حياة عيلتنا: تحدي الموبايل- الجزء الأول - YouTube
Our Family Life: Mobile Challenge - Part One - YouTube
Nuestra vida familiar: desafío móvil - Primera parte - YouTube
我们的家庭生活:移动挑战 - 第 1 部分 - YouTube
我們的家庭生活:行動挑戰 - 第 1 部分 - YouTube
امممممم بشهي
Mmmmmm smells amazing!
بده شوية ملح
Needs some salt.
وين الملح ؟
Where is the salt?
يييي يا علينا
انا طالعة اجيب غرض من الدكانة
I am leaving to get a couple of things from the shop.
بعد عشر دقائق بالزبط بتطفي تحت الطبخة
In exactly 10 minutes turn off the heat under the pot.
وهلا ابوك جاي ومعه التيتا وجدّه
Your dad and grandparents are coming over in a bit.
Seu pai está vindo com ele e seu avô
اذا وصلوا قبلي حطيلهم عصير ما تنسي ماشي
If they arrive before I do, offer them juice. Don't forget
Se eles chegarem antes de mim, vou dar suco para eles, não esqueça de ir
do you hear me?
اه ماما سمعت سمعت
Yes Mama, I heard you I heard you
تعال خد اخوك وسكر الباب وراي
come and take your brother and close the door
ديربالك على سامر آه
and watch your brother.
معقول كيف وصلنا مع بعض
Amazing we arrived at the same time!
É possível como ficamos juntos?
يا ميت اهلا وسهلا
Oh morto, bem-vindo
عملتلكم الاكلة اللي بتحبوها
I made your favorite meal,
Eu fiz para você a comida que você gosta
رح توكلوا اصابعكم وراها
you will love it!
غلبتوا حالكم
Oh you have troubled yourselves.
Você superou sua condição
ما كان في داعي
You didn't have to.
Não havia necessidade
ولو ياما
On the contrary mom,
Mesmo que um dia
انتو بركتنا
you are our blessing.
Você é nossa bênção
وبعدين يعني فرصة نوكل محاشي
And it’s a chance for us to eat stuffed vegetables.
Então significa uma oportunidade de comer recheio
شو هذه الريحة
What's this smell?
O que é esse cheiro?
يييي الطبخة الطبخة !!!
Oh noooo the food!!
مش انا قلتلك قبل ما اطلع
Didn't I tell you before leaving
اطفي على الطنجرة بعد ١٠ دقايق
to turn off the heat after 10 minutes?!
قلت ولا ما قلت
Did I or did I not?
انت قولتيلي اضيفهم عصير بس يجوا
You told me to give them juice when they arrived.
Você me disse para adicionar suco a eles, mas eles virão
ما سمعت اشي عن الطبخة
I didn’t hear anything about the food!
Não ouvi nada sobre a receita
Of course not
لانك ما بتسمعي لما تكوني على الموبايل
because you don't hear anything when you are on your phone!
بتكوني بعالم ثاني
It’s like you are in another world.
هلا شو رح نعمل ؟؟
What are we going to do now?
تفضلي أشوف
Tell me
خلص خلص ما تفضحونا
Enough enough, don't scandalize us.
هلا بروح بجيب اشي جاهز بسرعة
I will go get something ready-made real quick.
سند وين سامر؟
Sand where is Samer?
ما بعرف!
I don't know!
شو يعني ما بتعرف !!!
What do you mean you don't know?
يا صبي هات
Here my friend
عمو تعال عنا
Ammo, come to our place,
في كثير لمبات خربانة
we have many broken lightbulbs.
بس يدفعلي ابوك حسابه
When you dad pays me,
مش عارف هو مطنش ولا ناسي
I don't know if he is ignoring me or has forgotten.
انت شو بتعمل هون
What are you doing here?!
لقيته لقيته
I found him I found him.
يا ناسينا يا ناسينا
Oh you have forgotten us, you have forgotten us,
وش اللي ذكرك فينا
what reminded you of us.
O que te lembrou de nós?
يا ناسينا يا ناسينا وش اللي ذكرك فينا
Oh you have forgotten us, you have forgotten us, what reminded you of us.
Oh, esquecemos, oh, esquecemos, o que te lembrou de nós?
اهلين اهلين معلم
Welcome welcome boss.
Bem-vindo, bem-vindo, professor
اكيد اكيد وقت مناسب
Of course this is a good time,
Claro, é um bom momento
دايما وقت مناسب
always a good time.
Sempre um bom momento
Yes go ahead.
كيف المدرسة حبيبتي؟
How is school darling?
اه اه تمام تيتا
Ah yes great, great grandma
تفضلوا تفضلوا يا جماعة
Dig in dig in,
اشتقنالكم كثير
how we missed you guys.
شو في اخبار؟
What's new?
ما انت عارفة احنا لا بنروح ولا بنيجي
Oh you know, we almost never go anywhere.
Você não sabe se estamos indo ou vindo
انتوا الاخبار عندكم!
You have the news.
Você tem as novidades!
عصام يلا جعنا
Issam hurry up, we are hungry.
Issam, vamos
ابدوا ابدوا هيني جاي
Go ahead I am coming.
Comece, comece, henny jay
شو بتعمل يا جدو؟
What are you up to?
O que você está fazendo, avô?
عم بلعب لعبة على الموبايل
I am playing a game on my phone.
Jogando um jogo no celular
ييي الهريسة
Oh the cake,
Oh, mingau
بلاش تنحرق هي كمان
it better not burn as well.
Não se queime também
É isso
Nós concordamos
بردلك جواب بكرا انشالله
I will answer you tomorrow God willing.
Eu vou te dar uma resposta amanhã, se Deus quiser
صرله ساعة بحكي
he's been talking for an hour.
Fale com ele por uma hora
معلش يا جماعة ما تأخذوني
Sorry guys, please pardon me.
Desculpe, pessoal, não me levem
شو اللي عم بصير!!
What's happening!!
O que está acontecendo!!
سالي وسند اتركوا موبايلاتكم هلا
Sally, Sanad, drop your phones now!
Sally e Sanad, por favor, deixem seus celulares para trás
مش معقول هذا الحكي
This is unbelievable.
Essa história não faz sentido
Ainda que
التيتا والجدو جايين يشوفوكم
Your grandparents are here to see you,
وانتو كل واحد راسه براس هالموبايل!
and each one of you is glued to your cellphones!
E a cabeça de todo mundo está nesse celular!
بكرا بعد المدرسة لازم نقعد نحكي
Tomorrow after school we will talk about this
Amanhã depois da escola deveríamos sentar e conversar
بدي أشوف شو آخرتها معكم!
and get to the bottom of this.
Quero ver o que acontece a seguir com você!
وهذا كمان طافي !!
Oh no, it’s dead too!?
Isso também está flutuando!!
يعني عن جد شو بدي اعمل مع الجدو
Really, what am I supposed to do with grandpa.
Quer dizer, sério, o que eu quero fazer com meu avô?
اخلي يلعب معي بلاي ستايشن مثلا
Let him play with me on the play-box?
Deixe-o jogar PlayStation comigo, por exemplo
فش اشي اعمله معه!
There is nothing I can do with him!
O que posso fazer com ele!
حتى ولو
Even so,
بتقدر تحكي معه بأي موضوع
you can talk about anything.
Você pode conversar com ele sobre qualquer assunto
ماما افهميني
Mama, please understand.
ما في مواضيع مشتركة بينا!!
There is nothing common between us.
حتى سالي اللي بتحب تحكي
Even Sally who loves to talk,
بتضل على موبايلها
is glued to her phone.
ليش بس انا؟!
Why only me?
انتو كلكم!
All of you!!
عشان هيك
This is why
بدي اخلص من قصة الموبايلات وتضييع الوقت
I want to finally end this cellphone issue, and the wasting of time.
Quero me livrar da história dos celulares e da perda de tempo
منيح هيك؟
How about that?
Está tudo bem?
وقلة التركيز كمان
All this distraction as well,
E falta de concentração também
اللي بسببها اخوك نزل من البيت للشارع
which is why your brother left the house to the street.
والله بس ستر!
Only God had mercy.
Juro que é só uma capa!
نزل عالكراج مش عالشارع!
He went to the parking not the street!
Vá para a garagem, não para a rua!
يا سلام ما فرقت اشي
It does not matter
Olá, nada faz diferença
والست سالي كمان حرقت الطبخة
And Miss Sally, burned the food.
لما تحطوا راسكم براس هالموبايل
When you put your heads in those cellphones
Quando você coloca a cabeça em cima desse celular
لا بتسمعوا ولا بتشوفوا
you stop hearing and seeing anything.
Você não ouve nem vê
جبنا سيرة القط اجى ينط
Ah here she is!
Trouxemos a história do gato que veio pulando
ليش تأخرتي ست سالي؟
Why are you late Sally?
ليش اتأخرت
Why am I late?
ابصر ليش تأخرت؟
I don’t know why I am late!
Olha, por que você está atrasado?
شو مالك
What's wrong?
O que você tem?
شو صاير
What happened?
O que aconteceu
انا مبارح قلتلكم انه اليوم ما في باص بعد النشاط
Yesterday, I told you that there is not after-school bus,
وانكم لازم تيجوا توخدوني
and that you needed to come get me.
امتى ؟؟
ما قولتيلنا؟
You never said anything!
امبلى قلتلكم انتو التنين
No, I did, to both of you.
بس كنتوا انتو كمان قاعدين على موبايلاتكم
But you also were on your phones..
وحتى بابا
even dad,
انت هزيت راسك وابتسمت
you nodded your head and smiled.
Você balançou a cabeça e sorriu
شكله انتو كمان لما يكون الموبايل بايدكم ما بتسمعونا
It looks like when you have your phones, you don’t hear us either!
Parece que quando você está com o celular na mão também não nos ouve
شو هالحكي
What are you saying?
O que você está falando?
اكيد سمعنا اكيد
Of course we heard you,
بس يمكن نسينا
but we must have forgotten.
كبرنا يا ام سند
كبرنا يا ام سند
We are getting old Um Sanad.
قولتولي بدنا نخلص من القعدة على الموبايل
you said you want to end the constant attachment to the phones
وعدم التركيز
and distraction!!
E falta de foco
هيو انتو كمان ما بتقدروا تستغنوا عن موبايلاتكم
You too seem like you can’t give up your phone
Ei, você também não pode ficar sem seus telefones celulares
هيك يعني
Is that so?
Isso significa
Ok then,
شو رأيكم نعمل تحدي
what do you think of a challenge.
مين بقدر يستغني عن موبايله ٣ ايام
Whoever gives up their phone most in the next three days
واللي بفوز
will win,
يطلب شو ما بده
and get whatever they want.
I accept!
وانا كمان
Me too
وانا قد التحدي!!
I am up for the challenge!!
Estou pronto para o desafio!!