Learn Slovak with Stories: Starý pes - YouTube
Slowakisch lernen mit Geschichten: alter Hund - YouTube
Learn Slovak with Stories: old dog - YouTube
Aprende eslovaco con cuentos: perro viejo - YouTube
Apprendre le slovaque avec des histoires : vieux chien - YouTube
Nauka słowackiego z historyjkami: stary pies - YouTube
Изучайте словацкий язык с помощью историй: старая собака - YouTube
Вивчайте словацьку мову з історіями: старий пес - YouTube
Hey, guys.
Dnes vám poviem rozprávku.
Today I will tell you a fairy tale.
Rozprávka sa volá Starý pes.
The fairy tale is called The Old Dog.
Toto je pes.
This is a dog.
A starý znamená, že má veľa rokov.
And old means it's many years old.
Má desať rokov.
He is ten years old.
Má desať rokov - to znamená, že je starý.
He's ten years old - that means he's old.
Tak, pes je starý,
So, the dog is old,
tak nemá zuby.
he has no teeth.
Toto sú zuby
These are the teeth
a pes nemá zuby.
and the dog has no teeth.
Nemá zuby, tak nemôže hrýzť.
He has no teeth, so he can't bite.
Nemôže hrýzť.
He can't bite.
Nemôže hrýzť jedlo,
He can't bite the food,
nemôže hrýzť kosti,
can't bite the bones,
toto je kosť,
this is a bone,
hej, nemôže hrýzť kosti,
Hey, can't bite the bone,
a nemôže hrýzť ľudí.
and can't bite people.
Hej? Toto je človek
Hey? Hey. This is the man
a pes nemôže hrýzť ľudí.
and the dog can't bite people.
Toto je dom.
This is the house.
Toto je dom
This is the house
a pes býva v dome.
and the dog lives in the house.
A v dome býva muž,
And there is a man living in the house,
a dieťa, malé dieťa.
and a child, a little child.
A pes.
And the dog.
Toto je rodina.
This is family.
V dome býva rodina a pes.
In the house live a family and a dog.
A pes pomáha rodine.
||helps|the family
And the dog helps the family.
Napríklad toto je zlý muž
for example|||bad|man
For example, this is a bad man
a zlý muž ide do domu
and the bad man goes into the house
a pes
and the dog
pohryzie zlého muža.
will bite|of the evil|man
she bites the bad man.
A muž ide preč.
||is going|away
And the man walks away.
Tak, pes desať rokov pomáhal rodine.
So, the dog helped the family for ten years.
Ale teraz je starý, nemá zuby,
But now he's old, he has no teeth,
nemôže hrýzť.
can't bite.
A muž hovorí:
A man says:
"Náš pes je veľmi starý.
"Our dog is very old.
Už nemôže hrýzť.
He can't bite anymore.
Tak zajtra ho zabijem."
|tomorrow|him|I will kill
So I'll kill him tomorrow."
Muž chce zabiť psa.
The man wants to kill the dog.
A žena hovorí:
A woman says:
"Ó, ale je to dobrý pes.
"Oh, but he's a good dog.
Pomáhal nám desať rokov.
he helped|us||
He helped us for ten years.
A muž hovorí:
A man says:
"Áno, pomáhal nám desať rokov,
"Yes, he helped us for ten years,
ale desať rokov sme dávali jedlo psovi.
|||we|gave|food|to the dog
but for ten years we gave food to the dog.
A teraz nemáme peniaze."
And now we have no money."
To sú peniaze.
That's money.
"Nemáme peniaze na jedlo pre psa.
"We don't have money for dog food.
Tak zabijem psa."
then|I will kill|dog
So let's kill the dog."
A pes počuje muža.
And the dog hears the man.
Hej? Pes počuje,
Hey? Hey. The dog can hear,
že muž chce zabiť psa.
that the man wants to kill the dog.
No, a pes je smutný.
Well, and the dog is sad.
Pes je smutný
The dog is sad
a ide...
and he's going...
ide do lesa.
goes into the woods.
Toto je les.
This is the forest.
Je noc.
Je noc
a pes v noci ide do lesa.
Lebo v lese býva vlk.
Toto je vlk.
This is a wolf.
Má nos a má zuby.
It has a nose and it has teeth.
Vlk má veľké zuby.
The wolf has big teeth.
tak, toto je vlk.
So, this is the wolf.
Vlk je ako pes, ale vlk je veľký
A wolf is like a dog, but the wolf is big
a vlk býva v lese a pes býva v dome.
and the wolf dwells in the forest, and the dog dwells in the house.
A vlk a pes sú kamaráti.
And the wolf and the dog are mates.
Vlk a pes sú kamaráti.
The wolf and the dog are friends.
Tak pes ide za vlkom
So the dog goes after the wolf
a vlk hovorí:
and the wolf says:
"Jéj, pes! Ahoj! Ako sa máš?"
"Yay, dog! Hi! How are you?"
A pes je smutný.
Pes hovorí:
"Nemám sa dobre.
I am not|I|
"I'm not doing well.
Mám problém."
I have a problem."
Vlk hovorí:
Wolf says:
"Aký problém?"
"What's the problem?"
Pes hovorí:
The dog says:
Je to veľký problém.
It's a big problem.
Muž ma chce zabiť."
The man wants to kill me."
A vlk hovorí:
And the wolf says:
"To je veľký problém.
Ale pomôžem ti.
|I will help|you
But I will help you.
Mám plán.
I have a plan.
Pes hovorí:
The dog says:
"Aký plán?"
"What plan?"
Vlk hovorí:
Wolf says:
"Zajtra pôjdem do domu
tomorrow|I will go||
"Tomorrow I will go to the house
a zoberiem dieťa.
|I will take|
and I will take the child.
Zoberiem dieťa
I'll take the baby
a budem utekať do lesa.
|I will|run||
and I will run to the forest.
A ty, pes, budeš utekať do lesa za mnou
And you, dog, you're gonna run into the woods after me
a v lese ti dám dieťa
||||I will give|child
and in the forest I will give you a child
a ty pôjdeš do domu
|you|will you go||
and you go to the house
a dáš dieťa mužovi a žene
a muž a žena budú šťastní
||||will be|
and man and woman will be happy
a budú si myslieť, že
|they will||think|
and they will think that
si super pes,
you're a great dog,
že si perfektný pes,
you're the perfect dog,
a nezabijú ťa."
and they won't kill you."
A pes hovorí:
And the dog says:
"Wow, ďakujem.
"Wow, thank you.
To je dobrý plán, to je super plán, ďakujem!"
A pes ide domov.
Tak, na druhý deň...
Už nie je noc.
Je druhý deň.
Na druhý deň vlk ide do domu,
zoberie dieťa
a uteká do lesa.
and runs off into the woods.
A pes uteká do lesa za vlkom
And the dog runs into the woods after the wolf
a v lese vlk dá dieťa psovi.
||||||to the dog
and in the forest the wolf gives the child to the dog.
Pes hovorí: "Ďakujem, dobrý plán!"
The dog says: "Thank you, good plan!"
Tak, pes berie dieťa
So, the dog takes the baby
a ide...
and he's going...
ide domov.
he's going home.
A muž a žena videli,
And the man and the woman saw
že vlk zobral dieťa,
that the wolf took the child
a boli smutní,
and they were sad
boli smutní, mali paniku,
||they had|
they were sad, they were panicking,
ale teraz vidia,
but now they see,
že pes, ich super pes, má dieťa.
that dog, their super dog, has a baby.
A pes dá dieťa mužovi a žene
And the dog will give the child to the man and the woman
a muž a žena sú šťastní,
and man and woman are happy,
sú šťastní
they are happy
a muž a žena hovoria:
and a man and a woman say:
"Wow, ty si super pes!
"Wow, you're a super dog!
Ďakujeme, ďakujeme!
Thank you, thank you!
Si perfektný pes!
You are the perfect dog!
Tu máš jedlo!"
Here's your food!"
A muž a žena dajú psovi veľmi veľmi dobré jedlo.
And the man and the woman give the dog a very very good meal.
A pes je šťastný,
And the dog is happy,
muž a žena sú šťastní,
man and woman are happy,
dieťa je šťastné,
the child is happy,
všetko je super.
everything is great.
A muž nezabije psa.
||will not kill|
And a man doesn't kill a dog.
Hej? Lebo pes zachránil dieťa.
Hey? Because the dog saved the child.
Všetko je perfektné.
Everything is perfect.
Zasa je noc.
It's night again.
Je noc
It's night
a pes ide do lesa za vlkom.
and the dog goes into the woods after the wolf.
A pes hovorí:
And the dog says:
"Vlk, ďakujem!
"Wolf, thank you!
Tvoj plán bol veľmi dobrý.
Your plan was very good.
Tvoj plán bol perfektný.
Your plan was perfect.
Všetko je super.
Everything is great.
Ďakujem, ďakujem!"
Thank you, thank you!"
A vlk hovorí:
And the wolf says:
"Nemáš za čo. Super."
you don't have|for|what|
"You're welcome. Great."
Ale teraz pomôž ty mne, dobre?"
But now you help me, okay?"
Pes hovorí:
The dog says:
"Áno, dobre. Čo potrebuješ? Čo chceš?
|||do you need||
"Yes, well. What do you need? What do you want?
A vlk hovorí:
And the wolf says:
"Muž a žena majú ovce."
"Man and woman have sheep."
Toto je ovca.
This is a sheep.
Ovca robí "bé, bé".
The sheep goes "bleh, bleh".
Vlk hovorí:
Wolf says:
"Muž a žena majú ovce.
"A man and a woman have sheep.
A ja chcem ovcu.
And I want a sheep.
Zajtra pôjdem a zoberiem ovcu
|I will go||I will take|
Tomorrow I'll go and get the sheep
a ty, pes, budeš ticho.
|||will be|
and you, the dog, will be quiet.
Budeš ticho a ja zoberiem ovcu. Dobre?"
you will be|quiet||I|will take||
You be quiet and I'll take the sheep. Okay?"
A pes hovorí:
And the dog says:
"Nie. Prepáč, ale nie."
"No. Sorry, but no."
Lebo pes je loajálny, hej?
Because a dog is loyal, hey?
Pes má rád rodinu.
The dog loves his family.
Má rád muža a ženu a dieťa a ovcu.
He loves man and woman and child and sheep.
Tak pes hovorí: "Nie."
So the dog says: "No."
A vlk hovorí:
And the wolf says:
"To nie je fér!
"It is not fair!
Ja som ti pomohol.
I helped you.
Hej? Muž ťa chcel zabiť
Hey? Hey. The man wanted to kill you
a ja som ti pomohol.
and I helped you.
A teraz ty nechceš pomôcť mne?
and|now||you don't want|help|me
And now you don't want to help me?
To nie je fér!"
That's not fair!"
A pes hovorí:
And the dog says:
"Prepáč, ale nie."
"Sorry, but no."
A pes ide domov.
And the dog goes home.
A vlk je nahnevaný.
And the wolf is angry.
Je nahnevaný.
He's angry.
Lebo... Prečo je nahnevaný?
Because... Why is he angry?
Lebo pes mu nechce pomôcť, nechce byť ticho.
||him|wants|help|doesn't want||
Because the dog doesn't want to help him, doesn't want to be quiet.
Na druhý deň...
The next day...
Je deň.
It is day.
Na druhý deň
The next day
vlk ide zobrať ovcu.
||to take|
the wolf goes to take the sheep.
Chce zobrať ovcu,
wants|to take|a sheep
He wants to take the sheep,
ale pes vidí vlka
but the dog sees the wolf
a pes nie je ticho.
Pes šteká.
The dog|barks
Dog is barking.
Pes šteká a muž a žena počujú, že pes šteká
A dog barks and a man and a woman hear the dog barking
a muž a žena vidia vlka.
and a man and a woman see a wolf.
Hej? Vidia, že vlk chce zobrať ovcu.
|they see|||||
Hey? Hey. They see that the wolf wants to take the sheep.
A muž zoberie palicu
||will take|stick
And the man takes the stick
a zbije vlka.
|will beat|wolf
and beats the wolf.
Zbije vlka.
will beat|wolf
He's gonna kill the wolf.
A vlk uteká, uteká do lesa
And the wolf runs away, runs away into the forest
a je nahnevaný a smutný,
and he's angry and sad,
lebo nemá ovcu,
for he has no sheep,
je hladný
he's hungry
a muž ho zbil.
and the man beat him.
Tak vlk je nahnevaný a smutný.
So the wolf is angry and sad.
Je nahnevaný na psa,
He's angry with the dog,
lebo pes štekal,
because the dog barked
pes nebol ticho,
The dog was not quiet,
tak teraz je vlk nahnevaný.
so now the wolf is angry.
Vlk má kamaráta.
The wolf has a friend.
Toto je prasa.
This is a pig.
Hej? Toto je prasa, má uši,
||||it has|ears
Hey? Hey. This is a pig, it's got ears,
ale to nie je normálne prasa.
but it's not a normal pig.
To nie je prasa na farme,
That's not a pig on a farm,
to je divé prasa.
that's a wild pig.
Prasa býva v lese.
The pig lives in the forest.
No, a vlk a prasa sú kamaráti.
Oh, and the wolf and the pig are mates.
A vlk ide za prasaťom
And the wolf follows the pig
a vlk hovorí:
and the wolf says:
"Prasa, som nahnevaný na psa.
"Pig, I'm mad at the dog.
Pes nebol ticho,
The dog was not quiet,
pes štekal
the dog barked
a muž ma zbil.
and a man beat me up.
A ja teraz zbijem psa.
|I||I will beat|dog
And now I'm going to beat the dog.
Hej? Zbijem psa.
|I will beat|dog
Prasa, ty a ja zbijeme psa, dobre?"
Pig, you and I will beat the dog, okay?"
A prasa hovorí: "Dobre."
A pig says: "Good."
Prasa ide za psom
|||the dog
The pig goes after the dog
a hovorí:
and says:
"Pes, vlk je nahnevaný.
"Dog, the wolf is angry.
A vlk a ja sa chceme biť.
And the wolf and I want to fight.
V noci...
At night...
v noci príď do lesa
come to the forest at night
a budeme sa biť."
|we will|ourselves|fight
and we will fight."
Ale vlk a prasa sú dvaja.
But the wolf and the pig are two.
Hej? A pes je len jeden.
Hey? And there is only one dog.
Tak pes potrebuje kamaráta alebo kamarátku.
||needs|a friend|or|a female friend
So the dog needs a friend.
Hej? Aby boli dvaja a dvaja.
|so that|there are|two||
Hey? Hey. To be two and two.
No, pes má kamarátku.
Well, the dog has a friend.
Jeho kamarátka je mačka.
His friend is a cat.
Toto je mačka.
This is a cat.
Má uši.
He's got ears.
Mačka robí "mňau".
The cat goes "meow".
Má chvost.
it has|tail
It has a tail.
Á, ale toto je špeciálna mačka,
lebo má tri nohy. Hej?
|he has||legs|yes
Pes má štyri nohy,
vlk... no...
vlk má štyri nohy,
prasa má štyri nohy,
ale má tri nohy.
A mačka je stará.
Hej? Pes je starý, má desať rokov,
aj mačka je stará.
Je stará a má tri nohy.
A pes hovorí mačke:
"Mačka, vlk a prasa sa chcú biť
a vlk a prasa sú dvaja.
Mačka, prosím, pomôž mi."
A mačka hovorí: "Dobre."
Ale, no, vlk a prasa sú veľkí
a sú silní,
a pes a mačka sú starí
a mačka nemá jednu nohu
a pes nemá zuby.
Tak, a v noci...
V noci pes a mačka idú do lesa.
Idú sa biť.
A je noc
a vlk a prasa vidia,
že pes a mačka idú do lesa,
ale nevidia dobre, hej?
|they don't see|well|
Lebo je noc a nevidia dobre.
Vidia... Kto je to? Je to mačka?
A mačka má chvost. Toto je chvost.
And the cat has a tail. This is the tail.
Aj pes má chvost,
vlk má chvost, prasa má chvost.
Mačka má chvost.
A vlk vidí chvost
ale myslí si,
že je to meč.
that it is a sword.
Meč je...
The sword is...
Toto je meč. Hej?
This is a sword. Hey? (chuckles)
A vlk si myslí, že chvost je meč,
|||||the tail||sword
And the wolf thinks that the tail is a sword,
lebo vidí zle.
because he sees wrong.
A vlk sa bojí, je nervózny.
|||is afraid||nervous
And the wolf is afraid, he is nervous.
Vlk hovorí:
Wolf says:
"Prasa, aha: mačka má meč, jaj!"
"Pig, aha: the cat has a sword, yikes!"
A prasa sa bojí: jaj!
And the pig is afraid: yikes!
A vlk hovorí:
And the wolf says:
"Pes, pes! Všetko je OK. Je to OK.
Prepáč, prepáč.
Sorry, sorry.
Chcem byť tvoj kamarát. Dobre?
I want|to be||friend|
I want to be your friend. Okay?
Budeme kamaráti?"
will we be|
Shall we be friends?"
A pes hovorí:
And the dog says:
"Dobre, áno, budeme kamaráti."
good|yes|we will be|friends
"Okay, yeah, we'll be friends."
"Dobre, áno, budeme kamaráti."
"Okay, yeah, we'll be friends."
Tak pes a vlk sú kamaráti.
So the dog and the wolf are mates.
A to je koniec. Čaute.