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Society and people, Her Wedding

Her Wedding

Chris: Hey, Linds. Lindsay: Hi, Chris. How are you? Chris: Pretty good. Hey, I heard you're getting married? Lindsay: I am. I got engaged in July and I'm getting married next September. Chris: Wow. That's quite a long time between getting engaged and getting married. Lindsay: It is but in America you usually have an engagement for one year. Chris: Why is that? Lindsay: I don't know, but now it's very regular to have a long engagement so if I don't have a long engagement, it seems like it's a rushed wedding . Chris: So, what do you have to do between now and next September? What do you have to prepare? Lindsay: Well, I hired the band. Chris: Already? Lindsay: Yes. They're a funk band. Chris: Brilliant. Lindsay: They play the Beatles and Earth, Wind & Fire. Chris: Together? Lindsay: Maybe not together, but I've hired a band and they're great and I've also hired the florist, and I've hired the caterer so we have the food and everything sorted and I have picked the location. Chris: Well, how long did it take you to decide all that? It seems like you've done a lot of preparation already. Lindsay: It took me about two months to get everything done. I saw about five different bands and six different florists and I looked at about seven different places. Chris: Did the bands actually come to your house? Kind of set up in your living room and play or what? Lindsay: No, I would look at the video. Each band had a video, so I previewed by looking at their video, but it was important for me to have a band that was very lively and that had an MC , so someone could be in charge of the wedding to say the announcements. Chris: OK. Well, that sounds good. Lindsay: Yeah. Chris: And so, are you doing all the preparation or is your fiance helping out? Lindsay: He's pretty much doing nothing so I'm doing everything, so the thing last that we really need to figure out is the guest list and then what will the ceremony be like. Chris: OK. So I suppose he's paying for everything, right? That's his job? Lindsay: No, actually, I'm very fortunate in the fact that my parents are paying for most of it, and my finance's parents are paying for some of it as well, so... and I think we're going to have about a hundred people so it should be maybe kind of expensive, but... Chris: Oh, that's pretty big. Lindsay: Yeah, but I'm gonna get a lot of presents so I'm very excited.

Her Wedding Ihre Hochzeit Seu casamento

Chris: Hey, Linds. Chris: Ei, Linds. Lindsay: Hi, Chris. How are you? Chris: Pretty good. Hey, I heard you’re getting married? Lindsay: I am. I got engaged in July and I’m getting married next September. Fiquei noivo em julho e vou me casar em setembro. Chris: Wow. That’s quite a long time between getting engaged and getting married. Das ist eine ziemlich lange Zeit zwischen Verlobung und Heirat. É muito tempo entre o noivado e o casamento. Lindsay: It is but in America you usually have an engagement for one year. Chris: Why is that? Lindsay: I don’t know, but now it’s very regular to have a long engagement so if I don’t have a long engagement, it seems like it’s a rushed wedding . Chris: So, what do you have to do between now and next September? What do you have to prepare? Lindsay: Well, I hired the band. Lindsay: Bem, eu contratei a banda. Chris: Already? Lindsay: Yes. They’re a funk band. Eles são uma banda de funk. Chris: Brilliant. Lindsay: They play the Beatles and Earth, Wind & Fire. Chris: Together? Lindsay: Maybe not together, but I’ve hired a band and they’re great and I’ve also hired the florist, and I’ve hired the caterer so we have the food and everything sorted and I have picked the location. Lindsay: Talvez não juntos, mas eu contratei uma banda e eles são ótimos e também contratei a florista, e contratei o bufê para que tenhamos a comida e tudo organizado e eu escolhi o local. Chris: Well, how long did it take you to decide all that? It seems like you’ve done a lot of preparation already. Lindsay: It took me about two months to get everything done. I saw about five different bands and six different florists and I looked at about seven different places. Chris: Did the bands actually come to your house? Kind of set up in your living room and play or what? Tipo de configurar em sua sala de estar e jogar ou o quê? Lindsay: No, I would look at the video. Lindsay: Não, eu iria ver o vídeo. Each band had a video, so I previewed by looking at their video, but it was important for me to have a band that was very lively and that had an MC , so someone could be in charge of the wedding to say the announcements. Jede Band hatte ein Video, also schaute ich mir das Video an, aber es war mir wichtig, eine Band zu haben, die sehr lebendig war und die einen Moderator hatte, damit jemand die Hochzeit leiten und die Ansagen machen konnte. Cada banda tinha um vídeo, então eu visualizava olhando o vídeo deles, mas era importante para mim ter uma banda que fosse muito animada e que tivesse um MC, para que alguém pudesse se encarregar do casamento para dizer os anúncios. Chris: OK. Well, that sounds good. Lindsay: Yeah. Chris: And so, are you doing all the preparation or is your fiance helping out? Chris: E então, você está fazendo toda a preparação ou seu noivo está ajudando? Lindsay: He’s pretty much doing nothing so I’m doing everything, so the thing last that we really need to figure out is the guest list and then what will the ceremony be like. Lindsay: Je to skoro nic, takže dělám všechno, takže poslední věc, kterou musíme opravdu zjistit, je seznam hostů a pak to, co bude obřad. Lindsay: Ele não está fazendo nada, então eu estou fazendo tudo, então a última coisa que realmente precisamos descobrir é a lista de convidados e como será a cerimônia. Chris: OK. So I suppose he’s paying for everything, right? That’s his job? Lindsay: No, actually, I’m very fortunate in the fact that my parents are paying for most of it, and my finance’s parents are paying for some of it as well, so... and I think we’re going to have about a hundred people so it should be maybe kind of expensive, but... Lindsay: Não, na verdade, eu tenho muita sorte pelo fato de meus pais estarem pagando a maior parte disso, e os pais do meu financeiro também, então... e eu acho que nós vamos ter cerca de cem pessoas, então deve ser um pouco caro, mas... Chris: Oh, that’s pretty big. Lindsay: Yeah, but I’m gonna get a lot of presents so I’m very excited.