Bojan bo odšel na potovanje.
Bojan will go on a trip.
Nima veliko denarja,
He/She has not|much|money
He doesn't have much money,
zato bo odšel nekam poceni.
so it will go somewhere cheap.
Ko potuje, vedno zapusti državo,
Ko|reist||verlässt|das Land
When|he/she travels|always|leaves|the country
When he travels, he always leaves the country,
zato bo tokrat šel v Kanado.
so|will|this time|go|to|Canada
so this time he will go to Canada.
Bojan je iz Združenih držav Amerike, zato je Kanada zelo blizu.
Bojan is from the United States, so Canada is very close.
Bojan bo v Kanadi ostal le nekaj dni.
Bojan|will|in|Canada|stay|only|a few|days
Bojan will only stay in Canada for a few days.
Nastanil se bo v velikem mestu in tam posnel veliko fotografij.
er wird sich niederlassen|||||Stadt|||machen||
He will settle|himself|will|in|large|city|and|there|will take|many|photographs
He will stay in a big city and take lots of photos there.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Načrtoval sem, da bom odšel na potovanje.
ich habe geplant||||||
I planned|I|that|will|leave|on|trip
I was planning to go on a trip.
Nisem imel veliko denarja,
I did not|have|much|money
I didn't have much money,
zato sem nameraval oditi nekam poceni.
so|I|intended|to go|somewhere|cheaply
so I was going to go somewhere cheap.
Ko potujem, vedno zapustim državo,
When|I travel|always|I leave|the country
When I travel, I always leave the country,
zato sem se tokrat nameraval odpraviti v Kanado.
so|I|reflexive pronoun|this time|intended|to leave|to|Canada
so this time I was planning to go to Canada.
Sem iz Združenih držav Amerike, zato je Kanada zelo blizu.
I am|from|United|States|of America|so|is|Canada|very|close
I'm from the United States, so Canada is very close.
V Kanadi sem nameraval ostati le nekaj dni.
In|Canada|I|intended|to stay|only|a few|days
I was only going to stay in Canada for a few days.
Nameraval sem se nastaniti v velikem mestu in tam posneti veliko fotografij.
I intended|I|reflexive particle||in|big|city|and|there|to take|many|photographs
I was going to stay in a big city and take a lot of photos there.
Ena: Bojan bo šel na potovanje.
One: Bojan will go on a trip.
Kaj bo storil Bojan?
What will Bojan do?
Bojan bo odšel na potovanje.
Dva: Bojan nima veliko denarja.
Two|Bojan|does not have|much|money
Two: Bojan doesn't have much money.
Kakšno težavo ima Bojan?
What kind of|problem|does Bojan have|Bojan
What is Bojan's problem?
Bojan nima veliko denarja.
Bojan|does not have|much|money
Bojan doesn't have much money.
Tri: Odšel bo nekam poceni.
Three|He will go|will|somewhere|cheap
Three: He will go somewhere cheap.
Kaj bo Bojan storil, ker nima veliko denarja?
What||Bojan|will do|because|he has|much|money
What will Bojan do because he doesn't have much money?
Odšel bo nekam poceni.
He will go|will|somewhere|cheap
Štiri: Ko potuje, vedno zapusti državo.
Four|When|he travels|always|leaves|the country
Kaj Bojan vedno stori, ko potuje?
What does Bojan always do when he travels?
Ko potuje, vedno zapusti državo.
When|he/she travels|always|leaves|the country
Pet: Tokrat bo odšel v Kanado.
The pet|This time|will|go|to|Canada
Kam bo tokrat odšel Bojan, ker vedno zapusti državo?
Where|will|this time|gone|Bojan|because|always|leaves|country
Tokrat bo šel v Kanado.
This time|will|go|to|Canada
Šest: Bojan je iz Združenih držav Amerike.
Six|Bojan|is|from|United|States|of America
Od kod je Bojan?
Bojan je iz Združenih držav Amerike.
Sedem: V Kanadi bo ostal le nekaj dni.
I am seven|In|Canada|will|stay|only|a few|days
7: He will only stay in Canada for a few days.
Kako dolgo bo Bojan ostal v Kanadi?
Bojan bo v Kanadi ostal le nekaj dni.
Bojan|will|in|Canada|stay|only|a few|days
Bojan will only stay in Canada for a few days.
Osem: Nastanil se bo v velikem mestu.
Eight|He will settle|himself|will|in|large|city
Eight: He'll be staying in a big city.
V kakšnem mestu se bo nastanil Bojan?
Where will Bojan be staying?
Nastanil se bo v velikem mestu.
He will settle|himself|will|in|large|city
Devet: Posnel bo veliko fotografij.
Nine|He will take|will|many|photographs
Kaj bo Bojan tam počel?
What||Bojan|there|will do
Bojan bo tam posnel veliko fotografij.