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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4761)Building Peace 19 September, 2011

(Spotlight4761)Building Peace 19 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Steve Myersco. Voice 2

And I'm Marina Santee. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Wars. Sometimes our world seems full of them. Some conflicts - like Iraq and Afghanistan - are often in the news. But there are also many conflicts in other countries around the world. Many of the wars have lasted for years, yet they rarely appear in the news. However, some of these countries are now stepping out of conflict and starting to develop peace. This Spotlight programme looks at a project to help countries that are slowly moving away from years of conflict.

Voice 2

One country that has been troubled by war is Burundi. This is Africa's smallest country. For about forty years conflicts between the two main tribes divided the country. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed. But now Burundi is at peace. The country is once again developing and getting stronger. The country's president is Pierre Nkurunziza. He says,

Voice 3

‘We are right to congratulate all of us Burundians. Since the country first became independent, this is the first time an elected government has lasted more than three months... We are living today in a time of deep change. This change must succeed.' Voice 1

Burundi used to be governed by Belgium. But it became independent from this small European country in 1961... Since that time, two presidents have been killed. A number of military dictators have ruled the country. But Pierre Nkurunziza is the current president. He has ruled the country since 2005.

Voice 2

Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. But now new hope is rising. A project that was started by the United Nations is providing a way out of conflict. This project is called the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. This gives money to countries that have a recent history of war. Managers of the project have identified Burundi as one country that needs support to develop in peace.

Voice 1

The UN started the Peacebuilding Fund in 2006. Burundi is one of a group of countries that received money from the Fund. The other countries were Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau and the Central African Republic. The aim of the Peacebuilding Fund is to support nations that have recently been at war. The countries in this first group are all at peace now. But they all are still struggling with the effects of war. These effects include poverty and poor services. They also include damaged relationships between different communities and the government.

Voice 2

The Peacebuilding Fund gave over 30 million dollars to Burundi. The government is using this money in a number of different ways. Some of it is being used to help Burundi build a better democracy. And the police and army are both receiving better training and equipment. The Fund is also giving money to support human rights in the country.

Voice 1

Five other countries have also received money for smaller, emergency projects. These include Kenya. Here, communities are being brought together. This follows an election period that was troubled by violence. Haiti is another example. The Fund has provided money to improve a prison in that Caribbean nation.

Voice 2

The UN hopes that in the future, many more countries will be supported through the Peacebuilding Fund. The head of the United Nations is Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary-General. He is pleased with the current success of the Peacebuilding Fund. He spoke about the Fund after its first full year of service. He said:

Voice 4

‘The Fund has been supporting countries to build lasting peace and security after a time of conflict. It is also making positive steps to prevent the return of violence in such countries... The Peacebuilding Fund understands that lasting peace must be built on social, economic and political ground. These must serve the needs of the population.' Voice 1

The plan now is to increase the number of countries the Fund supports. A second group of countries has been chosen to receive long-term support from the Peacebuilding Fund. These are the Comoros, the Ivory Coast, Guinea, Liberia and Nepal.

Voice 2

Nepal has gone through a lot of change in the last twenty years. In 2001 almost all the royal family was killed. This came after years of war between the government and a rebel group. In 2006 this rebel group formed a political party. They then entered the election to govern Nepal. And in April 2008 they won the election. But they did not want the royal family to have any power. So, after over two hundred years of rule, the royal family was removed.

Voice 1

The different political parties are now trying to work together to bring lasting peace to Nepal. Ian Martin represents the United Nations in Nepal. He spoke to the British newspaper the Guardian about the Asian country.

Voice 5

‘The difficulties that face the Prime Minister, the government and the parliament are huge. The people involved in Nepali politics have been able to work through their differences in an amazing way. But trust among them could easily break... The biggest problems are those that first caused the rebels to act: poverty, lawlessness, and unfairness.' Voice 2

In September 2008 Ban Ki-moon promised 10 million dollars to Nepal. This money is from the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Groups from Nepal and the UN will now decide how to spend the money. They expect the money to go towards encouraging human rights, helping poor communities get jobs, and helping communities bring peace among themselves.

Voice 1

Many countries in the world today are fighting the effects of war. The UN Peacebuilding Fund is helping some of these most recent victims of war and conflict. But are their efforts enough to build peace? Or is more help needed? The famous Christian worker Mother Teresa, had this attitude. "Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person". So, international organisations may help. They may help to create and protect peace. But really, the job belongs to citizens from all over the world. We need to grow in an attitude of peace - right where we are.

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this programme was Steve Myersco. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe. All quotations were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can find our word list, read our scripts and hear more Spotlight programmes on our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This programme is called "Building Peace". Voice 1

If you have a comment or question about Spotlight you can e-mail us. Our e-mail address is Radio@English.net. Thank you for listening today. We hope you can join us again soon. Goodbye.

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(Spotlight4761)Building Peace 19 September, 2011 (Spotlight4761) بناء السلام 19 سبتمبر 2011 (Spotlight4761)Frieden schaffen 19 September, 2011 (Spotlight4761)Construir la paz 19 septiembre, 2011 (Spotlight4761)Construire la paix 19 septembre, 2011 (Spotlight4761)Costruire la pace 19 settembre 2011 (スポットライト4761)平和の構築 2011年9月19日 (Spotlight4761)Budowanie pokoju 19 września, 2011 r. (Spotlight4761)Construir a paz 19 setembro, 2011 (Spotlight4761)Строительство мира 19 сентября 2011 г. (Spotlight4761)Barışın İnşası 19 Eylül, 2011 (Spotlight4761)建设和平 2011 年 9 月 19 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Steve Myersco. أنا ستيف مايرسكو. Я Стів Майерско. Voice 2

And I'm Marina Santee. وأنا مارينا سانتي. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. يستخدم هذا البرنامج طريقة خاصة للبث باللغة الإنجليزية. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Це легше зрозуміти людям, незалежно від того, в якій частині світу вони живуть.

Voice 1

Wars. الحروب. Війни. Sometimes our world seems full of them. أحيانًا يبدو عالمنا مليئًا بهم. 時々、私たちの世界はそれらに満ちているように見えます。 Іноді здається, що наш світ переповнений ними. Some conflicts - like Iraq and Afghanistan - are often in the news. غالبًا ما تظهر بعض النزاعات - مثل العراق وأفغانستان - في الأخبار. イラクやアフガニスタンのようないくつかの紛争は、しばしばニュースに取り上げられます。 Деякі конфлікти, такі як Ірак та Афганістан, часто з'являються в новинах. But there are also many conflicts in other countries around the world. ولكن هناك أيضًا العديد من النزاعات في بلدان أخرى حول العالم. Але в інших країнах світу також є багато конфліктів. Many of the wars have lasted for years, yet they rarely appear in the news. لقد استمرت العديد من الحروب لسنوات ، لكنها نادراً ما تظهر في الأخبار. 戦争の多くは何年も続いていますが、ニュースに取り上げられることはめったにありません。 Багато воєн тривають роками, але про них рідко згадують у новинах. However, some of these countries are now stepping out of conflict and starting to develop peace. ومع ذلك ، فإن بعض هذه البلدان تخرج الآن من الصراع وتبدأ في تطوير السلام. しかし、これらの国々のいくつかは現在、紛争から抜け出し、平和を発展させ始めています。 Однак деякі з цих країн зараз виходять з конфлікту і починають розбудовувати мир. This Spotlight programme looks at a project to help countries that are slowly moving away from years of conflict. يبحث برنامج Spotlight هذا في مشروع لمساعدة البلدان التي تبتعد ببطء عن سنوات الصراع. このスポットライト プログラムでは、何年にもわたる紛争からゆっくりと離れつつある国々を支援するプロジェクトに注目しています。 Програма "У центрі уваги" розповідає про проект, спрямований на допомогу країнам, які повільно відходять від багаторічного конфлікту.

Voice 2 Голос 2

One country that has been troubled by war is Burundi. 戦争に悩まされてきた国の一つがブルンジです。 Однією з країн, яка постраждала від війни, є Бурунді. This is Africa's smallest country. Це найменша країна Африки. For about forty years conflicts between the two main tribes divided the country. |||||||||tribes||| 約 40 年間、主要な 2 つの部族間の紛争が国を分断していました。 Близько сорока років конфлікти між двома основними племенами розділяли країну. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed. 何十万人もの人々が殺されました。 Загинули сотні тисяч людей. But now Burundi is at peace. Але зараз у Бурунді панує мир. The country is once again developing and getting stronger. 国は再び発展し、強くなっています。 Країна знову розвивається і стає сильнішою. The country's president is Pierre Nkurunziza. 国の大統領はピエール・ンクルンジザです。 Президентом країни є П'єр Нкурунзіза. He says,

Voice 3

‘We are right to congratulate all of us Burundians. 「私たちブルンジ人全員を祝福するのは当然です。 "Ми маємо право привітати всіх нас, бурундійців. Since the country first became independent, this is the first time an elected government has lasted more than three months... We are living today in a time of deep change. З моменту здобуття країною незалежності це перший випадок, коли обраний уряд протримався більше трьох місяців... Ми живемо сьогодні в час глибоких змін. This change must succeed.' この変更は成功する必要があります。 Ці зміни мають бути успішними". Voice 1

Burundi used to be governed by Belgium. ブルンジはかつてベルギーの統治下にありました。 Раніше Бурунді перебувала під владою Бельгії. But it became independent from this small European country in 1961... Since that time, two presidents have been killed. しかし、1961 年にこの小さなヨーロッパの国から独立しました。それ以来、2 人の大統領が殺害されました。 A number of military dictators have ruled the country. 多くの軍事独裁者が国を支配してきました。 Ülkeyi çok sayıda askeri diktatör yönetmiştir. But Pierre Nkurunziza is the current president. しかし、ピエール・ンクルンジザが現在の大統領です。 Ancak Pierre Nkurunziza şu anki devlet başkanı. He has ruled the country since 2005. 彼は 2005 年から国を統治しています。 Ülkeyi 2005 yılından bu yana yönetmektedir.

Voice 2

Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. But now new hope is rising. しかし今、新たな希望が生まれています。 A project that was started by the United Nations is providing a way out of conflict. 国連によって開始されたプロジェクトは、紛争から抜け出す方法を提供しています。 This project is called the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. このプロジェクトは、国連平和構築基金と呼ばれています。 This gives money to countries that have a recent history of war. Managers of the project have identified Burundi as one country that needs support to develop in peace. プロジェクトの管理者は、ブルンジが平和に発展するために支援を必要としている国の 1 つであることを確認しました。

Voice 1

The UN started the Peacebuilding Fund in 2006. 国連は 2006 年に平和構築基金を開始しました。 Burundi is one of a group of countries that received money from the Fund. ブルンジは、基金から資金を受け取った国のグループの 1 つです。 The other countries were Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau  and the Central African Republic. The aim of the Peacebuilding Fund is to support nations that have recently been at war. 平和構築基金の目的は、最近戦争を起こした国々を支援することです。 The countries in this first group are all at peace now. この最初のグループの国は、現在すべて平和です。 But they all are still struggling with the effects of war. しかし、彼らはまだ戦争の影響に苦しんでいます。 These effects include poverty and poor services. これらの影響には、貧困と貧弱なサービスが含まれます。 They also include damaged relationships between different communities and the government. また、さまざまなコミュニティと政府との間の関係の悪化も含まれます。

Voice 2

The Peacebuilding Fund gave over 30 million dollars to Burundi. 平和構築基金は、ブルンジに 3,000 万ドル以上を寄付しました。 The government is using this money in a number of different ways. 政府はこのお金をさまざまな方法で使用しています。 Some of it is being used to help Burundi build a better democracy. その一部は、ブルンジがより良い民主主義を構築するのを支援するために使用されています。 And the police and army are both receiving better training and equipment. そして、警察と軍隊は、より良い訓練と装備を受けています。 The Fund is also giving money to support human rights in the country. 基金はまた、国内の人権を支援するために資金を提供しています。

Voice 1

Five other countries have also received money for smaller, emergency projects. 他の 5 カ国も、小規模な緊急プロジェクトのために資金を受け取りました。 These include Kenya. Here, communities are being brought together. ここでは、コミュニティが結集されています。 This follows an election period that was troubled by violence. これは、暴力に悩まされた選挙期間に続きます。 Haiti is another example. The Fund has provided money to improve a prison in that Caribbean nation. 基金は、そのカリブ諸国の刑務所を改善するための資金を提供しました。

Voice 2

The UN hopes that in the future, many more countries will be supported through the Peacebuilding Fund. The head of the United Nations is Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary-General. 国連の事務総長は、潘基文事務総長です。 He is pleased with the current success of the Peacebuilding Fund. 彼は、平和構築基金の現在の成功に満足しています。 He spoke about the Fund after its first full year of service. 彼は、最初の 1 年間のサービスを終えた後、基金について話しました。 He said:

Voice 4

‘The Fund has been supporting countries to build lasting peace and security after a time of conflict. 「基金は、紛争の後に永続的な平和と安全を構築するために各国を支援してきました。 It is also making positive steps to prevent the return of violence in such countries... The Peacebuilding Fund understands that lasting peace must be built on social, economic and political ground. ||||||||||||||||||이해한다||||||||||||기반 平和構築基金は、社会的、経済的、政治的基盤の上に永続的な平和を構築しなければならないことを理解しています。 These must serve the needs of the population.' これらは人口のニーズに応えなければなりません。 Voice 1

The plan now is to increase the number of countries the Fund supports. 現在の計画は、基金が支援する国の数を増やすことです。 A second group of countries has been chosen to receive long-term support from the Peacebuilding Fund. 平和構築基金から長期的な支援を受ける国が 2 番目に選ばれました。 These are the Comoros, the Ivory Coast, Guinea, Liberia and Nepal. |||코모로||||||| これらは、コモロ、コートジボワール、ギニア、リベリア、ネパールです。

Voice 2

Nepal has gone through a lot of change in the last twenty years. ネパールは過去 20 年間で多くの変化を経験しました。 In 2001 almost all the royal family was killed. 2001年、王室のほぼ全員が殺害された。 This came after years of war between the government and a rebel group. |||||||||||반군| これは、政府と反乱グループとの間の何年にもわたる戦争の後に起こりました。 In 2006 this rebel group formed a political party. ||반란군||||| 2006 年、この反乱グループは政党を結成しました。 They then entered the election to govern Nepal. その後、彼らはネパールを統治する選挙に参加しました。 And in April 2008 they won the election. But they did not want the royal family to have any power. しかし、彼らは王室に権力を持たせたくありませんでした。 So, after over two hundred years of rule, the royal family was removed. ||||||||||||제거되었다 それで、200年以上の支配の後、王室は排除されました。

Voice 1

The different political parties are now trying to work together to bring lasting peace to Nepal. Ian Martin represents the United Nations in Nepal. ||대표하다||||| イアン・マーティンは、ネパールの国連代表です。 He spoke to the British newspaper the Guardian about the Asian country. 彼はイギリスの新聞ガーディアンにアジアの国について語った.

Voice 5

‘The difficulties that face the Prime Minister, the government and the parliament are huge. 「首相、政府、議会が直面する困難は非常に大きい。 The people involved in Nepali politics have been able to work through their differences in an amazing way. ネパールの政治に携わる人々は、驚くべき方法で違いを乗り越えてきました。 But trust among them could easily break... The biggest problems are those that first caused the rebels to act: poverty, lawlessness, and unfairness.' ||||||||||||||||||||무법 상태||불공정성 しかし、彼らの間の信頼は簡単に壊れる可能性があります...最大の問題は、最初に反政府勢力を行動に駆り立てたものです:貧困、無法、不公平. Voice 2

In September 2008 Ban Ki-moon promised 10 million dollars to Nepal. 2008 年 9 月、潘基文はネパールに 1,000 万ドルを約束した。 This money is from the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Groups from Nepal and the UN will now decide how to spend the money. ネパールと国連のグループが、お金の使い道を決定します。 They expect the money to go towards encouraging human rights, helping poor communities get jobs, and helping communities bring peace among themselves. |기대한다|||||||||||||||||||| 彼らは、そのお金が人権の促進、貧しいコミュニティの就職支援、コミュニティ間の平和の実現に役立つことを期待しています。

Voice 1

Many countries in the world today are fighting the effects of war. 今日、世界の多くの国が戦争の影響と戦っています。 The UN Peacebuilding Fund is helping some of these most recent victims of war and conflict. |||||||||||전쟁과 갈등의 피해자|||| But are their efforts enough to build peace? しかし、彼らの努力は平和を築くのに十分でしょうか? Or is more help needed? それとももっと助けが必要ですか? The famous Christian worker Mother Teresa, had this attitude. 有名なキリスト教徒の労働者マザー・テレサは、この態度をとっていました。 "Do not wait for leaders. 「リーダーを待つな。 Do it alone, person to person". |||사람(1)|| So, international organisations may help. そのため、国際機関が役立つ可能性があります。 They may help to create and protect peace. But really, the job belongs to citizens from all over the world. しかし、実際には、この仕事は世界中の市民のものです。 We need to grow in an attitude of peace - right where we are. 私たちは平和な態度で成長する必要があります-私たちがいる場所で。

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this programme was Steve Myersco. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe. All quotations were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can find our word list, read our scripts and hear more Spotlight programmes on our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This programme is called "Building Peace". Voice 1

If you have a comment or question about Spotlight you can e-mail us. Our e-mail address is Radio@English.net. Thank you for listening today. We hope you can join us again soon. Goodbye.