Alhemičar 4. (Long)
The Alchemist|(Long)
Alchemist 4. (Lang)
Alquimista 4. (Largo)
Alchimista 4. (Lungo)
Alchemik 4. (Długi)
Alquimista 4. (Longo)
Алхимик 4. (Длинный)
Simyacı 4. (Uzun)
The Alchemist 4. (Long)
Zato ima više razloga, ali, recimo, da je najvažniji taj što si imao snage da ostvariš svoju ličnu legendu.
That's why|there are|more|reasons|but|let's say|that|is|most important|that|that|you|had|strength|to|achieve|your|personal|legend
There are several reasons, but let's say the most important one is that you had the strength to achieve your personal legend.
Mladić nije znao šta je to lična legenda.
The young man|did not|know|what|was|that|personal|legend
The young man did not know what a personal legend was.
To je ono što si uvjek želio da činiš.
It is what you have always wanted to do.
Svi ljudi u ranoj mladosti znaju šta je njihova lična legenda.
All people in early youth know what their personal legend is.
U tom životnom razdoblju sve je jasno, sve je moguće i tada se ljudi ne boje da sanjaju i požele sve što bi volljeli da rade u životu.
In|that|life|period|everything|is|clear|everything|is|possible|and|then|(reflexive pronoun)|people|not|are afraid|to|dream|and|wish|everything|that|would|liked|to|do|in|life
In that stage of life, everything is clear, everything is possible, and people are not afraid to dream and wish for everything they would love to do in life.
Međutim, što više vreme odmiče, neka tajanstvena sila nastoji da dokaže da je nemoguće ostvariti ličnu legendu.
However|the more|more|time|passes|some|mysterious|force|strives|to|prove|that|is|impossible|achieve||legend
However, as time goes on, some mysterious force tries to prove that it is impossible to achieve a personal legend.
Mladiću se učinilo da starčeva prića nema mnogo smisla, ali je ipak htio da sazna kakve su to tajanstvene sile.
The young man|himself|seemed|that|old man's|story|has no|much|sense|but|he|still|wanted|to|learn|what kind of|are|those|mysterious|forces
The young man thought that the old man's story didn't make much sense, but he still wanted to find out what those mysterious forces were.
Trgovčeva kćerka će biti zadivljena kada joj o tome bude prićao.
The merchant's|daughter|will|be|amazed|when|to her|about|that|will|told
The merchant's daughter will be amazed when he tells her about it.
To su na izgled zle sile, ali ti u stvari govore kako da ostvariš svoju ličnu legendu.
They seem like evil forces, but they are actually telling you how to achieve your personal legend.
One ti pripremaju duh i vollju, jer na ovoj planeti postoji jedna velika istina, bez obzira ko si i šta radiš.
They|you|prepare|spirit|and|will|because|on|this|planet|there is|one|great|truth|without|regard|who|you are||what|do
They prepare your spirit and will, because on this planet there is one great truth, no matter who you are and what you do.
Kada stvarno nešto želiš, to znači da je ta želnja nastala u duši Vaseljene.
When|truly|something|you want|it|means|that|is|that||originated|in|soul|Universe
When you truly want something, it means that desire was born in the soul of the Universe.
To je tvoja misija na zemlji.
That is your mission on earth.
Čak i kad samo želiš da putuješ, ili da se oženiš kćerkom trgovca tkaninama,
Even|and|when|only|you want|to|travel|or|to|yourself|marry|daughter|of the merchant|with fabrics
Even when you just want to travel, or to marry the daughter of a fabric merchant,
ili da tražiš riznicu s blagom, duša sveta hrani se ličnom srečom ljudi,
or to seek a treasure trove, the soul of the world feeds on the personal happiness of people,
ili nesrečom, zavisču, ljubomorom.
or|by misfortune|by dependence|by jealousy
or misfortune, envy, jealousy.
Jedina čovekova obaveza jeste da ostvari svoju ličnu legendu,
The only|man's|obligation|is|to|achieve|his|personal|legend
A person's only obligation is to achieve their personal legend,
sve je samo jedno.
everything is just one.
A kada želiš nešto, ćitava Vaseljena se zavljeri da ostvariš tu svoju želnju.
And|when|you want|something|the whole|universe|reflexive pronoun|conspires|to|achieve|that|your|
And when you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve that desire.
Neko vrjeme su ćuteći posmatrali trg i ljude na njemu.
For a while, they silently observed the square and the people in it.
Starac je prvi progovorio.
The old man|(verb to be)|first|spoke
The old man spoke first.
— Zašto čuvaš ovce?
Why|do you keep|sheep
— Why do you keep sheep?
— Zato što volim da putujem.
Because|that|I love|to|travel
— Because I love to travel.
On uperi prst prema jednom prodavcu kokica,
He pointed his finger at a popcorn vendor,
koji se sa svojim crvenim kolicima nalazio na istom tom trgu.
who|himself|with|his|red|stroller|was located|on|the same|that|square
who was with his red cart in that very square.
I onaj prodavac kokica je želio da putuje kada je bio mali,
And that popcorn seller wanted to travel when he was little,
ali odlučio se da kupi kolica i prodaje kokice,
but|decided|reflexive pronoun|to|buy|cart|and|sells|popcorn
but he decided to buy a cart and sell popcorn,
kako bi godinama štedio dinar po dinar.
how|would|for years|saved|dinar|one|dinar
so he could save up year after year, penny by penny.
Kada ostari, provešće mjesec dana u Africi.
When|he/she/it gets old|he/she/it will spend|month|days|in|Africa
When he gets old, he will spend a month in Africa.
On nikada nije shvatio da ljudi uvjek imaju uslova da rade ono o čemu sanjaju.
He|never|did not|understood|that|people|always|have|conditions|to|work|that|about|what|they dream
He never understood that people always have the conditions to do what they dream of.
Trebalo je da se odluči da bude pastir,
It should|was|to|himself|decide|to|be|shepherd
He should have decided to be a shepherd,
naglas pomisli mladić.
aloud|thought|young man
the young man thinks aloud.
I on je to pomišljao, reče starac,
I|he|was|that|thought|said|old man
And he thought about it, said the old man,
ali prodavci kokica su uglednije od pastira.
but|popcorn sellers|popcorn|are|more respectable|than|shepherds
but popcorn sellers are more respected than shepherds.
Prodavac kokica ima kuću, dok pastir spava pod vedrim nebom.
The seller|popcorn|has|a house|while|the shepherd|sleeps|under|clear|sky
A popcorn seller has a house, while a shepherd sleeps under the open sky.
Ljudi više vole da udaju kćerku za prodavca kokica, nego za pastira.
People prefer to marry their daughter to a popcorn seller than to a shepherd.
Mladić je nešto štrecnulo kada je pomislio na trgovćevu kćerku.
The young man|(auxiliary verb)|something|flinched|when|(auxiliary verb)|thought|about|the merchant's|daughter
The young man flinched a bit when he thought of the merchant's daughter.
U njenom gradu mora da je postojao neki prodavac kokica.
In|her|city|must|to|be|have existed|some|seller|popcorn
There must have been some popcorn vendor in her town.
Najzad, ono što misle o prodavcima kokica i pastirima,
Finally|that|what||about|popcorn sellers|popcorn|and|shepherds
Finally, what they think about popcorn vendors and shepherds,
ljudima postaje važnije od lične legende.
to people|becomes|more important|than|personal|legend
becomes more important to people than personal legend.
Starac poče da lista knigu i udubi se u čitanje jedne stranice.
The old man|began|to|read|the book|and|immersed|himself|in|reading|one|page
The old man began to flip through the book and got absorbed in reading a page.
Mladić malo pričeka i prekide ga isto kao što je i ovaj njega.
The young man|a little|waited|and|interrupted|him|just|like|as|was|and|this|him
The young man waited a moment and interrupted him just as he had been interrupted.
— Zašto vi meni sve ovo prićate?
Why|you|to me|all|this|are telling
— Why are you telling me all this?
— Zato što nastoiš da proživiš svoju ličnu legendu
Because|that|you strive|to|live out|your|personal|legend
— Because you are trying to live your personal legend.
i upravo pomišljaš da od nje odustaneš.
and|just|you think|to|from|her|give up
and you are just thinking about giving up on her.
— I vi se uvjek pojavljujete u takvim trenucima.
You|you|reflexive pronoun|always|appear|in|such|moments
— And you always show up in such moments.
Ne uvjek u ovom obliku, ali uvjek sam se pojavljivao.
Not|always|in|this|form|but|always|I|reflexive pronoun|appeared
Not always in this form, but I have always appeared.
Ponekad se pojavljujem u obliku nekojog dobrog rešenja,
Sometimes|(reflexive pronoun)|appear|in|form|some|good|solution
Sometimes I appear in the form of some good solution,
nekoje liepe ideje, ali uvjek se pojavljujem.
some nice ideas, but I always show up.
U drugim prilikama, u otsudnom trenutku,
In other occasions, at a crucial moment,
olakšavam stvari.
I simplify|things
I make things easier.
I tako redom, ali,
And so on, but,
većina ljudi to i ne primećuje.
most people don't even notice that.
Starac isprića kako je prošle nedjelje bio primoran
The old man|recounts|how|was|last|Sunday|was|forced
The old man recounts how last week he was forced
da se nekom kopaču dragu kamenja prikaže u obliku kamena.
to|oneself|to some|miner|precious|stones|is shown|in|the form of|stone
to present himself to a gem miner in the form of a stone.
Kopač je sve napustio da bi krenuo u potragu za smaragdima.
The miner|(past tense verb to be)|everything|left|in order to|(conditional particle)|started|on/in|search|for|emeralds
The miner abandoned everything to start searching for emeralds.
Punih pet godina radio je na jednoj rijeci i uspio je da izlomi
For five full years he worked on one river and managed to break
999999 kamenova u potrazi za jednim smaragdom.
999999 stones in search of one emerald.
U tom trenutku je kopač pomislio da odustane,
In|that|momentu|was|miner|thought|to|give up
At that moment, the miner thought about giving up,
a nedostajao je jedan kamen, još samo jedan kamen,
and|was missing|(past tense marker)|one|stone|just|only|one|stone
and he was missing one stone, just one more stone,
da bi otkrio taj smaragd.
to discover that emerald.
Pošto je bio čovek koji je sve stavio na koku
Since|was|man|who|who|(past tense verb)|everything|put|on|the line
Since he was a man who put everything on the line
zbog svoje lične legende, Starac je rešio da se umješe.
because|his|personal|legend|Old Man|(he)|decided|to|himself|intervene
for his personal legend, the Old Man decided to intervene.
Pretvorio se u kamen, koji se dokotrlljao pred noge kopača,
turned|himself|into|stone|which|itself|rolled|in front of|feet|of the miner
He turned into a stone, which rolled to the feet of the digger,
a ovaj, bjesan i razočaran zbog pet izgubljenih godina,
and|this|furious|and|disappointed|because of|five|lost|years
and this one, furious and disappointed because of five lost years,
daleko je bacio kamen.
threw a stone far away.
Ali bacio ga je takvom snagom, da je njime razbio drugi
But|threw|it|(past tense marker)|with such|force|that|(past tense marker)|with it|broke|the other
But he threw it with such force that it broke another
kamen, koji se polomio, i ispod njegovih krhotina
stone|which|reflexive particle|broke|and|under|its|fragments
stone, which shattered, and beneath its fragments
ukazao se najljepši smaragd na svjetu.
appeared|reflexive pronoun|most beautiful|emerald|in|the world
the most beautiful emerald in the world appeared.
Ljudi veoma rano saznaju razlog svog postojanja,
People find out the reason for their existence very early,
reče Starac s izvjesnom gorčinom u pogledu.
said|Old Man|with|certain|bitterness|in|gaze
said the Old Man with a certain bitterness in his gaze.
Možda zbog toga oni tako rano i odustaju, ali takav je svjet.
Maybe|because|that|they|so|early|and|give up|but|such|is|world
Maybe that's why they give up so early, but that's how the world is.
Onda se mladić prisjeti da su razgovor počeli oko
Then|reflexive pronoun|young man|remembered|that|they|conversation|started|around
Then the young man remembered that their conversation had started about
skrivenog blaga.
hidden treasure.
- I blaga podižu iz zemlje vodeni tokovi, a oni ih i
The|blessings|raise|from|the ground|water|currents|and|they|them|also
- And treasures are raised from the ground by water flows, and they also
zatrpavaju - reče Starac.
they bury|said|the Old Man
bury them - said the Old Man.
«Ako želiš da nešto saznaš o svom blagu, moraćeš da mi
If|you want|to|something|learn|about|your|treasure|you will have to|to|me
"If you want to learn something about your treasure, you will have to give me
ustupiš deseti dio svog stada».
you shall give up|tenth|part|your|flock
a tenth of your flock."
A može li deseti dio blaga?
And|can|question particle|tenth|part|treasure
But can it be a tenth of the treasure?
Starac je bio razočaran.
The old man|was|old|disappointed
The old man was disappointed.
A ako kreneš, obećavši ono što još nemaš, izgubićeš
And|if|you start|promising|that|which|still|you do not have|you will lose
And if you start, promising what you do not yet have, you will lose
volju da ga stekneš.
the will to acquire it.
Mladić onda isprića kako je deseti dio blaga obećao
The young man|then|explains|how|he|tenth|part|treasure|promised
The young man then recounts how he promised a tenth of the treasure
to the gypsy.
«Cigani su vješti», uzdahnu Starac.
The Gypsies|are|cunning|sighs|The Old Man
"Gypsies are skilled," sighed the Old Man.
«U svakom slučaju treba da naučiš da sve u životu ima
In|every|case|you should|to|learn|that|everything|in|life|has
"In any case, you need to learn that everything in life has
svoju cijenu.
its price.
To upravo i pokušavaju da nas nauče ratnici svjetlosti».
They|just|and|try|to|us|teach|warriors|of light
That's exactly what the warriors of light are trying to teach us."
Starac je vratio knigu mladiću.
The old man|(past tense verb to be)|returned|the book|to the young man
The old man returned the book to the young man.
«Sutra, u ovo isto vrjeme, doćeraćeš mi deseti dio svog
Tomorrow|at|this|same|time|you will bring|me|tenth|part|
"Tomorrow, at this same time, you will bring me the tenth part of your
Ja ću te naučiti kako da dospješ do skrivenog blaga.
I will teach you how to reach the hidden treasure.
I zamače iza jednog ugla.
And he disappeared around a corner.
Mladić je pokušao da čita knigu, ali više nije uspjevao da
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|tried|to|read||but|anymore|(past tense verb to be)|succeeded|to
The young man tried to read the book, but he could no longer
se koncentriše.
reflexive pronoun|concentrates
Bio je uzbuđeni i napet, jer je znao da Starac govori
He was|(past tense verb marker)|excited|and|tense|because|(past tense verb marker)|knew|that|the Old Man|speaks
He was excited and tense, because he knew that the Old Man was speaking
the truth
the truth.
Otišao je do prodavca Kokica, kupio kesicu Kokica, dok je
He went|(past tense marker)|to|the seller|of popcorn|he bought|a bag|of popcorn|while|(past tense marker)
He went to the Popcorn seller, bought a bag of Popcorn, while he
uspud razmišljao, da li treba da mu isprića Starčevu priću.
meanwhile|he was thinking|whether|question particle|should|to|him|tell|Starac's|story
was thinking about whether he should tell him the Old Man's story.
«Ponekad treba pustiti da voda sama teče», pomisli mladić i
Sometimes|you have to|let|that|water|by itself|flows|thinks|young man|
"Sometimes you have to let the water flow on its own," thought the young man and
ne reče ništa.
said nothing.
Kad bi mu nešto rekao, prodavac Kokica bi puna tri dana
If|would|to him|something|said|seller|Kokica|would|full|three|days
If he had said something, the seller of Popcorn would have thought for three whole days
razmišljao o tome da ostavi sve, a već se toliko bio navikao
thought|about|it|to|leave|everything|but|already|himself|so much|had|gotten used to
about leaving everything, and he had already gotten so used to it.
na svoja kolica.
on his cart.
Htio je prodavca Kokica da poštedi muka.
He wanted|(past tense marker)|the seller|Kokica|to|spare|suffering
He wanted to spare the seller of Kokice from suffering.
Vesiljno hodajući gradom, stigao je do Luke.
Whistling|walking|through the city|he arrived|(past tense marker)|at|Luka
Joyfully walking through the city, he arrived at Luka.
Tu se nalazila jedna zgradica i na njoj prozorče, gde su se
Here|reflexive pronoun|was located|one|small building|and|on|it|small window|where|they|reflexive pronoun
There was a small building with a little window, where they
kupovale putne karte.
they were buying travel tickets.
Egipat se nalazi u Africi.
Egypt|reflexive pronoun|is located|in|Africa
Egypt is located in Africa.
«Šta ste želljali?»
What|you (plural)|wanted
"What would you like?"
upitao je čovek iza šaltera.
asked|past tense marker|man|behind|counter
asked the man behind the counter.
«Možda sutra», reče mladić, udaljujući se.
Maybe|tomorrow|said|young man|distancing|himself
"Maybe tomorrow," said the young man, walking away.
«Kada bih prodao samo jednu ovcu, mogao bih stići na drugu
When|I would|sold|only|one|sheep|I could|I would|arrive|at|second
"If I sold just one sheep, I could reach the other
stranu Moreuza».
side|of the strait
side of the Strait."
Od te pomisli hvatao ga je strah.
From|that|thought|was gripping|him|(past tense marker)|fear
The thought filled him with fear.
«Evo još jedne sanjalice», reče službanik svom pomočniku,
"Here’s another dreamer," said the clerk to his assistant,
dok se mladić udaljavao.
while|himself|young man|was distancing
as the young man was walking away.
«Ni taj nema para za put».
"That one doesn't have money for the trip either."
Dok je stajao izpred šaltera, mladić se sjetio svojih ovaca
While|was|standing|in front of|the counter|the young man|himself|remembered|his|sheep
As he stood in front of the counter, the young man remembered his sheep.
i uplašio se pri pomisli da im se vrati.
and|got scared|himself|at|thought|that|to them|himself|returned
and he was scared at the thought of returning to them.
Pune dve godine je učio kako se gaje ovce.
Full|two|years|he|learned|how|themselves|are raised|sheep
For two whole years he learned how to raise sheep.
Umio je da ih šiša, da brine o ovcama koje su zanjeli, da ih
He knew|(past tense marker)|to|them|shear|to|take care|of|sheep|which|(past tense marker)|they had taken|to|them
He knew how to shear them, to take care of the sheep they had raised, to
štiti od vukova, poznavao je sva polja i ispaše andaluzije,
protects|from|wolves|knew|(past tense marker)|all|fields|and|pastures|of Andalusia
protect them from wolves, he knew all the fields and pastures of Andalusia,
znao je pravu cjenu pri kupovini ili prodaji svake od svojih
knew|(past tense marker)|true|price|at|buying|or|selling|each|of|his
he knew the true value when buying or selling each of his
Rešio je da se dužim putem vrati do tora svog prijatelja.
He decided|(past tense marker)|to|himself|longer|road|return|to|pen|his|friend
He decided to take the longer way back to his friend's pen.
I ovaj grad je imao zamak, i on odluči da se popne kamenom
And this city also had a castle, and he decided to climb the stone
rampom i sjedne na neki zid.
with a ramp|and|sits|on|some|wall
he climbs the ramp and sits on a wall.
Odosgo je mogao da vidi Afriku.
From Odosgo|he|could|to|see|Africa
From above, he could see Africa.
Nekomu je jednom objasnio da su otuda stigli mavari, koji
to someone|(past tense verb auxiliary)|once|explained|that|(past tense verb auxiliary)|from there|arrived|Moors|who
He once explained to someone that the Moors came from there, who
su toliko godina bili okupatori skoročitave Španije.
have|so|years|been|occupiers|almost all|of Spain
were occupiers of almost all of Spain for so many years.
Mladić je mrzio mavare, oni su sa sobom doveli i cigane.
The young man|was|hated|the Mavars|they|were|with|them|brought|and|the Gypsies
The young man hated the Moors, they also brought gypsies with them.
Odosgo je mogao da vidi i skoročitav grad, uključujući i trg na
From the top|he|could|to|see|and|almost the whole|city|including|and|square|on
From above, he could see almost the entire city, including the square.
ovako me razgovarao sa starcem.
like this|me|talked|with|old man
This is how I spoke with the old man.
Proklet bio čas, kad sam sreo tog starca, pomislio on.
cursed|was|moment|when|I|met|that|old man|thought|he
Cursed be the moment when I met that old man, he thought.
Samo je išao da potraži neku ženu koja tumači snove.
He only|was|going|to|find|some|woman|who|interprets|dreams
He was just going to look for a woman who interprets dreams.
Ni žena, ni starac nisu pridavali nikakav značaj činjenici da je on pastir.
Neither|woman|nor|old man|did not|attach|any|significance|fact|that|is|he|shepherd
Neither the woman nor the old man paid any attention to the fact that he was a shepherd.
Bile su to usamljene osobe, koje više nisu vjerovale u život i koje
They were|(past tense verb marker)|those|lonely|people|who|no longer|(past tense negative verb marker)|believed|in|life|and|who
They were lonely individuals who no longer believed in life and who
nisu shvatale da se pastiri na kraju krajeva, vezuju za svoje ovce.
did not|understand|that|themselves|shepherds|in|||tie|to|their|sheep
did not understand that shepherds, after all, are tied to their sheep.
Svaku ovcu je poznavao do tančina, znao je koja ćopa, koja će se ojagnjiti
Every|sheep|(past tense auxiliary verb)|knew|to|detail|knew|(past tense auxiliary verb)|which|limps|which|will|(reflexive pronoun)|give birth to a lamb
He knew every sheep in detail, he knew which one limped, which one would give birth in two months and which ones were the laziest.
kroz dva mjeseca i koje su bile najljenje.
in|two|months|and|which|were|been|the most relaxing
He also knew how to shear them and how to slaughter them, if he decided to go ahead,
Takođe je znao kako ih treba šišati i kako klati, ako odluči da krene,
they would suffer.
one će patiti.
Počao je da duva neki vjetar.
He started|(past tense marker)|to|blow|some|wind
A certain wind started to blow.
Poznavao je taj vjetar, ljudi su ga zvali vjetar Levanta, jer su s nnjim
He knew that wind, people called it the Levant wind, because with it
takođe došle horde nevjernika.
also|came|hordes|of unbelievers
also came hordes of unbelievers.
Sve dok nije upoznao tarifu, nije ni pomišljao da je Afrika tako blizu.
All|while|not|had met|the tariff|not|even|thought|that|was|Africa|so|close
Until he met the tariff, he never thought Africa was so close.
To je predstavljalo veliku opasnost, mavari su mogli ponovo da navale.
This represented a great danger, the Moors could attack again.
Vjetar je počao da duva sve jače.
The wind|is|started|to|blow|more|strongly
The wind started to blow stronger.
Sada sam između ovaca i blaga, razmišleo je mladić.
Now|I am|between|sheep|and|cattle|thought|he|young man
Now I am among the sheep and the cattle, the young man thought.
Morao je da se odluči između nečega na što se navikao i nečega što bi volio da ima.
He had to|(auxiliary verb)|to|himself|decide|between|something|to|what|(reflexive pronoun)|got used to|and|something|what|would|like|to|have
He had to decide between something he was used to and something he would like to have.
Tu je bila, naravno, i trgovćevak ćerka, ali ona nije bila toliko važna koliko o ovce, pošto od nje nije zavisio.
Here|was|there|of course|and|merchant's|daughter|but|she|not|was|so|important|as|about|sheep|since|from|her|not|depended
There was, of course, the merchant's daughter, but she was not as important as the sheep, since he did not depend on her.
Bog zna, da li ga se ona uopšte i sjeća.
God|knows|if|question particle|him|herself|she|at all|and|remembers
God knows if she even remembers him.
Bio je ubjedđen, da ona ne bi ni primjetila, kad se ne bi pojavio kroz dva dana, jer njoj su svi dani bili jednaki, a svi dani postaju jednaki onda kad ljudi prestanu da primječuju ljepe stvari,
He was|(past tense verb marker)|convinced|that|she|not|would|even|noticed|when|(reflexive pronoun)|not|would||in|two|days|because|to her|(past tense verb marker)|all|days|were|equal|and|all|days|become|equal|then|when|people|stop|to|notice|beautiful|things
He was convinced that she wouldn't even notice if he didn't show up for two days, because all her days were the same, and all days become the same when people stop noticing the beautiful things,
kojim se dešavaju kad god Sunce prelazi svoj nebeski put.
which|reflexive pronoun|occur|whenever|every|Sun|crosses|its|celestial|path
which happen whenever the Sun crosses its heavenly path.
— Ostavio sam oca, majku, zamak u svom gradu.
I left|(I)|father|mother|castle|in|my|city
— I left my father, mother, and the castle in my town.
Oni su se na to navikli, a i jas sum se navikao.
They got used to it, and I got used to it too.
Takođe će se i ovce navići na moje otsutstvo, pomisli mladić.
Also|will|reflexive pronoun|and|sheep|get used|to|my|absence|thought|young man
The sheep will also get used to my absence, the young man thought.
Odozgo je pogledao prema trgu.
From above|he|looked|towards|the square
He looked down at the square.
Prodavac je i dalje prodavao kokice.
The seller|was|and|still|sold|popcorn
The vendor was still selling popcorn.
Jedan mladi par sjeo je na klupu, na kojo je on razgovarao sa starcem, i dugo se ljubio.
One|young|couple|sat|(past tense marker)|on|the bench|on|which|(past tense marker)|he|talked|with||and|long|(reflexive pronoun)|kissed
A young couple sat on the bench, where he was talking to an old man, and they kissed for a long time.
— Prodavac kokica, reče on u sebe, nedovršivši rečenicu, jer je slevanta počelo još snažnije da duva, i on je zastao, osićajući vjetar na licu.
Popcorn seller|popcorn|said|he|to|himself|unfinished|sentence|because|was|the breeze|started|even|stronger|to|blow|and|he|was|stopped|feeling|wind|on|face
— The popcorn vendor, he said to himself, not finishing the sentence, because the wind started to blow even stronger, and he paused, feeling the wind on his face.
Taj vjetar je donio mavare, to je tačno, ali takođe je donosio miri spustinja i žena, koje nose feredžu.
That|wind|is|brought|troubles|that|is|true|but|also|is|brought|peace|of the desert|and|women|who|wear|burqa
That wind brought the scent of the fields, that is true, but it also brought the smell of the valleys and women wearing veils.
Donosio je zno i snove ljudi, koji su jednog dana krenuli u potragu za nepoznatim, za zlatom, za avanturama.
He brought|(past tense marker)|sweat|and|dreams|people|who|(past tense marker)|one|day|set out|in|search|for|unknown|for|gold|for|adventures
He brought the sweat and dreams of people who one day set out in search of the unknown, for gold, for adventures.
I za piramidama.
And|behind|the pyramids
And for the pyramids.
Mladić je počeo da zavidi vjetru na slobodi i shvatio, da bi i on mogao da bude takav.
The young man|(is)|started|to|envy|the wind|on|freedom|and|realized|that|(would)|also|he|could|to|be|like that
The young man began to envy the wind for its freedom and realized that he too could be like that.
Ništa ga nije sprečavalo, osim njega samoga.
Nothing|him|was not|preventing|except|him|himself
Nothing was stopping him, except for himself.
Ovce, trgovćevak, ćerka, polja, andaluzije bile su samo epizode njegove lične legende.
The sheep|merchant|daughter|fields|of Andalusia|were|are|only|episodes|his|personal|legend
Sheep, a merchant, a daughter, fields, and Andalusia were just episodes of his personal legend.
Narednog dana mladić je sreo starca oko podne.
Next|day|young man|(he)|met|old man|around|noon
The next day, the young man met an old man around noon.
Vodio je sa sobom šest ovaca.
He drove|past tense marker|with|him|six|sheep
He was leading six sheep with him.
— Iznenađen sam, reče on.
surprised|I|he said|he
— I am surprised, he said.
Moj prijatel je odmah otkupio ovce.
My|friend|is|immediately|bought back|sheep
My friend immediately bought the sheep.
Rekao mi je, da je cjelog života sanjao da postane pastir, a to je bio dobar znak.
He said|to me|(past tense verb marker)|that|(past tense verb marker)|whole|life|dreamed|to|become|shepherd|and|that|(past tense verb marker)|was|good|sign
He told me that he had dreamed of becoming a shepherd his whole life, and that was a good sign.
— Uvjek je tako, reče starac.
Always|is|so|said|old man
— It's always like that, the old man said.
Nazovimo to povolljan početak.
Let's call|it|favorable|beginning
Let's call it a favorable beginning.
Ako sjedneš da igraš karte prvi put, dobićeš skoro sigurno početnička sreća.
If|you sit down|to|play||first|time||almost|surely|beginner's|luck
If you sit down to play cards for the first time, you will almost certainly get beginner's luck.
— A zašto?
— And why?
— Zato što život želi da proživiš svoju ličnu legendu.
— Because life wants you to live your personal legend.
Zatim je počeo da razgledao nih šest ovaca i otkrio da je jedna ćopava.
Then|(past tense verb marker)|started|to|examine|them|six|sheep|and|discovered|that|(past tense verb marker)|one|lame
Then he started to look at the six sheep and discovered that one was lame.
Mladić objasni da to nije bitno, jer je ona bila jedna od najpametnijih i davala je dosta vune.
The young man|explained|that|it|is not|important|because|was|she|one|one|of|the smartest|and|gave|was|a lot|wool
The young man explained that it doesn't matter, because she was one of the smartest and provided a lot of wool.
— Gdje se nalazi Blago?
Where|(reflexive particle)|is located|Blago
— Where is Blago?
— upita.
— he asked.
Blago se nalazi u Egiptu, blizu piramida.
The treasure|reflexive pronoun|is located|in|Egypt|near|the pyramids
Blago is located in Egypt, near the pyramids.
Mladić uzdrhta.
The young man|trembled
The young man trembled.
Starica mu je isto rekla, ali mu ništa za to nije naplatila.
The old woman|to him|(past tense auxiliary verb)|also|said|but|to him|nothing|for|that|(negative past tense auxiliary verb)|charged
The old woman told him the same, but she didn't charge him anything for it.
Da bi stigao tamo, moraćeš da pratiš znakove.
To|subjunctive particle|arrive|there|you will have to|to|follow|signs
To get there, you will have to follow the signs.
Bog je na svjetu obilježio put kojim svaki čovek treba da ide.
God|is|in|the world|marked|path|which|every|man|should|to|go
God has marked the path that every man should take.
Treba samo pročitati ono što je on za tebe napisao.
It is necessary|only|to read|that|what|he|he|for|you|wrote
You just need to read what he wrote for you.
Prije nego što je mladić uspio išto da kaže, jedna leptirica poče da leti između njega i starca.
Before|than|what|he|young man|managed|anything|to|say|one|butterfly|began|to|fly|between|him|and|old man
Before the young man could say anything, a butterfly began to fly between him and the old man.
Sjetio se svog djede.
He remembered|himself|his|grandfather
He remembered his grandfather.
Kada je bio djete, deda mu je rekao da su leptirice znak sreći, kao i zrikavci, svrčci, mali sivi gušteri i djetelina sa 4 lista.
When|was|a|child|grandfather|to him|(past tense marker)|said|that|are|butterflies|sign|of happiness|as|and|crickets|grasshoppers|small|gray|lizards|and|clover|with|
When he was a child, his grandfather told him that butterflies are a sign of happiness, as well as crickets, grasshoppers, small gray lizards, and four-leaf clovers.
Tako je, reče starac koji je umio da čita njegove misli.
That's right|is|said|old man|who|was|able|to|read|his|thoughts
That's right, said the old man who could read his thoughts.
Upravo tako kako te je tvoj djeda učio.
Just as your grandfather taught you.
To su znaki.
These are signs.
Zatim je starac raširio ogrteč koji mu je pokrivao grudi.
Then|(past tense verb marker)|old man|spread|shawl|which|to him|(past tense verb marker)|covered|chest
Then the old man spread the cloak that covered his chest.
Prizor je zadivio mladića.
The sight|was|amazed|the young man
The sight amazed the young man.
Sjetio se sjaja koji je primjetio predhodnog dana.
He remembered|reflexive particle|shine|which|was|noticed|previous|day
He remembered the shine he had noticed the previous day.
Starac je imao grudnjak od masivnog zlata ukrašen dragim kamenjem.
The old man|was|had|chest piece|made of|massive|gold|decorated|precious|stones
The old man had a bra made of solid gold adorned with precious stones.
On je zaista bio kralj, sigurno se tako prerušavao da bi izbegao razbojnike.
He was truly a king, surely disguising himself to avoid bandits.
Uzmi, reče starac, vadeći iz zlatnog grudnjaka jedan bjeli i jedan crni kamen.
Take|said|old man|taking out|from|golden|chest|one|white|and|one|black|stone
Take this, said the old man, pulling out one white and one black stone from a golden pouch.
Zovu se Urim i Tumim.
They are called|reflexive pronoun|Urim|and|Tumim
They are called Urim and Tumim.
Crni znači da, a bjeli znači ne.
The black one means yes, and the white one means no.
Posluži će ti kada ne uspieš da prepoznaš znakove.
will help|will|you|when|not|succeed|to|recognize|signs
They will help you when you cannot recognize the signs.
Ali uvek moraš da postaviš konkretno pitanje.
But|always|you must|to|ask|specific|question
But you always have to ask a specific question.
Ali, uopšte uzevši, nastoj da sam donosiš odluke.
But|overall|taking into account|try|to|yourself|make|decisions
But, generally speaking, try to make decisions on your own.
Blago se nalazi kod piramida i ti si to već znao,
treasure|reflexive pronoun|is located|near|pyramids|and|you|are|that|already|knew
The treasure is located near the pyramids and you already knew that,
ali morao si da daš šest ovaca da bih ti ja pomogao da doneseš odlu.
but|had to|you|to|give|six|sheep|so|I would|you|I|helped|to|bring|decision
but you had to give six sheep for me to help you make a decision.
Mladić je stavio kamenčiće u bisage.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|put|small stones|in|saddlebags
The young man put pebbles in the saddlebags.
U buduće će sam donositi odluke.
In|the future|will|I|make|decisions
In the future, he will make decisions on his own.
Ne zaboravi da je sve samo jedna cjelina.
Do not|forget|that|is|everything|only|one|whole
Don't forget that everything is just one whole.
Ne zaboravi na jezik znakova.
Don't forget about the language of signs.
A naročito ne zaboravi da ideš do kraja svoje lične legende.
And|especially|not|forget|to|you go|to|the end|your|personal|legend
And especially do not forget to go to the end of your personal legend.
Ipak da ti predhodno ispričam jednu malu priću.
But let me first tell you a little story.
Neke trgovac poslao je svog sina da kod najmudrijeg od svih ljudi nauči tajnu sreća.
Some|merchant|sent|(auxiliary verb)|his|son|to|with|the wisest|of|all|men|learn|secret|happiness
A merchant sent his son to learn the secret of happiness from the wisest of all men.
Mladić je punih 40 dana hodao kroz pustinju,
The young man|was|full|days|walked|through|the desert
The young man walked through the desert for a full 40 days,
sve dok nije stigao do jednog ljepog zamka na vrhu planine.
until he reached a beautiful castle on top of the mountain.
Tu je živio mudrac, kojeg je mladić tražio.
Here|was|lived|wise man|whom|the|young man|sought
There lived a wise man, whom the young man was seeking.
Umjesto da najđe na svetog čoveka,
Instead of|to|encounters|upon|holy|man
Instead of encountering a holy man,
naš junak je međutim ušao u jednu salu, koja je vrvjala od ljudi.
our hero, however, entered a hall that was bustling with people.
Trgovci su ulazili i izlazili,
The merchants|were|entering|and|exiting
Merchants were coming in and out,
neki ljudi su razgovarali po uglovima,
some people were talking in the corners,
jedan mali orkestr je svirao prijatne melodije,
a small orchestra was playing pleasant melodies,
a tu je bila i bogata trpe za puna najukusnih jela iz tog kraja svjeta.
and|there|was|was|and|rich|table|for|full|most delicious|dishes|from|that|region|world
and there was also a rich table full of the most delicious dishes from that part of the world.
Mudrac je razgovarao sa svima,
The wise man|(past tense verb to be)|talked|with|everyone
The wise man talked to everyone,
i mladić je morao da sačeka dva sata dok je došao red na njega.
and|young man|was|had to|to|wait|two|hours|until|was|came|turn|on|him
and the young man had to wait two hours until it was his turn.
Mudrac je pažljivo saslušao razloge mladićeve posjete,
The wise man|was|carefully|listened to|the reasons|of the young man|visit
The wise man carefully listened to the reasons for the young man's visit,
ali mu reče da u ovom trenutku nema vremena da mu objasni šta je to tajna sreče.
but|to him|said|that|at|this|moment|does not have|time|to|to him|explain|what|is|that|secret|happiness
but told him that at this moment he didn't have time to explain what the secret of happiness is.
Preporučio mu je da se prošeta po njegovoj palati
He recommended|to him|(past tense marker)|to|himself|take a walk|around|his|palace
He recommended that he take a walk around his palace.
i da se vrati kroz dva sata.
and return in two hours.
— U među vremenu bih te nešto zamolio, — dodade mudrac,
In|the|meantime|I would|you|something|ask|added|wise man
— In the meantime, I would like to ask you something, — added the wise man,
pružajući mladiću kašičicu za čaj u koju je kanuo dve kapi ulja.
providing|to the young man|a teaspoon|for|tea|in|which|he|dropped|two|drops|of oil
offering the young man a teaspoon for tea into which he had dripped two drops of oil.
— Dok budeš hodao, nosićeš ovu kašičicu i nastojaćeš da se ulje ne prospe.
While|you are|walking|you will carry|this|little spoon|and|you will try|to|reflexive pronoun|oil|not|spill
— As long as you walk, you will carry this little spoon and try not to spill the oil.
Mladić je počeo da se penje i silazi stepenicama palate,
The young man|is|started|to|himself|climb|and|descends|by the stairs|of the palace
The young man began to climb up and down the palace stairs,
motreći na kašičicu.
looking|at|the spoon
watching the little spoon.
Posle dva sata vratio se pred mudraca.
After|two|hours|he returned|himself|before|the wise man
After two hours, he returned to the wise man.
— Dakle, — upita mudrac, — jesi li vidio persiske čilime u moje trpezariji?
So|asked|wise man|you are|question particle|seen|Persian|carpets|in|my|dining room
— So, — asked the sage, — have you seen the Persian carpets in my dining room?
Jesi li vidio vrt koji je najveći majstor među baštovanima punih deset godina uređivao?
Have|question particle|seen|garden|which|is|greatest|master|among|gardeners|full|ten|years|maintained
Have you seen the garden that the greatest master among gardeners has tended for a full ten years?
Jesi li primjetio prekrasne pergamente u moje biblioteci?
Are|question particle|you noticed|beautiful|parchments|in|my|library
Have you noticed the beautiful parchments in my library?
Mladić je posramljeno priznao da nije vidio ništa.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|shamefully|admitted|that|did not|see|anything
The young man shamefully admitted that he had seen nothing.
Njegova jedina briga bila je da ne prospe one dvije kapi ulja koje mu je mudrac povjerio.
His|only|concern|was|(past tense marker)|to|not|spill|those|two|drops|of oil|that|to him|(past tense marker)|wise man|entrusted
His only concern was not to spill the two drops of oil that the wise man had entrusted to him.
— Onda se vrati i upoznaj čudesa mog sveta, — reče mudrac.
Then|(reflexive particle)|return|and|get to know|wonders||world|said|wise man
— Then come back and discover the wonders of my world, — said the wise man.
— Ne možeš imati povjerenja u čoveka ukoliko ne poznaješ njegov dom.
— You cannot trust a man if you do not know his home.
Sada već smireniji, mladić uze kašičicu i ponovo krenu u šetnju palatom,
Now|already|calmer|young man|took|small spoon|and|again|started|in|walk|palace
Now calmer, the young man took a spoon and set off again to walk through the palace,
ovog puta obraćajući pažnju na sva umjetnička djela koja su visila sa tavanice i po zidovima.
this time paying attention to all the artworks that were hanging from the ceiling and on the walls.
Razgledao je vrtove, okolne planine, primjetio nježne cvjetove i ukus s kojim je svako umjetničko djelo postavljeno na pravo mjesto.
He explored|(past tense marker)|the gardens|surrounding|mountains|he noticed|delicate|flowers|and|taste|with which|which|(past tense marker)|every|artistic|work|placed|in|the right|place
He looked at the gardens, the surrounding mountains, noticed the delicate flowers and the taste with which each artwork was placed in the right spot.
Vrativši se kod mudraca, potanko mu je prepričao sve što je vidio.
Returning|reflexive pronoun|to|the wise man|in detail|to him|he|retold|everything|that|he|saw
Returning to the sage, he recounted in detail everything he had seen.
— Ali gde su one dvije kapi ulja koje sam ti povjerio?
But|where|are|those|two|drops|of oil|which|I|to you|entrusted
— But where are the two drops of oil that I entrusted to you?
— upita mudrac.
asked|the wise man
— asked the wise man.
Pogledavši u kašičicu, mladić primjeti da ih je prosuo.
Looking|into|spoon|young man|noticed|that|them|was|spilled
Looking at the spoon, the young man noticed that he had spilled them.
— Eto, to je jedini savjet koji mogu da ti dam, reče najmudriji od mudrih.
Here|that|is|only|advice|that|I can|to|you|give|said|the wisest|of|the wise
— There, that is the only advice I can give you, said the wisest of the wise.
— Daj na sreče sastoji se u tome da posmatraš sva čuda ovoga svjeta, ali da nikad ne zaboraviš ni na one dvije kapi ulja u kašičici.
The gift|to|happiness|consists|reflexive pronoun|in|that|to|observe|all|wonders|of this|world|but|to|never|not|forget|nor|on|those|two|drops|of oil|in|the spoon
— The secret to happiness is to observe all the wonders of this world, but never to forget the two drops of oil in the spoon.
Mladić je čutao.
The young man|was|silent
The young man was silent.
Shvatio je priću starog kralja.
He understood|(past tense marker)|the story|old|king
He understood the story of the old king.
Pastir voli da putuje, ali nikad ne zaboravlja svoje ovce.
The shepherd|loves|to|travel|but|never|not|forgets|his|sheep
The shepherd loves to travel, but he never forgets his sheep.
Starac pogleda u mladića i sklopljenih ruku napravi nekoliko čudnih pokreta iznad njegove glave, zatem pokupi ovce i ode svojim putem.
The old man|looked|at|the young man|and|clasped|hands|made|several|strange|movements|above|his|head|then|gathered|the sheep|and|went|his|way
The old man looked at the young man and, with his hands clasped, made several strange movements above his head, then gathered the sheep and went on his way.
Iznad malog grada Tarife postoji jedna stara mavarska tvrđava i ko sjedne na njene zidine, može da vidi jedan trg, jednog prodavca kokica i jedno parče Afrike.
Above|small|town|Tarifa|there is|one|old|Moorish|fortress|and|who|sits|on|its|walls|can|to|see|one|square|one|seller|popcorn|and|one|piece|of Africa
Above the small town of Tarifa, there is an old Moorish fortress, and whoever sits on its walls can see a square, a popcorn vendor, and a piece of Africa.
Melkisedek, kralj Salema, sjeo je na zidine tvrđave tog popodneva i osjetio vjetar Levanta na licu.
Melchizedek, the king of Salem, sat on the fortress walls that afternoon and felt the Levant wind on his face.
Ovce su nervozno skakutale pored njega, plašeći se novog gospodara, i uzbuđene zbog tolikih promjena.
The sheep|were|nervously|hopping|beside|him|scaring|themselves|new|master|and|excited|about|so many|changes
The sheep nervously hopped beside him, scared of the new master and excited by so many changes.
Njima je jedino bilo stalo do hrane i vode.
To them|was|only|concerned|cared|about|food|and|water
They only cared about food and water.
Melkisedek je posmatrao mali brod koji je isplovljavao iz luke.
Melchizedek watched the small boat that was sailing out of the harbor.
Nikada više ne će vidjati onog mladića, kao što nije vidio ni Avrama, pošto mu je naplatio desetak.
Never|again|not|will|see|that|young man|as|as|did not|see|neither|Abraham|after|to him|he|charged|tenfold
He would never see that young man again, just as he had not seen Abraham after he collected the tithe from him.
Međutim, sve je to bilo njegovo djelo.
However, all of that was his work.
Bogovi ne treba da imaju želje, jer bogovi ne maju ličnu legendu.
Gods should not have desires, for gods do not have a personal legend.
Ipak, Kralj Salema je u dnu duše poželio da mladić uspije.
Nevertheless|King|of Salem|was|in|the depths of|his soul|wished|that|young man|succeed
However, King of Salem secretly wished for the young man to succeed.
«Šteta, što će mi brza zaboraviti ime», pomisli.
It's a pity|that|will|me|quick|forget|name|he/she thought
"What a pity, she will quickly forget my name," he thought.
«Trebalo je da mu ga ponovim više puta.
It should|was|to|to him|it|repeat|more|times
"I should have repeated it to him more times.
Tako, kada bi pričao o meni, rekao bi da sam ja Melkisedek, Kralj Salema».
So|when|would|talked|about|me|he would say|would|that|I am|I|Melchizedek|King|of Salem
That way, when he talked about me, he would say that I am Melchizedek, King of Salem."
Zatim je digao pogled prema nebu, pomalo se kajući.
Then|(past tense verb marker)|raised|gaze|towards|sky|somewhat|reflexive pronoun|regretting
Then he raised his gaze to the sky, somewhat regretting.
«Znam da je to taština nad taštinama, kako ti reče gospode.
I know|that|is|that|vanity|above|vanities|as|you|said|lord
"I know that this is vanity above all vanities, as you told me, gentlemen.
Ali jedan stari Kralj ponekad može da bude ponosan sam na sebe».
But an old King can sometimes be proud of himself."
«Baš je čudna ova Afrika», pomisli mladić.
really|is|strange|this|Africa|thought|young man
"This Africa is really strange," thought the young man.
Sjedio je u nekakvoj krčmi, sličnoj ostalim krčmama, na koja je nailazio u uzkim uličicama grada.
He sat|was|in|some|tavern|similar|to other|taverns|at|which|was|coming across|in|narrow|streets|of the city
He was sitting in some kind of tavern, similar to the other taverns he had encountered in the narrow streets of the city.
Ljudi su pušili neki ogroman čibuk, koji je išao od usta do usta.
The people|were|smoking|some|huge|pipe|which|was|going|from|mouth|to|mouth
People were smoking some huge pipe that went from mouth to mouth.
Za kratko vrjeme je vidio muškarce, kako se drže za ruke, žene pokrivenih lica i svešenika, koji su se peli na visoke i tanke kule i počinjali da pjevaju, dok bi se svi oko njih spuštali na koljena i počinjali da udaraju glavom otle.
For|a short|time|he|saw|men|how|themselves|hold|by|hands|women|covered|faces|and|priests|who|were|themselves|climbing|onto|high|and|thin|towers|and|began|to|sing|while|would|themselves|all|around|them|lowered|on|knees|and|began|to|strike|their heads|ground
In a short time, he saw men holding hands, women with covered faces, and priests climbing high and thin towers and starting to sing, while everyone around them would kneel down and begin to bang their heads on the ground.
«Nevjednička posla», reče on u sebe.
unworthy|business|he said|he|to|himself
"Heathen practices," he said to himself.
Kao djete uvjek je u selskoj crkvi viđao sliku svetog jaga istrebitelja Mavara na njegovom bjelom konju sisukanom sabljom, dok su mu pod nogama ležale osobe slične ovima.
As|child|always|was|in|village|church|saw|picture|holy|John|the Baptist|Mavara|on|his|white|horse|armed||while|were|him|under|feet|lay|people|similar|to these
As a child, he always saw the image of Saint George the Dragon Slayer Mavara on his white horse, wielding a sword, while people similar to these lay beneath his feet.
Mladić se osjećao loše i užasno usamljeno.
The young man|himself|felt|bad|and|terribly|lonely
The young man felt bad and terribly lonely.
Nevjernici su imali zlokoban pogled.
The unbelievers|had|had|sinister|look
The unbelievers had a sinister look.
Osim toga, u žurbi da krene na put, on je zaboravio jedan detalj, jedan jedini detalj, koji ga je mogao udaliti od njegovog blaga za duže vrjeme.
Besides|that|in|hurry|to|start|on|journey|he|(auxiliary verb)|forgot|one|detail|one|only|detail|which|him|(auxiliary verb)|could|separate|from|his|treasure|for|longer|time
Moreover, in his hurry to set off on his journey, he forgot one detail, one single detail, that could have kept him away from his treasure for a long time.
U toj zemlji svi su govorili arapski.
In that country, everyone spoke Arabic.
Vlasnik krčme priđe Mladiću i ovaj pokaza na neko piće, koje su služili za drugim stolom.
The owner|tavern|approached|to the Young Man|and|he|pointed|at|some|drink|that|they|served|at|another|table
The owner of the tavern approached the Young Man and he pointed to some drink that was being served at another table.
Bio je to nekakav gorak čaj.
It was|is|that|some kind of|bitter|tea
It was some kind of bitter tea.
Mladić je više volio da pije vino.
The young man|(he)|more|liked|to|drink|wine
The Young Man preferred to drink wine.
Ali nije trebalo da zbog toga sada brine.
But|shouldn't|have to|to|because of|that|now|worry
But he shouldn't have to worry about that now.
Trebalo je samo da misli na svoje blago i na način kako da ga se domogne.
He just needed to think about his treasure and how to get it.
Od prodaj ovaca dobio je prilično novca, a Mladić je znao da je novac čaroban, koji ima novac nikada nije sam.
From|sale|of sheep|he received|is|quite|money|and|the Young Man|is|knew|that|is|money|magical|who|has|money|never|is not|alone
From selling sheep, he got quite a bit of money, and the Young Man knew that money is magical; those who have money are never alone.
Uskoro, možda kroz nekoliko dana, biće pokraj piramida.
Soon|maybe|in|a few|days|it will be|near|the pyramids
Soon, maybe in a few days, he will be by the pyramids.
Jedan starac sa svim onim zlatom na grudima nije morao da laže da bi se domogao šest ovaca.
One|old man|with|all|that|gold|on|chest|did not|have to|to|lie|to|would|himself|obtain|six|sheep
An old man with all that gold on his chest didn't have to lie to get hold of six sheep.
Starac mu je govorio o znakovima.
The old man|to him|(past tense verb marker)|spoke|about|signs
The old man was telling him about the signs.
Dok je plovio preko mora, razmišljao je o znakovima.
While|he|sailed|across|the sea|thought||about|signs
As he sailed across the sea, he was thinking about the signs.
Da, znao je o čemu on govori.
Yes|knew|(past tense marker)|about|what|he|is talking
Yes, he knew what he was talking about.
U vrjeme dok se nalazio na poljima Andaluzije, navikao se da na zemlji i na nebu pročita kakav je put kojim treba da nastavi.
In|time|while|himself|found|in|fields|of Andalusia|accustomed|himself|to|on|earth|and|on|sky|read|what kind of|is|path|which|should|to|continue
At the time he was in the fields of Andalusia, he got used to reading the land and the sky to understand which path he should continue on.
Naučio je tako da izvjesna ptica označava da je zmija u blizini, a da određeni žbun predstavlja znak da se na nekoliko kilometara udaljenosti nalazi voda.
He learned|is|in such a way|that|certain|bird|indicates|that|is|snake|in|proximity|and|that|certain|bush|represents|sign|that|reflexive pronoun|at|several|kilometers|distance|is located|water
He learned that a certain bird indicates that a snake is nearby, and that a specific bush represents a sign that there is water a few kilometers away.
Tome su ga ovce naučile.
The sheep taught him that.
Ako Bog tako dobro vodi ovce, takođe će voditi i čoveka, pomisli i malo se smiri.
If|God|so|well|leads|sheep|also|will|lead|and|man|he thought|and|a little|himself|calmed down
If God leads the sheep so well, He will also lead man, he thought and calmed down a bit.
Čaj mu se učinio manje gorak.
The tea|to him|reflexive particle|seemed|less|bitter
The tea seemed less bitter to him.
Ko si ti?
Who are you?
Začu neki glas na španskom.
He heard|some|voice|in|Spanish
He heard a voice in Spanish.
Mladić oseti ogromno olakšanje, upravo je razmišljao o znakovima i neko se pojavio.
The young man|felt|enormous|relief|just|was|thinking|about|signs|and|someone|himself|appeared
The young man felt a huge relief, he was just thinking about signs and someone appeared.
— Otkud ti govoriš španski, upita?
Where from|you|speak|Spanish|he asked
— How come you speak Spanish, he asked?
Pridošlica je bio obučen zapadnjački, ali se po boji njegove kože vidjelo da je iz ovog grada, bio je manje više njegove visine i njegovih godina.
The newcomer|was|dressed|in Western style|Western|but|himself|by|color|his|skin|could see|that|was|from|this|city|was||less|more|his|height|and|his|years
The newcomer was dressed in a Western style, but his skin color revealed that he was from this city; he was more or less of his height and age.
— Ovdje skoro svi govore španski, nalazimo se na svega dva sata od Španije.
Here|almost|everyone|speaks|Spanish|we are located|(reflexive particle)|at|only|two|hours|from|Spain
— Almost everyone here speaks Spanish; we are only two hours away from Spain.
— Sjedi i poruči nešto na moj račun, reče Mladić.
— Sit down and order something on my account, said the Young Man.
— I poruči za mene jedno vino, ovaj čaj mi je odvratan.
I|order|for|me|one|wine|this|tea|to me|is|disgusting
— And order me a glass of wine, this tea is disgusting.
— U ovaj zemlji nema vina, reče Pridošlica.
In|this|country|there is no|wine|said|the newcomer
— There is no wine in this country, said the newcomer.
— To nam vjera ne dozvoljava.
— Our faith does not allow that.
Mladić onda isprića da treba da stigne do piramida.
The young man|then|explains|that|needs|to|arrive|at|the pyramids
The young man then explains that he needs to reach the pyramids.
Skoro je htio da isprića i o blagu, ali ipak odluči da ćuti.
Almost|he|wanted|to|tell|and|about|treasure|but|still|decided|to|remain silent
He almost wanted to tell about the treasure, but he decided to remain silent.
Inače Arapin bi bio u stanju da za sebe zatraži jedan dio da bi ga odveo do tamo.
Otherwise, the Arab would have been able to ask for a part for himself to take him there.
Sjetio se šta mu je starac govorio o ponudama.
He remembered|reflexive particle|what|to him|was|old man|telling|about|offers
He remembered what the old man had told him about the offers.
— Volio bih da me tamo odvedeš, ako možeš.
I would like|conditional particle|that|me|there|you take|if|you can
— I would love for you to take me there, if you can.
Mogao bih da te uzmem za vodića i da ti dobro platim.
I could take you as a guide and pay you well.
— Znaš li kako se može tamo stići?
Do you know|question particle|how|reflexive pronoun|can|there|arrive
— Do you know how to get there?
Mladić je primjetio da se vlasnik krčme približio pažlivo slušajući razgovor.
The young man|(past tense verb marker)|noticed|that|himself|owner|of the tavern|approached|carefully|listening|conversation
The young man noticed that the owner of the tavern had approached, carefully listening to the conversation.
Njegovo prisutstvo mu je smetalo, ali našao je vodića i nije htio da propusti tu priliku.
His|presence|him|was|bothered|but|he found|he|guide|and|did not|want|to|miss|that|opportunity
His presence bothered him, but he found a guide and didn't want to miss that opportunity.
— Treba da pređeš preko cjele Sahare, reče Pridošlica.
You need|to|cross|over|entire|Sahara|said|Newcomer
— You need to cross the entire Sahara, said the Newcomer.
— A zato nam treba novca.
And|that's why|us|needs|money
— And for that, we need money.
Interesuje me, dali imaš dovoljno novca.
It interests|me|whether|you have|enough|money
I am curious, do you have enough money?
Mladiću se ovo pitanje učinilo čudni, ali oslanjao se na starca, a starac mu je govorio da kada nešto stvarno želimo, Vaseljena je uvek naklonjena.
The young man|himself|this|question|seemed|strange|but|relied|himself|on|the old man|and|the old man|to him|was|telling|that|when|something|truly|we want|the Universe|is|always|favorable
The young man found this question strange, but he relied on the old man, and the old man told him that when we truly desire something, the Universe is always favorable.
Izvadio je novac iz džepa i pokazao ga Pridošlici.
He took out|(past tense marker)|money|from|pocket|and|showed|it|to the Newcomer
He took the money out of his pocket and showed it to the newcomer.
Vlasnik bara takođe priđe i pogleda.
The owner|bar|also|approaches|and|looks
The bar owner also approached and looked.
Obojca izmjeniše nekoliko rjeći na arapskom.
The two exchanged a few words in Arabic.
Izgledalo je da je vlasnik bara ljut.
It seemed|was|that|is|owner|bar|angry
It seemed that the bar owner was angry.
— Hajdemo, reče Pridošlica.
Let's go|said|Newcomer
— Let's go, said the Newcomer.
On ne želi da ostanemo ovdi.
He doesn't want us to stay here.
Mladić je osetio ulagšanje.
The young man|(he)|felt|discomfort
The young man felt a sense of urgency.
Ustao je da plati račun, ali ga je gazda zgrabio i počao nešto uzbudjeno da mu govori.
He got up|(past tense marker)|to|pay|bill|but|him|(past tense marker)|landlord|grabbed|and|started|something|excitedly|to|him|speaks
He got up to pay the bill, but the owner grabbed him and started to speak to him excitedly.
Mladić je bio snažan, ali nalazio se u stranoj zemlji.
The young man|was|strong|strong|but|found|himself|in|foreign|country
The young man was strong, but he was in a foreign country.
Ali njegov novi prijatelj odgubno vlasnika bara i povuće mladića napolje.
But|his|new|friend|aggressively|owner|bar|and|pulls|the young man|outside
But his new friend grabbed the bar owner and pulled the young man outside.
On je htio «Tvoj novac», reče.
He|past tense marker|wanted|Your|money|he said
He wanted "Your money," he said.
Tanger nije isto što i ostatak Afrike.
Tangier|is not|the same|as|and|the rest|of Africa
Tanger is not the same as the rest of Africa.
Ovo je luka, a u lukama uvjek ima mnogo lopova.
This|is|port|and|in|ports|always|there are|many|thieves
This is a port, and there are always many thieves in ports.
Mogao je da se pouzda u svog novog prijatelja.
He could|(past tense marker)|to|himself|rely|on|his|new|friend
He could rely on his new friend.
Pomogao mu je u kritičnom trenutku.
He helped|him|(past tense marker)|in|critical|moment
He helped him in a critical moment.
Izvadio je novac iz džepa i prebrojao ga.
He took out|(past tense marker)|money|from|pocket|and|counted|it
He took the money out of his pocket and counted it.
«Već sutra možemo stići do piramida», reče onaj momak, uzevši od njega novac.
Already|tomorrow|we can|arrive|to|pyramids|said|that|guy|taking|from|him|money
"We can reach the pyramids by tomorrow," said the guy, taking the money from him.
«Ali treba da kupim dvije kamile».
But|I need|to|buy|two|camels
"But I need to buy two camels."
Podali su tako uzkim ulicama Tangera.
They walked|(past tense marker)|so|narrow|streets|Tangier
They walked through the narrow streets of Tangier.
Na svakom uglu su se nalazile šatre s raznolikom robom.
At|every|corner|were|reflexive particle|located|tents|with|diverse|goods
At every corner, there were tents with various goods.
Stigoše najzad nasred jednog velikog trga na kojim je bila pijaca.
They arrived|finally|in the middle of|one|large|square|on|which|was|there|market
They finally arrived in the middle of a large square where there was a market.
Tu se nalazilo na hiljade ljudi koji su se pogađali, prodavali, kupovali,
There|reflexive pronoun|were located|on|thousands|people|who|were|reflexive pronoun|bargaining|selling|buying
There were thousands of people bargaining, selling, buying,
povrće izmlješano sjataganima, čilimi sa svim vrstama lula.
vegetables|ground|with sjatagan|chilies|with|all|types|of pipes
vegetables ground by the merchants, carpets with all kinds of pipes.
Ali mladić svog novog prijatelja nije ispuštao iz vida,
But|boy|his|new|friend|did not|let out|from|sight
But the young man did not take his eyes off his new friend,
na kraju krajeva kod njega je bio sav njegov novac.
at||of the ends|with|him|was|had|all|his|money
After all, all his money was with him.
Pomisli da mu ga zatraži natrag, ali mu se učinilo da bi to bilo neučtivo.
He thought|that|to him|it|ask for|back|but|to him|himself|seemed|that|would|it|be|
He thought about asking for it back, but it seemed to him that it would be rude.
Još nije poznavao običaje strane zemlje u koje se našao.
Not yet|he|knew|customs|foreign|country|in|which|himself|found
He still did not know the customs of the foreign land he found himself in.
«Dovolnjo je da ga držim na oku», reče u sebe.
|is|to|him|keep|on|eye|he said|to|himself
"It's enough to keep an eye on him," he said to himself.
Bio je snažnije od njega.
He was|(verb to be)|stronger|than|him
He was stronger than him.
Iznena da, usred ćitave te gužve, ukazala se najljepša sablja koju su njegove oči ikad vidjele.
surprise|yes|in the middle of|whole|that|crowd|appeared|reflexive pronoun|most beautiful|sword|that|were|his|eyes|ever|seen
Surprisingly, in the middle of all that crowd, the most beautiful sword appeared that his eyes had ever seen.
Korice su bile posrebrene, a crna držka ukrašena dragim kamenjem.
The covers|were|silver-plated|silver-plated|and|black|handle|decorated|precious|stones
The hilt was silver-plated, and the black handle was adorned with precious stones.
Mladić obeća sebe da će kupiti tu sablju kada se vrati iz Egipta.
The young man|promised|to himself|that|will|buy|that|sword|when|he|returns|from|Egypt
The young man promised himself that he would buy that sword when he returned from Egypt.
«Pitaj gazdu pošto je», reče prijatelju, ali shvati da se zaneo samo dve sekunde gledajući u sablju.
Ask|the landlord|after|he|said|to his friend|but|realized|that|himself|got carried away|only|two|seconds|looking|at|the sword
"Ask the boss how much it is," he said to his friend, but realized he had been distracted for just two seconds staring at the sword.
Srce mu se smanjilo, kao da su mu se grudi iznena da skupile, bojao se da pogleda u stranu, jer je znao na što će najići.
Heart|his|reflexive pronoun|shrank|as|if|they|his|reflexive pronoun|chest|suddenly|to|contract|feared|reflexive pronoun|to|look|in|side|because|he|knew|on|what|will|encounter
His heart shrank, as if his chest had suddenly tightened, he was afraid to look away, because he knew what he would encounter.
Oči su mu još nekoliko trenutaka ostale u perene prema ljepoj sablji, dok nije skupio hrabrost i okrenuo se.
His eyes|were|to him|for a few|several|moments|remained|in|awe|towards|beautiful|sword|until|he did not|gathered|courage|and|turned|himself
His eyes remained fixed for a few more moments on the beautiful sword, until he gathered the courage to turn around.
Oko njega je bila pijaca, ljudi koji su dolazili i odlazili, vikali i kupovali, tepisi pomješani s lešnicima, zelena salata s bakarnim poslužavnicima.
Around him was a market, people coming and going, shouting and buying, carpets mixed with hazelnuts, green salad with copper trays.
Ljudi koji su se po ulicama držali za ruke, žene pod velom, mirisne obične hrane i nigde, ali baš nigde nije bilo lica njegovog kompanjona.
People|who|were|themselves|in|the streets|held|by|hands|women|under|the veil|fragrant|ordinary|food|and|nowhere|but|exactly|nowhere|was not|there|face|his|companion
People holding hands in the streets, women in veils, the smell of simple food, and nowhere, but nowhere was the face of his companion.
Mladić se još ponadao da su se slučajno izgubili.
The young man|himself|still|hoped|that|they|themselves|accidentally|lost
The young man still hoped that they had just gotten lost.
Odlučio je da ostane na istom mjestu, nadajući se da će se onaj vratiti.
He decided|(past tense marker)|to|stay|in|same|place|hoping|(reflexive pronoun)||||that one|return
He decided to stay in the same place, hoping that the other would return.
Nešto malo kasnije, neki tip se pope na jedno od onih kula i poče da pjeva.
Something|a little|later|some|guy|himself|climbed|onto|one|of|those|towers|and|began|to|sing
A little later, some guy climbed one of those towers and started to sing.
Svi koji su se tu zatekli, klekoše na koljena, počeše da udaraju čelom o zemlju, takođe pjevajući.
Everyone who was there knelt down, began to strike their foreheads against the ground, also singing.
Posle toga, oput mrava, počeše da rasklapaju šatre i da odlaze.
After|that|the path|of the ants|they began|to|dismantle|tents|and|to|leave
After that, like ants, they began to dismantle the tents and leave.
I Sunca je počela da odlazi.
And the Sun began to set.
Mladić je dugo gledao Sunce, sve dok se nije sakrilo iza bjelih kuća koje se okruživale trg.
The young man|was|for a long time|looking at|the Sun|all|until|it|not|hid|behind|white|houses|that|they|surrounded|the square
The young man watched the Sun for a long time until it hid behind the white houses that surrounded the square.
Pade mu na pamet da, kad se Sunce tog jutra rađalo, on je još bio na drugom kontinentu, bio je pastir i imao je šesdeset ovaca, kao i susred zakazan s jednom djevojkom, i jutro se je znao sve šta će se desiti, dok bude hodao pojima.
It occurred|to him|to|mind|that|when|reflexive pronoun|Sun|that|morning|rose|he|was|still|been|on|second|continent|was|was||||||||||||||||reflexive pronoun|||||||happen|while|he would be|walking|through the fields
It occurred to him that, when the Sun was rising that morning, he was still on another continent, he was a shepherd and had sixty sheep, as well as a meeting scheduled with a girl, and in the morning he knew everything that would happen while he walked the pastures.
Međutim sada, kada je Sunce zalazilo, on se nalazio u jednoj drugoj zemlji, gde čak nije mogao da razumije ni jazik kojim se govorilo.
However|now|when|was|Sun|was setting|he|himself|found|in|one|other|country|where|even|not|could|to|understand|even|language|which|was|spoken
However, now, as the Sun was setting, he found himself in another country, where he couldn't even understand the language being spoken.
Više nije bio pastir i nije imao ništa, čak ni novca da se vrati natrag i sve počne iz početka.
No longer|was not|a|shepherd|and|did not|had|anything|even|not|money|to|himself|return|back|and|everything||from|beginning
He was no longer a shepherd and had nothing, not even money to return and start all over again.
Sve to između izlazka i zalazka Sunca, pomisli mladić, i sažali se na sebe, jer ponekad se stvari u životu mjenjaju za tre noka, prije nego što čovek stigne da se navikne na njih.
All|that|between|sunrise|and|sunset|sun|thought|young man|and|pitied|himself|on|himself|because|sometimes|things|in life|in|life|change|in|three|nights|before|than|what|man|arrives|to|himself|get used to|to|them
All this between sunrise and sunset, the young man thought, and he felt sorry for himself, because sometimes things in life change in the blink of an eye, before a person has a chance to get used to them.
Sramota ga je bila da zaplače, nikada nije plakao ni pred svojim ovcam.
shame|him|was||to|cry|never|did not|cried|not|in front of|his|sheep
He was ashamed to cry, he had never cried even in front of his sheep.
Međutim, pijačni trg je bio prazan, a on se nalazio daleko od otačbine.
However, the market square was empty, and he was far from his homeland.
Mladić je zaplakao.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|cried
The young man cried.
Zaplakao je, jer je bog bio nepravedan i na taj način je uzvračao osobama, koje su vjerovale u svoje snove.
He cried|(past tense marker)|because|(past tense marker)|God|was|unjust|and|in|that|way|(past tense marker)|repaid|to the people|who|(past tense marker)|believed|in|their|dreams
He cried because God was unfair and in that way he was responding to those who believed in their dreams.
Dok sam bio s ovcama, bio sam srečan i svuda oko sebe širio sam tu sreču.
While|I was|was|with|sheep|I was|I||||||||that|
When I was with the sheep, I was happy and I spread that happiness all around me.
Čim bi me neko ugledao, lijepo bi me primio.
As soon as|would|me|someone|saw|nicely|would|me|welcomed
As soon as someone saw me, they would greet me nicely.
Ali sada sam tužan i nesrečan, šta ću sad?
But|now|I am|sad|and|unhappy|what|will I|now
But now I am sad and unhappy, what will I do now?
Biću pun gorčina i ne ću imati povjerenja u ljuda, jer me je jedan čovek izdao.
I will be|full|bitterness|and|not|I will|have|trust|in|people|because|me|was|one|man|betrayed
I will be full of bitterness and I will not trust people, because one man betrayed me.
Mrziću sve one koji su pronašli skriveno blago, jer ja svoje nisam pronašao.
I will hate|all|those|who|(auxiliary verb)|found|hidden|treasure|because|I|my|(negative auxiliary verb)|found
I will hate all those who have found hidden treasure, because I have not found mine.
I stalno ću nastojati da sačuvam ono malo što imam, jer sam i suviše malen da bih obuhvatio svijet.
I|constantly|will|try|to|preserve|that|little|what|I have|because|am|too|too|small|to|would|encompass|world
And I will constantly strive to preserve the little I have, because I am too small to encompass the world.
Otvorio je bisage da pogleda što ima u njima.
He opened|(past tense marker)|saddlebags|to|look|what|is in|in|them
He opened the saddlebags to see what was inside.
Možda je ostalo nešto hrane, koju je jeo na brodu.
Maybe|is|left|something|food|that|he|ate|on|the ship
Maybe there is still some food left that he ate on the ship.
Ali samo je našao debelu knigu, ogrtač i dva kamenčića koje mu je dao starac.
But|only|he|found|thick||robe|and|two|pebbles|which|to him|he|gave|old man
But he only found a thick book, a cloak, and two pebbles that the old man gave him.
Ugledavši kamenčića, osetio je ogromno olakšanje.
Seeing|the pebble|he felt|(past tense marker)|enormous|relief
Upon seeing the pebble, he felt a huge relief.
Šest ovaca je zamijenio za dva draga kamena, izvadđene iz jednog zlatnog oklopa.
He exchanged six sheep for two precious stones, taken from a golden shell.
Mogao je da proda kamenčića i kupi kartu za povratak.
He could|(past tense marker)|to|sell|the pebble|and|buy|ticket|for|return
He could sell the pebble and buy a ticket to return.
Sada ću biti pametniji, pomisli mladić, vadeći kamenčić iz bisaga, da bi ga sakrio u džep.
Now|I will|be|smarter|thought|young man|taking out|pebble|from|satchel|in order to|he|it|hid|in|pocket
Now I will be smarter, the young man thought, taking a pebble out of his bag to hide it in his pocket.
Ovo je bila luka, a jedina istina koju mu je onaj čovek rekao jeste da je svaka luka uvjek puna lopova.
This|was|a|port|but|only|truth|that|to him|was|that|man|told|is|that|was|every|port|always|full|of thieves
This was a port, and the only truth that man told him was that every port is always full of thieves.
Sada je takođe shvatio uznemirenost vlasnika krčme, pokušavao je da mu objasni da ne viru je onom čoveku.
Now|is|also|understood|anxiety|of the owner|of the pub|he tried|to|that||||not|to peek|was|that|man
He also now understood the owner's agitation, he was trying to explain to him that he wasn't peeking at that man.
— Ja sam, kao svi ljudi, gledam na svet onako, kako bi je želio da se stvari odvijaju, a ne onako, kako se one stvarno dešavaju.
I|am|like|all|people|see|at|world|like that|how|would|she||to|reflexive pronoun|things|unfold|but|not|like|how|reflexive pronoun|they|really|happen
— I am, like all people, looking at the world the way I would like things to unfold, not the way they actually happen.
Razgledao je kamenčiće.
He looked at|(past tense marker)|the pebbles
He looked at the pebbles.
Pažljivo je dodirivao svaki od njih, osećajući njihovu temperaturu i gladku površinu.
Carefully|(auxiliary verb)|touched|each|of|them|feeling|their|temperature|and|smooth|surface
He carefully touched each one, feeling their temperature and smooth surface.
Oni su bili njegovo blago.
They were his treasure.
Od samog dodira osetio se mirnim.
From|the very|touch|he felt|himself|peaceful
From the very touch, he felt calm.
Oni su ga podsećali na starca.
They|were|him|reminding|of|old man
They reminded him of an old man.
— Kada poželiš nešto, cjela Vaseljena će se zavjeriti da tu žlju ostvariš, rekao mu je starac.
When|you wish|something|whole|Universe|will|itself|conspire|to|that|desire|you achieve|said|to him|was|old man
— When you desire something, the whole Universe will conspire to help you achieve that wish, the old man told him.
Htio je da shvati, kako to može da bude istina.
He wanted|(past tense marker)|to|understand|how|that|can|to|be|true
He wanted to understand how that could be true.
Nalazio se na jednom praznom pijačnom trgu, bez prebijene pare u džepu i bez ovaca, koje bi čuvao te noči.
He was located|reflexive pronoun|on|one|empty|market|square|without|a single|cent|in|pocket|and|without|sheep|which|would|guard|that|night
He was in an empty market square, with not a penny in his pocket and without the sheep he would be watching that night.
Ali Kamenčiće su bili dokaz da je zaista sreo kralja, jednog kralja koji je znao cjelu priću o njemu, znao je za pušku njegovog oca i za njegovo prvo seksualno iskustvo.
But the Kamenčići were proof that he really met the king, a king who knew the whole story about him, knew about his father's gun and his first sexual experience.
Kamenčići služe za pogađanje, zovu se Urim i Tumim.
The pebbles|serve|for|divination|they are called|reflexive pronoun|Urim|and|Tumim
The Kamenčići are used for divination, they are called Urim and Thummim.
Mladić vrati Kamenčiće u torbu i reši se da napravi probu.
The young man|returned|the small stones|into|the bag|and|decided|himself|to|make|a test
The young man put the Kamenčići back in the bag and decided to make a trial.
Starac mu je rekao da postavlja jasna pitanja, jer Kamenčići služe samo onima, koji znaju šta hoće.
The old man|to him|(past tense verb marker)|said|that|asks|clear|questions|because|Kamenčići|serve|only|to those|who|know|what|want
The old man told him to ask clear questions, because the Kamenčići only serve those who know what they want.
Mladić onda zapita, dali ga još uvjek štiti Starčev blagoslov.
The young man|then|asked|whether|him|still|always|protects|Elder's|blessing
The young man then asked if he was still protected by the Elder's blessing.
Izvukao je jedan Kamenčić, on je značio da.
He pulled out|(past tense marker)|one|pebble|it|(past tense marker)|meant|yes
He pulled out a small stone, which meant that.
— Hoću li pronaći svoje blago?
Will I|question particle|find|my|treasure
— Will I find my treasure?
— upita Mladić.
— asked the young man.
Gurnuo je ruku ubisage i taman je htio da uzme jedan od njih, kad oba Kamenčića ispadoše kroz jednu rupicu.
He pushed|past tense marker|hand|of the killer|and|just|past tense marker|wanted|to|take|one|of|them|when|both|Kamenčićs|fell out|through|one|little hole
He pushed his hand into the saddlebag and was just about to take one of them when both Pebbles fell out through a small hole.
Mladić nikada nije primjetio da su mu bisage pocijepane.
The young man|never|did not|notice|that|were|his|saddlebags|torn
The young man never noticed that his saddlebag was torn.
Sagnuo se da pokupi Urim i Tumim i da ih ponovo stavi u torbu.
He bent down|himself|to|pick up|Urim|and|Tumim|and|to|them|again|put|in|
He bent down to pick up Urim and Thummim and put them back in the bag.
Kada je ih je ugledao na tlu, međutim, uglavim u sinu druga rečenica.
When|past tense marker|them|past tense marker|saw|on|ground|however|I conclude|in|son|second|sentence
However, when he saw them on the ground, the second sentence stuck in his son.
— Nauči da poštuješ i pratiš znakove, rekao je Stari Kralj.
Learn|to|respect|and|follow|signs|said|(past tense marker)|Old|King
— Learn to respect and follow the signs, said the Old King.
— To je znak.
— That is a sign.
Mladić se nasmija samom sebe.
The young man|himself|smiled|at himself|himself
The young man smiled at himself.
Zatim je podigao Kamenčića i ponovo ih stavio ubisage.
Then|he|picked up|Kamenčić|and|again|them|put|in the bag
Then he picked up the Pebbles and put them back in the bag.
Nije ni pomišljao da zašije rupu.
He didn't|even|think|to|sew up|hole
He didn't even think about sewing up the hole.
Kamenčići su tuda mogli da propadnu kad gotoo požele.
The pebbles|were|through there|could|to|fall through|when|ever|wanted
The pebbles could fall through there whenever they wanted.
Shvatio je da ima nekih stvari koje ljudi ne smiju da pitaju, da ne bi pobjegli od sobstvene sudbine.
He realized|(past tense marker)|that|has|some|things|that|people|not|are allowed|to|ask|(subordinating conjunction)|not|would|escaped|from|their own|destiny
He realized that there are some things people must not ask, so they don't run away from their own fate.
— Obećao sam da ću sam donositi svoje odluke, reče sam sebe.
I promised|I|that|will|I|make|my|decisions|said|I|to myself
— I promised that I would make my own decisions, he said to himself.
Ali Kamenčići su mu rekli da je Staraci dalje uz njega i to dade mu više samo povzdanja.
But|the Kamenčić family|(they)|to him|said|that|is|the elders|further|by|him|and|that|gave|to him|more|only|confidence
But the Kamenčići told him that the Elder was still with him, and that gave him more confidence.
Ponovo je pogledao prema praznoj pijaci i nije osetio ranje očajanje.
Again|(past tense verb marker)|looked|towards|empty|market|and|did not|felt||despair
He looked again at the empty market and did not feel any deeper despair.
Nije to bio strani svjet, bio je to novi svjet.
It wasn't|that|was|foreign|world|was|it|that|new|world
It was not a foreign world, it was a new world.
Jer na kraju krajeva on je zapravo i želio da upozna nove svjetove.
Because|at||of the ends|he|is|actually|and|wanted|to|explore|new|worlds
Because after all, he actually wanted to explore new worlds.
Čak i ako nikad ne stigne do piramida, on je već stigao znatno dalje nego bilo koji od pastira koje je poznavao.
Even if he never reaches the pyramids, he has already come much further than any of the shepherds he knew.
A kad bi oni samo znali, da na svega dva sata vojnje brodom, postoji toliko različitih stvari.
And|when|would|they|only|knew|that|in|just|two|hours|of travel|by boat|there are|so many|different|things
And if they only knew that just two hours of sailing away, there are so many different things.
Novi svjet ukazivao se pred njim u obliku prazne pijace, ali on je već vidio taj trg prepun života i nikad ga više ne će zaboraviti.
New|world|appearing|himself|before|him|in|the form|empty|marketplace|but|he|was|already|seen|that|square|full|of life|and|never|it|more|not|will|forget
A new world appeared before him in the form of an empty market, but he had already seen that square full of life and would never forget it.
Sjetio se sablje, skupo ga je koštalo to što je malo gledao u nju, ali do tada ništa slično nije vidio.
He remembered|himself|sword|dearly|it|was|cost|that|what|was|little|looked|at|her|but|until||nothing|similar|had not|seen
He remembered the sword; it cost him dearly to have looked at it for a little while, but until then he had never seen anything like it.
Iznena da je osjetio da na svjet može gledati kao sirota žrtva jednog lopova ili kao avanturista koji traži skriveno blago.
It surprised|that|he|felt|that|at|world|can|see|as|poor|victim|one|thief|or|as|adventurer|who|seeks|hidden|treasure
He was surprised to feel that he could look at the world as a poor victim of a thief or as an adventurer searching for hidden treasure.
«Ja sam avanturista koji traži blago», — pomisli prije nego što će iscrpljen zaspati.
I|am|adventurer|who|searches|treasure|he thinks|before|than|what|will|exhausted|fall asleep
"I am an adventurer searching for treasure," he thought before falling asleep exhausted.
Probudio ga je neki čovek, tapšući ga poleđima.
Woke|him|was|some|man|patting|him|on the back
He was awakened by a man, patting him on the back.
Zaspao je nasred pijace, a život na njoj upravo je ponovo počinjao.
He fell asleep|(past tense verb marker)|in the middle of|the market|but|life|in|it|just|(past tense verb marker)|again|was starting
He had fallen asleep in the middle of the market, and life there was just starting again.
Pogledao je oko sebe, tražeći svoje ovce, i shvatio da se nalazi u drugom svjetu.
He looked|(past tense marker)|around|himself|searching for|his|sheep|and|realized|that|(reflexive pronoun)|is located|in|another|world
He looked around, searching for his sheep, and realized he was in another world.
U mesto žalosti osjetio je sreču.
In|place|sadness|he felt|(past tense marker)|happiness
In place of sorrow, he felt happiness.
Nije više morao da ide u potragu za vodom i hranom, mogao je da nastavi potragu za blagom.
He didn't|anymore|had to|to|go|in|search|for|water|and|food|||to|continue|search|for|treasure
He no longer had to search for water and food, he could continue the search for treasure.
Nije imao ni prebijene pare u džepu, ali mu je ostala vjera u život.
He didn't|have|even|broken|money|in|pocket|but|to him|(past tense marker)|remained|faith|in|life
He didn't have a single penny in his pocket, but he still had faith in life.
Predhodne večeri je odlučio da bude avanturista, sličen ličnostima iz knjiga koje je imao običaj da čita.
The previous evening he decided to be an adventurer, similar to the characters from the books he used to read.
Krenuo je trgom bez žurbe.
He started|(past tense marker)|through the market|without|hurry
He walked through the square without hurry.
Trgovci su podizali šatre.
The merchants|were|raising|tents
The merchants were raising their tents.
Pomogao je jednom kolačaru da podigne svoju.
He helped|(past tense marker)|once|pastry chef|to|raise|his own
He helped a pastry chef raise his.
Na licu tog kolačara bio je drugačiji osmjeh, bio je radostan, otvoren prema životu,
On|face|that|baker|was|(auxiliary verb)|different|smile|was|(auxiliary verb)|joyful|open|towards|life
On the face of that pastry chef was a different smile, it was joyful, open to life,
spreman da započne još jedan lijep radnji dan.
ready to start another beautiful working day.
Bio je to osmjeh koji ga je na neki način podsječao na starca,
It was|was|that|smile|which|him|was|in|some|way|reminded|of|old man
It was a smile that somehow reminded him of the old man,
onog starog i tajanstvenog kralja koje gi upoznao.
that old and mysterious king he had met.
Ovaj kolačar ne pravi kolače zato što želi da putuje ili što želi da se oženi k ćerkom nekog trgovca.
This pastry chef does not make cakes because he wants to travel or because he wants to marry the daughter of some merchant.
Ovaj kolačar pravi kolače zato što to voli, pomisli mladić primjetivši da može da radi isto što i starac,
This|baker|makes|cakes|because|that|it|loves|thought|young man|noticing|that|can|to|work|the same|what|and|old man
This pastry chef makes cakes because he loves it, the young man thinks, noticing that he can do the same as the old man,
da zna da li je neki čovek blizu ili daleko od svoje lične legende.
to|knows|if|question particle|is|some|man|close|or|far|from|his|personal|legend
to know whether a man is close to or far from his personal legend.
Trebalo ga je samo pogledati.
should have|him|was|only|to look at
You just had to look at him.
Baš je lako, a nikada to nisam primjetio.
really|is|easy|but|never|that|I have not|noticed
It's really easy, and I never noticed that.
Kada su podigli šatru, kolačar mu pruži prvi kolač ko je napravio.
When|they|raised|tent|pastry chef|to him|offered|first|cake|who|he|made
When they set up the tent, the baker offered him the first cake he made.
Momak ga je sa zadovolьstvom pojao, zahvalio i nastavio svojim putem.
The guy|him|(past tense marker)|with||ate|thanked|and|continued|his|way
The young man ate it with pleasure, thanked him, and continued on his way.
Kada se malo udaljio, prisetio se da su šatru podigle jedna osoba koja je govorila arapski,
When|reflexive pronoun|a little|moved away|he remembered|reflexive pronoun|that|they|tent|raised|one|person|who|was|speaking|Arabic
When he moved a little further away, he remembered that the tent was set up by a person who spoke Arabic,
a druga španski.
and the other is Spanish.
A savršeno su se razumjeli.
And|perfectly|they|each other|understood
And they understood each other perfectly.
«Postoji jezik koji je iznad reči, pomisli mladić.
There is|language|that|is|above|words|thinks|young man
"There is a language that is above words," the young man thinks.
Već sam to isprobao s ovcama, a sada to istočinim i s ljudima».
already|I|that|tried|with|sheep|but|now|that|I do the same|also|with|people
"I have already tried this with sheep, and now I will do the same with people."
Učio je mnoge nove stvari.
He learned|(past tense marker)|many|new|things
He learned many new things.
Stvari koji je već bio iskusio, a koje su ipak bile nove jer su mu promakle, neopaženo.
Things|that|he|already|had|experienced|but|which|were|still|been|new|because|they|to him|escaped|unnoticed
Things he had already experienced, yet they were new because they had slipped by him, unnoticed.
A nije ih bio svjestan zato što se navikao na njih.
And|was not|them|aware|conscious|that's why|that|himself|got used|to|them
And he was not aware of them because he had gotten used to them.
Ako naućim da tumačim ta jezik bez reči, uspjeću da rastumačim i svjet.
If|I learn|to|interpret|that|language|without|words|I will succeed|to|understand|and|world
If I learn to interpret that language without words, I will succeed in interpreting the world.
«Sve je samo jedno», rekao je starac.
Everything|is|only|one|said|he|old man
"Everything is just one," said the old man.
Rešio je da bez žurba i bez nervoze krene u ličicama tangera.
He decided|(past tense marker)|to|without|hurry|and|without|nervousness|he starts|in|little cars|tanger
He decided to set off in the little tangents without haste and without nerves.
Samo će tako uspjeti da primjeti znakove.
Only|will|like that|manage|to|notice|signs
Only then will he be able to notice the signs.
To je zahljevalo veliko strpljenje, ali to je prva osobina koju jedan pastir stiće.
It required great patience, but that is the first quality a shepherd acquires.
Još jednom je primjetio da u ovom stranom svjetu primljennjuje isti nauk koje naučio od ovaca.
He noticed once again that in this foreign world he applied the same teachings he learned from the sheep.
«Sve je samo jedno», govorio je starac.
Everything|is|only|one|said|was|old man
"Everything is just one," the old man said.
Prodavac Kristala posmatrao je rađanje dana i osjetio istu zebnju koja ga je obuzimala svakog jutra.
The Seller|of Crystals|watched|(past tense marker)|birth|of day|and|felt|the same|anxiety|which|him|(past tense marker)|overwhelmed|every|morning
The Crystal Seller watched the birth of the day and felt the same anxiety that overcame him every morning.
Već skoro trideset godina nalazi se na istom mjestu u radnje na vrhu jednog brega, gdje su rjedko prolazili kupci.
Already|almost|thirty|years|is located|reflexive particle|at|same|place|in|store|at|top|one|hill|where|were|rarely|passing|customers
For almost thirty years he has been in the same place in the shop at the top of a hill, where customers rarely passed.
Sada je bilo kasno da se promljeni bilo šta, jedino što je naučio u životu bilo je kupovanje i prodaja Kristala.
Now|was|late|late|to|reflexive pronoun||anything|what|only|that|he|learned|in|life|was|he|buying|and|selling|Crystals
Now it was too late to change anything, the only thing he had learned in life was buying and selling crystals.
Jedno vrjeme su mnogi znali za njegovu radnju — arapski trgovci, francuzki i jengleski geolozi, njemački vojnici, džepova punih para.
One|time|were|many|knew|about|his|shop|Arabic|traders|French|and|English|geologists|German|soldiers|pockets|full|of money
For a while, many knew about his shop — Arab traders, French and English geologists, German soldiers, pockets full of money.
U to doba prodavanje Kristala predstavljalo je veliku avanturu i on je pomišljao kako će postati bogat i da će imati mnogo ljepih žena oko sebe kada ostari.
In|that|time|selling|of Crystal|represented|was|great|adventure|and|he||thought|how|would|become|rich|and|that|would|have|many|beautiful|women|around|himself|when|he grows old
At that time, selling crystals represented a great adventure and he thought about how he would become rich and have many beautiful women around him when he got older.
Vrjeme je protisalo, a i grad se mjenjao.
Time passed, and the city was changing.
Seuta je rasla brže nego Tanger, a trgovina je promljenila pravac, susjedi su se ocelili, a na bregu je ostalo svega nekoliko radnji.
Ceuta|was|growing|faster|than|Tangier|and|trade|was|changed|direction|neighbors|were||displaced|and|on|the hill|was|left|only|a few|shops
Ceuta grew faster than Tangier, and trade changed direction, neighbors moved away, and only a few shops remained on the hill.
Niko se ne će penjati nabrdo zbog nekoliko dućana.
No one|reflexive pronoun|not|will|climb|uphill|because of|several|stores
No one will climb the hill for a few stores.
Međutim, prodavac Kristala nije imao izbora.
However|seller|of Kristal|not|had|choice
However, the crystal seller had no choice.
U nih trideset godina provao je kupujući i prodajući predmete od Kristala, i sada je bilo suviše kasno da bilo šta promljeni.
In|their|thirty|years|spent|he|buying|and|selling|items|made of|crystal|and|now|it|was|too|late|to|be|anything|changed
For thirty years he had been buying and selling crystal items, and now it was too late to change anything.
Čitavo jutro provao je posmatrajući mali promet na ulici.
He spent the whole morning watching the little traffic on the street.
To je već godinama radio i znao je već navike svih prolaznika, svega nekoliko minuta pred ručak jedan mladi stranac je zastao pred njegovim izlogom.
It|was|already|for years|working|and|knew|was|already|habits|all|passersby||a few|minutes|before|lunch|one|young|foreigner|was|stopped|in front of|his|display window
He had been doing this for years and already knew the habits of all the passersby; just a few minutes before lunch, a young foreigner stopped in front of his shop window.
Bio je pristoйno obučen, ali iskusno oko prodavca Kristala primjetilo je da je bez novca, zato je odlučio da uđe i sačeka nekoliko trenutaka dok se mladić ne udalj.
He was|is|decently|dressed|but|experienced|eye|of the seller|Kristal|noticed|(past tense marker)|that|(past tense marker)|without|money|so|(past tense marker)|decided|to|enter|and|wait|a few|moments|while|(reflexive particle)|young man|not|move away
He was decently dressed, but the experienced eye of the seller Kristal noticed that he was without money, so he decided to go inside and wait a few moments until the young man moved away.
Na vratima je stajao natis da se u ovoj radnji govore razni jezici.
At|the door|was|standing|notice|that|one|in|this|store|are spoken|various|languages
At the door, there was a sign that various languages are spoken in this shop.
Mladić je ugledao čoveka iza tezge.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|saw|man|behind|counter
The young man saw a man behind the counter.
— Ako biste mi dozvolili, ja bih obrisao ove čaše, — reče mladić.
If|you (plural formal)|to me|allowed|I|would|wipe|these|glasses|said|young man
— If you would allow me, I would wipe these glasses, — said the young man.
— Ovakve kakve su, niko ne će poželjati da ih kupi.
— In the condition they are in, no one will want to buy them.
Čovek je gledao, nerekavši ni rjeće.
The man|was|watching|not saying|not|a word
The man was watching, saying not a word.
— Za uzrat platitćete mi jedan obrok.
For|return|you will pay|me|one|meal
— In return, you will pay me with one meal.
Čovek je i dalje čutao i mladić osjeti da treba da donese odluku.
The man|was|and|still|silent|and|the young man|felt|that|needs|to|make|decision
The man remained silent, and the young man felt he needed to make a decision.
U bisagama mu je bio ogrtač, koji mu ne će trebati u pustinji.
In|the buggies|to him|was|his|cloak|which|to him|not|will|need|in|the desert
In his bags, he had a cloak, which he would not need in the desert.
Izvadio ga i počeo njime da briše čaše.
He took out|it|and|started|with it|to|wipe|glasses
He took it out and began to wipe the glasses with it.
U među vremenu uđaše dve mušterija i kupiše nešto kristala.
In the meantime, two customers entered and bought some crystals.
Kada je sve obrisao, zatraži je od prodavca tannjir hrane.
When|he|everything|deleted|ask for|it|from|seller|plate|of food
After he wiped everything down, he asked the seller for a plate of food.
— Idemo da ručamo, — reče prodavac kristala.
Let's go|to|eat lunch|said|seller|of crystals
— Let's go have lunch, — said the crystal seller.
Stavio je neki nadpis na vrata i otišli su da jednog malog lokala na vrhu brda.
He put|(past tense marker)|some|sign|on|door|and|they left|(past tense marker)|to|a|small|local|at|the top|hill
He put a sign on the door and they went to a small place at the top of the hill.
Tek što su sjeli za jedini sto koji se tu nalazio, prodavac kristala se nasmija.
Just|as|they|sat down|at|only|table|which|himself|here|was located|seller|of crystals|himself|smiled
Just as they sat down at the only table that was there, the crystal seller smiled.
— Nije trebalo ništa da se čisti, — reče.
It wasn't|necessary|anything|to|reflexive pronoun|clean|he said
— There was nothing to clean, — he said.
— Po Kuranu svako je dužan da nahrani gladnog.
According to|the Quran|everyone|is|obligated|to|feed|hungry
— According to the Quran, everyone is obliged to feed the hungry.
— Zašto ste me onda pustili da radim, — upita mladić?
Why|you (plural)|me|then|let|to|work|asked|young man
— Then why did you let me work, — asked the young man?
— Jer su kristali bili prljavi.
— Because the crystals were dirty.
A i tebe i mene je trebalo da glave oslobodimo loših primisli.
And both you and I needed to free our minds from bad thoughts.
Kada su završili sjelom, prodavac se okrete mladiću.
When|they|finished|eating|the seller|himself|turned|to the young man
When they finished the meal, the seller turned to the young man.
— Želio bih da radiš u mojoj radnji.
I would like|to|that|you work|in|my|store
— I would like you to work in my shop.
Danas su ušla dva kupca dok si ti brisao čaša, a to je dobar znak.
Today|(they)|entered|two|customers|while|(you)||was wiping|glass|and|that|is|good|sign
Today, two customers came in while you were wiping glasses, and that's a good sign.
— Judi često govore u znacima, — pomisli pastir.
— Judis often speak in signs, — thought the shepherd.
— Ali ne shvataju šta govore.
But|not|they understand|what|they say
— But they don't understand what they are saying.
Isto kao što ni ja nisam primječivao da već mnogo godina
Just|as|that|neither|I|was not|noticing|that|already|many|years
Just like I haven't noticed that for many years.
sa svojim ovcama govorim jezikom bez rjeći.
with|my|sheep|I speak|language|without|words
I speak a wordless language with my sheep.
— Hočeš li da radiš za mene, — bio je uparan prodavac.
Do you want|question particle|to|work|for|me|he was|is|paired|seller
— Do you want to work for me, — said the paired salesman.
— Mogu da radim do kraja dana, — odgovori mladić.
I can|to|work|until|the end|of the day|answered|young man
— I can work until the end of the day, — replied the young man.
Ako treba, i ujutro ću očistiti sve kristalne predmete u radnji.
If|necessary|and|in the morning|I will|clean|all|crystal|items|in|the store
If needed, I will also clean all the crystal items in the shop in the morning.
Za uzvrat, treba mi novac da bih sutra bio u Egiptu.
||I need|me|money|to|I would|tomorrow|be|in|Egypt
In return, I need money to be in Egypt tomorrow.
Starac se ponovo nasmija.
The old man|himself|again|smiled
The old man smiled again.
Ako, čak i cjelu godinu budeš čistio moj kristal,
If|even|and|whole|year|you will|cleaned|my|crystal
If you clean my crystal for a whole year,
ako pored toga dobiješ i dobar procenat od prodaje robe,
if|besides|that|you receive|and|good|percentage|from|sale|goods
and on top of that, you get a good percentage of the sales,
još ćeš morati da pozajmiš para da bi otišao do Egipta.
still|you will|have to|to|borrow|money|in order to|you|go|to|Egypt
you will still have to borrow money to go to Egypt.
Od Tangera do Piramida ima hiljade kilometara pustinje.
From|Tangier|to|Pyramid|there are|thousands|kilometers|of desert
From Tangier to the Pyramids, there are thousands of kilometers of desert.
Nastupila je tako duboka tišina, kao da je grad zaspao.
It set in|was|so|deep|silence|as|if|was|city|asleep
A deep silence fell, as if the city had fallen asleep.
Nije više bilo ni bazara, cjenkanja trgovaca,
It was not|anymore|there was|nor|bazaars|haggling|merchants
There were no more bazaars, no haggling of merchants,
iljudi koji su se penjali na minareta i pjevali,
the people|who|were|themselves|climbing|on|the minaret|and|sang
people who climbed the minarets and sang,
liepih sablji s ukrašenim drškami.
beautiful swords with decorated handles.
Nije bilo više nade ni avanture,
It was not|there|more|hope|nor|adventure
There was no more hope or adventure,
starih kraljeva i ličnih legendi,
old kings and personal legends,
ni blaga, ni Piramida.
neither gentle, nor Pyramid.
Izgledalo je da se cijo svet pritajio,
It seemed|was|that|itself|whole|world|hid
It seemed that the whole world was hiding,
jer je učutala mladičeva duša.
because|is|silenced|young man's|soul
for the young man's soul had fallen silent.
Nije bilo ni bola, ni patnje, ni razočarenje.
It was not|there|nor|pain|nor|suffering|nor|disappointment
There was neither pain, nor suffering, nor disappointment.
Samo jedan prazan pogled kroz malena vrata kafane
Just|one|empty|glance|through|small|door|of the tavern
Just one empty gaze through the small door of the tavern
sa ogromna želja da umre,
with a huge desire to die,
da se sve zaobjek završi tog istog trenutka.
that|reflexive pronoun|everything|objective|finishes|that|same|moment
to end everything at that very moment.
Prodavac je uplašeno pogledao u mladića,
The seller|(past tense verb to be)|fearfully|looked|at|the young man
The seller looked fearfully at the young man,
kao da je sva radost koju je tog jutra vidio,
as if all the joy he saw that morning,
iznena da ne stala.
was surprised to have stopped.
«Mogu ti dati novca da se vratiš u svoju zemlju, sine»,
I can|to you|give|money|to|yourself|return|to|your|country|son
"I can give you money to go back to your country, son,"
reče prodavac Kristala.
said the crystal seller.
Mladić je i dalje čutao.
The young man|was|and|still|silent
The young man remained silent.
Onda je ustao, popravio odječu i uzao svoje bisage.
Then|(past tense verb marker)|got up|straightened|his clothes|and|took|his|saddlebags
Then he stood up, adjusted his clothes, and took his bags.
«Radiću kod vas», reče.
|||he said
"I will work for you," he said.
I posle dužek čutanja zaključi.
And after a long silence, he concluded.
«Treba mi para da kupim nekoliko ovaca».
I need|me|money|to|buy|several|sheep
"I need money to buy a few sheep."
Drugi dio
Second part
Skoro mjesec dana mladić je radio za prodavca Kristala
Almost|month|days|young man|was|worked|for|seller|of Kristal
For almost a month, the young man worked for the seller Kristal
i tim poslom nije bio baš preterano zadovoljan.
and|that|job|was not|he|really|overly|satisfied
and he wasn't really satisfied with that job.
Prodavac je provodio cjeli dan gunđajući za tezge,
The seller|was|spending|whole|day|grumbling|about|stalls
The seller spent the whole day grumbling about the stalls,
zahtijevajući od njega da pripazi na Kristalne predmete,
demanding|from|him|to|be careful|with|Crystal|objects
demanding that he take care of the crystal items,
da ništa ne slomi.
not to break anything.
Ali ostao je na poslu, jer je prodavac bio namčorast starac,
But|stayed|he|at|work|because|he|salesman|was|grumpy|old man
But he stayed at work because the seller was a grumpy old man,
ali nije bio nepraveden.
but|was not|unfair|unjust
but he was not unfair.
Mladić je dobijao dobru proviziju za svaki komant koji bi prodao
The young man|was|receiving|good|commission|for|every|unit|that|would|sold
The young man received a good commission for every comment he sold.
i već je uspio da prikupi nešto novca.
and he had already managed to gather some money.
Toga jutra je malo računao.
That morning he was calculating a little.
Ako i dalje nastavi da radi svakog dana,
If he continues to work every day,
trebaće mu cjela jedna godina da kupi nekoliko ovaca.
will need|to him|whole|one|year|to|buy|several|sheep
it will take him a whole year to buy a few sheep.
— Htio bih da napravim jednu vitrinu za Kristal,
I want|would|to|make|one|display case|for|Kristal
— I would like to make a display case for Crystal,
reče mladić prodavcu.
said|young man|to the seller
the young man said to the seller.
Nnju bi smo mogli postaviti spolja,
We could set it up outside,
i tako privući i one koji prolaze podnožjem brega.
and|so|to attract|and|those|who|pass|at the foot|of the hill
and attract those who pass by the foot of the hill.
— Nikada ranje nisam pravio vitrine,
Never|ranje|I have|made|showcases
— I have never made showcases before,
odgovori prodavac.
the seller answered|seller
the seller replied.
Prodavace prolaze i očešu se u onnju,
The salesmen|pass|and|scratch|themselves|in|the scent
The sellers pass by and brush against it,
pa se Kristal porazbija.
and|reflexive pronoun|Kristal|shatters
and then the crystal shatters.
— I moje ovce su mogli da lipšu
— And my sheep could have bleated
od zmiskog ujeda dok smo išli po polju.
from a snake bite while we were walking through the field.
— Ali to je sastavni dio života i ovaca i pastira.
But|it|is|integral|part|of life|both|sheep|and|shepherd
— But that is an integral part of the life of both sheep and shepherds.
Prodavac usluži jednomu šteriju,
The seller|serves|to one|customer
The seller serves one customer,
koja je želljela da kupi tri Kristalne čaše.
who wanted to buy three crystal glasses.
Prodaja mu je išla bolje nego ikad,
Sales|to him|was|going|better|than|ever
His sales were going better than ever,
kao da se vratilo ono doba
as|if|reflexive pronoun|returned|that|era
as if that era has returned
kada je ova ulica bila
when this street was
najprivlačnijih u tangeru.
most attractive|in|Tanger
the most attractive in Tangier.
— Promet se silno povećao,
The turnover|reflexive pronoun|greatly|increased
— The traffic has greatly increased,
reče mladiću kada je mušterja izašla.
said|to the young man|when|was|customer|left
he said to the young man when the customer left.
Zahvaljujući tome, mogu bolje da živim,
Thanks to|that|I can|better|to|live
Thanks to that, I can live better,
a i ti ćeš za kratko vreme ponovo doći do svojih ovaca.
but|and|you|will|in|a short|time|again|come|to|your|sheep
and you will also get back to your sheep in a short time.
Šta više tražiš od života?
What|more|do you seek|from|life
What more do you want from life?
— Treba samo da sledimo znakove,
We need|only|to|follow|the signs
— We just need to follow the signs,
ote se mladiću,
take|reflexive pronoun|to the young man
the young man got away,
i odmah se pokaja,
and immediately regretted it,
jer prodavac nikad nije sreo kraje.
because|seller|never|has not|met|ends
because the seller never met the ends.
To se zove povoljan početak,
It|reflexive pronoun|is called|favorable|beginning
This is called a favorable start,
početnička sreća.
beginner's luck.
Jer život zahtijava da svako proživi
Because life requires everyone to live
svoju ličnu legendu,
their personal legend,
govorio je starac.
said|was|old man
the old man said.
Prodavač je, međutim, slušao šta mladić govori.
The seller|was|however|listening|what|young man|says
The seller, however, was listening to what the young man was saying.
Samo njegovo prisustvo u radnji
Just|his|presence|in|the store
His mere presence in the store
bilo je nekakav znak.
was some kind of sign.
A kako su dani prolazili,
And as the days went by,
i kako se novat slivao u kasu,
and|how|reflexive pronoun|money|flowed|into|cash register
and as the money flowed into the cash register,
on se nije pokajao što je zaposlio španca.
he|himself|did not|repent|that|he|hired|Spaniard
he did not regret hiring the Spaniard.
Iako je mladić zarađivao više nego što bi trebalo,
Although|(past tense verb to be)|young man|earned|more|than|what|(conditional auxiliary verb)|should
Although the young man earned more than he should have,
pošto je bio ubjedljen da se prodaja
since|was|he|convinced|that|reflexive pronoun|sale
since he was convinced that sales
više nikada ne će povećati,
never|again|will not|will|increase
would never increase again,
ponudio mu je veliku proviziju,
he offered|to him|(past tense marker)|large|commission
he offered him a large commission,
a instinktivno je osjećao da će mladić
but|instinctively|he|felt|that|will|young man
and he instinctively felt that the young man
uskoro da se vrati svojim ovcama.
soon|to|himself|return|to his|sheep
soon to return to his sheep.
— Zašto si htio da upoznaš piramide?
Why|you|wanted|to|meet|the pyramids
— Why did you want to meet the pyramids?
upita da bi skrenuo razgovor s Vitrine.
he asked|to|would|turn|conversation|with|Vitrine
he asked to steer the conversation away from Vitrine.
— Zato što su mi o njima stalno prićali, —
Because|that|they|to me|about|them|constantly|talked
— Because they were always talking to me about them, —
reče mladić,
said|young man
said the young man,
izbjegavši da isprića svoj san.
avoiding to tell his dream.
Sada je blago za njega bila uspomena,
Now it was a memory for him,
uvjek bolna,
always painful,
i mladić je izbjegavao da o tome misli.
and|young man|was|avoided|to|about|that|think
and the young man avoided thinking about it.
— Ovlje nisam sreo nikog, ako bi želio da pređe pustinju,
In Ovlje|I did not|meet|anyone|if|he||to|cross|the desert
— I haven't met anyone, if they wanted to cross the desert,
samo da bi upoznao piramide, —
just|to|would|met|the pyramids
just to see the pyramids, —
reče prodavac.
said the seller.
— To je samo gomila kamenja.
It|is|just|pile|of stones
— It's just a pile of stones.
Mogao bi da izgradiš jednu i u sobstvenom dvorištu.
Could|you|to|build|one|and|in|your own|yard
You could build one in your own yard.
— Nikad niste sanjali o putovanjima, —
Never|you (plural)|dreamed|about|travels
— You never dreamed of traveling, —
reče mladić,
said|young man
the young man said,
ovlje će da je daje ći novog kupca koji ulazio u radnju.
the sheep|will|to|her|give|new|new|customer|who|was entering|into|the store
this will be given to her by a new customer who was entering the store.
Dva dana kasnije starac se vratio na priću o vitrini.
Two|days|later|old man|himself|returned|to|story|about|showcase
Two days later, the old man returned to the story about the display.
— Ne volim promjene, — reče prodavac.
I do not|like|changes|said|the seller
— I don't like changes, — said the seller.
— Ni ja ni ti nismo kao Hasan bogati trgovac.
— Neither you nor I are like Hasan, the wealthy merchant.
— On ako nešto pogrešno kupi, to ga mnogo ne pogađa,
— If he buys something wrong, it doesn't affect him much,
ali nas dvojca smo osudđeni da uvjek živimo na svojim greškama.
but the two of us are doomed to always live with our mistakes.
— To je tačno, — pomisli mladić.
It|is|true|thought|young man
— That's true, — the young man thought.
— Zbog čega hoćeš onu vitrinu?
Why|of what|do you want|that|showcase
— Why do you want that display case?
— reče prodavac.
— said the seller.
— Želim brže da se vratim svojim ovcama.
I want|faster|to|myself|return|to my|sheep
— I want to get back to my sheep faster.
Treba da iskoristimo dok je sreća na našoj strani
We need|to|take advantage of|while|is|luck|on|our|side
We need to take advantage while luck is on our side.
i sve učinimo da je pomognemo, isto kao što ona nama pomaže.
and|everything|we do|to|her|help|just|like|as|she|us|helps
and we do everything to help her, just as she helps us.
To se zove povoljan početak ili početnička sreća.
It|reflexive pronoun|is called|favorable|beginning|or|beginner's|luck
This is called a favorable start or beginner's luck.
Starac počuta neko vrjeme, zatem reče.
The old man|listened|for a while|time|then|he said
The old man was silent for a while, then he said.
— Prorok nam je dao Kuran i pet dužnosti
The Prophet|to us|has|given|Quran|and|five|duties
— The prophet gave us the Quran and five duties.
kojih moramo da se pridržavamo dok smo živi.
which|we must|to|ourselves|adhere|while|we are|alive
which we must adhere to while we are alive.
Najvažnija je, Bog je samo jedan.
The most important|is|God|is|only|one
The most important is, there is only one God.
Ostale su.
They stayed|are
They remain.
Molite se pet puta dnevno,
Pray five times a day,
postite za vrjeme Ramazana i udjelite milostinnju siromašnima.
you fast|during|time|of Ramadan|and|you give|charity|to the poor
Fast during Ramadan and give charity to the poor.
Be quiet
He fell silent.
Oči su mu se napunile suzama dok je govorio o proroku.
His eyes|were|to him|themselves|filled|with tears|while|he|spoke|about|the prophet
His eyes filled with tears as he spoke about the prophet.
Bio je usrdan vjernik i nastojao je da živi život
He was|(past tense verb marker)|devout|believer|and|he tried|(past tense verb marker)|to|live|life
He was a devout believer and tried to live his life
u skladu s muslimanskim zakonom.
in accordance with Muslim law.
— A koja je peta?
— And what is the fifth?
— upita mladić.
asked|young man
— asked the young man.
— Prije dva dana si rekao da nikada nisam sanjao
— Two days ago you said that I have never dreamed
o putovanjima, odgovori prodavac.
About travel, the seller replies.
Peta dužnost svakog muslimana jeste da jednom u životu ode na put.
The fifth|duty|every|Muslim|is|to|once|in|life|goes|on|pilgrimage
The fifth duty of every Muslim is to travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
Treba da odemo barem jednom u životu u sveti grad Meku.
We need|to|go|at least|once|in|life|to|holy|city|Mecca
We should go to the holy city of Mecca at least once in our lives.
Meka je mnogo dalje od piramida.
Mecca is much farther than the pyramids.
Kada sam bio mlad, više sam volio da ono malo novca
When I was young, I preferred to use the little money
koji sam imao u potrebim za otvaranje radnje.
that I had for opening a shop.
Mislio sam da ću se obogatiti da bih jednog dana otputovao do Meke.
I thought|(past tense marker)|that|I will|reflexive pronoun|become rich|in order to|I would|one|day|travel|to|Mecca
I thought I would get rich so that one day I could travel to Mecca.
Počeo sam da zarađujem novac, ali nisam mogao nikome da povijerim
I started|(I)|to|earn|money|but|I could not||to anyone|to|trust
I started earning money, but I couldn't trust anyone.
brigu o kristalu, jer to je veoma osjetljiva roba.
care for the crystal, because it is very sensitive merchandise.
Isto vremeno sam gledao kako ispred moje radnje
At the same|time|I|was watching|how|in front of|my|store
At the same time, I was watching how many people were passing in front of my shop,
mnogi ljudi prolaze, iduči u pravcu Meke.
heading towards Mecca.
Bilo je bogatih hodočasnika koji su išli s čitavom svitom,
It was|(past tense verb marker)|rich|pilgrims|who|(past tense verb marker)|went|with|whole|entourage
There were wealthy pilgrims who were going with a whole entourage,
slugu i kamila, ali je največi broj tih ljudi bio mnogo siromašnije od mene.
a servant and a camel, but the majority of those people were much poorer than me.
Svi su odlazili i vraćali se zadovolnji, a na vrata svojih kuća stavljali su
Everyone|were|leaving|and|returning|themselves|satisfied|but|at|the door|their|houses|putting|were
Everyone was leaving and returning satisfied, and at the doors of their houses they placed
simvole svog hodočasća.
symbols|of your|pilgrimage
symbols of their pilgrimage.
Jedan od njih obučar koji je živio od krpljenja tuđih čizama rekao mi je
One|of|them|shoemaker|who|was|lived|from|mending|others'|shoes|told|me|(past tense marker)
One of them, a shoemaker who lived by mending other people's shoes, told me
da je skoro godinu dana hodao pustinjom, ali ga je to manje zamaralo
that|is|almost|a year|day|walked||but|him|is|that|less|tired
that he had been walking in the desert for almost a year, but it bothered him less
nego kad je morao da pređe samo nekoliko kvartova u tangeru da bi kupio kožu.
but|when|he|had to|to|cross|only|a few|blocks|in|Tangier|to|he|bought|leather
than when he had to walk just a few blocks in Tangier to buy leather.
A zašto sada ne odete u Meku?
And|why|now|not|you go|to|Mecca
And why don't you go to Mecca now?
Upita mladjić.
The young man asked|young man
asked the young man.
Zato što me jedino Meka održava u životu.
Because only Mecca keeps me alive.
Zahvalljujući njoj uspjevam da podnesem sve ove jednolične dane,
Thanks to|her|I manage|to|endure|all|these|monotonous|days
Thanks to her, I manage to endure all these monotonous days,
ove njeme, čaše po rafovima, ručak i večeru u onom groznom restoranu.
these silent, glasses on the shelves, lunch and dinner in that terrible restaurant.
Plašim se da ostvarim svoj san, pa da poslije više nemam razloga da živim.
I fear|reflexive pronoun|to|achieve|my|dream|so|that|later|no longer|I have|reasons|to|live
I am afraid to achieve my dream, so that afterwards I have no reason to live.
Ti sanjaš o ovcama i piramidama, drugači si od mene, jer želiš da ostvariš svoje snove.
You|dream|about|sheep|and|pyramids|different|are|from|me|because|you want|to|achieve|your|dreams
You dream of sheep and pyramids, you are different from me, because you want to achieve your dreams.
Samo želim da sanjam o Meki.
I just want to dream about Mecca.
Po hiljadu puta sam zamišljao kako prelazim pustinju, kako stižem na trg na kome se nalazi sveti kamen,
By|thousand|times|I|imagined|how|I cross|desert|how|I arrive|at|square|on|which|is|located|holy|stone
A thousand times I have imagined crossing the desert, how I arrive at the square where the holy stone is located,
kako pravim sedam obaveznih krugova prije nego što ga dodirnem.
how|I make|seven|mandatory|circles|before|than|that|it|I touch
how I make seven mandatory circles before I touch it.
Već sam zamislio i koji će ljudi stajati pored mene, ispred mene,
Already|I|imagined|and|who|will|people|stand|beside|me|in front of|me
I have already imagined who will stand next to me, in front of me,
kao i razgovore koje ćemo voditi i molitve koje ćemo zajedno izgovarati.
as|and|conversations|that|we will|have|and|prayers|that|we will|together|recite
as well as the conversations we will have and the prayers we will say together.
Ali bojim se da će to predstavljati za mene veliko razočarenje i zato više volim samo da sanjam.
But|I fear|reflexive pronoun|that|will|it|represent|for|me|great|disappointment|and|that's why|more|I prefer|only|to|dream
But I am afraid that it will be a great disappointment for me, and that is why I prefer to just dream.
Tog dana prodavac je dozvolio mladiću da napravi vitrinu.
That|day|the seller|(he)|allowed|the young man|to|make|showcase
On that day, the seller allowed the young man to make a showcase.
Ne vide svi snove na isti način.
Not|see|everyone|dreams|in|the same|way
Not everyone sees dreams in the same way.
Prošle su još dva meseca i zahvalljujući novoj vitrini u radnju su svraćali brojni kupci.
Past|(auxiliary verb)|another|two|months|and|thanks to|new|showcase|in|store|(auxiliary verb)|stopped by|numerous|customers
Two more months have passed, and thanks to the new display, numerous customers have been visiting the store.
Mladić je izračunao da će ukoliko bude radio još šest meseci moći da se vrati u Španiju
The young man|is|calculated|that|will|if|he works|working|another|six|months|will be able|to|himself|return|to|Spain
The young man calculated that if he worked for another six months, he would be able to return to Spain.
i da kupi šestdeset ovaca i još šestdeset ovaca.
and buy sixty sheep and another sixty sheep.
Tako bi za manjao od godinu dana udvostručio svoje stado
Thus|would|in|less|than|year|days|would double|his|herd
Thus, in less than a year, he would have doubled his flock.
i bio bi u stanju da posluje sa arapima jer je već uspio da nauči taj čudni jezik.
and|would be|would|in|a position|to|do business|with|Arabs|because|he|already|succeeded|to|learn|that|strange|language
And he would be able to do business with the Arabs because he had already managed to learn that strange language.
Od onog jutra na pijaci on više nije koristio urim i tumim jer je Egipa za njega postavo samo san, dalek koliko i prodavćev san o Meki.
From|that|morning|at|market|he|no longer|did not|used|urim|and|tumim|because|was|Egypt|for|him|set|only|dream|distant|as much as|and|the seller's|dream|about|Mecca
Since that morning at the market, he no longer used the urim and thummim because Egypt had become just a dream for him, as distant as the merchant's dream of Mecca.
Inače, mladić je sada bio zadovoljan svojim radom i sve vreme je razmišljao u trenutku kada će se iskrcati u tarifi kao pobjednik.
Otherwise|young man|was|now|happy|satisfied|with his|work|and|all|time|was|thinking|in|moment|when|will|himself|disembark|in|tariff|as|winner
Otherwise, the young man was now satisfied with his work and was constantly thinking about the moment when he would disembark in the tariff as a winner.
Uvjek nastoj da znaš šta hoćeš, govorio je Stari kralj.
Always|strive|to|know|what|you want|said|was|Old|king
Always strive to know what you want, the Old King used to say.
Mladić je to znao i zbog toga je radio.
The young man|was|that|knew|and|because of|that|he|worked
The young man knew this and that is why he worked.
Možda se njegovo blago upravo i sastojalo u tome da dođe u ovu stranu zemlju da sretne nekog lopova i da udvostruči broj svojih ovaca ne potrošivši ni prebijene pare.
Maybe|reflexive pronoun|his|fortune|just|and|consisted|in|that|to|come|to|this|foreign|land|to|meet|some|thief|and|to|double|number|his|sheep|not|spending|even|broken|coins
Perhaps his treasure consisted precisely in coming to this foreign land to meet some thief and to double the number of his sheep without spending a single penny.
Ponosio se sobom.
He was proud|himself|of himself
He was proud of himself.
Naučio je bitne stvari, kao što su trgovina kristalom, jezik bez reči i znakove.
He learned|the|important|things|such as|trading||trade|with crystal|language|without|words|and|signs
He learned important things, such as crystal trading, a language without words, and signs.
Jednog popodneva ugledao je čoveka na vrhu brega, kako se žali što na ovoj uzbrdici ne može da se nađe pristojno mjesto gde bi se nešto moglo popiti.
One afternoon, he saw a man at the top of the hill, complaining that he couldn't find a decent place to have a drink on this slope.
Mladić je, već znajući govor znakova, pozvao starca da porazgovaraju.
The young man|(past tense verb to be)|already|knowing|speech|of signs|called|the old man|to|have a conversation
The young man, already knowing sign language, invited the old man to have a conversation.
Hajde da prodajemo čaj ljudima koji se popnu na ovu uzvišicu, reče on.
Let's|to|sell|tea|to people|who|themselves|climb|onto|this|hill|he said|he
Let's sell tea to the people who climb up this hill, he said.
Ovde već mnogi prodaju čaj, odgovori prodavac.
Many are already selling tea here, the seller replied.
Mogli bi smo da služimo čaju kristalnim čašama, tako će ljudi uživati u čaju i poželjati da kupe kristal, jer ljepota ljude najviše privlači.
We could|(conditional particle)|be verb|to|serve|tea|crystal|glasses|so|will|people|enjoy|in|tea|and|wish|to|buy|crystal|because|beauty|people|most|attracts
We could serve tea in crystal glasses, that way people will enjoy the tea and wish to buy crystal, because beauty attracts people the most.
Prodavac je neko vreme posmatrao mladića.
The seller|(past tense verb to be)|for a while|time|observed|the young man
The seller observed the young man for a while.
Nije ništa odgovorio, ali je te večeri, pošto je završio molitvu, zatvorio radnju i sjeo ispred nje, pozvao mladića da popuše nargile, onu čudnu lulu koju su arapi koristili.
He did not|anything|answered|but|he|that|evening|after|he|finished|prayer|closed|shop|and|sat|in front of|it|invited|the young man|to|smoke|hookah|that|strange|pipe|which|they|Arabs|used
He didn't respond anything, but that evening, after finishing his prayer, he closed the shop and sat in front of it, inviting the young man to smoke hookah, that strange pipe used by Arabs.
— Šta ti to tražiš?
What|you|that|are looking for
— What are you looking for?
— upitao je stari prodavac kristala.
asked|(past tense marker)|old|seller|of crystals
— asked the old crystal seller.
— Već sam vam rekao.
already|I|to you|told
— I already told you.
Treba ponova da kupim ovce, a zato je potrebane novac.
I need|again|to|buy|sheep|but|therefore|is|needed|money
I need to buy sheep again, and for that I need money.
Starac je dodao žar u nargile i snažno povukao dimu.
The old man|(past tense verb to be)|added|coal|into|hookah|and|strongly|inhaled|smoke
The old man added coal to the hookah and took a strong puff.
Već trideset godina imam ovu radnju.
For already|thirty|years|I have|this|store
I have had this shop for thirty years.
Znam šta je dobar, a šta loš kristal i poznajem ga do tančina.
I know|what|is|good|and|what|bad|crystal|and|I know|it|to|detail
I know what good and bad crystal is and I know it in detail.
Naviknuc sam na njegovu veličinu i promet.
Getting used to|I|to|his|size|and|traffic
I have gotten used to its size and turnover.
Ako budeš sipao čaj u kristal, radnja će napredolati.
If|you will|poured|tea|in|crystal|business|will|prosper
If you pour tea into crystal, the business will prosper.
Onda ću ja morati da promjenim svoj način života.
Then|I will|I|have to|to|change|my|way|of life
Then I will have to change my way of life.
A zato nije dobro?
And|that's why|isn't|good
And that's not good?
Ja sam se na svoj život navikao.
I|am|reflexive pronoun|to|my|life|got used to
I have gotten used to my life.
Prije nego što si ti došao, mislio sam da sam izgubio toliko vremena na istom mjestu,
Before|than|that|you|you|arrived|I thought|I|||lost|so much|time|in|the same|place
Before you came, I thought I had wasted so much time in the same place,
dok su svi moj prijatelji nešto mjenjali, propadali ili napredovali.
while all my friends were changing, failing, or progressing.
To me je bacalo u duboku žalost.
That threw me into deep sadness.
Sad znam da to nije bilo dobro.
Now|I know|that|it|is not|was|good
Now I know that it wasn't good.
Radnja je tačno onakva, kako sam ja to želio.
The action|is|exactly|like that|how|I|I|that|
The action is exactly how I wanted it.
Ne želim da bilo šta mjenjam, jer ne znam kako to da izvedem.
I do not|want|to|anything|what|change|because|I do not|know|how|it|to|accomplish
I don't want to change anything, because I don't know how to do it.
Već sam se i suviše navikao na sebe.
already|I|reflexive pronoun|too|excessively|accustomed|to|myself
I have already gotten too used to myself.
Mladić ni znao šta da kaže.
The young man|not|knew|what|to|say
The young man didn't even know what to say.
Starac je nastavio.
The old man|(verb to be)|continued
The old man continued.
Ti si za mene bio pravi blagoslov.
You were a true blessing for me.
I danas shvatam jednu stvar.
And today I understand one thing.
Svaki blagoslov koji odbijemo, pretvara se u proklectvo.
Every|blessing|that|we reject|turns|itself|into|curse
Every blessing we reject turns into a curse.
Ja od života više ništa ne tražim,
I|from|life|more|nothing|not|ask for
I ask nothing more from life,
a ti me primoravaš da sagledavam bogatstva i horizonte,
but you force me to look at the riches and horizons,
koje nikad nisam upoznao.
whom|never|I have not|met
that I have never known.
Sada kada ih poznajem, i kada poznajem svoje ogromne mogučnosti,
Now|when|them|I know|and|when|I know|my|huge|
Now that I know them, and now that I know my immense possibilities,
osećaću se gore nego što sam se ranje osićao.
I will feel|reflexive pronoun|worse|than|what|I|reflexive pronoun||felt
I will feel worse than I felt earlier.
Jer znam da mogu da imam sve, a nije mi do toga.
Because|I know|that|I can|to|have|everything|but|is not|to me|about|that
Because I know I can have everything, but I don't care about that.
Dobro je da ništa nisam rekao prodavcu kokica, pomisli mladić.
It's good|is|that|nothing|I didn't|said|to the seller|of popcorn|thought|the young man
It's good that I didn't say anything to the popcorn seller, the young man thinks.
Nastavili su još neko vreme da puše nargile,
They continued|(past tense auxiliary verb)|for a while|some|time|to|smoke|hookahs
They continued to smoke hookahs for a while longer,
dok je sunce polako zalazilo.
as the sun was slowly setting.
Razgovor su vodili na arapskom, i mladić je bio zadovolljan
The conversation|they|conducted|in|Arabic|and|young man|was|been|satisfied
They were conversing in Arabic, and the young man was satisfied
sobom jer je govorio arapski.
to himself|because|he|spoke|Arabic
with himself because he spoke Arabic.
Jedno vreme je vjerovao da se od ovaca može naučiti sve o svijetu,
One|time|was|believed|that|reflexive pronoun|from|sheep|can|learn|everything|about|the world
For a while, he believed that everything about the world could be learned from sheep,
ali od njih se arapski ne može naučiti.
but|from|them|reflexive pronoun|Arabic|not|can|be learned
but Arabic cannot be learned from them.
Mora da ima još stvari na ovom svijetu koje se ne mogu naučiti od ovaca,
It must|to|have|more|things|in|this|world|that|(reflexive pronoun)|not|can|be learned|from|sheep
There must be other things in this world that cannot be learned from sheep,
pomisli mladić, dok je čuteći posmatrao prodavca,
thought|young man|while|was|silently|observing|the seller
the young man thinks, while silently observing the seller,
jer su oni obuzete jedino traganjem za vodom i hranom.
because|are|they|preoccupied|only|by searching|for|water|and|food
for they are solely preoccupied with searching for water and food.
Mislim da oni ne podučavaju, već ja učim.
I think|that|they|not|teach|but|I|learn
I think they do not teach, but I learn.
Maktub, reče najzad prodavac.
It is written|said|finally|the seller
Maktub, the seller finally said.
A šta to znači?
And what does that mean?
Trebalo je da se rodiš kao arapin, pa da to shvatiš, odgovori on.
should|(past tense auxiliary verb)|to|reflexive pronoun|were born|as|Arab|then|to|that|understand|he answered|he
You should have been born an Arab to understand that, he replied.
Ali to bi se moglo od prilike prevesti kao "pisano je"
But|it|would|reflexive pronoun|could|from|approximately|translate|as|written|is
But that could roughly be translated as "it is written".
I dok je gasio žar u nargilama, reče da mladić može da počne da služi čaj
He|while|was|extinguishing|coal|in|the hookahs|he said|that|young man|can|to|start|to|serve|tea
And while he was extinguishing the embers in the hookahs, he said that the young man could start serving tea.
u kristalnim čašama, ponekad je rijeku života nemoguće zaustaviti.
in|crystal|glasses|sometimes|is|river|of life|impossible|to stop
In crystal glasses, sometimes it is impossible to stop the river of life.
Ljudi su se peli uz brig i umarali se, a na njegovom vrhu nalazila se radnja
People|were|themselves|climbing|up|hill|and|tiring|themselves|but|on|its|top|was located|itself|store
People were climbing the hill and getting tired, and at its top there was a shop.
s liepim kristalom i osvježavajučim čajem od nane.
with beautiful crystal and refreshing mint tea.
Ljudi su ulazili da popiju čaj kojim je služen u prekrasnim kristalnim čašama.
People were entering to drink tea that was served in beautiful crystal glasses.
Mojoj ženi ovo nikad ne bi palo na pamet, pomišljao bi posjetilac
My wife would never think of this, the visitor thought
i kupovao nekoliko kristalnih čaša, jer je upravo te večeri očekivao posjetu.
and bought several crystal glasses, as he was expecting a visit that very evening.
Gosti će biti zadjavljeni raskošnom ljepotom posuda.
The guests|will|be||by the lavish|beauty|of the dishes
Guests will be dazzled by the lavish beauty of the vessels.
Drugi je čak tvrdio da je čaj ukusniji kad se služi u kristalnim posudama,
The second|is|even|claimed|that|is|tea|tastier|when|it|is served|in|crystal|dishes
Another even claimed that tea tastes better when served in crystal vessels,
jer one bolje čuvaju njegovu aromu.
because they preserve its aroma better.
Treči je čak izjavio da na Istoku koriste kristalne čaše za čaj
|is|even|stated|that|in|the East|they use|crystal|glasses|for|tea
A third even stated that in the East they use crystal glasses for tea.
zbog njihove magijske moći.
because of their magical power.
Za kratko vrjeme vjez se proširila i mnogi su počeli da se penju
For|short|time|climbing|reflexive pronoun|expanded|and|many|(past tense auxiliary verb)|began|to|reflexive pronoun|climb
In a short time, the rumor spread and many began to climb
na vrh brda da bi vidjeli radnju u kojoj je uvedeno nešto novo
on|top|hill|in order to|would|see|store|in||was|introduced|something|new
to the top of the hill to see the store where something new was introduced
u tako staru vrstu trgovanja.
into such an old type of trade.
I drugi su počeli da otvaraju radnje u kojima se služio čaj u kristalnim čašama,
I|others|(past tense verb 'to be')|started|to|open|shops|in|which|(reflexive pronoun)|served|tea|in|crystal|glasses
Others also started to open shops where tea was served in crystal glasses,
ali oni nisu bile na vrhu brda i zato su zvrjale prazne.
but|they|were not|at|on|top|of the hill|and|that's why|they|screamed|empty
but they were not on top of the hill and therefore remained empty.
Za kratko vrjeme prodavac je morao da zaposli još dvojcu.
For|short|time|seller|(he)|had to|to|hire|two more|employees
In a short time, the seller had to hire two more people.
Počeo je čak uz kristal da uvozi ogromne količine čaja,
He started|(past tense verb marker)|even|with|crystal|to|import|huge|quantities|of tea
He even started importing huge quantities of tea along with the crystal,
koje su trošili ljudi i žene želnji novotarija.
which were spent by people and women eager for novelties.
I tako je prošlo šest meseci.
And so six months passed.
Mladić se probudio prija izlaska sunca.
The young man|himself|woke up|before|sunrise|of the sun
The young man woke up before sunrise.
Bilo je prošlo jedanajst meseci i devet dana,
It was|(past tense verb marker)|past|eleven|months|and|nine|days
It had been eleven months and nine days,
odkako je prvi put stupio nogom na Afrički kontinent.
since he first set foot on the African continent.
Obukao je svoje arapsko odjelo od bjelog lana,
He wore|(past tense marker)|his|Arabic|suit|of|white|linen
He wore his Arab outfit made of white linen,
koje je kupio specijalno za taj dan.
which he bought especially for that day.
Stavio je maramu na glavu i učvrstio je povezom od kamilje kože,
He put|(past tense marker)|scarf|on|head|and|secured|(past tense marker)|bandage|of|camel|skin
He put a scarf on his head and secured it with a band made of camel skin,
obu je nove sandale i tiho sišao.
he put on|is|new|sandals|and|quietly|he went down
He put on new sandals and quietly went down.
Grad je još spavao.
The city|was|still|sleeping
The city was still sleeping.
Napravio je sendvič i popio topao čaj iz kristalne čaše.
He made|(past tense marker)|sandwich|and|drank|hot|tea|from|crystal|glass
He made a sandwich and drank warm tea from a crystal glass.
Zatim je sijao na prag, pušeći nargile.
Then he sat on the threshold, smoking a hookah.
Pušio je u tišini, ne razmišljajući ni o čemu,
He smoked|was|in|silence|not|thinking|about anything|of|what
He smoked in silence, not thinking about anything,
slušajući jedino stalni šum vjetra,
listening|only|constant|noise|of the wind
listening only to the constant sound of the wind,
koji je duvao donoseći mir iz pustinje.
which blew bringing peace from the desert.
Pošto je završio s pušenjem,
After he finished smoking,
gurno je ruku u džepi, nekoliko trenutaka je posmatrao
shoved|past tense marker|hand|into|pockets|several|moments|past tense marker|observed
he shoved his hand into his pocket, observing for a few moments
ono što je otud izvadio.
that|what|is|from there|took out
what he pulled out.
Bio je to veliki svežanj novčanica,
It was|(verb to be)|that|large|bundle|of banknotes
It was a large bundle of banknotes,
dovoljan da se kupi stodvadeset ovaca,
sufficient|to|reflexive pronoun|buy|one hundred twenty|sheep
enough to buy one hundred and twenty sheep,
karta za povratak i dozvola da trguje
return ticket and permission to trade
sa zemljom u koje se nalazio.
with|the land|in|which|himself|was located
with the land in which he was located.
Strpljivo je sačekao da se starac probudi i otvori radnji.
Patiently|(he) waited|waited|for|himself|old man|wakes up|and|opens|shop
He patiently waited for the old man to wake up and open the shop.
Onda su obojca sjeli da piju čaj.
Then|(they)|both|sat down|to|drink|tea
Then they both sat down to drink tea.
— Danas odlazim, reče mladić, imam novca da kupim ovce,
Today|I leave|said|young man|I have|money|to|buy|sheep
— I am leaving today, said the young man, I have money to buy sheep,
a vi imate dovolnjo novca da odete do Meke.
and you have enough money to go to Mecca.
Starac je ćutao.
The old man|was|silent
The old man was silent.
— Molim vas da mi date blagoslov, bio je uporan mladić.
Please|you|to|me|give|blessing|was||persistent|young man
— Please give me your blessing, the young man insisted.
Vi ste mi pomogli.
You|are|to me|helped
You have helped me.
Starac je ćuteći nastavio s pripremanjem čaja,
The old man|(past tense verb to be)|silently|continued|with|preparing|tea
The old man continued silently preparing the tea,
posli je izvesnog vremena, međutim, okrenuo se mladiću.
after|(he)|certain|time|however|turned|himself|to the young man
after a certain amount of time, however, he turned to the young man.
— Ponosim se tobom, reče.
I am proud|myself|of you|she said
— I am proud of you, he said.
Ti si udahnuo dušu mojoj radnji, ali znaš da ja ne idem u Meku,
You|are|breathed|soul|my|business|but|you know|that|I|not|go|to|Mecca
You have breathed life into my business, but you know that I do not go to Mecca,
a takođe znaš da niti ne ćeš da se vratiš i kupiš ovce.
and|also|you know|that|nor|not|you will|to|reflexive pronoun|return|and|buy|sheep
and you also know that you will not return and buy sheep.
— Ko vam je to rekao?
Who|to you|(past tense verb 'to be')|that|said
— Who told you that?
— Upita mladić uplašeno.
He asked|the young man|fearfully
— The young man asked fearfully.
— Maktub, reče jednostavno stari prodavac Kristala,
it is written|he said|simply|old|seller|of crystals
— Maktub, the old crystal seller said simply,
i dade mu blagoslov.
and gave him his blessing.
Mladić je otišao u svoju sobu i pokupio sve svoje stvari.
The boy|(past tense verb marker)|went|to|his|room|and|picked up|all|his|things
The young man went to his room and gathered all his things.
Bile su to tri pune torbe.
They were|(auxiliary verb)|those|three|full|bags
There were three full bags.
Kada je već krenuo ka izlazu, primjetio je u jednom uglu svoje sobe stare pastirske bisagi.
As he was already heading towards the exit, he noticed in one corner of his room the old shepherd's bags.
Bile su potpuno zgužvane i skoro jih se nije ni sjećao.
They were|(auxiliary verb)|completely|crumpled|and|almost|them|(reflexive pronoun)|did not|even|remembered
They were completely wrinkled and he hardly remembered them.
U njima je i dalje bila ona ista kniga i isti ogrtač.
Inside them was still the same book and the same cloak.
Kada je izvukao ogrtač, pomišljajuće da ga pokloni nekom dječaku na ulici,
When|he|took out|coat|thinking|to|it|give away|to some|boy|on|the street
When he pulled out the cloak, thinking of giving it to some boy on the street,
dva kamenčića se odgatrleaše na patos.
two|small stones|reflexive particle|rolled away|on|floor
two pebbles rolled on the floor.
Urim i Tumin.
Urim and Thummim.
Mladić se tada sjeti starog kralja i iznenadi se, koliko dugo nije ni pomišljao na sve to.
The young man|himself|then|remembered|old|king|and|was surprised|himself|how much|long|had not|even|thought|about|all|that
The young man then remembered the old king and was surprised at how long he hadn't thought about all that.
Godinu dana radio je bez prestanka, misleći samo kako da zaradi pare, da se ne bi pognute glave vratio u Španjiju.
A year|year|worked|(he)|without|interruption||only|how|to|earn|money|to|himself|not|would|bowed|head|returned|to|Spain
For a year he worked non-stop, thinking only about how to earn money, so he wouldn't return to Spain with his head down.
— Ne odustaj nikad od svojih snova, — govorio je stari kralj.
Never|give up|on your dreams|from|your|dreams|said|past tense marker|old|king
— Never give up on your dreams, — said the old king.
— Prati znakove.
Follow|the signs
— Follow the signs.
Mladić podiže Urim i Tumim sa poda, i ponovo mu se javi onaj čudan, čudan osjećaj,
The young man|lifts|Urim|and|Tumim|from|the floor|and|again|to him||returned|that|strange|strange|feeling
The young man picked up Urim and Thummim from the ground, and he felt that strange, strange feeling again,
da je kralj negde u blizini.
that the king was somewhere nearby.
Naporno je radio godinu dana, i znaci su govorili da je trenutak da krene.
Hard|he|worked|a year|day|and|signs|were|saying|that|it|moment|to|start
He worked hard for a year, and the signs said it was time to start.
— Ponovo ću biti isto što sam bio, — pomisli Mladić.
Again|will|be|the same|as|I|was|thought|Mladić
— I will be the same as I was, — thought the Young Man.
— A ovce me nisu naučile da govorim arapski.
And|sheep|me|did not|teach|to|speak|Arabic
— And the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.
Ovce su ga, međutim, naučile nećemu mnogo značajnijem, da na svetu postoji jedan jezik koji svi razumiju.
The sheep|(past tense verb 'to be')|him|however|taught|to anything|much|more significant|that|in|the world|there is|one|language|that|everyone|understand
However, the sheep taught him something much more significant, that there is one language in the world that everyone understands.
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