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News in Levels, Dog Fathers Ducklings – level 2

Dog Fathers Ducklings – level 2

People found nine baby ducklings waddling about a village in England. Their mother was nowhere to be found and they needed a parent.

Luckily, ten-year-old labrador Fred took them in, and he became their father and the ducklings love him. They often ride on his back!

Difficult words: waddle (walk with short steps like a duck), labrador (a type of dog), take somebody in (adopt, take care of).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Dog Fathers Ducklings – level 2 |父親たち|アヒルの子| Hundeväter Entenküken - Stufe 2 Perro Padres Patitos - nivel 2 جوجه اردک پدران سگ - سطح 2 Cani padri anatroccoli - livello 2 犬の父親のアヒルの子 – レベル 2 개 아빠 오리 새끼 - 레벨 2 Dog Fathers Ducklings - poziom 2 Cães Pais Patinhos - nível 2 Собачьи отцы утят - уровень 2 Köpek Babaları Ördek Yavruları - seviye 2 Каченята собачих батьків - рівень 2 狗爸爸小鸭子——2级 狗狗爸爸小鴨 – 2 級

People found nine baby ducklings waddling about a village in England. ||||小鸭子|摇摆走||||| |||||よちよち歩く|||村|| イギリスのある村で、9 羽のアヒルの子がよちよち歩いているのを発見しました。 Ljudje so našli devet račjih mladičev, ki so se sprehajali po vasi v Angliji. Their mother was nowhere to be found and they needed a parent. |||どこにも||||||||親が必要だった Leur mère était introuvable et ils avaient besoin d'un parent. 彼らの母親はどこにも見つからず、両親が必要でした。 Njune matere ni bilo nikjer in potrebovala sta starša.

Luckily, ten-year-old labrador Fred took them in, and he became their father and the ducklings love him. ||||拉布拉多|||||||||||||| 幸運にも||||ラブラドール|||||||なった||||||| 幸いなことに、10 歳のラブラドールのフレッドが彼らを引き取り、彼は父親になり、アヒルの子は彼を愛しています。 Na srečo jih je sprejel desetletni labradorec Fred, ki je postal njihov oče in ga imajo rački zelo radi. They often ride on his back! ||乗る||| Ils montent souvent sur son dos ! 彼らはしばしば彼の背中に乗ります!

Difficult words: waddle (walk with short steps like a duck), labrador (a type of dog), take somebody in (adopt, take care of). ||摇摆走||||||||拉布拉多|||||收养|||||| ||よちよち歩く||||歩み|||アヒル|||||||||引き取る||世話をする| 難しい言葉:よちよち歩き(アヒルのように短い足で歩く)、ラブラドール(犬の一種)、誰かを連れて行く(採用する、世話をする)。

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.