in a program called After Effects

which is where we do

all of the motion graphics and animations. ||||グラフィックス||

And before I added this check box,

the only way we would sort the B-roll list

was by timestamps. ||タイムスタンプ

So when it came time to actually bring all the B-roll したがって、実際にすべてのBロールを

into the video and place it, ビデオに取り込んで配置する時が来た時、

we would have to go line by line down that spreadsheet 私たちはそのスプレッドシートを行単位で進んでいかなければなりませんでした

and make a decision for every single item,

does this go on Premiere or does this go on After Effects? ||||プレミア|||||||

But by adding the check box,

we were able to create a filter

so we could only show the items that go on Premiere

or only show the items that go into After Effects. またはAfter Effectsに入るアイテムだけを表示する。

So that basically just removed the decision ||||取り消した|| 基本的には決定を取り除くだけだった。

for every single piece of B-roll. すべてのBロールのために。

Now admittedly, this is a pretty small change |確かに||||||

to our workflow but it's a change that removes mental work, ||||||||取り除く||

that removes a decision every single time |下す|||||

we wanna place a picture

or a piece of footage or an animation, |||||||アニメーション

and that happens a lot.

Additionally, that is just one small change

over many that have been made over the years

and as with anything, if you make small changes over time,

eventually they accumulate ||蓄積する

and the results can be pretty big.

And actually that's been one of the driving principles

ever since I started this YouTube channel

about four years ago.

Every single time I make a video,

I'm looking for at least one tiny element |||||||要素

in my workflow or in the way that I light things

or in the way that I speak to this camera |||||||||カメラ

that I can improve so over time the entire product improves. |||||||||製品|

So start trying to be a little bit more observant |||||||||観察力のある |||||||||สังเกต

in the way that you work or even in the way

that you commute to work あなたが通勤する仕事

or in the things that you do at home またはあなたが家ですることの中で

like the way that you cook or do your laundry 料理の仕方や洗濯の仕方のように

because if you can start making

small improvements in any of these areas, |改善|||||

you're gonna start seeing greater results.

To give you just one more example,

if you've been watching my channel for any length of time,

you probably know that I haven't done a video

sitting on this set in this chair for quite a while.

And if I show you some footage

from the last time I did a video like this,

you'll probably notice that the lighting |||||照明

and the color grading doesn't look nearly as good. |||グレーディング||||| そして、カラーグレーディングはそれほど良く見えません。

And that's because since then, それは、それ以来、

I've worked hard every single week 私は毎週一生懸命働いてきました

to make sure I'm lighting my shots just a little bit better

and doing my color grading just a little bit better as well

and the improvements at least to my eyes

have been substantial. ||重要な

And if you're somebody who also wants to make videos someday

or if you have your own YouTube channel,

then you probably know how important lighting is as well

and how difficult it can be.

Now for me, there's been a lot

of trial and error and experimentation |||||実験

and of course I am still not perfect at it

especially when it comes to lighting shots

that aren't done in this room.

But luckily there are experts out there ||||専門家||

who can help you learn these skills much more quickly

such as Jordy Vandeput who has an entire curse |||バンデプット|||||

on lighting for video over on Skillshare. ||||||スキルシェア

Throughout his course, you learn the fundamentals

of how to properly light a shot,

how to deal with background lighting,

how to deal with colors and lighting

and if you are a video creator, ||||||クリエイター

you might wanna check out some of his other courses

such as this course on how to edit video

with Adobe Premiere Pro which is the software |||プロ||||

that I actually use to edit these videos.

And beyond that, you're also gonna find

over 25,000 courses in Skillshare's library |||スキルシェアの|

all built from the ground up to help creatives ||||||||クリエイター

enhance their skills, boost their curiosity,

and improve their career prospects as well. ||||見通し||

Within that library, you're gonna find courses

on graphic design, on music production, |||||制作

on business and marketing, on storytelling,

and all their courses have a focus on active learning,

featuring projects 特集する|

that you can sink your teeth into immediately

and a discussion section where you can get feedback ||||||||フィードバック

and ask questions with both the teacher

and other students as well.

And the best part is, if you are one of the first 500 people

to click the link in the description down below and sign up,

you're gonna get two free unlimited months

of learning on Skillshare.

So click that link, sign up and start learning today

because you can learn a lot in two months.

Big thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video

and as always, huge thanks to you guys for watching.

Hopefully you found this video useful

and if you did, definitely give it a like

to support this channel.

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or click right over there to get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades.

You can also follow me on Instagram over @tomfrankly

and last but not least,

you can get one more video on this channel

by clicking right here or smashing your face |||||叩く||

into your phone screen, that works too.

Thanks for watching and I will see you in next week's video.