The Bird (5)
|the bird
Der Vogel (5)
Το πουλί (5)
Bird (5)
pájaro (5)
L'oiseau (5)
Птица (5)
The bird
الحبس ليس مذهبي
La prison|n'est pas|ma philosophie
imprisonment||my style
Solitude is not my creed
L'emprisonnement n'est pas sectaire
وليس فيه طربي
||pas de plaisir
||joyful music
And there is no joy in it
Et il n'y a aucune gaieté là-dedans
فلست أرضى قفصا
||une cage
I won't accept||
I am not satisfied with a cage
Je ne suis pas satisfait d'une cage
وإن يكن من ذهبي
Even if it were made of gold
غابة ربي غايتي
forest|my lord|my goal
My Lord's forest is my goal
والعيش فيها مطلبي
et y vivre||mon souhait
Living in it is my desire
قد طاب فيها مطعمي
|a été agréable||mon repas
|was pleasant||
Where my food became delicious
وراق فيها مشربي
||Mon café préféré
a scribe||my drink
And where my drink became refreshing
أذهب فيها أستقي
||I fetch water
I go to it to drink
من ماء نبع أعذب
||source d'eau|plus douce
From the purest spring water
أصدق فيها مطلقا
Je crois||Absolument
I believe||Absolutely
I speak truthfully in it
فالحبس ليس مذهبي
"imprisonment"||my way
Detention is not my doctrine