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Society and people, The Gift

The Gift

Todd: John, can you talk a little bit about the frog that you got for your Valentine's day gift. John: Sure, yeah, my wife gave me this Pac Man frog for Valentine's day, and basically it was this enormous, stinky frog that would only eat baby mice, so you had to like feed it like a little tiny cute baby mouse like every week and then it would just like leave this big mess, this stinky mess, and you'd have to clean it up and at the time I had just gotten rid of an iguana, and like I didn't want any pets and that was the gift my wife gave me so! Todd: Oh, man, well, how long did you have it? John: I think I kept it for about six month. Maybe even a year. Todd: That's a long time. John: Yeah. Well see, I kept it until she moved in with me and then when she moved in with me, she said, "Wow, that thing really stinks!" We should get rid of it." So we took it back to the pet store and just gave it back to them. Todd: Oh, so you took it back to the pet store. They took it. John: Yeah, they took it. I looked around for someone to like give it to, and everyone was like, "No, that thing is disgusting. No one wanted it and I asked the pet store would they like pay for it, and they were like "No, no, you bought it" so I was just like, "Here, OK, have it back" and they were "Fine, we'll sell it again" Todd: OK, do you ever know what happened to the frog? John: No, maybe, I went back to that pet store like a year after I gave it back to them and it was still there and it was like twice the size, so I don't know if they ever got rid of it or not. Todd: Great story.

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The Gift El regalo Le cadeau O presente Подарок Дар. 礼物

Todd: John, can you talk a little bit about the frog that you got for your Valentine’s day gift. ||||||||şu hakkında||kurbağa|||||||| Todd: John, kun je wat vertellen over de kikker die je kreeg voor je Valentijnsdaggeschenk. Todd: John, você pode falar um pouco sobre o sapo que você ganhou de presente de Dia dos Namorados. John: Sure, yeah, my wife gave me this Pac Man frog for Valentine’s day, and basically it was this enormous, stinky frog that would only eat baby mice, so you had to like feed it like a little tiny cute baby mouse like every week and then it would just like leave this big mess, this stinky mess, and you’d have to clean it up and at the time I had just gotten rid of an iguana, and like I didn’t want any pets and that was the gift my wife gave me so! |||||||||||||||||||énorme||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tu devrais|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||Pac(1) Adam|||||||temelde||||kocaman|kötü kokulu||||||||||||||||||küçük|sevimli|||||||||||||||dağınıklık||kötü kokulu|dağınıklık||||||||||||||||kurtulmuşt||||||||||evcil hayvanlar|||||||||| John: Klar, ja, meine Frau hat mir zum Valentinstag diesen Pac-Man-Frosch geschenkt, und im Grunde war es ein riesiger, stinkender Frosch, der nur Babymäuse frisst, also musste man ihn jede Woche mit einer kleinen, süßen Babymaus füttern, und dann hinterließ er eine riesige, stinkende Sauerei, die man aufräumen musste, und zu der Zeit hatte ich gerade einen Leguan losgeworden, und ich wollte keine Haustiere, und das war das Geschenk, das meine Frau mir machte! John: Natuurlijk, ja, mijn vrouw gaf me deze Pac Man-kikker voor Valentijnsdag, en eigenlijk was het deze enorme, stinkende kikker die alleen baby-muizen at, dus je moest hem als een kleine schattige baby-muis voeden zoals elke week en dan zou het net deze grote puinhoop achterlaten, deze stinkende puinhoop, en je zou het moeten opruimen en in die tijd was ik net ontdaan van een leguaan en wilde ik geen huisdieren en dat was het geschenk dat mijn vrouw me zo gaf! John: Claro, sim, minha esposa me deu essa rã Pac Man no Dia dos Namorados, e basicamente era uma enorme rã fedorenta que só comia ratos bebês, então você tinha que alimentá-la como se fosse um pequeno ratinho fofo toda semana e depois ela simplesmente fazia uma bagunça, uma bagunça fedorenta, e você tinha que limpar e na época eu tinha acabado de me livrar de um iguana e não queria mais nenhum animal de estimação e esse foi o presente que minha esposa me deu! John: Tabii, evet, karım bana Sevgililer Günü için bu Pac Man kurbağasını vermişti ve aslında sadece yavru fareleri yiyen devasa, kokuşmuş bir kurbağaydı, bu yüzden onu her hafta küçük sevimli bir yavru fare gibi beslemeniz gerekiyordu ve sonra bu büyük pisliği, bu kokuşmuş pisliği bırakıyordu ve onu temizlemeniz gerekiyordu ve o zamanlar bir iguanadan yeni kurtulmuştum ve evcil hayvan istemiyordum ve karımın bana verdiği hediye buydu! Джон: Звичайно, так, моя дружина подарувала мені жабу Пакмена на День святого Валентина, і це була величезна смердюча жаба, яка їла тільки маленьких мишенят, тож її треба було годувати, як маленьку крихітну мишку, приблизно щотижня, а потім вона залишала великий безлад, смердючий безлад, і вам доводилося прибирати його, а на той час я щойно позбувся ігуани, і я не хотів ніяких домашніх тварин, і це був подарунок, який зробила мені моя дружина! Todd: Oh, man, well, how long did you have it? Todd: Ah, cara, bom, quanto tempo você teve ela? John: I think I kept it for about six month. |||||||||ay John: Ik denk dat ik het ongeveer zes maanden heb bewaard. John: Acho que fiquei com ela por cerca de seis meses. Maybe even a year. Talvez até um ano. Todd: That’s a long time. Todd: Isso é muito tempo. John: Yeah. John: Sim. Well see, I kept it until she moved in with me and then when she moved in with me, she said, "Wow, that thing really stinks!" şey işte|||||||||||||||||||||||||kötü kokuyor Ich behielt es, bis sie bei mir einzog, und als sie dann bei mir einzog, sagte sie: "Wow, das Ding stinkt wirklich!" Goed, ik heb het bewaard tot ze bij mij in de buurt was en toen ze bij mij in huis kwam, zei ze: "Wow, dat ding stinkt echt!" Bem, veja, eu a mantive até ela se mudar para morar comigo e então, quando ela se mudou para morar comigo, ela disse: "Nossa, aquilo realmente fede!" We should get rid of it." Devíamos nos livrar dela." So we took it back to the pet store and just gave it back to them. Então nós a levamos de volta para a loja de animais e simplesmente a devolvemos a eles. Todd: Oh, so you took it back to the pet store. They took it. John: Yeah, they took it. Джон: Так, вони взяли його. I looked around for someone to like give it to, and everyone was like, "No, that thing is disgusting. ||||||||||||||||||iğrenç Ik keek rond naar iemand die het leuk vond om het te geven, en iedereen zei: "Nee, dat ding is walgelijk. Eu procurei alguém para dar e todos estavam tipo, "Não, essa coisa é nojenta. Я озирнулася, щоб знайти когось, кому можна було б його подарувати, але всі казали: "Ні, ця штука огидна. No one wanted it and I asked the pet store would they like pay for it, and they were like "No, no, you bought it" so I was just like, "Here, OK, have it back" and they were "Fine, we’ll sell it again" Niemand wollte es haben, und ich fragte die Zoohandlung, ob sie es bezahlen wollten, und sie sagten: "Nein, nein, Sie haben es gekauft", also sagte ich: "Hier, OK, nehmen Sie es zurück", und sie sagten: "Gut, wir verkaufen es wieder". Niemand wilde het en ik vroeg de dierenwinkel of ze het leuk vonden om te betalen, en ze zeiden: "Nee, nee, je kocht het" dus ik dacht: "Hier, goed, heb het terug" en ze waren "Fijn , we zullen het opnieuw verkopen " Ninguém queria e eu perguntei à loja de animais se eles pagariam por isso, e eles disseram "Não, não, você comprou" então eu simplesmente disse, "Aqui, Ok, fique com ela" e eles responderam "Tudo bem, vamos vendê-la novamente" Kimse istemedi ve evcil hayvan dükkanına parasını ödemek isteyip istemediklerini sordum ve "Hayır, hayır, siz satın aldınız" dediler, ben de "İşte, tamam, geri alın" dedim ve onlar da "İyi, tekrar satarız" dediler. Ніхто не хотів його купувати, і я запитав у зоомагазині, чи не хочуть вони заплатити за нього, а вони такі: "Ні, ні, ви його купили", тож я просто сказав: "Ось, добре, забирайте його назад", а вони: "Добре, ми продамо його знову". Todd: OK, do you ever know what happened to the frog? Todd: OK, weet je ooit wat er met de kikker is gebeurd? Todd: OK, você já soube o que aconteceu com o sapo? John: No, maybe, I went back to that pet store like a year after I gave it back to them and it was still there and it was like twice the size, so I don’t know if they ever got rid of it or not. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ondan kurtuldular|||| John: Nee, misschien ging ik terug naar die dierenwinkel zoals een jaar nadat ik het aan hen had gegeven en het was er nog steeds en het was twee keer zo groot, dus ik weet niet of ze er ooit vanaf zijn gekomen of niet. John: Não, talvez, eu voltei para aquela loja de animais de estimação cerca de um ano depois de devolvê-lo a eles e ele ainda estava lá e estava como o dobro do tamanho, então eu não sei se eles se livraram dele ou não. Джон: Ні, можливо, я повернувся до зоомагазину десь через рік після того, як віддав його їм, і він все ще був там, і був удвічі більшим, тож я не знаю, чи вони його позбулися, чи ні. Todd: Great story. Todd: Ótima história.