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Youtube Imports, Sea monsters in history discussed in Latin | Learn Latin | #53

Sea monsters in history discussed in Latin | Learn Latin | #53

Antiquis temporibus apud Graecos et

Romanos sub aqua multa

et mira latebant Sane

vobis noti sunt illi dei

Neptunus, Triton

et illa monstra


et hydra illa quam interfecit


Sed haud scio an omnium notissima sint illa

monstra Scylla et Charybdis

Fortasse putatis Scyllam et Charybdim

in mari medio esse

et ideo vexare Romanos et Graecos tantum

Di boni, ut erratis!

Nam Scylla et Charybdis

non in illo mari

sed extra oram maritimam Norvegicam


Saeculo sexto decimo, Olaus ille magnus


idemque optimus scriptor et

rerum gestarum

investigator, dicamus

curavit edendam tabulam geographicam

quae vocatur 'charta marina'

Hac charta geographica vel tabula geographica

depingitur non modo Suetia sed

ceterae terrae quae ad

septentriones vergunt


in hac charta marina inveniuntur


plurima monstra et beluae quae

sane terreant quemlibet nautam.

Idem scripsit opus maximum quod

inscribitur 'De gentibus

septentrionalibus historia'


cum alia tum caput scripsit

de piscibus et de piscibus maximis

de horrendis monstris

Sed qualia sunt?

"Horribilis etenim formae sunt,

capitibus quadratis,

undique spinosis et acutis

ac longis cornibus circumdatis,

instar radicis arboris


Decem aut duodecim cubitorum longitudine,

colore nigerrimo, praegrandibus

oculis, quorum ambitus octo

vel decem cubitos excedit.

Pupilla vero

unius cubiti

rubeum et flammeum colorem referens,

qui a longe in tenebrosis temporibus

inter undas veluti ignis

accensus piscantibus apparet.

Una harum

beluarum plures naves et grandes

fortissimis nautis confertas

facillime subvertit aut mergit."

Maxime vexabantur Norvegi


Tantopere vexabantur Norvegi, vel fortasse

nautae Norvegorum

tantopere vexabantur ut

archiepiscopus Nidrosiensis

litteras ad papam scripserit

Cum litteris misit etiam caput

misit caput abscisum et sale


unius ex illis beluis

ut quodammodo haberet



difficultatis qua laborabant miseri Norvegi

Ecce bestia!

Monstra autem marina non modo secundum

oras Norvegicas

non modo secundum oras Sueticas

sed etiam in lacibus


In Suetia, est lacus qui vocatur

'lacus magnus'

qui est in Iämptlandiā

est pars Suetiae quae ad

septentriones fere


Et hoc monstrum est

quodammodo nostrum

Nessie: nonne Scoti

habent suum monstrum

iocundum, quod

quotannis sane vident

et nos quoque habemus nostrum

Et hoc vocatur 'Storsjöodjuret'

id est

'belua magni lacus'

Sed hoc monstrum per multa saecula


Et his annis

hoc monstrum, haec belua nefanda

ducenties et sexagies

conspecta est ab hominibus


anno milesimo nongentesimo octogesimo


lex, vel, ita, quodammodo lex

in Suetia lata est a re publica

ne liceret hoc monstrum

turbare, eius progeniem

tangere, eius nidum tangere

neve scilicet ipsum monstrum



sed haec lex, non vera lex, sed haec lex

sublata est

anno bis milesimo quinto

Ergo nunc licet

nunc licet hoc monstrum


Quo ruimus?

Sed unde traxerit originem

haec belva quae vocatur

belua magni lacus

quaeritis, nonne?

Anno milesimo sesgentesimo tricesimo


Mogen Pedersen

memoriae prodidit fabulam qua

tota res aperitur

Fuerunt duo daemones

silvestres, Suetice vocamus

'troll', sed dicamus daemones


Iata et Cata.

Et coquunt

per longum tempus potiones


in aeno vel in cortina


Per multos annos hoc faciunt

Neque sciunt quid hac potione

futurum sit

Omnino nesciunt,

sed tum


haec cortina, hoc aenum

edit sonum, strepitum


et evertitur

Et ex ipso

receptaculo erepit


cum capite felino

et hoc monstrum, repens

ad lacum illum magnum


Descendit in aquas, et sub aqua

ei bene est

Ergo crescit mirum in modum

crescit in miram magnitudinem

Magus quidam, nomine Kettil


ligat, vel vincit hoc monstrum

ad fundum

ne exire e lacu

ne suis finibus exire vel excedere posset et

homines prope habitantes


Et hic magus

qui peritissimus erat

runarum magicarum

condidit lapidem

cum runis magicis

et hoc monstrum

dicitur tam diu

his magicis runis

vinctum esse

quam diu nemo intelleget

Ergo vehementer, summopere cavendum est

ne quis discat quid hae runae

significent: sane sunt homines

sunt homines qui putent se iam intellexisse

sed hoc falsum est, quia si intellexissent vere

quid scriptum esset, hoc monstrum

elapsum esset, et legeremus

ubique de


quae fierent

Ergo, nolite discere has runas intellegere

Monstrum omnium maximum et horrendum

sine ulla dubitatione

est ille serpens Midgardensis

Hoc enim monstro non modo vexantur illae

terrae quae ad septentriones vergunt

sed totus orbis terrarum

Hic serpens filius est Loche

et Angerbodae gigantis

Idem est frater lupi illius


Mox dei illi Asgardienses

intellexerunt quantum periculum

hic serpens Midgardensis esset

et eum

in altum mare deturbaverunt



crevit in maximam magnitudinem

ut totum orbem terrarum

comprehenderet corpore suo

In fabulis vetustioribus septentrionalibus

multa narrantur de deo Thoro

Olim ivit piscatum

una cum

gigante nomine Hymer

Sed Thor non piscabatur, non

petebat pisces solitos

sed ingentem illum


Ergo esca usus est


capite taurino

et deinde

dum in navicula sunt

Thor et Hymer subito


hunc anguem, hunc serpentem

Sed Hymer perterritus statim

incidit vel abscidit linum

quo hamus fixus erat

et in hamo, sane, erat illud caput

Et sic elabitur serpens

e manibus


Multo postea Thor, sive Thorus

et serpens ille

in singulare certamen venerunt

et alter alterum interfecerunt

Et fuit illud tempus ultimum extremum

quod vocatur 'Ragnarök'

Sed fortasse dixerit quispiam esse triste

sic hanc fabulam finire

Sed non est triste

quia Thorus vicit

illum serpentem


oportet caveatis nunc bestias maritimas

et bestias etiam in lacibus

et omnino mihi videtur

videtur aqua cavenda, ne forte

lateat quaedam bestia quae vos


Bene valete


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Sea monsters in history discussed in Latin | Learn Latin | #53 sea|monsters||history|discussed||Sea monsters|Latin| Seeungeheuer in der Geschichte auf Lateinisch diskutiert | Latein lernen | #53 Sea monsters in history discussed in Latin | Learn Latin | #53 Monstruos marinos en la historia discutidos en latín | Aprende latín | #53 Les monstres marins de l'histoire discutés en latin | Apprendre le latin | #53 ラテン語で語る歴史上の海の怪物 |ラテン語を学ぶ | #53 라틴어로 논의되는 역사상의 바다 괴물 | 라틴어 배우기 | #53 Zeemonsters in de geschiedenis besproken in het Latijn | Latijn leren | #53 Monstros marinhos da história discutidos em latim | Aprenda latim | #53 Морські чудовиська в історії обговорюються латиною | Вивчай латинь | #53 用拉丁语讨论历史上的海怪|学习拉丁语 |第53章

Antiquis temporibus apud Graecos et ancient|ancient times||the Greeks| In ancient times among the Greeks and У давнину у греків і

Romanos sub aqua multa Many Romans under water Багато римлян під водою

et mira latebant Sane |||gewiss |wonderful|were hiding|indeed and of course the wonders were hidden і, звичайно, чудеса були приховані

vobis noti sunt illi dei |known|are||gods those gods are known to you ці боги вам відомі

Neptunus, Triton Neptune|moon of Neptune Neptune, Triton

et illa monstra |that|those monsters and those monsters

sirenes siren sirens

et hydra illa quam interfecit |the hydra||that|he killed and that hydra which he slew

Hercules Hercules Hercules

Sed haud scio an omnium notissima sint illa |not||||most well-known|they are| But I do not know whether they are the best known of all Але я не знаю, чи вони найвідоміші з усіх

monstra Scylla et Charybdis |Scylla||Charybdis the monsters Scylla and Charybdis

Fortasse putatis Scyllam et Charybdim perhaps|you think|Scylla||Charybdis Perhaps you think of Scylla and Charybdis

in mari medio esse ||in the middle| to be in the middle of the sea

et ideo vexare Romanos et Graecos tantum |darum||||| and|therefore|to vex||||only and therefore to trouble the Romans and the Greeks only і тому турбувати лише римлян і греків

Di boni, ut erratis! O gods|good|that|you wander Good God, so that you are wrong! Господи, щоб ти не помилився!

Nam Scylla et Charybdis between||| For Scylla and Charybdis

non in illo mari not||that|sea not in that sea

sed extra oram maritimam Norvegicam ||coast|coastal|Norwegian but outside the Norwegian coast але за межами норвезького узбережжя

inveniuntur they are found are found

Saeculo sexto decimo, Olaus ille magnus in the sixteenth century|||Olaus the Great|| In the sixteenth century, that great Olaus У шістнадцятому столітті той великий Олаус

archiepiscopus Erzbischof archbishop archbishop архієпископ

idemque optimus scriptor et und derselbe||Schreiber| the same||writer| and the best writer and і найкращий письменник і

rerum gestarum of things|of things done of things done зроблених речей

investigator, dicamus investigator let us say|let us say a researcher, let's say дослідник, скажімо

curavit edendam tabulam geographicam he/she/it arranged|to be published|the map|geographic map He took care of publishing the map Він подбав про видання карти

quae vocatur 'charta marina' |is called|chart|marine which is called 'marine paper' який називається "морський папір"

Hac charta geographica vel tabula geographica this|this map|geographic map|or|map|geographic map This map or map

depingitur non modo Suetia sed is depicted||not only|Sweden|but not only Sweden is depicted but зображено не лише Швецію, але

ceterae terrae quae ad other|of the earth||to the other lands which ad

septentriones vergunt the north|they turn turn north повернути на північ

Et and And

in hac charta marina inveniuntur |this||marine|are found are found in this marine paper

plurima very many the most

plurima monstra et beluae quae |||Bestien| |||beasts| many monsters and beasts багато монстрів і звірів

sane terreant quemlibet nautam. certainly|let them terrify|any sailor|a sailor indeed they should frighten any sailor. насправді вони повинні налякати будь-якого моряка.

Idem scripsit opus maximum quod |wrote|work|greatest work| He wrote the same great work that Він написав такий же великий твір, що

inscribitur 'De gentibus is inscribed||the nations it is written 'Of the nations написано «З народів».

septentrionalibus historia' northern| northern history

et and

cum alia tum caput scripsit |other|also||wrote when he wrote another chapter коли він написав ще одну главу

de piscibus et de piscibus maximis about|the fish||||the largest of fishes and of the greatest fishes

de horrendis monstris |horrific|monsters of horrible monsters жахливих монстрів

Sed qualia sunt? |what qualities| But what are they like? Але якими вони є?

"Horribilis etenim formae sunt, Horrible indeed|indeed|shapes| "For they are horrible forms, «Бо вони жахливі форми,

capitibus quadratis, square heads|square square heads квадратні головки

undique spinosis et acutis von überall|stacheligen|| |spiny||sharp thorny and sharp on all sides колючий і гострий з усіх боків

ac longis cornibus circumdatis, |long|with long horns|surrounded and surrounded by long horns і оточений довгими рогами

instar radicis arboris like|of the root|of the tree like the root of a tree як корінь дерева

exstirpatae. uprooted uprooted викорчований

Decem aut duodecim cubitorum longitudine, ten|||of length|length ten or twelve cubits in length, десять або дванадцять ліктів завдовжки,

colore nigerrimo, praegrandibus color|very black|very large very black in color, very large дуже чорного кольору, дуже великий

oculis, quorum ambitus octo eyes|of which|orbit or circle| eyes, whose circumference is eight очі, окружність яких дорівнює восьми

vel decem cubitos excedit. or||cubit|exceeds or exceeds ten yards.

Pupilla vero pupil|indeed Pupil, indeed Учень, справді

unius cubiti |von einem Ellenbogen one|of one elbow one cubit один лікоть

rubeum et flammeum colorem referens, red||flame-colored|color|bearing showing referring to the red and flaming color, посилаючись на червоний і палаючий колір,

qui a longe in tenebrosis temporibus ||||dark|times who from afar in dark times хто здалеку в темні часи

inter undas veluti ignis |waves|like|fire among the waves like fire серед хвиль, як вогонь

accensus piscantibus apparet. fishing|fishing|it appears appears to be lit by fishermen. здається, освітлений рибалками.

Una harum |von diesen |one of these One of these Один з цих

beluarum plures naves et grandes of beasts|more ships|ships||large many ships and ships of beasts багато кораблів і кораблів звірів

fortissimis nautis confertas very strong|the strongest sailors|packed equipped with the strongest sailors оснащений найсильнішими матросами

facillime subvertit aut mergit." very easily|overthrows||sinks it overturns or sinks very easily." він дуже легко перекидається або тоне».

Maxime vexabantur Norvegi the Norwegians|were being vexed|the Norwegians The Norwegians were the most harassed Найбільше цькували норвежців

Maxime to the utmost Most

Tantopere vexabantur Norvegi, vel fortasse so greatly|were vexed|the Norwegians|or perhaps| The Norwegians were so troubled, or perhaps so Норвежці були настільки стурбовані, чи, можливо, так

nautae Norvegorum |of the Norwegians Norwegian sailors

tantopere vexabantur ut so greatly||that They were so troubled that

archiepiscopus Nidrosiensis Archbishop of|of Nidaros Archbishop of Nidrosi Архієпископ Нідросі

litteras ad papam scripserit ||the pope|he will have written he wrote a letter to the pope

Cum litteris misit etiam caput with|letters|he sent|also|a letter He also sent his head with the letter З листом прислав і голову

misit caput abscisum et sale |head|severed head|with|salt He sent the severed head and salt Послав відрубану голову і сіль

conditum having been founded seasoned приправлений

unius ex illis beluis |||Ungeziefer one|one of|those|beasts of one of those beasts одного з тих звірів

ut quodammodo haberet |in a way|he might have to have in a certain way мати певним чином

documentum the document document документ

huius of this of this

difficultatis qua laborabant miseri Norvegi difficulty|in which|they were working|the wretched| the difficulty with which the poor Norwegians were suffering труднощі, з якими страждали бідні норвежці

Ecce bestia! Behold|the beast Behold the beast!

Monstra autem marina non modo secundum the sea monsters|but|sea monsters||not only|according to But the sea monsters are not just the second Але морські чудовиська не тільки на другому місці

oras Norvegicas of the hour|Norwegian cities Norwegian coasts

non modo secundum oras Sueticas ||||Suetian shores not only along the Swedish coast не тільки вздовж узбережжя Швеції

sed etiam in lacibus |||lakes but also in the lakes а й в озерах

inveniuntur they are found are found

In Suetia, est lacus qui vocatur |Sweden||lake||is called In Sweden, there is a lake called

'lacus magnus' lake| 'big lake'

qui est in Iämptlandiā |||in Jämtland |||Iämptland який знаходиться в Ямптландії

est pars Suetiae quae ad ||of Sweden||to is a part of Sweden which ad

septentriones fere the north|almost almost to the north

vergit turns it turns це обертається

Et hoc monstrum est ||this monster| And this is a monster А це чудовисько

quodammodo nostrum in a way|our somehow ours якось наше

Nessie: nonne Scoti Nessie||Scots Nessie: isn't it Scots? Нессі: чи не шотландці?

habent suum monstrum ||monster they have their own monster

iocundum, quod pleasant thing| funny, that смішно, що

quotannis sane vident every year|indeed|they see of course they see every year

et nos quoque habemus nostrum and||also|we have|our and we also have ours

Et hoc vocatur 'Storsjöodjuret' |||Storsjöungeheuer And||is called|the Storsjö monster And this is called 'Storsjöodjuret'

id est that|that is that is

'belua magni lacus' monster|great|lake 'the beast of the great lake'

Sed hoc monstrum per multa saecula |this|monster|through many||centuries But this monster for many centuries

conspicitur es wird gesehen is seen is seen

Et his annis |these years|these years And in these years

hoc monstrum, haec belua nefanda this|this monster||beast|unholy this monster, this hideous beast

ducenties et sexagies two hundred||sixty two hundred and sixty times

conspecta est ab hominibus seen|||men it was observed by men

et and

anno milesimo nongentesimo octogesimo in the year|thousandth|nineteenth|eighty in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty

sexto sixth

lex, vel, ita, quodammodo lex law||thus|in a way|law the law, or, in a way, the law

in Suetia lata est a re publica |Sweden|passed|||public|the republic in Sweden it was passed by the state

ne liceret hoc monstrum |it be allowed|| lest this monster should be allowed

turbare, eius progeniem disturb||offspring to disturb his offspring

tangere, eius nidum tangere to touch|its|nest|to touch to touch, to touch his nest

neve scilicet ipsum monstrum but not|namely|itself| nor, of course, the monster itself

interficere to kill to kill

Et And

sed haec lex, non vera lex, sed haec lex ||law||true|law||| but this law, not a true law, but this law

sublata est having been raised| it was removed

anno bis milesimo quinto ||fünf|fünften |twice|fifth|fifth Im Jahr 2005 in the year two thousand and five у дві тисячі п'ятому році

Ergo nunc licet therefore||it is permitted Also ist es jetzt erlaubt Therefore it is now permitted Тому тепер це дозволено

nunc licet hoc monstrum now|it is allowed|this|monster Jetzt ist es erlaubt, dieses Ungeheuer now this monster is allowed

venari to hunt to be hunted на полювання

Quo ruimus? |wir gehen |we rush Where are we going? Куди ми йдемо?

Sed unde traxerit originem |from where|he/she/it has drawn|origin But where did it originate from? Але звідки воно взялося?

haec belva quae vocatur |beast||is called this beast which is called

belua magni lacus ||of the great lake belua of the great lake білуа великого озера

quaeritis, nonne? you seek| you're asking, aren't you? ти питаєш, чи не так?

Anno milesimo sesgentesimo tricesimo |one thousand|sixtieth|thirtieth In the year one thousand six hundred and thirty У тисяча шістсот тридцятому році

quinto fifth fifth

Mogen Pedersen Mogen|Pedersen (1) Mogen Pedersen

memoriae prodidit fabulam qua |betrayed revealed|| the memory betrayed the story in which пам'ять зрадила історію, в якій

tota res aperitur ||is revealed the whole thing is opened

Fuerunt duo daemones ||demons There were two demons Було два демони

silvestres, Suetice vocamus wild|Swedes|we call We call them wild in Swedish

'troll', sed dicamus daemones troll||let's say|demons 'troll', but let's say demons

silvestres, wild wild

Iata et Cata. Iata 1||Cata (1) Iata and Cata.

Et coquunt |sie kochen |they cook And they cook

per longum tempus potiones |||potions drinks for a long time

varias various various

in aeno vel in cortina |Eisen|||Vorhang |in the air|||curtain in brass or in a curtain в латуні або в завісі

maxima maximum of 1 greatest

Per multos annos hoc faciunt |many|years||they do They have been doing this for many years

Neque sciunt quid hac potione nor|they know|what|this|this potion Nor do they know what this drink is Вони також не знають, що це за напій

futurum sit it will be| it will be це буде

Omnino nesciunt, altogether|they do not know they do not know at all

sed tum but| but then

subito suddenly suddenly раптово

haec cortina, hoc aenum this|curtain|this|pot this curtain, this age

edit sonum, strepitum edit sound noise|sound|noise it makes a sound, a noise

maximum maximum

et evertitur |wird umgestürzt |is overturned and is turned upside down

Et ex ipso ||himself And from him

receptaculo erepit receptacle|snatched away He rescued the receiver

monstrum a monster

cum capite felino with|| with the head of a cat

et hoc monstrum, repens |||creeping and this monster, crawling

ad lacum illum magnum to that great lake

descendit. came down

Descendit in aquas, et sub aqua He went down into the waters, and under the water

ei bene est it is good for him

Ergo crescit mirum in modum ||Wunder|| Therefore it grows in a strange way Тому росте дивним чином

crescit in miram magnitudinem grows to a wonderful size

Magus quidam, nomine Kettil A certain magician, named Kettil Якийсь чарівник на ім'я Кеттіл

Runske Runske

ligat, vel vincit hoc monstrum binds|||| binds or defeats this monster зв'язує або перемагає цього монстра

ad fundum |to the bottom to the bottom до дна

ne exire e lacu do not get out of the lake не вилазь з озера

ne suis finibus exire vel excedere posset et |||||to exceed|| so that he could not go out or leave his borders and

homines prope habitantes people living nearby


Et hic magus And this magician

qui peritissimus erat who was very skilled

runarum magicarum of magical runes

condidit lapidem He founded the stone

cum runis magicis with magical runes

et hoc monstrum and this monster

dicitur tam diu it is said so long

his magicis runis ||Runen these magical runes

vinctum esse to be bound

quam diu nemo intelleget how long no one will understand

Ergo vehementer, summopere cavendum est ||greatly|to be cautious| Therefore, we must be very, very careful Тому ми повинні бути дуже, дуже обережними

ne quis discat quid hae runae let no one learn what these runes are нехай ніхто не дізнається, що це за руни

significent: sane sunt homines they mean: of course they are human beings

sunt homines qui putent se iam intellexisse there are people who think they have already understood

sed hoc falsum est, quia si intellexissent vere but this is false, because if they had really understood

quid scriptum esset, hoc monstrum what was written, this monster

elapsum esset, et legeremus vergangen||| had elapsed|||we would read it would have passed, and we would read

ubique de everywhere about

caedibus slaughters

quae fierent |would happen what would happen

Ergo, nolite discere has runas intellegere Therefore, do not learn to understand these runes

Monstrum omnium maximum et horrendum The greatest and most terrible monster of all

sine ulla dubitatione without any doubt

est ille serpens Midgardensis He is the serpent of Midgard

Hoc enim monstro non modo vexantur illae For they are not only troubled by this monster

terrae quae ad septentriones vergunt ||||tend toward the lands that turn to the north

sed totus orbis terrarum but the whole world

Hic serpens filius est Loche This serpent is the son of Loche

et Angerbodae gigantis and Angerboda the giant

Idem est frater lupi illius He is the brother of that wolf

Feneris of the torch Fenerris

Mox dei illi Asgardienses |||the Asgardians As soon as the gods of those Asgardians

intellexerunt quantum periculum they understood the extent of the danger

hic serpens Midgardensis esset this would be the serpent of Midgard

et eum and him

in altum mare deturbaverunt |||threw down they drifted into the deep sea

deiecerunt they threw down they cast down

Tamen However

crevit in maximam magnitudinem grew to the greatest size

ut totum orbem terrarum like the whole world

comprehenderet corpore suo he would grasp it with his body

In fabulis vetustioribus septentrionalibus ||older| In the older northern stories У старих північних історіях

multa narrantur de deo Thoro Many things are said about the god Thor

Olim ivit piscatum Once he went fishing Якось він пішов на риболовлю

una cum with

gigante nomine Hymer a giant named Hymer

Sed Thor non piscabatur, non But Thor was not fishing, no

petebat pisces solitos ||the usual fish he asked for the usual fish він попросив звичайну рибу

sed ingentem illum but that huge one

serpentem the serpent

Ergo esca usus est |Nahrung|| |food|| Therefore, the bait is used Тому використовується приманка

capite head

capite taurino |bull bull's head

et deinde and then

dum in navicula sunt while they are in the boat

Thor et Hymer subito Thor and Hymer suddenly

capiunt they take

hunc anguem, hunc serpentem |this serpent|| this snake, this serpent

Sed Hymer perterritus statim But Hymer was immediately frightened

incidit vel abscidit linum |||string cut or cut off the thread обрізати або обрізати нитку

quo hamus fixus erat |Haken|| |hook|fixed| to which the hook was fixed до якого був закріплений гачок

et in hamo, sane, erat illud caput ||the hook|||| and on the hook, of course, was that head і на гачку, звичайно, була та голова

Et sic elabitur serpens ||slips away| And so the serpent slips away І ось змій вислизає

e manibus out of his hands

Thoro Thor

Multo postea Thor, sive Thorus Much later Thor, or Thorus

et serpens ille and that serpent

in singulare certamen venerunt ||contest| they came into a unique struggle вони вступили в окрему боротьбу

et alter alterum interfecerunt and they killed each other і вони вбили один одного

Et fuit illud tempus ultimum extremum And that was the final, final time І це був останній, останній раз

quod vocatur 'Ragnarök' which is called 'Ragnarök'

Sed fortasse dixerit quispiam esse triste |||jemand|| |||someone|| But perhaps he will say that someone is sad Але, можливо, він скаже, що комусь сумно

sic hanc fabulam finire so to end this story

Sed non est triste But it is not sad

quia Thorus vicit because Thorus won бо Тор переміг

illum serpentem that snake

Et And

oportet caveatis nunc bestias maritimas you must now beware of the sea beasts тепер ви повинні остерігатися морських звірів

et bestias etiam in lacibus and the beasts also in the lakes

et omnino mihi videtur |altogether|| and it seems entirely to me і мені здається цілком

videtur aqua cavenda, ne forte ||to be avoided|| it seems that water should be avoided, lest by chance

lateat quaedam bestia quae vos may lie hidden|||| a certain beast that you

devoret will devour

Bene valete Good health

tantum'st so much