2007 年 7 月 4 日
De calamitate tsunami
On the disaster of the tsunami
05.04.2007, klo 17.13
05.04.2007, at 17:13
In Insulis Salomoniis, quas in Oceano Pacifico iacere constat, die Lunae multo mane terrae motus subaquaneus accidit, cuius vis octo gradus Richterianos effecisse nuntiatur.
In|Islands|Solomon|which|in|Ocean|Pacific|to lie|it is known|on the day|of Monday|much|in the morning|earth|movement|underwater|occurred|of which|force|eight|degrees|Richter|to have caused|it is reported
In the Solomon Islands, which are known to lie in the Pacific Ocean, an underwater earthquake occurred early on Monday morning, the force of which is reported to have reached eight on the Richter scale.
Ex concussione ortum est tsunamum admodum vehemens, quod imprimis partibus illius archipelagi occidentalibus tanta vi impegit, ut complures vici et oppida omnino delerentur.
From|concussion|arose|is|tsunami|very|violent|which|especially|parts|of that|archipelago|western|such|force|struck|so that|many|villages|and|towns|completely|were destroyed
From the shock, a very powerful tsunami was generated, which struck particularly the western parts of that archipelago with such force that several villages and towns were completely destroyed.
Quot homines ea calamitate vitam amiserint, nondum pro certo constat, sed timetur, ne numerus mortuorum multorum denorum sit.
How many|men|that|calamity|life|have lost|not yet|for|certain|it is established|but|it is feared|that not|number|of the dead|many|of deaths|be
How many people have lost their lives due to this calamity is not yet certain, but there is fear that the number of dead may be in the hundreds.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Discrimen Ucrainae politicum
The political crisis in Ukraine
05.04.2007, klo 17.13
April 5, 2007, 5:13 PM
Discrimen politicum, quo Ucraina iam per longum tempus vexatur, die Lunae vesperi in peius versum est, cum praesidens Victor Justshenko parlamentum dissolvi et nova comitia mense proximo exeunte fieri iussit.
crisis|political|by which|Ukraine|already|for|long|time|is troubled|on the day|of Monday|in the evening|into|worse|turned|was|when|president|Victor|Yushchenko|parliament|to be dissolved|and|new|elections|month|next|ending|to be held|ordered
The political crisis that Ukraine has been suffering for a long time worsened on Monday evening when President Viktor Yushchenko ordered the parliament to be dissolved and new elections to be held at the end of next month.
Causa, cur id fecerit, subesse videtur, quod metuere coepit, ne primus minister Victor Janukovits, adversarius eius politicus, apud parlamentum iam nimia auctoritate valeret.
The reason|why|it|did|to be underlying|seems|because|to fear|began|that not|first|minister|Victor|Yanukovych|adversary|his|political|in|parliament|already|excessive|authority|would be strong
The reason why he did this seems to be that he began to fear that the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, his political opponent, would already have too much authority in parliament.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Electrificina solaris maxima
Electric generator|solar|maximum
Largest solar power plant
05.04.2007, klo 17.12
05.04.2007, 5:12 PM
In regione Alentejo, quae in Portugallia meridiana sita est, electrificina solaris omnium efficacissima ritu sollemni in usum recepta est.
In|region|Alentejo|which|in|Portugal|southern|located|is|power plant|solar|of all|most efficient|ceremony|solemn|in|use|received|is
In the Alentejo region, located in southern Portugal, the most efficient solar power plant was officially put into operation.
Laminae eius solares, quippe quae in campum sexaginta hectarearum se extendant, tantum electricitatis gignunt, ut haec copia energiae octo milibus domuum suppeditandae facile sufficiat.
The panels|their|solar|indeed|which|in|area|sixty|hectares|themselves|extend|so much|electricity|generate|that|this|supply|energy|eight|thousand|homes|to be supplied|easily|suffices
Its solar panels, which extend over an area of sixty hectares, generate so much electricity that this amount of energy is easily sufficient to supply eight thousand homes.
Alentejo eo opportunior locus eiusmodi operis faciendi existimatur, quod sol ibidem plus trina milia horarum singulis annis lucet.
Alentejo|is|more suitable|place|of such|work|to be done|is considered|because|sun|there|more|three|thousand|hours|each|years|shines
Alentejo is considered a particularly suitable place for such work, as the sun shines there for more than three thousand hours each year.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Memoria belli Falclandici
Memory|of the war|Falkland
Memory of the Falklands War
05.04.2007, klo 17.12
05.04.2007, 5:12 PM
Postridie Kalendas Apriles (2.4) viginti quinque anni acti erant a bello in insulis Falclandicis sive Macloviensibus inter Britanniam et Argentinam orto.
on the day after|the Kalends|of April|twenty|five|years|having been completed|were|from|war|in|islands|Falkland|or|Malvinas|between|Britain|and|Argentina|having arisen
On the day before the Kalends of April (2.4), twenty-five years had passed since the war in the Falkland Islands or Malvinas began between Britain and Argentina.
Conflictus initium cepit, cum nautae regiminis militaris Argentinae illas insulas in Oceano Atlantico australi sitas Britannis eripere et in dicionem suam redigere conati sunt.
Conflict|beginning|took|when|sailors|of the military|military|of Argentina|those|islands|in|Ocean|Atlantic|southern|located|by the British|to seize|and|into|control|their|to bring back|attempted|were
The conflict began when the sailors of the Argentine military government attempted to seize those islands located in the southern Atlantic Ocean from the British and bring them under their control.
Illud bellum, quo plus nongenti homines occisi sunt, septuaginta quattuor diebus post sive postridie Idus Iunias (14.6.)
That|war|in which|more than|nine hundred|men|killed|were|seventy|four|days|after|or|the day after|Ides|of June
That war, in which more than nine hundred people were killed, ended seventy-four days later or on the day after the Ides of June (14.6.).
victoria Britannorum compositum est.
victory|of the Britons|composed|is
The victory was achieved by the British.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Primatus velocitatis ferriviariae
Primacy|of speed|railway
The primacy of railway speed
05.04.2007, klo 17.11
April 5, 2007, 5:11 PM
Tramen Francogallicum celeritatem ferriviariam omnium temporum maximam consecutum est.
The train|French|speed|railway|of all|times|maximum|achieved|is
The French train achieved the highest railway speed of all time.
Velocitas enim eius experimento prope Lutetiam Parisiorum hac septimana facto ad quingena septuagena quina chiliometra horalia crevit.
The speed|for|its|experiment|near|Paris|of the Parisians|this|week|having been done|to|75|75|5|kilometers|per hour|increased
Its speed increased to 574.8 kilometers per hour during a test conducted near Paris this week.
Constabat vehiculum ex tribus curribus, qui rotis praegrandibus praediti erant, et propellebatur duabus machinis vectoriis summae efficacitatis.
It consisted|vehicle|of|three|carriages|which|wheels|very large|equipped|were|and|was propelled|by two|machines|driving|of highest|efficiency
The vehicle consisted of three cars, which were equipped with very large wheels, and was propelled by two high-efficiency locomotives.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Missale vetus in Finnia repertum
Old Missal found in Finland
05.04.2007, klo 17.11
05.04.2007, at 17:11
Valle Gratiae, in oppido Finniae, missale mediaevale tantae raritatis inventum est, ut in libris nostris omnium vetustissimis numeretur.
Valley|of Grace|in|town|of Finland|missal|medieval|of such|rarity|found|it is|so that|in|books|our|of all|most ancient|it is counted
In Valle Gratiae, in the town of Finland, a medieval missal of such rarity has been discovered that it is counted among the oldest books of all.
Verisimile est hoc opus, quod in tutela officii parochialis reconditum erat, saeculo tertio decimo exeunte aut in Anglia aut in Francogallia compositum esse.
Likely|is|this|work|which|in|custody|of the office|parochial|hidden|was|century||tenth|ending|either|in|England|or|in|France|composed|to be
It is likely that this work, which had been kept under the care of the parish office, was composed in the late thirteenth century either in England or in France.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
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