2-3 - Deti - YouTube
2-3 - Kinder - YouTube
2-3 - Children - YouTube
2-3 - Niños - YouTube
2-3 - 子どもたち - YouTube
2-3 - Дети - YouTube
2-3 - Діти - YouTube
Čia je táto izba?
Where is this room?
To bola naša detská izba.
That was our nursery.
Tu sme sa vždy s bratom hrali.
|we always|"each other"|always|with my brother|my brother|played
My brother and I always played here.
Pozri, ešte sú tu naše hračky.
Look, our toys are still here.
Tu je detská postieľka,
môj starý kočík,
|my old stroller|my old stroller
my old stroller,
domček pre bábiky
a dokonca aj kolíska.
|even||and even cradle
and even a cradle.
A čo je to tam pod oknom?
And what's that under the window there?
Tam sú asi bratove staré hračky.
That's probably where my brother's old toys are.
Tu vzadu vidím jeho autíčka a stavebnice.
|in the back|I see|his|toy cars||building blocks
I can see his cars and kits back here.
Aha, pozri! Môj plyšový medvedík.
|look||stuffed|teddy bear
Oh, look! My teddy bear.
Nevidela som ho už roky. Nevedela som, že tu ešte stále je.
I haven't seen||him||years|didn't know|"I"|||still|still|
I haven't seen him in years. I didn't know he was still here.
Koľko rokov má tvoj brat? Je mladší alebo starší než ty?
"How many"|years old||your|||younger|or|older|than|
How old is your brother? Is he younger or older than you?
Martin je o dva roky mladší.
Martin is younger.|||||younger
Martin is two years younger.
Chodili ste s bratom aj do škôlky?
Did you go|did you||with brother|||kindergarten
Did you and your brother also go to kindergarten?
Áno, obaja sme chodili do škôlky.
|both of us||went||kindergarten
Yes, we both went to kindergarten.
Pamätám sa, že sa mi tam veľmi páčilo.
I remember||that||||very much|liked it very much
I remember I liked it there very much.
Brat najradšej skladal puzzle a hral sa s kockami.
Brother|most of all|put together|jigsaw puzzle||played|||blocks
My brother liked to do puzzles and play with blocks.
Ja som sa rada prechádzala s kočíkom a hrala sa s bábikami.
||||walked||with a stroller||played|||dolls
I liked to walk around with the stroller and play with dolls.
Radi sme chodili von, najradšej na ihrisko pred panelákom.
We liked||used to go|outside|most of all||playground|in front of|apartment building
We liked to go out, most of all to the playground in front of the apartment building.
Aké hry sa zvyčajne hrajú deti tu na Slovensku?
|games||usually|"play"|children|||in Slovakia
What games do children usually play here in Slovakia?
Hm… veľmi obľúbené hry sú pexeso,
|very|popular|games||memory game
Hm... very popular games are memory games,
skákanie škôlky,
jumping rope|hopscotch
jumping nursery,
skákanie cez gumu a cez švihadlo,
jumping|over|elastic band||over|jump rope
jumping over the rubber and over the jump rope,
Človeče, nehnevaj sa…
Man|don't get mad|
Man, don't be angry...
Prosím? Ja sa predsa nehnevám.
"Please?"|||after all|I'm not mad
Excuse me? I'm not angry.
Nie, to je názov jednej stolovej hry. Je zábavná, môžu ju hrať aj dospelí.
No, that's the name of a board game. It's fun, even adults can play it.
Deti sa pri nej môžu učiť počítať. Naozaj ju nepoznáš?
Children|"themselves"|"with"|"her"|"can"|learn to count|count|"Really"||"don't know"
Children can learn to count with it. You really don't know her?
Nie, nikdy som o nej nepočula.
|never|||her|heard of
No, I've never heard of it.
Tak ťa ju musím niekedy naučiť.
|you|||"sometime" or "some time"|teach
So I'll have to teach it to you sometime.