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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Stop Feeling Tired in the Afternoon

How to Stop Feeling Tired in the Afternoon

- It's 3:00 p.m. and your motivation

to do literally anything has evaporated.

You feel tired, you can't focus,

and the idea of starting any of the tasks on your to-do list

is just mentally exhausting.

In other words, you've hit the afternoon slump

and you're not alone.

Millions of people around the world

hit this wave of tiredness during the early afternoons

every single day,

which is actually a problem for me

'cause people who are tired

tend not to watch YouTube for quite as long,

so let me help you out real quick.

(creaking) Is this in frame?

Is this helping?

Are you awake?

Okay, hopefully that helped at least somewhat.

Let's get back to the video.

So like I just said,

this is something that happens to millions of people.

If you get tired in the afternoon,

if you feel like you should be going to bed

but, for some reason, the sun's still out,

well, that is an absolutely common experience.

So what I want to do today is share a three-step process

that you can go through whenever you find yourself

in an afternoon slump, battling that afternoon brain fog.

Going through these things

can help you gain back at least some of your energy

to tackle the rest of your to-do list

before you end the day.

But before we get into that,

we do want to answer the question

of why does this happen in the first place?

Because there are definitely some controllable factors

that contribute to the afternoon slump,

but part of it is actually natural.

Part of it is due to something called our circadian rhythm,

which is essentially this internal clock

that helps to keep our body's internal processes

synchronized with the day and night cycle,

which helps us go to sleep at the right times.

And in doing some research for this video,

I found out that there are actually two parts of the day

where we actually have a dip in energy.

So according to the Sleep Foundation's website,

for most adults, the biggest dip in energy

happens during the middle of the night,

between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m,

which is the time where most people are just fast asleep,

snoozing away like a rock,

actually, rocks don't snooze,

but there is another dip in energy just after lunchtime,

around 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.,

when they start to crave that post-lunch nap.

But another website that I looked at,

Science Daily, said this:

"In a strict sense,

"circadian rhythms are endogenously generated,"

and although the definition for endogenously,

and I'm not even sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly,

but I didn't know what it meant

when I was doing this research, so I put it there,

"although they can be modulated by external cues

"such as sunlight and temperature."

And keep that in mind for later on in the video

because what this is saying is that circadian rhythms are,

for the most part, internally set.

You can't do a whole lot to control,

but some things do affect them.

And with that, let's go over to step one in the process,

which is to refuel.

Your body is essentially an engine

and what you put into it,

the quality of what you put into it

and the time at which you fuel it,

these all factor into how energetic you're going to feel

at all different times of the day.

So in the afternoons when I start feeling tired,

this is the first thing that I think to do.

I want to get something to eat, get something to drink,

and usually the first thing that I reach for

is either a glass of water or a can of sparkling water.

I think this is the Michael Buble kind.

That's how you pronounce it, right, Buble?

And I actually like sparkling water

a little more than regular water

because when I was in college,

I was super addicted to energy drinks

and I kind of identified the reason for that.

It wasn't necessarily the caffeine.

It wasn't necessarily the taste.

It was actually the fact that the energy drink

and the colorful can and everything and the carbonation

were sort of novel.

It kind of injected a little bit of excitement

into an otherwise boring afternoon study session.

And it was actually the Power of Habit

that helped me to differentiate

these different reasons for my cravings

for terrible, unhealthy energy drinks,

because there was a part of the book

where he was talking about this afternoon habit that he had

to get a cookie every single day

and he started asking himself what is the reward I get

for getting this cookie?

Is it the taste?

Is it the energy boost?

And he actually came to the conclusion that no,

it's just this ritual that allows me to get it from my desk

and then it gives me an opportunity to socialize

with some of my coworkers.

So he just changed his habit up

to go over to the water cooler or something like that

so he could still talk to the coworkers.

So reading that actually helped me to identify the factors

that caused my craving for those terrible,

unhealthy energy drinks,

the taste, the caffeine levels, and also the novelty factor.

And then I realized that sparkling water,

especially flavored sparkling water like this,

fills two of those three categories,

and if I want caffeine,

I can obviously go for tea or coffee.

And I do want to talk about that as well

because tea and coffee can be useful in the afternoons

but you need to understand how your body reacts to caffeine

later in the day.

There are studies out there

to show that caffeine even six hours before bedtime

can significantly impact the quality of your sleep

in a negative way but everyone's mileage may vary.

So some people may be able to have a cup of coffee

at four in the afternoon, while other people,

if they have caffeine at any time in the day

that has a p.m. in it,

they're not gonna be able to go to sleep.

So, again, do some testing

if you want to use caffeine in the afternoons.

And you can also pair it with a light snack.

And if you're gonna go for a snack,

the main thing here is don't just reach for simple sugars.

Don't go for candy or soda especially,

but also if you're just going for fruit

and you're just taking in simple sugars,

this causes a spike in your blood sugar

with a subsequent crash.

So you want to pair that with some complex carbohydrates,

maybe some wholewheat bread

or maybe some proteins, like a hard boiled egg.

In fact, my best friend Martin,

who helped me write the script for this video,

listed that you should put a hard boiled egg

inside of a banana,

which I sat there and thought about for a second

and I still can't envision how you do it

but if any of you out there know what he means,

put it in the comments below because I'm kinda stumped here.

Anyway, step two in the process is to reset.

This means step away from your desk

and take a break from your work.

Now for me, the ultimate way of resetting is to go outside.

If you'll remember earlier in the video,

I talked about how the circadian rhythm is,

for the most part, endogenously,

I think that's how you pronounce it,

but endogenously generated or controlled

but that there are some factors

that you can use to influence it,

one of them being sunlight exposure.

So this is kind of my main thing.

Whenever I feel tired in the afternoons,

I am reaching for a glass of water,

maybe making some coffee depending on the time,

but the next thing is I'm going outside for a walk

or I'm gonna take a break to go for a workout

or I'm gonna go outside and do some skateboarding

or rollerblading but whatever it is,

I want to get outside and get some sunlight exposure

because exposure to light, especially sunlight,

can be a cue to wake your body up.

Sunlight is actually one of those external factors

that really plays a part

in how your circadian rhythm is governed.

And if for some reason you just can't go outside

or you just don't want to exercise,

you're trying to be as sloth-like as possible,

you just get into that zen state of mind,

at least let yourself step back from your work

and take a little bit of a break

to give yourself some intentional fun time.

Play a video game.

But one word of warning here.

If one quick game of Overwatch or one quick game of Magic

or whatever game that you tend to get sucked into

often turns into just a quick several hours,

then that's probably not a good way to take a break.

You want to get into something

that is not going to suck you in,

not going to distract you for a really long period of time.

It just kinda provides some mental rejuvenation.

One other option could be to take a nap.

Now, I did a whole video on naps about a year ago

and for me, naps aren't the most effective thing.

I find that even if I do the 20-minute power nap,

where you're not supposed to fall asleep,

not supposed to get groggy,

I find myself slipping into a deeper sleep

and wanting to sleep for two or three hours.

So it's kind of a big time waster for me,

but, again, your mileage may vary

and a lot of people get use out of naps

in the early or late afternoon.

In fact, that's why a lot of countries

have a siesta culture.

That brings us to step three, which is to refocus.

It is time to get yourself back to work

and focus is the keyword here.

I find that when I hit the afternoon slump,

I often have several tasks still left on my plate

and my brain will sort of just glide over them

and kind of listlessly try to get into each one

but I know there's a bunch of them

and that makes it really hard to get into any one thing.

And this is where a bit of philosophy comes in for me,

because a lot of people,

when they talk about the afternoon slump,

they are talking about the nutrition aspect of it,

the sleep aspect of it, the circadian rhythm aspect of it,

but I think that the level of interest you have in your work

and how focused you are on it actually plays a big roll

in how energized you feel.

If you're feeling kind of listless,

if you don't really know what you're supposed to be doing,

or you don't care about it, you're gonna feel tired

because the brain and the body,

they have a two-way connection, right?

Your body's circadian rhythm, your nutrition,

all these factors play a roll

in how motivated you feel mentally,

but it goes the other way as well.

Your level of interest in your work, how focused you are,

this plays a roll

in how energized and awake you feel physically.

So if you can find a way,

either intrinsically or extrinsically,

to get more interested in a single task that you want to do,

then you're gonna feel a little bit more energized

while doing it, so here is how I propose

that you externally motivate yourself.

First, pick one task that you have to do.

You can't let your brain

just listlessly glide over everything.

It's got to focus in on one thing.

Secondly, clear your environment and get it ready for work.

So clear off your desk,

close any open programs that don't need to be open,

close any open browser tabs,

and then maybe get some good study music

for getting into the work zone.

Finally, set a timer for 25 minutes

and do a Pomodoro session on the task.

I find that the Pomodoro technique,

where you set a timer for 25 minutes

and you focus on one task during the 25 minutes

with absolutely no distractions

or anything else coming into your field of view of focus,

this is actually much more useful for me in the afternoons

than it is in the mornings and this kinda makes sense.

In the mornings, I'm more mentally aware.

I'm more awake.

I'm more easily able to focus on my work intrinsically.

In the afternoons, I'm feeling tired.

I might need that little bit of external motivation

and the Pomodoro technique really provides that.

So from personal experience,

I know that the three steps in this process,

refuel, reset, and then refocus,

these are very effective

for getting past that afternoon slump.

But if it's not enough for you,

there are some longer term fixes that you can use as well

and the main one that I want to mention here

is changing up your schedule

if you have the freedom to do so.

Like I talked about in my previous video,

which is all about my new morning routine,

I mentioned that I moved my workouts

from the mornings to the early afternoons or late afternoons

and this had a lot of benefits.

Number one, it freed up more time in the mornings,

which were better hours for me to work anyway,

but it also means that when the afternoon slump hits,

I can just go to the gym

and I often find myself being more energized

when I leave the gym because I'm getting some exercise

and that helps me get through that tired spell.

So if you can, do some experiments

and play around with your schedule.

Hopefully that, in combination with the three steps

I shared here, will help you to be more productive

during your actual work hours and beat that afternoon slump,

which will help you earn back some more guilt-free evenings,

evenings that you can use spending with friends

or playing Hollow Knight for the third time

or working on some personal projects

that you don't have time to do during the actual work hours

in the mornings and afternoons.

And one personal project

that you should probably consider taking on

if you haven't done so already

is building a professional online presence.

If you want to stand out from the competition

to get competitive jobs

or you want to build connections in your industry

and establish yourself as an expert,

building a website for yourself,

where you can show off your portfolio

and tell people how to contact you, is a great first step.

And the first step to doing that

is securing your professional domain name,

like mine, which is thomasjfrank.com.

And if you'll notice, I had to put a J in my URL

because I was not able to get thomasfrank.com,

since someone else got it

far before I was ever even on the internet.

And that's the thing about domain names.

Someone else could get yours

before you get the chance to get it

and if they don't let it relinquish,

then you're kind of out of luck.

So get your professional domain name

before someone else grabs it

and to get it, you should go over to hover.com.

Hover is the best place on the internet

to get your hands on domain names,

not least of which because they have the most streamlined,

hassle-free checkout process that I have ever seen.

There are no upsells, no annoying pop-ups.

You just pick the domain you want and you buy it.

And they have over 400 extensions as well,

so you can get your .coms, your .mes, your .cos,

which are I think are really good for professional presence,

but they also have lots of fun ones,

like .limo, .ninja, and .lol.

Plus, once you have your domain,

they have some very useful tools

for connecting it to other useful web services,

like an email tool,

so you can get a professional-looking email, like mine,

which is thomas@collegeinfogeek.com.

Little bit more professional than a Gmail.

And they also have a Connect feature,

which can help you connect your domain to website builders,

like Squarespace and Shopify.

And the best part is if you go over to hover.com/thomasfrank

and buy your domain through that link,

you're gonna get 10% off of your first purchase

and help to support my channel.

Big thanks to Hover as always for sponsoring this video

and thank you as well for watching.

Hopefully you found this video helpful.

And if you have any other tips

for beating the afternoon slump

or you know how to fit a hard boiled egg into a banana,

please share what you know in the comments below

because, well, I really don't know how to do that

and also your tips definitely help out other people

who are scrolling down there,

looking for additional information.

If you want to subscribe to this channel,

you can do so right there

to get new videos when they come out.

You can also click right there to get a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades.

Or check out a couple of more videos right here and here.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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How to Stop Feeling Tired in the Afternoon Wie man aufhört, sich nachmittags müde zu fühlen Cómo dejar de sentirse cansado por la tarde Comment ne plus se sentir fatigué l'après-midi ? Como deixar de se sentir cansado à tarde

- It's 3:00 p.m. and your motivation

to do literally anything has evaporated. |||||se ha evaporado

You feel tired, you can't focus, Você se sente cansado, não consegue se concentrar,

and the idea of starting any of the tasks on your to-do list e a ideia de iniciar qualquer uma das tarefas da sua lista de tarefas

is just mentally exhausting. é mentalmente exaustivo.

In other words, you've hit the afternoon slump |||||||queda |||||||bajón de la tarde Em outras palavras, você atingiu o declínio da tarde

and you're not alone.

Millions of people around the world

hit this wave of tiredness during the early afternoons atingiu esta onda de cansaço durante o início da tarde

every single day,

which is actually a problem for me o que é realmente um problema para mim

'cause people who are tired porque pessoas que estão cansadas

tend not to watch YouTube for quite as long, tendem a não assistir o YouTube por tanto tempo,

so let me help you out real quick. so||||||| então deixe-me ajudá-lo bem rápido.

(creaking) Is this in frame? rangido|||| (crujido) ¿Esto está en cuadro?|||| (rangendo) Isso está no quadro?

Is this helping?

Are you awake? Você está acordado?

Okay, hopefully that helped at least somewhat. Ok, espero que isso tenha ajudado pelo menos um pouco.

Let's get back to the video.

So like I just said, Então, como eu disse,

this is something that happens to millions of people.

If you get tired in the afternoon, Se você se cansa à tarde,

if you feel like you should be going to bed se você acha que deveria ir para a cama

but, for some reason, the sun's still out, mas, por algum motivo, o sol ainda esta fora,

well, that is an absolutely common experience.

So what I want to do today is share a three-step process

that you can go through whenever you find yourself que você pode passar sempre que se encontrar

in an afternoon slump, battling that afternoon brain fog. ||||lutando|||| |||bajón||||| em uma queda à tarde, lutando contra a névoa do cérebro da tarde.

Going through these things Passando por essas coisas

can help you gain back at least some of your energy pode ajudá-lo a recuperar pelo menos um pouco de sua energia

to tackle the rest of your to-do list para resolver o resto de sua lista de tarefas

before you end the day. antes de terminar o dia.

But before we get into that, Mas antes de entrarmos nisso,

we do want to answer the question nós queremos responder a pergunta

of why does this happen in the first place? de por que isso acontece em primeiro lugar?

Because there are definitely some controllable factors |||||controláveis| Porque existem definitivamente alguns fatores controláveis

that contribute to the afternoon slump, que contribuem para a queda da tarde,

but part of it is actually natural. mas parte disso é natural.

Part of it is due to something called our circadian rhythm, |||||||||circadian| ||||||||||ritmo Parte disso se deve a algo chamado nosso ritmo circadiano,

which is essentially this internal clock

that helps to keep our body's internal processes

synchronized with the day and night cycle, sincronizado com o ciclo diurno e noturno,

which helps us go to sleep at the right times.

And in doing some research for this video, E ao fazer algumas pesquisas para este vídeo,

I found out that there are actually two parts of the day Eu descobri que na verdade existem duas partes do dia

where we actually have a dip in energy. onde realmente temos uma queda de energia.

So according to the Sleep Foundation's website, |||||de la Fundación del Sueño|

for most adults, the biggest dip in energy

happens during the middle of the night, acontece no meio da noite,

between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m, entre 2h e 4h,

which is the time where most people are just fast asleep, que é o momento em que a maioria das pessoas está apenas dormindo,

snoozing away like a rock, dormindo|||| durmiendo profundamente|||| cochilando como uma pedra,

actually, rocks don't snooze, na verdade, as pedras não dormem,

but there is another dip in energy just after lunchtime, mas há outra queda de energia logo após a hora do almoço,

around 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., por volta das 13h00 às 15h00,

when they start to crave that post-lunch nap. quando começam a desejar aquela soneca pós-almoço.

But another website that I looked at,

Science Daily, said this:

"In a strict sense,

"circadian rhythms are endogenously generated," |||internally| |||"de manera endógena"| |ritmos||| "ritmos circadianos são gerados endogenamente",

and although the definition for endogenously, |||||endógenamente |embora||||endogenamente e embora a definição de endogenamente,

and I'm not even sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly, e nem tenho certeza se estou pronunciando isso corretamente,

but I didn't know what it meant mas eu não sabia o que significava

when I was doing this research, so I put it there, quando eu estava fazendo essa pesquisa, coloquei lá,

"although they can be modulated by external cues ||||adjusted||| |||||||sinais ||||modulados||| "embora possam ser modulados por pistas externas

"such as sunlight and temperature." "como luz solar e temperatura."

And keep that in mind for later on in the video E tenha isso em mente para mais tarde no vídeo

because what this is saying is that circadian rhythms are, porque o que isso quer dizer é que os ritmos circadianos são,

for the most part, internally set. na maior parte, definido internamente.

You can't do a whole lot to control, Você não pode fazer muito para controlar,

but some things do affect them. mas algumas coisas os afetam.

And with that, let's go over to step one in the process, E com isso, vamos para a primeira etapa do processo,

which is to refuel. |||Reabastecer de combustible que é reabastecer.

Your body is essentially an engine Seu corpo é essencialmente um motor

and what you put into it,

the quality of what you put into it

and the time at which you fuel it,

these all factor into how energetic you're going to feel tudo isso influencia o quão enérgico você vai se sentir

at all different times of the day.

So in the afternoons when I start feeling tired,

this is the first thing that I think to do. esta é a primeira coisa que penso fazer.

I want to get something to eat, get something to drink,

and usually the first thing that I reach for

is either a glass of water or a can of sparkling water.

I think this is the Michael Buble kind. Acho que esse é o tipo de Michael Buble.

That's how you pronounce it, right, Buble? ||||||Bublé É assim que você pronuncia, certo, Buble?

And I actually like sparkling water ||||agua con gas|

a little more than regular water um pouco mais do que água normal

because when I was in college,

I was super addicted to energy drinks

and I kind of identified the reason for that.

It wasn't necessarily the caffeine. ||||cafeína

It wasn't necessarily the taste. Não era necessariamente o gosto.

It was actually the fact that the energy drink Na verdade, foi o fato de que a bebida energética

and the colorful can and everything and the carbonation ||||||||carbonatação ||||||||carbonatación e a lata colorida e tudo e a carbonatação

were sort of novel. |||new waren irgendwie neuartig. eram uma espécie de romance. были своего рода романом.

It kind of injected a little bit of excitement Isso meio que injetou um pouco de emoção

into an otherwise boring afternoon study session. em uma sessão de estudo à tarde enfadonha.

And it was actually the Power of Habit E era realmente o poder do hábito

that helped me to differentiate ||||distinguish ||||diferenciar

these different reasons for my cravings |||||antojos

for terrible, unhealthy energy drinks, para bebidas energéticas terríveis e não saudáveis,

because there was a part of the book

where he was talking about this afternoon habit that he had onde ele estava falando sobre o hábito desta tarde que ele tinha

to get a cookie every single day

and he started asking himself what is the reward I get e ele começou a se perguntar qual é a recompensa que recebo

for getting this cookie? por obter este cookie?

Is it the taste? É o gosto?

Is it the energy boost?

And he actually came to the conclusion that no, E ele realmente chegou à conclusão de que não,

it's just this ritual that allows me to get it from my desk é apenas este ritual que me permite pegar na minha mesa

and then it gives me an opportunity to socialize

with some of my coworkers. com alguns dos meus colegas de trabalho.

So he just changed his habit up

to go over to the water cooler or something like that

so he could still talk to the coworkers.

So reading that actually helped me to identify the factors

that caused my craving for those terrible, que causou meu desejo por aqueles terríveis,

unhealthy energy drinks,

the taste, the caffeine levels, and also the novelty factor. o sabor, os níveis de cafeína e também o fator novidade.

And then I realized that sparkling water, E então eu percebi que a água com gás,

especially flavored sparkling water like this, |saborizada|||| especialmente água com gás com sabor como esta,

fills two of those three categories, preenche||||| preenche duas dessas três categorias,

and if I want caffeine, e se eu quiser cafeína,

I can obviously go for tea or coffee. Obviamente, posso tomar um chá ou um café.

And I do want to talk about that as well E quero falar sobre isso também

because tea and coffee can be useful in the afternoons porque o chá e o café podem ser úteis à tarde

but you need to understand how your body reacts to caffeine

later in the day. no final do dia.

There are studies out there Existem estudos por aí

to show that caffeine even six hours before bedtime para mostrar a cafeína mesmo seis horas antes de dormir

can significantly impact the quality of your sleep |significativamente||||||

in a negative way but everyone's mileage may vary. ||||||quilometragem|| de forma negativa, mas a quilometragem de cada um pode variar.

So some people may be able to have a cup of coffee

at four in the afternoon, while other people, às quatro da tarde, enquanto outras pessoas,

if they have caffeine at any time in the day se eles têm cafeína a qualquer hora do dia

that has a p.m. in it,

they're not gonna be able to go to sleep.

So, again, do some testing Então, novamente, faça alguns testes

if you want to use caffeine in the afternoons. se você quiser usar cafeína à tarde.

And you can also pair it with a light snack. E você também pode combiná-lo com um lanche leve.

And if you're gonna go for a snack,

the main thing here is don't just reach for simple sugars. o principal aqui é não buscar apenas açúcares simples.

Don't go for candy or soda especially, Não vá para doces ou refrigerantes especialmente,

but also if you're just going for fruit mas também se você for apenas para frutas

and you're just taking in simple sugars, e você está apenas absorvendo açúcares simples,

this causes a spike in your blood sugar |||aumento|||| |||aumento repentino|||| isso causa um aumento no açúcar no sangue

with a subsequent crash. com uma queda subsequente.

So you want to pair that with some complex carbohydrates, |||||||||carbohidratos complejos Então você quer combinar isso com alguns carboidratos complexos,

maybe some wholewheat bread ||pan integral|

or maybe some proteins, like a hard boiled egg. |||||||huevo duro|

In fact, my best friend Martin,

who helped me write the script for this video,

listed that you should put a hard boiled egg listado que você deve colocar um ovo cozido

inside of a banana, dentro de uma banana,

which I sat there and thought about for a second que eu sentei lá e pensei por um segundo

and I still can't envision how you do it ||||imagine|||| ||||imaginar||||

but if any of you out there know what he means, mas se algum de vocês sabe o que ele significa,

put it in the comments below because I'm kinda stumped here. |||||||||sem saber| coloque nos comentários abaixo porque estou meio perplexo aqui.

Anyway, step two in the process is to reset. De qualquer forma, a segunda etapa do processo é redefinir.

This means step away from your desk Isso significa afaste-se de sua mesa

and take a break from your work.

Now for me, the ultimate way of resetting is to go outside. |||||||reiniciar||||

If you'll remember earlier in the video, Se você se lembra no início do vídeo,

I talked about how the circadian rhythm is, Falei sobre como é o ritmo circadiano,

for the most part, endogenously, ||||from within na maior parte, endogenamente,

I think that's how you pronounce it, Eu acho que é assim que você pronuncia,

but endogenously generated or controlled mas gerado ou controlado endogenamente

but that there are some factors mas que existem alguns fatores

that you can use to influence it, que você pode usar para influenciá-lo,

one of them being sunlight exposure. um deles sendo a exposição ao sol.

So this is kind of my main thing. Então esse é o meu principal objetivo.

Whenever I feel tired in the afternoons, Sempre que me sinto cansado à tarde,

I am reaching for a glass of water, Estou pegando um copo d'água,

maybe making some coffee depending on the time, talvez fazendo café dependendo da hora,

but the next thing is I'm going outside for a walk

or I'm gonna take a break to go for a workout ou vou fazer uma pausa para fazer um treino

or I'm gonna go outside and do some skateboarding ou eu vou sair e andar de skate

or rollerblading but whatever it is, |patins||||

I want to get outside and get some sunlight exposure Quero sair e me expor ao sol

because exposure to light, especially sunlight,

can be a cue to wake your body up. |||signal||||| |||sinal|||||

Sunlight is actually one of those external factors A luz solar é na verdade um desses fatores externos

that really plays a part

in how your circadian rhythm is governed. em como seu ritmo circadiano é governado.

And if for some reason you just can't go outside E se por algum motivo você simplesmente não pode sair

or you just don't want to exercise, ou você simplesmente não quer se exercitar,

you're trying to be as sloth-like as possible, |||||preguiçosa||| você está tentando ser o mais preguiçoso possível,

you just get into that zen state of mind, você acaba de entrar naquele estado de espírito zen,

at least let yourself step back from your work pelo menos deixe-se afastar do seu trabalho

and take a little bit of a break e faça uma pequena pausa

to give yourself some intentional fun time. para se dar um tempo de diversão intencional.

Play a video game. Jogar um video game.

But one word of warning here. Mas uma palavra de advertência aqui.

If one quick game of Overwatch or one quick game of Magic Se um jogo rápido de Overwatch ou um jogo rápido de Magic

or whatever game that you tend to get sucked into ou qualquer jogo que você tende a ser sugado

often turns into just a quick several hours, muitas vezes se transforma em apenas algumas horas,

then that's probably not a good way to take a break. então provavelmente não é uma boa maneira de fazer uma pausa.

You want to get into something Você quer entrar em algo

that is not going to suck you in, isso não vai te sugar,

not going to distract you for a really long period of time. não vai distraí-lo por um longo período de tempo.

It just kinda provides some mental rejuvenation. ||||||rejuvenescimento ||||||renovación mental

One other option could be to take a nap.

Now, I did a whole video on naps about a year ago

and for me, naps aren't the most effective thing. e para mim, cochilos não são a coisa mais eficaz.

I find that even if I do the 20-minute power nap, Acho que mesmo se eu fizer o cochilo de 20 minutos,

where you're not supposed to fall asleep, onde você não deveria adormecer,

not supposed to get groggy, ||||tonto ||||aturdido não deveria ficar grogue,

I find myself slipping into a deeper sleep |||adormecendo|||| |||deslizándome|||| Eu me encontro caindo em um sono mais profundo

and wanting to sleep for two or three hours. e com vontade de dormir duas ou três horas.

So it's kind of a big time waster for me, |||||||pérdida de tiempo|| ||||||tempo||| Portanto, é uma grande perda de tempo para mim,

but, again, your mileage may vary |||quilometragem|| mas, novamente, sua milhagem pode variar

and a lot of people get use out of naps e muitas pessoas aproveitam as sonecas

in the early or late afternoon. no início ou no final da tarde.

In fact, that's why a lot of countries Na verdade, é por isso que muitos países

have a siesta culture. ||cultura de siesta|

That brings us to step three, which is to refocus. |||||||||reenfocar Isso nos leva à etapa três, que é refocar.

It is time to get yourself back to work É hora de voltar ao trabalho

and focus is the keyword here. |foco|||| e foco é a palavra-chave aqui.

I find that when I hit the afternoon slump, ||||||||bajón de energía Eu descobri que quando eu atingi o declínio da tarde,

I often have several tasks still left on my plate Muitas vezes ainda tenho várias tarefas no meu prato

and my brain will sort of just glide over them |||||||deslizarse sobre ellas|| e meu cérebro irá apenas deslizar sobre eles

and kind of listlessly try to get into each one |||sem vontade|||||| |||sin ganas|||||| e meio que indiferentemente tente entrar em cada um

but I know there's a bunch of them mas eu sei que tem um monte deles

and that makes it really hard to get into any one thing. e isso torna muito difícil entrar em qualquer coisa.

And this is where a bit of philosophy comes in for me,

because a lot of people,

when they talk about the afternoon slump, ||||||bajón de la tarde

they are talking about the nutrition aspect of it, eles estão falando sobre o aspecto nutricional disso,

the sleep aspect of it, the circadian rhythm aspect of it, o aspecto do sono, o aspecto do ritmo circadiano,

but I think that the level of interest you have in your work mas acho que o nível de interesse que você tem em seu trabalho

and how focused you are on it actually plays a big roll e o quão focado você está nisso realmente desempenha um grande papel

in how energized you feel. em como você se sente energizado.

If you're feeling kind of listless, |||||sem energia |||||Si te sientes apático, Se você está se sentindo meio apático,

if you don't really know what you're supposed to be doing, se você realmente não sabe o que deve estar fazendo,

or you don't care about it, you're gonna feel tired ou você não se importa com isso, você vai se sentir cansado

because the brain and the body, porque o cérebro e o corpo,

they have a two-way connection, right? eles têm uma conexão bidirecional, certo?

Your body's circadian rhythm, your nutrition,

all these factors play a roll todos esses fatores desempenham um papel

in how motivated you feel mentally, em como você se sente mentalmente motivado,

but it goes the other way as well. mas também acontece de outra forma.

Your level of interest in your work, how focused you are, Seu nível de interesse em seu trabalho, quão focado você é,

this plays a roll isso joga um rolo

in how energized and awake you feel physically.

So if you can find a way, Então, se você puder encontrar uma maneira,

either intrinsically or extrinsically, |intrinsically||extrinsically |||extrínsecamente |intrinsecamente||extrinsecamente intrinsecamente ou extrinsecamente,

to get more interested in a single task that you want to do, para ficar mais interessado em uma única tarefa que você deseja fazer,

then you're gonna feel a little bit more energized então você vai se sentir um pouco mais energizado

while doing it, so here is how I propose ||||||||propose enquanto faço isso, então aqui está como proponho

that you externally motivate yourself. ||externamente|| que você se motiva externamente.

First, pick one task that you have to do. Primeiro, escolha uma tarefa que você precisa fazer.

You can't let your brain Você não pode deixar seu cérebro

just listlessly glide over everything. apenas deslize apaticamente sobre tudo.

It's got to focus in on one thing. Tem que se concentrar em uma coisa.

Secondly, clear your environment and get it ready for work.

So clear off your desk, Então saia de sua mesa,

close any open programs that don't need to be open,

close any open browser tabs, feche todas as guias do navegador abertas,

and then maybe get some good study music

for getting into the work zone. para entrar na zona de trabalho.

Finally, set a timer for 25 minutes

and do a Pomodoro session on the task. e faça uma sessão Pomodoro na tarefa.

I find that the Pomodoro technique,

where you set a timer for 25 minutes onde você define um cronômetro para 25 minutos

and you focus on one task during the 25 minutes

with absolutely no distractions

or anything else coming into your field of view of focus,

this is actually much more useful for me in the afternoons isso é na verdade muito mais útil para mim à tarde

than it is in the mornings and this kinda makes sense. do que de manhã e isso faz sentido.

In the mornings, I'm more mentally aware. De manhã, estou mais consciente mentalmente.

I'm more awake. Estou mais acordado.

I'm more easily able to focus on my work intrinsically.

In the afternoons, I'm feeling tired.

I might need that little bit of external motivation Posso precisar de um pouco de motivação externa

and the Pomodoro technique really provides that. e a técnica Pomodoro realmente fornece isso.

So from personal experience, Então, por experiência pessoal,

I know that the three steps in this process, Eu sei que as três etapas neste processo,

refuel, reset, and then refocus, Reabastecer||||reenfocar reabasteça, reinicie e, em seguida, focalize novamente,

these are very effective

for getting past that afternoon slump. |||||bajón de la tarde

But if it's not enough for you, Mas se não for o suficiente para você,

there are some longer term fixes that you can use as well |||||soluciones a largo plazo|||||| existem algumas correções de longo prazo que você também pode usar

and the main one that I want to mention here e o principal que quero citar aqui

is changing up your schedule está mudando sua programação

if you have the freedom to do so. se você tiver liberdade para fazê-lo.

Like I talked about in my previous video, Como falei no meu vídeo anterior,

which is all about my new morning routine, que é sobre minha nova rotina matinal,

I mentioned that I moved my workouts ||||||entrenamientos Eu mencionei que mudei meus treinos

from the mornings to the early afternoons or late afternoons das manhãs ao início da tarde ou fim da tarde

and this had a lot of benefits.

Number one, it freed up more time in the mornings, Número um, ele liberou mais tempo pela manhã

which were better hours for me to work anyway, quais eram os melhores horários para eu trabalhar de qualquer maneira,

but it also means that when the afternoon slump hits, mas também significa que quando a queda da tarde chegar,

I can just go to the gym Eu posso apenas ir para a academia

and I often find myself being more energized e muitas vezes me encontro com mais energia

when I leave the gym because I'm getting some exercise quando eu saio da academia porque estou fazendo algum exercício

and that helps me get through that tired spell. e isso me ajuda a superar aquele período de cansaço.

So if you can, do some experiments Então, se você puder, faça alguns experimentos

and play around with your schedule. e brinque com sua programação.

Hopefully that, in combination with the three steps Esperançosamente, em combinação com as três etapas

I shared here, will help you to be more productive Eu compartilhei aqui, vai te ajudar a ser mais produtivo

during your actual work hours and beat that afternoon slump, |||||||||bajón de energía durante suas horas reais de trabalho e vencer aquela queda da tarde,

which will help you earn back some more guilt-free evenings, o que o ajudará a ganhar de volta mais algumas noites sem culpa,

evenings that you can use spending with friends noites que você pode usar para passar com os amigos

or playing Hollow Knight for the third time ||Hollow||||| ou jogando Hollow Knight pela terceira vez

or working on some personal projects ou trabalhando em alguns projetos pessoais

that you don't have time to do during the actual work hours que você não tem tempo para fazer durante as horas reais de trabalho

in the mornings and afternoons.

And one personal project E um projeto pessoal

that you should probably consider taking on

if you haven't done so already se você ainda não fez

is building a professional online presence. está construindo uma presença online profissional.

If you want to stand out from the competition Se você quer se destacar da concorrência

to get competitive jobs para conseguir empregos competitivos

or you want to build connections in your industry ou você deseja construir conexões em sua indústria

and establish yourself as an expert, e se estabelecer como um especialista,

building a website for yourself, construir um site para você,

where you can show off your portfolio onde você pode mostrar seu portfólio

and tell people how to contact you, is a great first step.

And the first step to doing that E o primeiro passo para fazer isso

is securing your professional domain name, |asegurar|||| está protegendo seu nome de domínio profissional,

like mine, which is thomasjfrank.com. ||||thomasjfrank.com| como o meu, que é thomasjfrank.com.

And if you'll notice, I had to put a J in my URL E se você perceber, eu tive que colocar um J no meu URL

because I was not able to get thomasfrank.com, porque não consegui acessar thomasfrank.com,

since someone else got it já que outra pessoa conseguiu

far before I was ever even on the internet. muito antes de eu sequer estar na internet.

And that's the thing about domain names. E esse é o problema dos nomes de domínio.

Someone else could get yours Alguém poderia pegar o seu

before you get the chance to get it antes de ter a chance de obtê-lo

and if they don't let it relinquish, ||||||renunciem ||||||ceder e se eles não o deixam ceder,

then you're kind of out of luck. então você está sem sorte.

So get your professional domain name Obtenha seu nome de domínio profissional

before someone else grabs it |||lo agarre|

and to get it, you should go over to hover.com. |||||||||passar| e para obtê-lo, você deve acessar hover.com.

Hover is the best place on the internet Hover é o melhor lugar na internet

to get your hands on domain names, para colocar as mãos em nomes de domínio,

not least of which because they have the most streamlined, |||||||||otimizada não menos importante porque eles têm o mais simplificado,

hassle-free checkout process that I have ever seen. constrangimento|||||||| processo de checkout descomplicado que eu já vi.

There are no upsells, no annoying pop-ups. |||ventas adicionales||||

You just pick the domain you want and you buy it.

And they have over 400 extensions as well,

so you can get your .coms, your .mes, your .cos, |||||.coms||||

which are I think are really good for professional presence,

but they also have lots of fun ones, mas também se divertem muito,

like .limo, .ninja, and .lol. |.limo||| como .limo, .ninja e .lol.

Plus, once you have your domain,

they have some very useful tools eles têm algumas ferramentas muito úteis

for connecting it to other useful web services,

like an email tool, como uma ferramenta de e-mail,

so you can get a professional-looking email, like mine,

which is thomas@collegeinfogeek.com.

Little bit more professional than a Gmail.

And they also have a Connect feature,

which can help you connect your domain to website builders,

like Squarespace and Shopify.

And the best part is if you go over to hover.com/thomasfrank

and buy your domain through that link, e compre seu domínio por meio desse link,

you're gonna get 10% off of your first purchase

and help to support my channel.

Big thanks to Hover as always for sponsoring this video

and thank you as well for watching.

Hopefully you found this video helpful.

And if you have any other tips

for beating the afternoon slump por superar a queda da tarde

or you know how to fit a hard boiled egg into a banana, ou você sabe como colocar um ovo cozido em uma banana,

please share what you know in the comments below

because, well, I really don't know how to do that porque, bem, eu realmente não sei como fazer isso

and also your tips definitely help out other people

who are scrolling down there, que estão rolando lá embaixo,

looking for additional information.

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Or check out a couple of more videos right here and here.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.