L'Arabia prima dell'Islam
the Arabia|before|of Islam
Arabia pre-Islamica||dell'Islam
Arabien vor dem Islam
Αραβία πριν το Ισλάμ
Arabia antes del Islam
L'Arabie avant l'islam
Arabia przed islamem
A Arábia antes do Islão
Arabien före islam
Arabia before Islam
Arabia sebelum Islam
Luckyland Casino, chiedendo alle persone qual è il posto più strano dove sei stata fortunata.
||asking|to the|people|which|it is|the|place|more|strange|where|you are|been|lucky
Luckyland Casino||||||||||||||
Luckyland|Kasino|asking|to the|people|what|is|the|place|most|strange|where|you|were|lucky
Luckyland Casino, asking people what is the strangest place where you have been lucky.
Luckyland Casino, menanyakan kepada orang-orang tempat paling aneh di mana kamu beruntung.
Fortunata? In linea con il deli, credo.
Fortunate|In|line|with|the|deli|I believe
Fortunata|di|garis|dengan|si|deli|saya percaya
Lucky? In line with the deli, I believe.
Beruntung? Sesuai dengan deli, saya rasa.
Ah, nel mio ufficio di dentista. Più di una volta, in realtà.
Ah|in the|my|office|of|dentist|More|than|one|time|in|reality
Ah|di|saya|kantor|dokter gigi|gigi|Lebih|dari|satu|kali|di|kenyataan
Ah, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually.
Ah, di kantor dokter gigi saya. Lebih dari sekali, sebenarnya.
Devo dire?
I have to|to say
Saya harus|mengatakan
Should I say it?
Haruskah saya bilang?
Sì, lo devi dire.
yes|it|you must|to say
Yes, you should say it.
Ya, kamu harus bilang.
Nell'auto, prima della rivolta di PTA dei miei figli.
in the car|before|of the|rebellion|of|PTA|of the|my|children
Nell'auto|||rivolta di PTA||genitori|||
En el coche||||||||
Di dalam mobil|sebelum|dari|pemberontakan|di|PTA|dari|saya|anak-anak
In the car, before my children's PTA revolt.
Di dalam mobil, sebelum pemberontakan PTA anak-anak saya.
Scusami, qual è il posto più strano dove sei stata fortunata?
excuse me|which|it is|the|place|most|strange|where|you are|you have been|lucky
Maaf|mana|adalah|tempat|tempat|paling|aneh|di mana|kamu|telah|
Excuse me, what is the strangest place where you have been lucky?
Maaf, di mana tempat paling aneh di mana kamu beruntung?
Non vinco mai l'Intel.
not|I win|ever|the Intel
I never win the Intel.
Saya tidak pernah menang Intel.
Beh, lì hai la risposta. Puoi essere fortunata in ogni luogo, giocando su LuckylandSlots.com.
Well|there|you have|the|response|You can|to be||in|every|place|playing|on||
Nah|di sana|kamu punya|jawaban|jawaban|Kamu bisa|menjadi|beruntung|di|setiap|tempat|bermain|di||
Well, there you have the answer. You can be lucky anywhere, playing on LuckylandSlots.com.
Nah, di sana kamu punya jawabannya. Kamu bisa beruntung di mana saja, bermain di LuckylandSlots.com.
Gioca per gratis ora!
Play for free now!
Mainkan secara gratis sekarang!
Ti senti fortunata?
do you|feel|
Do you feel lucky?
Apakah kamu merasa beruntung?
Non è necessario acquistare. Non è proibito dalla legge.
not|it is|necessary|to buy|||forbidden|by the|law
No purchase necessary. Not prohibited by law.
Tidak perlu membeli. Ini tidak dilarang oleh hukum.
18+. Termine e condizioni applicabili. Vedi il sito per i dettagli.
syarat|dan|ketentuan|yang berlaku|Lihat|situs|situs|untuk|rincian|rincian
|||applicabili ai termini||||||
18+. Terms and conditions apply. See the site for details.
18+. Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. Lihat situs untuk detail.
E una volta che il tuo amico mette un bet con il loro bonus e il pagamento è riuscito,
and|one|time|that|the|your|friend|puts|a|bet|with|the|||||payment|it is|succeeded
And once your friend places a bet with their bonus and the payment is successful,
Dan setelah temanmu memasang taruhan dengan bonus mereka dan pembayaran berhasil,
riceverai un bonus di 50 dollari anche tu!
you will receive|a|bonus|of|dollars|also|you
you will receive|a|bonus|of|dollars|also|you
you will also receive a bonus of 50 dollars!
kamu juga akan menerima bonus sebesar 50 dolar!
Condividi l'ezzero e otteni un bonus di 50 dollari ogni volta che riferisci un amico a BetMGM.
share|the zero|and|get|a|bonus|of|dollars|every|time|that|refer|a|friend|to|BetMGM
Share|zero|and||a|bonus|of|dollars|every|time|that|you refer|a|friend|to|BetMGM
|l'azzero||ottieni||||||||riferisci un amico||||BetMGM
Share the zero and get a bonus of 50 dollars every time you refer a friend to BetMGM.
Bagikan ezzero dan dapatkan bonus 50 dolar setiap kali kamu mereferensikan teman ke BetMGM.
Visita BetMGM.com per termini e condizioni.
Visit BetMGM.com for terms and conditions.
Kunjungi BetMGM.com untuk syarat dan ketentuan.
21 anni di età o più per pagare.
years|of|age|or|more|to|to pay
21 years of age or older to pay.
21 tahun atau lebih untuk membayar.
Washington DC solo.
Washington DC only.
Hanya Washington DC.
Tutte le promozioni sono subiette a richieste di qualificazione e elettibilità.
all|the|promotions|they are|subject|to|requests|of|qualification|and|eligibility
Semua|(artikel definit)|promosi|adalah|tunduk|pada|permintaan|kualifikasi|kualifikasi|dan|kelayakan
||||soggette a||||||eleggibilità
All promotions are subject to qualification and eligibility requirements.
Semua promosi tunduk pada persyaratan kualifikasi dan kelayakan.
Riguardi iscritti come credito di sito non risolvibile.
Terkait|terdaftar|sebagai|kredit|dari|situs|tidak|dapat diselesaikan
Concerns registered as non-resolvable site credit.
Mengenai pendaftaran sebagai kredit situs yang tidak dapat diselesaikan.
Il credito di sito espira in 30 giorni.
The site credit expires in 30 days.
Kredit situs berakhir dalam 30 hari.
Per favore, gambolate responsabilmente.
Tolong|permintaan|berjudi|secara bertanggung jawab
||gambole responsablemente|
||gambolate|in modo responsabile
Please gamble responsibly.
Tolong, berjudi dengan bertanggung jawab.
Problema di gambolamento? Chiedete al 1-800-522-4700.
Gambling problem? Call 1-800-522-4700.
Masalah berjudi? Hubungi 1-800-522-4700.
Questo è un video che mi ha fatto un po' di cuore per essere tornato ad ascoltarmi anche quest'anno.
this|it is|a|video|that|to me|has|made|a|little|of|heart|to|to be|returned|to|to listen to me|also|this year
Ini|adalah|sebuah|video|yang|saya|telah|membuat|sedikit|sedikit|dari|hati|untuk|menjadi|kembali|untuk|mendengarkan saya|juga|tahun ini
||||||||||||||||ascoltare me||
This is a video that made my heart a little happy to be listened to again this year.
Ini adalah video yang membuat saya sedikit terharu karena kembali mendengarkan saya tahun ini.
Sì, parlo proprio con te.
yes|I speak|just|with|you
Sí, te estoy hablando a ti.
Yes, I'm talking to you.
Ya, saya berbicara langsung denganmu.
Sei tu che mi permetti di fare quello che amo.
you are|you|that|me|you allow|to|to do|what|that|I love
Kamu|yang|yang|saya|mengizinkan|untuk|melakukan|apa|yang|saya cintai
Sois vosotros los que me permitís hacer lo que amo.
You are the one who allows me to do what I love.
Kamulah yang memungkinkanku melakukan apa yang aku cintai.
Senza di te io non sarei qui.
Without|of|you|I|not|I would be|here
Tanpa|dari|kamu|saya|tidak|akan berada|di sini
Without you, I wouldn't be here.
Tanpamu, aku tidak akan berada di sini.
Ne approfitto per ricordarvi e prometto che è una delle ultime volte che è uscito il mio nuovo libro,
I|I take advantage|to|to remind you|and|I promise|that|it is|a|of the|last|times|that|it is|released|the|my|new|book
Saya|memanfaatkan|untuk|mengingatkan kalian|dan|berjanji|bahwa|adalah|satu|dari|terakhir|kali|bahwa|telah|terbit|buku|saya|baru|buku
|ne approfitto|||||||||||||||||
I take this opportunity to remind you and I promise that this is one of the last times my new book has been released,
Saya memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk mengingatkan kalian dan berjanji bahwa ini adalah salah satu dari terakhir kalinya buku baruku diluncurkan,
Il Miglior Nemico di Roma.
The Best Enemy of Rome.
Musuh Terbaik Roma.
Se lo avete comprato, se vi è piaciuto o volete farmi sapere cosa ne pensate,
If|it|you have|bought|if|you|it is|liked|or|you want|to make me|to know|what|of it|you think
Jika|itu|kalian|beli|jika|kalian|sudah|suka|atau|kalian ingin|memberi tahu saya|tahu|apa|tentang itu|pikirkan
||avete||||||||||||pensate voi
If you bought it, if you liked it or want to let me know what you think,
Jika Anda sudah membelinya, jika Anda menyukainya atau ingin memberi tahu saya pendapat Anda,
posso consigliarvi di lasciare una recensione su Amazon, Feltrinelli, Goodreads.
I can|to advise you|to|to leave|a|review|on|Amazon|Feltrinelli|Goodreads
saya bisa|merekomendasikan kepada kalian|untuk|meninggalkan|sebuah|ulasan|di|Amazon|Feltrinelli|Goodreads
I can recommend leaving a review on Amazon, Feltrinelli, Goodreads.
saya bisa menyarankan Anda untuk meninggalkan ulasan di Amazon, Feltrinelli, Goodreads.
Aiuto il libro, promesso.
Saya bantu|itu|buku|sudah dijanjikan
It helps the book, I promise.
Itu akan membantu buku ini, saya janji.
E se non l'avete comprato per le feste, beh, gennaio è un mese buono come tutti gli altri.
and|if|not|you have it|to buy|for|the|holidays|well|January|it is|a|month|good|as|all|the|others
Dan|jika|tidak|kalian|beli|untuk|perayaan|hari raya|ya|Januari|adalah|satu|bulan|baik|seperti|semua|semua|lainnya
And if you didn't buy it for the holidays, well, January is as good a month as any.
Dan jika Anda belum membelinya untuk perayaan, yah, Januari adalah bulan yang baik seperti bulan-bulan lainnya.
Quest'episodio è dedicato a Lorenzo Da Carne, un bimbo di 7 anni, figlio di Saverio.
this episode|it is|dedicated|to|Lorenzo|of|Meat|a|child|of|years|son|of|Saverio
Episode ini|adalah|didedikasikan|untuk|Lorenzo|Da|Carne|seorang|anak|berusia|tahun|anak|dari|Saverio
This episode is dedicated to Lorenzo Da Carne, a 7-year-old boy, son of Saverio.
Episode ini didedikasikan untuk Lorenzo Da Carne, seorang anak berusia 7 tahun, putra Saverio.
Lorenzo, mi pare che stai andando alla grande.
Lorenzo|to me|it seems|that|you are|going|to the|great
Lorenzo, it seems to me that you are doing great.
Lorenzo, sepertinya kamu sedang melakukan dengan baik.
Ho visto la tua foto vestito da antico romano.
I have|seen|the|your|photo|dressed|as|ancient|Roman
I saw your picture dressed as an ancient Roman.
Saya melihat fotomu berpakaian seperti orang Romawi kuno.
Siamo tutti fieri di te.
we are|everyone|proud|of|you
We are all proud of you.
Kami semua bangga padamu.
Grazie anche a tutti i 345 sostenitori su Patreon, Taipeee e Youtube.
thank you|also|to|all|the|supporters|on|Patreon|Taipeee|and|YouTube
Terima kasih|juga|kepada|semua|para|pendukung|di|Patreon|Taipeee|dan|Youtube
Thanks also to all 345 supporters on Patreon, Taipeee, and Youtube.
Terima kasih juga kepada semua 345 pendukung di Patreon, Taipeee, dan Youtube.
Ragazzi, meno 55.
Guys, minus 55.
Teman-teman, kurang 55.
Non sono poi così tanti.
not|they are|then|so|many
That's not so many after all.
Itu tidak begitu banyak.
Se siete in ascolto, potreste essere i 55 ascoltatori che mancano a raggiungere quota 400.
If|you are|in|listening|you could|to be|the|listeners|who|are missing|to|to reach|quota
Jika|kalian|dalam|mendengarkan|kalian mungkin|menjadi|55|pendengar|yang|kurang|untuk|mencapai|jumlah
If you are listening, you might be the 55 listeners needed to reach a total of 400.
Jika Anda mendengarkan, Anda mungkin adalah 55 pendengar yang hilang untuk mencapai angka 400.
Vista la lunga pausa, ma soprattutto vista l'incredibile vostra generosità,
Given|the|long|break|but|especially|seen|the incredible|your|generosity
Mengingat|(artikel definit)|panjang|jeda|tetapi|terutama|mengingat|ketidakpercayaan|kalian|kedermawanan
Given the long pause, but especially considering your incredible generosity,
Mengingat jeda yang panjang, tetapi terutama mengingat kedermawanan Anda yang luar biasa,
ho diverse persone da ringraziare oggi.
I have|different|people|to|to thank|today
saya punya|beberapa|orang|untuk|berterima kasih|hari ini
I have several people to thank today.
saya memiliki beberapa orang yang harus saya ucapkan terima kasih hari ini.
Grazie Mauro Samarati per esserti aggiunto al duo a livello Giuseppe Verdi, da 50€,
thank you|Mauro|Samarati|for|to have|added|to the|duo|at|level|Giuseppe|Verdi|from
Terima kasih|Mauro|Samarati|untuk|dirimu|bergabung|ke|duo|pada|level|Giuseppe|Verdi|dari
||Samarati||esserti unito|unito|||||||
Thank you Mauro Samarati for joining the duo at the Giuseppe Verdi level, with €50,
Terima kasih Mauro Samarati telah bergabung dengan duo setara Giuseppe Verdi, dari 50€,
e anche per la magnifica serata crema.
dan|juga|untuk|malam|yang megah|sore|krim
|||||serata di crema|color crema
and also for the magnificent cream evening.
dan juga untuk malam krim yang luar biasa.
A proposito, grazie anche a Federico Re per avermi aiutato per Ancona.
about|purpose|thank you|also|to|Federico|King|for||helped||Ancona
Pada|perihal|terima kasih|juga|kepada|Federico|Re|untuk|telah|membantu|untuk|Ancona
|a proposito||||||||||la mia visita
By the way, thanks also to Federico Re for helping me with Ancona.
Ngomong-ngomong, terima kasih juga kepada Federico Re karena telah membantu saya untuk Ancona.
I nuovi mecenati su Patreon sono a livello Galileo Galilei,
the|new|patrons|on|Patreon|they are|at|level|Galileo|Galilei
||sostenitori culturali||||||Galileo Galilei|Galileo Galilei
The new patrons on Patreon are at the level of Galileo Galilei,
Para dermawan baru di Patreon setara dengan Galileo Galilei,
Eike, Michele Bina, Maurizio Colombo, Stefano Pepe, Ilbone, David Bertini, Matteo Rizzolli e 13 Minuti.
Eike||Bina Michele|||||Ilbone||||||
Eike, Michele Bina, Maurizio Colombo, Stefano Pepe, Ilbone, David Bertini, Matteo Rizzolli, and 13 Minuti.
Eike, Michele Bina, Maurizio Colombo, Stefano Pepe, Ilbone, David Bertini, Matteo Rizzolli dan 13 Menit.
Mentre su Taipeee abbiamo Agents in Rebus e Paolo Lucciola.
while|on|Taipei|we have|Agents|in|Rebus|and|Paolo|Firefly
Sementara|di|Taipei|kami memiliki|Agen|dalam|Rebus|dan|Paolo|Lucciola
While in Taipei we have Agents in Rebus and Paolo Lucciola.
Sementara di Taipeee kami memiliki Agents in Rebus dan Paolo Lucciola.
A livello Marco Polo abbiamo su Patreon Leonardo Guida e Alexandre da Silva Mello dal Brasile.
at|level|Marco|Polo|we have|on|Patreon|Leonardo|Guide|and|Alexandre|from|Silva|Mello|from the|Brazil
Di|tingkat|Marco|Polo|kami memiliki|di|Patreon|Leonardo|Guida|dan|Alexandre|dari|Silva|Mello|dari|Brasil
At the Marco Polo level we have on Patreon Leonardo Guida and Alexandre da Silva Mello from Brazil.
Di tingkat Marco Polo kami memiliki di Patreon Leonardo Guida dan Alexandre da Silva Mello dari Brasil.
Su Taipeee Angelo Michele e Ernesto Barbero.
In Taipei Angelo Michele and Ernesto Barbero.
Di Taipeee Angelo Michele dan Ernesto Barbero.
Grazie a tutti!
thank you|to|everyone
Terima kasih|kepada|semua
Thank you all!
Terima kasih kepada semua!
Ringrazio inoltre Daniele Farina per essere passato al magico gruppo a livello Dan Talighieri,
I thank|also|Daniele|Farina|for|being|passed|to the|magical|group|at|level|Dan|Tolkien
Saya berterima kasih|juga|Daniele|Farina|untuk|menjadi|bergabung|ke|ajaib|grup|pada|level|Dan|Talighieri
|||||||||||||Dan Talighieri
I also thank Daniele Farina for joining the magical group at the Dan Talighieri level,
Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Daniele Farina karena telah bergabung dengan grup ajaib di level Dan Talighieri,
Luigi Boselli per essere passato a Leonardo Da Vinci,
Luigi Boselli for joining Leonardo Da Vinci,
Luigi Boselli karena telah bergabung dengan Leonardo Da Vinci,
e Angelo Salustri per essere arrivato al Galileo Galilei.
and|Angelo|Salustri|for|to be|arrived|at the|Galileo|Galilei
and Angelo Salustri for reaching Galileo Galilei.
dan Angelo Salustri karena telah mencapai Galileo Galilei.
Inoltre ringrazio i tanti che hanno aderito al mio appello e sono passati da Patreon e Taipeee,
moreover|I thank|the|many|who|they have|joined|to the|my|appeal|and|they are|passed|by|Patreon|and|Taipeee
Selain itu|saya berterima kasih|banyak|orang|yang|telah|bergabung|pada|saya|seruan|dan|telah|lewat|dari|Patreon|dan|Taipeee
I also thank the many who responded to my call and joined on Patreon and Taipeee,
Selain itu, saya berterima kasih kepada banyak orang yang telah merespons seruan saya dan telah bergabung di Patreon dan Taipeee,
che garantisce minori costi per entrambi.
yang|menjamin|lebih rendah|biaya|untuk|keduanya
which guarantees lower costs for both.
yang menjamin biaya lebih rendah untuk keduanya.
Niente IVA per voi e un costo minore per me.
Tidak ada|PPN|untuk|kalian|dan|satu|biaya|lebih rendah|untuk|saya
No VAT for you and a lower cost for me.
Tidak ada PPN untuk Anda dan biaya yang lebih rendah untuk saya.
Questo mese sono stati Valerio Barbaking, Luca Damilano, John Ellis, Cesare Bagnari,
this|month|they are|have been|Valerio|Barbaking|Luca|Damilano|John|Ellis|Cesare|Bagnari
|||||Barbaking||||John Ellis||Cesare Bagnari
This month they have been Valerio Barbaking, Luca Damilano, John Ellis, Cesare Bagnari,
Bulan ini adalah Valerio Barbaking, Luca Damilano, John Ellis, Cesare Bagnari,
Jerome Tron, Fazdev, Mike Lombardi, Tascani Discovery, Pietro Milazzo, Carlo Benvissuto,
|Tron|Fazdev(1)|||Tascani (1)|||Pietro Milazzo||Benvissuto Carlo
Jerome Tron, Fazdev, Mike Lombardi, Tascani Discovery, Pietro Milazzo, Carlo Benvissuto,
Jerome Tron, Fazdev, Mike Lombardi, Tascani Discovery, Pietro Milazzo, Carlo Benvissuto,
Simone Provenzano, Andrea Skywalker, Paolo Tazioli, Yuri Giovannoni, Stefano Po e Alberto Goldoni.
|||Skywalker Andrea||Tazioli (1)||Yuri Giovannoni|||||
Simone Provenzano, Andrea Skywalker, Paolo Tazioli, Yuri Giovannoni, Stefano Po and Alberto Goldoni.
Simone Provenzano, Andrea Skywalker, Paolo Tazioli, Yuri Giovannoni, Stefano Po dan Alberto Goldoni.
Wow, scusate la lunga lista, ma un enorme grazie!
Wow|excuse|the|long|list|but|a|huge|thank you
Wow|maaf|si|panjang|daftar|tapi|satu|besar|terima kasih
Wow, sorry for the long list, but a huge thank you!
Wow, maaf atas daftar yang panjang, tetapi terima kasih banyak!
Mi avete tutti fatto un grandissimo regalo di Natale.
I|you have|all|made|a|very big|gift|of|Christmas
Saya|kalian|semua|memberikan|sebuah|sangat besar|hadiah|Natal|
You all gave me a great Christmas gift.
Kalian semua telah memberikan saya hadiah Natal yang sangat besar.
Spero di non deludervi lungo tutto il 2023.
I hope|to|not|disappoint you|throughout|all|the
Saya berharap|untuk|tidak|mengecewakan kalian|sepanjang|seluruh|tahun
I hope not to disappoint you throughout 2023.
Saya berharap tidak mengecewakan kalian sepanjang tahun 2023.
Innanzitutto il mea culpa.
first of all|the|my|blame
First of all||mia|colpa mia
First of all, my apologies.
Pertama-tama, saya minta maaf.
Ahimè ho pronunciato ben due parole in modo scorretto.
Alas|I have|pronounced|well|two|words|in|way|incorrect
Sayang sekali|saya|mengucapkan|bahkan|dua|kata|dalam|cara|salah
Alas, I pronounced two words incorrectly.
Sayangnya, saya telah mengucapkan dua kata dengan cara yang salah.
La prima è proprio il nome più comune di tutti.
the|first|it is|just|the|name|more|common|of|all
The first is actually the most common name of all.
Yang pertama adalah nama yang paling umum dari semua.
Muhammad e non Muhammad.
Muhammad and not Muhammad.
Muhammad dan bukan Muhammad.
A quanto pare ho preso la pronuncia francofona del suo nome, scusate.
At|how much|it seems|I have|taken|the|pronunciation|Francophone|of the|his|name|excuse
Pada|sepertinya|tampaknya|saya|mengambil|itu|pengucapan|berbahasa Prancis|dari|namanya|nama|maaf
Apparently, I adopted the Francophone pronunciation of his name, sorry.
Tampaknya saya telah mengambil pengucapan nama Prancisnya, maaf.
Inoltre Mushrikun e non Mushikrun.
Also, it's Mushrikun and not Mushikrun.
Selain itu Mushrikun dan bukan Mushikrun.
Qui ho semplicemente sbagliato la prima volta e mi sono tirato dietro l'errore.
here|I have|simply|made a mistake|the|first|time|and|I|I am|pulled|behind|
Di sini|saya|hanya|salah|yang|pertama|kali|dan|saya|telah|menarik|di belakang|kesalahan
Here I simply made a mistake the first time and carried the error with me.
Di sini saya hanya salah pada pertama kali dan saya membawa kesalahan itu.
Grazie di cuore a tutti quelli che me lo hanno segnalato.
thank you|of|heart|to|everyone|those|who|me|it|they have|reported
Terima kasih|dari|hati|kepada|semua|mereka|yang|saya|itu|telah|memberi tahu
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who pointed it out to me.
Terima kasih banyak kepada semua yang telah memberi tahu saya.
Nello scorso episodio abbiamo ripercorso gli eventi della vita di Muhammad
in the|last|episode|we have|traced back|the|events|of the|life|of|Muhammad
Dalam|terakhir|episode|kami|menelusuri kembali|peristiwa|peristiwa|dari|kehidupan|Muhammad|
In the last episode, we retraced the events of the life of Muhammad
Di episode sebelumnya, kita telah menelusuri peristiwa kehidupan Muhammad
ed il suo immediato successore, Abu Bakr,
||||||Abu Bakr
and his immediate successor, Abu Bakr,
dan penerusnya yang langsung, Abu Bakr,
per comprendere quello che la tradizione islamica da 1200 anni
to understand what the Islamic tradition has told us for 1200 years
untuk memahami apa yang telah diceritakan oleh tradisi Islam selama 1200 tahun
ci ha raccontato a proposito della nascita della religione e della civiltà islamica
to us|he has|told|about|purpose|of the|birth||religion|and||civilization|Islamic
kepada kami|telah|menceritakan|tentang|tujuan|dari|kelahiran|dari|agama|dan|dari|peradaban|Islam
about the birth of the religion and Islamic civilization.
tentang kelahiran agama dan peradaban Islam.
e questo a circa 200 anni di distanza dagli avvenimenti.
and|this|at|about|years|of|distance|from the|events
and this is about 200 years after the events.
dan ini sekitar 200 tahun setelah peristiwa tersebut.
Oggi dovremo tornare indietro sui nostri passi
today|we will have to|to return|back|on our|our|steps
Hari ini|harus|kembali|mundur|pada|langkah|jejak
Today we will have to go back on our steps
Hari ini kita harus mundur langkah kita
e cercare di dimenticare quello che crediamo di sapere su Muhammad,
and|to try|to|to forget|what|that|we believe|to|to know|about|Muhammad
dan|mencoba|untuk|melupakan|apa yang|yang|kita percayai|tentang|mengetahui|tentang|Muhammad
and try to forget what we think we know about Muhammad,
dan berusaha untuk melupakan apa yang kita kira kita ketahui tentang Muhammad,
l'Islam, i musulmani, l'Arabia e la conquista dell'Oriente Romano e dell'Impero Perseano.
Islam|the|Muslims|Arabia|and|the|conquest|of the East|Roman||of the Empire|Persian
Islam|para|Muslim|Arab|dan|penaklukan|penaklukan|Timur|Romawi|dan|dari Kekaisaran|Persia
Islam, Muslims, Arabia, and the conquest of the Roman East and the Persian Empire.
Islam, umat Muslim, Arab, dan penaklukan Timur Romawi serta Kekaisaran Persia.
Credo che per narrarvi bene questa storia debba parlarvi dell'Arabia prima di Muhammad
I believe|that|to|to narrate to you|well|this|story|I should|to speak to you|of Arabia|before|of|Muhammad
Saya percaya|bahwa|untuk|menceritakan kepada kalian|dengan baik|ini|cerita|harus|berbicara kepada kalian|tentang Arab|sebelum|dari|Muhammad
I believe that to tell you this story well, I must talk to you about Arabia before Muhammad.
Saya percaya bahwa untuk menceritakan kisah ini dengan baik, saya harus berbicara tentang Arab sebelum Muhammad
e avrete notato che non ne ho parlato nell'ultimo episodio.
and|you will have|noticed|that|not|it|I have|talked|in the last|episode
dan|kalian akan|memperhatikan|bahwa|tidak|itu|saya|berbicara||episode
And you may have noticed that I didn't mention it in the last episode.
dan Anda pasti telah memperhatikan bahwa saya tidak membicarakannya di episode terakhir.
Eravate sorpresi, vero?
you were|surprised|true
You were surprised, weren't you?
Anda terkejut, bukan?
Infatti, nella nostra immaginazione,
indeed|in the|our|imagination
Sebenarnya|di dalam|kita|imajinasi
Indeed, in our imagination,
Memang, dalam imajinasi kita,
l'Arabia di Muhammad è completamente diversa dalla Roma che siamo abituati a conoscere.
the Arabia|of|Muhammad|it is|completely|different|from the|Rome|that|we are|used|to|to know
Arab Saudi|dari|Muhammad|adalah|sepenuhnya|berbeda|dari|Roma|yang|kita|terbiasa|untuk|mengenal
The Arabia of Muhammad is completely different from the Rome we are used to knowing.
Arabia di Muhammad sangat berbeda dari Roma yang kita kenal.
Si tratta di un mondo desertico, povero, lontano, depresso,
It is a desert world, poor, distant, depressed,
Ini adalah dunia yang tandus, miskin, terpencil, tertekan,
popolato da beduini che attraversano a dorso di cammello
populated|by|Bedouins|who|they cross|on|back|of|camel
||popolazione beduina||attraversano||sella||cammello
populated by Bedouins who cross on camelback
dihuni oleh beduin yang melintasi punggung unta
le sabbie della penisola più arida del pianeta.
the|sands|of the|peninsula|most|arid|of the|planet
the|sands|of the|peninsula|most|arid|of the|planet
the sands of the driest peninsula on the planet.
pasir dari semenanjung paling kering di planet ini.
Gli Arabi ci appaiono dunque come dei nuovi arrivati sul palcoscenico della storia.
the|Arabs|to us|they appear|therefore|as|some|new|arrived|on the|stage|of the|history
The|Arabs|to us|appear|therefore|as|some|new|arrivals|on|stage|of the|history
The Arabs thus appear to us as newcomers on the stage of history.
Orang Arab muncul sebagai pendatang baru di panggung sejarah.
E se vi dicessi invece che gli Arabi sono una parte integrante del mondo antico
and|if|you|I said|instead|that|the|Arabs|they are|a|part|integral|of the|world|ancient
Dan|jika|kepada kalian|katakan|malah|bahwa|para|Arab|adalah|satu|bagian|integral|dari|dunia|kuno
And what if I told you instead that the Arabs are an integral part of the ancient world
Dan jika saya katakan bahwa orang Arab adalah bagian integral dari dunia kuno
e la loro storia è intimamente intrecciata con quella romana e persiana?
and|the|their|history|it is|intimately|intertwined|with|that|Roman|and|Persian
dan|itu|mereka|sejarah|adalah|secara intim|terjalin|dengan|yang|Romawi|dan|Persia
and their history is intimately intertwined with that of Rome and Persia?
dan sejarah mereka terjalin erat dengan sejarah Romawi dan Persia?
Se avete ascoltato con attenzione, non credo che sarà una sorpresa.
If|you have|listened|with|attention|not|I believe|that|it will be|a|surprise
If you have listened carefully, I don't think it will be a surprise.
Jika Anda mendengarkan dengan seksama, saya rasa itu tidak akan mengejutkan.
Saltate a bordo e viaggiamo rapidamente verso le notti d'Oriente, verso la terra d'Arabia.
jump|on|board|and|we travel|quickly|towards|the|nights|of the East|||land|of Arabia
Lompatlah|ke|dalam|dan|kita bepergian|dengan cepat|menuju|malam|malam|dari Timur|menuju|tanah|tanah|dari Arab
Jump on board and let's travel quickly towards the nights of the East, towards the land of Arabia.
Naiklah dan kita akan bepergian dengan cepat menuju malam-malam Timur, menuju tanah Arab.
Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
Teks terjemahan|dan|revisi|oleh|perawatan|dari|QTSS
||||a cura||
Subtitles and review by QTSS
Teks dan revisi oleh QTSS
La cosa che si sente dire più spesso a riguardo della conquista araba e dell'espansione dell'Islam
the|thing|that|one|he hears|to say|more|often|about|regarding|of the|conquest|Arab|and||
The|thing|that|(reflexive pronoun)|hears|said|more|often|about|regarding|of the|conquest|Arab|and||
|||||||||a riguardo||||||
The thing that is most often said about the Arab conquest and the expansion of Islam
Hal yang paling sering didengar tentang penaklukan Arab dan ekspansi Islam
è che fu beh... fatta dagli Arabi.
it is|that|it was|well|made|by the|Arabs
is that it was well... done by the Arabs.
adalah bahwa itu ya... dilakukan oleh orang Arab.
Oggi gli Egiziani sono Arabi, i Siriani sono Arabi, gli Irakeni sono Arabi.
today|the|Egyptians|they are|Arabs|the|Syrians||||Iraqis||
Hari ini|para|Mesir|adalah|Arab|para|Suriah|adalah|Arab||||
Today the Egyptians are Arabs, the Syrians are Arabs, the Iraqis are Arabs.
Hari ini orang Mesir adalah Arab, orang Suriah adalah Arab, orang Irak adalah Arab.
Ma questo non era il caso alla nostra epoca, o almeno non del tutto.
but|this|not|it was|the|case|at our|our|era|or|at least|not|of the|all
But this was not the case in our time, or at least not entirely.
Tapi ini tidak terjadi pada zaman kita, atau setidaknya tidak sepenuhnya.
Eppure anche se escludiamo queste regioni,
yet|also|if|we exclude|these|regions
tuttavia|||escludiamo queste||
Namun|juga|jika|kita mengecualikan|ini|daerah
Yet even if we exclude these regions,
Namun meskipun kita mengecualikan daerah-daerah ini,
neanche in quella che siamo abituati a considerare come l'Arabia vera e propria,
not even|in|that|which|we are|used|to|to consider|as||true|and|proper
bahkan tidak|di|itu|yang|kita|terbiasa|untuk|mempertimbangkan|sebagai|Arab|nyata|dan|sendiri
not even in what we are used to considering as true Arabia,
bahkan di tempat yang biasa kita anggap sebagai Arab sejati,
a lungo non ci fu qualcosa o un gruppo etnico che si potesse chiamare Arabi,
at|lengthy|not|we|there was|something|or|a|group|ethnic|that|one|could|to call|Arabs
pada|lama|tidak|kepada kita|ada|sesuatu|atau|sebuah|kelompok|etnis|yang|diri|bisa|disebut|Arab
for a long time there was no entity or ethnic group that could be called Arabs,
lama tidak ada sesuatu atau kelompok etnis yang bisa disebut Arab,
ovvero un popolo con una chiara identità etnica.
that is|a|people|with|a|clear|identity|ethnic
that is, a people with a clear ethnic identity.
yaitu sebuah bangsa dengan identitas etnis yang jelas.
In questo episodio seguiremo la storia della lenta etnogenesi degli Arabi,
this|this|episode|we will follow|the|story|of the|slow|ethnogenesis|of the|Arabs
Dalam|ini|episode|kita akan mengikuti|cerita|story|dari|lambat|etnogenesis|dari|Arab
|||seguiremo||||lenta|formazione etnica||
In this episode we will follow the story of the slow ethnogenesis of the Arabs,
Dalam episode ini kita akan mengikuti sejarah etnogenesis lambat orang Arab,
che portò alla nascita di una cultura comune per un vasto gruppo di tribù con,
which|led|to the|birth|of|a|culture|common|for|a|large|group|of|tribes|with
which led to the birth of a common culture for a large group of tribes with,
yang mengarah pada lahirnya budaya bersama untuk sekelompok besar suku dengan,
al massimo, alcune somiglianze linguistiche,
at the|most|some|similarities|linguistic
at most, some linguistic similarities,
paling tidak, beberapa kesamaan linguistik,
un'etnogenesi che si andò rafforzando nei secoli.
an ethnogenesis|which|it|went|strengthening|in the|centuries
an ethnogenesis||||rinforzando|nei secoli|secoli
sebuah etnogenesis|yang|diri|pergi|menguatkan|di|abad
an ethnogenesis that strengthened over the centuries.
sebuah etnogenesis yang semakin menguat seiring berjalannya waktu.
Un caveat però fin d'ora,
a|warning|but|end|from now
A caveat, however, from now on,
Namun, ada satu catatan dari sekarang,
il processo di creazione di un'identità araba comune, per quanto possiamo capire,
the|process|of|creation|of|an identity|Arab|common|for|as much as|we can|to understand
itu|proses|dari|penciptaan|dari|sebuah identitas|Arab|bersama|untuk|seberapa|kita bisa|memahami
the process of creating a common Arab identity, as far as we can understand,
proses penciptaan identitas Arab yang umum, sejauh yang bisa kita pahami,
inizia ben prima dell'arrivo dell'Islam, ma continua anche molto dopo la conquista,
it begins|well|before|of the arrival|of Islam|but|it continues|also|very|after|the|conquest
it begins well before the arrival of Islam, but continues even long after the conquest,
dimulai jauh sebelum kedatangan Islam, tetapi juga berlanjut lama setelah penaklukan,
in forme a volte nuove e che vedremo successivamente.
in|shapes|at|sometimes|new|and|that|we will see|subsequently
dalam|bentuk|pada|kadang|baru|dan|yang|kita akan melihat|kemudian
in sometimes new forms that we will see later.
dalam bentuk yang kadang-kadang baru dan yang akan kita lihat kemudian.
In sostanza l'identità araba è una conseguenza della conquista e dell'espansione dell'Islam,
In|substance|identity|Arab|it is|a|consequence|of the|conquest|and|of the expansion|of Islam
Dalam|substansi|identitas|Arab|adalah|sebuah|konsekuensi|dari|penaklukan|dan|dari ekspansi|Islam
Essentially, Arab identity is a consequence of the conquest and expansion of Islam,
Pada dasarnya identitas Arab adalah akibat dari penaklukan dan ekspansi Islam,
non una causa.
not a cause.
bukan penyebab.
L'Arabia antica aveva confini più ampi della moderna Arabia Saudita
the Arabia|ancient|had|boundaries|more|wide|of the|modern|Arabia|Saudi
Ancient Arabia had borders that were broader than modern Saudi Arabia.
Arabia kun memiliki batas yang lebih luas daripada Arab Saudi modern.
e iniziava in realtà già ai margini della cosiddetta Mezzaluna Fertile.
and|it began|reality|actually|already|at the|edges|of the|so-called|Half-Moon|Fertile
dan|mulai|di|kenyataan|sudah|di|tepi|dari|yang disebut|Bulan Sabit|Subur
|beginning|||||||nominata|Mezzaluna Fertile|
It actually began at the edges of the so-called Fertile Crescent.
Dan sebenarnya dimulai di tepi yang disebut Bulan Sabit Subur.
Petra e Bosra, con quasi l'intera Giordania moderna, facevano parte dell'Arabia,
Petra|and|Bosra|with|almost|the entire|Jordan|modern|they were|part|of Arabia
||Bosra||||Giordania moderna||||
Petra and Bosra, along with almost the entire modern Jordan, were part of Arabia,
Petra dan Bosra, bersama hampir seluruh Yordania modern, adalah bagian dari Arabia,
così come ogni territorio a sud delle Ofrate, in quello che oggi è l'Iraq Meridionale.
as well as|like|every|territory|to|south|of the|Euphrates|in|that|which|today|it is|Iraq|southern
as well as any territory south of the Euphrates, in what is now Southern Iraq.
begitu juga setiap wilayah di selatan Efrat, di apa yang sekarang adalah Irak Selatan.
Da questi confini settentrionali l'Arabia storica giungeva fino all'Oceano,
from|these|boundaries|northern|the Arabia|historical|it reached|up to|the Ocean
Dari|ini|batas|utara|Arab|sejarah|mencapai|sampai|ke Samudera
From these northern borders, historical Arabia extended to the Ocean,
Dari batas utara ini, Arabiahistoris mencapai hingga Samudera,
buona parte di quest'immensa regione era ed è estremamente arida,
good|part|of|this immense|region|it was|and|it is|extremely|arid
baik|bagian|dari|ini yang sangat besar|wilayah|dulu|dan|adalah|sangat|kering
a large part of this immense region was and is extremely arid,
sebagian besar dari wilayah luas ini sangat kering,
composta soprattutto da deserti di sabbia e più spesso rocciosi.
made up of|especially|by|deserts|of|sand|and|more|often|rocky
|||deserti||||||di roccia
composed mainly of sandy deserts and more often rocky.
terutama terdiri dari gurun pasir dan lebih sering berbatu.
Le principali eccezioni a questa regola di aridità assoluta
The main exceptions to this rule of absolute aridity
Pengecualian utama dari aturan kekeringan mutlak ini
erano le aree che da sempre ospitavano le società più avanzate dell'Arabia,
they were|the|areas|that|since|always|they hosted|the|societies|more|advanced|of Arabia
erano||||||hanno ospitato|||||
they were the areas that have always hosted the most advanced societies of Arabia,
itu adalah daerah yang sejak lama menjadi tempat tinggal masyarakat paling maju di Arab,
lo Yemen a sud e l'Oman a sud-est sono piuttosto fertili,
the|Yemen|at|south|and|Oman|at|||they are|rather|fertile
Yemen to the south and Oman to the southeast are quite fertile,
Yaman di selatan dan Oman di tenggara cukup subur,
ricevendo un po' di umidità e di freddo.
receiving|one|a little|of|humidity|and||cold
receiving a bit of moisture and cold.
mendapatkan sedikit kelembapan dan dingin.
Qui si poteva praticare una qualche forma di agricoltura,
Here|one|could|to practice|a|some|form|of|agriculture
Di sini|bisa|dilakukan|mempraktikkan|suatu|beberapa|bentuk|dari|pertanian
Here, some form of agriculture could be practiced,
Di sini bisa dilakukan beberapa bentuk pertanian,
qui nacquero le prime civiltà arabe.
here|they were born|the|first|civilizations|Arab
di sini|lahir|(artikel definit)|pertama|peradaban|Arab
here the first Arab civilizations were born.
di sini lahir peradaban Arab pertama.
Altrove l'Arabia antica era caratterizzata da una rete di oasi,
elsewhere|the Arabia|ancient|it was|characterized|by|a|network|of|oases
Di tempat lain|Arabiah|kuno|adalah|ditandai|oleh|sebuah|jaringan|dari|oase
Elsewhere, ancient Arabia was characterized by a network of oases,
Di tempat lain, Arab kuno ditandai oleh jaringan oasis,
dove era possibile trovare acqua nel sottosuolo grazie a porzi artesiani,
where|it was|possible|to find|water|in the|subsoil|thanks to|to|artesian wells|artesian
di mana|bisa|mungkin|menemukan|air|di dalam|tanah|terima kasih|kepada|sumur|artesis
||||||sottosuolo acquifero|||pozzi|pozzetti artesiani
where it was possible to find water underground thanks to artesian wells,
di mana mungkin untuk menemukan air di bawah tanah berkat sumur artesis,
irrigando aree più o meno vaste.
irrigating areas of varying sizes.
mengairi area yang lebih atau kurang luas.
Non immaginatevi un oasi come un laghetto con qualche tipo di fonte di acqua,
not|imagine|a|oasis|like|a|small lake|with|some|type|of|source|of|water
Tidak|membayangkan|sebuah|oasis|seperti|sebuah|kolam kecil|dengan|beberapa|jenis|dari|sumber|air|air
|immaginate|||||piccola piscina|||||||
Don't imagine an oasis as a small pond with some kind of water source,
Jangan bayangkan oasis seperti kolam kecil dengan semacam sumber air,
ma un oasis che si riempisce di un'area più o meno vasta.
tetapi|sebuah|oasis|yang|(reflexive pronoun)|terisi|dari||lebih||kurang|luas
||oasi|||si riempie||||||
but an oasis that fills an area that is more or less vast.
tetapi oasis yang mengisi area yang lebih atau kurang luas.
Non immaginatevi un oasi come un laghetto con quattro palme,
not|imagine|a|oasis|like|a|small lake|with|four|palms
Tidak|membayangkan|sebuah|oasis|seperti|sebuah|kolam kecil|dengan|empat|pohon palem
|||||||||piante di palma
Don't imagine an oasis as a pond with four palm trees,
Jangan bayangkan oasis seperti kolam kecil dengan empat pohon palem,
le oasi possono coprire anche decine di chilometri quadrati.
the|oases|they can|to cover|also|dozens|of|kilometers|squared
|||coprire superficie||dozens of|||quadrati
oases can cover even dozens of square kilometers.
oasis dapat mencakup bahkan puluhan kilometer persegi.
Le oasi e le relativamente fertili terre del sud,
the|oases|and|the|relatively|fertile|lands|of the|south
The|oasis|and|the|relatively|fertile|lands|of the|south
The oases and the relatively fertile lands of the south,
Oasis dan tanah yang relatif subur di selatan,
che che ne dica la tradizione,
that|that|of it|he says|the|tradition
no matter what tradition says,
apa pun yang dikatakan tradisi,
era dove viveva la maggior parte della popolazione araba.
it was|where|he lived|the|greater|part|of the|population|Arab
adalah|di mana|tinggal|sebagian besar|besar|bagian|dari|populasi|Arab
were where most of the Arab population lived.
adalah tempat di mana sebagian besar populasi Arab tinggal.
Infatti la maggior parte degli arabi non erano nomadi del deserto,
indeed|the|greater|part|of the|Arabs|not|they were|nomads|of the|desert
Sebenarnya|(artikel definit)|lebih|banyak|(artikel partitif)|Arab|tidak|adalah|nomaden|(preposisi)|gurun
||||||||abitanti del deserto||
In fact, most Arabs were not desert nomads,
Faktanya, sebagian besar orang Arab bukanlah pengembara gurun,
ma agricoltori e commercianti.
but farmers and merchants.
tetapi petani dan pedagang.
La zona veramente arida, completamente inospitale,
Zona|area|sangat|kering|sepenuhnya|tidak ramah
The truly arid area, completely inhospitable,
Zona yang benar-benar kering, sepenuhnya tidak ramah,
era soprattutto il centro della penisola,
it was|especially|the|center|of the|peninsula
was mainly the center of the peninsula,
terutama adalah pusat semenanjung,
mentre ai suoi bordi, lungo il mare, era più possibile trovare città e oasi.
while|at the|its|edges|along|the|sea|it was|more|possible|find|cities|and|oases
while at its edges, along the sea, it was more possible to find cities and oases.
sementara di tepinya, sepanjang laut, lebih mungkin menemukan kota dan oase.
Tra i confini dello stato iemenita e le ultime propaggeni del dominio romano
Between|the|boundaries|of the|state|Yemeni|and|the|last|progeny|of the|dominion|Roman
Between the borders of the Yemeni state and the last extensions of Roman rule
Di antara batas negara Yaman dan sisa-sisa terakhir dari kekuasaan Romawi
si estendeva lo Ijaz, la regione di origine di Muhammad,
(tidak diterjemahkan)|membentang|(artikel definit)|Ijaz|(artikel definit)|daerah|dari|asal|(preposisi)|Muhammad
|si estendeva||Ijaz||||||
lay Ijaz, the region of Muhammad's origin,
terletak Ijaz, daerah asal Muhammad,
dominato dalle tre città di Yatrib, Taif e Mecca.
dominated|by the|three|cities|of|Yatrib|Taif|and|Mecca
|||||Yatrib|Taif||La Mecca
dominated by the three cities of Yatrib, Taif, and Mecca.
yang didominasi oleh tiga kota Yatrib, Taif, dan Mekah.
Non c'è da stupirsi che lo Yemen, con la sua florida agricoltura,
not|there is|to|to be surprised|that|the|Yemen|with|the|its|flourishing|agriculture
It is no wonder that Yemen, with its flourishing agriculture,
Tidak mengherankan bahwa Yaman, dengan pertanian yang subur,
produsse anche la civiltà più antica e sviluppata della regione.
it produced|also|the|civilization|more|ancient|and|developed|of the|region
also produced the oldest and most developed civilization in the region.
menghasilkan juga peradaban tertua dan paling maju di wilayah tersebut.
D'altronde nell'antichità lo Yemen era conosciuto come
on the other hand|in ancient times|the|Yemen|it was|known|as
d'altra parte|in ancient times|il||||
Lagipula|di zaman kuno|itu|Yaman|adalah|dikenal|sebagai
On the other hand, in ancient times Yemen was known as
Di sisi lain, di zaman kuno, Yaman dikenal sebagai
Arabia Felix, l'Arabia Felice, ovvero la parte rigogliosa dell'Arabia.
Arabia|Felix|the Arabia|Happy|that is|the|part|lush|of Arabia
Arabia|Bahagia|Arabia|Bahagia|yaitu|bagian|bagian|subur|dari Arabia
Arabia Felix, the Happy Arabia, meaning the lush part of Arabia.
Arabia Felix, Arab yang Bahagia, yaitu bagian subur dari Arab.
In tempi biblici, nel primo millennio avanti Cristo,
In|times|biblical|in the|first|millennium|before|Christ
In biblical times, in the first millennium BC,
Pada zaman Alkitab, pada milenium pertama sebelum Masehi,
qui sorse il regno di Saba, celebre per la mitica regina di Saba.
di sini|muncul|kerajaan|Saba|||terkenal|untuk|ratu||Saba||
here arose the kingdom of Saba, famous for the mythical Queen of Sheba.
di sini berdiri kerajaan Saba, terkenal karena ratu Saba yang mitis.
Nel primo secolo avanti Cristo, nei tempi in cui la Repubblica Romana
In the|first|century|before|Christ|in the|times|when|which|the|Republic|Roman
In the|||avanti Cristo||||||||
In the first century BC, during the times when the Roman Republic
Pada abad pertama sebelum Masehi, di masa ketika Republik Romawi
discendeva verso il caos della guerra sociale,
it descended|towards|the|chaos|of the|war|social
scendeva verso||||||
was descending into the chaos of the social war,
turun menuju kekacauan perang sosial,
lo Yemen fu unificato dal regno di Imyar, di gran lunga il più importante
the|Yemen|was|unified|by the|kingdom|of|Imyar|by|great|long|the|most|important
Yemen was unified by the kingdom of Imyar, by far the most important
Yaman disatukan oleh kerajaan Imyar, yang jauh lebih penting
stato dell'Arabia Meridionale. L'Imyar, come vedremo, ebbe una
state|of Arabia|Southern|the Imyar|as|we will see|it had|a
negara|Arab|Selatan|Imyar|seperti|kita akan lihat|memiliki|sebuah
||Meridionale|l'Imyar||vedremo in seguito|ebbe|
state of Southern Arabia. The Imyar, as we will see, had a
negara Arab Selatan. Imyar, seperti yang akan kita lihat, memiliki sebuah
lunghissima storia istituzionale che si interruppe solo ai tempi di Giustiniano.
very long|history|institutional|which|it|interrupted|only|at the|times|of|Justinian
sangat panjang|sejarah|institusional|yang|(reflexive pronoun)|terputus|hanya|pada|masa|dari|Justinianus
|||||si fermò|||epoca||Giustiniano I
very long institutional history that only ended in the time of Justinian.
sejarah institusional yang sangat panjang yang hanya terputus pada masa Justinianus.
Molto più a nord, ai confini della Palestina e sull'orlo
very|more|at|north|at the|boundaries|of the|Palestine|and|on the edge
Sangat|lebih|ke|utara|di|perbatasan|dari|Palestina|dan|di tepi
Much further north, at the borders of Palestine and on the brink
Jauh lebih utara, di perbatasan Palestina dan di tepi
della grande civiltà mediterranea, nacque invece la potenza Nabatea.
of the|great|civilization|Mediterranean|was born|instead|the|power|Nabatea
of the great Mediterranean civilization, the Nabataean power was born.
peradaban Mediterania yang besar, muncul kekuatan Nabatea.
I Nabatei fondarono la loro magnifica capitale
the|Nabataeans|they founded|the|their|magnificent|capital
Para|Nabatea|mendirikan|ibu kota|mereka|megah|ibukota
The Nabataeans founded their magnificent capital
Orang Nabatea mendirikan ibu kota megah mereka
in uno dei più affascinanti luoghi della terra, il Canyon di Petra,
in|one|of the|most|fascinating|places|of the|earth|the|Canyon|of|Petra
di|salah satu|dari|lebih|menakjubkan|tempat|di|bumi||ngarai|di|Petra
||||affascinanti|luoghi||||Canyon di Petra||
in one of the most fascinating places on earth, the Petra Canyon,
di salah satu tempat paling menawan di bumi, Canyon Petra,
oggi in Giordania, nella quale realizzarono magnifiche opere di
today|in|Jordan|which|which|they realized|magnificent|works|of
hari ini|di|Yordania|di dalam|yang|mereka realisasikan|megah|karya|dari
today in Jordan, where they created magnificent works of
sekarang di Yordania, di mana mereka menciptakan karya-karya megah dari
canalizzazione per accogliere l'acqua e dove alzarono monumenti che
canalization|to||the water|and|where|they raised|monuments|that
canalizzazione dell'acqua||ricevere||||eressero||
saluran|untuk|menampung|air|dan|di mana|mendirikan|monumen|yang
canalization to welcome water and where they erected monuments that
saluran untuk menampung air dan di mana mereka mendirikan monumen yang
rivaleggiavano con lo splendore di qualunque città romana.
they rivaled|with|the|splendor|of|any|city|Roman
bersaing|dengan|itu|kemewahan|dari|mana pun|kota|Romawi
they rivaled the splendor of any Roman city.
mereka bersaing dengan keindahan kota Romawi manapun.
Da tempo sogno di visitarla, almeno da quando la vidi sul grande schermo al
for|time|I dream|to|to visit her|at least|since|when|the|I saw|on the|big|screen|at
Dari|waktu|bermimpi|untuk|mengunjunginya|setidaknya|sejak|ketika|dia|melihat|di atas|besar|layar|di
||ho sognato||visitarla|almeno un|||||||cinema|
For a long time, I've dreamed of visiting it, at least since I saw it on the big screen in
Sudah lama saya bermimpi untuk mengunjunginya, setidaknya sejak saya melihatnya di layar lebar di
cinema come la città del deserto di Indiana Jones e l'ultima crociata.
cinema|like|the|city|of the|desert|of|Indiana|Jones|and||crusade
bioskop|seperti|kota|kota|dari|gurun|dari|Indiana|Jones|dan||perang salib
the cinema as the desert city in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
bioskop sebagai kota gurun di Indiana Jones dan Perang Salib Terakhir.
Era il 1989, ero un bambino e il mondo stava per cambiare per sempre.
it was|the|I was|a|child|and|the|world|it was|to|to change|for|always
It was 1989, I was a child and the world was about to change forever.
Itu tahun 1989, saya masih anak-anak dan dunia akan berubah selamanya.
Il regno dei Nabatei si diede all'impero romano ai tempi di Traiano,
the|kingdom|of the|Nabataeans|it|gave|to the empire|Roman|at the|times|of|Trajan
The|kingdom|of the|Nabateans|itself|gave|to the Roman Empire|Roman|in the|times|of|Trajan
The kingdom of the Nabataeans surrendered to the Roman Empire during the time of Trajan,
Kerajaan Nabatea menyerahkan diri kepada kekaisaran Romawi pada masa Trajan,
forse volontariamente. Il territorio del regno fu costituito in una nuova
perhaps|voluntarily|the|territory|of the|kingdom|was|constituted|in|a|new
mungkin|secara sukarela|Kerajaan|wilayah|dari|kerajaan|di|didirikan|dalam|satu|baru
perhaps voluntarily. The territory of the kingdom was established as a new
mungkin secara sukarela. Wilayah kerajaan tersebut dibentuk menjadi sebuah
provincia, l'Arabia Petrea, che nella tarda antichità fu divisa in più
province|the Arabia|Petra|which|in the|late|antiquity|was|divided|in|more
provinsi|||yang|pada|akhir|zaman kuno|di|dibagi|menjadi|lebih
||Petrea|||tarda antichità|antichità tardiva||divisa||
province, Arabia Petraea, which in late antiquity was divided into several
provinsi baru, Arabia Petrea, yang pada akhir zaman kuno dibagi menjadi beberapa
province, come d'abitudine. Questo territorio romano non aveva verso
||di solito|||||possedeva|direzione
provinces, as was customary. This Roman territory had no regard for
provinsi, seperti biasanya. Wilayah Romawi ini tidak memiliki arah
il deserto un confine esatto. I romani presidiavano per esempio delle
the|desert|a|border|exact|the|Romans|they garrisoned|for|example|some
|||un confine||||presidiavano|||
the desert an exact boundary. The Romans guarded, for example, some
gurun adalah batas yang tepat. Orang Romawi menjaga misalnya beberapa
importanti oasi, ben al di là dei confini che trovate di solito sulle map,
important|oases|well|at|of|beyond|the|boundaries|that|you find|of|usually|on the|maps
penting|oasis|jauh|di|di|luar||batas|yang|Anda temukan|di|biasanya|pada|peta
important oases, well beyond the borders usually found on maps,
oasis penting, jauh di luar batas yang biasanya Anda temukan di peta,
fino al cuore della moderna Arabia Saudita. Alcuni degli abitanti di questo
up to|to the|heart|of the|modern|Arabia|Saudi|Some|of the|inhabitants|of|this
up to the heart of modern Saudi Arabia. Some of the inhabitants of this
hingga ke jantung Arab Saudi modern. Beberapa penduduk dari wilayah
vasto dominio erano molto fieri di considerarsi romani.
vast|domain|they were|very|proud|to|to consider themselves|Romans
luas|kekuasaan|sangat|sangat|bangga|untuk|menganggap diri mereka|Romawi
vast domain were very proud to consider themselves Romans.
luas ini sangat bangga menganggap diri mereka sebagai orang Romawi.
Un reggimento militare costituito dalla tribù di Tammud eresse un tempio in
a|regiment|military|constituted|by the|tribe|of|Tammud|erected|a|temple|in
|regiment||formato|dalla tribù|tribù||Tammud|eresse|||
A military regiment formed by the Tammud tribe erected a temple in
Sebuah resimen militer yang dibentuk oleh suku Tammud mendirikan sebuah kuil di
onore di Marco Aurelio a pochi chilometri a nord di Yatrib, la città
honor of Marcus Aurelius a few kilometers north of Yatrib, the city
hormati Marcus Aurelius beberapa kilometer di utara Yatrib, kota
che diverrà un giorno Medina, nell'Oijaz. Allo stesso tempo i nomadi
that|will become|a|day|Medina||At the|same|time|the|nomads
yang|akan menjadi|sebuah|hari|Medina|di Oijaz|Pada|sama|waktu|para|pengembara
|se tornará|||||||||
|diventerà|||Medina|nella regione|allo||||
that would one day become Medina, in Oijaz. At the same time, the nomadic
yang suatu hari akan menjadi Medina, di Oijaz. Pada saat yang sama, para nomad
beduini non riconoscevano l'autorità politica romana e si muovevano
Bedouins|not|they recognized|the authority|political|Roman|and|they|they moved
||riconoscevano||||||si spostavano
Bedouins did not recognize Roman political authority and moved
Bedouin tidak mengakui otoritas politik Romawi dan bergerak
piuttosto liberamente all'interno di queste linee immaginarie, senza
cukup|bebas|di dalam|dari|garis|imajiner|imajiner|tanpa
rather freely within these imaginary lines, without
cukup bebas di dalam garis-garis imajiner ini, tanpa
preoccuparsi troppo di inesistenti passaporti o della volontà degli
to worry|too much|about|non-existent|passports|or|of the|will|of the
preoccuparsi troppo|||inesistenti passaporti||||intenzione|
khawatir|terlalu|tentang|tidak ada|paspor|atau|dari|keinginan|dari
worrying too much about non-existent passports or the will of the
terlalu khawatir tentang paspor yang tidak ada atau kehendak para
imperatori. La maggior parte degli abitanti di
emperors|The|greater|part|of the|inhabitants|of
kaisar|(artikel definit)|lebih|sebagian|dari|penduduk|di
emperors. Most of the inhabitants of
kaisar. Sebagian besar penduduk di
questa vasta area era consapevole di parlare lingue intelligibili tra loro e
this|vast|area|it was|aware|to|to speak|languages|intelligible|between|them|and
ini|luas|area|adalah|sadar|untuk|berbicara|bahasa|dapat dimengerti|antara|mereka|dan
||||capace di||||comprensibili|||
this vast area were aware of speaking intelligible languages among themselves and
wilayah luas ini menyadari bahwa mereka berbicara dalam bahasa yang dapat dipahami satu sama lain dan
come vedremo nei secoli si andò sviluppando un sentimento unitario.
as|we will see|in the|centuries|it|it went|developing|a|feeling|unitary
seperti|kita akan melihat|di dalam|abad|itu|pergi|berkembang|sebuah|perasaan|kesatuan
|||||si|sviluppando||sentimento unitario|di unità
As we will see, over the centuries a unifying sentiment developed.
seperti yang akan kita lihat, selama berabad-abad berkembanglah sebuah perasaan kesatuan.
All'alba del nostro Evo, ai tempi dei primi imperatori romani, si trattava però
at the dawn|of the|our|Era|at the|times|of the|first|emperors|Roman|it|it was about|
At dawn|||Evo||||||||si discuteva|
Pada awal|dari|kita|Era|pada|waktu|dari|pertama|kaisar|Romawi|itu|dibahas|tetapi
At the dawn of our era, during the time of the first Roman emperors, it was more
Di awal Zaman Kita, pada masa-masa kekaisaran Romawi yang pertama, itu sebenarnya
più che altro di una collezione di comunità divise secondo linee tribali.
more|than|other|of|a|collection|of|communities|divided|according to|lines|tribal
||||||||divise||linee tribali|tribali
than anything else a collection of communities divided along tribal lines.
lebih merupakan kumpulan komunitas yang terpisah menurut garis-garis suku.
Ovviamente non parliamo di tribù primitive ma delle tribù clan che
obviously|not|we talk|about|tribes|primitive|but|of the|tribes|clan|that
Tentu saja|tidak|kita berbicara|tentang|suku|primitif|tetapi|dari|suku|klan|yang
Of course, we are not talking about primitive tribes but about clan tribes that
Tentu saja kita tidak berbicara tentang suku primitif tetapi tentang suku klan yang
abbiamo già incontrato più volte in questa storia, come nel caso della Roma
we have|already|met|more|times|in|this|story|like|in the|case|of the|Rome
we have already encountered several times in this story, as in the case of ancient Rome
kita sudah bertemu beberapa kali dalam cerita ini, seperti dalam kasus Roma
Antica con i suoi Fabi, Claudi e Giuli, come per i clan scozzesi o le Fare
with its Fabii, Claudii, and Julii, as with the Scottish clans or the Lombard Fare
Kuno dengan Fabi, Claudi, dan Giuli-nya, seperti halnya dengan klan Skotlandia atau Fare
Longobarde, si trattava di gruppi allargati uniti da una vaga origine
Lombards|it|it dealt with|of|groups|expanded|united|by|a|vague|origin
these were extended groups united by a vague common family origin.
Longobardi, itu adalah kelompok yang diperluas yang bersatu oleh asal-usul yang samar
familiare comune. Come in tutte le società dove non esiste lo Stato o
keluarga|umum|Seperti|di|semua|artikel definit|masyarakat|di mana|tidak|ada|artikel definit|Negara|atau
As in all societies where the State does not exist or
keluarga yang sama. Seperti dalam semua masyarakat di mana tidak ada Negara atau
comunque la forza della legge è molto debole, l'appartenenza ad un clan offre un
however|the|force|of the|law|it is|very|weak|belonging|to|a|clan|offers|
however, the force of the law is very weak, belonging to a clan offers a
namun kekuatan hukum sangat lemah, keanggotaan dalam sebuah klan menawarkan
certo livello di protezione. In caso di delitti o di offese contro un suo
certain level of protection. In the case of crimes or offenses against one of its
tingkat perlindungan tertentu. Dalam kasus kejahatan atau penghinaan terhadap salah satu anggotanya,
appartenente la tribù si incaricava infatti di esigere vendetta, i Longobardi
belonging to|the|tribe|he|he was in charge of|indeed|to|to demand|vengeance|the|Longobards
anggota|si|suku|mereka|bertanggung jawab|sebenarnya|untuk|menuntut|balas dendam|para|Longobardi
||||si occupava||||||
members, the tribe would indeed take it upon themselves to demand revenge, the Lombards
suku tersebut memang bertanggung jawab untuk menuntut balas, orang Longobardi
avrebbero parlato di faida. Si tratta di una tipica organizzazione umana studiata
they would have|spoken|of|feud|it|it concerns|of|a|typical|organization|human|studied
mereka akan|berbicara|tentang|perseteruan|Itu|berkaitan|dengan|sebuah|tipikal|organisasi|manusia|dipelajari
would have spoken of a blood feud. This is a typical human organization studied
akan berbicara tentang dendam. Ini adalah organisasi manusia yang khas yang dipelajari
dall'antropologia e comune a tantissime culture, anche lontanissime. Una tribù
from anthropology|and|common|to|very many|cultures|also|very distant|a|tribe
from anthropology|||||||molto lontane||
dari antropologi|dan|umum|kepada|banyak sekali|budaya|juga|sangat jauh|Sebuah|suku
from anthropology and common to many cultures, even very distant ones. A tribe
dari antropologi dan umum di banyak budaya, bahkan yang sangat jauh. Sebuah suku
per capirsi non deve per forza vivere tutta in prossimità ma può essere
for|understand each other|not|must|for|strength|to live|all|in|proximity|but|can|to be
untuk|saling mengerti|tidak|harus|untuk|paksa|hidup|seluruhnya|di|dekat|tetapi|bisa|ada
does not necessarily have to live entirely in proximity but can be
untuk saling memahami tidak harus hidup sepenuhnya berdekatan tetapi bisa saja
distribuita anche su un vasto territorio, frammista ad altre tribù, costituendo un
distributed||||||mescolata||||costituendo una|
distributed over a vast territory, mixed with other tribes, forming a
tersebar di wilayah yang luas, bercampur dengan suku-suku lain, membentuk sebuah
network di legami e di contatti utili anche ovviamente all'avanzamento
network|of|links|and|of|contacts|useful|also|obviously|to advancement
jaringan|dari|hubungan|dan|dari|kontak|berguna|juga|tentunya|untuk kemajuan
|||||||||alla crescita
network of ties and contacts useful also obviously for advancement.
jaringan hubungan dan kontak yang berguna juga tentunya untuk kemajuan
personale o agli affari o alla costruzione di un potere politico.
personal|or|to the|business||to the|construction|of|a|power|political
personal or business or the construction of a political power.
personal atau bisnis atau membangun kekuatan politik.
Ancora oggi molti stati moderni sono organizzati con forme tribali, nelle
still|today|many|states|modern|they are|organized|with|shapes|tribal|in the
Masih|hari ini|banyak|negara|modern|adalah|terorganisir|dengan|bentuk|tribal|di dalam
Even today, many modern states are organized in tribal forms, in which
Hingga hari ini banyak negara modern diorganisir dengan bentuk-bentuk tribal, di mana
quali per esempio eleggere un presidente di una certa tribù attrarrà
which|for|example|to elect|a|president|of|a|certain|tribe|will attract
yang|untuk|contoh|memilih|seorang|presiden|dari|sebuah|tertentu|suku|akan menarik
for example, electing a president of a certain tribe will inevitably attract
misalnya memilih seorang presiden dari suku tertentu akan menarik
inevitabilmente le ire della tribù nemica. La tribù era il vero mattone della
inevitably|the|wrath|of the|tribe|enemy|The||it was||true|brick|of the
inevitably|the|wrath|of the|tribe|enemy|The|tribe|was|the|true|brick|of the
the wrath of the enemy tribe. The tribe was the true building block of
kemarahan suku musuh. Suku adalah batu bata sejati dari
società araba, come avrete capito i Quraysh nominati nel precedente episodio
society|Arab|as|you will have|understood|the|Quraysh|mentioned|in the|previous|episode
masyarakat|Arab|seperti|kalian akan|mengerti|para|Quraysh|disebutkan|di dalam|sebelumnya|episode
||||||tribù dei Quraysh||||
Arab society, as you will have understood, the Quraysh mentioned in the previous episode
masyarakat Arab, seperti yang mungkin Anda pahami, Quraysh yang disebutkan dalam episode sebelumnya
sarebbero stati una di queste tribù. L'ascesa dell'impero sassanide nel terzo
they would be|been|a|of|these|tribes|the rise|of the empire|Sassanid|in the|third
akan|menjadi|salah satu|dari|ini|suku|Kebangkitan|dari kekaisaran|Sassanid|pada|ketiga
would have been one of these tribes. The rise of the Sassanid Empire in the third
akan menjadi salah satu dari suku-suku ini. Kebangkitan kekaisaran Sasanid pada abad ketiga
secolo portò ad una sorta di cortina di ferro in oriente tra romani e persiani.
century|it brought|to|a|sort|of|curtain|of|iron|in|east|between|Romans|and|Persians
century led to a sort of iron curtain in the east between Romans and Persians.
menghasilkan semacam tirai besi di timur antara Romawi dan Persia.
Come sappiamo da per un pugno di barbari questo diede l'opportunità ad una
as|we know|from|for|a|handful|of|barbarians|this|gave|the opportunity|to|a
Se|kita tahu|dari|untuk|satu|pukulan|dari|barbar|ini|memberi|kesempatan|kepada|satu
As we know from A Fistful of Barbarians, this gave the opportunity to a
Seperti yang kita ketahui dari sekelompok barbar, ini memberi kesempatan kepada
potenza regionale semitica e parzialmente araba, Palmira, di diventare
power|regional|Semitic|and|partially|Arab|Palmyra|to|to become
||semitic power||||Palmira||
Semitic and partially Arab regional power, Palmyra, to become
kekuatan regional Semitik dan sebagian Arab, Palmyra, untuk menjadi
per un po' di tempo l'arbitro della regione. A Palmira si adorava la dea
for|a|while|of|time|the referee|of the|region|At|Palmyra|one|was worshipped|the|deity
untuk|satu|sedikit|dari|waktu|wasit|dari|daerah|Di|Palmira|(subjek tak terucap)|menyembah|si|dewi
|||||||||||si venerava||
for a while the arbiter of the region. In Palmyra, the goddess was worshipped
sebagai wasit di wilayah tersebut untuk sementara waktu. Di Palmyra, dewi
Allat, carado denato e zenobia. Allat ha una chiara origine etimologica
Allat (1)|carado|denato (1)||zenobia||||||etimologica
Allat, along with denoted and Zenobia. Allat has a clear etymological origin
Allat, carado denato dan zenobia disembah. Allat memiliki asal usul etimologis yang jelas
simile a quella della parola maschile della divinità, Allah, ed inoltre come
similar|to|that|of the|word|masculine||divinity|Allah|and|also|like
mirip|kepada|itu|dari|kata|maskulin|dari|dewa|Allah|dan|selain itu|seperti
similar to that of the masculine word for the deity, Allah, and also like
mirip dengan kata maskulin dari dewa, Allah, dan juga seperti
vedremo perfino citata nel Qur'an. Un'altra città dove il culto di Allat
we will see|even|cited|in the|Qur'an|Another|city|where|the|cult|of|Allat
kita akan melihat|bahkan|disebutkan|dalam|Al-Qur'an|Satu lagi|kota|di mana|penyembahan|ibadah|dari|Allat
we will even see it mentioned in the Qur'an. Another city where the worship of Allat
kita bahkan akan melihatnya disebutkan dalam Qur'an. Kota lain di mana pemujaan Allat
era molto forte era Taif, nell'Oijaz, a poca distanza da Medina e Mecca.
it was|very|strong|it was|Taif|in the Oijaz|at|little|distance|from|Medina|and|Mecca
adalah|sangat|kuat|adalah|Taif|di Oijaz|pada|sedikit|jarak|dari|Medina|dan|Mekah
was very strong was Taif, in the Oijaz, not far from Medina and Mecca.
sangat kuat adalah Taif, di Oijaz, tidak jauh dari Medina dan Mekah.
Il grande gioco tra le due superpotenze antiche finì ovviamente per investire
the|big|game|between|the|two|superpowers|ancient|ended|obviously|to|to invest
The|great|game|between|the|two|superpowers|ancient|ended|obviously|up|to invest
The great game between the two ancient superpowers obviously ended up affecting
Permainan besar antara dua kekuatan super kuno tentunya berakhir mempengaruhi
anche l'Arabia. L'assenza di risorse e il costo immenso che avrebbe richiesto
also|the Arabia|the absence|of|resources|and|the|cost|immense|that|would have|required
juga|Arab Saudi|Ketidakadaan|dari|sumber daya|dan|biaya||sangat besar|yang|akan|dibutuhkan
also Arabia. The absence of resources and the immense cost that it would have required
juga Arab. Ketidakhadiran sumber daya dan biaya besar yang akan diperlukan
presidiare le vaste distese dell'Arabia sconsigliò ai due imperi di colonizzare
to guard|the|vast|stretches|of Arabia|he advised against|to the|two|empires|to|to colonize
presidiare le vastità||||dell'Arabia|sconsigliò|||||stabilire colonie
mengawasi|(artikel definit)|luas|dataran||menyarankan untuk tidak|kepada|dua|kekaisaran|untuk|menjajah
guarding the vast expanses of Arabia discouraged the two empires from colonizing
mengawasi luasnya wilayah Arab menyarankan kepada kedua kekaisaran untuk tidak menjajah
direttamente la regione, o almeno di provarci. Entrambi invece stabilirono
directly|the|region|or|at least|to|to try|Both|instead|they established
the region directly, or at least from trying. Instead, both established
secara langsung wilayah tersebut, atau setidaknya untuk mencobanya. Keduanya justru menjalin
relazioni privilegiate con una serie di tribù di confine o con i più lontani
privileged relations with a series of border tribes or with the more distant
hubungan istimewa dengan serangkaian suku perbatasan atau dengan kerajaan-kerajaan
regni costieri dell'Arabia. Il Mar Rosso in particolare aveva un'importanza
kingdoms|coastal|of Arabia|The|Sea|Red|in|particular|had|importance
kerajaan|pesisir|dari Arab|Laut|Merah|Merah|di|khusus|memiliki|sebuah kepentingan
coastal kingdoms of Arabia. The Red Sea in particular had an importance
pesisir yang lebih jauh di Arab. Laut Merah khususnya memiliki pentingnya
crescente per i Romani, visto che era l'unica via d'accesso alle ricchezze
growing|for|the|Romans|seen|that|it was|the only|way|of access|to the|riches
growing for the Romans, as it was the only access route to the riches
meningkat bagi orang Romawi, mengingat itu adalah satu-satunya jalur akses ke kekayaan
dell'India che non fosse controllata direttamente dai persiani.
of India|that|not|was|controlled|directly|by the|Persians
dari India|yang|tidak|berada|dikendalikan|secara langsung|oleh|Persia
of India that was not directly controlled by the Persians.
India yang tidak dikendalikan langsung oleh orang Persia.
Inoltre l'Imiar produceva un prodotto che era richiestissimo nell'impero romano,
moreover|the Imiar|it produced|a|product|which|it was|highly sought after|in the empire|Roman
Selain itu|l'Imiar|memproduksi|sebuah|produk|yang|sangat|diminta|di dalam kekaisaran|Romawi
|l'Imiar||||||molto richiesto||
Moreover, the Imiar produced a product that was in high demand in the Roman Empire,
Selain itu, Imiar memproduksi produk yang sangat dibutuhkan di kekaisaran Romawi,
l'incenso. Una delle spiegazioni tradizionali dell'importanza commerciale
the incense|one|of the|explanations|traditional|of the importance|commercial
dupa|Salah satu|dari|penjelasan|tradisional|dari pentingnya|komersial
incense. One of the traditional explanations for the commercial importance
yaitu dupa. Salah satu penjelasan tradisional tentang pentingnya perdagangan
di Mecca, almeno secondo il Qur'an, era che questa fosse una tappa del percorso
of|Mecca|at least|according to|the|Qur'an|it was|that|this|it was|a|stop|of|route
of Mecca, at least according to the Qur'an, was that this was a stop on the route
di Mekah, setidaknya menurut Al-Qur'an, adalah bahwa ini adalah sebuah pemberhentian dalam perjalanan
carovaniero dell'incenso, dallo Yemen al mondo romano.
caravan trader|of incense|from the|Yemen|to the|world|Roman
carovaniero dell'incenso|dell'incenso|||||
da caravaneiro||||||
pedagang kafilah|dari kemenyan|dari|Yaman|ke|dunia|Romawi
of the incense caravan, from Yemen to the Roman world.
karavan dupa, dari Yaman ke dunia Romawi.
Peccato però che non ha molto senso trasportare l'incenso via terra invece
too bad|but|that|not|it has|much|sense|to transport|the incense|by|land|instead
It's a pity, however, that it doesn't make much sense to transport incense overland instead
Sayangnya, tidak banyak gunanya mengangkut dupa melalui darat daripada
che sul Mar Rosso e se proprio si deve andare per vie interne non è davvero
that|on the|Sea|Red|and|if|exactly|one|must|to go|by|routes|internal|not|it is|really
yang|di atas|Laut|Merah|dan|jika|benar-benar|kita|harus|pergi|melalui|jalan|internal|tidak|adalah|benar-benar
of via the Red Sea, and if one really has to go through internal routes, it really isn't.
melalui Laut Merah dan jika harus melalui jalur darat, itu tidak benar-benar
agevole passare per Mecca, ma su questo punto ci torneremo.
easy|to pass|through|Mecca|but|on|this|point|we|we will return
mudah|melewati|melalui|Mekkah|tetapi|tentang|ini|poin|kita|akan kembali
easy to pass for Mecca, but we will return to this point.
mudah untuk melewati Mekkah, tetapi kita akan kembali ke poin ini.
Comunque sia, l'incenso veniva bruciato nei templi politeistici di tutto il
anyway|it is|the incense|it was|burned|in the|temples|polytheistic|of|all|
In any case, incense was burned in the polytheistic temples throughout the
Bagaimanapun, dupa dibakar di kuil-kuil politeis di seluruh
Mediterraneo ed era la principale fonte di guadagno dell'Imiar, al punto che
Mediterranean|and|it was|the|main|source|of|income|of the Imiar|at|point|that
Mediterranean and was the main source of income for the Imiar, to the point that
Mediterania dan merupakan sumber pendapatan utama Imiar, sampai-sampai
l'arrivo del cristianesimo inizialmente fu rovinoso per gli Yemeniti, perché
the arrival|of the|Christianity|initially|it was|disastrous|for|the|Yemenis|because
kedatangan|dari|Kristen|awalnya|adalah|merusak|bagi|para|orang-orang Yaman|karena
the arrival of Christianity was initially disastrous for the Yemenis, because
kedatangan agama Kristen pada awalnya sangat merugikan bagi orang-orang Yaman, karena
nella tarda antichità l'associazione dell'incenso con il culto pagano impedì
in the|late|antiquity|the association|of incense|with|the|ritual|pagan|prevented
di|akhir|zaman kuno|asosiasi|dari dupa|dengan|itu|ibadah|pagan|menghalangi
In late antiquity, the association of incense with pagan worship initially prevented
di akhir zaman kuno, asosiasi dupa dengan pemujaan pagan menghalangi
inizialmente il suo utilizzo per le funzioni cristiane, a differenza di oggi.
awalnya|itu|penggunaannya|penggunaan|untuk|fungsi|fungsi|Kristen|pada|perbedaan|dari|hari ini
its use for Christian functions, unlike today.
awal penggunaannya untuk fungsi-fungsi Kristen, berbeda dengan hari ini.
Come abbiamo visto nel podcast, le tensioni tra le due superpotenze si
as|we have|seen|in the|podcast|the|tensions|between||two|superpowers|they
Seperti|kita|lihat|di dalam|podcast|(artikel definit)|ketegangan|antara|(artikel definit)|dua|superpower|(kata ganti refleksif)
As we saw in the podcast, the tensions between the two superpowers
Seperti yang telah kita lihat dalam podcast, ketegangan antara dua kekuatan besar itu
calmarono a fine IV secolo per rimanere tutto sommato sopite per tutto il V.
they calmed down|at|end|4th|century|to|to remain|all|considered|suppressed|for|all|the|5th
menenangkan|pada|akhir|IV|abad|untuk|tetap|semua|secara keseluruhan|tertidur|untuk|semua|yang|V
calmed down at the end of the 4th century to remain, overall, subdued throughout the 5th.
mereda pada akhir abad ke-IV dan tetap relatif tenang sepanjang abad ke-V.
Solo con l'arrivo al potere di Giustino e Giustiniano la rivalità tra i due
only|with|the arrival|to the|power|of|Justinian|and|Justinian|the|rivalry|between|the|two
Only with the rise to power of Justin and Justinian did the rivalry between the two
Hanya dengan kedatangan Giustino dan Giustiniano ke tampuk kekuasaan, persaingan antara keduanya
imperi sfociò nuovamente in un ciclo di guerre distruttive destinato a durare un
empires|flared up|again|in|a|circle|of|wars|destructive|destined|to|to last|a
empires once again lead to a cycle of destructive wars destined to last for a
kekaisaran kembali memuncak dalam siklus perang yang menghancurkan yang ditakdirkan untuk berlangsung selama
secolo fino ai tempi di Eraclio. Nel quadro di questa rivalità l'intera
century|until|to the|times|of|Heraclius|In the|framework|this||rivalry|the entire
|||||Eraclio I||||||
century until the times of Heraclius. Within this rivalry, the entire
seabad hingga masa Eraclio. Dalam konteks persaingan ini, seluruh
geopolitica dell'Arabia ne uscì rivoluzionata. Il regno dell'Imiar fu la
geopolitics|of Arabia|it|it came out|revolutionized|The|kingdom|of the Imiar|was|the
geopolitik|Arab Saudi|itu|keluar|direvolusi|Kerajaan|kerajaan|Imiar|adalah|yang
geopolitics of Arabia was revolutionized. The kingdom of the Imiar was the
geopolitik Arabia mengalami revolusi. Kerajaan Imiar adalah
prima vittima. Giustiniano voleva assicurarsi una via per l'India che non
first|victim|Justinian|he wanted|to secure|a|way|to|India|that|not
pertama|korban|Giustiniano|ingin|memastikan diri|satu|jalan|menuju|India|yang|tidak
first victim. Justinian wanted to secure a route to India that did not
korban pertama. Giustiniano ingin memastikan jalur ke India yang tidak
passasse tra le mani e le tasse dei persiani.
he would pass|between|the|hands|and||taxes|of the|Persians
passasse tra||||||||
pass through the hands and taxes of the Persians.
melalui tangan dan pajak orang Persia.
L'imperatore fece quindi intervenire il dirimpettaio regno cristiano di Axum, la
the emperor|he made|therefore|to intervene|the|neighboring|kingdom|Christian|of|Axum|the
Kaisar|membuat|kemudian|campur tangan|si|tetangga|kerajaan|Kristen|dari|Axum|itu
|||||regno cristiano||||regno cristiano|
The emperor then called upon the neighboring Christian kingdom of Axum, the
Kaisar kemudian meminta bantuan kerajaan Kristen tetangga Axum, yang
moderna Etiopia, un regno alleato dell'impero romano. Era il 525. Gli Etiopi
modern|Ethiopia|a|kingdom|ally|of the empire|Roman|It was|the|The|Ethiopians
modern|Ethiopia|a|kingdom|allied|of the empire|Roman|It was|the|The|Ethiopians
modern Ethiopia, an allied kingdom of the Roman Empire. It was 525. The Ethiopians
sekarang adalah Ethiopia, sebuah kerajaan sekutu kekaisaran Romawi. Itu adalah tahun 525. Orang-orang Ethiopia
conquistarono l'Imiar ponendo fine a sei secoli ininterrotti di statualità
they conquered|the Imiar|by putting|end|to|six|centuries|uninterrupted|of|statehood
menaklukkan|Imiar|dengan|mengakhiri|kepada|enam|abad|terus menerus|dari|status
|||||||ininterrotti||stato indipendente
they conquered Imiar, putting an end to six uninterrupted centuries of statehood
mereka menaklukkan Imiar mengakhiri enam abad ketidakberdayaan negara.
iemenita, uno shock che fu importante per tutta l'Arabia. Per quasi 50 anni un
Yemeni|one|shock|that|it was|important|for|all||for|almost|years|a
in Yemen, a shock that was significant for all of Arabia. For almost 50 years, an
Yemen, sebuah kejutan yang penting bagi seluruh Arab. Selama hampir 50 tahun, seorang
importante generale etiope governò come vice re di Axum in Imiar.
important|general|Ethiopian|he ruled|as|vice|king|of|Axum|in|Imiar
important Ethiopian general ruled as viceroy of Axum in Imiar.
jenderal Ethiopia yang penting memerintah sebagai wakil raja Axum di Imiar.
La dominazione etiope ebbe anche conseguenze religiose visto che
the|domination|Ethiopian|it had|also|consequences|religious|seen|that
Ethiopian domination also had religious consequences since
Dominasi Ethiopia juga memiliki konsekuensi religius mengingat bahwa
l'ebraismo di stato dell'Imiar fu sostituito dal cristianesimo. 50 anni
Judaism|of|state|of Imiar|was|replaced|by|Christianity|years
the state Judaism of Imiar was replaced by Christianity. 50 years
Yahudi negara Imiar digantikan oleh Kristen. 50 tahun
dopo la conquista dell'Imiar scoppiò la nuova guerra romano-persiana tra il
after|the|conquest||it broke out|the|new|war|Roman|Persian|between|the
setelah|artikel definit|penaklukan|Imiar|meletus|artikel definit|baru|perang|||antara|artikel definit
after the conquest of Imiar, the new Roman-Persian war broke out between the
setelah penaklukan Imiar, perang Romawi-Persia baru meletus antara
folle Giustino II e Cosro I. Siamo al 572 all'incirca i tempi della
crazy|Justinian|II|and|Khosrow|I|we are|at|approximately|the|times|of the
||||Cosroe I|||||||
mad Justin II and Khosrow I. We are around 572, approximately the time of the
gila Justinus II dan Khosrow I. Kita berada di tahun 572 sekitar waktu
nascita di Muhammad. In quegli anni Cosro inviò un grande esercito di
birth of Muhammad. In those years, Khosrow sent a large army of
kelahiran Muhammad. Pada tahun-tahun itu Khosrow mengirimkan sebuah angkatan bersenjata besar dari
conquista in Yemen espellendo gli axumiti e installando un dominio diretto
conquest in Yemen by expelling the Axumites and establishing direct rule
penaklukan di Yaman dengan mengusir orang Axum dan memasang kekuasaan langsung
persiano con tanto di governatore e una forte guarnigione. Non solo, nei decenni
Persian|with|so much|of|governor|and|a|strong|garrison|Not|only|in the|decades
||||||||militare di guarnigione||||
Persian with a governor and a strong garrison. Not only that, in the decades
Persia dengan seorang gubernur dan garnisun yang kuat. Tidak hanya itu, dalam beberapa dekade
precedenti e successivi la Persia colonizzò, occupò o istituì regni
sebelumnya|dan|berikutnya|(artikel definit)|Persia|menjajah|menduduki|atau|mendirikan|kerajaan
before and after, Persia colonized, occupied, or established client kingdoms
sebelumnya dan sesudahnya, Persia menjajah, menduduki, atau mendirikan kerajaan
clienti su tutte le coste del golfo persico e dell'oceano indiano. Dal
clients|on|all|the|coasts|of the|gulf|Persian|and||Indian|From
along all the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. From
klien di seluruh pantai Teluk Persia dan Samudera Hindia. Dari
moderno Qatar al Loman e lungo tutta la costa meridionale dell'Arabia fino ai
modern|Qatar|the|Loman|and|along|all|the|coast|southern||up to|the
modern Qatar to Loman and along the entire southern coast of Arabia up to the
Qatar modern di Loman dan sepanjang seluruh pantai selatan Arab hingga ke
suoi domini yemeniti. Inevitabilmente la potenza persiana deve
its Yemeni domains. Inevitably, Persian power must
domain Yamaninya. Tak terhindarkan, kekuatan Persia harus
essere penetrata in qualche modo anche verso l'interno grazie ai soliti
to be|penetrated|inside|some|way|also|towards|the inside|thanks|to the|usual
menjadi|terpenetrasi|di|beberapa|cara|juga|ke|bagian dalam|terima kasih|kepada|biasa
have penetrated somehow inland thanks to the usual
masuk ke dalam dengan cara tertentu berkat mekanisme yang biasa
meccanismi di clientela, sovvenzioni e favoritismi che le grandi potenze
clientelism, subsidies, and favoritism that great powers
klien, subsidi, dan favoritisme yang dilakukan oleh kekuatan besar.
imperiali utilizzavano per invischiare nel loro volere le popolazioni e i loro
imperial|they used|to|to entangle|in the|their|will|the|populations|and|the|their
empires used to ensnare the populations and their will
kaiser menggunakan untuk melibatkan populasi dan keinginan mereka
confini. Sappiamo perfino che i persiani
borders|we know|even|that|the|Persians
batas|Kita tahu|bahkan|bahwa|para|Persia
boundaries. We even know that the Persians
perbatasan. Kita bahkan tahu bahwa orang Persia
stabilirono delle miniere di oro ed argento nel centro dell'Arabia, nella
they established|some|mines|of|gold|and|silver|in the|center||in the
established gold and silver mines in the center of Arabia, in the
mendirikan tambang emas dan perak di tengah Arab, di
regione del Najd, creando anche una strada per trasportare il metallo
region|of the|Najd|creating|also|a|road|to|to transport|the|metal
Najd region, also creating a road to transport the metal
wilayah Najd, juga menciptakan jalan untuk mengangkut logam
prezioso verso la Mesopotamia. A fine VI secolo i persiani dominavano in
precious|towards|the|Mesopotamia|At|end|6th|century|the|Persians|they dominated|in
precious towards Mesopotamia. By the end of the 6th century, the Persians dominated in
berharga menuju Mesopotamia. Pada akhir abad ke-VI, orang Persia mendominasi di
sostanza gran parte della penisola arabica orientale e meridionale.
substance|large|part|of the|peninsula|Arabian|eastern|and|southern
substance most of the eastern and southern Arabian peninsula.
sebagian besar semenanjung Arab timur dan selatan.
L'Ishasi di Muhammad fu una delle poche regioni che mantennero la propria
the Ishasi|of|Muhammad|was|a|of the|few|regions|that|they maintained|the|own
Ishasi|dari|Muhammad|adalah|salah satu|dari|sedikit|daerah|yang|mempertahankan|yang|sendiri
Muhammad's Ishasi was one of the few regions that maintained its
Ishasi Muhammad adalah salah satu dari sedikit wilayah yang mempertahankan
otonomi mereka.
Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
Teks terjemahan|dan|revisi|oleh|perawatan|dari|QTSS
Subtitles and review by QTSS
Subtitel dan revisi oleh QTSS
La situazione nel nord dell'Arabia era più complessa. Nel VI secolo la continua
the|situation|in the|north||it was|more|complex|In the|6th|century|the|continuous
The|situation|in the|north|of Arabia|was|more|complex|In the|6|century|the|continuous
The situation in northern Arabia was more complex. In the 6th century, the ongoing
Situasi di utara Arab lebih kompleks. Pada abad ke-6, terus menerus
guerra guerreggiata, alternata alla guerra fredda nelle brevi pause
war|warred|alternated|to the|war|cold|in the|short|pauses
warfare, alternated with the cold war during the brief pauses
perang bersenjata, diselingi dengan perang dingin dalam jeda singkat
intermedie, portò alla nascita o allo sviluppo di due grandi coalizioni
intermediate|he brought|to the|birth|or|to the|development|of|two|large|coalitions
in between, led to the birth or development of two major coalitions.
yang terjadi, menyebabkan lahirnya atau berkembangnya dua koalisi besar
arabe di cui abbiamo già parlato. I persiani già a fine IV secolo si erano
Arabs|of|whom|we have|already|talked|the|Persians|already|at|end|IV|century|she/they|they were
Arabs we have already talked about. The Persians had already allied with the Nasrid clan, of the Lakhm tribe, but it was Khawad I in
Arab yang telah kita bicarakan. Orang Persia sudah beraliansi dengan klan Nasridi, dari suku Lakhm, tetapi Khawad I pada
alleati con il clan dei Nasridi, della tribù di Lakhm, ma fu Khawad I nel
allies|with|the|clan|of the|Nasrid||tribe|of|Lakhm|but|it was|Khawad|I|in the
beraliansi|dengan|si|klan|dari|Nasridi|dari|suku|dari|Lakhm|tetapi|adalah|Khawad|I|di dalam
|||||Nasridi clan||||tribù di Lakhm|||Khawad I||
504 who appointed Al-Mundir ibn Mann as the leader of all the Bedouin Arab tribes
tahun 504 menunjuk Al-Mundir ibn Mann sebagai pemimpin semua suku Arab Badui
504 a nominare Al-Mundir ibn Mann come capo di tutte le tribù arabe beduine
to|to name|||son of|Mann|as|head|of|all|the|tribes|Arab|Bedouin
|||Mundir|figlio di|Mann ibn||||||||beduine
present on both sides of the Persian border. With the help of the
yang ada di kedua sisi perbatasan Persia. Dengan bantuan dari
presenti su entrambi i lati della frontiera persiana. Con l'aiuto del
present|on|both|the|sides|of the|border|Persian|With|the help of|
denaro e del sostegno persiano Al-Mundir fondò un'enorme coalizione araba che
money|and|of the|support|Persian|||he founded|an enormous|coalition|Arab|which
money and Persian support Al-Mundir founded a huge Arab coalition that
uang dan dukungan Persia Al-Mundir mendirikan sebuah koalisi Arab yang besar yang
dominava tutto il nord-est della regione, quelli che noi chiamiamo i Lakhmidi.
he dominated|everything|the|||of the|region|those|who|we|we call|the|Lakhmids
menguasai|seluruh|artikel definit|||dari|wilayah|mereka|yang|kami|sebut|artikel definit|Lakhmidi
dominated the entire northeast of the region, what we call the Lakhmidi.
menguasai seluruh timur laut wilayah tersebut, yang kita sebut sebagai Lakhmidi.
Questa confederazione araba contribuiva alle guerre dei persiani in qualità di
this|confederation|Arab|contributed|to the|wars|of the|Persians|in|capacity|of
|confederazione araba||contribuiva|||||||
This Arab confederation contributed to the Persian wars as
Konfederasi Arab ini berkontribusi dalam perang Persia sebagai
federati, o così li avrebbero chiamati i romani. Il loro esercito combatteva al
allied tribes|or|like this|them|they would have|called|the|Romans||their|army|it fought|at
federates, or so the Romans would have called them. Their army fought at
federasi, atau seperti yang akan mereka sebut oleh orang Romawi. Tentara mereka bertempur di
fianco dei persiani e patugliava il deserto e le oasi tra il moderno Iraq e
side|of the|Persians|and|patrolled|the|desert|and|||||||
alongside the Persians and patrolled the desert and the oases between modern Iraq and
di samping orang Persia dan mengawasi gurun dan oasis antara Irak modern dan
l'Oman. La loro capitale era Al-Hira, un'importante città che nacque come
Oman|The|their|capital|it was|||an important|city|which|it was born|as
Oman|The|their|capital|was|||an important|city|that|was born|as
Oman. Their capital was Al-Hira, an important city that began as
Oman. Ibu kota mereka adalah Al-Hira, sebuah kota penting yang lahir sebagai
accampamento militare arabo ma che si sviluppò poi in un'importante città
kamp militer|militer|Arab|tetapi|yang|(kata ganti refleksif)|berkembang|kemudian|di|sebuah kota yang penting|kota
an Arab military camp but later developed into an important city
kamp militer Arab tetapi kemudian berkembang menjadi sebuah kota penting
celebrata in tutta l'Arabia per essere quasi una città mitica che attirava i
celebrated|in|all|Arabia|for|to be|almost|a|city|mythical|which||the
celebrated throughout Arabia for being almost a mythical city that attracted the
yang terkenal di seluruh Arab sebagai hampir sebuah kota mitos yang menarik perhatian
migranti, mercanti, avventurieri da tutta la penisola. Al-Hira si trovava nell'Iraq
migrants|merchants|adventurers|from|all|the|peninsula|||it|was located|in Iraq
migran|pedagang|petualang|dari|seluruh|si|semenanjung|||itu|berada|di Irak
||avventurieri|||||||||in Iraq
migrants, merchants, adventurers from all over the peninsula. Al-Hira was located in Iraq
migran, pedagang, petualang dari seluruh semenanjung. Al-Hira terletak di Irak
meridionale, a poca distanza dalle Eufrate e dalla fertile Mesopotamia, ma
southern|at|little|distance|from the|Euphrates|and|from the|fertile|Mesopotamia|but
southern, not far from the Euphrates and the fertile Mesopotamia, but
selatan, tidak jauh dari Eufrat dan Mesopotamia yang subur, tetapi
già all'interno del deserto, in un'oasi fertile. Si trattava del più importante
already|inside|of the|desert|in||fertile|it|it was about|of the|most|important
sudah|di dalam|dari|gurun|di||subur|Itu|adalah|dari|paling|penting
already within the desert, in a fertile oasis. It was the most important
sudah berada di dalam gurun, di sebuah oasis yang subur. Ini adalah yang paling penting
bastione di difesa di Ctesi Fonte contro qualunque invasore proveniente da sud o
||||Ctesi (1)||||||||
defensive stronghold of Ctesiphon against any invader coming from the south or
benteng pertahanan Ctesi Fonte melawan setiap penyerang yang datang dari selatan atau
comunque dal deserto. Al-Hira divenne con il tempo una sorta di città mitica
anyway|from the|desert|||it became|with|the|time|a|kind of||city|mythical
anyway from the desert. Al-Hira became over time a sort of mythical city
namun dari gurun. Al-Hira menjadi seiring waktu semacam kota mitos
per tutti gli arabi. Qui vivevano i ricchi e potenti, di solito al servizio
for|everyone|the|Arabs|Here|they lived|the|rich|and|powerful|usually|usually|at|service
untuk|semua|para|Arab|Di sini|tinggal|para|kaya|dan|kuat|dari|biasanya|di|pelayanan
for all Arabs. Here lived the rich and powerful, usually in the service
bagi semua orang Arab. Di sini tinggal orang-orang kaya dan berkuasa, biasanya melayani
dello Shansha, i re dei persiani. Qui secondo la leggenda fu creato
of the|Shansha|the|kings|of the|Persians|Here|according to|the|legend|was|created
dari|Shansha|para|raja|dari|Persia|Di sini|menurut|legenda||di|ciptakan
of the Shansha, the kings of the Persians. Here according to legend was created
Shansha, raja-raja Persia. Di sini menurut legenda, diciptakanlah
l'alfabeto arabo e si sviluppò la fertile tradizione poetica pre-islamica.
the alphabet|Arabic|and|she|developed|the|rich|tradition|poetic||
the Arabic alphabet and the fertile pre-Islamic poetic tradition developed.
alfabet Arab dan berkembang tradisi puisi subur pra-Islam.
Per gli arabi Al-Hira era un luogo magico.
for|the|Arabs|||it was|a|place|magical
Untuk|para|orang Arab|||adalah|sebuah|tempat|ajaib
For the Arabs, Al-Hira was a magical place.
Bagi orang Arab, Al-Hira adalah tempat yang magis.
Una notte un giorno al-Hira sono migliori di un anno di medicina, declama una poesia.
one|night|a|day|||they are|better|than|a|year|of|medicine|he declaims|a|poetry
Sebuah|malam|satu|hari|||adalah|lebih baik|dari|satu|tahun|dari|pengobatan|mendeklamasikan|sebuah|puisi
One night, a day in Al-Hira is better than a year of medicine, recites a poem.
Satu malam di Al-Hira lebih baik daripada setahun pengobatan, deklamasi sebuah puisi.
Per contrastare il potere degli acmidi, come sappiamo, i romani risposero
to|counter|the|power|of the|Acme|as|we know|the|Romans|they responded
Untuk|melawan|kekuasaan|kekuasaan|dari|acmidi|seperti|kita tahu|para|romawi|menjawab
To counter the power of the Acmids, as we know, the Romans responded
Untuk melawan kekuatan acmidi, seperti yang kita ketahui, orang Romawi menjawab
sponsorizzando la famiglia dei Jafnidi, della tribù di Ghassan, che viveva nei
sponsoring|the|family|of the|Jafnids||tribe|of|Ghassan|who|was living|in the
by sponsoring the family of the Jafnids, from the Ghassan tribe, who lived in the
dengan mensponsori keluarga Jafnidi, dari suku Ghassan, yang tinggal di
dintorni del lago di Tiberiade. Il loro capo, Al-Harith ibn Jabal, divenne re di
surroundings|of the|lake|of|Tiberias|The|their|chief|||son of|Jabal|became|king|of
surroundings of the Sea of Galilee. Their leader, Al-Harith ibn Jabal, became king of
di sekitar danau Tiberias. Pemimpin mereka, Al-Harith ibn Jabal, menjadi raja dari
tutti gli arabi che servivano Roma grazie al sostegno di Giustiniano e per
all|the|Arabs|who|they served|Rome|thanks|to the|support|of|Justinian|and|for
semua|yang|Arab|yang|melayani|Roma|terima kasih|kepada|dukungan|dari|Justinianus|dan|untuk
all the Arabs who served Rome thanks to the support of Justinian and for
semua orang Arab yang melayani Roma berkat dukungan dari Justinianus dan untuk
decenni fu il grande rivale di Al-Mundir e degli acmidi. La sua capitale, Al-Jabija,
decades|he was|the|great||of|||and|of the|the Acmids|The|his|capital||
dekade|adalah|sang|besar|rival|dari|||dan|dari|acmidi|Ibukota|nya|ibu kota||
decades was the great rival of Al-Mundir and the acmids. His capital, Al-Jabija,
puluhan tahun menjadi saingan besar Al-Mundir dan acmidi. Ibu kotanya, Al-Jabija,
era la grande rivale di Al-Hira. Si trovava nei pressi dell'Alture del Golan,
it was|the|great|rival|of|||it|it was located|near|proximity||of the|Golan
adalah|si|besar|saingan|dari|||Itu|berada|di|dekat|dari Dataran Tinggi|dari|Golan
|||||||||||del Golan||
was the great rival of Al-Hira. It was located near the Golan Heights,
adalah saingan besar Al-Hira. Terletak di dekat Dataran Tinggi Golan,
celebri per essere state occupate durante la guerra dei Seggiorni che
celebrities|for|to be|they have been|occupied|during|the|war|of the|Six Days|which
famous for having been occupied during the Six-Day War that
terkenal karena telah terlibat selama perang Enam Hari yang
contrappose Israele ad una coalizione di stati arabi.
he contrasts|Israel|to|a|coalition|of|states|Arab
pitted Israel against a coalition of Arab states.
mempertemukan Israel dengan koalisi negara-negara Arab.
I Ghassanidi, in quanto federati romani, svolgevano la stessa funzione degli
the|Ghassanids|as|as|federated|Roman|they performed|the|same|function|of the
The Ghassanids, as Roman federates, served the same function as the
Ghassanid, sebagai federasi Romawi, menjalankan fungsi yang sama dengan
acmidi, ma lo facevano nella regione che, dalla moderna Siria meridionale, arriva
acmidi|but|it|they did|in the|region|that|from|modern|Syria|southern|comes
acmidi|tetapi|itu|melakukan|di dalam|wilayah|yang|dari|modern|Suriah|selatan|mencapai
Acacians, but they did so in the region that stretches from modern southern Syria to
acmidi, tetapi mereka melakukannya di wilayah yang, dari Suriah selatan modern, mencapai
fino al nord dell'Arabia Saudita, lambendo il confine settentrionale del
up to|to the|north||Saudi|lapping|the|border|northern|of the
sampai|ke|utara|Arab Saudi|Saudi|menyentuh|batas|perbatasan|utara|dari
up to the north of Saudi Arabia, touching the northern border of the
hingga utara Arab Saudi, menyentuh perbatasan utara dari
Lijaz di Muhammad. Da notare che i romani distinguevano in modo sottile tra gli
the Lijaz|of|Muhammad|From|to note|that|the|the Romans||in|way|subtle|between|the
Lijaz di Muhammad||||||||distinguono|||||
Lijaz of Muhammad. It is noteworthy that the Romans subtly distinguished between the
Lijaz Muhammad. Perlu dicatat bahwa orang Romawi membedakan dengan halus antara
arabi civilizzati e i nomadi saraceni. I primi, gli arabi, erano in sostanza le
Arabs|civilized|and|the|nomads|Saracens|the|first|the|Arabs|they were|essentially|substance|the
civilized Arabs and the nomadic Saracens. The former, the Arabs, were essentially the
orang Arab yang teradopsi dan para nomaden Saracen. Yang pertama, orang Arab, pada dasarnya adalah
popolazioni sedentarie, dedicate all'agricoltura e che si cristianizzarono
populations|sedentary|dedicated|to agriculture|and|who|they|they Christianized
populasi|menetap|yang didedikasikan|untuk pertanian|dan|yang|mereka|menjadi Kristen
|sedentary||||||divennero cristiane
sedentary populations, dedicated to agriculture and who became Christianized.
populasi yang menetap, yang didedikasikan untuk pertanian dan yang menjadi Kristen
molto presto, soprattutto nelle aree contigue con la Palestina.
very|soon|especially|in the|areas|contiguous|with|the|Palestine
sangat|cepat|terutama|di dalam|area|berdekatan|dengan|si|Palestina
very soon, especially in the areas adjacent to Palestine.
sangat cepat, terutama di daerah yang berdekatan dengan Palestina.
Gli arabi erano in gran parte cittadini romani che parlavano e scrivevano in
the|Arabs|they were|in|large|part|citizens|Roman|who|they spoke|and|they wrote|in
The Arabs were largely Roman citizens who spoke and wrote in
Orang Arab sebagian besar adalah warga negara Romawi yang berbicara dan menulis dalam
arabo. I romani invece, in latino o in greco, chiamavano i nomadi del deserto
Arab|the|Romans||in|Latin|or||Greek|they called|the|nomads|of the|desert
Arabic. The Romans, on the other hand, referred to the desert nomads
bahasa Arab. Sementara itu, orang Romawi, dalam bahasa Latin atau Yunani, menyebut para nomaden gurun
con il nome di saraceni, a prescindere dalla loro fedeltà o meno a Roma.
with|the|name|of|Saracens|regardless|to disregard|from the|their|loyalty|or|less|to|Rome
as Saracens, regardless of their loyalty to Rome or not.
dengan nama saracen, terlepas dari kesetiaan mereka atau tidak kepada Roma.
Nelle fonti persiani e siriache, invece, il nome degli arabi non sottomessi ai persiani
In the|sources|Persian|and|Syriac|instead|the|name|of the|Arabs|not|submitted|to the|Persians
Di dalam|sumber|Persia|dan|Siria|sebaliknya|nama|nama|dari|Arab|tidak|ditaklukkan|kepada|Persia
||||siriache|||||||non sottomessi||
In Persian and Syriac sources, however, the name for the Arabs who were not subjected to the Persians
Dalam sumber Persia dan Suriah, nama orang Arab yang tidak tunduk kepada Persia
è tagliaje, che vuol dire appunto nomadi. I saraceni in questione erano
it is|tagliaje|that|means|to say|precisely|nomads|the|Saracens|in|question|
is tagliaje, which means nomads. The Saracens in question were
adalah tagliaje, yang berarti tepatnya pengembara. Saracens yang dimaksud adalah
particolarmente rinomati sia dai persiani che dai romani come degli
particularly|renowned|both|by|Persians|and|by|Romans|as|of the
secara khusus|terkenal|baik|oleh|orang Persia|dan|oleh|orang Romawi|sebagai|beberapa
particularly renowned by both the Persians and the Romans as excellent
terkenal baik di kalangan Persia maupun Romawi sebagai
ottimi esploratori e razziatori, oltre che le uniche truppe capaci di
excellent|explorers|and|raiders|in addition|that|the|only|troops|capable|of
explorers and raiders, as well as the only troops capable of
penjelajah dan perampok yang sangat baik, selain menjadi satu-satunya pasukan yang mampu
attraversare in modo rapido ed efficace le vaste distese desertiche dell'Arabia,
to cross|in|way|fast|and|effective|the|||desert|of Arabia
|||||||||del deserto|
to cross quickly and effectively the vast desert expanses of Arabia,
menyeberangi dengan cepat dan efektif padang pasir yang luas di Arab,
dove i grandi eserciti imperiali non mettevano piede per evidenti problemi
where|the|great|armies|imperial|not|they put|foot|for|evident|problems
di mana|para|besar|tentara|imperial|tidak|menempatkan|kaki|untuk|jelas|masalah
where large imperial armies did not set foot due to obvious logistical problems
di mana angkatan bersenjata besar tidak menginjakkan kaki karena masalah yang jelas
logistici dovuti all'assenza delle risorse basilari per sfamare e dissetare
logistical|due to|to the absence|of the|resources|basic|to|to feed|and|to quench
logistik|disebabkan|oleh ketidakadaan|dari|sumber daya|dasar|untuk|memberi makan|dan|memberi minum
|||||||||saciar e hidr
|||||fondamentali||||dissetare le persone
caused by the absence of basic resources to feed and quench
logistik akibat kurangnya sumber daya dasar untuk memberi makan dan mengairi
un grande esercito in marcia. Unità di saraceni entrarono a far parte
a|big|army|in|march|Units|of|Saracens|they entered|to|to|part
a large marching army. Units of Saracens became part of
sebuah angkatan bersenjata besar yang sedang bergerak. Unit-unit saracen bergabung
della macchina militare romana già nel IV secolo. Nei dintorni di Damasco è
of the|machine|military|Roman|already|in the|4th|century|In the|surroundings|of|Damascus|it is
of the Roman military machine already in the 4th century. In the surroundings of Damascus is
dari mesin perang Romawi sudah ada pada abad ke-IV. Di sekitar Damaskus telah
stata trovata una tomba di un certo Imru al-Qais ibn Amr, che nell'escrizione si
it has been|found|a|grave|of|a certain|certain|Imru|||son of|Amr|that|in the inscription|it
telah|ditemukan|sebuah|makam|dari|seorang|tertentu|Imru|||putra|Amr|yang|dalam tulisan|itu
|||||||Imru al-Qais||Imru al-Qais||Amr primo||nell'iscrizione|
a tomb of a certain Imru al-Qais ibn Amr, who in the inscription declares himself
ditemukan sebuah makam seorang bernama Imru al-Qais ibn Amr, yang dalam tulisan tersebut
dichiara re di tutti gli arabi. In una delle primissime escrizioni in lingua
he declares|king|of|all|the|Arabs|In|a|of the|very first|inscriptions|in|language
menyatakan|raja|dari|semua|para|Arab|Dalam|satu|dari|sangat awal|tulisan|dalam|bahasa
king of all Arabs. In one of the very first inscriptions in the Arabic language,
mengklaim sebagai raja semua orang Arab. Dalam salah satu tulisan paling awal dalam bahasa
araba, leggiamola. Questo è il monumento funerario di Imru al-Qais, figlio di Amr,
Arab|let's read it|This|it is|the|monument|funerary|of|Imru|||son|of|Amr
mobil|mari kita baca|Ini|adalah|yang|monumen|pemakaman|dari|Imru|||anak|dari|Amr
let's read it. This is the funerary monument of Imru al-Qais, son of Amr,
Arab, mari kita baca. Ini adalah monumen pemakaman Imru al-Qais, putra Amr,
re degli arabi. Il suo titolo d'onore era maestro di Asad e Nisar. Nessun re ha
king|of the|Arabs|The|his|title|of honor|he was|master|of|Asad|and|Nisar|No||has
raja|dari|Arab|Sang||kehormatan|kehormatan|adalah|guru|dari|Asad|dan|Nisar|Tidak ada||memiliki
king of the Arabs. His honorary title was master of Asad and Nisar. No king has
raja orang Arab. Gelar kehormatannya adalah guru Asad dan Nisar. Tidak ada raja yang
eguagliato i suoi successi. Successivamente morì nell'anno 223, il
equaled|the|his|successes|Subsequently|he died|in the year|the
menyamai|dia|keberhasilan|kesuksesan|Selanjutnya|meninggal|pada tahun|
matched his successes. He later died in the year 223, on the
menyamai keberhasilannya. Kemudian ia meninggal pada tahun 223, pada
settimo giorno di Kaslul. Oh fortuna di coloro che erano suoi amici.
seventh|day|of|Kaslul|Oh|fortune|of|those|who|they were|his|friends
seventh day of Kaslul. Oh fortune of those who were his friends.
hari ketujuh Kaslul. Oh nasib mereka yang adalah teman-temannya.
L'arabo si era già affermato come lingua scritta con un suo alfabeto, un
the Arabic|it|it was|already|established|as|language|written|with|a|||
Bahasa Arab|sudah|telah|sudah|ditegaskan|sebagai|bahasa|tertulis|dengan|sebuah|alfabet|alfabet|
The Arabic language had already established itself as a written language with its own alphabet, a
Bahasa Arab telah mapan sebagai bahasa tulisan dengan alfabetnya sendiri, sebuah
passaggio fondamentale per la costruzione di qualunque identità etnica.
langkah|mendasar|untuk|(artikel definit)|pembangunan|dari|apapun|identitas|etnis
a fundamental step in the construction of any ethnic identity.
langkah penting untuk membangun identitas etnis apapun.
Per esempio un certo Sharahil ibn Zalim ci ha lasciato un'iscrizione nel 568,
for|example|a|certain|Sharahil|son of|Zalim|he|he has|left|an inscription|in the
Untuk|contoh|seorang|tertentu|Sharahil|putra|Zalim|kami|telah|meninggalkan|sebuah prasasti|pada
||||Sharahil ibn Zalim||Zalim ibn||||un'iscrizione|
For example, a certain Sharahil ibn Zalim left us an inscription in 568,
Misalnya, seorang Sharahil ibn Zalim telah meninggalkan sebuah prasasti pada tahun 568,
che è per metà in greco e per metà in arabo e che parla del martirio di un
that|it is|for|half|in|Greek|and||||||that|it speaks|of the|martyrdom|of|a
which is half in Greek and half in Arabic and speaks of the martyrdom of a
yang setengah dalam bahasa Yunani dan setengah dalam bahasa Arab dan berbicara tentang martir seorang
cristiano. Allo stesso tempo, mentre il greco e l'aramaico erano le lingue
Christian|same|same|time|while|the|Greek|and|the Aramaic|they were|the|languages
Christian. At the same time, while Greek and Aramaic were the languages
Kristen. Pada saat yang sama, sementara bahasa Yunani dan Aram adalah bahasa
parlate dalla maggior parte dei civili che interagevano con gli arabi e
you speak|from the|greater|part|of the|civilians|who|they interacted|with|the|Arabs|and
berbicara|dari|sebagian besar|bagian|dari|warga sipil|yang|berinteraksi|dengan|para|Arab|dan
they spoke by most of the civilians who interacted with the Arabs and
berbicara dengan sebagian besar warga sipil yang berinteraksi dengan orang Arab dan
sieraceni, la lingua che invece apprendevano negli accampamenti romani
the Sieraceni|the|language|which|instead|they learned|in the|camp|Roman
sieraceni|itu|bahasa|yang|sebaliknya|belajar|di dalam|perkemahan|Romawi
the Saracens, the language they learned in the Roman camps
Syria, bahasa yang mereka pelajari di kamp-kamp Romawi
restava il latino. E il latino è penetrato nell'arabo grazie a questo
it remained|the|Latin|And|||it is|penetrated|in Arabic|thanks|this|
rimaneva|||||||entrato|nella lingua araba|||
tersisa|yang|Latin|Dan|yang|Latin|telah|menembus|ke dalam bahasa Arab|terima kasih|kepada|ini
remained Latin. And Latin penetrated into Arabic thanks to this
tetaplah bahasa Latin. Dan bahasa Latin telah meresap ke dalam bahasa Arab berkat
contatto, soprattutto militare. Kastra per esempio è la fonte dell'arabo Qasr, che
contact|especially|military|Kastra|for|example|it is|the|source|of the Arabic|Qasr|which
kontak|terutama|militer|Kastra|untuk|contoh|adalah|itu|sumber|dari bahasa Arab|Qasr|yang
contact, especially military. Kastra, for example, is the source of the Arabic Qasr, which
kontak ini, terutama militer. Kastra misalnya adalah sumber dari bahasa Arab Qasr, yang
vuol dire fortezza. Un'altra parola latina è Sirat, strada, che deriva dalla
it means|to say|fortress|Another|word|Latin|it is|Sirat|road|which|derives|
ingin|berarti|benteng|Satu lagi|kata|Latin|adalah|Sirat|jalan|yang|berasal|dari
||fortezza|||||Sirat strada||||
means fortress. Another Latin word is Sirat, road, which derives from the
berarti benteng. Kata Latin lainnya adalah Sirat, jalan, yang berasal dari
strada le vie militari romane che attraversavano il deserto, come la grande
road|the|ways|military|Roman|that|they crossed|the|desert|like|the|great
road the Roman military routes that crossed the desert, like the great
jalan-jalan militer Romawi yang melintasi gurun, seperti jalan besar
via di Diocleziano che collegava Petra a Bosra.
road of Diocletian that connected Petra to Bosra.
Diocletianus yang menghubungkan Petra ke Bosra.
Tra l'altro la parola Sirat è molto importante per i musulmani perché è
|the other|the|word|Sirat|it is|very|important|for|the|Muslims|because|it is
||||||||||i musulmani||
Moreover, the word Sirat is very important for Muslims because it is
Selain itu, kata Sirat sangat penting bagi umat Muslim karena itu adalah
impiegata nella principale preghiera musulmana, ovvero la Suraprente o Al-Fatiha.
employed|in the|main|prayer|Muslim|or rather|the|Opening|or||
digunakan|dalam|utama|doa|Muslim|yaitu||Surah Pembuka|atau||
||principale||musulmana|||Sura di apertura|||Al-Fatiha
employed in the main Muslim prayer, namely the Surah Al-Fatiha.
digunakan dalam doa utama umat Muslim, yaitu Suraprente atau Al-Fatiha.
Insomma nel VI secolo possiamo iniziare a parlare di quella che Hoyland definisce
in short|in the|6th|century|we can|to start|to|to talk|about|that|which|Hoyland|defines
In summary|||||||||||Hoyland (1)|
Jadi|pada|VI|abad|kita bisa|mulai|untuk|berbicara|tentang|itu|yang|Hoyland|mendefinisikan
In short, in the 6th century we can begin to talk about what Hoyland defines
Singkatnya, pada abad VI kita bisa mulai berbicara tentang apa yang didefinisikan oleh Hoyland
secondary state formation e che io definirei costruzione statale di riflesso
secondario|stato|formazione|and|that|I|I would define|construction|state|of|reflection
secondaria||costruzione statale||||||||
sekunder|negara|pembentukan|dan|yang|saya|akan mendefinisikan|pembangunan|negara|dari|refleksi
as secondary state formation, which I would define as state construction by reflection
pembentukan negara sekunder dan yang saya sebut sebagai konstruksi negara secara reflektif
in italiano. Si tratta di un fenomeno che abbiamo già seguito più volte nel
in|Italian|It|it concerns|of|a|phenomenon|that|we have|already|followed|more|times|in the
||(verbo ausiliare)|is about|di|un|fenomeno|che|abbiamo|già|seguito|più|volte|nel
in Italian. It is a phenomenon that we have already followed several times in the
dalam bahasa Italia. Ini adalah fenomena yang telah kita ikuti beberapa kali dalam
podcast, gruppi di quelli che i romani chiamavano barbari tendono a coalizzarsi
podcast|groups|of|those|who|the|Romans|they called|barbarians|they tend|to|to coalesce
podcasts, groups of what the Romans called barbarians tend to coalesce
podcast, kelompok orang yang oleh orang Romawi disebut barbar cenderung bersatu
e a coagularsi sulle frontiere imperiali per effetto sia della pressione negativa
and|to|to coagulate|on the|frontiers|imperial|by|effect|both|of the|pressure|negative
dan|untuk|mengental|di atas|perbatasan|kekaisaran|oleh|efek|baik|dari|tekanan|negatif
and to coagulate on the imperial frontiers due to both the negative pressure
dan berkumpul di perbatasan kekaisaran akibat tekanan negatif
dei romani, occorre difendersi da invasioni dall'impero, sia soprattutto
of the|Romans|it is necessary|to defend oneself|from|invasions|from the empire|it is|especially
dari|Romawi|perlu|membela diri|dari|invasi|dari kekaisaran|baik|terutama
||è necessario|||invasioni romane||soprattutto|
from the Romans, needing to defend against invasions from the empire, and especially
dari orang Romawi, perlu mempertahankan diri dari invasi dari kekaisaran, serta terutama
per i contatti frequenti, intensi e sostenuti nel tempo con il mondo
for|the|contacts|frequent|intense|and|sustained|in the|time|with|the|world
due to the frequent, intense, and sustained contacts over time with the world
karena kontak yang sering, intens, dan berkelanjutan dengan dunia
imperiale. Lo stesso meccanismo è all'opera sulla frontiera renana e
imperial|the|same|mechanism|it is|at work|on the|border|Rhenish|and
|||||in azione|||renana|
imperial. The same mechanism is at work on the Rhine and
imperial. Mekanisme yang sama bekerja di perbatasan Rhine dan
danubiana, è così che nascono le coalizioni dei
Danubian|it is|like this|that|they are born|the|coalitions|of the
Danube borders, this is how the coalitions of
Danube, inilah cara lahirnya koalisi dari
franchi, alemanni, goti, longobardi e gepidi, il vero contrattare germanico di
Franks|Alamanni|Goths|Longobards||Gepids|the|true|to negotiate|Germanic|of
|germanici||||Gepidi|||contrattare germanico|germanico vero|
Franks, Alemanni, Goths, Lombards, and Gepids are born, the true Germanic contracting of
Frank, Alemanni, Goth, Longobardi, dan Gepidi, negosiasi Jermanik yang sebenarnya dari
gassanidi e lachmidi. Si tratta di un processo che porta alla fondazione di
Gassanids|and|Lakhmids|It|it concerns|of|a|process|that|leads|to the|founding|of
||lachmidi (1)||||||||||
Gassanids and Lachmids. This is a process that leads to the foundation of
Gassanid dan Lachmid. Ini adalah proses yang mengarah pada pendirian
rudimentali strutture statali che imitano quelle imperiali adattandosi al
rudimentary|structures|state|that|they imitate|those|imperial|adapting to|to the
rudimentary state structures that imitate the imperial ones adapting to the
struktur negara yang rudimenter yang meniru yang imperial dengan menyesuaikan diri dengan
contesto. Ne ho parlato a proposito dei tervingi e greutungi nel libro Il Miglior
context|I have|I have|talked|about|purpose|of the|Thervingi|and|Greutungi|in the|book|The|Best
konteks|Saya|telah|berbicara|kepada|tentang|dari|Tervingi|dan|Greutungi|di dalam|buku|yang|Terbaik
context. I discussed this regarding the Tervingians and Greuthungi in the book The Best
konteks. Saya telah membahasnya mengenai tervingi dan greutungi dalam buku Il Miglior
nemico di Roma. Nel caso degli arabi lachmidi e gassanidi, questo processo
enemy|of|Rome|In the|case|of the|Arabs|Lakhmids|and|Ghassanids|this|process
Enemy of Rome. In the case of the Lachmids and Ghassanids Arabs, this process
musuh Roma. Dalam kasus orang Arab lachmidi dan gassanidi, proses ini
portò alla creazione di comandi e gerarchie militari, di una capitale con
he brought|to the|creation|of|commands|and|hierarchies|military|of|a|capital|with
membawa|kepada|penciptaan|dari|perintah|dan|hierarki|militer|dari|sebuah|ibu kota|dengan
led to the creation of military commands and hierarchies, of a capital with
menghasilkan pembentukan komando dan hierarki militer, serta sebuah ibu kota dengan
infrastrutture che imitavano quelle romane e persiane, di una corte con la
infrastructures|that|they imitated|those|Roman||Persian|of|a|court|with|the
infrastructures that imitated those of the Romans and Persians, of a court with the
infrastruktur yang meniru yang Romawi dan Persia, dari sebuah istana dengan
sua organizzazione e amministrazione, finanziata da qualche rudimentale forma
its organization and administration, funded by some rudimentary form
organisasi dan administrasinya, dibiayai oleh beberapa bentuk pajak yang rudimenter
di tassazione e soprattutto dalla generosità degli imperi. Le opportunità
of|taxation|and|especially|from the|generosity|of the|empires|The|opportunities
of taxation and especially by the generosity of the empires. The opportunities
dan terutama oleh kemurahan hati dari kekaisaran. Peluang
di carriera e gli stipendi che si potevano guadagnare al servizio degli
of|career|and|the|salaries|that|one|could|earn|at|service|of the
for career advancement and the salaries that could be earned in the service of the
karir dan gaji yang bisa didapatkan dalam pelayanan
imperi fungevano da vero magnete per tutti gli arabi, al punto che gruppi
empires|they functioned|as|true|magnet|for|all|the|Arabs|at|point|that|groups
empires served as a true magnet for all Arabs, to the point that groups
imperium berfungsi sebagai magnet sejati bagi semua orang Arab, sampai-sampai kelompok
familiari, fino perfino a intere tribù, si trasferirono verso le terre dei Banu
relatives|up to|even|to|entire|tribes|they|they moved|towards|the|lands|of the|the Banu
keluarga|bahkan|bahkan|kepada|seluruh|suku|mereka|pindah|ke|artikel definit|tanah|dari|Banu
of families, even entire tribes, moved towards the lands of the Banu
keluarga, bahkan hingga seluruh suku, pindah ke tanah Banu
Gassan e Banu Lachm. In queste corti si dava impulso alla cultura araba, per
Gassan|and|Lachm|Lachm|In|these|courts|one|it gave|impetus|to the|culture|Arab|for
Gassan and Banu Lachm. In these courts, Arab culture was promoted, for
Gassan dan Banu Lachm. Di istana-istana ini, budaya Arab didorong, misalnya dalam
esempio nella forma della grande poesia pre-islamica che presto impareremo a
example|in the|form|of the|great|poetry|||that|soon|we will learn|to
contoh|dalam|bentuk|dari|besar|puisi|||yang|segera|kita akan belajar|untuk
example in the form of the great pre-Islamic poetry that we will soon learn about.
bentuk puisi besar pra-Islam yang segera akan kita pelajari.
conoscere e che divenne la base di una comune identità araba. La scrittura,
to know|and|which|became|the|foundation|of|a|common|identity|Arab|The|writing
to know and which became the basis of a common Arab identity. Writing,
mengetahui dan yang menjadi dasar dari identitas Arab yang umum. Penulisan,
l'alfabeto, un esercito, un singolo re a guidare tutti,
the alphabet|one|army||single|king|to|to lead|everyone
the alphabet, an army, a single king to lead everyone,
alfabet, sebuah tentara, seorang raja tunggal untuk memimpin semua,
abbiamo già visto questi fattori al lavoro in altri casi di etnogenesi, di
we have|already|seen|these|factors|at the|work|in|other|cases|of|ethnogenesis|
kita|sudah|melihat|faktor-faktor ini|faktor|di|kerja|di|kasus-kasus lain|kasus|dari|etnogenesis|di
we have already seen these factors at work in other cases of ethnogenesis, of
kita sudah melihat faktor-faktor ini bekerja dalam kasus etnogenesis lainnya,
costruzione di una nuova identità comune. Manca però un ultimo elemento che, come
construction|of|a|new|identity|common|there is missing|however|a|last|element|that|as
building a new common identity. However, there is one last element that, like
pembangunan identitas bersama yang baru. Namun, ada satu elemen terakhir yang, seperti
abbiamo visto nel caso dei goti o dei franchi, è fondamentale per costruire
we have|seen|in the|case|of the|Goths|or||Franks|it is|essential|to|to build
we saw in the case of the Goths or the Franks, it is essential for building
kita telah melihat dalam kasus orang Goth atau Frank, sangat penting untuk membangun
l'infrastruttura di una nuova società e di un nuovo stato. La religione. Anche
the infrastructure|of|a|new|society|and||||state|The|religion|Also
the infrastructure of a new society and a new state. Religion. Also
infrastruktur dari masyarakat baru dan negara baru. Agama. Juga
qui però vedremo che il mondo dell'arabia pre-islamica era molto diverso
here|but|we will see|that|the|world|of Arabia|||it was|very|different
di sini|tetapi|kita akan melihat|bahwa|dunia|dunia|Arab|||sangat|sangat|berbeda
here, however, we will see that the world of pre-Islamic Arabia was very different
di sini kita akan melihat bahwa dunia Arab pra-Islam sangat berbeda
da quanto ci hanno spesso raccontato.
from|how much|to us|they have|often|told
from what we have often been told.
dari apa yang sering diceritakan kepada kita.
L'antica Arabia non era frammentata solo da un punto di vista culturale e
the ancient|Arabia|not|it was|fragmented|only|by|a|point|of|view|cultural|and
Ancient Arabia was not fragmented only from a cultural and
Arabia kun tidak hanya terfragmentasi dari sudut pandang budaya dan
politico, ma anche religioso. Come abbiamo visto il Qur'an sostiene che l'Arabia
political|but|also|religious|As|we have|seen|the|Qur'an|supports|that|the Arabia
political point of view, but also religiously. As we have seen, the Qur'an supports that Arabia
politik, tetapi juga agama. Seperti yang telah kita lihat, Al-Qur'an mendukung bahwa Arabia
prima dell'avvento dell'islam fosse una sorta di paradiso del politeismo antico.
before|the advent of|of Islam|it was|a|kind|of|paradise|of the|polytheism|ancient
before the advent of Islam was a sort of paradise of ancient polytheism.
sebelum kedatangan Islam adalah semacam surga politeisme kuno.
La religione ancestrale degli arabi sarebbe stata centrata su vari culti
the|religion|ancestral|of the|Arabs|it would be|been|centered|on|various|rites
The|religion|ancestral|of the|Arabs|would be|been|centered|on|various|cults
The ancestral religion of the Arabs would have been centered on various cults.
Agama nenek moyang orang Arab akan berpusat pada berbagai pemujaan
locali, idoli e dei tribali. Questi dei erano di solito adorati in dei santuari
local|icons|and|deities|tribal|these||they were|of|usually|adored|in||shrines
local deities, idols, and tribal gods. These gods were usually worshipped in shrines.
lokal, dewa, dan dewa-dewa suku. Dewa-dewa ini biasanya disembah di kuil-kuil
locali, spesso legati ad un albero, una sorgente o una roccia sacra. Un caso
lokal|sering|terikat|pada|sebuah|pohon|sebuah|mata air|atau||batu|suci|Sebuah|kasus
local shrines, often associated with a tree, a spring, or a sacred rock. A classic case
lokal, sering kali terkait dengan pohon, sumber air, atau batu suci. Salah satu kasus
classico è quello della siriaca Emesa, dove dominava il culto di El Gabbal,
classic|it is|that|of the|Syria|Emesa|where|dominated|the|cult|of||
klasik|adalah|itu|dari|Siria|Emesa|di mana|mendominasi|penyembahan|kultus|dari|El|Gabbal
is that of the Syrian Emesa, where the cult of El Gabbal dominated,
klasik adalah yang terjadi di Emesa, Suriah, di mana pemujaan El Gabbal mendominasi,
centrato su una roccia sacra, forse un meteorite adorato come manifestazione
centered on a sacred rock, perhaps a meteorite worshipped as a manifestation.
berpusat pada sebuah batu suci, mungkin sebuah meteor yang disembah sebagai manifestasi
del dio El Gabbal, quello che diede il nome ad Elio Gabbalo e che è
of the|god|the|Gabbal|the one|who|gave|the|name|to|Helius|Gabbalus|and|who|it is
of the god El Gabbal, the one who gave his name to Elio Gabbalo and who is
dari dewa El Gabbal, yang memberi nama kepada Elio Gabbalo dan yang adalah
identificato anche con il nome romano di Sol Invictus. Oggi a Mecca c'è una
identified|also|with|the|name|Roman|of|Sol|Invictus|Today|at|Mecca|there is|a
diidentifikasi|juga|dengan|nama|nama|Romawi|dari|Sol|Invictus|Hari ini|di|Mekkah|ada|sebuah
also identified by the Roman name of Sol Invictus. Today in Mecca there is a
juga diidentifikasi dengan nama Romawi Sol Invictus. Saat ini di Mekah ada sebuah
roccia per certi versi molto simile, un meteorite all'interno della Kaaba, nel
rock|for|certain|aspects|very|similar|a|meteorite|inside|of the|Kaaba|in the
batu|untuk|tertentu|aspek|sangat|mirip|sebuah|meteor|di dalam|dari|Ka'bah|di
rock that is in some ways very similar, a meteorite inside the Kaaba, in the
batu yang dalam beberapa hal sangat mirip, sebuah meteorit di dalam Kaaba, di
cuore della moschea più importante del mondo islamico. I santuari di queste
heart|of the|mosque|most|important|of the|world|Islamic|the|shrines|of|these
hati|dari|masjid|paling|penting|dari|dunia|Islam|Para|tempat suci|dari|ini
heart of the most important mosque in the Islamic world. The sanctuaries of these
jantung masjid terpenting di dunia Islam. Kuil-kuil ini
divinità politeistiche si trovavano spesso al centro di un'area sacra, detta
deities|polytheistic|they|they found|often|at the|center|of||holy|called
dewa|politeis|(kata ganti subjek)|ditemukan|sering|di|pusat|dari||suci|disebut
polytheistic deities were often found at the center of a sacred area, called
dewa-dewa politeis sering berada di pusat area suci, yang disebut
Haram, dove non potevano avvenire violenze, un po' come nel trono di spade
forbidden|where|not|they could|to happen|violence|one|a bit|like|in the|throne|of|swords
Haram|where|not|could|occur|violence|a|little|like|in the|throne|of|swords
Haram, where no violence could occur, somewhat like in the throne of swords
Haram, di mana kekerasan tidak boleh terjadi, sedikit seperti di tahta pedang
e la città dei Dothraki, dove non si può versare sangue appena la morte, ma una
and|the|city|of the|Dothraki|where|not|one|can|to spill|blood|just|the|death|but|a
dan|kota|Dothraki|dari|Dothraki|di mana|tidak|bisa|dapat|menumpahkan|darah|segera|kematian|kematian|tetapi|satu
and the city of the Dothraki, where blood cannot be spilled just upon death, but a
dan kota Dothraki, di mana darah tidak boleh ditumpahkan setelah kematian, tetapi sebuah
doccia d'oro fuso può andare. Un Haram era di solito gestito da una tribù
shower|of gold|cast|can|go|A|Haram|it was|by|usually|managed|by|a|tribe
shower|of gold|melted|can|go|A|Haram|was|of|usually|managed|by|a|tribe
shower of molten gold is acceptable. A Haram was usually managed by a tribe
mandi emas cair diperbolehkan. Sebuah Haram biasanya dikelola oleh sebuah suku
potente che, controllando il santuario, controllava anche l'oasi e l'intera
powerful|who|controlling|the|sanctuary|he controlled|also|the oasis|and|the entire
kuat|yang|mengawasi|itu|tempat suci|mengawasi|juga|oase|dan|seluruh
powerful that, by controlling the sanctuary, also controlled the oasis and the entire
kuat yang, mengendalikan tempat suci, juga mengendalikan oasis dan seluruh
comunità, come nel caso dei Quraysh di Mecca. Questi santuari erano dedicati a
community|as|in the|case|of the|Quraysh|of|Mecca|These|shrines|they were||
komunitas|seperti|dalam|kasus|dari|Quraysh|di|Mekah|Ini|tempat suci|adalah|didedikasikan|kepada
community, as in the case of the Quraysh of Mecca. These sanctuaries were dedicated to
komunitas, seperti dalam kasus Quraysh di Mekah. Tempat-tempat suci ini didedikasikan untuk
diverse divinità. Conosciamo il nome di tre di esse grazie
different|deities|we know|the|name|of|three|of|them|thank you
berbagai|dewa|Kita tahu|nama|nama|dari|tiga|di|mereka|terima kasih
different deities. We know the names of three of them thanks
berbagai dewa. Kita mengetahui nama tiga di antaranya berkat
proprio al Qur'an. Nei celebri versetti satanici il libro sacro islamico cita i
exactly|the|Quran|In the|celebrated|verses|satanic|the|book|sacred|islamic|cites|the
to the Qur'an. In the famous satanic verses, the holy Islamic book mentions the
tepatnya Al-Qur'an. Dalam ayat-ayat setan yang terkenal, kitab suci Islam menyebutkan
nomi di ben tre dee, Alalat, Al-Uzà e Manat, con lo scopo però di denunciarle
names|of|at least|three|goddesses|Alalat|||and|Manat|with|the|purpose|however|to|to denounce them
names of three goddesses, Alalat, Al-Uzà, and Manat, with the aim of denouncing them
nama dari tiga dewi, Alalat, Al-Uzà, dan Manat, dengan tujuan untuk mengecam mereka
come dee false bugiarde, per dirla come Dante. Comunque sia, si tratta dell'unico
like|he must|false|liars|to|to say it|like|Dante|however|it is|one|it concerns|of the only
seperti|dee|palsu|pembohong|untuk|mengatakannya|seperti|Dante|Namun|apapun|itu|berhubungan|dari satu-satunya
as false lying goddesses, to put it in Dante's words. In any case, this is the only
sebagai dewi palsu yang berbohong, untuk mengatakannya seperti Dante. Bagaimanapun juga, ini adalah satu-satunya
accenno a nomi di divinità politeistiche che si trova nel Qur'an e per questo ha
mention|to|names|of|deities|polytheistic|that|||in the|Qur'an|and|for|this|has
petunjuk|kepada|nama|dari|dewa|politeis|yang|diri|ditemukan|di dalam|Al-Qur'an|dan|untuk|ini|memiliki
reference to names of polytheistic deities found in the Qur'an and for this reason it has
petunjuk tentang nama-nama dewa politeistik yang ditemukan dalam Qur'an dan karena itu telah
attratto l'interesse di molti intellettuali studiosi nel corso dei
attracted|the interest|of|many|intellectuals|scholars|in the|course|of the
attracted the interest of many intellectual scholars over the years.
menarik minat banyak intelektual dan akademisi sepanjang
secoli. Una curiosità è che sono stati proprio
centuries|One|curiosity|it is|that|they are|they have been|exactly
centuries. One curiosity is that it was precisely
abad. Sebuah keingintahuan adalah bahwa ayat-ayat inilah yang menjadi inspirasi bagi novel terkenal karya Salman Rushdie, yang
questi versetti a fare da ispirazione al celebre romanzo di Salman Rushdie, che
these|verses|to|to do|by|inspiration|to the||novel|of|Salman|Rushdie|that
these verses that inspired the famous novel by Salman Rushdie, which
memberinya sebuah fatwa dan kehidupan yang sangat sulit, seperti yang telah
gli è immevalso una fatua e una vita molto difficile, come ci è stato
to him|it is|unmeasured|a|frivolous|and|a|life|very|difficult|as|to us|it is|been
dia|adalah|muncul|sebuah|kebodohan|dan|sebuah|kehidupan|sangat|sulit|seperti|kepada kita|adalah|telah
has given him a futile and very difficult life, as we have been
diingatkan kepada kita oleh serangan baru-baru ini yang dialaminya di Amerika Serikat.
ricordato dal recente attacco da lui subito negli Stati Uniti.
remembered|by the|recent|attack|by|him|suffered|in the|States|United
diingat|oleh|baru-baru ini|serangan|oleh|dia|diterima|di|Amerika|Serikat
reminded by the recent attack he suffered in the United States.
Tornando però alle religioni pre-islamiche, nonostante quanto sostenuto
Returning|however|to the|religions|||despite|how much|supported
Kembali|tetapi|kepada|agama|||meskipun|apa yang|dikatakan
However, returning to pre-Islamic religions, despite what is stated
Namun, kembali ke agama-agama pra-Islam, meskipun apa yang dinyatakan
dal Qur'an, oggi sappiamo che il politeismo era in deciso declino già nel
from the|Qur'an|today|we know|that|the|polytheism|it was|in|marked|decline|already|in the
dari|Al-Qur'an|hari ini|kita tahu|bahwa||politeisme|sudah|dalam|jelas|penurunan|sudah|di
in the Qur'an, today we know that polytheism was in significant decline already in the
oleh Al-Qur'an, hari ini kita tahu bahwa politeisme sudah mengalami penurunan yang signifikan pada
VI secolo e quasi scomparso al VII secolo. Il monoteismo infatti iniziò a
6th|century|and|almost|disappeared|to the|7th|||monotheism|indeed|started|to
6th century and almost disappeared by the 7th century. Monotheism indeed began to
abad ke-6 dan hampir menghilang pada abad ke-7. Monoteisme sebenarnya mulai
penetrare in Arabia già dal I secolo d.C. e fece passi da gigante ben
to penetrate|in|Arabia|already|from|first|century|||and|he made|steps|by|giant|well
penetrate Arabia as early as the 1st century AD and made great strides.
masuk ke Arab sejak abad ke-1 Masehi dan membuat kemajuan yang pesat.
prima dell'arrivo dell'Islam. La prima ondata di monoteisti fu quella
before|the arrival of|of Islam|The|first||of|monotheists|was|that
before the arrival of Islam. The first wave of monotheists was that
sebelum kedatangan Islam. Gelombang pertama monoteis adalah gelombang
dell'Evropa ebraica. Molti ebrei probabilmente si trasferirono in Arabia
of Europe|Jewish|Many|Jews|probably|they|they moved|to|Arabia
dari Eropa|Yahudi|Banyak|orang Yahudi|mungkin|mereka|pindah|ke|Arab
of Jewish Europe. Many Jews likely moved to Arabia
Yahudi Eropa. Banyak orang Yahudi kemungkinan besar pindah ke Arab
sin dai tempi della distruzione del II Tempio, in seguito alla rivolta
dince|from the|times|of the|destruction|of the|second|Temple|in|following|to the|revolt
sejak|dari|waktu|dari|penghancuran|dari|II|Bait Suci|dalam|setelah|kepada|pemberontakan
since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple, following the revolt
sejak zaman penghancuran Kuil II, setelah pemberontakan
ebraica ai tempi di Nerone e Vespasiano. Come abbiamo visto, nel VII secolo
Jewish|at the|times|of|Nero|and|Vespasian|As|we have|seen|in the|7th|century
of the Jews during the time of Nero and Vespasian. As we have seen, in the 7th century
Yahudi pada masa Nero dan Vespasian. Seperti yang telah kita lihat, pada abad ke-VII
l'Arabia vantava un'importantissima popolazione ebraica, con interi tribù
Arabia|boasted|an extremely important|population|Jewish|with|entire|tribes
Arab Saudi|memiliki|sangat penting|populasi|Yahudi|dengan|seluruh|suku
Arabia boasted a very significant Jewish population, with entire tribes
Arabia memiliki populasi Yahudi yang sangat penting, dengan seluruh suku
che seguivano questa religione. Non è chiaro se si trattasse di discendenti di
that|they followed|this|religion|Not|it is|clear|if|it|it dealt|of|descendants|of
following this religion. It is unclear whether they were descendants of
yang mengikuti agama ini. Tidak jelas apakah mereka adalah keturunan dari
antichi emigranti ebrei, oppure di convertiti, o di un misto dei due.
ancient|emigrants|Jews|or|of|converts|or||a|mixed|of the|two
kuno|emigran|Yahudi|atau|dari|yang murtad|atau|dari|satu|campuran|dari|dua
ancient Jewish emigrants, or converts, or a mix of the two.
para emigran Yahudi kuno, ataukah mereka yang telah murtad, atau campuran dari keduanya.
Considerando però che a quest'epoca l'ebraismo era molto più a suo agio con
considering|but|that|at|this time|Judaism|it was|very|more|at|its|comfort with|
Mempertimbangkan|tetapi|bahwa|pada|zaman ini|yudaisme|adalah|sangat|lebih|di|nya|nyaman|dengan
However, considering that at this time Judaism was much more comfortable with
Namun, mengingat bahwa pada masa ini, Yudaisme jauh lebih nyaman dengan
il proselitismo rispetto all'epoca moderna, penso sia assai più probabile
the|proselytism|compared to|to the era|modern|I think|it is|quite|more|likely
itu|proselitisme|dibandingkan|pada zaman|modern|saya pikir|adalah|sangat|lebih|mungkin
proselytism compared to the modern era, I think is much more likely
proselitisme dibandingkan dengan era modern, saya rasa jauh lebih mungkin
che si tratti in gran parte di convertiti. D'altronde, altrimenti non si spiega come
that|it|deals|in|large|part|of|converts|on the other hand|otherwise|not|it|explains|how
bahwa|itu|dibahas|dalam|besar|bagian|dari|orang yang berpindah agama|Lagipula|jika tidak|tidak|itu|menjelaskan|bagaimana
that it is largely about converts. On the other hand, otherwise it does not explain how
bahwa ini sebagian besar adalah orang-orang yang berpindah agama. Di sisi lain, tidak ada penjelasan mengapa
un intero stato. L'Imiar decise di convertirsi al giudaismo e ne fece la
one|whole|state|the Imiar|decided|to|to convert|to the|Judaism|and|it|made|the
an entire state. The Imiar decided to convert to Judaism and made it the
seluruh negara. Imiar memutuskan untuk memeluk agama Yahudi dan menjadikannya sebagai
religione di stato fino alla conquista etiope del 525. Lo stesso avverrà nelle
religion|of|state|until|to the|conquest|Ethiopian|of the|It|same|will happen|in the
agama|dari|negara|sampai|pada|penaklukan|Ethiopia|pada|Itu|sama|akan terjadi|di dalam
state religion until the Ethiopian conquest of 525. The same will happen in the
agama negara hingga penaklukan Ethiopia pada tahun 525. Hal yang sama akan terjadi di
steppe della Russia con i Qazari. Dopo gli ebrei arrivarono i cristiani.
steppes|of the|Russia|with|the|Khazars|After|the|Jews|they arrived|the|Christians
steppes of Russia with the Khazars. After the Jews came the Christians.
steppe Rusia dengan Qazari. Setelah orang Yahudi, datanglah orang Kristen.
Sospettiamo che molti gruppi cristiani, via via espulsi dall'impero romano,
we suspect|that|many|groups|Christian|by|through|expelled|from the empire|Roman
Kami curiga|bahwa|banyak|kelompok|Kristen|secara|melalui|diusir|dari kekaisaran|Romawi
We suspect that many Christian groups, gradually expelled from the Roman Empire,
Kami curiga bahwa banyak kelompok Kristen, yang secara bertahap diusir dari kekaisaran Romawi,
abbiano trovato rifugio in Arabia. Questo sin dagli albori del cristianesimo,
they have|found|shelter|in|Arabia|This|since|from the|beginnings|of the|Christianity
found refuge in Arabia. This has been the case since the dawn of Christianity,
telah menemukan perlindungan di Arab. Ini sudah terjadi sejak awal kekristenan,
secondo gli storici moderni. Anzi, l'Arabia era una sorta di ricettacolo di
according to|the|historians|modern|Indeed|the Arabia|it was|a|kind|of|repository|
menurut|para|sejarawan|modern|Bahkan|Arab|adalah|sebuah|semacam|dari|tempat penampungan|di
according to modern historians. In fact, Arabia was a sort of receptacle of
menurut para sejarawan modern. Bahkan, Arab adalah semacam tempat penampungan dari
dee espulse dall'impero. Eppure il vero boom del monoteismo in
deities|expelled|from the empire|Yet|the|true|boom|of the|monotheism|in
dia|mengusir|dari kekaisaran|Namun|itu|nyata|lonjakan|dari|monoteisme|di
and expelled from the empire. Yet the real boom of monotheism in
dee diusir dari kekaisaran. Namun, ledakan sejati monoteisme di
Arabia è infatti quasi in sincrono con quanto avviene nel mondo romano,
Arabia|it is|indeed|almost|synchronized|synchrony|with|as much as|it happens|in the|world|Roman
Arabia|adalah|memang|hampir|dalam|sinkron|dengan|apa yang|terjadi|di|dunia|Romawi
Arabia is indeed almost synchronous with what is happening in the Roman world,
Arabia sebenarnya hampir bersamaan dengan apa yang terjadi di dunia Romawi,
segno dell'importante relazione economica, culturale e commerciale tra Roma e Arabia.
sign|of the important|relationship|economic|cultural|and|commercial|between|Rome|and|Arabia
tanda|dari hubungan|hubungan|ekonomi|budaya|dan|perdagangan|antara|Roma|dan|Arab
a sign of the important economic, cultural, and commercial relationship between Rome and Arabia.
tanda hubungan ekonomi, budaya, dan perdagangan yang penting antara Roma dan Arabia.
Subito dopo l'arrivo di Costantino sul trono romano, infatti, assistiamo ad un
immediately|after|the arrival|of|Constantine|on the|throne|Roman|indeed|we witness|to|a
Segera|setelah|kedatangan|dari|Konstantinus|di atas|takhta|Romawi|sebenarnya|kita menyaksikan|kepada|sebuah
Immediately after Constantine's arrival on the Roman throne, in fact, we witness a
Segera setelah kedatangan Konstantinus di tahta Romawi, sebenarnya, kita menyaksikan sebuah
vero e proprio boom del cristianesimo nella penisola arabica. Come prevedibile, gli arabi
true|and|own|boom|of the|Christianity|in the|peninsula|Arabian|As|foreseeable|the|Arabs
benar|dan|sebenarnya|ledakan|dari|Kristen|di|semenanjung|Arab|Seperti|yang diperkirakan|para|Arab
a real boom of Christianity in the Arabian Peninsula. As expected, the Arabs
ledakan sejati dari agama Kristen di semenanjung Arab. Seperti yang diperkirakan, orang Arab
che vivevano dentro ai confini del mondo romano si convertirono presto al cristianesimo niceno.
who|they lived|inside|the|boundaries|of the|world|Roman|they|they converted|soon|to the|Christianity|Nicene
yang|hidup|di dalam|kepada|batas|dari|dunia|Romawi|mereka|mengubah|segera|kepada|Kristen|Nicea
who lived within the borders of the Roman world soon converted to Nicene Christianity.
yang tinggal di dalam batas-batas dunia Romawi segera beralih ke Kristen Nicea.
Con il tempo lo stesso si può dire anche di molte tribù di Saraceni, i nomadi beduini,
with|the|time|it|same|one|can|to say|also|of|many|tribes|of|Saracens|the|nomadic|Bedouins
Over time, the same can be said for many tribes of Saracens, the Bedouin nomads,
Seiring waktu, hal yang sama juga dapat dikatakan tentang banyak suku Saraceni, para nomaden Bedouin,
in particolare quelli che formeranno la confederazione dei Gassanidi.
in|particular|those|who|they will form|the|confederation|of the|Gassanids
dalam|khusus|mereka|yang|akan membentuk||konfederasi|dari|Gassanid
particularly those who will form the confederation of the Ghassanids.
terutama mereka yang akan membentuk konfederasi Gassanid.
A partire dal V secolo, dopo il concilio di Calcedonia, la maggior parte dei cristiani
starting|to start|from the|5th|century|after|the|council|of|Chalcedon|the|majority|part|of the|Christians
Dari|mulai|dari|V|abad|setelah|konsili|konsili|dari|Kalsedon|sebagian besar|besar|bagian|dari|Kristen
Starting from the 5th century, after the Council of Chalcedon, most Christians
Mulai abad ke-5, setelah konsili Kalsedon, sebagian besar orang Kristen
del nord della penisola arabica erano però di confessione monofisita. Questo creò frizioni con
of the|north|of the|peninsula|Arabian|they were|however|of|confession|Monophysite|this|it created|frictions|with
in the northern Arabian Peninsula were, however, of Monophysite confession. This created frictions with
di utara semenanjung Arab adalah penganut monofisit. Ini menciptakan gesekan dengan
la politica imperiale che ovviamente spingeva Calcedonia. Ma il cristianesimo non rimase
the|politics|imperial|which|obviously|was pushing|Chalcedon|But|the|Christianity|not|remained
the imperial policy that obviously pushed for Chalcedon. But Christianity did not remain
kebijakan kekaisaran yang jelas mendukung Kalsedon. Namun, kekristenan tidak tetap
limitato alle aree sotto il diretto controllo dell'impero romano o di quello dei Gassanidi.
limited|to the|areas|under|the|direct|control|of the empire|Roman|or|of|that|of the|Gassanids
terbatas|kepada|area|di bawah|kontrol|langsung|kontrol|dari kekaisaran|Romawi|atau|dari|yang|dari|Gassanid
limited to the areas under the direct control of the Roman Empire or that of the Ghassanids.
terbatas pada daerah-daerah di bawah kendali langsung kekaisaran Romawi atau Gassanid.
L'affermarsi in Persia del cristianesimo nestoriano portò il nestorianesimo a mettere
the emergence|in|Persia|of the|Christianity|Nestorian|led|the|Nestorianism|to|to put
The establishment of Nestorian Christianity in Persia led Nestorianism to take root
Munculnya kekristenan Nestorian di Persia membawa Nestorianisme untuk menanamkan
radici anche in Arabia, irraggiandosi proprio dai principali centri nestoriani in Mesopotamia.
roots|also|in|Arabia|spreading|precisely|from the|main|centers|Nestorian|in|Mesopotamia
even in Arabia, spreading precisely from the main Nestorian centers in Mesopotamia.
akar bahkan di Arab, menyebar dari pusat-pusat utama Nestorian di Mesopotamia.
Oggi sono stati scavati decine di antichi monasteri cristiani sulle coste del Golfo
today|they are|have been|excavated|dozens|of|ancient|monasteries|Christian|on the|coasts|of the|Gulf
Hari ini|telah|(partikel pasif)|digali|puluhan|dari|kuno|biara|Kristen|di atas|pantai|dari|Teluk
Today, dozens of ancient Christian monasteries have been excavated along the shores of the Gulf
Saat ini, puluhan biara Kristen kuno telah digali di sepanjang pantai Teluk
Persico. Uno è stato trovato di recente negli Emirati Arabi Uniti. Lo trovate nell'immagine
perch|one|it is|has been|found|of|recent|in the|Emirates|Arab|United|it|you find|in the image
Persico|Satu|telah|ditemukan|ditemukan|di|baru-baru ini|di|Emirat|Arab|Bersatu|Itu|temukan|di gambar
of Persia. One was recently found in the United Arab Emirates. You can see it in the image.
Persia. Salah satunya baru-baru ini ditemukan di Uni Emirat Arab. Anda dapat melihatnya di gambar
dell'episodio. Altrove furono i calcedoniani a fare proselitismo, come nel caso dell'Oimiar,
of the episode|elsewhere|they were|the|Chalcedonians|to|to make|proselytism|as|in the|case|of the Oimiar
dari episode|Di tempat lain|adalah|para|kalcedoniani|untuk|melakukan|proselitisme|seperti|di|kasus|dari Oimiar
of the episode. Elsewhere, it was the Chalcedonians who proselytized, as in the case of Oimiar,
dari episode. Di tempat lain, orang Kalsedon melakukan proselitisme, seperti dalam kasus Oimiar,
dove non vivevano solo ebrei, ma anche una nutrita minoranza di cristiani. Anzi,
where|not|they lived|only|Jews|but|also|a|large|minority|of|Christians|Indeed
di mana|tidak|tinggal|hanya|Yahudi|tetapi|juga|satu|besar|minoritas|dari|Kristen|malah
where not only Jews lived, but also a substantial minority of Christians. In fact,
di mana tidak hanya orang Yahudi yang tinggal, tetapi juga sejumlah besar minoritas Kristen. Bahkan,
la persecuzione di monaci e semplici cristiani da parte dell'Oimiar ebraico fu il caso sbelli
the|persecution|of|monks|and|simple|Christians|by|part|of the Oimiar|Jewish|was|the|case|sbelli
the|persecution|of|monks|and|simple|Christians|by|part|of the Jewish Oimiar|Jewish|was|the|case|sbelli
||||||||||||||de beleza extraordinária
the persecution of monks and simple Christians by the Jewish Oimiar was the glaring case
penganiayaan terhadap para biarawan dan Kristen biasa oleh Oimiar Yahudi adalah kasus yang digunakan
utilizzato da Giustiniano e dagli Etiopi per muovergli guerra e conquistarlo, anche se le
used|by|Justinian|and|by the|Ethiopians|to|to move against him|war|and|to conquer it|also|if|the
used by Justinian and the Ethiopians to wage war against it and conquer it, even though the
oleh Justinianus dan orang Etiopia untuk memeranginya dan menaklukkannya, meskipun
vere ragioni del conflitto avevano più a che fare con la geopolitica che con la religione.
real|reasons|of the|conflict|they had|more|to|than||with|the|geopolitics||||religion
The true reasons for the conflict had more to do with geopolitics than with religion.
alasan sebenarnya dari konflik lebih berkaitan dengan geopolitik daripada dengan agama.
Ma lo sappiamo, con Giustiniano è sempre difficile dividere le due cose.
but|it|we know|with|Justinian|it is|always|difficult|to divide|the|two|things
Tapi|itu|kita tahu|dengan|Giustiniano|adalah|selalu|sulit|memisahkan|kedua|dua|hal
But we know that with Justinian it is always difficult to separate the two.
Tapi kita tahu, dengan Justinianus selalu sulit untuk memisahkan kedua hal ini.
A fine VI secolo, nel 594, perfino i lachmidi di Al-Hira decisero di convertirsi al cristianesimo,
at|end|6th|century|in the|even|the|Lachmids|of|to the||||||Christianity
At the end of the 6th century, in 594, even the Lakhmids of Al-Hira decided to convert to Christianity,
Pada akhir abad ke-6, pada tahun 594, bahkan Lachmidi di Al-Hira memutuskan untuk menganut agama Kristen,
con sommo scorno del zoroastriano Cosro II, che infatti non apprezzò affatto questa evoluzione.
with|highest|disgrace|of the|Zoroastrian|Cosro|II|who|indeed|not|appreciated|at all|this|evolution
dengan|besar|penghinaan|dari|Zoroaster|Khosrow|II|yang|sebenarnya|tidak|menghargai|sama sekali|ini|evolusi
much to the dismay of the Zoroastrian Khosrow II, who indeed did not appreciate this development at all.
dengan sangat menyesal bagi Zoroastrian Cosro II, yang memang tidak menghargai perkembangan ini sama sekali.
Come vedremo, Al-Hira divenne sede vescovile e lo sarà per secoli, anche nei periodi di
as|we will see|||became|seat|episcopal|and|it|it will be|for|centuries|also|in the|periods|
Seperti|kita akan lihat|||menjadi|tempat|uskup|dan|itu|akan|selama|berabad-abad|juga|di|periode|dari
As we will see, Al-Hira became a bishopric and will remain so for centuries, even during the periods of
Seperti yang akan kita lihat, Al-Hira menjadi pusat keuskupan dan akan tetap demikian selama berabad-abad, bahkan di masa-masa
decadenza che verranno. Alla fine dei conti sono stati trovati siti, monasteri, chiese,
decline|that|will come|At the|end|of the|accounts|they are|they have been|found|sites|monasteries|churches
dekadensi|yang|akan datang|Pada|akhir|dari|perhitungan|telah||ditemukan|situs|biara|gereja
decline that will come. In the end, sites, monasteries, churches,
kemunduran yang akan datang. Pada akhirnya, situs-situs, biara, gereja,
iscrizioni arabo-cristiane in tutta l'Arabia, con una sola eccezione, l'Oijaz di Muhammad.
inscriptions|||in|all|Arabia|with|one|only|exception|the Oijaz|of|Muhammad
and Arabic-Christian inscriptions have been found throughout Arabia, with one exception, the Oijaz of Muhammad.
dan prasasti Arab-Kristen ditemukan di seluruh Arab, dengan satu pengecualian, Oijaz Muhammad.
Effettivamente, la regione dove nacque il movimento islamico sembra non essere stata
indeed|the|region|where|was born|the|movement|Islamic|it seems|not|to be|been
Sebenarnya|itu|wilayah|di mana|lahir|gerakan||Islam|tampaknya|tidak|menjadi|ada
Indeed, the region where the Islamic movement was born seems to have not been
Sebenarnya, wilayah tempat lahirnya gerakan Islam tampaknya tidak pernah
toccata in alcun modo dal cristianesimo, e invece essere stata influenzata in modo
touched|in|any|way|by the|Christianity|and|instead|to be|has been|influenced||way
touched in no way by Christianity, and instead having been significantly influenced by Judaism. This is an important factor to keep in mind,
tidak terpengaruh oleh kekristenan, dan sebaliknya telah dipengaruhi secara
importante dall'ebraismo. Questo è un fattore importante da tenere a mente,
important|from Judaism|this|it is|a|factor||to|to keep|in|mind
penting|dari yudaisme|Ini|adalah|sebuah|faktor|penting|untuk|menjaga|pada|pikiran
because, as we will see, in the Quran it is evident that the author, or authors,
signifikan oleh yudaisme. Ini adalah faktor penting yang perlu diingat,
perché, come vedremo, nel Quran è evidente che l'autore, o gli autori,
because|as|we will see|in the|Quran|it is|evident|that|the author|or|the|authors
karena|seperti|kita akan melihat|di dalam|Quran|adalah|jelas|bahwa|penulis|atau|para|penulis-penulis
are very comfortable with Christian doctrines, and it seems as if the Quran is
karena, seperti yang akan kita lihat, dalam Quran jelas bahwa penulis, atau para penulis,
siano molto a loro agio con le dottrine cristiane, e sembra come se il Quran si
they are|very|at|their|comfortable|with|the|doctrines|Christian|and|it seems|like|if|the|Quran|it
mereka|sangat|di|mereka|nyaman|dengan|0 (partikel objek)|ajaran|Kristen|dan|tampak|se|0 (partikel kondisional)|0 (partikel definitif)|Quran|0 (partikel refleksif)
are very comfortable with Christian doctrines, and it seems as if the Quran is
sangat akrab dengan doktrin-doktrin Kristen, dan tampaknya Quran se
aspettasse che il suo pubblico, chi legge, lo sia a sua volta. Un altro piccolo tassello
he was waiting|that|the|his|audience|who|he reads|it|it is|at|his|once|One|another|small|piece
he waited for his audience, those who read, to be so in turn. Another small piece
menunggu agar publiknya, siapa yang membaca, juga demikian. Sebuah potongan kecil lainnya
dei grandi dubbi che circondano l'intera genesi dell'Islam.
of the|big|doubts|that|surround|the entire|genesis|of Islam
dari|besar|keraguan|yang|mengelilingi|seluruh|asal usul|Islam
of the great doubts that surround the entire genesis of Islam.
dari keraguan besar yang mengelilingi seluruh asal-usul Islam.
L'arrivo del monachesimo cristiano portò con sé anche le ultime tendenze culturali
the arrival|of the|monasticism|Christian|he brought|with|itself|also|the|latest|trends|cultural
The arrival of Christian monasticism also brought with it the latest cultural trends
Kedatangan monastisisme Kristen membawa serta tren budaya terakhir
del mondo cristiano-romano, una certa attenzione all'esperienza ascetica dei
of the|world|||a|certain|attention|to the experience|ascetic|of the
dari|dunia|||suatu|tertentu|perhatian|pada pengalaman|asketik|dari
of the Christian-Roman world, a certain attention to the ascetic experience of
dari dunia Kristen-Romawi, perhatian tertentu terhadap pengalaman asketis dari
monaci, gli atleti di Dio che abbiamo già incontrato nella storia dei quasi contemporanei
monks|the|athletes|of|God|who|we have|already|met|in the|history|of the|almost|contemporaries
biarawan|para|atlet|dari|Tuhan|yang|kita telah|sudah|bertemu|dalam|sejarah|dari|hampir|kontemporer
monks, the athletes of God that we have already encountered in the history of the almost contemporaries
biarawan, atlet Tuhan yang telah kita temui dalam sejarah hampir kontemporer
Gregorio Magno e Colombano. Unito a questo, i monaci portarono con loro gli afflati escatologici,
Gregory|the Great|and|Columbanus|United|to|this|the|monks|they brought|with|them|the|inspirations|eschatological
Gregory the Great and Columbanus. Along with this, the monks brought with them the eschatological inspirations,
Gregorius Agung dan Kolumbanus. Bersama dengan ini, para biarawan membawa serta semangat eskatologis,
ovvero quella tendenza a considerare imminente la fine del mondo, che abbiamo già visto,
that is|that|tendency|to|to consider|imminent|the|end|of the|world|that|we have|already|seen
yaitu|itu|kecenderungan|untuk|menganggap|dekat||akhir|dunia||yang|kita sudah|sudah|melihat
that is, the tendency to consider the end of the world imminent, which we have already seen,
yaitu kecenderungan untuk menganggap akhir dunia sudah dekat, yang telah kita lihat,
per esempio, di nuovo nel caso di Gregorio Magno, e che sappiamo pervadeva tutto il mondo
for|example|of|new|in the|case|of|Gregory|the Great|and|that|we know|pervaded|all|the|world
untuk|contoh|di|lagi|dalam|kasus|dari|Gregorius|Agung|dan|yang|kita tahu|meresap|seluruh|dunia|dunia
for example, again in the case of Gregory the Great, and which we know permeated the whole world
misalnya, sekali lagi dalam kasus Gregorius Agung, dan yang kita tahu meresapi seluruh dunia
intellettuale tardo-antico tra il VI e il VII secolo. D'altronde è facile comprendere come mai,
intellectual|||between|the|6th|and||7th|century|on the other hand|it is|easy|to understand|how|ever
late antique intellectual between the 6th and 7th century. On the other hand, it is easy to understand why,
intelektualis akhir kuno antara abad VI dan VII. Di sisi lain, mudah untuk memahami mengapa,
ovunque gli uomini guardassero, non potevano non notare come la loro civiltà sembrasse
everywhere|the|men|they looked|not|they could||to notice|how|the|their|civilization|it seemed
di mana saja|mereka|pria|melihat|tidak|bisa|tidak|memperhatikan|bagaimana|peradaban|mereka|peradaban|tampak
wherever men looked, they could not help but notice how their civilization seemed
di mana pun orang melihat, mereka tidak bisa tidak memperhatikan bagaimana peradaban mereka tampak
in disfacimento. I grandi monumenti si disgregavano e non venivano ricostruiti,
in|disintegration|the|great|monuments|they|they were disintegrating|and|not|they were|reconstructed
dalam|disintegrasi|Para|besar|monumen|(kata ganti refleksif)|hancur|dan|tidak|datang|dibangun kembali
to be falling apart. The great monuments were crumbling and were not being rebuilt,
dalam keadaan hancur. Monumen-monumen besar hancur dan tidak dibangun kembali,
le strade erano invase d'erba e di sabbia, ovunque era visibile la decadenza delle città
the|streets|they were|invaded|by grass|and|sand||everywhere|it was|visible|the|decay|of the|cities
the|roads|were|invaded|by grass|and|by|sand|everywhere|was|visible|the|decay|of the|cities
the roads were overrun with grass and sand, everywhere the decay of the cities was visible.
jalan-jalan dipenuhi rumput dan pasir, di mana-mana terlihat kemunduran kota-kota
e dei commerci, il declino demografico, il progressivo disgregarsi del convivere civile
and|of the|trade|the|decline|demographic||progressive|to disintegrate|of the|to live together|civil
dan|dari|perdagangan|penurunan|penurunan|demografis|yang|progresif|disintegrasi|dari|hidup bersama|sipil
and of trade, the demographic decline, the progressive disintegration of civil coexistence
dan perdagangan, penurunan demografis, dan perpecahan progresif dari kehidupan sipil
causato dalla grande guerra, le stesse ricorrenti pandemie di Yersinia pestis,
caused|by the|great|war|the|same|recurring|pandemics|of||
disebabkan|oleh|besar|perang|(artikel definit)|sama|berulang|pandemi|dari|Yersinia|pestis
caused by the Great War, the recurring pandemics of Yersinia pestis,
yang disebabkan oleh perang besar, serta pandemi Yersinia pestis yang berulang,
sembravano confermare a tutti che il mondo fosse sulla soglia di quello che gli intellettuali
they seemed|to confirm|to|everyone|that|the|world|it was|on the|threshold|of|what|that|the|intellectuals
seemed to confirm to everyone that the world was on the brink of what the intellectuals
seolah-olah mengonfirmasi kepada semua orang bahwa dunia berada di ambang apa yang disebut oleh para intelektual
romani di lingua greca chiamavano l'eschaton, la fine del mondo. Il nuovo testamento era molto
Romans|of|language|Greek|they called|the eschaton|the|end|of the|world|The|new|testament|it was|very
of Greek-speaking Rome called the eschaton, the end of the world. The New Testament was very
Romawi berbahasa Yunani sebagai eskaton, akhir dunia. Perjanjian baru sangat
chiaro a proposito dell'apocalisse, dell'antichristo e del ritorno di Gesù, simili tendenze sono
clear|about|purpose|of the apocalypse|of the antichrist|and|of the|return|of|Jesus|similar|trends|are
jelas|tentang|tujuan|dari apokalips|dari antikristus|dan|dari|kedatangan|dari|Yesus|serupa|kecenderungan|adalah
clear regarding the apocalypse, the antichrist, and the return of Jesus, similar trends are
jelas mengenai kiamat, antikristus, dan kedatangan Yesus, kecenderungan serupa juga
riscontrabili anche nel contemporaneo pensiero ebraico. L'attesa degli ultimi giorni,
traceable|also|in the|contemporary|thought|Jewish|The expectation|of the|last|days
dapat ditemukan|juga|dalam|kontemporer|pemikiran|Yahudi|Penantian|dari|terakhir|hari
also found in contemporary Jewish thought. The expectation of the last days,
dapat ditemukan dalam pemikiran Yahudi kontemporer. Harapan akan hari-hari terakhir,
della fine del mondo, sarà una delle componenti fondamentali dell'islam,
of the|end|of the|world|it will be|a|of the|components|fundamental|
dari|akhir|dunia|dunia|akan|salah satu|dari|komponen|fundamental|dari islam
of the end of the world, will be one of the fundamental components of Islam,
akhir dunia, akan menjadi salah satu komponen dasar dalam Islam,
in questo Muhammad e il Quran sono completamente immersi nel miliere culturale dell'epoca.
this|this|Muhammad|and|the|Quran|they are|completely|immersed|in the|milieu|cultural|
di|ini|Muhammad|dan|il|Quran|sono|sepenuhnya|terbenam|dalam|lingkungan|budaya|pada zaman
in this Muhammad and the Quran are completely immersed in the cultural milieu of the time.
dalam hal ini Muhammad dan Al-Qur'an sepenuhnya terbenam dalam lingkungan budaya pada masa itu.
Dunque ricapitolando, il monoteismo era conosciuto nelle sue varie forme nell'Arabia del VII secolo,
so|recapping|the|monotheism|was|known|in the|its|various|forms|in Arabia|of the|7th|century
So, to recap, monotheism was known in its various forms in 7th century Arabia,
Jadi, merangkum, monoteisme dikenal dalam berbagai bentuknya di Arab pada abad ke-7,
ai tempi di Muhammad, e credo che fu proprio l'affermarsi del monoteismo che permise la
at the|times|of|Muhammad|and|I believe|that|it was|precisely|the affirmation|of the|monotheism|which|allowed the|
at the time of Muhammad, and I believe it was precisely the rise of monotheism that allowed for the
pada zaman Muhammad, dan saya percaya bahwa justru munculnya monoteisme yang memungkinkan
formulazione di un mito fondativo degli arabi, un elemento fondamentale per la maggior parte
formulation|of|a|myth|founding|of the|Arabs|an|element|fundamental|for|the|major|part
formulation of a foundational myth for the Arabs, a fundamental element for most
perumusan sebuah mitos pendiri bagi orang Arab, sebuah elemen fundamental bagi sebagian besar
delle etnogenesi. I gruppi etnici hanno bisogno di un'origine mitica del loro gruppo, di solito
of the|ethnogenesis|the|groups|ethnic|they have|need|of||mythical|of the|their|group|usually|
ethnogenesis. Ethnic groups need a mythical origin for their group, usually
etnogenesis. Kelompok etnis membutuhkan asal-usul mitis dari kelompok mereka, biasanya
un'origine che confermi la loro specialità, l'affermazione della loro originalità e importanza
a source|that|confirms|the|their|specialty|the assertion|of the||originality|and|importance
sebuah asal usul|yang|mengkonfirmasi|mereka|mereka|keunikan|pernyataan|dari||orisinalitas|dan|pentingnya
a origin that confirms their specialty, the affirmation of their originality and importance
sebuah asal usul yang mengonfirmasi keistimewaan mereka, pernyataan tentang orisinalitas dan pentingnya mereka
rispetto a tutti gli altri gruppi umani circostanti. Nel caso degli arabi, il mito
regarding|to|all|the|other|groups|human|surrounding|In the|case|of the|Arabs|the|myth
terhadap|kepada|semua|para|kelompok|manusia|manusia|yang mengelilingi|Dalam|kasus|dari|Arab|itu|mitos
in relation to all the other surrounding human groups. In the case of the Arabs, the myth
dibandingkan dengan semua kelompok manusia lainnya di sekitarnya. Dalam kasus orang Arab, mitos
fondativo dell'etnogenesi araba del VII secolo è tutto centrato sull'origine abra mitica degli
foundational|of the ethnogenesis|Arab|of the|7th|century|it is|everything|centered|on the origin|Abraham|mythical|of the
mendasar|dari etnogenesis|Arab|dari|VII|abad|adalah|semua|terpusat|pada asal|Abraham|mitos|dari
foundational to Arab ethnogenesis in the 7th century is entirely centered on the mythical Abra origin of the
pendirian etnogenesis Arab abad ke-7 sepenuhnya berpusat pada asal usul mitis dari
arabi, che tanta importanza avrà nello spiegare la genesi della ummah islamica. Vista la presenza
Arabs|that|much|importance|it will have|in the|to explain|the|||||||presence
arab|yang|begitu banyak|pentingnya|akan memiliki|dalam|menjelaskan||asal mula|dari|umat|Islam|Mengingat||keberadaan
Arabs, which will be of great importance in explaining the genesis of the Islamic ummah. Given the presence
orang Arab, yang akan sangat penting dalam menjelaskan genesis ummah Islam.
di questo mito nel Quran, credo che fosse già diffuso in Arabia ben prima della nascita
this|this|myth|in the|Quran|I believe|that|it was|already|spread|in|Arabia|well|before|of the|birth
dari|ini|mitos|di dalam|Quran|saya percaya|bahwa|sudah|sudah|tersebar|di|Arabia|dengan|sebelum|dari|kelahiran
of this myth in the Quran, I believe it was already widespread in Arabia long before the birth
dari mitos ini dalam Quran, saya percaya bahwa itu sudah tersebar di Arab jauh sebelum kelahiran
dell'islam. Ho già fatto accenno a questa storia, gli arabi sarebbero discendenti di retti di Abramo,
of Islam|I have|already|done|mention|to|this|history|the|Arabs|they would be|descendants|of|straight|of|Abraham
dari islam|Saya|sudah|melakukan|singgungan|kepada|ini|sejarah|mereka|Arab|akan|keturunan|dari|benar|dari|Abraham
of Islam. I have already alluded to this story, the Arabs would be descendants of the righteous of Abraham,
islam. Saya sudah menyebutkan cerita ini, orang Arab akan menjadi keturunan yang benar dari Abraham,
proprio come gli ebrei. A differenza delle dodici tribù ebraiche discendenti di Isacco, gli arabi
just|like|the|Jews|At|difference|of the|twelve|tribes|Jewish|descendants|of|Isaac|the|Arabs
tepat|seperti|para|Yahudi|Tidak|sama|dari|dua belas|suku|Yahudi|keturunan|dari|Ishak||Arab
just like the Jews. Unlike the twelve Jewish tribes descended from Isaac, the Arabs
sama seperti orang Yahudi. Berbeda dengan dua belas suku Yahudi yang merupakan keturunan dari Ishak, orang Arab
discenderebbero da Ishmael, il figlio che Abramo ebbe con una schiava egiziana, Agar. Ovviamente
they would descend|from|Ishmael|the|son|who|Abraham|he had|with|a|slave|Egyptian|Hagar|Obviously
sarebbero discesi||Ismaele||||||||schiava|egiziana|Agar|
akan turun|dari|Ishmael|anak|laki-laki|yang|Abraham|memiliki|dengan|seorang|budak|Mesir|Hagar|Tentu saja
would descend from Ishmael, the son that Abraham had with an Egyptian slave, Hagar. Obviously
akan menjadi keturunan dari Ismail, anak yang Abraham miliki dengan seorang budak wanita Mesir, Hagar. Tentu saja
per dei politeisti questa storia non avrebbe alcuna importanza, quindi è evidente che il mito si andò
for|the|polytheists|this|story|not|would have|any|importance|so|it is|evident|that|the|myth|it|went
untuk|para|politeis|cerita ini|sejarah|tidak|akan|sama sekali|pentingnya|jadi|adalah|jelas|bahwa|itu|mitos|itu|pergi
for polytheists this story would have no importance, so it is evident that the myth began to form
bagi para politeis, cerita ini tidak akan memiliki arti, jadi jelas bahwa mitos itu terbentuk
formando con la penetrazione del culto dell'unico dio in Arabia, soprattutto grazie al primitivo
forming|with|the|penetration|of the|cult|of the one|God|in|Arabia|especially|thanks|to the|primitive
membentuk|dengan|itu|penetrasi|dari|penyembahan|dari satu|Tuhan|di|Arab|terutama|berkat|kepada|primitif
with the penetration of the cult of the one god in Arabia, especially thanks to primitive
dengan penetrasi kultus Tuhan yang tunggal di Arab, terutama berkat proselitisme
proselitismo ebraico. Allora, tra il I e il III secolo, per gli arabi convertitisi al monoteismo
proselitisme|Yahudi|Jadi|antara|yang|I|dan|yang|III|abad|untuk|para|Arab|yang beralih|ke|monoteisme
Jewish proselytism. Then, between the 1st and 3rd centuries, for the Arabs who converted to monotheism
Yahudi yang primitif. Maka, antara abad I dan III, bagi orang Arab yang menganut monoteisme
divenne fondamentale inquadrare la loro identità nell'intelaiatura dell'Antico Testamento. In
it became|fundamental|to frame|the|their|identity|within the framework|of the Old|Testament|In
menjadi|mendasar|mengkonteksikan|mereka|identitas|identitas|dalam kerangka|dari Perjanjian Lama|Testamen|Dalam
||enquadrar||||na estrutura|||
it became essential to frame their identity within the structure of the Old Testament. In
menjadi penting untuk mengkontekstualisasikan identitas mereka dalam kerangka Perjanjian Lama. In
questa narrazione gli arabi divennero quindi degli antichi monoteisti, seguaci anche loro
this|narration|the|Arabs|they became|therefore|some|ancient|monotheists|followers|also|them
this narrative made the Arabs ancient monotheists, followers of the law of Abraham as well.
narasi ini, orang Arab kemudian menjadi monoteis kuno, juga pengikut
della legge di Abramo. Nei secoli però avrebbero in gran parte perduto la loro ancestrale religione
of the|law|of|Abraham|In the|centuries|however|they would have|in|great|part|||their|ancestral|religion
dari|hukum|dari|Abraham|Dalam|abad|tetapi|akan|dalam|besar|sebagian|kehilangan|agama|mereka|nenek moyang|agama
However, over the centuries they would largely lose their ancestral monotheistic religion.
hukum Abraham. Namun, selama berabad-abad mereka sebagian besar akan kehilangan agama nenek moyang mereka yang
monoteistica. I monoteisti arabi dicevano dunque di voler restaurare questa supposta antica religione
monotheistic|the|monotheists|Arabs|they said|therefore|to|to want|to restore|this|supposed|ancient|religion
The Arab monotheists thus claimed to want to restore this supposed ancient natural religion of the Arabs, removing the subsequent polytheistic accretions.
monoteis. Jadi, para monoteis Arab mengatakan bahwa mereka ingin mengembalikan agama kuno yang diduga ini
naturale degli arabi, rimuovendo le successive incrostazioni politeistiche. È un tema che tornerà
natural|of the|Arabs|removing|the|subsequent|accretions|polytheistic|It is|a|theme|that|will return
alami|dari|Arab|menghapus|yang|berikutnya|lapisan|politeis|Itu|sebuah|tema|yang|akan kembali
This is a theme that will return.
agama alami orang Arab, dengan menghapus lapisan politeistik yang muncul setelahnya. Ini adalah tema yang akan kembali
a proposito del messaggio di Muhammad. D'altronde il profeta non guarda avanti cercando di fondare
about|purpose|of the|message|of|Muhammad|on the other hand|the|prophet|not|he looks|forward|trying|to|to found
tentang|maksud|dari|pesan|Muhammad||Lagipula|sang|nabi|tidak|melihat|ke depan|berusaha|untuk|mendirikan
regarding the message of Muhammad. On the other hand, the prophet does not look forward trying to establish
tentang pesan Muhammad. Di sisi lain, nabi tidak melihat ke depan berusaha untuk mendirikan
una nuova religione, ma afferma categoricamente di voler tornare alla religione naturale degli
a|new|religion|but|it claims|categorically|to|to want|to return|to the|religion|nature|of the
sebuah|baru|agama|tetapi|menyatakan|secara tegas|untuk|ingin|kembali|kepada|agama|alami|dari
a new religion, but categorically states that he wants to return to the natural religion of the
sebuah agama baru, tetapi secara tegas menyatakan ingin kembali ke agama alami orang-orang
arabi, di voler purificare l'originale religione monoteistica da qualunque influsso dei mushrikun,
Arabs|to|want|to purify|the original|religion|monotheistic|from|any|influence|of the|polytheists
Arabs, to purify the original monotheistic religion from any influence of the mushrikun,
Arab, ingin memurnikan agama monoteistik asli dari pengaruh apapun dari mushrikun,
gli associatori, coloro che associano all'unico dio altri elementi che non gli sono propri. Non
the|associators|those|who|they associate|to the only|God|other|elements|that|not||||
para|pengasosiasi|mereka|yang|mengasosiasikan|kepada satu-satunya|Tuhan|elemen lain|elemen|yang|tidak|kepadanya|adalah|milik|
the associators, those who associate other elements that do not belong to the one god.
para penyekutu, mereka yang mengaitkan kepada Tuhan yang satu elemen lain yang bukan miliknya.
solo, i monoteisti arabi preislamici avevano anche loro un haram, un santuario speciale che
only|the|monotheists|Arabs|pre-Islamic|they had|also|their|a|haram||shrine|special|which
hanya|para|monoteis|Arab|pra-Islam|memiliki|juga|mereka|sebuah|haram|sebuah|tempat suci|khusus|yang
only, the pre-Islamic Arab monotheists also had a haram, a special sanctuary that
Hanya, para monoteis Arab pra-Islam juga memiliki haram mereka, sebuah tempat suci khusus yang
diventa cruciale per la loro identità. Come gli ebrei hanno il Tempio di Gerusalemme, così gli
it becomes|crucial|for|the|their|identity|As|the|Jews|they have|the|Temple|of|Jerusalem|so|the
becomes crucial for their identity. Just as the Jews have the Temple of Jerusalem, so the
menjadi krusial bagi identitas mereka. Seperti orang Yahudi memiliki Kuil Yerusalem, demikian pula
arabi avevano la loro Kaba, la casa di Dio. Muhammad e i primi credenti parlano sovente
Arabs|they had|the|their|Kaaba||house|of|God|Muhammad|and|the|first|believers|they speak|often
orang Arab|memiliki|itu|mereka|Ka'bah|itu|rumah|dari|Allah|Muhammad|dan|para|pertama|orang-orang beriman|berbicara|sering
Arabs had their Kaba, the house of God. Muhammad and the early believers often speak
orang Arab memiliki Kaba mereka, rumah Tuhan. Muhammad dan para pengikut awal sering berbicara
della cosiddetta tenda di Abramo, il luogo ancestrale del monoteismo degli arabi,
of the|so-called|tent|of|Abraham|the|place|ancestral|of the|monotheism|of the|Arabs
dari|yang disebut|tenda|dari|Abraham|tempat|tempat|nenek moyang|dari|monoteisme|dari|Arab
of the so-called tent of Abraham, the ancestral place of monotheism for the Arabs,
tentang apa yang disebut tenda Abraham, tempat nenek moyang monoteisme orang Arab,
costruito dallo stesso Abramo assieme a Jishmael. Nel Quran la Kaba è menzionata molte volte,
built|by the|same|Abraham|together|to|Ishmael|In the|Quran|the|Kaaba|it is|mentioned|many|times
built by Abraham himself along with Ishmael. In the Quran, the Kaaba is mentioned many times,
dibangun oleh Abraham yang sama bersama Jishmael. Dalam Quran, Kaba disebutkan banyak kali,
anche con il nome di Baka, ma, dettaglio interessante, Mecca è solo nominata una
also|with|the|name|of|Baka|but|detail|interesting|Mecca|it is|only|mentioned|one
also by the name of Baka, but, interestingly, Mecca is only mentioned once.
juga dengan nama Baka, tetapi, detail yang menarik, Mekkah hanya disebutkan satu
volta. Torneremo su questo punto, non temete. Il mondo degli arabi, in equilibrio instabile a
turn|we will return|on|this|point|not|do not fear|the|world|of the|Arabs|in|balance|unstable|at
time|We will return|on|this|point|not|fear|The|world|of the|Arabs|in|balance|unstable|at
We will return to this point, do not worry. The world of the Arabs, in an unstable balance at
kali. Kita akan kembali ke poin ini, jangan khawatir. Dunia Arab, dalam keseimbangan yang tidak stabil di
confine tra le due grandi superpotenze dell'antichità, entrò in una fase di turbolento
border|between|the|two|great|superpowers|of antiquity|it entered|in|a|phase|of|turbulent
batas|antara|kedua|dua|besar|superpower|dari zaman kuno|memasuki|dalam|sebuah|fase|dari|turbulen
the border between the two great superpowers of antiquity, entered a phase of turbulent
perbatasan antara dua kekuatan besar kuno, memasuki fase yang penuh gejolak
cambiamento sul finire del VI secolo. La guerra romano-persiana di Tiberio e Maurizio portò ad
change|on the|end|of the|6th|century|The|war|Roman|Persian|of|Tiberius|and|Maurice|led to|
change at the end of the 6th century. The Roman-Persian war of Tiberius and Maurice led to
perubahan pada akhir abad ke-6. Perang Romawi-Persia di bawah Tiberius dan Maurice membawa kepada
un primo ripensamento di Maurizio per quanto riguardava i gassanidi. Maurizio,
a|first|rethinking|of|Maurizio|for|as far as|concerned|the|Gassanids|
satu|pertama|pemikiran ulang|dari|Maurizio|untuk|seberapa|mengenai|para|gassanid|Maurizio
||ripensamento||||per quanto|riguardava||gassanidi|
a first reconsideration by Maurice regarding the Ghassanids. Maurice,
pemikiran ulang pertama oleh Maurice mengenai gassanid. Maurice,
da magister militum per orientem, finì per dubitare della fedeltà del loro grande re Al-Mundir III.
from|master|of soldiers|through|east|he ended|up|to doubt|of the|loyalty|of the|their|great|king|||III
as magister militum for the east, ended up doubting the loyalty of their great king Al-Mundir III.
sebagai magister militum untuk orientem, akhirnya meragukan kesetiaan raja besar mereka Al-Mundir III.
Nel 581 Maurizio convince l'imperatore Tiberio a far arrestare ed isiliare in Sicilia il re dei
In the|Maurice|convinces|the emperor|Tiberius|to|to have|to arrest|and|to isolate|in|Sicily|the|king|of the
In 581, Maurice convinced Emperor Tiberius to have the king of
Pada tahun 581, Maurice meyakinkan kaisar Tiberius untuk menangkap dan mengasingkan raja dari
gassanidi. Una volta rimosso il filarca dei gassanidi, Maurizio mosse guerra al suo erede,
Gassanids|One|once||the|filarch|of the||Maurice|he waged|war|against|his|
Gassanids. Once the filarch of the Gassanids was removed, Maurice waged war against his heir,
gassanidi. Setelah menghapus filarka gassanidi, Maurizio memulai perang melawan pewarisnya,
finendo poi per dissolvere la confederazione gassanide ai tempi in cui era già imperatore.
ending|then|by|to dissolve|the|confederation|Gassanid|at the|times|when|which|he was|already|emperor
ultimately dissolving the Gassanid confederation by the time he was already emperor.
akhirnya membubarkan konfederasi gassanidi pada masa ketika dia sudah menjadi kaisar.
I gassanidi rimasero una delle potenze arabe nella regione siriaco-palestinese,
the|Gassanids|remained|a|of the|powers|Arab|in the|region||
Mereka|Gassanid|tetap|salah satu|dari|kekuatan|Arab|di|wilayah||
The Gassanids remained one of the Arab powers in the Syriac-Palestinian region,
Gassanidi tetap menjadi salah satu kekuatan Arab di wilayah Suriah-Palestina,
ma il resto delle tribù arabe da loro guidate recuperarono l'indipendenza,
but|the|rest|of the|tribes|Arab|by|them|led|they recovered|the independence
tetapi|yang|sisa|dari|suku|Arab|oleh|mereka|dipimpin|mendapatkan kembali|kemerdekaan
but the rest of the Arab tribes they led regained independence,
tetapi sisa suku Arab yang dipimpin oleh mereka mendapatkan kembali kemerdekaan,
negoziando con Roma singoli trattati di alleanza. Probabile che Maurizio spezzò la coalizione
negotiating|with|Rome|individual|treaties|of|alliance|likely|that|Maurizio|he broke|the|coalition
negotiating with Rome individual alliance treaties. It is likely that Maurice broke the coalition.
bernegosiasi dengan Roma mengenai perjanjian aliansi tunggal. Kemungkinan Maurizio memecah koalisi
gassanide anche per risparmiare sui fondi che venivano inviati dai romani al loro re.
Gassanid|also|to|save|on the|funds|that|were sent|sent|by the|Romans|to the|their|king
gassanide|juga|untuk|menghemat|pada|dana|yang|dikirim|dikirim|oleh|orang Romawi|kepada|mereka|raja
Gassanid also to save on the funds that were being sent by the Romans to their king.
gassanide juga untuk menghemat dana yang dikirim oleh orang Romawi kepada raja mereka.
La guerra di Tiberio e Maurizio terminò con la fuga di Cosro II in Romania e la decisione di
The war of Tiberius and Maurice ended with the flight of Khosrow II to Romania and the decision of
Perang Tiberio dan Maurizio berakhir dengan pelarian Cosro II ke Romania dan keputusan
Maurizio di rimetterlo sul trono nel 592. Due anni dopo, nel 594, i lachmidi si convertirono
Maurice|to|put it back|on the|throne|in the|Two|years|after|in the|the|Lakhmids|they|converted
Maurizio|untuk|mengembalikannya|ke atas|takhta|pada|Dua|tahun|setelah|pada|para|lachmidi|mereka|memeluk agama
Maurice to restore him to the throne in 592. Two years later, in 594, the Lachmids converted.
Maurizio untuk mengembalikannya ke tahta pada tahun 592. Dua tahun kemudian, pada tahun 594, lachmidi beralih agama
alla fede cristiana, come ho detto insospettendo non poco lo zoroastriano Cosro II. Deve essersela
to the|faith|Christian|as|I have|said|suspecting|not|little|the|Zoroastrian|Cosro|II|must|to have it
to the Christian faith, as I said, not a little suspecting the Zoroastrian Khosrow II. He must have taken it
kepada iman Kristen, seperti yang saya katakan, mencurigai tidak sedikit zoroastrian Cosro II. Dia pasti
legata al dito, perché lo shansha decise di frammentare il potere dei lachmidi, come i romani
bound|to the|finger|why|the|Shansha|she decided|to|to fragment|the|power|of the|Lakhmids|like|the|Romans
to heart, because the shahnshah decided to fragment the power of the Lakhmids, just as the Romans
menyimpannya di jari, karena shansha memutuskan untuk memecah kekuasaan lachmidi, seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang Romawi
avevano fatto con i gassanidi. Al di là delle questioni religiose, credo che i persiani debbono
they had|done|with|the|Gassanids|Beyond|of|there|the|issues|religious|I believe|that|the|Persians|
mereka|lakukan|dengan|para|Gassanid|Di|dari|sana|dari|pertanyaan|agama|saya percaya|bahwa|para|Persia|harus
had done with the Ghassanids. Beyond religious issues, I believe that the Persians must
dengan gassanidi. Di luar masalah agama, saya percaya bahwa orang Persia harus
aver deciso che privarsi del sostegno dei lachmidi fosse preferibile a continuare a rafforzarli. Non
to have|decided|that|to deprive oneself|of the|support|of the|Lakhmids|it was|preferable|to|to continue|to|to strengthen them|Not
telah|memutuskan|bahwa|menghilangkan diri|dari|dukungan|dari|Lachmidi|adalah|lebih baik|untuk|terus|untuk|memperkuat mereka|Tidak
have decided that depriving themselves of the support of the Lakhmids was preferable to continuing to strengthen them. Not
memutuskan bahwa menghilangkan dukungan dari lachmidi lebih baik daripada terus memperkuat mereka. Tidak
sia mai che un giorno gli venga qualche grillo nella testa, tipo l'idea di conquistare l'intero
let it be|never|that|a|day|to him|he comes|some|cricket|in the|head|like||to|to conquer|the whole
semoga|tidak pernah|bahwa|satu|hari|dia|datang|beberapa|ide|di dalam|kepala|seperti|ide|untuk|menaklukkan|seluruh
It may happen that one day he gets some crazy idea in his head, like the idea of conquering the entire
jangan pernah berpikir bahwa suatu hari dia akan mendapatkan ide gila, seperti ide untuk menaklukkan seluruh
impero persiano. Cosro attese l'occasione giusta quando nel 610 Sharbaraz conquistò Antiochia e
empire|Persian|Khosrow|he waited|the opportunity|right|when|in the|Sharbaraz|he conquered|Antioch|and
kekaisaran|Persia|Khosrow|menunggu|kesempatan|yang tepat|ketika|pada|Sharbaraz|menaklukkan|Antiokhia|
Persian Empire. Khosrow waited for the right opportunity when in 610 Sharbaraz conquered Antioch and
kekaisaran Persia. Khosrow menunggu kesempatan yang tepat ketika pada tahun 610 Sharbaraz menaklukkan Antiokhia dan
mise l'impero romano sostanzialmente in fuga, Cosro II mosse contro il clan dei lachm,
he put|the empire|Roman|substantially|in|flight|||he moved|against|the|clan|of the|Lakhm
menempatkan|kekaisaran|Romawi|secara substansial|dalam|pelarian|Cosro|II|bergerak|melawan|klan|klan|dari|Lachm
essentially put the Roman Empire on the run, Khosrow II moved against the Lachm clan,
secara substansial membuat kekaisaran Romawi melarikan diri, Khosrow II bergerak melawan klan Lachm,
distruggendone la potenza unificatrice. Nei seguenti anni i persiani presero possesso
destroying it|the|power|unifying|In the|following|years|the|Persians|they took|possession
di essa|||unificatrice||seguenti||||presero|
destroying their unifying power. In the following years, the Persians took possession
menghancurkan kekuatan penyatu mereka. Dalam beberapa tahun berikutnya, orang Persia mengambil alih
della Siria e della Palestina, conquistata nel 614. Ne farlo recisero gli ultimi legami
of the|Syria|and|of the|Palestine|conquered|in the|They|to do it|they cut|the|last|links
of Syria and Palestine, conquered in 614. This severed the last ties
dari Suriah dan Palestina, yang ditaklukkan pada tahun 614. Mereka memutuskan hubungan terakhir
tra Roma e le tribù che erano dipese dal volere di Costantinopoli. Per ragioni diverse dunque,
between|Rome|and|the|tribes|that|they were|dependent|on the|will|of|Constantinople|for|reasons|different|therefore
between Rome and the tribes that were dependent on the will of Constantinople. For different reasons therefore,
antara Roma dan suku-suku yang tergantung pada kehendak Konstantinopel. Oleh karena berbagai alasan,
al 614 tutte le tribù che erano dipese dalle sovvenzioni di romani e persiani si ritrovarono
at the|all|the|tribes|that|they were|dependent|on the|subsidies|of|Romans|and|Persians|they|they found
pada|semua|(artikel definit)|suku|yang|adalah|bergantung|dari|subsidi|dari|Romawi|dan|Persia|(kata refleksif)|menemukan kembali
||||||||||||||si trovarono
by 614 all the tribes that were dependent on the subsidies of Romans and Persians found themselves
pada tahun 614 semua suku yang tergantung pada subsidi dari Romawi dan Persia mendapati diri mereka
senza fondi e senza i consueti vantaggi della vicinanza politica ai rispettivi imperi.
without|funds|and||the|customary|advantages|of the|proximity|political|to the|respective|empires
without funds and without the usual advantages of political proximity to their respective empires.
tanpa dana dan tanpa keuntungan biasa dari kedekatan politik dengan kekaisaran masing-masing.
Ctesi Fonte ormai controllava tutti i territori circostanti l'Arabia, dalla Siria all'Egitto,
Ctesi|Source|now|he controlled|all|the|territories|surrounding|the Arabia|from|Syria|to Egypt
Ctesi|Sumber|sekarang|mengendalikan|semua|(artikel definit)|wilayah|sekitar|Arab|dari|Suriah|Mesir
Ctesiphon now controlled all the surrounding territories of Arabia, from Syria to Egypt,
Ctesi Fonte kini mengendalikan semua wilayah di sekitar Arab, dari Suriah hingga Mesir,
dalla Mesopotamia all'Oman, dallo Yemen alla Palestina. Cosro II, in uno dei suoi calcoli
from the|Mesopotamia|to Oman|from the|Yemen|to the|Palestine|||in|one|of his|his|calculations
dari|Mesopotamia|ke Oman|dari|Yaman|ke|Palestina|Khosrow|II|dalam|salah satu|dari|perhitungan|perhitungan
from Mesopotamia to Oman, from Yemen to Palestine. Khosrow II, in one of his political calculations
dari Mesopotamia hingga Oman, dari Yaman hingga Palestina. Cosro II, dalam salah satu perhitungan
politici che gli costarono la testa, deve aver deciso che non aveva più bisogno degli Arabi,
politicians|who|to him|cost|the|head|he must|to have|decided|that|not|he had|more|need|of the|Arabs
politik|yang|dia|menghabiskan|kepalanya|kepala|harus|telah|memutuskan|bahwa|tidak|memiliki|lagi|kebutuhan|dari orang-orang|Arab
that cost him his head, must have decided that he no longer needed the Arabs,
politiknya yang membuatnya kehilangan kepala, pasti telah memutuskan bahwa dia tidak lagi membutuhkan orang Arab,
ora che era l'unica superpotenza rimasta sul campo. Erano gli Arabi che avevano bisogno di lui,
now|that|it was|the only|superpower|remaining|on the|field|they were|the|Arabs|who|they had|need|of|him
sekarang|bahwa|adalah|satu-satunya|superpower|tersisa|di|lapangan|Mereka adalah|para|Arab|yang|memiliki|kebutuhan|akan|dia
now that he was the only superpower left in the field. It was the Arabs who needed him,
sekarang dia adalah satu-satunya superpower yang tersisa di lapangan. Mereka adalah orang Arab yang membutuhkan dia,
si era passati da un duopolio imperiale a un monopolio imperiale. Non c'è quindi da stupirsi
one|it was|passed|from|a|duopoly|imperial|to||monopoly||not|there is|therefore|to|to be surprised
(kata ganti subjek)|telah|berpindah|dari|sebuah|duopoli|imperial|ke|sebuah|monopoli|imperial|Tidak|ada|jadi|dari|heran
it had shifted from an imperial duopoly to an imperial monopoly. Therefore, it is not surprising
telah terjadi peralihan dari duopoli kekaisaran menjadi monopoli kekaisaran. Jadi tidak mengherankan
che molti Arabi iniziarono a lanciare attacchi e saccheggi in direzione delle terre fertili
that|many|Arabs|they started|to|to launch|attacks|and|plunders|in|towards|of the|lands|fertile
that many Arabs began to launch attacks and raids towards the fertile lands
bahwa banyak Arab mulai melancarkan serangan dan penjarahan ke arah tanah subur
circostanti il loro mondo, sia forse per una certa fedeltà ai romani, in qualche caso sia
surrounding|the|their|world|it is|perhaps|for|a|certain|loyalty|to the|Romans|in|some|case|it is
mengelilingi|itu|mereka|dunia|mungkin|mungkin|untuk|suatu|tertentu|kesetiaan|kepada|orang Romawi|dalam|beberapa|kasus|mungkin
surrounding their world, perhaps out of a certain loyalty to the Romans, in some cases
di sekitar dunia mereka, mungkin karena kesetiaan tertentu kepada Romawi, dalam beberapa kasus mungkin
più probabilmente per fare pressione sulle autorità persiane, in modo da convincere Cosro II a pagargli
more|probably|to|to make|pressure|on the|authorities|Persian|in|way|to|to convince|Khosrow|II|to|to pay him
more likely to pressure the Persian authorities, in order to convince Khosrow II to pay them.
lebih mungkin untuk memberikan tekanan pada otoritas Persia, agar meyakinkan Khosrow II untuk membayar mereka.
le consuete sovvenzioni così importanti per una società tribale, perché di solito sono la
the|customary|subsidies|so|important|for|a|society|tribal|because|of|usually|they are|the
the usual subsidies that are so important for a tribal society, because they are usually the
subsidi yang biasa sangat penting bagi masyarakat suku, karena biasanya mereka adalah
principale fonte di metallo prezioso con il quale i capi tribali si comprano la fedeltà del loro
main|source|of|metal|precious|with|the|||leaders|tribal|they|they buy|the|loyalty|of their|
main source of precious metal with which tribal leaders buy the loyalty of their
sumber utama logam berharga yang digunakan oleh para pemimpin suku untuk membeli kesetiaan dari
comitatus di guerrieri tribali. È in questo periodo che la sicurezza in Palestina, Siria e
the retinue|of|warriors|tribal|it is|in|this|period|that|the|safety|in|Palestine|Syria|and
tribal warrior retinue. It is during this period that security in Palestine, Syria, and
komunitas pejuang suku mereka. Pada periode ini, keamanan di Palestina, Suriah, dan
Mesopotamia si degrada al punto che molti cristiani lasciano monasteri e città per rifugiarsi altrove,
Mesopotamia|it|degrades|to the|point|that|many|Christians|they leave|monasteries|and|cities|to|to take refuge|elsewhere
Mesopotamia|(kata ganti subjek)|terdegradasi|ke|titik|bahwa|banyak|orang Kristen|meninggalkan|biara-biara|dan|kota-kota|untuk|berlindung|di tempat lain
Mesopotamia deteriorates to the point that many Christians leave monasteries and cities to seek refuge elsewhere,
Mesopotamia menurun ke titik di mana banyak orang Kristen meninggalkan biara dan kota untuk berlindung di tempat lain,
per esempio in Italia. Impegnato come era però in una danza mortale con l'impero romano, Cosro II
for|example|in|Italy|Engaged|as|he was|however|in|a|dance|mortal|with|the empire|Roman|Cosro|II
for example in Italy. However, as he was engaged in a deadly dance with the Roman Empire, Khosrow II
misalnya di Italia. Namun, terlibat dalam tarian maut dengan kekaisaran Romawi, Cosro II
deve aver valutato le razzie arabe come in sostanza delle punture di spillo, come un prezzo
he must|to have|evaluated|the|raids|Arab|as|in|substance|of the|punctures|of|pin|||price
harus|memiliki|dinilai|(kata ganti objek)|serangan|Arab|seperti|dalam|substansi|(kata depan)|tusukan|(kata depan)|jarum|seperti|sebuah|harga
must have assessed the Arab raids as essentially pinpricks, as a price
pasti telah menilai penjarahan Arab sebagai pada dasarnya hanya tusukan jarum, sebagai harga
che tutto sommato valeva la pena di pagare in cambio della vittoria finale. Le razzie arabe
that|everything|considered||the|pain|to|to pay|in|exchange|of the|victory|final|The|raids|Arab
that was worth paying in exchange for the final victory. The Arab raids
yang pada akhirnya layak dibayar sebagai imbalan untuk kemenangan akhir. Penjarahan Arab
era una questione tutto sommato secondaria rispetto all'obiettivo principale che rimaneva
it was|a|issue|everything|considered|secondary|compared to|the objective|main|which|remained
adalah|sebuah|pertanyaan|sama|secara keseluruhan|sekunder|dibandingkan|pada tujuan|utama|yang|tetap
were a relatively secondary issue compared to the main objective that remained.
adalah masalah yang pada dasarnya sekunder dibandingkan dengan tujuan utama yang tetap
la sconfitta dei romani. Notate nuovamente come le invasioni arabe, per ora sotto forma di razzie,
the|defeat|of the|Romans|Note|again|how|the|invasions|Arab|for|now|under|form|of|raids
the|defeat|of the|Romans|Note|again|how|the|invasions|Arab|for|now|in the form of|form|of|raids
the defeat of the Romans. Note again how the Arab invasions, so far in the form of raids,
kekalahan orang Romawi. Perhatikan sekali lagi bagaimana invasi Arab, untuk saat ini dalam bentuk penjarahan,
precedano l'affermarsi dell'autorità di Muhammad sugli arabi. Il grande movimento
they precede|the establishment|of the authority|of|Muhammad|on the|Arabs|the|great|movement
mendahului|penegakan|otoritas|dari|Muhammad|atas|orang Arab|Gerakan|besar|gerakan
precede the establishment of Muhammad's authority over the Arabs. The great movement
mendahului tegaknya otoritas Muhammad atas orang Arab. Gerakan besar
delle popolazioni nomade dal deserto dell'Arabia verso tutti i territori della mezzaluna fertile
of the|populations|nomadic|from the|desert|of Arabia|towards|all|the|territories|of the|half-moon|fertile
dari|populasi|nomaden|dari|gurun||ke|semua|wilayah|wilayah|dari|bulan sabit|subur
of the nomadic populations from the Arabian desert to all the territories of the fertile crescent
populasi nomaden dari gurun Arab ke semua wilayah bulan sabit subur
non è una conseguenza dell'affermarsi dell'Islam, ma è una conseguenza della guerra romano-persiana.
not|it is|a|consequence|of the emergence|of Islam|but|it is|a|consequence|of the|war||
tidak|adalah|sebuah|konsekuensi|dari munculnya|Islam|tetapi|adalah|sebuah|konsekuensi|dari|perang||
is not a consequence of the rise of Islam, but is a consequence of the Roman-Persian war.
bukanlah akibat dari tegaknya Islam, tetapi merupakan akibat dari perang Romawi-Persia.
Nei loro attacchi contro gli occupanti persiani o contro la popolazione sedentaria circostante
in the|their|attacks|against|the|occupants|Persian|or|against|the|population|sedentary|surrounding
In their attacks against the Persian occupiers or against the surrounding sedentary population
Dalam serangan mereka terhadap penjajah Persia atau terhadap populasi menetap di sekitarnya
il deserto, gli arabi compresero infine di essere diventati assai più forti di un tempo. Grazie a
the|desert|the|Arabs|they understood|finally|to|to be|become|quite|more|strong|than|a|time|Thanks|to
the desert, the Arabs finally understood that they had become much stronger than before. Thanks to
di gurun, orang Arab akhirnya menyadari bahwa mereka telah menjadi jauh lebih kuat daripada sebelumnya. Berkat
Yersinia pestis, il VI secolo aveva falcidiato la popolazione sedentaria della mezzaluna fertile.
||the|6th|century|had|decimated|the|population|sedentary|of the|half-moon|fertile
Yersinia|pestis|yang|VI|abad|telah|memusnahkan|populasi|penduduk|menetap|dari|bulan sabit|subur
Yersinia pestis, the 6th century had decimated the sedentary population of the fertile crescent.
Yersinia pestis, abad ke-6 telah memangkas populasi menetap di bulan sabit yang subur.
Le città erano sempre più dei gusci vuoti, con una popolazione declinante che veniva decimata
the|cities|they were|always|more|of the|shells|empty|with|a|population|declining|which|it was|decimated
The cities were increasingly just empty shells, with a declining population that was being decimated.
Kota-kota semakin menjadi cangkang kosong, dengan populasi yang menurun yang terus dibinasakan
regolarmente ad ogni generazione da una nuova ondata di Yersinia. Ricordiamo che il batterio
regularly|at|each|generation|by|a|new||of|Yersinia|we remember|that|the|bacterium
secara teratur|pada|setiap|generasi|dari|satu|baru|gelombang|dari|Yersinia|Kami ingat|bahwa|si|bakteri
regularly with each generation from a new wave of Yersinia. Let us remember that the bacterium
secara teratur pada setiap generasi oleh gelombang baru Yersinia. Kita ingat bahwa bakteri
Yersinia pestis non poteva diffondersi in regioni aride. La guerra aveva fatto il resto. L'ultima
||not|could|to spread|in|regions|arid|The|war|had|done|the|rest|The last
Yersinia pestis could not spread in arid regions. The war had done the rest. The last
Yersinia pestis tidak dapat menyebar di daerah kering. Perang telah melakukan sisanya. Perang terakhir
grande guerra dell'antichità aveva ridotto la capacità militare dei due imperi, degradandone
great|war|of antiquity|it had|reduced|the|capacity|military|of the|two|empires|degrading it
great war of antiquity had reduced the military capacity of the two empires, degrading
besar di zaman kuno telah mengurangi kemampuan militer kedua kekaisaran, merusak
gli eserciti, riducendone la dimensione e falcidiando l'economia che finanziava le grandi
the|armies|reducing them|the|size|and|devastating|the economy|which|financed|the|large
the|armies|reducing them|the|size|and|devastating|the economy|that|financed|the|large
their armies, reducing their size and decimating the economy that financed the great
tentara mereka, mengurangi ukuran dan memotong ekonomi yang membiayai yang besar
strutture statali imperiali. Muhammad iniziò la sua esperienza mistica in questo ambiente,
structures|state|imperial|Muhammad|he began|the|his|experience|mystical|in|this|environment
imperial state structures. Muhammad began his mystical experience in this environment,
struktur negara imperialis. Muhammad memulai pengalaman mistiknya dalam lingkungan ini,
in un mondo dove i rapporti di forza tra il centro e la periferia erano stati riequilibrati
in|a|world|where|the|relations|of|force|between|the|center|and||periphery|they were|been|rebalance
di|sebuah|dunia|di mana|i|hubungan|antara|kekuatan|antara|il|pusat|dan|la|periferia|telah||diseimbangkan
in a world where the power relations between the center and the periphery had been rebalanced
di dunia di mana hubungan kekuatan antara pusat dan pinggiran telah diseimbangkan kembali
da peste e guerra, in un'Arabia in gran parte occupata le sue frontiere dai persiani e che
by plague and war, in an Arabia largely occupied at its borders by the Persians and that
oleh wabah dan perang, di sebuah Arab yang sebagian besar perbatasannya diduduki oleh Persia dan yang
cercava un modo di liberarsi dell'occupante zoroastriano, in una penisola percorsa da un
he was looking for|a|way|to|to free oneself|of the occupant|Zoroastrian|in|a|peninsula|traversed|by|a
mencari|sebuah|cara|untuk|membebaskan diri|dari penjajah|Zoroastrian|di|sebuah|semenanjung|dilalui|oleh|sebuah
was seeking a way to free itself from the Zoroastrian occupier, in a peninsula traversed by a
mencari cara untuk membebaskan diri dari penjajah Zoroastrian, di sebuah semenanjung yang dilalui oleh sebuah
afflato monoteistico che stava prendendo il posto dell'antico politeismo, in una cultura
breath|monotheistic|which|it was|taking|the|place|of the ancient|polytheism|in|a|culture
ilham|monoteis|yang|sedang|mengambil|tempat|tempat|dari kuno|politeisme|dalam|sebuah|budaya
monotheistic inspiration that was taking the place of the ancient polytheism, in a culture
nafasan monoteistik yang mulai menggantikan politeisme kuno, dalam sebuah budaya
unificata dalla cultura e dall'alfabeto degli arabi. Spero che questo episodio sia riuscito
unified|by the|culture|and|by the alphabet|of the|Arabs|I hope|that|this|episode|it is|successful
disatukan|oleh|budaya|dan|oleh alfabet|dari|Arab|Saya berharap|bahwa|ini|episode|adalah|berhasil
unified by the culture and the alphabet of the Arabs. I hope this episode has succeeded
yang dipersatukan oleh budaya dan alfabet orang Arab. Saya berharap episode ini berhasil
nello scopo di immergervi nella cultura degli arabi all'alba dell'islam, spero di aver dimostrato
in the|purpose|to|immerse you|in the|culture|of the|Arabs|at the dawn|of Islam|I hope|to|to have|demonstrated
di|tujuan|untuk|membenamkan kalian|dalam|budaya|orang-orang|Arab|pada awal|Islam|saya berharap|untuk|telah|menunjukkan
in the purpose of immersing you in the culture of the Arabs at the dawn of Islam, I hope to have demonstrated
dalam tujuan untuk membenamkan Anda dalam budaya orang Arab di awal Islam, saya berharap dapat menunjukkan
quanto sia distante il mondo dei veri arabi da quello del nostro immaginario. Qui vorrei citare
how much|it is|far|the|world|of the|true|Arabs|from|that|of the|our|imaginary|here|I would like|to quote
betapa|adalah||dunia|dunia|dari|nyata|Arab|dari|dunia|dari|kita|imajinasi|di sini|saya ingin|mengutip
how distant the world of true Arabs is from that of our imagination. Here I would like to quote
betapa jauhnya dunia orang Arab yang sebenarnya dari imajinasi kita. Di sini saya ingin mengutip
le parole di Robert Hoyland che nel suo libro In God's Path, che consiglio assolutamente, ci dice
the|words|of|Robert|Hoyland|that|in the|his|book|In|God's|Path|that|I recommend|absolutely|to us|he says
the|words|of|Robert|Hoyland|that|in|his|book|In|God's|Path|that|I recommend|absolutely|to us|says
||||||||||di Dio|Sentiero||consiglio|||
the words of Robert Hoyland who in his book In God's Path, which I absolutely recommend, tells us
kata-kata Robert Hoyland yang dalam bukunya In God's Path, yang saya sangat rekomendasikan, mengatakan
L'idea dell'Arabia come un mondo desertico, popolato solo da eroici, marziali, beduini, è
the idea|of Arabia|as|a|world|desertic|populated|only|by|heroic|martial|Bedouins|it is
ideanya|tentang Arab|sebagai|sebuah|dunia|gurun|dihuni|hanya|oleh|heroik|militer|Badui|adalah
The idea of Arabia as a desert world, populated only by heroic, martial Bedouins, is
Ide tentang Arab sebagai dunia gurun, yang hanya dihuni oleh para beduin yang heroik dan militer, adalah
affascinante sia per la cultura occidentale che per molte società medio orientali, che hanno spesso
charming|both|for|the|culture|Western|and||many|societies|Middle|Eastern|which|they have|often
fascinating both for Western culture and for many Middle Eastern societies, which have often
menarik baik bagi budaya Barat maupun banyak masyarakat Timur Tengah, yang seringkali
guardato al deserto arabico come la sorgente, la madrepatria da cui tutti discendono. Eppure il
looked at|at the|desert|Arabian|like|the|source||motherland|from|which|everyone|descend||
melihat|ke|gurun|Arab|sebagai|si|sumber||tanah air|dari|yang|semua|berasal|Namun|itu
looked to the Arabian desert as the source, the homeland from which all descend. Yet the
melihat gurun Arab sebagai sumber, tanah air dari mana semua berasal. Namun,
mondo degli arabi all'inizio del VII secolo era molto diverso dalla cartolina che abbiamo in testa,
world|of the|Arabs|at the beginning|of the|7th|century|it was|very|different|from the|postcard|that|we have|in|head
dunia|orang-orang|Arab|pada awal|dari|VII|abad|adalah|sangat|berbeda|dari|kartu pos|yang|kita miliki|dalam|pikiran
the Arab world at the beginning of the 7th century was very different from the postcard we have in mind,
dunia Arab pada awal abad ke-7 sangat berbeda dari kartu pos yang kita bayangkan,
c'erano città e ampi tratti coltivati, le religioni dell'impero romano vi erano penetrate
there were|cities|and|wide|stretches|cultivated|the|religions|of the empire|Roman|there|they were|penetrated
ada|kota|dan|luas|area|pertanian|agama-agama|agama|dari kekaisaran|romawi|di sana|telah|memasuki
there were cities and large cultivated areas, the religions of the Roman Empire had penetrated
ada kota-kota dan lahan luas yang dibudidayakan, agama-agama dari kekaisaran Romawi telah meresap
in profondità come i tentacoli politici dei due grandi imperi della tarda antichità. Prima di
in|depth|like|the|tentacles|political|of the|two|great|empires|of the|late|antiquity|Before|of
deeply like the political tentacles of the two great empires of late antiquity. Before
dalam-dalam seperti tentakel politik dari dua kekaisaran besar pada akhir zaman kuno. Sebelum
salutarci però vorrei citarvi una poesia dell'arabia pre-islamica che per la sua bellezza è considerata
to greet each other|but|I would like|to quote you|a|poem|of Arabia|||which|for|the|its|beauty|it is|considered
saling menyapa|tetapi|saya ingin|mengutip kepada kalian|sebuah|puisi|dari Arab|||yang|untuk|keindahan|nya|keindahan|adalah|dianggap
we say goodbye, however, I would like to quote a poem from pre-Islamic Arabia that is considered beautiful.
kita berpisah, saya ingin mengutip sebuah puisi dari Arab pra-Islam yang karena keindahannya dianggap
una delle più importanti della letteratura araba, che sia sopravvissuta ai primi austeri e puritani
one|of the|most|important|of the|literature|Arabic|that|it is|survived|to the|first|austere|and|Puritans
salah satu|dari|paling|penting|dari|sastra|Arab|yang|mungkin|bertahan|kepada|awal|keras|dan|puritan
one of the most important in Arabic literature, which has survived the early austere and puritanical
salah satu yang paling penting dalam sastra Arab, yang telah bertahan dari awal yang ketat dan puritan
secoli dell'islam è una dimostrazione di quanto fosse apprezzata anche in tempi radicalmente
centuries|of Islam|it is|a|demonstration|of|how much|it was|appreciated|also|in|times|radically
abad|Islam|adalah|sebuah|bukti|tentang|seberapa|itu|dihargai|juga|dalam|waktu|secara radikal
centuries of Islam is a demonstration of how much it was appreciated even in radically
abad Islam adalah bukti betapa dihargainya juga di masa yang sangat berbeda,
diversi, un po' come i romani cristianizzati a lungo non poterono fare a meno di Virgilio,
different|a|bit|like|the|Romans|Christianized|for|long|not|they could|to do|without|less|of|Virgil
berbeda|satu|sedikit|seperti|para|orang Romawi|yang sudah menjadi Kristen|pada|lama|tidak|bisa|melakukan|kepada|kurang|dari|Virgil
different times, somewhat like the Christianized Romans who for a long time could not do without Virgil,
sedikit seperti orang Romawi yang telah menjadi Kristen yang lama tidak bisa lepas dari Virgil,
Orazio e Catullo. L'autore non è un arabo qualsiasi ma un vero principe. Imro al-Qais
Horace|and|Catullus|the author|not|he is|a|Arab|any|but||true|prince|Imru||
Horace, and Catullus. The author is not just any Arab but a true prince. Imro al-Qais
Horatius dan Catullus. Penulisnya bukanlah orang Arab sembarangan tetapi seorang pangeran sejati. Imro al-Qais
era l'ultimo figlio di un re degli arabi detronizzato dai lachmidi di Almundir. Costretto
he was|the last|son|of|a|king|of the|Arabs|deposed|by the|Lachmids|of|Almundir|Forced
adalah|yang terakhir|anak|dari|seorang|raja|dari|Arab|yang digulingkan|oleh|Lachmidi|dari|Almundir|Terpaksa
he was the last son of a deposed Arab king by the Lachmids of Almundir. Forced
dia adalah anak terakhir dari seorang raja Arab yang digulingkan oleh Lachmidi dari Almundir. Terpaksa
a causa di questo disastro ad una vita raminga tra la Mesopotamia e la Palestina finì alla corte
at|cause|of|this|disaster|to|a|life|wandering|between|the|Mesopotamia|and||Palestine|ended|at the|court
due to this disaster to a wandering life between Mesopotamia and Palestine, he ended up at the court
karena bencana ini menjalani kehidupan yang mengembara antara Mesopotamia dan Palestina, ia berakhir di istana
dei Gassanidi e poi di qui si recò anche a Costantinopoli dove a quanto pare conobbe di
of the|Gassanids|and|then|of|here|he|he went|also|to|Constantinople|where|at|as much|it seems|he met|of
dari|Gassanid|dan|kemudian|dari|sini|dia|pergi|juga|ke|Konstantinopel|di mana|pada|seberapa|tampaknya|mengenal|di
of the Ghassanids and then from there he also went to Constantinople where apparently he met in
Gassanidi dan kemudian dari sini ia juga pergi ke Konstantinopel di mana tampaknya ia bertemu secara langsung dengan
persona Giustiniano. Morì nel 540 sulla via del ritorno in Arabia e secondo la tradizione è sepolto
person|Justinian|he died|in the|on the|way|of the|return|in|Arabia|and|according to|the|tradition|he is|buried
person Justinian. He died in 540 on the way back to Arabia and according to tradition, he is buried
Giustiniano. Ia meninggal pada tahun 540 dalam perjalanan kembali ke Arab dan menurut tradisi ia dimakamkan
ad Ancara dove la sua tomba in teoria esiste ancora oggi. La sua poesia più celebre Fermiamoci
at|Ankara|where|the|his|grave|in|theory|exists|still|today|The|||most||Let's stop
di|Ankara|di mana|itu|dia|makam|di|teori|ada|masih|hari ini|Puisi|dia|puisi|paling||Mari kita berhenti
in Ankara where his tomb theoretically still exists today. His most famous poem "Let's Stop
di Ankara di mana makamnya secara teori masih ada hingga hari ini. Puisi terkenalnya "Mari Kita Berhenti
e piangiamo è considerata una delle sette più belle del canone arabo. Imro al-Qais come altri
and|we cry|it is|considered|a|of the|seven|more|beautiful|of the|canon|Arab|Imro|||like|others
dan|kami menangis|adalah|dianggap|salah satu|dari|tujuh|paling|cantik|dari|kanon|Arab|Imro|||seperti|yang lain
and Cry" is considered one of the seven most beautiful in the Arabic canon. Imro al-Qais, like other
dan Menangis" dianggap sebagai salah satu dari tujuh puisi terindah dalam kanon Arab. Imro al-Qais seperti yang lain
poeti narra la vita coraggiosa del Beduino di belle donne e grandi avventure nei suoi versi.
poets|he narrates|the|life|courageous|of the|Bedouin|of|beautiful|women|and|great|adventures|in the|his|verses
penyair||kehidupan||yang berani|dari|Badui|tentang|cantik|wanita|dan|besar|petualangan|dalam|nya|bait
poets, narrates the brave life of the Bedouin, of beautiful women and great adventures in his verses.
para penyair menceritakan kehidupan berani seorang Badui, wanita-wanita cantik, dan petualangan besar dalam bait-baitnya.
Ritrovo questo mondo di confine tra la cosiddetta civiltà dei grandi imperi e il mondo selvaggio
I find again|this|world|of|border|between|the|so-called|civilization|of the|great|empires|and|the||wild
Saya menemukan kembali|ini|dunia|dari|batas|antara|yang|disebut|peradaban|dari|besar|kekaisaran|dan|yang|dunia|liar
I find this border world between the so-called civilization of great empires and the wild world.
Saya menemukan kembali dunia perbatasan ini antara yang disebut peradaban kekaisaran besar dan dunia liar.
del deserto. Quando penserete dunque agli arabi nei prossimi episodi non pensate alla solita
of the|desert|When|you will think|therefore|to the|Arabs|in the|next|episodes|not|think|to the|usual
dari|gurun|Ketika|kalian akan berpikir|jadi|kepada|orang Arab|di|berikutnya|episode|tidak|berpikir|kepada|biasa
of the desert. So when you think of the Arabs in the upcoming episodes, do not think of the usual
dari gurun. Ketika kalian memikirkan orang Arab di episode-episode mendatang, jangan berpikir tentang
immagine di nomadi sanguinari e barbari fuori usciti dal deserto. Certo c'è anche quello ma
image|of|nomads|bloodthirsty|and|barbarians|out|emerged|from the|desert|Sure|there is|also|that|but
gambar|dari|pengembara|berdarah dingin|dan|barbar|keluar|keluar|dari|gurun|Tentu|ada|juga|itu|tetapi
image of bloodthirsty nomads and barbarians coming out of the desert. Of course, there is that too, but
gambar biasa para nomaden yang berdarah dan barbar yang keluar dari gurun. Tentu saja ada juga itu, tetapi
come abbiamo appreso a conoscere più da vicino i goti riconoscendone infine la loro umanità spero
as|we have|learned|to|to know|more|from|close|the|Goths|recognizing them|finally|the|their|humanity|I hope
bagaimana|kami||untuk|mengenal|lebih|dari|dekat|para|goti|mengenali|akhirnya|mereka|kemanusiaan|kemanusiaan|saya berharap
as we have come to know the Goths more closely, ultimately recognizing their humanity, I hope
seperti yang telah kita pelajari untuk mengenal lebih dekat orang Goth, akhirnya mengenali kemanusiaan mereka, saya berharap
che questa poesia possa fare lo stesso per gli arabi. Ho dovuto tagliare qualcosa ma spero che
that|this|poetry|can|to do|the|same|for|the|Arabs|I have|had to|to cut|something|but|I hope|that
semoga|ini|puisi|bisa|melakukan|itu|sama|untuk|para|orang Arab|Saya|harus|memotong|sesuatu|tetapi|berharap|bahwa
that this poem can do the same for the Arabs. I had to cut something, but I hope that
puisi ini dapat melakukan hal yang sama untuk orang Arab. Saya harus memotong beberapa bagian, tetapi saya berharap bahwa
il risultato non ne risenta troppo. Fermatevi e qui piangiamo al ricordo di un accampamento e
the|result|not|it|to suffer|too much|stop|and|here|we cry|at the|memory|of|a|camp|and
itu|hasil|tidak|terlalu|terpengaruh|terlalu|Berhentilah|dan|di sini|kita menangis|pada|kenangan|dari|sebuah|perkemahan|
the result does not suffer too much. Let us stop and here we cry at the memory of a camp and
hasilnya tidak terlalu terpengaruh. Mari kita berhenti dan di sini kita menangis mengenang sebuah perkemahan dan
della mia bella da tanto tempo perduta. Scirocco e Tramontana hanno spazzato a lungo queste dune,
of the|my|beautiful|for|much|time|lost|Sirocco|and|Tramontana|they have|swept|at|long|these|dunes
dari|saya|cantik|dari|begitu|waktu|hilang|Scirocco|dan|Tramontana|telah|menyapu|ke|sepanjang|ini|bukit pasir
of my beautiful one long lost. Scirocco and Tramontana have long swept these dunes,
kekasihku yang telah lama hilang. Angin Scirocco dan Tramontana telah lama menyapu bukit pasir ini,
quegli stessi venti che le avevano un tempo intessute. Ogni traccia è scomparsa, vi sono
those|same|winds|that|they|they had|one|time|woven|Every|trace|it is|disappeared|there|they are
itu|sama|angin|yang|kepadanya|telah|satu|waktu|ditenun|Setiap|jejak|adalah|menghilang|di sana|ada
the very same winds that once wove them. Every trace has disappeared, there are
angin yang sama yang pernah menenuninya. Setiap jejak telah menghilang, hanya ada
solo escrementi di gazzella simili a grani di pepe. I miei compagni arrestano i loro corsieri
only|excrements|of|gazelle|similar|to|grains|of|pepper|the|my|companions|they stop|the|their|riders
only gazelle droppings resembling grains of pepper. My companions halt their steeds.
kotoran gazelle yang mirip dengan butiran lada. Teman-temanku menghentikan kuda mereka
accanto al mio e mi gridano non abbatterti Imruikeis, non cedere allo sconforto. Ma come
next to|to the|my|and|to me|they shout|not|to bring you down|Imruikeis|not|to give in|to the|discouragement|But|how
di sebelah|pada|saya|dan|saya|berteriak|tidak|menjatuhkanmu|Imruikeis|tidak|menyerah|pada|putus asa|Tapi|bagaimana
next to mine and they shout at me don't be discouraged Imruikeis, don't give in to despair. But how
di sampingku dan mereka berteriak jangan menyerah Imruikeis, jangan menyerah pada keputusasaan. Tapi bagaimana
posso non abbattermi? Come posso non cedere allo sconforto? Il mio pensiero corre già a quel mattino
can I|not|to get down|How|can I|not|to give in|sadness|despair|The|my|thought|runs|already|to|that|morning
bisa|tidak|menyerah|Bagaimana|bisa|tidak|menyerah|pada|putus asa|Pikiran|saya|pikiran|berlari|sudah|ke|pagi|hari
can I not be discouraged? How can I not give in to despair? My thoughts already race to that morning
aku bisa tidak menyerah? Bagaimana aku bisa tidak menyerah pada keputusasaan? Pikiranku sudah melayang ke pagi itu
in cui gli uomini caricavano i cammelli preparandosi al lungo viaggio e io vidi una
in|which|the|men|they loaded|the|camels|preparing|for the|long|journey|and|I|I saw|a
when the men loaded the camels preparing for the long journey and I saw a
ketika para pria memuat unta-unta bersiap untuk perjalanan panjang dan aku melihat sebuah
izzà per l'ultima volta. Queste mie lacrime possono forse lenire il dolore ma a che serve
I raised|for|the last|time|These|my|tears|can|perhaps|to soothe|the|pain|but|at|what|serves
angkat|untuk|terakhir|kali|Ini|air mata|air mata|bisa|mungkin|mengurangi|rasa sakit|rasa sakit|tetapi|untuk|apa|berguna
izzà for the last time. Can these tears of mine perhaps soothe the pain but what is the use
perpisahan untuk terakhir kalinya. Air mataku ini mungkin bisa meredakan rasa sakit tetapi untuk apa
ora spanderle su una traccia svanita? Così piangevo, oltre che per lei, per le altre belle
now|to spread them|on|a|trace|vanished|So|I was crying|besides|that|for|she|for|the|other|beautiful
sekarang|menyebarkannya|pada|sebuah|jejak|menghilang|Jadi|aku menangis|lebih|dari|untuk|dia|untuk|mereka|lainnya|cantik
now to spread them on a faded track? So I cried, not only for her, but for the other beautiful ones
sekarang menyebarkannya di atas jejak yang memudar? Begitu aku menangis, selain untuknya, untuk yang lainnya yang cantik
che se ne erano andate via, lasciando dietro di loro un profumo di muschio e di garofano. Lacrime
that|if|of them|they were|gone|away|leaving|behind|of|them|a|fragrance|of|moss|and|of|carnation|Tears
yang|jika|pada mereka|telah|pergi|jauh|meninggalkan|di belakang|dari|mereka|sebuah|aroma|dari|musk|dan|dari|anyelir|Air mata
who had gone away, leaving behind a scent of moss and carnation. Tears
yang telah pergi, meninggalkan di belakang mereka aroma lumut dan cengkeh. Air mata
di passione mi inondavano il volto e la barba, quanti momenti felici. Ripenso a quel giorno,
of|passion|me|they flooded|the|face|and|the|beard|how many|moments|happy|I think back|to|that|day
dari|gairah|saya|membanjiri|wajah|wajah|dan|janggut|janggut|betapa banyak|momen|bahagia|Saya teringat|kepada|hari|hari
of passion flooded my face and beard, how many happy moments. I think back to that day,
hasrat membanjiri wajah dan janggutku, betapa banyak momen bahagia. Aku teringat hari itu,
ad Aragulgul, quando costrinsi le ragazze a uscire nude dall'acqua per riprendersi le loro vesti.
at|Aragulgul|when|I forced|the|girls|to|to go out|naked|from the water|to|to recover|the|their|clothes
di|Aragulgul|ketika|memaksa|mereka|gadis-gadis|untuk|keluar|telanjang|dari air|untuk|mengambil kembali|mereka|pakaian|pakaian
in Aragulgul, when I forced the girls to come out naked from the water to reclaim their garments.
di Aragulgul, ketika aku memaksa para gadis untuk keluar telanjang dari air untuk mengambil kembali pakaian mereka.
Per ricompensarle dello scherzo uccisi la mia cammella e imbandi un grande banchetto. E che
for|to reward her|of the|joke|I killed|the|my|camel|And||||||what
Untuk|mengkompensasi dia|dari|lelucon|saya membunuh|si|saya|unta betina|dan|saya menyajikan|sebuah|besar|pesta|Dan|apa
To reward her for the joke, I killed my camel and set up a great feast. And what
Untuk mengganjar lelucon itu, aku membunuh unta ku dan mengadakan pesta besar. Dan apa
suavi ricordi, quando scendemmo il deserto dividendo la medesima sella, il palanchino
sweet|memories|when|we descended|the|desert|dividing|the|same|saddle|the|saddlebag
lembut|kenangan|ketika|kami turun|si|gurun|membagi|si|sama|pelana|si|palang
sweet memories, when we descended the desert sharing the same saddle, the palanquin
kenangan manis, ketika kami menuruni gurun berbagi pelana yang sama, palang
si inclinava di qua e di là sotto il nostro peso e una izzà mi scuoteva cercando di farmi cadere.
it|he was tilting|of|here|and|of|there|under|the|our|weight||a|she was shaking|me|he was shaking|trying|to|to make me|to fall
(dia)|miring|ke|sini|dan|ke|sana|di bawah|(artikel definit)|kami|berat|dan|(sebuah)|izza|(saya)|mengguncang|mencoba|untuk||jatuh
tilted this way and that under our weight and a jolt shook me trying to make me fall.
miring ke sana kemari di bawah berat kami dan seekor izza mengguncangku berusaha membuatku jatuh.
Stai ammazzando il cammello Imru Al-Kais, scendi subito o finiremo entrambi per andare a piedi.
you are|killing|the|camel|Imru|||go down|immediately|or|we will end|both|to|to go|on|foot
Kamu|membunuh|si|unta|Imru|||turunlah|segera|atau|kita akan berakhir||untuk|pergi|dengan|kaki
You are killing the camel Imru Al-Kais, get down immediately or we will both end up walking.
Kau sedang membunuh unta Imru Al-Kais, turunlah segera atau kita berdua akan berakhir berjalan kaki.
Ed io a lei, allenta le briglie se vuoi ma non allontanarmi da quel frutto che ho colto più
and|I|to|she|loosen|the|bridles|if|you want|but|not|to distance myself|from|that|fruit|that|I have|harvested|more
Dan|saya|kepadanya|dia|longgarkan|tali|kekangan|jika|kamu mau|tapi|tidak|menjauhkan saya|dari|buah itu|buah|yang|saya telah|memetik|lebih
And I to her, loosen the reins if you want but do not take me away from that fruit I have picked more
Dan aku kepadanya, lepaskan kendali jika mau tapi jangan jauhkan aku dari buah itu yang telah kutuai lebih
volte. E ancora ricordo quando in cima a una duna lei mi lanciò un giuramento irrevocabile e io le
times|And|still|I remember|when|on|top|to|a|dune|she|to me|she threw|a|oath|irrevocable|and|I|to her
times|And|still|I remember|when|on|top|to|a|dune|she|me|threw|a|oath|irrevocable|and|I|her
times. And I still remember when at the top of a dune she threw me an irrevocable oath and I replied to her
dari sekali. Dan aku masih ingat ketika di puncak sebuah bukit dia melontarkan sumpah yang tak terubah dan aku
risposi beffardo. Se hai deciso di lasciarmi sia almeno gentile Unaiza e se qualcosa della mia
I replied|mocking|If|you have|decided|to|to leave me|let it be|at least|kind|Unaiza|and|if|something|of the|my
menjawab|mengejek|Jika|kamu|memutuskan|untuk|meninggalkan saya|setidaknya|setidaknya|baik|Unaiza|dan|jika|sesuatu|dari|saya
mockingly. If you have decided to leave me, at least be kind Unaiza and if something about my
menjawabnya dengan ejekan. Jika kau memutuskan untuk meninggalkanku, setidaknya bersikaplah baik Unaiza dan jika ada sesuatu dari diriku
persona ti ha infastidito allora strappa il mio cuore dal tuo petto e gettalo via. Ti sbagli se
person|you|has|annoyed|then|tear|the|my|heart|from the|your|chest|and|throw it|away|you|you are wrong|if
person has bothered you then tear my heart from your chest and throw it away. You are mistaken if
yang mengganggumu, maka cabutlah hatiku dari dadamu dan buanglah.
credi che l'amore che ho per te possa uccidermi, ti sbagli se credi che quelle lacrime siano frecce
do you believe|that|the love|that|I have|for|you|can|kill me|you|you are wrong|if|you believe|that|those|tears|are|arrows
kamu percaya|bahwa|cinta|yang|saya punya|untuk|kamu|bisa|membunuhku|kamu|salah|jika|percaya|bahwa|itu|air mata|adalah|panah
do you think that the love I have for you could kill me, you are wrong if you think that those tears are arrows
apakah kamu percaya bahwa cinta yang aku miliki untukmu bisa membunuhku, kamu salah jika kamu percaya bahwa air mata itu adalah panah
che possano fare a brandelli il mio cuore. I suoi parenti mi avrebbero volentieri ucciso se
that|they can|to do|to|shreds|the|my|heart|the|his|relatives|me|they would have|gladly|killed|if
yang|bisa|melakukan|pada|serpihan|si|saya|hati|Mereka|dia|kerabat|saya|akan|dengan senang hati|membunuh|jika
that could tear my heart to shreds. Her relatives would have gladly killed me if
yang bisa merobek hatiku. Kerabatnya akan dengan senang hati membunuhku jika
fossero riusciti a mettermi le mani addosso. Avevano disposto uomini di guardia attorno alla
they were|able|to|to put me|the|hands|on me|they had|arranged|men|of|guard|around|to the
mereka|berhasil|untuk|meletakkan|tangan|tangan|di atas|Mereka memiliki|menempatkan|pria|dari|penjaga|di sekitar|kepada
they had managed to get their hands on me. They had stationed guards around the
mereka berhasil menangkapku. Mereka telah menempatkan orang-orang berjaga di sekitar
tenda della ragazza per proteggere il suo onore ma quando le pleia di apparvero in cielo come
tent|of the|girl|to|to protect|the|her|honor|but|when|the|Pleiades|of|appeared|in|sky|as
girl's tent to protect her honor but when the Pleiades appeared in the sky like
tenda gadis itu untuk melindungi kehormatannya tetapi ketika pleia muncul di langit seperti
collane di perle abilmente superai le sentinelle e penetrai nella sua tenda dove la trovai già
necklaces|of|pearls|skillfully|I overcame|the|sentinels|and|I penetrated|in the|her|tent|where|I|I found|already
kalung|dari|mutiara|dengan cekatan|aku melewati|para|penjaga|dan|aku memasuki|di dalam|dia|tenda|di mana|dia|aku menemukan|sudah
pearl necklaces I skillfully surpassed the sentinels and entered her tent where I found her already
kalung mutiara dengan mahir aku melewati para penjaga dan memasuki tendanya di mana aku sudah menemukannya
svestita per la notte. Mi disse ridendo in nome di dio Umro Alcais non è possibile trarti in
undressed|for|the|night|I|he said|laughing|in|name|of|God|Umro|Alcais|not|it is|possible|to draw you|in
telanjang|untuk|si|malam|Saya|berkata|sambil tertawa|dalam|nama|dari|Tuhan|Umro|Alcais|tidak|adalah|mungkin|menarikmu|dalam
undressed for the night. She laughed and said in the name of God Umro Alcais it is impossible to deceive you
telanjang untuk malam. Dia berkata sambil tertawa demi Tuhan Umro Alcais tidak mungkin untuk menipumu
inganno hai una natura incorreggibile. Uscimmo insieme dalla tenda io la precedevo lei mi
deception|you have|a|nature|incorrigible|we went out|together|from the|tent|I|she|I preceded|she|me
tipu|kamu|sebuah|sifat|tidak dapat diperbaiki|Kami keluar|bersama|dari|tenda|saya|dia|mendahului|dia|saya
you have an incorrigible nature. We exited the tent together I was ahead of her she followed me
kamu memiliki sifat yang tidak bisa diperbaiki. Kami keluar bersama dari tenda aku mendahuluinya dia
seguiva trascinando una veste sulla sabbia per cancellare le nostre impronte. Scivolammo oltre
he was following|dragging|a|garment|on the|sand|to|to erase|the|our|footprints|we slid|beyond
mengikuti|menyeret|sebuah|jubah|di atas|pasir|untuk|menghapus||jejak|jejak|Kami meluncur|melewati
dragging a robe on the sand to erase our footprints. We slipped beyond
mengikutiku menyeret gaun di atas pasir untuk menghapus jejak kami. Kami meluncur melewati
il recinto in un luogo segreto tra le dune e quando lei si chinò su di me io l'afferrai
the|fence|in|a|place|secret|between|dunes|dunes|and|when|she|on herself|she bent|on|of|me|I|I grabbed her
itu|pagaralan|di|sebuah|tempat|rahasia|di antara|dia|bukit pasir|dan|ketika|dia|dirinya|membungkuk|di atas|di|saya|saya|saya menangkapnya
the enclosure in a secret place among the dunes and when she leaned over me I grabbed her
kandang di tempat rahasia di antara bukit pasir dan ketika dia membungkuk di atas saya, saya meraihnya
slanciata e pallida dalla vita sottile le gambe levigate bella di seno e di corpo. Levava al mento
tall|and|light|from the|waist|thin|the|legs|smooth|beautiful|of|breast|||body|She raised|to the|chin
ramping|dan|pucat|dari|pinggang|ramping|(kata ganti objek untuk jamak)|kaki|halus|cantik|dari|payudara|dan|dari|tubuh|Mengangkat|ke|dagu
slender and pale with a narrow waist her smooth legs beautiful in breast and body. She raised her chin
tinggi dan pucat dengan pinggang ramping, kaki halus, cantik di dada dan tubuh. Dia mengangkat dagunya
con orgoglio il collo sottile come quello di una gazzella i riccioli le piovevano neri sulle spalle
with|pride|the|neck|thin|like|that|of|a|gazelle|the|curls|they|they fell|black|on the|shoulders
dengan|bangga|yang|leher|ramping|seperti|itu|dari|seekor|gazelle|rambut|keriting|kepadanya|jatuh|hitam|di atas|bahu
with pride the slender neck like that of a gazelle her curls fell black on her shoulders
dengan bangga, lehernya ramping seperti leher gazelle, keritingnya jatuh hitam di bahunya
folti come un grappolo di datteri. Fattasi donna nelle sue vesti di fanciulla lei ben sapeva come
thick|like|a|cluster|of|dates|Having become|woman|in the|her|clothes|of|girl|she|well|she knew|how
lebat|seperti|sekelompok|tandan|dari|kurma|Menjadi|wanita|dalam|pakaiannya|pakaian|dari|gadis|dia|dengan baik|tahu|bagaimana
thick like a cluster of dates. Having become a woman in her girl’s clothing she knew well how to
lebat seperti sekumpulan kurma. Menjadi wanita dalam pakaiannya sebagai gadis, dia tahu dengan baik bagaimana
incantare anche i più saggi tra gli uomini. Oh Unaizza le follie svaniscono con la gioventù
to enchant|also|the|more|wise|among|the|men|Oh|Unaizza|the|madness|they vanish|with|the|youth
mempesona|juga|para|lebih|bijak|di antara|para|pria|Oh|Unaizza|kebodohan|kebodohan|menghilang|dengan|masa|muda
to enchant even the wisest among men. Oh Unaizza, the follies fade with youth.
menyihir bahkan yang paling bijak di antara manusia. Oh Unaizza, kegilaan menghilang bersama dengan masa muda.
ma non muta il mio amore per te. Ricordi sembrava che le stelle fossero state inchiodate alle
but|not|changes|the|my|love|for|you|Do you remember|it seemed|that|the|stars|they were|been|nailed|to the
tetapi|tidak|mengubah|(artikel definit)|cintaku|kasih|untuk|kamu|Ingatan|tampak|bahwa|(artikel definit)|bintang|(kata kerja bantu)|(kata kerja bantu)|dipaku|(preposisi)
But my love for you does not change. Remember, it seemed that the stars were nailed to the
tetapi tidak mengubah cintaku padamu. Ingatan seolah-olah bintang-bintang telah dipaku pada
montagne e le pleiadi legate a solide rocce come onde del mare la notte distendeva i suoi mille
mountains|and|the|Pleiades|bound|to|solid|rocks|like|waves|of the|sea|the|night|spread|its||thousand
mountains and the Pleiades tied to solid rocks as the waves of the sea spread their thousand
gunung-gunung dan pleiades terikat pada batu-batu kokoh seperti gelombang laut malam menyebarkan seribu
veli su di noi. Che lunga lunghissima notte pareva non volesse dissolversi mai nell'aurora e gli
veils|on|of|us|What|long|very long|night|it seemed|not|it wanted|to dissolve|never|in the dawn|and|to them
tirai|tentang|dari|kami|Betapa|panjang|sangat panjang|malam|tampak|tidak|ingin|lenyap|pernah|di pagi hari|dan|dia
veils over us. What a long, very long night it seemed, as if it would never dissolve into dawn, and the
kainnya di atas kita. Betapa panjangnya malam yang sangat panjang seolah tidak ingin larut dalam fajar dan
uccelli non erano ancora usciti dai niti quando di primo mattino mi allontanai a cavallo attraverso
birds|not|they were|still|out|from the|nests|when|of|first|morning|I|I went away|on|horse|through
burung|tidak|sudah|belum|keluar|dari||ketika|di|pertama|pagi|saya|menjauhkan diri|dengan|kuda|melintasi
the birds had not yet left their nests when early in the morning I rode away through
burung-burung belum keluar dari sarangnya ketika pagi-pagi sekali saya pergi berkuda melintasi
il deserto. Grazie mille per l'ascolto e grazie a Valerio Riccardo Antonio e Caterina per essere le
the|desert|Thank you|thousand|for|the listening|and||to|Valerio|Riccardo|Antonio|and|Caterina|for|to be|the
the|desert|Thank you|very much|for|listening|and|thank you|to|Valerio|Riccardo|Antonio|and|Caterina|for|being|the
the desert. Thank you very much for listening and thanks to Valerio Riccardo Antonio and Caterina for being my
gurun. Terima kasih banyak atas pendengarannya dan terima kasih kepada Valerio Riccardo Antonio dan Caterina karena telah menjadi
mie magnifiche voci in questo episodio. Questo podcast appartiene a tutti i miei sostenitori ma
mie|yang luar biasa|suara|di|ini|episode|Podcast ini|podcast|milik|kepada|semua|para|saya|pendukung|tetapi
wonderful voices in this episode. This podcast belongs to all my supporters but
suara-suara luar biasa saya di episode ini. Podcast ini milik semua pendukung saya tetapi
in particolare a livello Giuseppe Verdi, Massimiliano Pastore e Mauro Sammarati e a livello
especially at the Giuseppe Verdi level, Massimiliano Pastore and Mauro Sammarati and at the level
secara khusus di tingkat Giuseppe Verdi, Massimiliano Pastore dan Mauro Sammarati dan di tingkat
Dante Alighieri, Musumeci, Manuel Marchio, Marco il Nero, Massimo Ciampiconi, Mike Lombardi, David
Dante Alighieri, Musumeci, Manuel Marchio, Marco the Black, Massimo Ciampiconi, Mike Lombardi, David
Dante Alighieri, Musumeci, Manuel Marchio, Marco il Nero, Massimo Ciampiconi, Mike Lombardi, David
Lapostata, Luca Baccaro, Guglielmo De Martino e Daniele Farina. Grazie anche ai Leonardo Da Vinci,
the post||||||and|||Thank you|also|to the|||
Lapostata|Luca|Baccaro|Guglielmo|De|Martino|daniele|Daniele|Farina|Terima kasih|juga|kepada|Leonardo|Da|Vinci
Lapostata, Luca Baccaro, Guglielmo De Martino and Daniele Farina. Thanks also to Leonardo Da Vinci,
Lapostata, Luca Baccaro, Guglielmo De Martino dan Daniele Farina. Terima kasih juga kepada Leonardo Da Vinci,
Paolo, Pablo, Ido e Jacopo, Riccardo, Frazemo, Enrico, Alberto, Davide, Andrea Vovola ed Agostini,
Paolo, Pablo, Ido and Jacopo, Riccardo, Frazemo, Enrico, Alberto, Davide, Andrea Vovola and Agostini,
Paolo, Pablo, Ido dan Jacopo, Riccardo, Frazemo, Enrico, Alberto, Davide, Andrea Vovola dan Agostini,
Settimio, Giovanni, Cesare, Francesco, Favazza e Cateni, Jerome, Diego, Alancik, Flavio,
Settimio, Giovanni, Cesare, Francesco, Favazza and Cateni, Jerome, Diego, Alancik, Flavio,
Settimio, Giovanni, Cesare, Francesco, Favazza dan Cateni, Jerome, Diego, Alancik, Flavio,
Edoardo Vacherre de Natale, Stefano, Luca da Milano e Luca Lanotte, Arianna, Maria Teresa,
Edoardo Vacherre de Natale, Stefano, Luca from Milan and Luca Lanotte, Arianna, Maria Teresa,
Edoardo Vacherre de Natale, Stefano, Luca dari Milano dan Luca Lanotte, Arianna, Maria Teresa,
John, Fazdev, Norman, Claudio, Marco, Barba King, Alfredo, Manuel, Lorenzo, Corrado, Piernicola,
John, Fazdev, Norman, Claudio, Marco, Barba King, Alfredo, Manuel, Lorenzo, Corrado, Piernicola,
John, Fazdev, Norman, Claudio, Marco, Barba King, Alfredo, Manuel, Lorenzo, Corrado, Piernicola,
Totila, Vito, Tascio, Inspaten, Carlo, Matteo, Luigi Loretti e Boselli, Simone, Deborah, Pietro,
Totila, Vito, Tascio, Inspaten, Carlo, Matteo, Luigi Loretti and Boselli, Simone, Deborah, Pietro,
Totila, Vito, Tascio, Inspaten, Carlo, Matteo, Luigi Loretti dan Boselli, Simone, Deborah, Pietro,
Tascani Discovery e Giorgio. Alla prossima puntata!
the Tascani|Discovery|and|Giorgio|At the|next|episode
Tascani Discovery and Giorgio. Until the next episode!
Tascani Discovery dan Giorgio. Sampai jumpa di episode berikutnya!
Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
Subtitles and review by QTSS
Teks dan revisi oleh QTSS
Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
Subtitles and review by QTSS
Teks dan revisi oleh QTSS
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