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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1


SEWARD'S DIARY--cont. It was just a quarter before twelve o'clock when we got into the churchyard over the low wall.

The night was dark with occasional gleams of moonlight between the dents of the heavy clouds that scudded across the sky. We all kept somehow close together, with Van Helsing slightly in front as he led the way. When we had come close to the tomb I looked well at Arthur, for I feared the proximity to a place laden with so sorrowful a memory would upset him, but he bore himself well. I took it that the very mystery of the proceeding was in some way a counteractant to his grief. The Professor unlocked the door, and seeing a natural hesitation amongst us for various reasons, solved the difficulty by entering first himself. The rest of us followed, and he closed the door. He then lit a dark lantern and pointed to a coffin. Arthur stepped forward hesitatingly. Van Helsing said to me, "You were with me here yesterday. Was the body of Miss Lucy in that coffin? "It was.

The Professor turned to the rest saying, "You hear, and yet there is no one who does not believe with me.

He took his screwdriver and again took off the lid of the coffin.

Arthur looked on, very pale but silent. When the lid was removed he stepped forward. He evidently did not know that there was a leaden coffin, or at any rate, had not thought of it. When he saw the rent in the lead, the blood rushed to his face for an instant, but as quickly fell away again, so that he remained of a ghastly whiteness. He was still silent. Van Helsing forced back the leaden flange, and we all looked in and recoiled. The coffin was empty!

For several minutes no one spoke a word.

The silence was broken by Quincey Morris, "Professor, I answered for you. Your word is all I want. I wouldn't ask such a thing ordinarily, I wouldn't so dishonour you as to imply a doubt, but this is a mystery that goes beyond any honour or dishonour. Is this your doing?

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CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1 KAPITEL 16 - Das Tagebuch von Dr. Seward, Teil 1 CAPÍTULO 16 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 1 CAPITOLO 16 - Il diario del dottor Seward, parte 1 ГЛАВА 16 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 1


SEWARD’S DIARY--cont. It was just a quarter before twelve o’clock when we got into the churchyard over the low wall. Faltava um quarto para a meia-noite quando entrámos no adro da igreja, por cima do muro baixo.

The night was dark with occasional gleams of moonlight between the dents of the heavy clouds that scudded across the sky. ||||||glänzt|||||Dellen||||||über den Himmel||| |||||||||||||||||moved swiftly||| A noite estava escura, com ocasionais lampejos de luar por entre as mossas das nuvens pesadas que se espalhavam pelo céu. Gece karanlıktı, arada sırada gökyüzüne yayılan ağır bulutların ezikleri arasında ay ışığı parıldıyordu. We all kept somehow close together, with Van Helsing slightly in front as he led the way. Mantivemo-nos todos juntos, com Van Helsing um pouco à frente, à frente do caminho. When we had come close to the tomb I looked well at Arthur, for I feared the proximity to a place laden with so sorrowful a memory would upset him, but he bore himself well. ||||||||||||||||||||||||traurig|||||||||| Quando nos aproximámos do túmulo, olhei bem para Artur, pois receava que a proximidade de um local carregado de tão triste memória o perturbasse, mas ele aguentou-se bem. I took it that the very mystery of the proceeding was in some way a counteractant to his grief. |||||||||||||||Gegengewicht||| |||||||||||||||antidote to grief||| Deduzi que o próprio mistério do processo era, de alguma forma, um contra-ataque à sua dor. The Professor unlocked the door, and seeing a natural hesitation amongst us for various reasons, solved the difficulty by entering first himself. O Professor destrancou a porta e, vendo uma hesitação natural entre nós por várias razões, resolveu a dificuldade entrando primeiro ele próprio. The rest of us followed, and he closed the door. Os restantes seguiram-nos e ele fechou a porta. He then lit a dark lantern and pointed to a coffin. Depois acendeu uma lanterna escura e apontou para um caixão. Arthur stepped forward hesitatingly. |||zögernd Artur deu um passo em frente, hesitante. Van Helsing said to me, "You were with me here yesterday. Van Helsing disse-me: "Estiveste comigo aqui ontem. Was the body of Miss Lucy in that coffin? O corpo de Miss Lucy estava naquele caixão? "It was. "Era.

The Professor turned to the rest saying, "You hear, and yet there is no one who does not believe with me. O Professor voltou-se para os outros e disse: "Estais a ouvir, mas não há ninguém que não acredite comigo. Profesör geri kalanına döndü, "Duyuyorsun, ama bana inanmayan kimse yok.

He took his screwdriver and again took off the lid of the coffin. |||Schraubenzieher||||||||| Pegou na chave de fendas e voltou a tirar a tampa do caixão.

Arthur looked on, very pale but silent. Artur ficou a olhar, muito pálido, mas em silêncio. When the lid was removed he stepped forward. Quando a tampa foi retirada, deu um passo em frente. He evidently did not know that there was a leaden coffin, or at any rate, had not thought of it. É evidente que ele não sabia que havia um caixão de chumbo ou, pelo menos, não tinha pensado nisso. When he saw the rent in the lead, the blood rushed to his face for an instant, but as quickly fell away again, so that he remained of a ghastly whiteness. ||||Riss|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||tear|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Quando viu o rasgão no chumbo, o sangue subiu-lhe ao rosto por um instante, mas rapidamente se desfez, de modo que ficou com uma brancura medonha. He was still silent. Ele continuava em silêncio. Van Helsing forced back the leaden flange, and we all looked in and recoiled. Van Helsing forçou a aba de chumbo para trás e todos nós olhámos para dentro e recuámos. The coffin was empty! O caixão estava vazio!

For several minutes no one spoke a word. Durante vários minutos, ninguém disse uma palavra.

The silence was broken by Quincey Morris, "Professor, I answered for you. O silêncio foi quebrado por Quincey Morris: "Professor, eu respondi por si. Your word is all I want. A tua palavra é tudo o que eu quero. I wouldn’t ask such a thing ordinarily, I wouldn’t so dishonour you as to imply a doubt, but this is a mystery that goes beyond any honour or dishonour. ||||||gewöhnlich|||||||||||||||||||||| Normalmente, não perguntaria tal coisa, não o desonraria a ponto de insinuar uma dúvida, mas este é um mistério que ultrapassa qualquer honra ou desonra. Is this your doing? Isto é obra tua?