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English in 1 Minute, See vs Watch vs Look - English in a Minute

See vs Watch vs Look - English in a Minute

Hello! I'm Sam from BBC Learning English

and in this episode, we're going to look at the

differences between 'see', 'watch' and 'look'.

All three are verbs

and all three involve using your eyes.

'See' can have many non-literal meanings,

but its basic meaning is

'to have the ability to use your eyes'.

I can't see anything!

Or it can mean

'to notice something with your eyes'.

Did you see the full moon last night?

It was huge!

To 'look' means

'to turn your eyes towards something

so that you can see it'.

They said that if I look carefully at the painting,

I can see a flower.

And 'watch'

is to 'look at something for a period of time'

- really looking carefully.

Right now, you are watching this video

and paying very close attention, I'm sure.

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See vs Watch vs Look - English in a Minute verbo auxiliar|||||||| Sehen vs Watch vs Look - Englisch in einer Minute See vs Watch vs Look - Inglés en un minuto See vs Watch vs Look - L'anglais en une minute See vs Watch vs Look - L'inglese in un minuto 見る vs 見る vs 見る - 1分でわかる英語 보기와 보기 - 1분 안에 끝내는 영어 See vs Watch vs Look - Angielski w minutę See vs Watch vs Look - Inglês num minuto See vs Watch vs Look - Английский за минуту See vs Watch vs Look - Engelska på en minut See vs Watch vs Look - Bir Dakikada İngilizce See vs Watch vs Look - англійська за хвилину See vs Watch vs Look - 一分钟英语 See vs Watch vs Look - 一分鐘英語

Hello! I'm Sam from BBC Learning English

and in this episode, we're going to look at the ve bu bölümde de, Türkiye'deki 在這一集中,我們將看看

differences between 'see', 'watch' and 'look'. 「看」、「觀看」和「看」之間的差異。

All three are verbs Все три - глаголы Üçü de fiil

and all three involve using your eyes. |||涉及到|||眼睛 |||erfordern||| |||require the use||| |||implican||| and all three involve using your eyes. és mindhárom magában foglalja a szemed használatát. その3つとも目を使う。 ve üçü de gözlerinizi kullanmanızı gerektirir. 這三者都牽涉到使用你的眼睛。

'See' can have many non-literal meanings, ||||非字面|| |||||nicht wörtlich| perceive|verb modal|possess|numerous|not|exact interpretation|interpretations ||||||含义 |||||буквальный смысл| 'See' can have many non-literal meanings, 見る」には、文字以外の意味がたくさんある、 'See' pode ter muitos significados não literais, "Görmek" kelimesinin gerçek olmayan birçok anlamı olabilir, 'Xem' có thể có nhiều ý nghĩa không theo nghĩa đen, “看”可以有很多非字面意义,

but its basic meaning is ||基本意思|| contrastive conjunction|its|fundamental|definition|is verb

'to have the ability to use your eyes'. |||sposobnost|||| |possess|the|capability|infinitive marker|utilize|your|vision „hogy képes legyen használni a szemét”. 目を使う能力を持つこと』。 'gözlerini kullanma yeteneğine sahip olmak'.

I can't see anything! I|cannot|perceive|object or detail Nem látok semmit! Я ничего не вижу! Hiçbir şey göremiyorum!

Or it can mean ||may|indicate Vagy jelentheti

'to notice something with your eyes'. |observe|an object|using|your|sight organs |notare|||| „észrevesz valamit a szemével”. 'bir şeyi gözlerinizle fark etmek'. 「用眼睛注意到某件事」。

Did you see the full moon last night? |||||月亮|| past tense auxiliary verb|you|observe|the specific|entire|lunar body|previous|previous evening Láttad tegnap este a teliholdat? Вы видели полную луну прошлой ночью? Dün gece dolunayı gördün mü?

It was huge! ||非常大! the object|was|very big ||è stato enorme! ||¡Fue enorme! ||enorme Era enorme! Она была огромной! Çok büyüktü!

To 'look' means infinitive marker|verb form|definition of A „nézni” azt jelenti

'to turn your eyes towards something toward|direct|your own|gaze|in the direction of|object of focus ||||em direção a| ||||朝向| ||||zu| ||||ka| |Volver|||| volver los ojos hacia algo 'hogy valami felé fordítsd a szemed "virar os olhos para algo 'gözlerinizi bir şeye doğru çevirmek

so that you can see it'. in order to|in order to|you|are able to|perceive|the object hogy láthassa'. para que o possas ver".

They said that if I look carefully at the painting, |||||||||畫作 they|they stated|that clause|conditional conjunction|I|examine|with attention|the painting|the specific|artwork Azt mondták, ha figyelmesen megnézem a festményt, Они сказали, что если я внимательно посмотрю на картину, Resme dikkatlice bakarsam, 他们说,如果我仔细观察这幅画,

I can see a flower. ||||我看到花。 I|am able to|perceive|a single|a blossom أستطيع أن أرى زهرة. Egy virágot látok. Я вижу цветок.

And 'watch' also|observe

is to 'look at something for a period of time' verb|infinitive marker|gaze|at|an object|for|a|duration|of|duration は「一定期間何かを見る」ことである。 'bir şeye belli bir süre bakmak'

- really looking carefully. ||внимательно very|examining|with great attention - realmente olhando com atenção.

Right now, you are watching this video at this moment|at this moment|you|am|viewing|this video|this video

and paying very close attention, I'm sure. |非常注意|||密切注意|| while|paying|extremely|careful|focus|I am|confidently believe そして細心の注意を払っているのは確かだ。 ve eminim çok dikkat ediyorlardır. và tôi chắc chắn là rất chú ý. 并且我确信会非常关注。