Kan en Europahær beskytte Danmark i fremtiden?
Can|a|European army|protect|Denmark|in|the future
Kann eine europäische Armee Dänemark in Zukunft schützen?
Can a European army protect Denmark in the future?
Det her er et russisk bombefly, type Tu-160.
This is a Russian bomber, type Tu-160.
Det flyver to gange lydens hastighed og have atomvåben om bord.
It|flies|twice|times|sound's|speed|and|have|nuclear weapons|on|board
It flies at twice the speed of sound and carries nuclear weapons on board.
Tre gange i 2019 blev denne type fly afvist på kanten af dansk luftrum.
Three|times|in|were|this|type|aircraft|rejected|at|the edge|of|Danish|airspace
Three times in 2019, this type of aircraft was rejected at the edge of Danish airspace.
Det betyder ikke, at Rusland står på spring til at invadere Danmark.
It|means|not|to|Russia|is|on|the verge|to|to|invade|Denmark
This does not mean that Russia is on the verge of invading Denmark.
Det kunne russerne sagtens, og så er det godt -
It|could|the Russians|easily|and|then|is|it|good
The Russians could easily do that, and that's good -
- at vi har USA med i Nato til at beskytte os. Eller har vi?
- that we have the USA in NATO to protect us. Or do we?
Andre medlemslande skal betale mere.
Other|member countries|shall|pay|more
Other member countries need to pay more.
Kan vi regne med, at Nato og USA redder os, hvis lokummet brænder?
Can|we|count|on|that|NATO|and|USA|saves|us|if|situation|gets bad
Can we count on NATO and the USA to save us if things get tough?
Derfor vil Frankrigs præsident have en europahær.
Therefore|will|France's|president|have|a|European army
That is why the President of France wants a European army.
Gustav Rasmussen, Danmarks udenrigsminister.
Gustav|Rasmussen|Denmark's|foreign minister
Gustav Rasmussen, Denmark's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Danmark var blandt de 12 lande, der etablerede Nato efter 2. verdenskrig.
Denmark was among the 12 countries that established NATO after World War II.
Siden er Nato udvidet til 29 lande, som skal forsvare hinanden -
Since|is|NATO|expanded|to|countries|that|must|defend|each other
Since then, NATO has expanded to 29 countries that must defend each other -
- hvis et af dem bliver angrebet. En for alle, alle for en.
- if one of them is attacked. One for all, all for one.
... og komme ethvert af dem, der angribes, til undsætning.
and|come|any|of|them|who|are attacked|to|rescue
... and come to the aid of any of them that is attacked.
Det er en fordel for Danmark. Men til fællesskabet hører forpligtelsen til -
It|is|an|advantage|for|Denmark|But|to|the community|belongs|obligation|to
This is an advantage for Denmark. But with the community comes the obligation to -
- at bruge 2 % af BNP på forsvar, og her er grunden til, at Trump er sur.
to|spend|of|GDP|on|defense|and|here|is|the reason|why|that|Trump|is|angry
- to spend 2% of GDP on defense, and this is why Trump is angry.
Mange lande skylder os kæmpe beløb fra flere år.
Many countries owe us huge amounts from several years.
Der er kun ni lande, der opfylder kravet. Helt hernede finder vi Danmark.
There|are|only|nine|countries|that|fulfill|requirement|Completely|down here|find|we|Denmark
There are only nine countries that meet the requirement. Right down here we find Denmark.
Betaler man ikke nok, kan man ikke være sikker på USA's beskyttelse.
If you don't pay enough, you can't be sure of the USA's protection.
Obama ville også have europæerne til at betale mere.
Obama|wanted|also|to have|the Europeans|to||pay|more
Obama also wanted the Europeans to pay more.
Derfor bør alle Nato-lande betale deres andel. Det sker ikke altid.
Therefore, all NATO countries should pay their share. This does not always happen.
Ser man på det samlede militærpersonale i Nato, udgør USA 41 % af styrken.
One|looks|at|the|total|military personnel|in|NATO|constitutes|the USA|of|the strength
Looking at the total military personnel in NATO, the USA makes up 41% of the force.
Uden USA's støtte er Nato svækket -
Without the USA's support, NATO is weakened -
- og mange ledere er usikre på, hvor de har USA.
- and many leaders are uncertain about where they stand with the USA.
Ved jeres side vil der i år stå et stort antal soldater fra europahæren.
At|your|side|will|there|in|year|stand|a|large|number|soldiers|from|European army
By your side, there will be a large number of soldiers from the European army this year.
Et smukt symbol på det forsvar, vi skaber for Europa.
A beautiful symbol of the defense we are creating for Europe.
Krigen i Bulgarien. Europahæren er tæt på at afslutte kampene.
The war|in|Bulgaria|The European Army|is|close|to|to|finish|the battles
The war in Bulgaria. The European army is close to finishing the battles.
Idéen om en europahær er ikke ny. Det her er et fiktivt nyhedsindslag fra 1991.
The idea|of|a|European army|is|not|new|This|here|is|a|fictional|news report|from
The idea of a European army is not new. This is a fictional news report from 1991.
Det skulle foregå i 2001.
It|should|take place|in
It was supposed to take place in 2001.
Det er første gang, hæren er i kamp.
It|is|first|time|the army|is|in|combat
It is the first time the army is in combat.
I denne fremtid er EU og hæren i krig med republikken Serbien.
In|this|future|is|EU|and|the army|in|war|with|the republic|Serbia
In this future, the EU and the army are at war with the Republic of Serbia.
For nogle stod hæren som et skræmmebillede på EU's udvikling -
For|some|stood|the army|as|a|frightening image|of|EU's|development
For some, the army stood as a frightening image of the EU's development -
- og den fælles hær var en af årsagerne til -
and|the|common|army|was|one|of|the reasons|to
- and the common army was one of the reasons why -
- at danskerne i 1992 stemte nej til Maastricht-traktaten.
that|the Danes|in|voted|no|to||
- the Danes voted no to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992.
Her er det et nej til den Europæiske Union.
Here it is a no to the European Union.
Derfor har Danmark de fire EU-forbehold.
Therefore, Denmark has the four EU opt-outs.
Mange var nervøse for, at danskere skulle i kamp under europaflaget -
Many|were|nervous|about|that|Danes|would|in|battle|under|European flag
Many were worried that Danes would fight under the European flag -
- under en fransk eller tysk general.
- under a French or German general.
Hæren blev aldrig til, for ingen ville have den.
The army|was|never|formed|for|no one|wanted|to have|it
The army was never formed, because no one wanted it.
Slet ikke Storbritannien, den største modstander af hæren.
not at all|not|the United Kingdom|the|biggest|opponent|of|the army
Not at all the United Kingdom, the biggest opponent of the army.
Men fordi Nato-samarbejdet er udfordret lige nu -
But because the NATO cooperation is challenged right now -
- er hæren kommet på tale igen.
is|the army|come|into|discussion|again
- the army has come up for discussion again.
Det går stærkt med militærsamarbejdet i EU, og der er mange initiativer.
It|goes|quickly|with|military cooperation|in|EU|and|there|are|many|initiatives
Military cooperation in the EU is progressing rapidly, and there are many initiatives.
Forsvarssamarbejdet PESCO er etableret, så EU kan indkøbe udstyr -
The defense cooperation|PESCO|is|established|so|EU|can|procure|equipment
The defense cooperation PESCO has been established so that the EU can procure equipment -
- og koordinere våbensystemer.
and|coordinate|weapon systems
- and coordinate weapon systems.
EU's forsvarsfond skal booste EU's militærindustri -
EU's|defense fund|shall|boost|EU's|military industry
The EU's defense fund aims to boost the EU's military industry -
- og mindske import fra USA.
- and reduce imports from the USA.
Og Europa-Kommissionen vil udvikle en fælles europæisk forsvarsindustri.
And|||will|develop|a|common|European|defense industry
And the European Commission will develop a common European defense industry.
Danmark har et forsvarsforbehold, så vi står uden for det meste af samarbejdet.
Denmark|has|a|defense reservation|so|we|stand|outside|of|the|most|of|cooperation
Denmark has a defense reservation, so we are outside most of the cooperation.
I den tysk-franske vision skal landene skrue op for militæret -
In|the|||vision|should|countries||up|for|the military
In the German-French vision, the countries should ramp up their military -
- samarbejde bedre og rykke hurtigt ud, dog stadig uden tvang.
- cooperate better and respond quickly, but still without compulsion.
Frankrig og Tyskland ønsker en hær, der kan forsvare os, mens Nato kollapser.
France and Germany want an army that can defend us while NATO collapses.
Med Storbritanniens farvel til EU er den største modstander mod en hær væk.
With Britain's farewell to the EU, the biggest opponent to an army is gone.
Når alt kommer til alt, kan Europa ikke forsvare nogen nu. Heller ikke sig selv.
After all, Europe cannot defend anyone right now. Not even itself.
En rapport fastslår, at EU hverken har mandskab, udstyr eller struktur til det.
A report states that the EU has neither personnel, equipment, nor structure for it.
Det vil koste op mod 2,4 billioner kr. at gøre de europæiske Nato-lande selvforsvarende.
It will cost up to 2.4 trillion DKK to make the European NATO countries self-defending.
Man skal indregne en implementeringstid på op til 20 år.
One|must|account for|an|implementation time|of|up|to|years
One must account for an implementation time of up to 20 years.
Vi skal nok blive ved med at sætte vores lid til Nato og især USA.
We|shall|probably|remain|continue|to|to|place|our|trust|in|NATO|and|especially|the USA
We will probably continue to place our trust in NATO and especially the USA.
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