(Spotlight4731)Managing Anger 29 August, 2011
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(Spotlight4731)Gestionar la ira 29 agosto, 2011
(Spotlight4731)Gérer la colère 29 août, 2011
(Spotlight4731)Gestire la rabbia 29 agosto, 2011
(スポットライト4731)怒りのコントロール 2011年8月29日
(스포트라이트4731)분노 관리하기 2011년 8월 29일
(Spotlight4731)Zarządzanie gniewem 29 sierpnia, 2011
(Spotlight4731)Gerenciando a raiva 29 de agosto de 2011
(Spotlight4731)Управление гневом 29 августа, 2011
(Spotlight4731)Öfkeyi Yönetmek 29 Ağustos, 2011
(Spotlight4731) Керування гнівом 29 серпня, 2011
(Spotlight4731)管理愤怒 2011 年 8 月 29 日
(Spotlight4731)管理憤怒 2011 年 8 月 29 日
Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight.
I’m Liz Waid.
Voice 2
And I’m Joshua Leo.
Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting.
It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Lidé ji snáze pochopí, ať už žijí kdekoli na světě.
Voice 1
Every person feels angry at some time.
Každý člověk se někdy cítí naštvaný.
But they may not know how to deal with it.
Možná ale nevědí, jak se s tím vypořádat.
Today’s Spotlight is on managing your anger.
Dnešní článek je zaměřen na zvládání hněvu.
With the right tools, every person can deal with the feeling of anger.
Se správnými nástroji se může každý člověk vypořádat s pocitem hněvu.
Doğru araçlarla her insan öfke duygusuyla başa çıkabilir.
Voice 2
Bruce Banner was a scientist who worked with dangerous chemicals and radiation.
Bruce Banner byl vědec, který pracoval s nebezpečnými chemikáliemi a radiací.
One day one of his experiments went terribly wrong!
Jednoho dne se jeden z jeho pokusů strašlivě zvrtl!
ある日、彼の実験の 1 つがひどく失敗しました。
Bir gün deneylerinden biri korkunç bir şekilde ters gitti!
A nuclear bomb exploded and radiation flooded the area.
Vybuchla jaderná bomba a oblast zaplavila radiace.
Bir nükleer bomba patladı ve bölgeyi radyasyon bastı.
But Bruce did not die.
Bruce však nezemřel.
Instead he began to have super-human powers!
Místo toho začal mít nadlidské schopnosti!
Bunun yerine süper insan güçlerine sahip olmaya başladı!
He could do things that no other person could do.
Dokázal věci, které nikdo jiný nedokázal.
Başka hiç kimsenin yapamayacağı şeyleri yapabiliyordu.
Voice 1
Hlas 1
On a normal day Bruce looked and acted just like any other person.
|||||||se comportait|||||
V běžný den Bruce vypadal a choval se jako každý jiný člověk.
But when he became angry, Bruce changed.
Když se však Bruce rozzlobil, změnil se.
He became a frightening creature called “The Hulk.” The Hulk had green skin.
Stal se z něj děsivý tvor zvaný "Hulk". Hulk měl zelenou kůži.
"Hulk" adında korkutucu bir yaratığa dönüştü. Hulk'un yeşil bir derisi vardı.
He was over two meters tall.
Byl vysoký přes dva metry.
And he weighed over 475 kilograms.
A vážil přes 475 kilogramů.
When Bruce turned into the Hulk, his anger ruled over him.
Když se Bruce proměnil v Hulka, ovládl ho vztek.
Bruce Hulk'a dönüştüğünde, öfkesi ona hükmetti.
The Hulk would fight.
Hulk by bojoval.
Халк будет драться.
Hulk dövüşürdü.
And he would destroy things.
A ničil věci.
И он уничтожал вещи.
Voice 2
After the Hulk became calm, he changed again.
Když se Hulk uklidnil, znovu se změnil.
He returned to his usual human form as Bruce the scientist.
Vrátil se do své obvyklé lidské podoby vědce Bruce.
Bilim adamı Bruce olarak her zamanki insan formuna geri döndü.
Sometimes Bruce would feel regret about the things he had done as the Hulk.
Někdy Bruce litoval věcí, které jako Hulk udělal.
Voice 1
This story is not real.
It is from a popular comic story book.
|||||bande dessinée||
|||||قصص مصورة||
Pochází z populárního komiksu.
However, even though it is not real, people feel like they already know it.
Přestože však není skutečná, lidé mají pocit, že ji už znají.
They understand it because everyone knows what it is like to feel anger.
||||tout le monde||||||||
Chápou to, protože každý ví, jaké to je cítit hněv.
Everyone knows what it is like to want to hurt someone, or destroy something because they are angry.
|||||||||faire du mal||||||||
Každý ví, jaké to je, když chce někomu ublížit nebo něco zničit, protože je naštvaný.
Voice 2
Anger is not a bad or evil emotion.
Hněv není špatná nebo zlá emoce.
It is usually healthy to feel anger.
Cítit hněv je obvykle zdravé.
It is a natural reaction to fears or pressure from our environment.
When people show anger because of injustice, or unfairness, it shows that they care about the people around them.
Když lidé projevují hněv kvůli nespravedlnosti nebo nespravedlnosti, dávají tím najevo, že jim na lidech kolem nich záleží.
And this anger can lead people to make good changes in their own lives and the lives of other people.
A tento hněv může vést lidi k dobrým změnám v jejich vlastním životě i v životě ostatních lidí.
Voice 1
But sometimes the way a person reacts to anger can be bad.
Někdy však může být způsob, jakým člověk reaguje na hněv, špatný.
When some people become very angry, they over-react.
Když se někteří lidé velmi rozzlobí, reagují přehnaně.
They shout at others and say things that they do not really mean.
|소리 지르다|||||||||||
Křičí na ostatní a říkají věci, které ve skutečnosti nemyslí vážně.
Or they lose control of their actions and become very violent.
Nebo ztratí kontrolu nad svým jednáním a stanou se velmi násilnými.
They may try to hurt others.
Mohou se pokusit ublížit ostatním.
But there are some simple ways to deal with anger.
And anyone can use these methods.
Voice 2
One way to deal with anger is to count before you say or do anything.
Jedním ze způsobů, jak se vypořádat s hněvem, je počítat, než něco řeknete nebo uděláte.
怒りに対処する 1 つの方法は、何かを言ったり実行したりする前に数を数えることです。
It seems like a simple idea - maybe too simple.
But taking a short break to count can be a very effective way to manage anger.
Krátká přestávka na počítání však může být velmi účinným způsobem, jak zvládnout hněv.
If you feel angry, try counting to ten.
Pokud se cítíte naštvaní, zkuste počítat do deseti.
If you are really angry you could count to fifty or one hundred.
Pokud jste opravdu rozzlobení, můžete počítat do padesáti nebo do sta.
本当に怒っているなら、50 か 100 まで数えることができます。
Count for however long it takes you to feel calm again.
You can also take long, deep breaths.
Voice 1
Some people also stay calm by imagining a calm situation.
Imagine sitting next to a river, or in a peaceful field.
Bir nehrin yanında ya da huzurlu bir tarlada oturduğunuzu hayal edin.
Repeating calming words can also have this effect.
If you are angry say words to yourself like ‘relax' or ‘I am staying calm.
Voice 2
Staying calm is a very effective method for dealing with anger.
That is because anger can become very intense very quickly.
Anger can easily begin to control a person.
But, by staying calm, a person can start to control his anger instead.
Voice 1
Another simple method for dealing with anger is to exercise or take a short walk.
Anger affects the body.
It raises your blood pressure.
It can increase your heart rate.
But you can use your energy for physical activity instead of being angry.
Doctors say that a person’s brain releases chemicals during physical activity.
These chemicals make people feel happier and calmer.
|||||plus heureux||
Voice 2
Avoiding the thing that makes you angry could also be a solution.
A person cannot avoid everything that makes him angry.
But, if he can avoid some things, he can avoid some anger!
Voice 1
These are all simple and immediate ways to control anger.
But for more complex problems, you will need a more complex solution.
The best way to manage anger is by dealing with it directly - you must learn to express your anger in a healthy and helpful way.
||||||||faire face à|||||||de|||||||||
Voice 2
Expressing yourself when you are very angry can be difficult.
But it can also be very helpful.
When people can express their needs, they feel like they are solving the problem.
They feel better about themselves.
And most importantly, they are taking control of their own emotions.
They are reacting to their anger in a good way.
Voice 1
But there are things people should remember when they express their needs when angry.
First, stay calm when you are expressing yourself.
Experts suggest that a person thinks before he speaks.
It is easy to say hurtful words.
But, words can be extremely damaging to a relationship.
It is also important to be clear and direct when you express yourself.
If you have a need, be sure to tell the other person.
You should also show respect to the other person.
Voice 2
It is also important not to blame other people.
Diğer insanları suçlamamak da önemlidir.
Blaming other people can lead to arguing and fighting.
||||||des disputes||
Başkalarını suçlamak tartışmaya ve kavgaya yol açabilir.
Instead, people should express their anger by saying what they are feeling.
Bunun yerine, insanlar ne hissettiklerini söyleyerek öfkelerini ifade etmelidir.
For example, if a person is angry, she should use “I statements”.
|||||||||||phrases en je
たとえば、人が怒っている場合は、「I ステートメント」を使用する必要があります。
These are simple sentences that state how a person feels.
For example, you should not say “You never help me clean the home”!
Instead, you could say “I am angry that you did not offer to help me clean the home”.
Voice 1
When people are expressing their anger, they should remember to think about the other people who are involved in the situation.
|||||||||||||||||||a situação|
İnsanlar öfkelerini ifade ederken, duruma dahil olan diğer insanları da düşünmeyi unutmamalıdırlar.
Try to look at the situation from the other person’s point of view.
||||||||||||وجهة نظر
Often, when people look at a situation in this way, they can admit that they are not always being fair.
People can admit that their anger is not being helpful.
People cannot always control what other people do or what happens around them.
But people can control the way they react!
Voice 2
These are all ways to deal with normal every-day anger.
They may not work for someone with a serious anger problem, or a medical mental problem.
In these cases, it is important to find help.
This may mean talking to a doctor.
Bu, bir doktorla konuşmak anlamına gelebilir.
Or it may mean talking to an understanding friend.
Ya da anlayışlı bir arkadaşla konuşmak anlamına gelebilir.
But do not let your anger build up inside of you!
Ancak öfkenizin içinizde birikmesine izin vermeyin!
As a person once said:
Bir zamanlar birinin dediği gibi:
Voice 3
“It is not good for me to hold on to anger.
Мне вредно держать в себе гнев".
"Öfkeye tutunmak benim için iyi değil.
I am the only one that it is really hurting.”
Я единственный, кому это действительно причиняет боль".
Gerçekten canı yanan tek kişi benim."
Voice 2
The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid.
The voices you heard were from the United States.
Duyduğunuz sesler Birleşik Devletler'den geliyordu.
All quotes have been adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight.
Tüm alıntılar bu program için uyarlanmış ve Spotlight tarafından seslendirilmiştir.
You can hear this program again, and read it, on the internet at http://www.radioEnglish.net.
This program is called “Managing Anger.”
Voice 1
You can also leave a comment on our website.
Or you can email us at radio @ radioEnglish .
We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program.
Some of the music in this program came from Podington Bear.
このプログラムの音楽の一部は Podington Bear から提供されました。