29 - El Layne aprendrà a cuinar
The|Layne|will learn|to|cook
29 – Layne wird kochen lernen
29 - Η Λέιν θα μάθει να μαγειρεύει
29 - Layne will learn to cook.
29 - Layne aprenderá a cocinar
29 - Layne va apprendre à cuisiner
29 - Layne zal leren koken
29 - Layne vai aprender a cozinhar
29 - Лэйн научится готовить
29 - Layne yemek yapmayı öğrenecek
29 - 莱恩将学习做饭
A) El Layne aprendrà a cuinar.
to|||will learn||cook
A) Layne will learn to cook.
Ell aprendrà una nova recepta d'internet.
He|will learn|a|new|recipe|from the internet
|aprenderá||||de internet
He will learn a new recipe from the internet.
Intentarà cuinar pasta.
He/She will try|to cook|pasta
He will try to cook pasta.
Comprarà moltes verdures per la pasta.
He/She will buy|many|vegetables|for|the|pasta
He will buy a lot of vegetables for the pasta.
Comprarà alguns xampinyons, alguns pebrots i tomàquets.
He/She will buy|some|mushrooms||peppers|and|tomatoes
He will buy some mushrooms, some peppers, and tomatoes.
Comprará algunos champiñones, algunos pimientos y tomates.
També comprarà molts pasta de fideus aquest matí.
Also|will buy|a lot of|pasta|of|noodles|this|morning
He will also buy a lot of pasta noodles this morning.
También comprará mucha pasta de fideos esta mañana.
Tindrà una bossa sencera de pasta de fideus.
He/She will have|a|bag|whole|of|pasta|of|noodles
He will have a whole bag of pasta noodles.
Tendrá una bolsa entera de pasta de fideos.
Llavors farà la salsa per la pasta.
Then|he will make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
Then he will make the sauce for the pasta.
Luego hará la salsa para la pasta.
Però el Layne no sap com fer la salsa per la pasta.
But|the|Layne|not|knows|how|to make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
But Layne doesn't know how to make the sauce for the pasta.
Tornarà a mirar la recepta online una altra vegada.
He/She will return|to|look|the|recipe|online|one|another|time
He will look at the online recipe again.
B) Estava aprenent a cuinar.
|I was|learning|to|cook
B) I was learning to cook.
Estava aprenent una nova recepta d'internet.
I was|learning|a|new|recipe|from the internet
I was learning a new recipe from the internet.
Estava intentant cuinar pasta.
I was|trying|to cook|pasta
I was trying to cook pasta.
Vaig comprar moltes verdures per la pasta
I bought a lot of vegetables for the pasta.
Vaig comprar alguns xampinyons, alguns pebrots i tomàquets
I bought some mushrooms, some peppers, and tomatoes.
Compré algunos champiñones, algunos pimientos y tomates
També he comprat molta pasta de fideus aquest matí.
Also|I have|bought|a lot of|pasta|of|noodles|this|morning
I also bought a lot of pasta noodles this morning.
También he comprado mucha pasta de fideos esta mañana.
He comprat una bossa sencera de pasta de fideus.
I|have bought|a|bag|whole|of|pasta|of|noodles
I bought a whole bag of pasta noodles.
He comprado una bolsa entera de pasta de fideos.
Després, havia de fer la salsa per la pasta.
Afterwards|I had|to|make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
Then, I had to make the sauce for the pasta.
Después, tenía que hacer la salsa para la pasta.
Però he oblidat com fer la salsa per la pasta.
But|I|forgotten|how|to make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
But I have forgotten how to make the sauce for the pasta.
Pero he olvidado cómo hacer la salsa para la pasta.
Anava a mirar la recepta online una altra vegada.
I was going|to|look at|the|recipe|online|one|another|time
Iba a mirar la receta en línea otra vez.
A) 1) El Layne aprendrà a cuinar.
A) 1) El Layne aprenderá a cocinar.
Què aprendrà el Layne?
What|will learn|the|Layne
El Layne aprendrà a cuinar.
The|Layne|will learn|to|cook
2) El Layne aprendrà una nova recepta d'internet.
The|Layne|will learn|a|new|recipe|
D'on aprendrà la nova recepta el Layne?
From where|will learn|the|new|recipe|the|Layne
Aprendrà la nova recepta d'internet.
He/She will learn|the|new|recipe|
3) Intentarà cuinar pasta.
He/She will try|to cook|pasta
Què intentarà cuinar?
What|will try|to cook
Intentarà cuinar pasta.
He/She will try|to cook|pasta
4) El Layne comprarà moltes verdures.
The|Layne|will buy|many|vegetables
Què comprarà el Layne?
What|will buy|the|Layne
El Layne comprarà moltes verdures.
The|Layne|will buy|many|vegetables
5) El Layne comprarà xampinyons, pebrots I tomàquets.
The|Layne|will buy|mushrooms|peppers|and|tomatoes
5) Layne comprará champiñones, pimientos y tomates.
Quin tipus de verdures comprarà el Layne?
What|type|of|vegetables|will buy|the|Layne
¿Qué tipo de verduras comprará Layne?
Comprarà xampinyons, pebrots i tomàquets.
He/She will buy|mushrooms|peppers|and|tomatoes
Comprará champiñones, pimientos y tomates.
B) 6) Ha comprat pasta de fideus aquest matí.
|He has|bought|pasta|of|noodles|this|morning
Quan ha comprat la pasta de fideus?
Ha comprat la pasta de fideus aquest matí.
He has|bought|the|pasta|of|noodles|this|morning
7) Ha comprat molta pasta de fideus.
He has|bought|a lot of|pasta|of|noodles
He has bought a lot of pasta.
Quanta pasta de fideus ha comprat?
How much|pasta|of|noodles|has|bought
How much pasta has he bought?
Ha comprat molta pasta de fideus.
He has|bought|a lot of|pasta|of|noodles
He has bought a lot of pasta.
Ha comprado mucha pasta de fideos.
8) Llavors, havia de fer la salsa per la pasta.
Then|I had|to|make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
8) Then, he had to make the sauce for the pasta.
8) Entonces, tenía que hacer la salsa para la pasta.
Què havia de fer llavors?
What did he have to do then?
¿Qué tenía que hacer entonces?
Havia de fer la salsa per la pasta.
I had|to|make|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
He had to make the sauce for the pasta.
9) Ha oblidat com preparer la salsa per la pasta.
He has|forgotten|how|to prepare|the|sauce|for|the|pasta
9) He has forgotten how to make the sauce for the pasta.
Pot recorder com fer la salsa per la pasta?
Can he remember how to make the sauce for the pasta?
No, ha oblidat com fer-la.
No, he has forgotten how to make it.
10) Anava a mirar la recepta online.
I was going|to|look at|the|recipe|online
10) He was going to look up the recipe online.
On anava a mirar la recepta?
Where was he going to look up the recipe?
Anava a mirar la recepta online.
I was going|to|look at|the|recipe|online
He was going to look up the recipe online.
Iba a mirar la receta online.