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Asd 3, Matt Smith & Milly Alcock Get To Know Me | House of the Dragon | HBO Max

Matt Smith & Milly Alcock Get To Know Me | House of the Dragon | HBO Max

Hi, hello, I'm Milly, and I play Rhaenyra.

Hi, hello, I'm Matt, and I play Daemon.

Should we do paper, scissor, stones, to see who goes first?

Paper, scissors-- Scissors, paper, rock?

-Paper, scissor, stones. -All right.

This is, you know, culture differences here.

Yeah, I know.

Okay, so, hang on there, let's get the rules right.

Don't think about it, come on, just look at me.

I'm mind-fucking you here already.

-MILLY ALCOCK: No, you aren't. -Right, here we go.

BOTH: Scissors, paper, rock!

-Scissors, paper, rock. -Ah! Mother...

Here we go. Right...

"When did you find out you were cast?"

And there's more to it.

"What was the first thing you did

when you found out you got the role?"

I was at a friend's house and we were making dinner,

and I couldn't-- Obviously, I couldn't tell anyone

that I was auditioning for it.

And I took a phone call, sat outside,

and my agent was like, "Are you sitting down?"

-And I was like, "Ooh, yeah." -"You haven't got it."

"You haven't got it! Just letting you know!"

Um, and then he told me,

and then I kind of... I freaked out in the backyard,

and then just kinda came inside

and asked if he had a bottle of wine, he did,

so I just got drunk.

-Amazing. -MILLY: Yeah, great.

A woman after my own heart.

-MILLY: Is it my turn? -Is it your turn?

Yes, it is your turn.

Oh, God, it's a scroll.

-"You're not needed--" -Thanks.

-MILLY: "...on set for the day." -Cheers.

"How are you spending your free time?"

Matthew, how are you spending--

Uh, I'm gonna take Fabien, who plays Criston Cole,

to the local pub in Primrose Hill.

-Brilliant, there we go. Um... -There we go.


Okay, "What, if anything, did you take home from set?

If nothing, what would you want to bring home?"

-Did you take anything home? -No, I didn't.

I did.

-Did you? -Yeah.

-Well, you can get away with that kind of-- -Huh?

-MILLY: You can get away with that kind of stuff, I can't. -That's a lie.

So, what would you nick?

What would I take home from set?

I think my little knife that I have in... in, yeah.

I like that knife.

MILLY: It's a good little knife.

Did you use that on anyone?


-Without giving anything away? -But not anyone, but something.

Okay. "What was your first job?"

Acting job?

-Or first job? -Well, it's just job.

So what was your first "job" job?

Oh, God, we worked in the Rat & Parrot.

And on my first day, in my first hour,

someone was sick, but on the carpet--

-No! Oh, God. -Yeah.

And so I got a kind of dustpan and brush, and I had to clean it up.

"What's one thing you wish you started earlier?"

-Playing the piano. -MILLY: You play the piano?

-Well, you know... -You dabble?

-I-- You know, I don't like to talk about it. -Aww.

Never played very well.

Right. "What's one skill you picked up on set?"

-Horse riding. -(CHUCKLES)

I didn't pick it up on set. I, like, did a lot of--

We did a lot of lessons, learned how to ride a horse.

-It was pretty cool. -MATT SMITH: Moving onto our next-- Go on.

"If you weren't an actor, what would you do?"

Well, I would've liked to have been a footballer.

But I think I'd probably be a fashion designer.

-Um... (CHUCKLES) -Oh!

Okay, right.

"Who's your favorite character in Game of Thrones?"

I think Arya, Arya Stark.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

And the Hound, I don't know why.

-Good guy. -MILLY: Good guy.

Okay. "What's your favorite Game of Thrones moment

or battle?"

I mean, there's a lot, isn't there?

There's a lot.

Uh, let's go with the Battle of the Bastards.

"Who in your real life would be on your King's Council?"

Uh, my mom. Yeah, she's just, you know--

-MATT: Mum. -Your mom. Yeah, your mom.

-MATT: Mum's in? -Yeah, mom's in.

Mom's in. Of course she's in.

-That's very Targaryen. -Oh, yes.

Matt Smith & Milly Alcock Get To Know Me | House of the Dragon | HBO Max Метт Сміт та Міллі Алкок "Познайомтеся зі мною" | "Будинок дракона" | HBO Max

Hi, hello, I'm Milly, and I play Rhaenyra.

Hi, hello, I'm Matt, and I play Daemon.

Should we do paper, scissor, stones, to see who goes first? Devemos fazer papel, tesoura, pedra, para ver quem vai primeiro?

Paper, scissors-- Scissors, paper, rock?

-Paper, scissor, stones. -All right.

This is, you know, culture differences here. Isso é, você sabe, diferenças culturais aqui.

Yeah, I know. Sim, eu sei.

Okay, so, hang on there, let's get the rules right. Ok, então, espere aí, vamos acertar as regras.

Don't think about it, come on, just look at me. Não pense nisso, vamos, apenas olhe para mim.

I'm mind-fucking you here already. Já estou te fodendo mentalmente aqui.

-MILLY ALCOCK: No, you aren't. -Right, here we go. -MILLY ALCOCK: Não, você não é. -Certo, aqui vamos nós.

BOTH: Scissors, paper, rock! AMBOS: Tesoura, papel, pedra!

-Scissors, paper, rock. -Ah! Mother...

Here we go. Right... Aqui vamos nós. Certo...

"When did you find out you were cast?" "Quando você descobriu que estava escalado?"

And there's more to it. E há mais do que isso.

"What was the first thing you did "Qual foi a primeira coisa que você fez

when you found out you got the role?" quando você descobriu que conseguiu o papel?"

I was at a friend's house and we were making dinner, Eu estava na casa de um amigo e estávamos fazendo o jantar,

and I couldn't-- Obviously, I couldn't tell anyone e eu não poderia-- Obviamente, eu não poderia contar a ninguém

that I was auditioning for it. que eu estava fazendo um teste para isso.

And I took a phone call, sat outside, E eu atendi um telefonema, sentei do lado de fora,

and my agent was like, "Are you sitting down?" e meu agente disse: "Você está sentado?"

-And I was like, "Ooh, yeah." -"You haven't got it." -E eu fiquei tipo, "Ooh, sim." - "Você não tem."

"You haven't got it! Just letting you know!" "Você não tem! Só estou avisando!"

Um, and then he told me, Hum, e então ele me disse,

and then I kind of... I freaked out in the backyard, e então eu meio que... surtei no quintal,

and then just kinda came inside e então meio que entrou

and asked if he had a bottle of wine, he did, e perguntou se ele tinha uma garrafa de vinho, ele tinha,

so I just got drunk. então eu só fiquei bêbado.

-Amazing. -MILLY: Yeah, great.

A woman after my own heart. Uma mulher segundo o meu coração.

-MILLY: Is it my turn? -Is it your turn? -MILLY: É a minha vez? -É a sua vez?

Yes, it is your turn. Sim, é a sua vez.

Oh, God, it's a scroll. Oh, Deus, é um pergaminho.

-"You're not needed--" -Thanks. -"Você não é necessário--" -Obrigado.

-MILLY: "...on set for the day." -Cheers. -MILLY: "... no set para o dia." -Felicidades.

"How are you spending your free time?" "Como você está gastando seu tempo livre?"

Matthew, how are you spending-- Matthew, como você está gastando--

Uh, I'm gonna take Fabien, who plays Criston Cole, Uh, eu vou levar Fabien, que interpreta Criston Cole,

to the local pub in Primrose Hill. para o pub local em Primrose Hill.

-Brilliant, there we go. Um... -There we go. -Brilhante, lá vamos nós. Hum... -Lá vamos nós.


Okay, "What, if anything, did you take home from set? Ok, "O que, se é que alguma coisa, você levou para casa do set?

If nothing, what would you want to bring home?" Se nada, o que você gostaria de levar para casa?"

-Did you take anything home? -No, I didn't.

I did.

-Did you? -Yeah.

-Well, you can get away with that kind of-- -Huh?

-MILLY: You can get away with that kind of stuff, I can't. -That's a lie.

So, what would you nick?

What would I take home from set?

I think my little knife that I have in... in, yeah.

I like that knife.

MILLY: It's a good little knife.

Did you use that on anyone?


-Without giving anything away? -But not anyone, but something.

Okay. "What was your first job?"

Acting job?

-Or first job? -Well, it's just job.

So what was your first "job" job?

Oh, God, we worked in the Rat & Parrot. Oh, Deus, nós trabalhamos no Rat & Parrot.

And on my first day, in my first hour,

someone was sick, but on the carpet--

-No! Oh, God. -Yeah.

And so I got a kind of dustpan and brush, and I had to clean it up. E então peguei uma espécie de pá de lixo e uma escova e tive que limpá-la.

"What's one thing you wish you started earlier?" "Qual é a coisa que você gostaria de ter começado antes?"

-Playing the piano. -MILLY: You play the piano? -Tocando o piano. -MILLY: Você toca piano?

-Well, you know... -You dabble? -Bem, você sabe... -Você se interessa?

-I-- You know, I don't like to talk about it. -Aww. -Eu-- Sabe, eu não gosto de falar sobre isso. -Aw.

Never played very well. Nunca jogou muito bem.

Right. "What's one skill you picked up on set?" Certo. "Qual é a habilidade que você aprendeu no set?"

-Horse riding. -(CHUCKLES) -Passeios a cavalo. -(RISOS)

I didn't pick it up on set. I, like, did a lot of-- Eu não peguei no set. Eu, tipo, fiz um monte de--

We did a lot of lessons, learned how to ride a horse. Fizemos muitas aulas, aprendemos a andar a cavalo.

-It was pretty cool. -MATT SMITH: Moving onto our next-- Go on. -Foi bem legal. -MATT SMITH: Passando para o nosso próximo-- Continue.

"If you weren't an actor, what would you do?" "Se você não fosse ator, o que você faria?"

Well, I would've liked to have been a footballer. Bem, eu gostaria de ter sido um jogador de futebol.

But I think I'd probably be a fashion designer. Mas acho que provavelmente seria um designer de moda.

-Um... (CHUCKLES) -Oh!

Okay, right.

"Who's your favorite character in Game of Thrones?" "Qual é o seu personagem favorito em Game of Thrones?"

I think Arya, Arya Stark.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

And the Hound, I don't know why. E o Hound, não sei por quê.

-Good guy. -MILLY: Good guy.

Okay. "What's your favorite Game of Thrones moment OK. "Qual é o seu momento favorito de Game of Thrones?

or battle?"

I mean, there's a lot, isn't there? Quero dizer, há muito, não é?

There's a lot. Há muito.

Uh, let's go with the Battle of the Bastards. Uh, vamos com a Batalha dos Bastardos.

"Who in your real life would be on your King's Council?" "Quem na sua vida real estaria no seu Conselho do Rei?"

Uh, my mom. Yeah, she's just, you know-- Ei, minha mãe. Sim, ela é apenas, você sabe--

-MATT: Mum. -Your mom. Yeah, your mom. -MATT: Mãe. -Sua mãe. Sim, sua mãe.

-MATT: Mum's in? -Yeah, mom's in. -MATT: Mamãe está? -Sim, mamãe está dentro.

Mom's in. Of course she's in. Mamãe está dentro. Claro que ela está dentro.

-That's very Targaryen. -Oh, yes. -Isso é muito Targaryen. -Oh sim.