Nergo y Azul
Nergo and Blue
La ciudad se llama duke,nuevo mexico el estado entre la gente mafiosa,su fama se a propagado causa de una nueva droga, que los gringos han creado.
The city is called Duke, New Mexico, the state among mafia people, its fame has spread because of a new drug, which the gringos have created.
Dicen que es color azul y que es pura calidad esa droga poderosa, que circula en la ciudad y los dueños de la plaza,no la pudieron parar.
They say that this powerful drug, which circulates in the city and the owners of the plaza, is blue and that it is pure quality, they could not stop it.
Anda caliente el cartel, al respeto le faltaron hablan de un tal heisenberg, que ahora controla el mercado nadie sabe nada de el, porque nunca lo han mirado.
The cartel is hot, they disrespected him, they talk about a certain Heisenberg, who now controls the market, nobody knows anything about him, because they have never looked at him.
el cartel es de respeto y jamás a perdonado ese compa ya esta muerto,nomás no le han avisado
The poster is of respect and that company has never forgiven him, he's already dead, they just haven't warned him
La fama de heisenberg ya llego hasta michoacán desde alla quieren venir a provar ese cristal ese material azul ya se hizo internacional.
Heisenberg's fame has already reached Michoacán from there they want to come to test that crystal that blue material has already become international.
Ahora si le quedo bien, a nuevo mexico el nombre a mexico se parece en tanta droga que esconde solo que hay un capo gringo,por heisenberg lo conocen.
Now if it fits you well, New Mexico's name resembles Mexico in so much drug that it only hides that there is a gringo capo, they know him from Heisenberg.
Anda caliente el cartel, al respeto le faltaron hablan de un tal heisenberg, que ahora controla el mercado nadie sabe nada de el, porque nunca lo han mirado.
The cartel is hot, they disrespected him, they talk about a certain Heisenberg, who now controls the market, nobody knows anything about him, because they have never looked at him.
A la furia del cartel, nadie jamás a escapado ese compa ya esta muerto, nomas no le han avisado
To the fury of the cartel, no one has ever escaped that company is already dead, they just haven't warned him