Praesidentia UE in Germaniam translata
EU Presidency transferred to Germany
04.01.2007, klo 17.03
Anno bis millesimo septimo ineunte praesidentia Unionis Europaeae, quam Finni sex menses tenuerant, in Germaniam translata est.
in the year|two|thousand|seventh|beginning|||||the Finns||months|held||Germany|was transferred|
At the beginning of the year 2007, the presidency of the European Union, which the Finns had held for six months, was transferred to Germany.
Finnis praesidentibus primo loco inter res tractandas erant amplificatio Unionis et eius cum Russia cooperatio, competitio oeconomica usque asperior, conflictus Orientis Proximi, mutatio climatis, politica energiae.
Finnis|presidents|||||to be addressed||expansion|||||Russia|cooperation|competition|economic competition|up to|more harsh|conflict|of the East|Middle East|climate change|climate|politics|of energy
For the Finnish president, among the issues to be discussed in the first place were the expansion of the Union and its cooperation with Russia, economic competition even more severe, the conflict in the Near East, climate change, and energy politics.
Sicut iam anno undebismillesimo (1999) Finnis Unioni praesidentibus factum erat, administratores Finniae volebant, ut Conspectus Latinus de rebus principalibus ad praesidentiam spectantibus septimanatim interretialiter (www.eu2006.fi) divulgaretur.
as|||of the year 1999||Union|presidents|||||they wanted||the overview|Latin|||principal matters||the presidency|related to presidency|weekly|online||||should be published
As it had already happened in the year nineteen thousand (1999) with the presidency of the Finnish Union, the administrators of Finland wanted the Latin overview of the main issues concerning the presidency to be published weekly on the Internet (www.eu2006.fi).
Ita regimen Finniae omnes de radicibus culturalibus societatis Europaeae commonefecit simulque ostendit se usum linguae Latinae magni habere.
thus|regimen|Finland|all||roots|cultural roots|society|of Europe|has reminded|and also|showed|it|use||||value
Thus, the Finnish government reminded everyone of the cultural roots of European society and at the same time showed that it has a great use of the Latin language.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Novus annus celebrabatur
||was celebrated
The new year was celebrated
04.01.2007, klo 17.02
Novus annus in orbe terrarum spectaculis pyrotechnicis, ut fieri solet, celebrabatur, etsi in Europa occidentali exsultatio hominum feris tempestatibus et pluviis temperata est.
New|||the world||spectacles|fireworks||occur|||even if||Europe|western Europe|exultation|of men|wild|storms||rains|moderated|
The New Year was celebrated around the world with pyrotechnic shows, as is customary, although in Western Europe the rejoicing of people was tempered by wild weather and rain.
Praecipua causa celebrandi fuit in Bulgaria et Romania, quae membra Unionis Europaeae facta sunt.
Main|cause|celebration|||Bulgaria||Romania|which|members|||have become|were
The main cause for celebration was in Bulgaria and Romania, which became members of the European Union.
Quibus terris adiunctis Unio Europaea ex viginti septem sociis civitatibus constat.
to which|lands|adjacent|Union|European Union|||seven|members|countries|consists
In addition to these countries, the European Union consists of twenty-seven member states.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Ban Ki-Moon novus secretarius generalis
||||secretary|secretary general
Ban Ki-Moon is the new secretary general
04.01.2007, klo 17.01
Kalendis Ianuariis Ban Ki-Moon, politicus Coreanus Meridianus, munus secretarii generalis Nationum Unitarum suscepit.
on the Kalends|January||||politician|Korean|Korean Meridian|role|secretary|general|Nations||has taken
On January 1, Ban Ki-Moon, a South Korean politician, took over the role of Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Praedecessor eius Kofi Annan illo munere decem annos functus est.
Predecessor||Kofi|Annan|in that|office|||served|
His predecessor, Kofi Annan, served in that role for ten years.
Ban, mense Octobri secretarius designatus, dixit verum valorem Nationum Unitarum esse in eo, quantum ille ordo homines miseria oppressos adiuvare posset.
|month|October||designated secretary|||value||||||||order of things||misery|oppressed|to help|could help
Ban, who was appointed secretary-general in October, said the true value of the United Nations was in how much the organization could help people overwhelmed by misery.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Saddam suspensus
Saddam was hanged
04.01.2007, klo 17.01
Saddam Hussein, pristinus dictator Iraquiae, postquam appellatio patronorum eius, ut supplicium differretur, repudiata est, die Sabbati (30.12.)
Saddam|Hussein|former|||after the|appeal|of the patrons|of him||punishment|was postponed|was rejected|||of Saturday
Saddam Hussein, the former dictator of Iraq, after the appeal of his patrons to have his execution postponed, was rejected on Saturday (30.12.)
multo mane Bagdati laqueo suspensus est.
very early in the morning he was hanged by a trap in Baghdati.
In locum supplicii ductus recusavit, quominus cucullum acciperet, quo caput tegeretur, atque brevi oratione dicta Coranum manu tenens vultu tranquillo supplicium subiit.
|place|of punishment|led|he refused|that|hood|he would receive|where|head|be covered||in a short|speech|having been said|the Quran||holding|with a face|calm|punishment|he underwent
When led to the place of execution, he refused to accept a hood to cover his head, and after saying a short prayer, holding the Koran in his hand, he underwent the execution with a calm face.
Corpus Saddami ab Americanis in vicum Awja, in quo ille natus erat, helicoptero portatum et ducibus sunnitis sepeliendum traditum est, ut ante diluculum postridie mortis diei sepeliretur.
the body||by|||village|Awja|||he|||helicopter|carried||the leaders|Sunnis|to be buried|handed over||||dawn|on the day after|||he would be buried
Saddam's body was taken by helicopter by the Americans to the village of Awja, where he was born, and handed over to Sunni leaders for burial before dawn the day after his death.
Nationes Unitae, Unio Europaea, Russia, Civitas Vaticana atque multi ordines a iuribus humanis supplicium Saddami Hussein vehementer reprobaverunt.
|United|||Russia|||||organizations||human rights|human rights|punishment||||reprobated
The United Nations, the European Union, Russia, the Vatican City and many other human rights organizations strongly condemned the execution of Saddam Hussein.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Mensis December calidior quam umquam
The month of December is warmer than ever
04.01.2007, klo 17.00
Institutum meteorologicum Finniae aestimavit mediam temperaturam mensis Decembris fuisse in Finnia sex - octo gradibus maiorem quam assolet.
The institute|meteorological||estimated|the average|temperature|||to be|||six||degrees|higher|than|it usually is
The Finnish Meteorological Institute estimated that the average temperature in December in Finland was six to eight degrees higher than usual.
Similem temperaturam tantum bis in millenio evenire.
similar|temperature|only|twice||a millennium|happen
A similar temperature occurs only twice in a millennium.
Nisi emissiones, quibus calor caeli augeretur, significanter circumscriptae essent, in fine saeculi calidissimos menses Decembres fore usitatos.
unless|emissions|by which|heat||were increased|significantly|circumscribed|were||at the end|of the century|the hottest|||would be|usual
Unless emissions, which would increase the heat of the sky, were significantly limited, at the end of the century December would be the warmest month ever.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)