Your Daily Dose of Hebrew | להקפיץ - to give someone a ride
Your Daily Dose of Hebrew | to bounce - to give someone a ride
אהלן חברים
Olá amigos
"לקפוץ" - או "לקפּוץ" כמו ש"אמורים" להגיד
לקפוץ-to jump - or לקפּוץ as it is "supposed" to be pronounced
"Jump" - ou "jump" como "suposto" para dizer
היא פעולה פשוטה
is a simple action
É uma operação simples
אבל "להקפיץ" זה לגרום למישהו לקפוץ
but להקפיץ-to bounce (or to give a ride) is to make someone jump
Mas "saltar" é fazer alguém pular
בניין הפעיל הוא בניין של גרימה
The הפעיל verb structure is one of causation
אפשר "לאכול", אבל אפשר גם "להאכיל"
one can "eat", but one can also "feed"
Você pode "comer", mas também pode "alimentar"
לגרום למישהו לאכול
cause someone to eat
Faça alguém comer
העובדים יכולים לשבות
workers can strike
Trabalhadores podem fazer greve
ועל ידי זה שהם שובתים
and by striking
E por isso eles atacam
הם משביתים את המשק
|shutting down||
they disable the economy
Estão fechando a economia
אפשר גם לקחת מילה פשוטה
You can also take a simple word
Também é possível tomar uma simples palavra
ולהכניס אותה לבניין הפעיל
and plug it into the הפעיל structure
E colocá-lo no prédio ativo
ויש לנו משהו גרימתי
and we have something causative
E nós temos algo que eu causei
למשל, "הדבר שלם
for example, "the thing is whole
ואם אני רוצה לגרום לו להיות שלם
and if I want to make it whole
E se eu quiser fazer tudo completo
אני משלים אותו
I complete it
eu completei
לא תמיד "הפעיל" הוא גרימתי
הפעיל is not always causative
למשל, "להזמין" - קשה למצוא
for example, להזמין - to order/invite- it's hard to find
Por exemplo, "pedido" - difícil de encontrar
את הגרימה במילה "זמן" כאן שקורית
the causation in the word זמן-time here that takes place
A indução na palavra "tempo" aqui está acontecendo
אבל באופן כללי זה די עובד
but in general it works pretty well
Mas no geral está funcionando bem
טוב, זהו חברים, להתראות
Well, that's all friends, see you later