Smittan ökar men färre dör i vården
the infection|increases|but|fewer|die|in|care
Infection is increasing but fewer are dying in care
2020-11-24 15:16:00
2020-11-24 15:16:00
Coronaviruset fortsätter att spridas mycket i samhället.
the coronavirus|continues|to|spread|a lot|in|society
The coronavirus continues to spread widely in society.
Nu har många boenden för äldre fått in viruset.
now|have|many|residences|for|elderly|gotten|in|the virus
Now many residential homes for the elderly have been affected by the virus.
Mer än 225 000 personer har testats positivt med covid-19.
More than 225,000 people have tested positive for covid-19.
Det är mer än 17 000 nya smittade sedan i fredags.
That is more than 17,000 new infections since Friday.
Nu görs väldigt många tester.
now|are being done|very|many|tests
Now a very large number of tests are being conducted.
Över 250 000 tester i veckan.
Over 250,000 tests per week.
Fler blir sjuka av viruset.
more|become|sick|from|the virus
More people are getting sick from the virus.
Ungefär 1000 personer vårdas på sjukhus med covid-19.
about|people|are treated|in|hospital|with|covid-19
Approximately 1000 people are being treated in hospitals for covid-19.
192 personer vårdas med intensivvård.
people|are treated|with|intensive care
192 people are receiving intensive care.
Det är fler för varje dag.
It is increasing every day.
Men det är färre som behöver intensivvård nu, än i våras.
but|it|is|fewer|that|need|intensive care|now|than|in|last spring
But there are fewer who need intensive care now than in the spring.
Nu dör också färre av dem som blir sjuka, jämfört med i våras.
now|die|also|fewer|of|them|that|become|sick|compared|to|in|last spring
Now fewer of those who become ill are also dying compared to the spring.
Vården har blivit bättre på att vårda patienter med covid-19.
care|has|become|better|at|to|care for|patients|with|covid-19
Healthcare has become better at treating patients with covid-19.
Det säger myndigheten Socialstyrelsen.
it|says|the authority|Socialstyrelsen
This is stated by the authority Socialstyrelsen.
Totalt 6500 personer har dött med covid-19 i Sverige.
A total of 6500 people have died with covid-19 in Sweden.
Mer än 90 personer har dött sedan i fredags.
More than 90 people have died since Friday.
De flesta som dör är äldre, över 70 år.
Most of those who die are older, over 70 years old.
Många äldre personer smittas på särskilda boenden för äldre.
many|older|people|get infected|in|special|residences|for|elderly
Many elderly people are infected in special housing for the elderly.
Förra veckan fanns personer med covid-19 på äldreboenden i ungefär en tredjedel av Sveriges kommuner.
last|week|there were|people|with|covid-19|in|nursing homes|in|about|a|third|of|Sweden's|municipalities
Last week, there were people with covid-19 in nursing homes in about a third of Sweden's municipalities.
Det berättar Ekot.
This is reported by Ekot.
I Stockholm har regionen bestämt att man inte ska besöka sina släktingar på äldreboenden, för att minska smittan.
in|Stockholm|has|the region|decided|that|one|not|will|visit|their|relatives|in|nursing homes|to|to|reduce|the infection
In Stockholm, the region has decided that one should not visit relatives in nursing homes, in order to reduce the spread of infection.
Men smittan kommer ofta in genom personalen, som jobbar på boenden.
but|the infection|comes|often|in|through|the staff|who|works|in|homes
But the infection often comes in through the staff who work at the homes.
De flesta som smittas är fortfarande vuxna som träffar andra vuxna på jobb, träning, möten eller fester till exempel.
the|most|who|get infected|are|still|adults|who|meet|other|adults|at|work|training|meetings|or|parties|to|example
Most of those infected are still adults who meet other adults at work, training, meetings, or parties, for example.
Statsepidemiologen Anders Tegnell på Folkhälsomyndigheten säger att det är viktigt att alla tar ansvar nu och inte träffar andra människor än dem som man bor med.
the state epidemiologist|Anders|Tegnell|at|the Public Health Agency|says|that|it|is|important|that|everyone|takes|responsibility|now|and|not|meet|other|people|than|those|who|one|lives|with
State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell at the Public Health Agency says it is important for everyone to take responsibility now and not meet other people than those they live with.
Man ska inte vara nära människor varken inne eller ute, säger Anders Tegnell.
One should not be close to people either indoors or outdoors, says Anders Tegnell.
– Det är fortfarande viktigt att komma ihåg att vi har en omfattande spridning och det är väldigt viktigt att vi tar hänsyn till det allihop och håller kontakterna verkligen till ett minimum, säger Anders Tegnell.
– It is still important to remember that we have extensive transmission and it is very important that we all take that into account and really keep contacts to a minimum, says Anders Tegnell.
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