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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to USE Productivity Advice (Instead of Just Consuming It)

How to USE Productivity Advice (Instead of Just Consuming It)

- Hey, what is goin' on guys?

So do you ever feel like there's just no point

to reading productivity and self-improvement articles.

I mean, you pull it up, you read it

or scan through it.

You get vaguely motivated for 10 minutes or so,

but after that, it really does nothing to change your life,

and all these articles, even though they purport

to be really, really helpful,

don't actually seem to be helping.

Well, that's what I wanna talk about today.

I wanna talk about how to actually use the productivity tips

and the self-improvement advice that you read.

And to start out, I want to share one of my favorite quotes

in the world, which comes from Derek Sivers

who is a writer and who is also

the guy who founded CDBaby.com

and subsequently sold it for millions of dollars

about 20 years ago.

The quote goes like this, "If more information

"was the answer then we'd all be billionaires

"with perfect abs."

And I think that today this quote

is more poignant than it's ever been,

because we now have unprecedented access to information

and more specifically self-improvement advice.

50 years ago people probably had the odd copy

of How to Win Friends and Influence People

sittin' on their bookshelves,

but now in less than 30 seconds

you can bombard your eyes with more productivity tips

and life hacks than you can handle.

And literally right now someone's probably

publishing another one of those articles

about 47 Habits that will Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever.

And don't forget that number 18

will literally blow your mind.

But again, if you're like most people

you probably scan through that article

and then proceed to do absolutely nothing with it.

I remember a time back in college

when a teacher of mine was lamenting

a very similar problem in one of my classes.

He said, "If I have a hundred students in this room

"probably only 75 are actually going

"to pay attention to what I'm saying.

"And of those 75 people, probably 20 of them

"will remember what I said after the test is over,

"and of that group, maybe one or two

"will actually apply it over the long-term."

The fact of the matter is very few people

actually use the information that they intake.

And the problem is exacerbated on the internet,

because there's just so much of it going around.

There's so much to take in and you can feel

absolutely overwhelmed when you read

these kinds of articles or watch these kinds of videos.

So that begs the question.

How do you make sure that you are among

that group of one or two people

who actually applies the information

and makes meaningful improvements in your life?

Today I wanna share a process

that can help you do that.

So here's how to actually use the productivity tips

that you find on channels like mine

or anywhere else on the internet.

Step number one, find the one problem or goal

that you wanna solve above all others and prioritize it.

As the author Greg McKeown talks about

in his excellent book,

Essentialism, a true priority is singular.

You need to make a decision here,

and note that decision originally

comes from a Latin word meaning, to cut off.

You need to pick one path right now and cut off the others.

Now, note that this isn't a permanent choice.

You can change your priorities later.

And it also doesn't mean that you can't

be working on more than one thing at once.

But to make notably progress quickly,

you wanna know ahead of time, which one is most important.

Otherwise, you're gonna run into that all too common

part of the day where you have very little time

or energy left over, but you still have

to read and meditate,

(person screaming)

and exercise and practice guitar as well.

And then you don't really know which one to cut.

So by setting a priority and by knowing the answer

to that question of which one is most important

beforehand, you're gonna save yourself a lot of time

and a lot of dead ends.

All right, so once you've decided on your priority,

it's now time to go out and try to find resources

or tutorials and guides that can

help you make that goal a reality.

And if you're a beginner it can be a really good idea

to go out and find somebody else's tutorial,

or somebody else's tips and follow them exactly.

But if they don't work,

then you don't wanna reject them outright.

Instead you wanna distill down their basic concepts

and then try to use those concepts in a way

that works for you to adapt them.

So, for example, let's say that I tell you

that I get up every morning really early

and I read for an hour.

And you wanna do the same,

but you have class or work really early in the morning

and you just can't make that work with your sleep schedule.

Well realize that the point here,

is that I'm carving out a specific time in the day

where no one can interrupt me,

where I can actually make that reading happen,

not that I'm doing it in the morning.

So how could you work with your own schedule,

in your own constraints to gain that same benefit?

Maybe instead of in the morning

you read after lunch, or after school.

The specific way that I'm implementing the technique

often isn't the point.

So you look a little bit deeper and find the logic

behind why I'm doing what I'm doing,

and then adapt it your own specific situation.

Case in point, the third step of my process

has a specific prescribed number in it.

Because I think a really great way to build a habit

and to actually put a productivity technique into action

is to do a 30-day challenge around it.

To do this, you wanna find a way to break your goal down

into measurable steps, and then take

at least one of those steps every single day for 30 days.

And while you do this, you also wanna keep track

of your progress on a calendar or habit-tracking app,

or whatever else works for you.

I've had some great results doing challenges like this.

For one, on Instagram last year,

I did a challenge called CIG30DAY,

where I made sure to do some intense exercise

every single day for 30 days and put it on Instagram.

And doing that helped me get back into the habit

of doing intense exercise on a daily basis,

which I'd fallen out of at the time.

And for another example, that actually tweaks

the concept a little bit, a couple of years ago

I gave myself a three-month reading challenge

where everyday for three months

I had to read 25 pages of a nonfiction book.

I could not fail, otherwise,

I'd have to pay my best friend, Martin,

$100.00 and I didn't.

And it also helped me to build

a really strong reading habit going forward.

Now I do wanna give you a couple of tips

for doing this successfully.

First it can be a really good idea

to decide beforehand what part of the day

you're going to practice your habit

or take the steps you decided to take.

When you decide beforehand, when you make a plan,

like I'm gonna do it in the morning,

or I'm gonna do it before bed,

then you often find that your motivation

to do it is a lot higher.

There's a concrete plan up in your head.

Secondly, at least in the beginning,

make your steps small and input based,

meaning that they can be accomplished

with just an input of time or effort

instead of a specific outcome.

So, for example, if your goal is to write a novel,

then a beginning step that's probably gonna be

pretty difficult to accomplish each day

is write an entire chapter.

But something that's definitely doable,

is write 100 words or even 500 words.

That brings us to the fourth step in the process

which is this, don't wait for the perfect time to start.

Instead, just get started now.

Even if there's a constraint, just start now.

Realize that the time at which you get the idea

or the motivation to do something is the time

where you're gonna be the most excited to get started.

So even if you're going on vacation in two days from now

or you have a bunch of homework to do,

if you can carve out the time

to do those beginning steps, then start right now.

Take advantage of that initial motivation

and the novelty factor

that you're experiencing in the moment.

Also, right in the beginning find a way

to keep yourself accountable.

Again you can mark things off on a calendar.

You can use a habit-tracking app

or you can even keep a journal.

And if you need an extra push,

it can be a really good idea to ask somebody

who cares about you, maybe a friend or your parents

or even a teacher, to be an accountability partner,

to at least review your entries

or ask you from time to time how you're doin'.

Finally, have a way to review your progress yourself.

And remember the 30-day challenge

or any similar commitment device isn't the goal in itself.

It's just a device to help you build the habits

and actually make progress,

but there should be a larger overarching goal,

something that you want to eventually achieve.

So at regular intervals, sit down and review your progress.

Ask yourself is doing what I'm doing now,

even if it's been working really well for 30 days,

is it actually getting me any closer to my goal?

If I've been writing 500 words a day,

do these 500 words even matter?

Do I need to shift gears now and actually

start editing what I've written down,

or should I keep forging ahead.

And even if things are going well,

you should still continue to write down

your progress at regular intervals.

Because by doing this, you're going to get a record

of your successes which can help to motivate you

on any particularly difficult days in the future

or on the next time your read a productivity tips article

that makes you wanna switch gears

and go do something entirely different.

And by successfully avoiding that temptation

and keeping your motivation levels high through

these reviews you will continue

to actually make progress on your goals.

So like I mentioned earlier in the video,

one of the methods that I've used to actually spur action

is the 30-day challenge.

Things like my 30-day challenge exercise challenge,

or my reading challenge.

These types of challenges are a great way

to get started on something, to stay motivated

and to see significant progress

in a relatively short amount of time.

And if you wanna learn how to set yourself up

for success with this particular type of challenge

then you might wanna go watch through

Rich Armstrong's course, on Skillshare,

called The Perfect 100 Day Project.

In it he teaches you how to intelligently

pick the right challenge, how to structure it,

and how to give yourself

the best chance of sticking with it the entire time.

Plus, since Rich's course is on Skillshare,

taking it, means you'll also have access

to more than 28,000 other courses, many of which

can help you make progress on your individual goals.

If you're trying to improve your web development skills,

there's a course for that.

If you wanna learn how to make great YouTube videos,

there are courses for that too.

And if you just wanna learn how to get organized

and stay on top of things,

well I made a course for you all about that,

which has already been taken by almost 20,000 people.

A premium membership on Skillshare gets

you unlimited access to an entire library of courses

and it's really affordable as well,

as their annual subscription is less than 10 bucks a month.

And if you would like to give it a try first

you can use the link in the description down below

to get a two-month unlimited trial for free.

Big thanks goes out to Skillshare as always

for sponsoring this video and being

a big supporter of my channel

and thank you for watching as well.

Hopefully this video in particular was helpful.

Hopefully it helps you to cut through all the clutter

and actually start making some progress,

and if you enjoyed it, definitely hit that like button

and get subscribed right there,

so you don't miss out on future videos when they come out.

You can also click right there and get a free copy

of my book on how to earn better grades,

and also join my weekly newsletter or click right over here

to get one more video on this channel.

Last but not least, if you wanna listen

to our latest podcast episode,

you can check that out right over here.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you in the next video.

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How to USE Productivity Advice (Instead of Just Consuming It) Wie man Produktivitätsratschläge BENUTZT (anstatt sie nur zu konsumieren) Cómo UTILIZAR los consejos sobre productividad (en lugar de sólo consumirlos) Comment utiliser les conseils en matière de productivité (au lieu de les consommer) Jak korzystać z porad dotyczących produktywności (zamiast je konsumować)? Como USAR conselhos de produtividade (em vez de os consumir) 如何使用提高生产力的建议(而不是一味吸收) 如何使用提高生产力的建议(而不是一味吸收)

- Hey, what is goin' on guys?

So do you ever feel like there's just no point Você já sentiu que não havia sentido

to reading productivity and self-improvement articles. para ler artigos de produtividade e auto-aperfeiçoamento.

I mean, you pull it up, you read it Quer dizer, você puxa, você lê

or scan through it. ou examine-o.

You get vaguely motivated for 10 minutes or so, Você fica vagamente motivado por 10 minutos ou mais,

but after that, it really does nothing to change your life, mas depois disso, realmente não faz nada para mudar sua vida,

and all these articles, even though they purport |||||||prétendent |||||||見せかける e todos esses artigos, embora pretendam

to be really, really helpful, ser muito, muito útil,

don't actually seem to be helping. realmente não parece estar ajudando.

Well, that's what I wanna talk about today. Bem, é sobre isso que quero falar hoje.

I wanna talk about how to actually use the productivity tips

and the self-improvement advice that you read.

And to start out, I want to share one of my favorite quotes E para começar, quero compartilhar uma das minhas citações favoritas

in the world, which comes from Derek Sivers

who is a writer and who is also

the guy who founded CDBaby.com

and subsequently sold it for millions of dollars

about 20 years ago.

The quote goes like this, "If more information A citação é assim: "Se mais informações

"was the answer then we'd all be billionaires "foi a resposta, então seríamos todos bilionários

"with perfect abs." "com abs perfeito."

And I think that today this quote

is more poignant than it's ever been, é mais comovente do que nunca,

because we now have unprecedented access to information porque agora temos acesso sem precedentes à informação

and more specifically self-improvement advice.

50 years ago people probably had the odd copy 50 anos atrás, as pessoas provavelmente tinham uma cópia ímpar

of How to Win Friends and Influence People de como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas

sittin' on their bookshelves, sentado em suas estantes,

but now in less than 30 seconds mas agora em menos de 30 segundos

you can bombard your eyes with more productivity tips você pode bombardear seus olhos com mais dicas de produtividade

and life hacks than you can handle. e hacks de vida do que você pode lidar.

And literally right now someone's probably E literalmente agora mesmo alguém provavelmente

publishing another one of those articles publicando outro daqueles artigos

about 47 Habits that will Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever. cerca de 47 hábitos que farão de 2019 o seu melhor ano de todos.

And don't forget that number 18 E não se esqueça daquele número 18

will literally blow your mind. literalmente explodirá sua mente.

But again, if you're like most people Mas, novamente, se você for como a maioria das pessoas

you probably scan through that article você provavelmente leu esse artigo

and then proceed to do absolutely nothing with it. e então não faça absolutamente nada com ele.

I remember a time back in college Eu me lembro de uma época na faculdade

when a teacher of mine was lamenting quando um professor meu estava lamentando

a very similar problem in one of my classes. um problema muito semelhante em uma de minhas aulas.

He said, "If I have a hundred students in this room Ele disse: "Se eu tiver cem alunos nesta sala

"probably only 75 are actually going "provavelmente apenas 75 vão realmente

"to pay attention to what I'm saying.

"And of those 75 people, probably 20 of them "E dessas 75 pessoas, provavelmente 20 delas

"will remember what I said after the test is over,

"and of that group, maybe one or two

"will actually apply it over the long-term." "vai realmente aplicá-lo a longo prazo."

The fact of the matter is very few people O fato é que poucas pessoas

actually use the information that they intake. realmente usam as informações que recebem.

And the problem is exacerbated on the internet, E o problema é agravado na internet,

because there's just so much of it going around. porque há muito disso circulando.

There's so much to take in and you can feel Há tanto para assimilar e você pode sentir

absolutely overwhelmed when you read absolutamente sobrecarregado quando você lê

these kinds of articles or watch these kinds of videos. esses tipos de artigos ou assistir a esses tipos de vídeos.

So that begs the question. Então isso levanta a questão.

How do you make sure that you are among Como você se certifica de que está entre

that group of one or two people

who actually applies the information quem realmente aplica a informação

and makes meaningful improvements in your life? e faz melhorias significativas em sua vida?

Today I wanna share a process

that can help you do that.

So here's how to actually use the productivity tips

that you find on channels like mine

or anywhere else on the internet.

Step number one, find the one problem or goal

that you wanna solve above all others and prioritize it. que você quer resolver acima de tudo e priorizar.

As the author Greg McKeown talks about

in his excellent book,

Essentialism, a true priority is singular. O essencialismo, uma verdadeira prioridade é singular.

You need to make a decision here, Você precisa tomar uma decisão aqui,

and note that decision originally e observe essa decisão originalmente

comes from a Latin word meaning, to cut off. vem de uma palavra latina que significa cortar.

You need to pick one path right now and cut off the others. Você precisa escolher um caminho agora e cortar os outros.

Now, note that this isn't a permanent choice. Agora, observe que esta não é uma escolha permanente.

You can change your priorities later.

And it also doesn't mean that you can't

be working on more than one thing at once.

But to make notably progress quickly, Mas para fazer um progresso notável e rápido,

you wanna know ahead of time, which one is most important. você quer saber com antecedência qual é o mais importante.

Otherwise, you're gonna run into that all too common Caso contrário, você vai se deparar com isso muito comum

part of the day where you have very little time parte do dia em que você tem muito pouco tempo

or energy left over, but you still have ou energia que sobrou, mas você ainda tem

to read and meditate, ler e meditar,

(person screaming) (pessoa gritando)

and exercise and practice guitar as well. e exercitar e praticar violão também.

And then you don't really know which one to cut. E então você realmente não sabe qual cortar.

So by setting a priority and by knowing the answer Então, definindo uma prioridade e sabendo a resposta

to that question of which one is most important para aquela questão de qual é o mais importante

beforehand, you're gonna save yourself a lot of time de antemão, você vai economizar muito tempo

and a lot of dead ends. e muitos becos sem saída.

All right, so once you've decided on your priority, Tudo bem, então, uma vez que você decidiu sua prioridade,

it's now time to go out and try to find resources agora é hora de sair e tentar encontrar recursos

or tutorials and guides that can ou tutoriais e guias que podem

help you make that goal a reality. ajudá-lo a tornar essa meta uma realidade.

And if you're a beginner it can be a really good idea E se você é um iniciante, pode ser uma ótima ideia

to go out and find somebody else's tutorial, sair e encontrar o tutorial de outra pessoa,

or somebody else's tips and follow them exactly. ou dicas de outra pessoa e siga-as exatamente.

But if they don't work, Mas se eles não funcionarem,

then you don't wanna reject them outright. então você não vai querer rejeitá-los completamente.

Instead you wanna distill down their basic concepts Em vez disso, você quer destilar seus conceitos básicos

and then try to use those concepts in a way e tente usar esses conceitos de uma forma

that works for you to adapt them. que funciona para você adaptá-los.

So, for example, let's say that I tell you Então, por exemplo, digamos que eu lhe diga

that I get up every morning really early que eu acordo todas as manhãs muito cedo

and I read for an hour. e li por uma hora.

And you wanna do the same, E voce quer fazer o mesmo,

but you have class or work really early in the morning mas você tem aula ou trabalho bem cedo pela manhã

and you just can't make that work with your sleep schedule. e você simplesmente não pode fazer isso funcionar com seu horário de sono.

Well realize that the point here, Bem, perceba que o ponto aqui,

is that I'm carving out a specific time in the day é que estou marcando um horário específico do dia

where no one can interrupt me, onde ninguem pode me interromper,

where I can actually make that reading happen, onde posso realmente fazer essa leitura acontecer,

not that I'm doing it in the morning. não que eu esteja fazendo isso de manhã.

So how could you work with your own schedule, Então, como você poderia trabalhar com sua própria programação,

in your own constraints to gain that same benefit? em suas próprias limitações para obter o mesmo benefício?

Maybe instead of in the morning Talvez em vez de manhã

you read after lunch, or after school. você lê depois do almoço ou depois da escola.

The specific way that I'm implementing the technique A maneira específica como estou implementando a técnica

often isn't the point. freqüentemente não é o ponto.

So you look a little bit deeper and find the logic

behind why I'm doing what I'm doing,

and then adapt it your own specific situation.

Case in point, the third step of my process

has a specific prescribed number in it. tem um número específico prescrito nele.

Because I think a really great way to build a habit Porque acho uma ótima maneira de criar um hábito

and to actually put a productivity technique into action e realmente colocar uma técnica de produtividade em ação

is to do a 30-day challenge around it. é fazer um desafio de 30 dias em torno disso.

To do this, you wanna find a way to break your goal down Para fazer isso, você quer encontrar uma maneira de quebrar seu objetivo

into measurable steps, and then take em etapas mensuráveis e, em seguida, execute

at least one of those steps every single day for 30 days.

And while you do this, you also wanna keep track

of your progress on a calendar or habit-tracking app, do seu progresso em um calendário ou aplicativo de rastreamento de hábitos,

or whatever else works for you. ou qualquer outra coisa que funcione para você.

I've had some great results doing challenges like this.

For one, on Instagram last year, Por um lado, no Instagram ano passado,

I did a challenge called CIG30DAY, Eu fiz um desafio chamado CIG30DAY,

where I made sure to do some intense exercise onde fiz exercícios intensos

every single day for 30 days and put it on Instagram. todos os dias por 30 dias e coloque no Instagram.

And doing that helped me get back into the habit E fazer isso me ajudou a voltar ao hábito

of doing intense exercise on a daily basis, de fazer exercícios intensos diariamente,

which I'd fallen out of at the time. da qual eu caí na época.

And for another example, that actually tweaks

the concept a little bit, a couple of years ago o conceito um pouco, alguns anos atrás

I gave myself a three-month reading challenge Eu me dei um desafio de leitura de três meses

where everyday for three months onde todos os dias por três meses

I had to read 25 pages of a nonfiction book. Tive que ler 25 páginas de um livro de não ficção.

I could not fail, otherwise, Eu não poderia falhar, caso contrário,

I'd have to pay my best friend, Martin, Eu teria que pagar meu melhor amigo, Martin,

$100.00 and I didn't. $ 100,00 e eu não fiz.

And it also helped me to build E também me ajudou a construir

a really strong reading habit going forward. um hábito de leitura muito forte daqui para frente.

Now I do wanna give you a couple of tips

for doing this successfully.

First it can be a really good idea Primeiro pode ser uma ideia muito boa

to decide beforehand what part of the day

you're going to practice your habit

or take the steps you decided to take.

When you decide beforehand, when you make a plan,

like I'm gonna do it in the morning,

or I'm gonna do it before bed,

then you often find that your motivation

to do it is a lot higher. fazer isso é muito maior.

There's a concrete plan up in your head.

Secondly, at least in the beginning,

make your steps small and input based, torne seus passos pequenos e baseados em informações,

meaning that they can be accomplished o que significa que eles podem ser realizados

with just an input of time or effort com apenas uma entrada de tempo ou esforço

instead of a specific outcome. em vez de um resultado específico.

So, for example, if your goal is to write a novel, Então, por exemplo, se seu objetivo é escrever um romance,

then a beginning step that's probably gonna be então uma etapa inicial que provavelmente será

pretty difficult to accomplish each day

is write an entire chapter. é escrever um capítulo inteiro.

But something that's definitely doable, Mas algo que é definitivamente viável,

is write 100 words or even 500 words. é escrever 100 palavras ou até 500 palavras.

That brings us to the fourth step in the process

which is this, don't wait for the perfect time to start.

Instead, just get started now. Em vez disso, basta começar agora.

Even if there's a constraint, just start now. Mesmo que haja uma restrição, comece agora.

Realize that the time at which you get the idea Perceba que o momento em que você teve a ideia

or the motivation to do something is the time ou a motivação para fazer algo é o tempo

where you're gonna be the most excited to get started. onde você ficará mais animado para começar.

So even if you're going on vacation in two days from now Então, mesmo que você vá de férias em dois dias a partir de agora

or you have a bunch of homework to do, ou você tem um monte de lição de casa para fazer,

if you can carve out the time se você pode arranjar tempo

to do those beginning steps, then start right now.

Take advantage of that initial motivation Aproveite essa motivação inicial

and the novelty factor e o fator de novidade

that you're experiencing in the moment. que você está experimentando no momento.

Also, right in the beginning find a way

to keep yourself accountable. para se manter responsável.

Again you can mark things off on a calendar.

You can use a habit-tracking app

or you can even keep a journal. ou você pode até mesmo manter um diário.

And if you need an extra push,

it can be a really good idea to ask somebody

who cares about you, maybe a friend or your parents

or even a teacher, to be an accountability partner, ou mesmo um professor, para ser um parceiro de responsabilidade,

to at least review your entries para pelo menos revisar suas entradas

or ask you from time to time how you're doin'. ou pergunte de vez em quando como você está.

Finally, have a way to review your progress yourself.

And remember the 30-day challenge E lembre-se do desafio de 30 dias

or any similar commitment device isn't the goal in itself. ou qualquer dispositivo de compromisso semelhante não é o objetivo em si.

It's just a device to help you build the habits

and actually make progress,

but there should be a larger overarching goal, mas deve haver um objetivo abrangente mais amplo,

something that you want to eventually achieve.

So at regular intervals, sit down and review your progress.

Ask yourself is doing what I'm doing now, Pergunte a si mesmo se está fazendo o que estou fazendo agora,

even if it's been working really well for 30 days, mesmo que esteja funcionando muito bem por 30 dias,

is it actually getting me any closer to my goal? isso está realmente me deixando mais perto do meu objetivo?

If I've been writing 500 words a day, Se tenho escrito 500 palavras por dia,

do these 500 words even matter? essas 500 palavras importam?

Do I need to shift gears now and actually

start editing what I've written down, comece a editar o que escrevi,

or should I keep forging ahead. ou devo seguir em frente.

And even if things are going well,

you should still continue to write down

your progress at regular intervals.

Because by doing this, you're going to get a record Porque ao fazer isso, você obterá um recorde

of your successes which can help to motivate you de seus sucessos que podem ajudar a motivá-lo

on any particularly difficult days in the future em qualquer dia particularmente difícil no futuro

or on the next time your read a productivity tips article

that makes you wanna switch gears isso faz você querer mudar de marcha

and go do something entirely different. e vá fazer algo totalmente diferente.

And by successfully avoiding that temptation E evitando com sucesso essa tentação

and keeping your motivation levels high through e manter seus níveis de motivação altos durante

these reviews you will continue esses comentários você vai continuar

to actually make progress on your goals. para realmente progredir em seus objetivos.

So like I mentioned earlier in the video,

one of the methods that I've used to actually spur action um dos métodos que usei para realmente estimular a ação

is the 30-day challenge.

Things like my 30-day challenge exercise challenge,

or my reading challenge. ou meu desafio de leitura.

These types of challenges are a great way Esses tipos de desafios são uma ótima maneira

to get started on something, to stay motivated

and to see significant progress e para ver um progresso significativo

in a relatively short amount of time. em um período de tempo relativamente curto.

And if you wanna learn how to set yourself up E se você quer aprender como se configurar

for success with this particular type of challenge para ter sucesso com este tipo particular de desafio

then you might wanna go watch through então você pode querer assistir

Rich Armstrong's course, on Skillshare, O curso de Rich Armstrong, no Skillshare,

called The Perfect 100 Day Project.

In it he teaches you how to intelligently Nele, ele ensina como inteligentemente

pick the right challenge, how to structure it, escolha o desafio certo, como estruturá-lo,

and how to give yourself e como se dar

the best chance of sticking with it the entire time.

Plus, since Rich's course is on Skillshare,

taking it, means you'll also have access pegá-lo significa que você também terá acesso

to more than 28,000 other courses, many of which

can help you make progress on your individual goals.

If you're trying to improve your web development skills, Se você está tentando melhorar suas habilidades de desenvolvimento web,

there's a course for that.

If you wanna learn how to make great YouTube videos,

there are courses for that too.

And if you just wanna learn how to get organized

and stay on top of things, e fique por dentro de tudo,

well I made a course for you all about that, bem eu fiz um curso pra vocês sobre isso,

which has already been taken by almost 20,000 people. que já foi levado por quase 20.000 pessoas.

A premium membership on Skillshare gets

you unlimited access to an entire library of courses você acesso ilimitado a uma biblioteca inteira de cursos

and it's really affordable as well,

as their annual subscription is less than 10 bucks a month. como sua assinatura anual é inferior a 10 dólares por mês.

And if you would like to give it a try first E se você quiser tentar primeiro

you can use the link in the description down below

to get a two-month unlimited trial for free.

Big thanks goes out to Skillshare as always

for sponsoring this video and being

a big supporter of my channel

and thank you for watching as well.

Hopefully this video in particular was helpful.

Hopefully it helps you to cut through all the clutter Espero que ajude você a eliminar toda a desordem

and actually start making some progress, e realmente começar a fazer algum progresso,

and if you enjoyed it, definitely hit that like button

and get subscribed right there,

so you don't miss out on future videos when they come out. para que você não perca os próximos vídeos quando eles forem lançados.

You can also click right there and get a free copy

of my book on how to earn better grades,

and also join my weekly newsletter or click right over here

to get one more video on this channel.

Last but not least, if you wanna listen

to our latest podcast episode,

you can check that out right over here.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you in the next video.