Giugno - La distribuzione dei premi agli operai. 25, domenica
June|The|distribution|of the|prizes|to the|workers|Sunday
Junio - Reparto de premios a los trabajadores. 25, domingo
Junho - Distribuição de prémios aos trabalhadores. 25, domingo
June - The distribution of prizes to the workers. 25, Sunday
La distribuzione dei premi agli operai 25, domenica
the|distribution|of the|prizes|to the|workers|Sunday
The distribution of prizes to the workers 25, Sunday
Come avevano convenuto, andammo tutti insieme al Teatro Vittorio Emanuele, a veder la distribuzione dei premi agli operai.
as|they had|agreed|we went|all|together|to the|Theater|Vittorio|Emanuele|to|to see|the|distribution|of the|prizes|to the|workers
As we had agreed, we all went together to the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele to see the distribution of prizes to the workers.
Il teatro era addobbato come il 14 marzo, e affollato, ma quasi tutto di famiglie d'operai, e la platea occupata dagli allievi e dalle allieve della scuola di canto corale; i quali cantarono un inno ai soldati morti in Crimea, così bello, che quando fu finito tutti s'alzarono battendo le mani e gridando, e lo dovettero cantare da capo.
the|theater|it was|decorated|like|the|March|and|crowded|but|almost|all|of|families||and|the|auditorium|occupied|by the|male students|and|female students|students|of the|school|of|singing|choral|the|who|they sang|a|anthem|to the|soldiers|dead|in|Crimea|so|beautiful|that|when|it was|finished|everyone|they stood up|clapping|the|hands|and|shouting||it|they had to|to sing|from|head
The theater was decorated like on March 14, and crowded, but almost entirely with workers' families, and the stalls occupied by the students of the choral singing school; who sang a hymn to the soldiers who died in Crimea, so beautiful, that when it was finished everyone stood up clapping and shouting, and they had to sing it again.
E subito dopo cominciarono a sfilare i premiati davanti al sindaco, al prefetto e a molti altri, che davano libri libretti della cassa di risparmio, diplomi e medaglie.
and|immediately|after|they started|to|to parade|the|award winners|in front of|the|mayor||prefect|and|to|many|others|who|they gave|books|booklets|of the|cash|of|savings|diplomas||medals
And immediately after, the award winners began to parade in front of the mayor, the prefect, and many others, who were giving out books, pamphlets from the savings bank, diplomas, and medals.
In un canto della platea vidi il muratorino, seduto accanto a sua madre, e da un'altra parte c'era il Direttore, e dietro di lui la testa rossa del mio maestro di seconda.
In|a|song|of the|auditorium|I saw|the|young bricklayer|sitting|next to|to|his|mother|and|from|another|side|there was|the|Director||behind|of|him||head|red|of the|my|teacher|of|second
In one corner of the audience, I saw the little mason, sitting next to his mother, and on the other side was the Director, and behind him the red head of my second-grade teacher.
Sfilarono pei primi gli alunni delle scuole serali di disegno, orefici, scalpellini, litografi, e anche dei falegnami e dei muratori; poi quelli della scuola di commercio; poi quelli del Liceo musicale, fra cui parecchie ragazze, delle operaie, tutte vestite in gala, che furono salutate con un grande applauso, e ridevano.
they paraded|by the|first|the|students|of the|schools|evening|of|drawing|goldsmiths|stonemasons|printers|and|also|of the|carpenters|||masons|then|those|of the|school|of|commerce||||Lyceum|musical|among|whom|several|girls|of the|workers|all|dressed|in|finery|who|they were|saluted|with|a|big|applause||they laughed
First to parade were the students from the evening drawing schools, goldsmiths, stonecutters, lithographers, and also carpenters and masons; then those from the commercial school; then those from the music high school, among whom were several girls, factory workers, all dressed in gala, who were greeted with a big applause, and they were laughing.
Infine vennero gli alunni delle scuole serali elementari, e allora cominciò a esser bello a vedere.
finally|they came|the|students|of the|schools|evening|elementary|and|then|he started|to|to be|beautiful|to|to see
Finally, the students from the evening elementary schools came, and then it started to become beautiful to see.
Di tutte le età ne passavano, di tutti i mestieri, e vestiti in tutti i modi; uomini coi capelli grigi, ragazzi degli opifici, operai con grandi barbe nere.
of|all|the|ages|they|they passed|of|all|the|trades|and|clothed|in|all|the|ways|men|with|hair|gray|boys|of the|workshops|workers|with|big|beards|black
People of all ages passed by, from all trades, and dressed in all kinds of ways; men with gray hair, factory boys, workers with big black beards.
I piccoli eran disinvolti, gli uomini un po' imbarazzati; la gente batteva le mani ai più vecchi e ai più giovani.
the|small|they were|casual|the|men|a|little|embarrassed|the|people|clapped|the|hands|to the|more|old||||young
The little ones were carefree, the men a bit embarrassed; the crowd clapped for the older and younger ones.
Ma nessuno rideva tra gli spettatori, come facevano alla nostra festa: si vedevano tutti i visi attenti e seri.
but|nobody|he was laughing|among|the|audience|as|they were doing|at the|our|party|they|they saw|all|the|faces|attentive|and|serious
But no one laughed among the spectators, as they did at our festival: all the faces were attentive and serious.
Molti dei premiati avevan la moglie e i figliuoli in platea, e c'eran dei bambini che quando vedevan passare il padre sul palco scenico, lo chiamavan per nome ad alta voce e lo segnavan con la mano, ridendo forte.
many|of the|awarded|they had|the|wife|and||children|in|audience||there were||children|who|when||to pass||father|on the|stage|theatrical|him|they called|by|name|at|high|voice|||they pointed|with|the|hand|laughing|loudly
Many of the awardees had their wives and children in the audience, and there were children who, when they saw their father passing on stage, called him by name loudly and waved at him, laughing heartily.
Passarono dei contadini, dei facchini: questi erano della scuola Buoncompagni.
they passed|some|peasants||porters|these|they were|of the|school|Buoncompagni
Some farmers and porters passed by: they were from the Buoncompagni school.
Della scuola della Cittadella, passò un lustrascarpe, che mio padre conosce, e il Prefetto gli diede un diploma.
of the|school|of the|Citadel|he passed|a|shoeshiner|who|my|father|he knows|and|the|Prefect|to him|he gave|a|diploma
From the Cittadella school, a shoeshiner passed by, whom my father knew, and the Prefect gave him a diploma.
Dopo di lui vedo venire un uomo grande come un gigante, che mi pareva d'aver già veduto altre volte... Era il padre del muratorino, che prendeva il secondo premio!
after|of|him|I see|to come|a|man|big|like|a|giant|who|to me|it seemed|to have|already|seen|other|times|he was|the|father|of the|young mason|who|he took|the|second|prize
After him, I see a man coming who is as big as a giant, and it seemed to me that I had seen him before... He was the father of the little mason, who won the second prize!
Mi ricordai di quando l'avevo visto nella soffitta, al letto del figliuolo malato, e cercai subito il figliuolo in platea: povero muratorino!
I|remembered|of|when|I had it|seen|in the|attic|at the|bed|of the|son|sick|and|I searched|immediately|the|son|in|auditorium|poor|little mason
I remembered when I had seen him in the attic, by the bed of his sick son, and I immediately looked for the son in the audience: poor little mason!
Egli guardava sua padre cogli occhi luccicanti, e per nasconder la commozione, faceva il muso di lepre.
he|he was looking at|his|father|with the|eyes|shining|and|to|to hide|the|emotion|he made|the|face|of|rabbit
He looked at his father with shining eyes, and to hide his emotion, he made a rabbit's face.
In quel momento sentii uno scoppio d'applausi, guardai sul palco: c'era un piccolo spazzacamino, col viso lavato, ma coi suoi panni da lavoro, e il Sindaco gli parlava tenendolo per una mano.
In|that|moment|I heard|a|burst|of applause|I looked|on the|stage|there was|a|small|chimney sweep|with|face|washed|but|with the|his|clothes|from|work|and|the|Mayor|to him|he was speaking|holding him|by|a|hand
At that moment I heard a burst of applause, I looked at the stage: there was a little chimney sweep, with a clean face, but in his work clothes, and the Mayor was talking to him holding one of his hands.
Dopo lo spazzacamino venne un cuoco.
after|the|chimney sweep|came|a|cook
After the chimney sweep came a cook.
Poi passò a prender la medaglia uno spazzino municipale, della scuola Raineri.
then|he passed|to|to take|the|medal|a|street sweeper|municipal|of the|school|Raineri
Then a municipal street cleaner from the Raineri school came to receive the medal.
Io mi sentivo non so che cosa nel cuore, come un grande affetto e un grande rispetto, a pensare quanto eran costati quei premi a tutti quei lavoratori, padri di famiglia, pieni di pensieri, quante fatiche aggiunte alle loro fatiche, quante ore tolte al sonno, di cui hanno tanto bisogno, e anche quanti sforzi dell'intelligenza non abituata allo studio e delle mani grosse, intozzite dal lavoro!
I|I|I felt|not|I know|what|thing|in the|heart|like|a|great|affection|and|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||of the|hands|big|clumsy|by|work
I felt something in my heart, like a great affection and a great respect, thinking about how much those awards had cost all those workers, family fathers, full of thoughts, how many additional efforts to their efforts, how many hours taken away from sleep, which they need so much, and also how many efforts of intelligence not used to studying and of hands roughened by work!
Passò un ragazzo d'officina, a cui si vedeva che suo padre aveva imprestata la giacchetta per quell'occasione, e gli spenzolavan le maniche, tanto che se le dovette rimboccare lì sul palco per poter prendere il suo premio; e molti risero; ma il riso fu subito soffocato dai battimani.
he passed|a|boy|from the workshop|to|whom|one|he could see|that|his|father|he had|borrowed|the|jacket|for||and|to him|they hung down|the|sleeves|so much|that|he|them|he had to|to roll up|there|on the|stage|to|to be able to|to take|the|his|prize|and|many|they laughed|but|the|laughter|it was|immediately|suffocated|by the|applause
A workshop boy passed by, whose father had clearly lent him the jacket for the occasion, and the sleeves were hanging so much that he had to roll them up right there on stage to be able to receive his award; and many laughed; but the laughter was soon stifled by applause.
Dopo venne un vecchio con la testa calva e la barba bianca.
after|he came|a|old man|with|the|head|bare|and|the|beard|white
Then came an old man with a bald head and a white beard.
Passarono dei soldati d'artiglieria, di quelli che venivano alla scuola serale nella nostra Sezione; poi delle guardie daziarie, delle guardie municipali, di quelle che fan la guardia alle nostre scuole.
they passed|some|soldiers|artillery|of|those|who|they came|to the|school|evening|in the|our|Section|then|some|guards|customs|||municipal|of|those|who|they do|the|guard|to the|our|schools
Soldiers from the artillery passed by, those who attended the evening school in our Section; then customs officers, municipal guards, those who guard our schools.
Infine gli allievi della scuola serale cantarono ancora l'inno ai morti in Crimea, ma con tanto slancio, questa volta, con una forza d'affetto che veniva così schietta dal cuore, che la gente non applaudì quasi più, e usciron tutti commossi, lentamente e senza far chiasso.
finally|the|students|of the|school|evening|they sang|again|the anthem|to the|dead|in|Crimea|but|with|much|enthusiasm|this|time|||force|of affection|that|it came|so|straight|from the|heart|that|the|people|not|they applauded|almost|more|and|they went out|all|moved|slowly||without|to make|noise
Finally, the students of the evening school sang again the hymn to the dead in Crimea, but with such enthusiasm this time, with a strength of affection that came so genuinely from the heart, that the people hardly applauded anymore, and they all left moved, slowly and quietly.
In pochi momenti tutta la via fu affollata.
In a few moments, the whole street was crowded.
Davanti alla porta del Teatro c'era lo spazzacamino, col suo libro di premio legato in rosso, e tutt'intorno dei signori che gli parlavano.
in front of|to the|door|of the|Theater|there was|the|chimney sweep|with|his|book|of|prize|tied|in|red|and|all around|some|gentlemen|who|to him|they were talking
In front of the theater door was the chimney sweep, with his prize book bound in red, and around him were gentlemen talking to him.
Molti si salutavano da una parte all'altra della strada, operai, ragazzi, guardie, maestri.
many|they|they greeted|from|a|side|the other|of the|street|workers|boys|guards|teachers
Many were greeting each other from one side of the street to the other, workers, boys, guards, teachers.
Il mio maestro di seconda uscì in mezzo a due soldati d'artiglieria.
my|my|teacher|of|second|he went out|in|middle|to|two|soldiers|of artillery
My second-grade teacher came out between two artillery soldiers.
E si vedevano delle mogli d'operai coi bambini in braccio, i quali tenevano nelle manine il diploma del padre, e lo mostravano alla gente, superbi.
and|they|they saw|some|wives|of workers|with the|children|in|arms|the|who||in the|little hands|the|diploma|of the|father|and|it|they showed|to the|people|proud
And you could see the wives of workers with children in their arms, who held their father's diploma in their little hands and showed it off to the people, proud.
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