你 微笑 时 很 美 EP02 (2)
You're Beautiful When You Smile EP02 (2)
Tu es belle quand tu souris EP02 (2)
Sei bella quando sorridi EP02 (2)
我 昨天 刚到 的
I just reached here yesterday.
小姑娘 我 跟 你 说 啊
Miss, let me tell you.
你别 嫌 我 啰嗦
I'm not being a busybody.
我 劝 你 啊
But you better
收拾 收拾 东西 赶紧 走 吧
pack your things and leave.
他们 这个 战队 呀 有 一个 规定
This team has a rule.
不 允许 带 女朋友 到 这儿 来
They can't bring their girlfriends here.
上次 那个 谁 带 了 一次 女朋友
Someone brought his girlfriend here last time.
结果 呀 扣 了 半个 月 的 工资 呢
And his salary was cut in half.
不是 不是 阿姨
No. Ma'am.
你 搞错 了
You've got it wrong.
我 不是 谁 的 女朋友
I'm not someone's girlfriend.
我 是 新来 打 职业 的 队员
I'm the new professional gamer of the team.
Team member?
女 的
A girl?
女 的
你 这 是 准备 做 早饭 吗
Are you getting ready to make breakfast?
这些 都 是 中午 要用 的 材料
These are ingredients for lunch.
不是 早上 八点半 要 起床 的 吗
We're supposed to get up at 8.30am, aren't we?
这些 小鬼 们 辛苦 得 很
These boys work very hard.
他们 昨天晚上 训练 到 很 晚
They trained until late last night.
今天 中午 十二点 半能 起来 就 不错 了
You'll be lucky to see them up before 12.30pm.
打电 竞 的 没有 早晨
"Morning" doesn't exist in e-sports players' dictionary.
我 劝 你 一会儿
I suggest you get more rest.
也 去 休息 休息
Get some rest. Get some rest.
他们 下午 才 会 陪 你 打游戏 呢
They'll only play with you in the afternoon.
这么 大 基地
Are you the only one
就 你 一个 人 打扫 吗
taking care of the entire base camp?
我 平常 就 做做饭 打扫 打扫卫生
I'm only in charge of cooking and house cleaning.
这些 清洗 家电 的 专业 活
They usually hire professionals online
他们 要 到 网上 找人来 做
to clean the electric appliances here.
现在 这 小姑娘 也 玩 电 竞 了
Even girls play e-sports nowadays.
恭喜 ZGDX 夺得
(Congratulations to ZGDX)
二零一 九年 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
(for winning)
春季 赛 冠军
(the Championship of 2019 OPL Spring Playoffs!)
也 让 我们 恭喜 陆思诚
(let us congratulate Lu Si Cheng)
夺得 本场 比赛 最佳 选手
(for winning the MVP of the final!)
你 这 超人 不错
Nice Superman boxers.
早餐 吃 什么 呀
What's for breakfast?
还是 老样子 呗
The usual.
早 诚哥
Morning, Brother Cheng.
我 的 天 跑 什么 呀
-Oh my goodness. -Why did he run away?
This is so exciting.
你 觉得 呢
This is so exciting.
太 刺激 了
It's so exciting.
人 呢
Where are they?
明神 你 回来 了
God Ming, you're back!
医生 怎么 说
What did the doctor say?
Nothing much.
你好 童谣
Hello, Tong Yao.
你好 明神
Hello, God Ming.
你 的 手 好点 了 吗
Is your hand better?
好多 了
Much better.
闲话少说 言归正传
All right. Let's get back to business.
虽然 明神 退役 了
God Ming may have retired
但是 明神 他 不会 离开 我们
but he won't be leaving us.
从 今天 开始
From today on,
他 就 正式 成为
he is officially
我们 ZGDX 的 战队 教练 了
Team ZGDX's coach.
我 就 知道
I knew
我们 明神 舍不得 离开 我们
God Ming couldn't bear to leave us!
回来 了
You're back.
没 走过
I never left.
God Ming.
我 还是 怀念 你 打中 单 的 日子
I still miss the days when you played Mid.
现在 我们 的 中单 是 童谣 了
Our Mid is Tong Yao now.
我 一定 会 努力 的
I'll definitely work hard!
全国 联赛 马上 就要 来 了
The National Championship is coming.
我 啊 会 和 明神 一起
I'll be supervising everyone's training with God Ming.
监督 大家 积极 训练
Supervise everyone's active training
劳逸结合 按时 作息 的
We'll make sure you work hard and get plenty of rest.
从 明天 开始
From tomorrow onward,
谁 都 不许 睡懒觉 啊
no one is allowed to sleep in.
要 早睡早起
Sleep early and wake up early.
早点 起来 看 陈情 令 啊
You mean wake up early to watch The Untamed?
我 不 知道 基地 不让 看剧 的
I didn't know we aren't allowed to watch dramas here.
没说 不让 看
There is no such rule.
休息 的 时候 干吗 都行
You can do anything you want during your break.
是 吧 老 K
Right, K?
What a joke.
老 K
我 去 跟 他 聊聊
I'll go talk to him.
你 别介意 啊
Don't mind him.
明神 一直 是 这个 队 的 中单
God Ming has always been this team's Mid
在 队里 时间 待 得 也 最长
and stayed here the longest.
所以 他 退役
So we're all quite upset
我们 大家 心里 都 挺 难过 的
to see him retire.
尤其 是 老 K
Especially K.
他 是 明神 招进来 的
He was recruited to the team by God Ming.
也 只 认 明神
And God Ming is the only person he obeys.
所以 从 明神 退役 开始
So ever since God Ming retired,
他 就 跟 来 大 姨夫 一样
it's as if he was during his period,
moody and mad.
好 了 大家 训练 去 吧
All right. Get to training, everyone.
小姐姐 跟我来 一趟
Missy, come with me.
走 呗 完美
-Come on. -Perfect.
小姐姐 今天 第一天 感觉 怎么样
It's your first day here. How do you feel?
还 不错
Not bad.
就是 小胖 的 超人
Fatty's Superman boxers
和 诚哥 的 浴袍 装扮
and Brother Cheng's bathrobes
闪 瞎 了 我 的 眼
were quite a shock, though.
没想到 我 不在 的 时候
I didn't expect them to be so open
他们 玩 这么 开 啊
when I wasn't around.
那个 战队 手册 你 可以 多 看看
You better go through our team manual.
里面 有 我们 战队 详细 规章制度
Inside are the detailed rules and regulations of our team.
还有 啊 俱乐部 有 规定
And the club requires
每个 战队 成员 呢
every member of the team
每个 月 必须 直播 45 个 小时
to host 45 hours of live streaming each month.
要 完成 直播 绩效 指标
You'll have to fulfill that KPI too.
这是 合同 你 先 看 一下
This is your contract. Please have a look.
对 了
Oh, right.
你 之前 是 在 哪个 平台 直播 的
Which platform did you use to stream on?
没 签约 吧
You didn't sign a contract with them, did you?
Star Entertainment.
但是 还 没有 签约
But I didn't sign a contract with them.
对 了
Oh, right.
我 以前 直播 的 时候 都 没有 露过 脸
I never showed my face before in my previous live streams.
所以 我 想 问 一下
So I'd like to ask
可以 戴 口罩 直播 吗
if I could wear a mask during the live stream sessions?
戴 口罩 为什么
A mask? Why?
戴 口罩 直播 比较 有 安全感
I feel more secure with a mask on.
你 骗 鬼 呢
You must be kidding.
行 那 你 戴 口罩 直播
Fine. So you wear a mask during your live streams.
那 之后 比赛 的 时候
And you'll wear a mask
新 赛季 拍 定妆 照 的 时候
during the photo shoots for the tournament photos too?
你 都 戴 口罩
You're all wearing masks.
到时候 肯定 有人 说
People will be wondering
这 丫头 不 知道 是 来 打 职业 的
if you're here to play games
还是 来演 什么
or to cosplay.
都市 灵异 裂口 女孩 的
Urban psychic, cracked girl.
早晚都会 被 看到
People are bound to see your face sooner or later.
有 什么 好 躲 的
What's there to hide?
再说 了
这是 工作
this is work.
你 要 有 直面 面对 粉丝 的 勇气 啊
You need to be brave and face your fans.
Alright. Alright.
好 了
来 这份 给 你
This copy is for you.
咱们 下去 吧
Let's head downstairs.
我 跟 你 说 啊
I'm telling you,
咱们 战队 啊 其实 特别 有 发展
there's a bright future ahead for our team.
你 不 知道 吧 除了 赛季 成绩
You may not know. In addition to our impressive tournament results,
我们 的 战队 人气 也 不错
our team has always been quite popular as well.
你 看 这 设施 这 装备 都 是 一流 的
Look. Our equipment and facilities are all first-class.
差不多 得 了
That's about enough.
Xiao Rui.
待会儿 你 安排 一个 人
Arrange someone
带 她 去一趟 超市
to take her to the supermarket later.
确实 啊
Oh, you're right.
她 这 今天 第一天 来
It's her first day here.
肯定 是 要 买点 日用品 什么 的
She does need to buy some daily necessities.
你 不 说 我 都 忘 了
I would forget all about it if you didn't remind me.
我 确实 得 安排 一下
I should arrange for that.
诚哥 你 带 她 去 吧
Brother Cheng, why don't you bring her to the supermarket?
我 记得 我 刚刚 说 的 是
I remember what I said earlier was...
你 安排 一个 人
You should arrange for someone.
对 呀 我 安排 诚哥 你 了 呀
Right. And I'm assigning you to do it.
我 很 忙
I'm busy.
忙 着 掉 分 吗
Busy losing scores?
你 已经 少允 段位 了 朋友
You're at the Elite rank.
所以 我 才 要 忙
That's why I have to get busy.
过 两天 要 月底 考核 了
[Unsuccessful] It'll be time for the end-of-the-month assessment.
两天 时间 从 少允 到 京都 之主
Two days for you to rise from the Elite rank to the Lord of Kyoto.
诚哥 你 当 自己 是 神仙 啊
Brother Cheng, do you think it can be done with magic?
拜拜 拜拜 瑞哥 早去早回
-Bye. Come back soon. -Bye, Brother Rui.
来来来 咱俩 双排
Come on. Let's play a round of duo queue.
等等 我诚哥
Wait for me, Brother Cheng.
我能 叫 你 诚哥 吗
May I call you Brother Cheng?
叫 爸爸 都 合适
You can even call me Dad.
我 劝 你 做 个人 吧
So mean.
你 不是 早 叫 了 吗 矮子
You already called me that, didn't you, Shorty?
Hurry up.
Hang on.
什么 矮子
大家 萍水相逢
We just met.
我 劝 你 善良 点好 吗
I advise you to be kinder.
做 什么 敌意 这么 大
Why do you have to be so hostile?
因为 我 没想 过
Because I never thought
未来 队友 会 是 个 未成年
my future teammate would be a minor.
我 二十二 了 大学 都 毕业 了
I'm 22! I already graduated from university.
你 的 身高 告诉 我 你 在 撒谎
Your height tells me you're lying.
微博 删了
Delete your Weibo post.
我 不
I won't.
谁 让 你 先 把 我关 在 门外 的
You were the one who locked me out first.
还 说 我 矮
And you even called me shorty.
微博 置顶 了
I'm pinning the post to the top of my Weibo page.
Tong Yao.
Ai Jia?
童谣 你 到 了 也 不 跟 我 说 一声
Tong Yao. You didn't even tell me you had arrived.
是 你 前女友 勒令 我 不得 与 你 联系
Your ex-girlfriend ordered me not to contact you.
你 俩 认识
You guys know each other?
我俩 同一 所 大学 的
We're from the same university.
他 大 我 三届
He graduated three years before me.
他妈 是 我 老师
His mother was my lecturer.
他 前女友 是 我 闺蜜
His ex-girlfriend is my bestie and...
我 有 问 你 这么 多 吗
Did I ask you that many questions?
Brother Cheng.
这位 就是
This must be...
昨天 发 微博 说 被 关在 门外 的
the lady who posted on Weibo saying she was locked out yesterday.
童谣 小姐姐 吧
Miss Smiling, right?
童谣 可是 职业 选手 里面
Smiling is the only girl
唯一 的 小姐姐
among professional gamers in e-sports.
Brother Cheng.
你 的 司马 脸 可以 收一收 了
You should put your stoic face away.
对 了 小姐姐
Oh, right.
我 叫 凉生
I'm Liang Sheng.
YQCB 的 队长
I'm the team leader of YQCB.
我们 战队 就 在 隔壁
Our team is right next door.
欢迎 来 蹭 饭
Come and have a meal with us any time.
好 啊 好 啊
少 拿 吃 的 来 腐化 我们
Don't try to corrupt us with food.
有 一个 小胖 就够 了
It's enough that we have one fatty.
对 了
Oh, right.
全国 联赛 前约 一场
Let's have a game before the National Championship.
没 问题 啊
Sure. No problem.
等 我们 新人 到位
Once our newcomer is here,
我 就 跟 小瑞约
I'll arrange it with Xiao Rui.
看来 是 找 新 外援 了
So you guys got a new member as well.
什么 位置
What position?
等 着 官宣 吧 也 是 大 新闻
Look out for the official announcement. It'll be big news as well.
谁 呀
我 不 知道
I don't know.
童谣 小姐姐
Miss Tong Yao,
你 就 替 我 跟 你 闺蜜 说 说 好话 吧
put in some good words for me with your bestie, won't you?
好歹 把 我 从 黑名单 里拉 出来
At least have her remove me from her blacklist.
哪怕 告诉 我 为什么 分手 也好
Or at least tell me why she broke up with me.
我 只能 告诉 你
All I can tell you is that...
你 前女友 可是
your ex-girlfriend
拒绝 了 三个 国外 录取 通知 回来 的
turned down three offers abroad and came back.
而 你 却 只 关注
But all you cared about
直播 鱼丸 给 的 多不多
was the number of fish balls you got during your live streams.
矮子 上车
Get in, Shorty.
我 的 天
(My gosh.)
职业 选手 都 开 这个 吗
(Do all pro gamers drive this nowadays?)
坐惯 了 滴滴 专车
Too used to Uber
自己 不会 开车 门 啊
that you don't know how to open your own doors now?
不敢 不敢 我 自己 来
No, no. I'll do it myself.
诚哥 我 就 去 买个 拖鞋
Brother Cheng, I just need to buy
还有 日常 洗漱 用品
a pair of slippers and some daily necessities.
随便 去 附近 哪个 商场 都 可以
We can go to any supermarket nearby.
不然 呢 带你去 家具城
Where else? To a furniture store?
真的 吗
想 我
Miss me?
是 想要 我 把 你 按 在 饮水机 旁边
Do you want me to hold you down by a water dispenser
看着 我 捧 回 一座 又 一座 奖杯 了 吗
so you can watch me take home one trophy after another?
做梦 去 吧
Dream on.
前两天 春季 赛 决赛 的 时候
Xiao Rui said you went to
小瑞说 你 也 来 了
the Spring Playoffs final held a few days ago.
是 啊
跟 我们 住 同一个 酒店
You stayed in the same hotel as we did.
是 啊
四十六 楼
Forty-sixth floor.
那天 那个 倔强 的 矮子 果然 是 你
You were that stubborn Shorty I saw that day.
不是 我
It wasn't me.
倔强地 不 承认 自己 矮
You stubbornly refuse to admit you're short
又 倔强地 不 承认 那 是 你 自己
and stubbornly refuse to admit it was you.
不是 诚哥 你 听 我 说
No, I mean... Brother Cheng, hear me out.
我 那天 不是 够不着
It wasn't that I couldn't reach.
是 拿 了 太 多 东西 沉手
I was holding too many things in my hands. They were heavy.
所以 才
That's why I...
我要 开始 讨厌 你 了
I'm starting to hate you.
你 看 我 怕 吗
Do you think I'll be afraid?
How scary.
Be quick.
诚哥 哪个 好看
Which pair looks better, Brother Cheng?
The blue one.
我 记得 我刚 说 了 是 蓝色
I thought I said the blue pair.
直 男 的 审美 都 是 用来 排除 的
A straight man's aesthetics are used to exclude the options.
比如 小胖
Take Fatty, for example.
还 买 什么 一次性 买 完
What else do you need? Get them all at once.
别 跟 耍 杂技 一样
Don't play acrobatics.
你 刚 快 挂 货架 上 了
You were practically clinging onto the shelves.
这不怪 我
You can't blame me for that.
就 剩下 最后 一双 粉色
It was the only pair of pink slippers left.
我 刚刚 好不容易 拿 下来 的
I tried hard to get it down.
结果 你 原来 那天 在 超市 里面
-But you... -So you were the one
把 水 偷偷 藏 起来 的
who hid the water in the supermarket
就是 你 啊
that day.
什么 意思
What... What do you mean?
你 怎么 会 知道
How did you know?
你 就是 那个 偷水 贼
So you were the water thief.
什么 偷水 贼
Say again?
上面 写 你 名字 了 吗
Does it have your name on it?
那 是 我 先 看到 我 先藏 起来 的
I saw it first and I hid it first.
那 也 叫 藏 啊
You call that hiding?
那 怎么 不 叫 藏 了
Then why don't you call it hiding?
在 超市 里面 藏 东西 你 是 小孩 吗
Hiding something in a supermarket. Are you three years old?
我 那 是 害怕 先 被 别人 买 走
I was worried that someone would buy it before me.
我 那 两天
During those days, I thought
以为 自己 被 一群 矮子 丧尸 围城 了
I was being sieged by a group of dwarfs.
没想到 是 同一个 人
Turns out it's the same person.
什么 矮子 丧尸 围城
What do you mean, "sieged by a group of dwarfs"?
队长 你 好好 说话
Mind your words, Leader!
腿 长 了不起 走 那么 快
So what if you have long legs and walk fast?
美颜 摄像头 干什么
A beauty camera? What is that for?
直播 啊
For the live streams.
小瑞 今天 跟 你 聊
Xiao Rui talked to you
直播 绩效 指标 的 事情 了
about the KPI for the live streams?
你 没 跟 他 讨价还价
Didn't you bargain with him?
用 女孩子 要 早睡早起 的 理由
Give him the excuse that girls need beauty sleep.
让 他 每月 给 你 少播 十个 小时
Have him reduce your time by 10 hours each month.
四十五个 小时 和 三十五个 小时
45 hours and 35 hours.
有 什么 区别 呢
What's the difference?
等 你 月末 补 直播 时间 的 时候
When you make up the live broadcast time at the end of the month
你 就 知道 有没有 区别 了
at the end of the month.
什么 意思
What do you mean?
就 像 你 幼儿园 的 暑假作业
It's like when you left all your homework
留 到 最后 一天 拼命 赶 的 样子
for the summer holidays to the last minute in kindergarten.
你 说 谁 幼儿园 呢
Who are you calling a kindergartener?
能 不能 好好 说话
Can you speak properly?
来自 前辈 的 警告
A kind reminder from your senior.
这种 善事 啊
Such a good deed
我 一生 只 做 一次
i only do it once in my life
是 他 吧
-Is that Brother Cheng? -Brother Cheng!
这 不是 诚哥 诚哥
It's not Makoto. Makoto!
你 跑 什么
What are you running for?
你 粉丝 在 拍照
Your fans are taking pictures.
拍照 怎么 了
So what if they are?
我 今天 都 没 好好 化妆 怎么 见 人
I didn't do my make-up properly today. How am I supposed to meet them?
而且 我 还 没有 在 网上 发 过 照片
And I've never posted a picture of myself online.
你 以为 你 的 粉丝
Do you think your fans
会 好心 给 我 开 美颜 相机 吗
would be nice enough to use a beauty camera filter for me?
他们 要 过来 了
They're coming.
挡住 了 千万别 把 我 露出 来
Cover me. Make sure they don't see me.
竖 着 可以 横着 不 确定
I can cover you vertically, not horizontally.
诚哥 在 这里 遇见 你 太 开心 了
Brother Cheng, I'm so happy to run into you here!
能 帮 我 签个 名 吗
Could you sign this for me, please?
诚哥 明神 的 手 还好 吗
Brother Cheng, is God Ming's hand all right?
我 看 官宣 说 他 手 一直 在 治疗
The announcements said he has been undergoing treatment.
是 真的 吗
Is that true?
诚哥 你 真人 好 高 啊
Brother Cheng, you're so tall in person.
比 在 赛场 上 见到 你 更 高
You are even taller than you seem to be in the tournaments.
完 了
(Oh, no.)
这 是 要 被 曝光 了 吗
(Am I going to be exposed?)
Brother Cheng.
这个 是 你 女朋友 吗 她 看到 我 了
-Is she your girlfriend? -(She saw me.)
我该 怎么办 啊 不是
-(What should I do?) -No.
我 上 哪 找 个 跟 女儿 似的 女朋友
Where would I find a girlfriend who looks like a child?
是 战队 工作人员
She's one of the team's staff
陪 我 出来 买 东西
accompanying me to buy some stuff.
小姐姐 长得 好 可爱 啊
Missy, you look very cute!
是 幼稚
Childish actually.
小姐姐 帮 我 和 诚哥 合个 影 吧
Missy, please help us take a picture with Brother Cheng.
我 也 想要 我 也 要
谢谢 诚哥
Thanks, Brother Cheng!
换 我 来 换 我 来 给 我 来 一张
My turn. Take a picture of us too.
谢谢 诚哥
Thanks, Brother Cheng!
谢谢 诚哥
Thanks, Brother Cheng.
谢谢 小姐姐 不 客气
Thank you, ma'am. No, not nice.
拜拜 诚哥 走 了 拜拜
-Bye, Brother Cheng. -Bye.
好看 没想到 竟然 见到 真人 了
He's so handsome! I can't believe I see him in person!
走 吧
Let's go.
太帅 了
He's so handsome!
你 这 表情 什么 鬼 啊
What's with your expression?
Brother Cheng,
你 说 我 以后 也 会 有 这么 多 粉丝 吗
do you think I'll have so many fans in the future?
他们 也 会 这么 喜欢 我
Would they like me so much too?
争先恐后 跟 我 拍照 吗
Would they be eager to take a picture with me as well?
前提 是 你 得 打进 决赛
That's provided if you manage to advance to the finals.
如果 战队 因为 签 了 你
If our results go down
成绩 反而 下降 了
after you join the team,
那么 会 有 比 这 多 成千上百 倍 的 人
there'll be hundreds and thousands of times more people
来 喷 你
who hate you.
每天 会 问候 你 喝水 有没有 被 呛 死
I will ask you every day if you have choked to death when drinking water
外面 刮风 怎么 没有 把 你 吹 跑
Or why the wind hasn't blown you away yet.
会 争先恐后 地 把 你 挂 在 墙头
They'll be so eager to hang your head on their wall.
就 像 老 K 那样
Just like what they did to K?
你 介意 吗
Does that bother you?
要 说实话 吗
Do you want to hear the truth?
介意 的话 就 好好 打 比赛
If it bothers you, make sure you perform well in the competition.
在 电子竞技 的 世界 里
In the world of e-sports,
只有 强者 才能 得到 认可
only the strong are deemed worthy.
你 刚来
You've just joined us.
一定 会 受到 很多 质疑
They'll definitely doubt your skills.
但 如果 你 用 实力 来 证明
But if you can prove
你 能 替代 明神
that you can replace God Ming with your skills,
不会 有人 多 说 你 一句
no one will dare say otherwise.
可是 诚哥
But Brother Cheng,
怎么 好像 从来 没有 人 质疑 过 你
no one has ever doubted you, why?
因为 我强
Because I'm strong.
电子竞技 里 菜 是 原罪
To be weak is unforgivable in the world of e-sports.
走 了
Let's go.
老 K 去 中路 啊
K, head to the mid lane.
这边 往 这边 走
Over here. This way.
那个 角
That corner.
你 这 打 的 啥 这 是
What the heck were you doing?
回来 了
You guys are back.
看来 我们 诚哥 还是 跟 新 队友
I guess Brother Cheng is getting along
相处 得 很 愉快 嘛
quite well with our new teammate.
就 像 带 着 要 去 春游 的 幼儿园 女儿
Just like taking a daughter in kindergarten
去 超市 买 零食 一样
to buy snacks at the supermarket for a spring trip.
Tong Yao.
之后 你 就 坐 这里
You'll be sitting here from now on.
这 不是 原来 你 的 位置 吗
But... This was your seat.
不好 吧
I shouldn't...
Don't worry.
自古 中单 都 是 坐 这个 位置
All Mids sit here.
你 看 啊
This is the latest gaming chair I got for you
这 是 我 按照 小胖 他 的 指示
This is me, following Fatty's instructions.
给 你 换 的 最新款 的 电 竞椅
according to Fatty's instructions.
这 都 是 最 专业 的
These are the most professional gear.
可以 根据 你 的 个人 习惯
You can adjust it accordingly.
随意 调节
Adjust as you wish.
Give it a try.
保证 你 上分 一整天 都 不 觉得 累
I guarantee you won't feel tired sitting in it all day.
小姐姐 加油
Do your best, Missy!
光喊 加油 有 什么 用 啊
What's the point of just encouraging her?
过 几天 就是 战队 训练 热身赛
The team's warm-up training competition is in a few days.
留 不留 得 下来
Whether she gets to stay or not
看 她 第一场 表现 吧
depends on her performance in the first game.
童谣 你别 紧张 啊
Don't be nervous, Tong Yao.
诚哥 一向 这么
Brother Cheng has always been...
这 什么 东西 呀
What's that?
属于 少女 的 粉红 装扮
Pink decorations especially for girls.
Remove it.
放 我 旁边 辣 眼睛
It hurts my eyes.