2.7 Grammatikk: substantiver
Grammatik (1)|Substantive
2.7 Grammatik: Substantive
2.7 Γραμματική: ουσιαστικά
2.7 Grammar: nouns
2.7 Gramática: sustantivos
2.7 Grammaire : noms
2.7 Gramatika: daiktavardžiai
2.7 Грамматика: существительные
2.7 Dilbilgisi: isimler
2.7 Граматика: іменники
__Bruk ubestemt flertall av substantivene i parentes.__
Use|indefinite plural|plural form|"of"|the nouns|use indefinite plural|parentheses
||||den Substantive||(1)
Use the indefinite plural of the nouns in brackets.
Użyj nieokreślonej liczby mnogiej rzeczowników w nawiasach.
a) (ei kjøttkake) - Bestemor serverer **kjøttkaker**.
||boulette de viande|||
|a) (a meatball)|meat patty|Grandmother|serves|meat patties
a) (a meat pie) - Grandma serves meat pies.
b) (ei gulrot) - Hun liker **gulrøtter** og blomkål.
b) (a carrot) - She likes carrots and cauliflower.
c) (en bolle) - Markus spiser **boller** i kantina.
|a bun|bun|Markus||buns|in the cafeteria|the cafeteria
c) (a bun) - Markus eats buns in the canteen.
d) (en matvane) - Ling skriver om **matvaner**.
||habitude alimentaire||||
|a|eating habit|||about|eating habits
d) (an eating habit) - Ling writes about eating habits.
e) (en ting) - Markus har ikke mange **ting** på hybelen.
||things|Markus|has|not|many||in|the dorm room
e) (one thing) - Markus doesn't have many things in his dormitory.
f) (et ord) - Skriv cirka 300 **ord**!
f) (one word) - Write approximately 300 words!
g) (et sted) - Hvilke **steder** liker du best i Trondheim?
g) (a place) - Which places do you like best in Trondheim?
h) (ei bestemor) - Ling har to **bestemødre**.
a grandmother|a|grandmother||"has"||grandmothers
h) (a grandmother) - Ling has two grandmothers.
i) (en lærer) - Noen **lærere** har bakt kake.
a teacher|a|teacher|Some|teachers|"have"||cake
i) (a teacher) - Some teachers have baked a cake.
j) (et avsnitt) - Teksten har mange **avsnitt**.
|a|paragraph|The text|has||paragraph
j) (a paragraph) - The text has many paragraphs.