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The Princess and the Goblin, CHAPTER 18, part 2

CHAPTER 18, part 2

Below sat a little group of goblins around a fire, the smoke of which vanished in the darkness far aloft. The sides of the cave were full of shining minerals like those of the palace hall; and the company was evidently of a superior order, for every one wore stones about head, or arms, or waist, shining dull gorgeous colours in the light of the fire. Nor had Curdie looked long before he recognized the king himself, and found that he had made his way into the inner apartment of the royal family. He had never had such a good chance of hearing something. He crept through the hole as softly as he could, scrambled a good way down the wall towards them without attracting attention, and then sat down and listened. The king, evidently the queen, and probably the crown prince and the Prime Minister were talking together. He was sure of the queen by her shoes, for as she warmed her feet at the fire, he saw them quite plainly.

'That will be fun!' said the one he took for the crown prince. It was the first whole sentence he heard.

'I don't see why you should think it such a grand affair!' said his stepmother, tossing her head backward.

'You must remember, my spouse,' interposed His Majesty, as if making excuse for his son, 'he has got the same blood in him. His mother--' 'Don't talk to me of his mother! You positively encourage his unnatural fancies. Whatever belongs to that mother ought to be cut out of him.' 'You forget yourself, my dear!' said the king.

'I don't,' said the queen, 'nor you either. If you expect me to approve of such coarse tastes, you will find yourself mistaken. I don't wear shoes for nothing.' 'You must acknowledge, however,' the king said, with a little groan, 'that this at least is no whim of Harelip's, but a matter of State policy. You are well aware that his gratification comes purely from the pleasure of sacrificing himself to the public good.

Does it not, Harelip?' 'Yes, father; of course it does. Only it will be nice to make her cry.

I'll have the skin taken off between her toes, and tie them up till they grow together. Then her feet will be like other people's, and there will be no occasion for her to wear shoes.' 'Do you mean to insinuate I've got toes, you unnatural wretch?' cried the queen; and she moved angrily towards Harelip. The councillor, however, who was betwixt them, leaned forward so as to prevent her touching him, but only as if to address the prince.

'Your Royal Highness,' he said, 'possibly requires to be reminded that you have got three toes yourself--one on one foot, two on the other.' 'Ha! ha! ha!' shouted the queen triumphantly.

The councillor, encouraged by this mark of favour, went on.

'It seems to me, Your Royal Highness, it would greatly endear you to your future people, proving to them that you are not the less one of themselves that you had the misfortune to be born of a sun-mother, if you were to command upon yourself the comparatively slight operation which, in a more extended form, you so wisely meditate with regard to your future princess.' 'Ha! ha! ha!' laughed the queen louder than before, and the king and the minister joined in the laugh. Harelip growled, and for a few moments the others continued to express their enjoyment of his discomfiture.

CHAPTER 18, part 2

Below sat a little group of goblins around a fire, the smoke of which vanished in the darkness far aloft. The sides of the cave were full of shining minerals like those of the palace hall; and the company was evidently of a superior order, for every one wore stones about head, or arms, or waist, shining dull gorgeous colours in the light of the fire. Nor had Curdie looked long before he recognized the king himself, and found that he had made his way into the inner apartment of the royal family. He had never had such a good chance of hearing something. He crept through the hole as softly as he could, scrambled a good way down the wall towards them without attracting attention, and then sat down and listened. The king, evidently the queen, and probably the crown prince and the Prime Minister were talking together. He was sure of the queen by her shoes, for as she warmed her feet at the fire, he saw them quite plainly. Он был уверен в королеве по ее туфлям, потому что, когда она грела ноги у огня, он видел их совершенно ясно.

'That will be fun!' said the one he took for the crown prince. It was the first whole sentence he heard.

'I don't see why you should think it such a grand affair!' — Не понимаю, почему вы считаете это таким грандиозным делом! said his stepmother, tossing her head backward.

'You must remember, my spouse,' interposed His Majesty, as if making excuse for his son, 'he has got the same blood in him. His mother--' 'Don't talk to me of his mother! You positively encourage his unnatural fancies. Вы положительно поощряете его неестественные фантазии. Whatever belongs to that mother ought to be cut out of him.' Все, что принадлежит этой матери, должно быть отрезано от него. 'You forget yourself, my dear!' said the king.

'I don't,' said the queen, 'nor you either. If you expect me to approve of such coarse tastes, you will find yourself mistaken. I don't wear shoes for nothing.' Я не ношу туфли ни за что. 'You must acknowledge, however,' the king said, with a little groan, 'that this at least is no whim of Harelip's, but a matter of State policy. — Однако вы должны признать, — сказал король с легким стоном, — что это, по крайней мере, не прихоть Заячьей Губы, а вопрос государственной политики. You are well aware that his gratification comes purely from  the pleasure of sacrificing himself to the public good.

Does it not, Harelip?' 'Yes, father; of course it does. Only it will be nice to make her cry.

I'll have the skin taken off between her toes, and tie them up till they grow together. Then her feet will be like other people's, and there will be no occasion for her to wear shoes.' 'Do you mean to insinuate I've got toes, you unnatural wretch?' — Ты хочешь намекнуть, что у меня есть пальцы на ногах, ты, негодяй? cried the queen; and she moved angrily towards Harelip. The councillor, however, who was betwixt them, leaned forward so as to prevent her touching him, but only as if to address the prince. Советник же, стоявший между ними, наклонился вперед, чтобы она не прикоснулась к нему, но только как бы обращаясь к князю.

'Your Royal Highness,' he said, 'possibly requires to be reminded that you have got three toes yourself--one on one foot, two on the other.' «Ваше Королевское Высочество, — сказал он, — возможно, требует, чтобы вам напомнили, что у вас самого три пальца на ногах — один на одной ноге, два на другой». 'Ha! ha! ha!' shouted the queen triumphantly.

The councillor, encouraged by this mark of favour, went on.

'It seems to me, Your Royal Highness, it would greatly endear you to your future people, proving to them that you are not the less one of themselves that you had the misfortune to be born of a sun-mother, if you were to command upon yourself the comparatively slight operation which, in a more extended form, you so wisely meditate with regard to your future princess.' «Мне кажется, Ваше Королевское Высочество, что вы бы очень расположили к себе ваш будущий народ, доказав им, что вы не менее едины с ними, чем вы имели несчастье родиться от матери-солнца, если бы вы прикажите себе сравнительно легкую операцию, которую, в более расширенной форме, вы так мудро обдумываете в отношении вашей будущей принцессы. 'Ha! ha! ha!' laughed the queen louder than before, and the king and the minister joined in the laugh. Harelip growled, and for a few moments the others continued to express their enjoyment of his  discomfiture.