25 - L'esposa de Dave tindrà un nou nadó
The wife|of|Dave|will have|a|new|baby
25 – Daves Frau bekommt ein neues Baby
25 - Dave's wife will have a new baby.
25 - La esposa de Dave tendrá un nuevo bebé
25 - La femme de Dave va avoir un nouveau bébé
25 - 데이브의 아내가 새 아이를 갖게 될 것입니다
25 - Dave's vrouw krijgt een nieuwe baby
25 - Żona Dave'a urodzi nowe dziecko
25 – A esposa de Dave terá um novo bebê
25 - У жены Дэйва родится ребенок
25 - Dave'in karısının yeni bir bebeği olacak
25 - 戴夫的妻子将要生一个新孩子
A) L'esposa de Dave tindrà un nou nadó.
|The wife|of|Dave|will have|a|new|baby
A) Dave's wife will have a new baby.
En Dave i la seva dona tenen un fill i una filla.
Dave and his wife have a son and a daughter.
Ells estan molt emocionats de tenir un altre nadó.
They are very excited to have another baby.
El nou nadó serà un noi.
The|new|baby|will be|a|boy
The new baby will be a boy.
Però no saben quin nom li ha de posar al nadó.
But|not|they know|what|name|to him|has|to|put|to the|baby
Aber sie wissen nicht, wie sie das Baby nennen sollen.
But they don't know what name to give the baby.
Pero no saben qué nombre le debe poner al bebé.
Ells decideixen preguntar als seus pares.
They|decide|to ask|to the|their|parents
They decide to ask their parents.
Els seus pares els donen algunes idees.
Their parents give them some ideas.
Algunes idees són millors que altres.
Some ideas are better than others.
En Dave i la seva dona li diran al nadó "Ethan".
In|Dave|and|the|his|wife|to him|will tell|to the|baby|Ethan
Dave and his wife will name the baby "Ethan".
Dave y su esposa le dirán al bebé "Ethan".
Ells esperen que el nadó estigui content amb aquest nom.
They hope the baby will be happy with this name.
B) La meva dona estava tenint un nadó.
B) My wife was having a baby.
La meva dona i jo tenim un fill i una filla.
The|my|wife|and|I|we have|a|son|and|a|daughter
My wife and I have a son and a daughter.
Ens feia molta il·lusió tenir un altre nadó.
Us|made|much|joy|to have|another||baby
Wir waren so aufgeregt, ein weiteres Baby zu bekommen.
We were very excited to have another baby.
El nou nadó anava a ser un noi.
The|new|baby|was going|to|be|a|boy
The new baby was going to be a boy.
El nuevo bebé iba a ser un chico.
Però no sabíem quin nom li ha de posar al nadó.
But|not|we knew|what|name|to him|has|to|put|to the|baby
But we didn't know what name to give the baby.
Nosaltres vam decidir preguntar als nostres pares.
We|(past tense auxiliary verb)|decided|to ask|to the|our|parents
We decided to ask our parents.
Els nostres pares ens van donar algunes idees.
The|our|parents|us|(past tense of to go)|give|some|ideas
Our parents gave us some ideas.
Algunes idees eren millors que altres.
Some ideas were better than others.
La meva dona i jo vam anomenar el nadó "Ethan".
My wife and I named the baby "Ethan".
Esperàvem que el nadó anés content amb el seu nom.
We hoped|that|the|baby|would go|happy|with|the|his|name
We were expecting the baby to be happy with his name.
Esperábamos que el bebé fuera contento con su nombre.
A) 1) L'esposa de Dave tindrà un nadó.
|The wife|of|Dave|will have|a|baby
A) 1) Dave's wife will have a baby.
Què tindrà la dona de Dave?
What|will have|the|wife|of|Dave
What will Dave's wife have?
L'esposa de Dave tindrà un nadó.
The wife|of|Dave|will have|a|baby
Dave's wife will have a baby.
2) En Dave i la seva esposa tenen dos fills, un fill i una filla.
2) Dave and his wife have two children, a son and a daughter.
Quants fills tenen en Dave i la seva esposa?
How many|children|do they have|in|Dave|and|the|their|wife
How many children do Dave and his wife have?
Tenen dos fills, un fill i una filla.
They have|two|children|a|son|and|a|daughter
They have two children, a son and a daughter.
3) Ells estan molt emocionats de tenir un altre nadó.
3) They are very excited to have another baby.
Com es senten per tenir un altre nadó?
How do they feel about having another baby?
Estan molt emocionats de tenir un altre nadó.
They are|very|excited|to|have|another||baby
They are very excited to have another baby.
4) El nou nadó serà un noi.
The|new|baby|will be|a|boy
4) The new baby will be a boy.
El nou nadó serà una nena?
The|new|baby|will be|a|girl
Will the new baby be a girl?
No, el nou nadó no serà una nena.
No|the|new|baby|not|will be|a|girl
No, the new baby will not be a girl.
El nou nadó serà un noi.
The|new|baby|will be|a|boy
The new baby will be a boy.
5) Ells no saben quin nom li ha de posar al nadó.
They|not|know|what|name|to him|has|to|put|to the|baby
5) They don't know what name to give the baby.
Saben quin nom li ha de posar al nadó?
Do they know|what|name|to him|has|to|put|to the|baby
Do they know what name to give the baby?
No, no saben quin nom li ha de posar al nadó.
No|they|know|what|name|to him|has|to|put|to the|baby
No, they don't know what name to give the baby.
B) 6) Ells decideixen preguntar als seus pares sobre els noms dels nadons.
|They|decide|to ask|to the|their|parents|about|the|names|of the|babies
B) 6) They decide to ask their parents about the names of the babies.
Què decideixen fer?
What|do they decide|to do
What do they decide to do?
Ells decideixen preguntar als seus pares sobre els noms dels nadons.
They|decide|to ask|to the|their|parents|about|the|names|of the|babies
They decide to ask their parents about the names of the babies.
7) Els seus pares els donen algunes idees.
7) Their parents give them some ideas.
Què fan els seus pares?
What do their parents do?
Els seus pares els donen algunes idees
Their parents give them some ideas.
8) Algunes idees eren millors que altres.
8) Some ideas were better than others.
Totes les idees eren bones?
Were all the ideas good?
No, no totes les idees eren bones.
No, not all the ideas were good.
Algunes idees eren millors que altres.
Some ideas were better than others.
9) En Dave i la seva esposa van anomenar el nadó "Ethan".
9) Dave and his wife named the baby "Ethan".
Què van anomenar en Dave i la seva esposa al nadó?
What|did|name|Dave|||his|their|wife|to the|baby
What did Dave and his wife name the baby?
Van anomenar el nadó "Ethan".
They named the baby "Ethan".
10) En Dave i la seva esposa esperaven que el nadó anés content amb el seu nom.
In|Dave|and|the|his|wife|hoped|that|the|baby|would go|happy|with|the|his|name
10) Dave and his wife hoped that the baby would be happy with his name.
Què esperaven en Dave i la seva esposa?
What|were expecting|in|Dave|and|the|his|wife
What did Dave and his wife hope?
Esperaven que el nadó anés content amb el seu nom.
They hoped|that|the|baby|would go|happy|with|the|his|name
They hoped that the baby would be happy with his name.
Esperaban que el bebé fuera contento con su nombre.