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News in Levels, A very big fish – level 2

A very big fish – level 2

Fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea found a huge sunfish in their fishing nets. They were very surprised by how big the fish was, so they called scientists.

The fish was 3.2 meters long, 2.9 meters wide, and it weighed nearly 2,000 kilograms. It was the biggest sunfish people saw in Ceuta, on the north coast of Africa. People see sunfish here very often because the fish travel through this area. Nobody expected to see a sunfish this big.

Sunfish is vulnerable in Europe, and vulnerable means that people must protect it, and they do not eat it. After scientists checked the fish, they released it back into the sea.

Difficult words: huge (very big), protect (to care about something, and keep it safe), release (to set free).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

A very big fish – level 2 ||muy grande|| Ein sehr großer Fisch - Stufe 2 Ένα πολύ μεγάλο ψάρι - επίπεδο 2 Un pez muy grande - nivel 2 Un très gros poisson - niveau 2 Un pesce molto grande - livello 2 A very big fish - level 2 아주 큰 물고기 - 레벨 2 Labai didelė žuvis - 2 lygis Bardzo duża ryba - poziom 2 Um peixe muito grande - nível 2 Очень большая рыба - уровень 2 Çok büyük bir balık - seviye 2 Дуже велика риба - рівень 2 一条非常大的鱼——2级 一條很大的魚 – 2 級

Fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea found a huge sunfish in their fishing nets. |||地中海|||||翻車魚|||| ||||||||||||ağlar Pescadores|||Mediterráneo|||||pez luna|||pesca|redes de pesca |||地中海|||||翻车鱼|||| 地中海の漁師は、漁網の中に巨大なマンボウを見つけました。 They were very surprised by how big the fish was, so they called scientists. |||sorprendidos|||||||||| 彼らは魚の大きさに非常に驚いたので、科学者に電話をかけました。

The fish was 3.2 meters long, 2.9 meters wide, and it weighed nearly 2,000 kilograms. |||||||||重達|| |||||||||ağırlığında oldu|| ||||||ancho|||pesaba||kilogramos 魚は長さ 3.2 メートル、幅 2.9 メートル、重さは 2,000 キロ近くありました。 It was the biggest sunfish people saw in Ceuta, on the north coast of Africa. ||||翻车鱼|||||||||| ||||||||Ceuta|||||| |||más grande|||vieron||Ceuta||||costa norte de África||África ||||||||休達|||||| アフリカ北岸のセウタで見たマンボウの中で最大だった。 People see sunfish here very often because the fish travel through this area. |||||||||viajan por|a través de||área 魚がこの地域を移動するため、人々はここでマンボウをよく見かけます。 Nobody expected to see a sunfish this big. |esperaba|||||| マンボウがこんなに大きくなるとは誰も予想していませんでした。

Sunfish is vulnerable in Europe, and vulnerable means that people must protect it, and they do not eat it. ||易受威脅|||||||||||||||| ||savunmasız|||||||||||||||| ||vulnerable||Europa|||significa que||||proteger||||||| ||脆弱的|||||||||||||||| マンボウはヨーロッパで脆弱であり、脆弱であるということは、人々がそれを保護しなければならないことを意味し、彼らはそれを食べません. Сонячна риба є вразливою в Європі, а вразливість означає, що люди повинні її захищати, і вони не їдять її. After scientists checked the fish, they released it back into the sea. ||||||liberaron||de nuevo||| 科学者が魚をチェックした後、彼らはそれを海に戻しました。

Difficult words: huge (very big), protect (to care about something, and keep it safe), release (to set free). ||||||||||||||serbest bırakmak||| |||||||||||mantener||Seguro/a|Liberar||Conjunto de palabras difíciles|

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.