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Incerti autoris "Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri", Pars I, 3

Pars I, 3

Piscator, ut vidit speciem juvenis, misericordia motus erigit illum et duxit infra tecta domus, posuit epulas, quas habere potuit, et, ut plenius suae pietati satisfaceret, exuens se, tribunarium in duas partes dividens, unam dedit juveni, dicens:

Tolle, quod habeo, et vade in civitatem! Ibi invenies forsitan, qui tui misereatur; si non invenies, huc ad me revertere; paupertas quaecumque sufficiat. Piscemur simul; illud tantum admoneo te, ut, si quando dignitati tuae redditus fueris, ne despicias tribunarii paupertatem.

Apollonius: Si non memor fuero, iterum naufragium patiar, nec tui similem inveniam!

Et haec dicens, demonstrata sibi via carpens igitur portas civitatis ingreditur. Dumque cogitaret, unde peteret auxilium vitae, vidit per plateam puerum nudum currentem, oleo caput unctum, sabano precinctum, voce magna clamantem et dicentem:

Audite, omnes, audite, peregrini et servi, qui ablui vult, pergat gymnasium!

Audito hoc Apollonius, exuens se tribunarium, ingreditur lavacrum, utitur liquore, et dum singulos intuetur, quaerit sibi parem nec invenit, et subito Altistratus rex totius regionis ingressus est cum turba famulorum. Cum rex ludum spherae cum servis suis exerceret, admisit se Apollonius regi, et decurrentem sustulit spheram, et subtili velocitate percussam ludenti regi remisit.

Tunc rex suis famulis ait: Recedite, hic enim Juvenis, ut suspicor, mihi comparandus est.

Apollonius, ut audivit se laudari, constanter accessit ad regem, et accepto cyramoco docta manu circumlavit eum cum subtilitate; deinde in solio gratissimo fovit eum et exeunte eo ab officio discessit, dixitque rex ad amicos suos post discessum adolescentis:

Juro vobis in veritate, melius me numquam abluisse, quam hodie beneficio adolescentis nescio cujus.

Et respiciens unum de famulis ait: Juvenis ille, qui mihi officium fecit, vide, quis sit!

Et ille secutus juvenem, vidit eum sordido tribunario indutum, reversusque ad regem dixit: Juvenis ille naufragus est.

Rex ait: Unde scis?

Et ille, tacente illo, habitus indicat causam.

Ait rex: Vade celerius et dic ei: Rogat te rex, ut venias ad cenam.

Apollonius, ut audivit, acquievit et cum famulo venit ad regem.

Famulus prius ingressus ait ad regem: Naufragus adest, sed propter sordidum habitum introire verecundatur. Statimque rex jussit cum vestibus indui dignis et ad cenam ingredi. Ingressus Apollonius triclinium regis contra regem assignato loco discuhuit, infertur prandium, deinde cena regalis.

Apollonius cunctis epulantibus non epulabatur, sed aurum et argentum in ministerium regis diu flens intuebatur.

Tunc unus de discumbentibus ad regem ait: Nisi fallor, Juvenis iste fortune regis invidet.

Rex ait: Male suspicaris, fortunae meae non invidet, sed plura se perdidisse tristatur.

Et respiciens Apollonium hilari vultu, ait rex: Juvenis, epulare nobiscum et de deo meliora spera!

Et dum hortaretur Juvenem, subito introivit filia regis virgo jam adulta, deditque osculum patri suo, deinde cunctis discumbentibus amicis. Quae dum oscularetur singulos, reversa est ad patrem et ait:

Bone pater, quis est iste Juvenis, qui contra te locum honoratum tenet, qui multum dolet?

Ait rex: O dulcis filia, juvenis iste naufragus est et gymnasia mihi gratissime fecit, propter quod ad cenam vocavi illum; quis autem sit nescio; sed si vis scire, interroga eum; te decet omnia nosse, et forsitan, dum cognoveris, misereberis ei.

Haec audiens puella ad juvenem accessit et ait: Carissime, generositas nobilitatem ostendit. Si tibi molestum non est, indica mihi nomen tuum et casus tuos.

Et ille: Si nomen quaeris, in mare perdidi, si nobilitatem, Tyro reliqui.

Ait puella: Apertius dic, ut intelligam!

Tunc Apollonius nomen suum et omnes casus exposuit. Finitis sermonibus fundere lacrimas cepit.

Quem ut vidit rex flentem, ait filiae: Nata dulcis, peccasti; dum nomen et casus adolescentis petivisti, veteres ejus dolores renovasti. Dulcis ergo filia, ex quo jam scis veritatem, justum est, ut liberalitatem tuam quasi regiam ei ostendas.

Puella ut audivit voluntatem patris, respiciens juvenem ait: Noster es, Apolloni! Depone merorem et a patre meo locupleteris. Apollonius cum gemitu et verecundia gratias egit.

Tunc rex ait filiae suae: Defer liram, ut cum cantu exhilares convivium.

Puella jussit sibi afferri liram et cepit cum omni dulcedine liram percutere.

Omnes eam coeperunt laudare et dicere: Non potest melius nec dulcius audiri.

Inter quos solus Apollonius tacuit.

Ait ei rex: Apolloni, fedam rem facis. Omnes filiam meam in arte musica laudant; quare tu solus vituperas?

Ait ille: Bone rex, si permittas, dico, quod sentio. Filia tua in artem musicam incessit et nondum didicit; igitur jubeas mihi tradi liram et statim scias, quod nescivisti!

Rex ait: Apolloni, video te eruditum in omnibus. Jussit sibi tradi liram et egresso foras corona capitis eum decoravit, accipiensque liram intravit triclinium, pulsabat ante regem tanta dulcedine, ut omnes non Apollonium sed Appollinem crederent. Discumbentes cum rege dixerunt, quod numquam melius audissent nec vidissent. Filia regis haec audiens respiciens Juvenem capta est in amorem ejus et ait ad patrem suum: O pater, permittas me dare juveni, quod mihi placet.

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Pars I, 3 Teil I, 3 Part I, 3 parte I, 3 Partie I, 3 Parte I, 3 Bölüm I, 3

Piscator, ut vidit speciem juvenis, misericordia motus erigit illum et duxit infra tecta domus, posuit epulas, quas habere potuit, et, ut plenius suae pietati satisfaceret, exuens se, tribunarium in duas partes dividens, unam dedit juveni, dicens: the fisherman|in order to|he saw|the appearance|young man|mercy|moved|he raised|him|and|led|under|the roof|of the house|he placed|feast|which|he could have|he could have|||more fully||piety|satisfy his p|taking off||tribunal||two|two parts|dividing into two|one|gave|young man|saying 漁師|||||||起こす||||家の中へ|家の中|||ごちそう||||||より完全に||慈愛心|満足させるために|脱いで与え||上着|||||||| The fisherman, when he saw the appearance of the young man, moved by compassion, raised him up and led him beneath the roof of his house, set a meal, which he could have, and, to more fully satisfy his piety, stripping himself, dividing his tunic in two parts, gave one to the young man, saying: Le pêcheur, voyant apparaître le jeune homme, le toucha de compassion, le conduisit sous le toit de la maison, lui disposa autant de nourriture qu'il pouvait avoir et, pour mieux satisfaire sa pitié, se déshabilla. , divisant la cour en deux parties, en donna une au jeune homme, en disant : Il pescatore, vedendo l'aspetto del giovane, mosso a compassione, lo condusse sotto il tetto della casa, preparò tutto il cibo che poteva e, per soddisfare pienamente la sua pietà, spogliandosi, dividendo la corte in due parti, ne diede una al giovane, dicendo: 漁師は若者の姿を見ると、哀れみに動かされて彼を起こし、家の中に連れて行き、できる限りの食事を用意し、さらに自分の仁愛により完全に満たすために、彼の服を脱ぎ、自分の上着を2つに分けて1つを若者に渡し、言った:

Tolle, quod habeo, et vade in civitatem! Take|that|I have||go||city 取れ|||||| Take what I have, and go into the city! Prends ce que j'ai et va en ville ! 持ってください、私の持っているものを持って、街に行ってください! Ibi invenies forsitan, qui tui misereatur; si non invenies, huc ad me revertere; paupertas quaecumque sufficiat. there|you will find|perhaps|who|of you|have mercy|if||you will find|here|to||return|poverty whatever|whatever it may|may suffice |||||||||||||貧しさ|| There you may find someone who will have mercy on you; if you do not find anyone, return here to me; any poverty will suffice. Peut-être y trouverez-vous quelqu'un qui aura pitié de vous ; si vous ne le trouvez pas, revenez ici vers moi ; quelle que soit la pauvreté, elle suffit. そこであなたを憐れむ人がいるかもしれません。見つからない場合は、私のところに戻ってきてください。どんな貧しさでも十分です。 Piscemur simul; illud tantum admoneo te, ut, si quando dignitati tuae redditus fueris, ne despicias tribunarii paupertatem. Let us fish|together|that|only|I remind||that|||your dignity|your|you are restored|you have been||despise|tribunes|poverty 釣りをしよう|||||||||||||||| Let us fish together; I only remind you of this, so that if you are ever restored to your dignity, do not despise the poverty of the tribune. Pêchons ensemble ; Je vous le rappelle seulement, afin que si jamais vous retrouvez votre dignité, ne méprisez pas la pauvreté du tribun. 一緒に泳ぐ。ただし、あなたが高貴な地位に戻ったときには、下級官吏の貧しさを軽蔑しないようにします。

Apollonius: Si non memor fuero, iterum naufragium patiar, nec tui similem inveniam! |||mindful|I will remember|again|shipwreck|I will suffer|||like you|I will find ||||||難破||||似た者| Apollonius: If I do not remember, I will suffer a shipwreck again, and I will not find someone like you! Apollonius : Si je ne m'en souviens pas, je ferai à nouveau naufrage et je ne trouverai pas quelqu'un comme toi ! アポロニウス:記憶にない場合、再び難破することになり、あなたのような人を見つけることはできない!

Et haec dicens, demonstrata sibi via carpens igitur portas civitatis ingreditur. ||saying this|having been shown|to himself|way|taking|therefore|gates of the city|of the city|he enters ||||||進む||門を通る|| And having said these things, taking the way which had been pointed out to him, he therefore entered the gates of the city. Et après avoir dit ces choses, il prit le chemin qui lui avait été indiqué et entra par les portes de la ville. そして彼はこれを言いながら、自分に示された道をたどり、したがって市の門に入る。 Dumque cogitaret, unde peteret auxilium vitae, vidit per plateam puerum nudum currentem, oleo caput unctum, sabano precinctum, voce magna clamantem et dicentem: while|he was thinking|from where|he should seek|help||he saw|through|the street|the boy|naked|running|with oil|head|oiled|saban cloth|with a sash|loud voice||shouting||speaking |||求める||||||||走っている|油||油を塗った|布で巻かれた|腰に巻いた||||| While he was thinking from where to ask for help, he saw a naked boy running through the street, his head anointed with oil, wrapped in a sackcloth, crying out with a loud voice and saying: Alors qu'il réfléchissait à l'endroit où il devait demander de l'aide, il vit un garçon nu courir dans la rue, la tête ointe d'huile, enveloppé dans un sac, criant d'une voix forte et disant : Mentre pensava dove chiedere aiuto, vide un ragazzo nudo che correva per la strada, con il capo unto d'olio, avvolto in un sacco, che gridava a gran voce e diceva: そして彼は考えているうちに、どこで人生の助けを求めるかを見つけようと、通りを走る裸の少年、頭に油を差し、タオルで巻いた状態で大きな声で叫びながら言うのを見ました:

Audite, omnes, audite, peregrini et servi, qui ablui vult, pergat gymnasium! Listen||listen|foreigners||slaves||I wash|wants|let him go|to the gym |||||||洗う||| Hear, all, hear, strangers and slaves, who wants to be washed, let him go to the gymnasium! Écoutez, tous, écoutez, étrangers et esclaves, qui veut se laver, qu'il aille au gymnase ! Udite tutti, udite, stranieri e schiavi, chi vuole essere lavato, vada in palestra! 聞け、皆さん、聞け、異邦人や使用人、身を清めたい者は、体育館に行け!

Audito hoc Apollonius, exuens se tribunarium, ingreditur lavacrum, utitur liquore, et dum singulos intuetur, quaerit sibi parem nec invenit, et subito Altistratus rex totius regionis ingressus est cum turba famulorum. Hearing this|||removing his toga||tribune|enters|the bath|uses the liquid|liquid||while|each one|he observes|seeks for himself|for himself|equal|nor|he finds||suddenly|King of the region||of the whole|of the region|entered|||crowd of servants|of servants |||脱ぎ捨てて||軍団指揮官の地位||浴場|使用する|||||見つめる|||同等の者|||||||全域の||||||従者たち On hearing this, Apollonius, taking off his tribune, enters the bath, uses the liquor, and while he looks at each one, he seeks a match for him and finds none, and suddenly Altistratus, king of the whole region, enters with a company of servants En entendant cela, Apollonius, ôtant sa tribune, entre dans le bain, prend de l'alcool, et tout en regardant chacun, il cherche un partenaire et n'en trouve pas, et tout à coup Altistrate, le roi de toute la région, entre avec un compagnie de domestiques. All'udire ciò, Apollonio, tolto il tribuno, entra nel bagno, usa il liquore, e mentre guarda ciascuno, cerca per lui un fiammifero e non ne trova, e improvvisamente Altistrato, re di tutta la regione, entra con un compagnia di servi これを聞いたアポロニウスは、司令官の服を脱ぎ、浴場に入り、液体を使い、一人ひとりを見つめながら、自分に相応しい者を求めて見つけられず、そして突然、アルティストラトゥスという地域の王が従者たちと一緒に入ってきました。 Cum rex ludum spherae cum servis suis exerceret, admisit se Apollonius regi, et decurrentem sustulit spheram, et subtili velocitate percussam ludenti regi remisit. when||game|of the sphere||his servants|his|was exercising|he approached||Apollonius|to the king||rolling|he lifted|the sphere||subtle|speed|struck|playing||returned ||遊び||||||||||||||||||||返しました When the king was practicing the game of the sphere with his servants, Apollonius admitted himself to the king, and as he ran he picked up the sphere, and struck it with fine speed and returned it to the king who was playing. Alors que le roi pratiquait le jeu de la sphère avec ses serviteurs, Apollonius se présenta au roi et, tout en courant, il ramassa la sphère, la frappa avec une belle rapidité et la rendit au roi qui jouait. Mentre il re si esercitava nel gioco della palla con i suoi servi, Apollonio si presentò al re, e mentre correva, raccolse la palla, la colpì con grande velocità e la restituì al re che stava giocando. 王が使用人たちと一緒に天文儀の遊びをしていた時、アポロニウスは王に近づき、転がっていた天文儀を取り上げ、王の遊びに巧みな速さで打ち返した。

Tunc rex suis famulis ait: Recedite, hic enim Juvenis, ut suspicor, mihi comparandus est. then|the king|his|servants|says|step back|this|for|young man|as|I suspect|to me|to be compared|is ||||||||||||匹敵する者| Then the king said to his servants: Go back, for this young man, as I suspect, is to be compared to me. Alors le roi dit à ses serviteurs : Retournez, car ce jeune homme, je le soupçonne, est comparable à moi. すると王は使用人たちに言った:「退け、この若者は私に匹敵するものだと思う」。

Apollonius, ut audivit se laudari, constanter accessit ad regem, et accepto cyramoco docta manu circumlavit eum cum subtilitate; deinde in solio gratissimo fovit eum et exeunte eo ab officio discessit, dixitque rex ad amicos suos post discessum adolescentis: Apollonius||he heard||to be praised|steadfastly|approached||the king|and|having received|crown|learned|with skilled hand|surrounded him|him|with|subtlety|then||throne|most pleasing|he warmed|him|and|he left|||the office|he departed|said the|||friends|his friends||departure of the young man| |||||毅然と|近づいた|||||薬草酒|||洗い清めた|||繊細さで|||玉座|非常に喜ばしい|温めた|||退場する時|||||||||||| Apollonius, when he heard that he was being praised, steadily approached the king, and having received the cymbals, with his learned hand he washed him round with delicacy; then he placed him on the most agreeable throne, and when he had left the office, the king said to his friends after the young man's departure: Apollonius, lorsqu'il entendit qu'on le louait, s'approcha du roi, et après avoir reçu les cymbales, de sa main experte, il le lava avec délicatesse ; puis il le plaça sur le trône le plus agréable, et lorsqu'il eut quitté l'office, le roi dit à ses amis après le départ du jeune homme : Apollonio, quando seppe che veniva lodato, si avvicinò costantemente al re e, presi i cembali, con la sua mano sapiente lo lavò con delicatezza; poi lo pose sul trono più gradevole e, lasciandolo, si allontanò dal suo ufficio, e dopo la partenza del giovane il re disse ai suoi amici: アポロニウスは自分が褒められるのを聞くと、断固として王に近づき、技巧的にお椀を受け取り、熟練した手で巧みに周囲を回した。そして、王を最も喜ばせる玉座に座らせ、その後職務を終えて去ると、王は若者が去った後、友人たちに言った:

Juro vobis in veritate, melius me numquam abluisse, quam hodie beneficio adolescentis nescio cujus. I swear|to you||truth|better||never|I have washed|than|today|the benefit|of a young man|I do not know|of some 誓います||||より良く|||洗ったこと||||||ある若者の I swear to you in truth, I have never washed myself better than today with the favor of a young man whose name I do not know. Je vous le jure en vérité, je ne me suis jamais mieux lavé qu'aujourd'hui avec la gentillesse d'un jeune homme dont je ne connais pas le nom. Te lo giuro in verità, non mi sono mai lavato meglio di oggi con la gentilezza di un giovane di cui non conosco il nome. 真実を告げます、今日、ある若者の親切によって、かつて私が手を洗ったことがなかったほどよかったと誓います。

Et respiciens unum de famulis ait: Juvenis ille, qui mihi officium fecit, vide, quis sit! |looking back|one||servants|said|that young man|that|who|to me|duty|served me|see|who|he is ||||||||||役目|||| And looking at one of the servants, he said: Look who he is, that young man who did me a favor! Et regardant l'un des serviteurs, il dit : Regardez qui c'est, ce jeune homme qui m'a fait une faveur ! そして家来の一人を見つめて言いました: 私に奉仕した少年、その人物を見なさい!

Et ille secutus juvenem, vidit eum sordido tribunario indutum, reversusque ad regem dixit: Juvenis ille naufragus est. And|that|followed|the young man|saw|him|dirty|tribunal garb|dressed in rags|and turning||the king||the young man|that|the shipwrecked| ||||||||着ている|||||||難破者です| And he, following the young man, saw him dressed in a filthy tribune, and he returned to the king and said: That young man is shipwrecked. Et lui, suivant le jeune homme, le vit vêtu d'une tribune sale, et il revint vers le roi et dit : Ce jeune homme a fait naufrage. Ed egli, seguendo il giovane, lo vide vestito d'un sudicio tribuno, e ritornando dal re disse: Quel giovane è naufragato. そしてその若者を追跡し、その若者が汚れたリーマンの服を着ているのを見て、王に戻って言いました: あの若者は難破船である。

Rex ait: Unde scis? ||where from|you know The king said: How do you know? Le roi dit : Comment le sais-tu ? Il re disse: Come lo sai? 王は言った:どこでそれを知ったのか?

Et ille, tacente illo, habitus indicat causam. |he|that one being silent|that|having|indicates|the reason ||黙っている|||| And he, by his silence, indicates the reason. Et lui, par son silence, en indique la raison. E lui, con il suo silenzio, ne indica il motivo. そして彼、彼が黙っている間、態度が原因を示す。

Ait rex: Vade celerius et dic ei: Rogat te rex, ut venias ad cenam. ||go|more quickly||tell||the king requests||||you come||dinner |||||||頼む|||||| The king said: Go quickly and tell him: The king asks you to come to dinner. Le roi dit : Va vite et dis-lui : Le roi te demande de venir dîner. 王は言った:急いで行って彼に伝えて:王が夕食に来てほしいと頼んでいる。

Apollonius, ut audivit, acquievit et cum famulo venit ad regem. |when||he rested|||servant||| |||同意した|||||| When Apollonius heard this, he calmed down and came to the king with a servant. Quand Apollonius entendit cela, il se calma et vint vers le roi avec un serviteur. アポロニウスは、聞いて静かになり、しもべと王のところにやってきた。

Famulus prius ingressus ait ad regem: Naufragus adest, sed propter sordidum habitum introire verecundatur. the servant|first|having entered|says|to the||the shipwrecked man|is present||because of|sordid clothing|appearance|to enter|he is ashamed 従者|||||||います|||||入る|恥ずかしがる The waiter went in first and said to the king: The shipwrecked man is here, but he is ashamed to enter because of his dirty manners. Le garçon entra le premier et dit au roi : Le naufragé est ici, mais il a honte d'entrer à cause de ses mauvaises manières. しもべは最初に王に言った:「難破船が来たが、見苦しい服装のために内に入るのを恥じています。」 Statimque rex jussit cum vestibus indui dignis et ad cenam ingredi. And immediately||ordered|with the|clothes|put on|worthy||||enter the dinner ||||||ふさわしい|||| And immediately the king ordered me to put on worthy clothes and go in to dinner. Et aussitôt le roi m'ordonna de mettre des vêtements dignes et d'aller dîner. 王はすぐにふさわしい服を着せるように命じ、夕食に招待する。 Ingressus Apollonius triclinium regis contra regem assignato loco discuhuit, infertur prandium, deinde cena regalis. having entered||dining room||against the||designated|place|he reclined|is served|lunch|then|royal dinner|royal dinner 入場|||||||場所|着席した|||||王室の Apollonius having entered the king's dining-room, he met the king in the place assigned to him, and lunch was brought in, and then the royal dinner. Apollonius étant entré dans la salle à manger du roi, rencontra le roi à la place qui lui était assignée, et le repas fut apporté, puis le dîner royal. Apollonio, entrato nella sala da pranzo del re, andò incontro al re nel posto assegnatogli e gli fu portato il pasto e poi il pranzo reale. アポロニウスは、王の食卓に王の対面する場所が割り当てられると、昼食を取るために入室し、そして王室の夕食をもたらした。

Apollonius cunctis epulantibus non epulabatur, sed aurum et argentum in ministerium regis diu flens intuebatur. |all|those feasting||was feasting||gold||silver||service of the||for a long time|weeping|was gazing |すべての人|宴会に参加している|||||||||||泣きながら|見つめていた Apollonius did not feast at all while they were feasting, but gazed long weeping at the gold and silver at the service of the king. Apollonius ne faisait pas festin avec tous ceux qui faisaient festin, mais il regardait longtemps en pleurant l'or et l'argent au service du roi. Apollonio non banchettava con tutti quelli che banchettavano, ma guardò a lungo piangendo l'oro e l'argento al servizio del re. アポロニウスは他の皆が食事を楽しんでいる間、食事をとらずに、王の奉仕のために金や銀を長い間涙ながら見つめていた。

Tunc unus de discumbentibus ad regem ait: Nisi fallor, Juvenis iste fortune regis invidet. Then|one||the diners||||unless|I am mistaken||this|the king's fortune||envies |||食卓に着いている者|||||||||| Then one of those reclining said to the king: Unless I am mistaken, this young man envies the king's fortune. Alors l'un des couchés dit au roi : Si je ne me trompe, ce jeune homme envie la fortune du roi. Allora uno dei seduti disse al re: Se non sbaglio, questo giovane invidia la fortuna del re. すると、横になっている者のひとりが王に言った:「間違っていなければ、この若者は王の幸運を妬んでいる。」

Rex ait: Male suspicaris, fortunae meae non invidet, sed plura se perdidisse tristatur. ||badly|you suspect|fortune|||envies||more things||has lost|is saddened |||||||||||失った|悲しんでいる The king said: You suspect wrongly, he does not envy my fortune, but he is saddened that he has lost more. Le roi dit : Vous vous doutez à tort, il n'envie pas ma fortune, mais il est attristé d'avoir perdu davantage. Il re disse: Sospetti erroneamente, non invidia la mia fortuna, ma è rattristato di aver perso di più. レックスは言う:「君は私の幸運を嫉妬してはいないが、自身がより多く失ったことを悲しんでいる」と。

Et respiciens Apollonium hilari vultu, ait rex: Juvenis, epulare nobiscum et de deo meliora spera! and|looking at||cheerful||||young man|feast|||||better things|hope |||朗らかな||||||私たちと||||より良いこと|期待する And looking at Apollonius with a cheerful countenance, the king said: Young men, feast with us and hope for better things from God! Et regardant Apollonius avec un visage joyeux, le roi dit : Jeunes gens, régalez-vous avec nous et espérez de meilleures choses de la part de Dieu ! そして、明るい顔でアポロニオを見つめて、王は言う:「若者よ、一緒に食事をし、神からより良いものを期待している!」

Et dum hortaretur Juvenem, subito introivit filia regis virgo jam adulta, deditque osculum patri suo, deinde cunctis discumbentibus amicis. |while|he was urging||suddenly|entered|the king's daughter|the king|the maiden|already|adult|and she gave|a kiss|||then|to all|reclining|with friends ||勧めていた|||入ってきた|||乙女||大人||口づけ||||全員|座っている人々| And while he was exhorting Juvenus, suddenly the king's daughter, a virgin already grown up, entered, and gave a kiss to her father, and then to all the reclining friends. Et tandis qu'il exhortait Juvenus, soudain la fille du roi, vierge déjà grande, entra et donna un baiser à son père, puis à tous les amis couchés. E mentre egli esortava Giovene, all'improvviso entrò la figlia del re, vergine già adulta, e baciò suo padre e poi tutte le sue amiche che erano a tavola. そして若者を励ます間に、突然、王の娘であるすでに成人した処女が入ってきて、彼女は父親にキスをして、その後、友人たち全員と共に横たわった。 Quae dum oscularetur singulos, reversa est ad patrem et ait: she|while|she was kissing|each|she turned back||||| ||キスをした||||||| While she was kissing each one, she returned to her father and said: Pendant qu'elle les embrassait chacun, elle retourna vers son père et lui dit : 彼女が一人一人にキスをしていると、父のもとに戻って言った:

Bone pater, quis est iste Juvenis, qui contra te locum honoratum tenet, qui multum dolet? ||who|||||||place|honored position|holds||much|suffers ||||||||||||||痛む Good father, who is this young man who holds an honored place against you, who is in great pain? Bon père, qui est ce jeune homme qui tient une place d'honneur contre toi, qui souffre beaucoup ? 親愛なる父よ、この青年は誰ですか? あなたに対して名誉ある地位を占めていて、非常に痛んでいるのは?

Ait rex: O dulcis filia, juvenis iste naufragus est et gymnasia mihi gratissime fecit, propter quod ad cenam vocavi illum; quis autem sit nescio; sed si vis scire, interroga eum; te decet omnia nosse, et forsitan, dum cognoveris, misereberis ei. |||sweet||young man|this|shipwrecked|||gymnastics||very gladly|has pleased|because of|||dinner|I called|||but|he is|I do not know|but|if you|you wish|to know|ask|||it befits||to know||perhaps|when|you will know|you will pity| ||||||||||運動競技||とても喜んで||そのために||||招待した|||||||||||||||すべて知る||おそらく||知るだろう|哀れむだろう| The king said: O sweet daughter, this young man is shipwrecked, and has done the gymnasium very agreeably to me, for which reason I have invited him to dinner. but I do not know who it is; but if you want to know, ask him; He ought to know everything about you, and perhaps, while you know him, you will pity him. Le roi dit : Ô douce fille, ce jeune homme a fait naufrage et m'a fait le gymnase très agréablement, c'est pourquoi je l'ai invité à dîner. mais je ne sais pas qui c'est ; mais si vous voulez savoir, demandez-lui ; Il devrait tout savoir de vous, et peut-être, pendant que vous le connaîtrez, vous le plaindrez. 王は言った:甘美な娘よ、この青年は難破者で、私にとても感謝される体育競技をしてくれたので、私は彼を夕食に招いた。しかし彼が誰であるかは知らない;ただし、もしあなたが知りたいのなら、彼に尋ねてみなさい。あなたはすべてを知るべきであり、もしかすると、彼を知った時に同情するかもしれない。

Haec audiens puella ad juvenem accessit et ait: Carissime, generositas nobilitatem ostendit. |hearing this||||approached|||dearest|generosity||shows |||||||||寛大さ|高貴さ|示す Hearing this, the girl approached the young man and said: My dear, generosity shows nobility. En entendant cela, la jeune fille s'approcha du jeune homme et lui dit : Mon cher, la générosité fait preuve de noblesse. これを聞いた少女は青年に近づき、言った: 親愛なる者よ、気品は高貴さを示す。 Si tibi molestum non est, indica mihi nomen tuum et casus tuos. ||troublesome|||indicate|||||your case|your ||||||||||ケース| If you don't mind, tell me your name and your circumstances. Si cela ne vous dérange pas, dites-moi votre nom et votre situation. もしあなたにとって煩わしくなければ、あなたの名前と出自を教えてください。

Et ille: Si nomen quaeris, in mare perdidi, si nobilitatem, Tyro reliqui. |that one|||you seek|||I lost||nobility|Tyre|I left |||||||失った||||残した And he said: If you ask for a name, I have lost in the sea, if I left nobility, I left Tyre. Et il dit : Si vous demandez un nom, je l'ai perdu en mer, si pour la noblesse, je l'ai laissé à Tyr. E disse: Se chiedi un nome, l'ho perso in mare, se per nobiltà, l'ho lasciato a Tiro. 彼は言った: もし名前を求めているのなら、海で失った、もし高貴さを求めているのなら、ティルスを離れた。

Ait puella: Apertius dic, ut intelligam! ||more clearly||that|I understand ||もっとはっきり||| Said the girl: Speak more clearly, that I may understand! La jeune fille dit : Parle plus clairement, pour que je comprenne ! 女の子よ、もっとはっきり話して、私が理解できるように!

Tunc Apollonius nomen suum et omnes casus exposuit. Then|||||all|events|he explained |||||||示した Then Apollonius explained his name and all the cases. それからアポロニウスは自分の名前とすべての出来事を述べた。 Finitis sermonibus fundere lacrimas cepit. the finished|speeches|to pour|tears|he began 終わりの||泣き始めた|| At the end of his speech, he began to shed tears. A la fin de son discours, il a commencé à verser des larmes. Alla fine del suo discorso, ha cominciato a piangere. 話が終わると、彼は涙を流し始めた。

Quem ut vidit rex flentem, ait filiae: Nata dulcis, peccasti; dum nomen et casus adolescentis petivisti, veteres ejus dolores renovasti. whom|when|he saw|the king|weeping|||Daughter|sweet daughter|you have sinned|while|name and case||fate|of the youth|you sought|old|his|pains|you renewed |||||||娘よ||罪を犯した|||||||古い|||再び生じさせた When the king saw him weeping, he said to his daughter, "You are born sweet, you have sinned!" When you asked for the name and adventure of the young man, you renewed his old sorrows. Quand le roi le vit pleurer, il dit à sa fille : Tu es née douce, tu as péché ; tandis que vous avez demandé le nom et le sort du jeune homme, vous avez renouvelé ses vieilles douleurs. 王が泣いているのを見たとき、彼は娘に言った: 「甘美な娘よ、お前は罪を犯した。若者の名とその運命を求めたことで、彼の古い苦しみを再び呼び起こしてしまった。」 Dulcis ergo filia, ex quo jam scis veritatem, justum est, ut liberalitatem tuam quasi regiam ei ostendas. sweet|therefore|daughter|||now|you know|truth|just||that|generosity||like a royal|royal|to her|show |||||||真実||||||||彼女に| Sweet daughter, since you already know the truth, it is only right that you show him your royal generosity. Douce fille, puisque tu connais déjà la vérité, il est tout à fait juste que tu lui montres ta royale générosité. Dolce figlia, poiché conosci già la verità, è giusto che gli mostri la tua regale generosità. したがって甘美な娘よ、今や真実を知っているのだから、お前の寛大さを王のように彼に示すのが正当である。

Puella ut audivit voluntatem patris, respiciens juvenem ait: Noster es, Apolloni! ||she heard|will||looking at|||our|you are| |||意志|父の|||||ラテン| When the girl heard her father's will, she looked at the young man and said: You are ours, Apollo! Lorsque la jeune fille entendit le testament de son père, elle regarda le jeune homme et dit : Tu es à nous, Apollon ! 少女は父の思いを聞くと、若者を見て言った: 「あなたは私たちのものです、アポロニオ!」 Depone merorem et a patre meo locupleteris. I deposit|grief|||father|my|you will be enriched |sorrow||||| Put down the debt and you will be enriched by my father. Mettez de côté la dette et vous serez enrichi par mon père. Riduci il debito e sarai arricchito da mio padre. Apollonius cum gemitu et verecundia gratias egit. |with|sigh||shame||gave ||||恥じらい||感謝を述べた Apollonius gave thanks with groans and embarrassment. Apollonius le remercia avec un soupir et une honte.

Tunc rex ait filiae suae: Defer liram, ut cum cantu exhilares convivium. then|the king||||bring the lyre|lyre|to||song|you cheer|feast ||||||リラ||||| Then the king said to his daughter: Bring the lyre, that you may cheer the feast with song. Alors le roi dit à sa fille : Apportez la lyre, et vous pourrez égayer la fête par des chants.

Puella jussit sibi afferri liram et cepit cum omni dulcedine liram percutere. the girl|ordered|to her|to be brought||||||sweetness||to strike ||||リラ||||||| The girl ordered a lyre to be brought to her, and began to strike the lyre with all sweetness. La jeune fille se fit apporter une lyre et se mit à frapper la lyre avec toute la douceur. 少女は自分にリラを持ってくるよう命じ、すべての甘美さと共にリラを打ち始めた。

Omnes eam coeperunt laudare et dicere: Non potest melius nec dulcius audiri. ||began|to praise|||||||sweeter|to be heard |||||||||||聞こえる They all began to praise her and say: It cannot be heard better or sweeter. Ils commencèrent tous à la louer et à dire : On ne peut pas l'entendre mieux ni plus doucement. みんな彼女を称賛し、「これよりも良い音を聞くことはできない、もっと甘美な音もない」と言い始めた。

Inter quos solus Apollonius tacuit. ||alone||was silent ||||沈黙した Among whom Apollonius alone was silent. Parmi lesquels Apollonius seul se taisait. その中でただ一人アポロニウスだけが黙っていた。

Ait ei rex: Apolloni, fedam rem facis. |||Apollonius|foul||you do ||||約束|事| The king said to him: Apollo, you are doing a bad thing. Le roi lui dit : Apollon, tu fais une mauvaise chose. Il re gli disse: Apollo, stai facendo una cosa cattiva. 王は言った: アポロニ、あなたは約束を守ることができません。 Omnes filiam meam in arte musica laudant; quare tu solus vituperas? ||my||art|music|praise||||criticize |||||音楽||||| Everyone praises my daughter in the art of music; why are you the only one to blame? 皆が私の娘を音楽の技術で称賛しています; なのにあなた一人だけが非難するのはなぜですか?

Ait ille: Bone rex, si permittas, dico, quod sentio. |||||you permit|I say||I feel |||||許可する||| He said: Good king, if you allow me, I say what I feel. Il dit : Bon roi, si tu me le permets, je dis ce que je ressens. 彼は言った: 良き王よ、もし許されるなら、私は自分の感じていることを言います。 Filia tua in artem musicam incessit et nondum didicit; igitur jubeas mihi tradi liram et statim scias, quod nescivisti! |||art|music|has entered||not yet|has not learned||you should order||to hand over||||||you did not know ||||音楽の技術|||まだ学んでいない|学んでいない||命じる||||||||知らなかった Your daughter has entered the art of music and has not yet learned; therefore command me to deliver the lyre, and at once know what you did not know! Votre fille est entrée dans l'art de la musique et ne l'a pas encore apprise ; ordonne-moi donc de te livrer la lyre, et sache tout de suite ce que tu ne savais pas ! Tua figlia è entrata nell'arte della musica e non ha ancora imparato; perciò ordinami di consegnare la lira e di sapere subito ciò che non sapevi! あなたの娘は音楽の技術を習得し始めたが、まだ学んでいない。だから、私にリラを渡すように命じなさい、そうすればすぐにあなたが知らなかったことを知るでしょう!

Rex ait: Apolloni, video te eruditum in omnibus. |||I see||learned|| |||||教養のある|| The king said: Apollo, I see that you are learned in everything. Le roi dit : Apollon, je vois que tu es instruit en tout. 王は言った:アポロニウスよ、あなたがすべてにおいて教養があるのが見えます。 Jussit sibi tradi liram et egresso foras corona capitis eum decoravit, accipiensque liram intravit triclinium, pulsabat ante regem tanta dulcedine, ut omnes non Apollonium sed Appollinem crederent. he ordered|||||having exited|outside|crown|of the head||decorated|and taking|||dining room|was playing||||||||||Apollo|believed |||||出て行った||冠||||||||叩いていた||||||||||アポロン| He ordered the lira to be delivered to him, and, going out, he adorned it with a crown of his head; and taking the liram, he entered the parlour, and knocked before the king with such sweetness that all believed not Apollonius, but Apollo. Il ordonna qu'on lui remette la lyre, et quand il sortit, il le décora d'une couronne sur la tête, et prenant la lyre, il entra dans la salle à manger et la frappa devant le roi avec une telle douceur que tous crurent que ce n'était pas Apollonius mais Apollonius. Ordinò che gli fosse consegnata la lira, e quando uscì, lo adornò con una corona in testa, e presa la lira entrò nella sala da pranzo e la suonò davanti al re con tale dolcezza che tutti credettero che fosse non era Apollonio ma Apollonio. 彼はリラを渡すように命じ、外に出ていったときに冠で彼の頭を飾り、リラを受け取って食堂に入ると、王の前でその甘美さで演奏したので、みんながアポロニウスではなくアポリネムだと信じるほどだった。 Discumbentes cum rege dixerunt, quod numquam melius audissent nec vidissent. reclining|||they said||||they had heard||they had seen |||||||||見た At the table with the king they said that they had never heard or seen better. 王と共に座っている者たちは、彼らがこれまでに聞いたことも見たこともないほど素晴らしいと言った。 Filia regis haec audiens respiciens Juvenem capta est in amorem ejus et ait ad patrem suum: O pater, permittas me dare juveni, quod mihi placet. ||||||captured||||||||||||you allow||give|||| The king's daughter, upon hearing these things, looked upon the young man, and was taken in love with him, and said to his father: Oh father, allow me to give the young man what pleases me. En entendant cela, la fille du roi, regardant le jeune homme, tomba amoureuse de lui et dit à son père : Ô père, permets-moi de donner au jeune homme ce que je veux. La figlia del re sentendo ciò, guardando il giovane, si innamorò di lui e disse a suo padre: O padre, permettimi di dare al giovane ciò che mi piace. 王の娘はこれを聞き、若者を振り返って彼に恋に落ち、父に言った:お父様、私が気に入っている若者に会うのを許可してください。