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ScorpioMartianus - Vatican Radio, Vatican Priest Speaks Latin with American on the Radio 🎙️ - YouTube

Vatican Priest Speaks Latin with American on the Radio 🎙️ - YouTube

Nūper invītātus apud programma Statiōnis Radiophōnicae Vātīcānae cui titulus est Anima Latīna,

cum Reverendissimō Valdemārō Turek Latīnē locūtus sum in undīs.

Quamvīs apud alium canālem polýMATHY partēs nostrī colloquiī audītae sint,

hīc integrae cōnfābulātiōnēs auscultantur. Eccās!

Certē! Quid invēnistī ipse, magister?

Sed quā dē rē agitur?

Quid putās dē —

dē hāc rē.

Loquunturne etiamnunc sacerdōtēs Vātīcānī Latīnē?

Paucissimī sunt sacerdōtēs in Cīvitāte Vātīcānā quī loquuntur Latīnē.

Forsitan multī frequentāvērunt curricula et studia

in variīs nātiōnibus,

tamen paucissimī sunt illī quī

possunt loquī dē omnibus rēbus,

et quibusdam aliīs tī ita dīcitur

forsitan nōn est plūs nōbīs ista prāxis et trāditiō

ūsque ad Concilium Vātīcānum Secundum

ferē omnēs sacerdōtēs Ecclēsiasticī loquebantur Latīnē

posteā trānsiērunt multae mūtātiōnēs

et hodiē etiam in sēmināriīs sunt quaedam curricula

tamen agitur nōn dē facultāte loquendī,

sed dē facultāte, exemplī grātiā, legendī, prōnūntiandī

et potissimum dē intelligendō textūs Latīnōs et Graecōs

quī māximum cōnstituunt ūsque ad nostrum tempus thēsaurum

tum quod pertinet ad disciplīnās theologicās, philosophicās

sed etiam ad disciplīnās nostrae aetātis

quia, sī cōnsīderāmus, exemplī grātiā, prōvinciam oecologicam

vel prōvinciam commūnicātiōnis socialis

multa sunt nōbīs vocābula

quae rādīcem habent in sermōne Graecō vel in sermōne Latīnō

et tenētur omnīno dē nāvitāte nostrā

et dē operā nostrā in Secrētāriō Statūs

quia multa documenta parantur etiam hodiē in sermōne Latīnō

et posteā pūblicī iūris

sunt ācta Apostolicae Sēdis

et sunt quōdammodō, ut ita dīcam, pūnctum cōnsīderātiōnis

et pūnctum meditātiōnis dē rēbus quae hodiē

omnīnō maiōris vel māximī sunt mōmentī.

Ergō oportet etiamnunc sacerdōtēs discere linguam Latīnam?

Omnīnō, omnīno!

Ut loquantur?

Variās ob causā. Haec est alia quaestiō, quia

nōs possumus discere sermōnem Latīnum ob variās causās

potissimum quia cōnstituunt fontēs, nōn?

historiae, theologiae, philosophiae

hodiē nesciō sī sint in ūniversō, in orbe

prōfessōrēs, magistrī quī aptī sint

ad istud opus, quia nōn est opus facile! hodiē loquī.

Nesciō sī possum, sī licet mihi,

quaedam etiam Latīnē dīcere

quia omnīnō oblītus sum

Venī hūc, Monsignore!

et trādere tibi volūmen

cui titulus est Breviloquia Francīscī Pāpae

sunt breviloquia [pīpiātiōnēs] vidēlicet "tweet"

nōs titulum dedimus sententiīs, "tweet," "breviloquia"

quia etymologia est vēra propria

quod sibi vult "tweet"

et sunt sententiae Summī Pontificis Francīscī

compositae Italicē et Latīnē

et trānslātiō Latīna est opus nostrum

quod dat nōbīs, quod offert nōbīs dēlectāmentum

et etiam optimam occāsiōnem

ad sermōnem Latīnum etiam hominubus nostrae aetātis praebēre

et dōnō tibi, trādō volūmen

sīcut testimōnium nostrae audītiōnis

nostrī dialogī dē Latīnitāte

et semper dē pondere, dīxerim,

dē monumentō et dē mōmentō istīus linguae

quia omnīnō māximum, sīcut iam dīximus

cōnstituit thēsaurum prō cultūrā et nostrae aetātis.

Mihi nunc est properandum.

Summās tibi et vōbīs omnibus singulīs grātiās agō

Grātiās māximās et etiam omnibus quī cultōrēs sunt Latīnitātis in Americā

tum Septentriōnālī cum Merīdiōnālī.

Certissimē! Valē!

Vatican Priest Speaks Latin with American on the Radio 🎙️ - YouTube Vatican|priest|Loquitur|Latin|with|Americānus||the Vatican|radio station|YouTube channel Vatikanpriester spricht im Radio Latein mit Amerikanisch 🎙️ - YouTube Vatican Priest Speaks Latin with American on the Radio 🎙️ - YouTube Sacerdote del Vaticano habla en latín con estadounidense en la radio 🎙️ - YouTube Un prêtre du Vatican parle latin avec des américains à la radio 🎙️ - YouTube Il sacerdote vaticano parla latino con americano alla radio 🎙️ - YouTube バチカンの司祭がラジオでアメリカ人とラテン語を話す 🎙️ - YouTube 바티칸 신부, 라디오에서 미국인과 라틴어로 대화하다 🎙️ - YouTube Vaticaanse priester spreekt Latijn met Amerikaan op de radio 🎙️ - YouTube Watykański ksiądz mówi po łacinie z amerykańskim w radiu 🎙️ - YouTube Sacerdote do Vaticano fala latim com americano na rádio 🎙️ - YouTube Священник Ватикана говорит по радио на латыни с американским 🎙️ - YouTube Vatikanprästen talar latin med amerikansk på radion 🎙️ - YouTube Ватиканський священик розмовляє латиною з американцем по радіо 🎙️ - YouTube 梵蒂冈神父在广播中与美国人讲拉丁语 🎙️ - YouTube

Nūper invītātus apud programma Statiōnis Radiophōnicae Vātīcānae cui titulus est Anima Latīna, Récemment||chez||||||||| Kürzlich||||||||||| "Recently"|"invited"|at|program|"of the Station"|Radio Station's|"of the Vatican"|which|title||Soul|Latin soul I was recently invited to the Vatican Radio show Anima Latina, Недавно приглашен на программу радиостанций Ватикана под названием «Anima Latina».

cum Reverendissimō Valdemārō Turek Latīnē locūtus sum in undīs. ||||||||im Radio when|Most Reverend|with Reverend Valdemar|with Reverend Turek|in Latin|spoken|I have been||on the airwaves and I got to talk in Latin on the airwaves with Monsignor Waldemar Turek. Hablé con el Reverendissimo Valdemārō Turek Latīnē sobre las olas. Я разговаривал с преподобным Вальдемаро Туреком Латине на волнах.

Quamvīs apud alium canālem polýMATHY partēs nostrī colloquiī audītae sint, Bien que||another|canal|polyvalence|parts|||entendues|soient although|at|another channel|another channel|multitude of knowledge|parts|our|"of our conversation"|"have been heard"|may be Although you were able to hear parts of our conversation on my other channel polýMATHY, Aunque partes de nuestra conversación se escucharon en otro canal, polímatismo,

hīc integrae cōnfābulātiōnēs auscultantur. Eccās! ici|intact|les conversations|sont écoutées|Voici! |complete|"conversations"|are listened to|"Here they are!" ||||Da sind sie! here you can listen to the whole conversations. Here they are! Aquí se escuchan las conferencias enteras. ¡Mirad! Ici, l'intégralité des conférences est écoutée. Voir!

Certē! Quid invēnistī ipse, magister? ||"did you find"|| Certainly! What have you found, sir? ¡Ciertamente! ¿Qué te encontraste, maestro? Certainement! Qu'avez-vous trouvé, professeur ?

Sed quā dē rē agitur? About what exactly? Pero ¿cuál es el problema? Mais qu'y a-t-il ?

Quid putās dē — What do you think about — Qué opinas - Qu'en penses-tu -

dē hāc rē. about this matter. en este asunto. sur ce sujet.

Loquunturne etiamnunc sacerdōtēs Vātīcānī Latīnē? Do they speak|||of the Vatican| Do priests of the Vatican still speak Latin? ¿Incluso ahora los sacerdotes de Vātīcānī hablan latín?

Paucissimī sunt sacerdōtēs in Cīvitāte Vātīcānā quī loquuntur Latīnē. |"there are"|||the Vatican City|in the Vatican||| There are very few priests in Vatican City who speak Latin.

Forsitan multī frequentāvērunt curricula et studia ||"attended"|courses and studies|| Perhaps many have frequented various courses Tal vez asistieron a muchos cursos y estudios

in variīs nātiōnibus, ||"in various nations" in various countries, dans divers pays

tamen paucissimī sunt illī quī ||"are" or "there are"|| nevertheless there are quite few who sin embargo, son muy pocos los que pourtant il y a très peu de ceux qui

possunt loquī dē omnibus rēbus, peuvent|parler|||choses can talk about all things, pueden hablar de todas las cosas ils peuvent parler de tout

et quibusdam aliīs tī ita dīcitur |certains|et certains autres|you||it is said |||"to you"|| and a few others, if I may say y a algunos otros se les dice asi et à d'autres on le dit

forsitan nōn est plūs nōbīs ista prāxis et trāditiō |||plus de|nous|cette pratique|pratique||tradition vielleicht|||||||| ||||||practice or tradition||tradition maybe we don't have that pratice and tradition anymore tal vez no hay más que estas prácticas y tradiciones peut-être n'y a-t-il rien de plus que ces pratiques et traditions

ūsque ad Concilium Vātīcānum Secundum jusqu'à||concile|Vatican| bis zum Konzil|||| |||Vatican| up until the Second Vatican Council hasta el Concilio Vaticano II

ferē omnēs sacerdōtēs Ecclēsiasticī loquebantur Latīnē presque|||Ecclésiastiques|parlaient| |||church officials|| pretty much every priest of the Church could speak Latin Casi todos los sacerdotes eclesiásticos hablaban latín

posteā trānsiērunt multae mūtātiōnēs ensuite|passé|many|changements |"have passed"||changes |||viele Veränderungen afterwards there were many changes par la suite de nombreux changements ont eu lieu

et hodiē etiam in sēmināriīs sunt quaedam curricula |aujourd'hui|||séminaires||| ||||"in seminaries"|"there are"|| even today the seminarians follow certain curricula et aujourd'hui il y a aussi des cours dans les séminaires

tamen agitur nōn dē facultāte loquendī, ||||capacité|de parler ||||ability|speaking however it's not about learning to speak, pourtant il ne s'agit pas de la faculté de parler,

sed dē facultāte, exemplī grātiā, legendī, prōnūntiandī |||par exemple|par exemple|lire|de prononcer ||||||of pronouncing but it's about learning to read, to recite, mais par faculté, par exemple par grâce, en lisant, en parlant

et potissimum dē intelligendō textūs Latīnōs et Graecōs |surtout||en comprenant|textes|textes latins||grecs |especially||understanding|||| and especially about understanding Latin and Greek texts et surtout lors de la compréhension de textes latins et grecs

quī māximum cōnstituunt ūsque ad nostrum tempus thēsaurum |maximum|établissent|||||trésor |greatest|"they establish"||||| which constitute all the way up to our times a great treasure qui constituent le plus grand trésor jusqu'à notre époque

tum quod pertinet ad disciplīnās theologicās, philosophicās ||relève de||les disciplines|théologiques|philosophiques |||||theological studies|philosophical studies that pertains to theology, philosogy, et ce qui relève des disciplines théologiques et philosophiques

sed etiam ad disciplīnās nostrae aetātis |||||de l'époque and even to the sciences of today, mais aussi aux disciples de notre époque

quia, sī cōnsīderāmus, exemplī grātiā, prōvinciam oecologicam |si|nous considérons|exemple||province|écologique ||"we consider"|||ecological province|ecological province because, if we consider, for example, the field of ecology car si l'on considère, par exemple, une province écologique

vel prōvinciam commūnicātiōnis socialis ou||de communication|social |"field" or "area"|of communication|social communication or sociology,

multa sunt nōbīs vocābula beaucoup|||mots |"there are"|| we have a lot of words

quae rādīcem habent in sermōne Graecō vel in sermōne Latīnō |racine|ont||langue|grecque||||latin |root|||"in speech"||||"in speech"| whose root is found in Greek or Latin

et tenētur omnīno dē nāvitāte nostrā |is held|entièrement||de notre navigation|notre ||entirely||birth| entirely about our zeal et il se tient dans chaque jour de notre vie

et dē operā nostrā in Secrētāriō Statūs ||de notre travail|||Secrétaire d'État|État |||||Secretary's Office|"of State" and about our work in the Secretariat of State et de notre travail à la Secrétairerie d'État

quia multa documenta parantur etiam hodiē in sermōne Latīnō ||documents écrits|sont préparés||||| ||documents|"are being prepared"||||| |||werden vorbereitet||||| because there are many documents that are still made today in Latin

et posteā pūblicī iūris ||public|droit public |||public law and even of public decrees et ensuite de droit public

sunt ācta Apostolicae Sēdis |actes|apostolique|siège apostolique "are"||"Apostolic See"|Apostolic See and the acts of the Holy See

et sunt quōdammodō, ut ita dīcam, pūnctum cōnsīderātiōnis ||d'une certaine manière|||je dirais|point|point de considération |"they are"|"in a way"||||point of consideration|"of consideration" and there are certain, how shoud I say, a point of consideration

et pūnctum meditātiōnis dē rēbus quae hodiē ||de la méditation|||| |point|"of meditation"|||| and of reflexion about matters that today

omnīnō maiōris vel māximī sunt mōmentī. tout à fait|plus grand||très grand||degré "entirely"|"greater"|||| are rather or indeed very important.

Ergō oportet etiamnunc sacerdōtēs discere linguam Latīnam? Donc|il faut|||apprendre|langue|la langue latine So should priests still learn Latin today?

Omnīnō, omnīno! "Completely, completely!"| Absolutely, absolutely!

Ut loquantur? |qu'ils parlent In order to be able to speak in Latin?

Variās ob causā. Haec est alia quaestiō, quia Différentes|pour diverses raisons|pour la raison|||autre|question| ||||||"another question"| Absolutely, for various reasons. This is another question, because

nōs possumus discere sermōnem Latīnum ob variās causās nous|nous pouvons||le langage|latin|||raisons we can learn Latin for many reasons

potissimum quia cōnstituunt fontēs, nōn? |||sources| "chiefly" or "especially"|||"the sources"| especially because they constitute our sources, right?

historiae, theologiae, philosophiae histoire|théologie|philosophie |of theology|of philosophy history, theology, philosophy

hodiē nesciō sī sint in ūniversō, in orbe |je ne sais pas||||univers||monde |||||"in the universe"|| today I don't know if there exist in the whole world

prōfessōrēs, magistrī quī aptī sint professeurs|maîtres||aptés| "qualified teachers"|||suited| professors, teachers who might be

ad istud opus, quia nōn est opus facile! hodiē loquī. |cela|œuvre|||||facile|| up to this task, because it's not easy to speak Latin.

Nesciō sī possum, sī licet mihi, ||||il est permis| I don't know if I may, if I could just,

quaedam etiam Latīnē dīcere |||dire say a few things also in Latin

quia omnīnō oblītus sum ||oublié| because I totally forgot

Venī hūc, Monsignore! viens|ici|monseigneur ||Monsignor Come here, Monsignor!

et trādere tibi volūmen |et te donner||rouleau |"to hand over"||the scroll and give you this book

cui titulus est Breviloquia Francīscī Pāpae |||Brèves paroles|de François|pape François |||Short discourses|of Francis|"Pope Francis" whose title is the Tweets of Pope Francis

sunt breviloquia [pīpiātiōnēs] vidēlicet "tweet" ||pipiations|à savoir|tweet |short messages|tweets|namely|chirps ||Tweets|| "breviloquia" [more commenly in modern Latin called instead "pīpiātiōnēs"] which are "tweets"

nōs titulum dedimus sententiīs, "tweet," "breviloquia" |titre|nous avons donné|phrases|| ||We gave title|"to sentences"|short message|short messages we gave this name "breviloquia" to the comments or announcements that are known as "tweets"

quia etymologia est vēra propria |étymologie||vraie|propre |true meaning||| because it has a good and proper etymology

quod sibi vult "tweet" |pour lui|veut| for the term "tweet"

et sunt sententiae Summī Pontificis Francīscī ||sentences|du Pape|du Pontife| |||"of the highest"|| and they are the commetns of the Pontifex Maximus, Pope Francis

compositae Italicē et Latīnē composées|italien|| "composed in"||| written in Italian and Latin

et trānslātiō Latīna est opus nostrum |translation|||| |translation|||| and the translation into Latin is our job

quod dat nōbīs, quod offert nōbīs dēlectāmentum |donne|||offre||délectement ||||"offers"||"delight" which gives us, which brings us great joy

et etiam optimam occāsiōnem ||meilleure|occasion |||best opportunity and also a great chance

ad sermōnem Latīnum etiam hominubus nostrae aetātis praebēre ||||hommes|||fournir ||||"to people"|||to provide to show Latin to the people of our time

et dōnō tibi, trādō volūmen |don||and I hand| |||"hand over"| and I'd like to give this book to you

sīcut testimōnium nostrae audītiōnis comme|témoignage||audition |testimony||"hearing" or "listening" as a sort of testiment to our meeting

nostrī dialogī dē Latīnitāte |dialogues||latin language |our conversations|| and conversation about Latinity

et semper dē pondere, dīxerim, |||poids|j'aurais dit ||||würde ich sagen and always about the weight, I should say,

dē monumentō et dē mōmentō istīus linguae |monument|||moment|de cette|langue |monument|||importance|| about the monument and importance of the language

quia omnīnō māximum, sīcut iam dīximus |||||nous avons dit |||||"we have said" which so very much, as we already said

cōnstituit thēsaurum prō cultūrā et nostrae aetātis. a établi||pour|culture||| |||for the cultivation||| constitutes a treasure for culture even of our age.

Mihi nunc est properandum. |||se dépêcher |||Ich muss eilen. |||"I must hurry" I have to run.

Summās tibi et vōbīs omnibus singulīs grātiās agō sommets|||vous||chacune||je donne Greatest||||||| Thanks so much to each and every one of you

Grātiās māximās et etiam omnibus quī cultōrēs sunt Latīnitātis in Americā |grandes remerciements|||||cultivateurs||de la langue latine||Amérique |Greatest thanks|||||worshippers of||of Latin culture||in America Thanks very much also to all those who cultivate Latinity in America

tum Septentriōnālī cum Merīdiōnālī. |nordique||méridional |Northern||southern region North and South! et le Septentriōnālī avec le Merīdīōnālī.

Certissimē! Valē! certainly|au revoir Most certainly! Farewell!| Yes sir! Take care!