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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? – quartum

Quid es tu? – quartum

Quid Es Tu? - Quartum

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: rēctē, dīxistī! ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

Iosephus: ego valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Hodiē ego bene valeō.

Iosephus: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut sententia “Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.”

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] Optime. Et Iōsēphus, amīcus meus, prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut sententia - [rīdet] sententia, sententia - sententia “Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.” Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis.

Iosephus: Quid est Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. Certē - [Lebbaeus loquitur] - est homō,

Lebbaeus: - Quid sum? -

Iōsēphus: sed - [Lebbaeus loquitur] - quam partem Lebbaeus agit?

Lebbaeus: - Ō! Ita! [sībilat] -

Iōsēphus: [Lebbaeus rīdet] Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Quid es tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Quid sum agō, amīce?

[Mūsica cantat]

Iōsēphus: Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Quid?

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal?

Lebbaeus: Hodiē, amīce, ego sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Optimē!

Lebbaeus: Ita! Sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal domesticum [Lebbaeus mīrātur] aut bēstia?

Lebbaeus: Ego bēstia sum. Ego nōn animal domesticum.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne crūra quattuor?

Lebbaeus: Ō! Crūra! Hominēs habent duae crūra, nōnne. [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Sed ego nōn habeō duae crūra. Ego quattuor crūra habeō.

Iōsēphus: Quia quattuor crūra habēs, ubi tū is? In silvā?

Lebbaeus: Ego in silvīs eō. Perplacent mihi silvīs ambulāre.

Iōsēphus: Tū ambulās in silvīs. [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Bibisne aquam dē flūmine?

Lebbaeus: Dē flūmine ego aquam bibō.

Iōsēphus: Cōnsūmisne carnem?

Lebbaeus: Numquam! Numquam! Ego nōn cōnsūmō carnem.

Iōsēphus: Cōnsūmisne herbam?

Lebbaeus: Ego semper cōnsūmō herbam et plantās. Inamicī meī [rīdet] inimīcī meī - [Iōsēphus loquitur] - cōnsūmunt

Iōsēphus: - habēsne inimīcōs? -

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego habeō multōs, fortasse nōn multōs, sed habeō inimīcōs. Sed inimīcī meī cōnsūmunt mē et amīcōs meōs. Amīcī meī et ego cōnsūmimus plantās et herbam.

Iōsēphus: vidēsne vēnātōrēs?

Lebbaeus: Ō, frequenter videō vēnātōrēs.

Iōsēphus: Currisne ā vēnātōribus?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego timeō vēnātōrēs. Et ego currō festīnante ā vēnātōribus. [Iōsēphus intellegit] Vēnātōrēs mē terrent. Ego valdē timeō.

Iōsēphus: Ēheu.

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Fortasse tē cognōscō, sed Lebbaee,

Lebbaeus: Quid?

Iōsēphus: habēsne. . minimē. Quem colōrem habēs?

Lebbaeus: Ego colōrem cinereum habeō. Cinereum, cinereum, bene?

Iōsēphus: Esne tū maior quam equus?

Lebbaeus: Ego maior quam equus sum. Ego magnus sum. Ego animal magnum

Iōsēphus: Habēsne dentēs?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego dentēs habeō. Hominēs volunt dentēs meōs. Vēnātōrēs -

Iōsēphus: - nunc intellegō!

Lebbaeus: [cōnstant] Vēnātōrēs volunt dentēs meōs. Et ego duōs dentēs magnōs, magnōs et albōs habeō.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne nāsum magnum?

Lebbaeus: Āh. nōn. [rīdet] iocus est! [Iōsēphus rīdet]. Iocus frīget. Iocus frīget. Ita, amīce, nāsum magnum et longum habeō.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne magnās aurēs?

Lebbaeus: ita. Aurēs meās magnās habeō.

Iōsēphus: Et audīsne bene?

Lebbaeus: [rīdent] ita. Audiō optimē.

Iōsēphus: Lebbaee,

Lebbaeus: ō quid, amīce?

Iōsēphus: ego tē cognōscō nunc. Esne tū elephantus?

Lebbaeus: Certē. Ego sum elephantus. Tū dīxistī “ele-”

Iōsēphus: “-phantus”

Lebbaeus: ita. Et ego dīcō “elephantus.”

Iōsēphus: [cum Lebbaeō] “elephantus”

Lebbaeus: ita. Elephantus -

Iōsēphus: Tū es animal magnificum, nōnne?

Lebbaeus: Grātiās! Grātiās!

Iōsēphus: Libenter

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] sed amīce mī, ego dē mē nārrābō. [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Ego elephantus hominēs, ut dīxī, ego hominēs timeō quia hominēs volunt mē vēnārī. Ego timeō hominēs et dentēs meī perplacent cēterīs hominibus.

Iōsēphus: Vīsne hominēs calcēre?

Lebbaeus: fortasse nōn volō calcēre hominēs, sed vēnātōrēs.

Iōsēphus: Quia vēnātōrēs sunt malī, nonne?

Lebbaeus: Ita. vēnātōrēs sunt pessimī. Amīce, est rīdiculum sed mūrēs quoque ego timeō.

Iōsēphus: Cūr mūrēs tē terrent?

Lebbaeus: Mūrēs mē terrent quia mūrēs sunt minimī et ego sum maximum animal. Itaque difficile est vidēre mūrēs. Difficile est vidēre rēs minimās.

Iōsēphus: Lebbaee, dē tē -

Lebbaeus: Quid? Nōn sum Lebbaeus. Ego sum elephantus.

Iōsēphus: Elephante, dē tē audiō tē memoriam bonam habēre, nonne?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Memoria mea est optima. Ego multa meminī. Aliquandō ego volō volāre sīcut avīs.

Iōsēphus: [rīdet] sīcut Dumbō!

Lebbaeus: Ita! Dumbō est optimus elephantus. Ita

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] est fābula mīrābilis

Lebbaeus: Ita sed, amīce, tempus fugit, et necesse est mihi cōnsūmere. [rīdet]

Iōsēphus: Certē. Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem elephantī ēgit! Actor bonus erat. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus, ut semper, bene respondit. Audītōrēs, dīvīnāvistisne vocābulum?

Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Lebbaeus: ita grātiās plūrimās, et audītōrēs vōs optimē audīvistis sīcut elephantī, grātiās plūrimās!

Iōsēphus: ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: in proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

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Quid es tu? – quartum What||you|"the fourth" o que|és|| was bist du - die vierte what are you – the fourth qué vas a - el cuarto qu'est-ce que tu es - le quatrième che cosa siete – il quarto あなたは何者ですか- 第4 wat ben je - de vierde Czym jesteś - czwarty o que você está - o quarto vad är du – den fjärde що ти? – четвертий 你是做什么的- 第四个

**Quid Es Tu? What|are|you What are you? - Quartum** fourth

**Iōsēphus**: Salvēte, audītōrēs! ||listeners Josephus: Hail, hearers! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. my name|to me|is|Joseph My name is Josephus.

**Lebbaeus**: Salvēte, amīcī! Lebbaeus|| Lebbaeus: Hail, friends! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus. and|I|"I am called"|Lebbaeus And my name is Lebbaeus.

**Iōsēphus:** Spērō vōs esse bene. |I hope|you|be| Joseph: I hope you are well. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae. this||our motto||||||||||||we are||| This is our catchphrase called "WHAT ARE YOU?" I, Josephus, and my friend, Lebbaeus, are masters of the Latin language.

**Lebbaeus:** rēctē, dīxistī! |rightly|you said Lebbaeus: right, right! ut valēs hodiē, amīce? how|are you well|today|friend how are you today, my friend?

**Iosephus:** ego valeō. Joseph|| ||jestem zdrowy Josephus: I am strong. Et tū, Lebbaee? ||Lebbaee And then, Lebba?

**Lebbaeus:** Hodiē ego bene valeō. Lebbaeus||||I am well Lebbaeus: Today I am well.

**Iosephus:** ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut sententia “Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.” Joseph|as|you heard||||in an ecclesiastical|ecclesiastical manner|as|sentence|I came|I saw|I conquered Josephus: as you have heard, Lebbaeus pronounces the words in an ecclesiastical manner: as in the sentence "Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī."

**Lebbaeus:** __[rīdet]__ Optime. Lebbaeus|smiles|"Very well" Lebbaeus: [laughs] Very well. Et Iōsēphus, amīcus meus, prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut sententia - __[rīdet]__ sententia, sententia - sententia “Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.” Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. |Joseph|||pronounces||in a classical manner|"classic style"|like|sentence|||sentence||I came|I came, I saw|I conquered|Today||"the part"|I act|"just as"|"word" And Josephus, my friend, pronounces the words in a classic way: as a sentence - [he laughs] a sentence, a sentence - a sentence "Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī." Today, I play the part as a vocabulary. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis. therefore||||||"to guess"|"must guess" Therefore, you and my friend must learn the word dīvīnā.

**Iosephus:** Quid est Lebbaeus? |||Lebbaeus Josephus: What is Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. to know|"We want to" We want to know. Certē - __[Lebbaeus loquitur]__ - est homō, |Lebbaeus speaks|speaks|is a| Certainly - [Lebbaeus speaks] - he is a man,

**Lebbaeus:** - Quid sum? |what| Lebbaeus: - What am I? -

**Iōsēphus:** sed - __[Lebbaeus loquitur]__ - quam partem Lebbaeus agit? |||speaks|question particle|part||plays Josephus: but - [Lebbaeus speaks] - what part does Lebbaeus play?

**Lebbaeus:** - Ō! Lebbaeus: - Oh! Ita! Yes! __[sībilat]__ - "hisses" ささやく

**Iōsēphus:** __[Lebbaeus rīdet]__ Estne animal? Josephus: [Lebbaeus laughs] Is it an animal? Estne planta? |plant Is it a plant? Estne rēs? |thing Is it a thing? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. I||you||divine|we must You and I will have to guess the vocabulary. __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ Quid es tū, Lebbaee? |is known||||

**Lebbaeus:** Quid sum agō, amīce? |what||doing| Lebbaeus: What am I doing, my friend?

__[Mūsica cantat]__ [sings music]

**Iōsēphus:** Lebbaee? |Lebbaeus Josephus: Lebba?

**Lebbaeus:** Quid? |what Lebbaeus: What?

**Iōsēphus:** Esne tū animal? Joseph: Are you an animal?

**Lebbaeus:** Hodiē, amīce, ego sum animal. Lebbaeus: Today, my friend, I am an animal.

**Iōsēphus:** Optimē! |very well |よく Josephus: Very well!

**Lebbaeus:** Ita! |Yes! Lebbaeus: Yes! Sum animal. I am an animal.

**Iōsēphus:** Esne tū animal domesticum __[Lebbaeus mīrātur]__ aut bēstia? Joseph||||household pet|Lebbaeus wonders|is amazed|or|wild animal ||||家畜||驚いている||獣 Josephus: Are you a domestic animal [Lebbaeus mīrātur] or a beast?

Lebbaeus: Ego bēstia sum. ||beast| Lebbaeus: I am a beast. Ego nōn animal domesticum. I am not a domestic animal.

**Iōsēphus:** Habēsne crūra quattuor? |do you have|legs|four ||足|四 ||nogi| Josephus: Do you have four legs?

**Lebbaeus:** Ō! Crūra! Cross! Hominēs habent duae crūra, nōnne. |have|two|legs|don't they Humans have two legs, don't they? __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ Sed ego nōn habeō duae crūra. ||But||||| [Josephus insists] But I do not have two legs. Ego quattuor crūra habeō. I||| I have four legs.

**Iōsēphus:** Quia quattuor crūra habēs, ubi tū is? |"Why"|four|||where|you|you Josephus: Since you have four legs, where are you? In silvā? |In the forest? In the forest?

**Lebbaeus:** Ego in silvīs eō. |||"in the woods"|there Lebbaeus: I am in the woods. Perplacent mihi silvīs ambulāre. "They please"||in the woods|to walk |||歩く I like to walk in the woods.

**Iōsēphus:** Tū ambulās in silvīs. ||You walk||the woods Josephus: You walk in the woods. __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ Bibisne aquam dē flūmine? |is sure|Do you drink?|water||from the river |||||川 [Lebbaeus stands] Do you drink water from the river?

**Lebbaeus:** Dē flūmine ego aquam bibō. ||river|||"I drink" Lebbaeus: From the river I will drink water.

**Iōsēphus:** Cōnsūmisne carnem? |"Do you consume"|meat Josephus: Do you eat flesh?

**Lebbaeus:** Numquam! |Never! |決して Lebbaeus: Never! Numquam! Never! Ego nōn cōnsūmō carnem. ||I do not consume|meat I did not eat flesh.

**Iōsēphus:** Cōnsūmisne herbam? ||grass ||草 Josephus: Do you eat grass?

**Lebbaeus:** Ego semper cōnsūmō herbam et plantās. |||consume|||plants Lebbaeus: I always consume grass and plants. Inamicī meī __[rīdet]__ inimīcī meī - __[Iōsēphus loquitur]__ - cōnsūmunt My enemies laugh|"of mine"||"my enemies"||||consume 私の敵|||||||消費する My enemies [laughs] my enemies - [Josephus speaks] - consume

**Iōsēphus:** - habēsne inimīcōs? ||enemies ||敵 Josephus: - do you have enemies? -

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus Yes| Ego habeō multōs, fortasse nōn multōs, sed habeō inimīcōs. |||perhaps not many|||||enemies I have many, perhaps not many, but I have enemies. Sed inimīcī meī cōnsūmunt mē et amīcōs meōs. |enemies||consume|||my friends|my friends But my enemies consume me and my friends. Amīcī meī et ego cōnsūmimus plantās et herbam. ||||consume|plants|| My friends and I eat plants and grass.

**Iōsēphus:** vidēsne vēnātōrēs? |"Do you see"|hunters |見えるか| Josephus: did you see the venātōres?

**Lebbaeus:** Ō, frequenter videō vēnātōrēs. ||often|I see|hunters Lebbaeus: Ō, I often see the vēnātōrēs.

**Iōsēphus:** Currisne ā vēnātōribus? |Are you running?|"from"|"hunters" |カリスネ|| Josephus: Are you running after the hunters?

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Ego timeō vēnātōrēs. I fear the hunters. Et ego currō festīnante ā vēnātōribus. ||I run|hastening||the hunters And I will run hastily to the hunters. __[Iōsēphus intellegit]__ Vēnātōrēs mē terrent. |Joseph understands|hunters||"frighten me" [Josephus understands] Venātōres are afraid of me. Ego valdē timeō. |"Very much"|I fear |非常に| I am very afraid.

**Iōsēphus:** Ēheu. |Alas. Josephus: Alas.

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes.

**Iōsēphus:** Fortasse tē cognōscō, sed Lebbaee, |perhaps||know||Lebbaeus Josephus: Perhaps I know you, but Lebbae,

**Lebbaeus:** Quid? Lebbaeus: What?

**Iōsēphus:** habēsne. |you have Josephus: Will you have it? . minimē. not at all at least Quem colōrem habēs? what|| What color will you have?

**Lebbaeus:** Ego colōrem cinereum habeō. ||color|gray| |||灰色| Lebbaeus: I have a gray color. Cinereum, cinereum, bene? gray matter|gray| Gray, gray, okay?

**Iōsēphus:** Esne tū maior quam equus? |||bigger||horse Joseph: Are you bigger than a horse?

**Lebbaeus:** Ego maior quam equus sum. ||greater|than|horse| Lebbaeus: I am greater than a horse. Ego magnus sum. I|great| I am big. Ego animal magnum ||large I am a big animal

**Iōsēphus:** Habēsne dentēs? |do you have|teeth Joseph: Do you have teeth?

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Ego dentēs habeō. I have teeth. Hominēs volunt dentēs meōs. |"want"|"my teeth"| People want my teeth. Vēnātōrēs - hunters hunters -

**Iōsēphus:** - nunc intellegō! |now|"I understand" ||わかる Josephus: - now I understand!

**Lebbaeus:** __[cōnstant]__ Vēnātōrēs volunt dentēs meōs. ||Hunters want my teeth.||| Lebbaeus: [constantly] Veneratores want my teeth. Et ego duōs dentēs magnōs, magnōs et albōs habeō. ||two||large|||white| |||||||白い| And I have two big teeth, big and white.

**Iōsēphus:** Habēsne nāsum magnum? ||nose| ||鼻| Joseph: Do you have a big nose?

**Lebbaeus:** Āh. Lebbaeus: Ah. nōn. no __[rīdet]__ iocus est! |"joke"| |ジョーク| [laughs] It's a joke! __[Iōsēphus rīdet]__. [Joseph laughs]. Iocus frīget. The joke's cold.|"The joke's cold." |冷たい The joke will fry. Iocus frīget. Joke| The joke will fry. Жарт підсмажить. Ita, amīce, nāsum magnum et longum habeō. |friend|nose|big||long| |||||長い| Yes, my friend, I have a big and long nose.

**Iōsēphus:** Habēsne magnās aurēs? Joseph|Do you have|large|ears |||耳 Josephus: Do you have big ears?

**Lebbaeus:** ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Aurēs meās magnās habeō. My ears|my|| I have big ears.

**Iōsēphus:** Et audīsne bene? ||Do you hear| Josephus: And will you hear well?

**Lebbaeus:** __[rīdent]__ ita. Lebbaeus: [rīdent] yes. Audiō optimē. I hear well.| 私は聞く| Audio at its best.

**Iōsēphus:** Lebbaee, Josephus: Lebbae,

**Lebbaeus:** ō quid, amīce? Lebbaeus: What, my friend?

**Iōsēphus:** ego tē cognōscō nunc. |||I know|now Josephus: I know you now. Esne tū elephantus? ||Are you an elephant? ||象 Are you an elephant?

**Lebbaeus:** Certē. Lebbaeus: Certainly. Ego sum elephantus. I am an elephant. Tū dīxistī “ele-” |you said|He/she/it. Tū dīxistī “ele-”

**Iōsēphus:** “-phantus” |"phantus" in the context of "Iōsēphus: “-phantus”" can be translated as "appearance" or "manifestation."

**Lebbaeus:** ita. Et ego dīcō “elephantus.” ||"I say 'elephant.'"| ||言う| And I said "elephant."

**Iōsēphus:** __[cum Lebbaeō]__ “elephantus” |with Lebbaeus|with Lebbaeus| Josephus: [with Lebbaeō] "elephant"

**Lebbaeus:** ita. Elephantus -

**Iōsēphus:** Tū es animal magnificum, nōnne? ||||magnificent|right ||||素晴らしい| Josephus: You are a magnificent animal, aren't you?

**Lebbaeus:** Grātiās! Lebbaeus| Lebbaeus: Thank you! Grātiās! Thanks Thank you!

**Iōsēphus:** Libenter |"Gladly" or "with pleasure" |喜んで Josephus: Gladly

**Lebbaeus:** __[rīdet]__ sed amīce mī, ego dē mē nārrābō. ||||to me|I|||I will tell Lebbaeus: [laughs] but my friend, I will tell you. __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ Ego elephantus hominēs, ut dīxī, ego hominēs timeō quia hominēs volunt mē vēnārī. |stands||elephant|men||"I said"||||because||want||hunt me ||||||言った||||||||狩る [Josephus stands] I am an elephant, like men, I fear men because men want to worship me. Ego timeō hominēs et dentēs meī perplacent cēterīs hominibus. I||||teeth||please|to other|people |||||||他の| I fear men, and my teeth are pleasing to other men.

**Iōsēphus:** Vīsne hominēs calcēre? |"Do you want"|men|"to trample" |あなたは人々を踏みつけたいですか?||踏む Josephus: Do you want to trample men?

**Lebbaeus:** fortasse nōn volō calcēre hominēs, sed vēnātōrēs. |perhaps||"I want"|kick|people|"but"|hunters Lebbaeus: perhaps you do not want to trample men, but you will hunt them down.

**Iōsēphus:** Quia vēnātōrēs sunt malī, nonne? |Because|||evil|"Surely" ||||悪い|「いいえ」 Josephus: Because the hunters are evil, aren't they?

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus Yes|yes Lebbaeus: Yes. vēnātōrēs sunt pessimī. hunters||very bad ||悪い hunters are the worst. Amīce, est rīdiculum sed mūrēs quoque ego timeō. ||ridiculous||mice|"also" or "too"||"I fear" ||おかしい||||| My friend, it is ridiculous, but I am also afraid of walls.

**Iōsēphus:** Cūr mūrēs tē terrent? |why|mice||frighten Josephus: Why do the walls frighten you?

**Lebbaeus:** Mūrēs mē terrent quia mūrēs sunt minimī et ego sum maximum animal. ||||"because"|mice||very small||||very large| Lebbaeus: Walls frighten me because walls are the smallest and I am the largest animal. Itaque difficile est vidēre mūrēs. Therefore|"difficult" or "hard"||to see| Therefore it is difficult to see the dead. Difficile est vidēre rēs minimās. ||||very small things It is difficult to see the smallest things.

**Iōsēphus:** Lebbaee, dē tē - Josephus: Lebbae, dē tē -

**Lebbaeus:** Quid? Lebbaeus: What? Nōn sum Lebbaeus. ||Lebbaeus I am not Lebbaeus. Ego sum elephantus. ||elephant I am an elephant.

**Iōsēphus:** Elephante, dē tē audiō tē memoriam bonam habēre, nonne? |Elephant||||about you|good memory|good memory|have| ||||||記憶|良い|持っている| Josephus: Elephant, I heard that you have a good memory, don't you?

**Lebbaeus:** Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Memoria mea est optima. My memory|my||very good My memory is the best. Ego multa meminī. ||"I remember" ||覚えている I remember many things. Aliquandō ego volō volāre sīcut avīs. sometime||"I want to"|to fly|"like"|bird |||飛ぶ||鳥 Sometimes I want to fly like a bird.

**Iōsēphus:** __[rīdet]__ sīcut Dumbō! Joseph||"like"|Dumbo Josephus: [laughs] like Dumbo!

**Lebbaeus:** Ita! Lebbaeus: Yes! Dumbō est optimus elephantus. Dumbo||the best|elephant ||最良の| Dumbo is the best elephant. Ita Yes

**Iōsēphus:** __[rīdēns]__ est fābula mīrābilis Josephus|||wonderful story|wonderful ||||素晴らしい Joseph: [laughing] is a marvelous story

**Lebbaeus:** Ita sed, amīce, tempus fugit, et necesse est mihi cōnsūmere. ||||"time"||and|necessary|it is||consume, spend, use |||||||必要|||消費する ||||||||||consumare Lebbaeus: Yes, but, my friend, time flies, and I must spend it. __[rīdet]__ He laughs.

**Iōsēphus:** Certē. Josephus: Certainly. Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem elephantī ēgit! the audience||||elephant|"acted as" Listeners, today Lebbaeus performed a part of the elephant! Actor bonus erat. |good|was good He was a good actor. Nōnne cōnsentītis? "Surely" or "Don't you"|"Do you agree?" Don't you agree? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus, ut semper, bene respondit. "To him"|||asked|||||| You asked him many questions and Lebbaeus, as always, answered well. Audītōrēs, dīvīnāvistisne vocābulum? |Did you guess|word Did you hear the word dīvīnā?

**Lebbaeus:** spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! Lebbaeus|I hope|||divined Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

**Iōsēphus:** Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! ||you all heard|||||to you|we give thanks Josephus: You have heard very well and we thank you very much!

**Lebbaeus:** ita grātiās plūrimās, et audītōrēs vōs optimē audīvistis sīcut elephantī, grātiās plūrimās! |||many||listeners||||like|elephants||many Lebbaeus: thank you very much, and you have heard your audience as well as an elephant, thank you very much!

**Iōsēphus:** ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. |our performance||our show ended| Josephus: Our ācroāma is finished. Valēte! Farewell! Goodbye!

**Lebbaeus:** in proximum! |"into"|to the next Lebbaeus: to the next!

__[Mūsica cantat]__ [sings music]