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Miss Winnie Daily Cantonese Small Talk, Ep. 59 Living in a Big City or Rural Area

Ep. 59 Living in a Big City or Rural Area

Hello 大家 好 呀 。今日 呢 , 係 2023 年 4 月 17 號 星期一 ,而家 係 晚上 8 點 47 分。

咁 有 幾日 冇 錄音 係 呢度 同 大家 傾計

今集 呢, 就 簡單 同 大家 update 下 近況。

唔,同埋 上 一集 啦

last episode 上 一集

我 就 講到 金金 有啲 唔 舒服

咁,結果 我哋 上個星期 四 就 第一次 去咗 動物 醫院 睇 獸醫。

唔,咁 啦 個 間 動物醫院 都 好好,服務 好好 啦 very good service

員工 呀 、 獸醫 呀,非常之 親切。friendly 好 親切,好好 人。

好 專業。very professional 咁 呀,我 就 好 鍾意 個 間 動物醫院 呀 .

咁,我 都 非常之 感恩 呀。可以 搵 到 個 間 動物醫院 呀。

咁,金金 食 咗 藥, 打 咗 針, 就 好 快 就 好 返.

咁 呀, 冇 大礙

咁 呀,廣東話 如果 我哋 話, 呀, 冇 大礙 啫 .

no serious health problem 冇 大礙

非常之 感恩 . 係 啦.

咁 啦, 除咗 update 飯 金金 嘅 情況 呢,

咁 今日 都 想 同 大家 講 一個 題目 嘅。

咁 呢,關於 你 鍾意 住 喺 大城市 big city

定係 鍾意 住 喺 一啲 鄉郊 嘅 地方 啦。

一啲 rural areas

鄉郊 地方 或者 鄉郊 地區

鍾意 大城市 定係 住 喺 一 啲 鄉郊 呀,

或者 another way to say 鄉邨

咁 我 自己 啦, 就 喺 香港 出世,

喺 香港 長大,

我 一直 都 係 住 喺 大城市 㗎 喇。

香港 就 好多 人 呀。

交通 各樣 好 方便

去邊 一度 呢, 就 搭 地鐵 呀,

搭 一啲 公共 交通工具, public transport.

公共 交通工具

去 邊度 都 好容易 好快 嘅 。

咁 呀,離 咗 美國 啦。

咁 我 住 嘅 地方

唔 係 一個 真係 好 大 嘅 城市

但係 其實 啦,

如果 只要 你 識 揸車

其實 去 好多 地方 都。。。唔,都 方便 嘅。

要 去 買嘢 呀。

要 去 食 嘢 呀,

唔, 買 唔同 嘅 日用品, daily necessities .

或者 去 睇 戲 呀

去 戲院 , cinemas.

如果 你 識 揸車

其實 就 都 好好 啦.

係呀,當然 如果 你 唔 識 揸車 嘅 話,

咁 就 比較 麻煩 啲

大城市 就 係 你 去邊一度 落街, 跳 上車 .

咁 就 可以 去 到 你 一個 地方

咁,但係 雖然 喺 香港 生活 啦 , 好 方便 .

但係 其實 我 就 都 好 鍾意 住 喺 一啲 比較 鄉邨 啲 嘅 地方 嘅。

咁 唔係 因為 我 鍾意 揸車 .

其實 我 到 而家 都 未 有 車牌 .

咁,但係 呢, 我 就 唔 鍾意 咁 人 多 嘅 地方 喎.

同埋 唔 鍾意 咁 嘈雜 嘅 地方

嘈雜 或者 嘈吵, noisy.

我 唔 鍾意 咁 嘈雜 嘅 地方

我 鍾意 比較 靜 啲 嘅 環境

咁 同埋 喺 香港 得 呢啲 大城市 啦

住 嘅 地方 呢, 好細 好 窄

窄 係 narrow 好 窄 呀。

咁 呀, 住 嘅 環境 生活, 環境 呢, 一定 呢, 冇 咁 好

咁 呀,喺 呢 一度 呢, 我 雖然 一個人 住

咁 但係 地方 就 好 大 喇, 咁 樣 呢。

有 兩個 房 啦 , 兩個 廳 呀

有 一個 開放式 廚房, Open kitchen 咁樣。

咁 呀,非常之 好 嘅 一個

我 自己 覺得 好好 嘅 居住 環境 啦

但 如果 喺 香港 呢 個 價錢

去 租 香港 嘅 一個 單位 , 一個 apartment 一個 flat ,

就 只 可以 租到 呢, 我哋 所謂 嘅 劏房

一個 劏房 啫 即係 一個, small single room 咁 樣 .

係 一個 好細 一個 嘅 可能 百幾 呎

100 square feet 百幾 呎

## 或者 一個 二百 幾 呎 嘅 一個 劏房 咁樣

但係 我 呢 一度 呢, 比 香港 平 嘅 租金

但係 就 差唔多 有 八百 幾 呎

九百 呎 嘅 地方

咁 我 就 鍾意 住 係 一啲 鄉郊 嘅 地方 啦。

咁 呀,好 快 呢, 我 就 可以

揸 車 周圍 去

我 就 覺得 好 興奮 呀,

因為 當識 揸車 嘅 時候 呢

周圍 去 買嘢 呀, 食嘢 呀 ,

去 睇戲 呀,咁 都 可以 好 方便 .

乜 當然 啊

乜 大城市 啦 選擇

choices 選擇 就 有 好多 啦

最 令 我 懷念 嘅 , miss, 懷念 ,

就係 香港 呢 有 好多 唔 同 類型 嘅 餐廳 , different types of restaurants, different types of cuisines.

咁 有 好多 唔同 嘅 餐廳 啦

唔同 嘅 菜式

咁 我 食 乜嘢 嘢 都 可以 好 方便

但係 住 係 一啲 鄉郊 地方

譬如 我 呢 一度 啦

咁 都 有 餐廳

但係 選擇 唔係 話 真係 咁 多

真係 多 嘅 係 一啲 美式 嘅 快餐 , American style fast food shops.

美式 嘅 快餐店 多 啦

但係 你 話 好似 香港 咁

可以 食到 唔同 國家 嘅 菜式 啦,

呢 一度 啦 都 有啲 亞洲 餐廳

但係 就 唔係 有 太 多 嘅 選擇 啦 咁樣。

香港 真係 美食 天堂

美食 天堂 , Food paradise .

美食 天堂

呢 樣 嘢 係

我 係 好 掛住 香港 嘅 一個 地方 , miss Hong Kong so much on that point.

呢 一點 係 非常 掛住 香港

就 係 嗰 啲 美食 呀

唔同 地方 嘅 嘢食 啦

同埋 餐廳 . 係 啦 .

但係 總括 而言 , overall speaking,

總括 嚟 講 喇, or to conclude,

我 都 係 鍾意 一啲

比較 鄉郊 嘅 地方

少人 啲 啦

地方 大啲 啦

呢 一度 我 住 嘅 地方 呢

周圍 都 好多 公園 呀

一啲 好 大 嘅 草地 , grassland park

好多 草地 啦

好多 公園 , 特別 係 夏天 嘅 時候 呢

公園 都 好多 人 會 去 聚集 , 去 玩 呀

咁 喺 香港 都 有 啲 公園 嘅

但係 就 當然 細 好多 囉

唔,各有各好 啦

大城市 都 有 大城市 好 嘅

有 大城市 嘅 方便

就 係 咁 啦

咁 係 你 地 啦 ?

你哋 而家 住 嘅 地方

係 屬於 大城市 呀,

定係 比較 鄉村 啲 嘅 地方 呢

你 鍾 唔 鍾意 住 大城市

定係 鍾意 住 一啲

少人 啲 嘅 鄉村 地方

都 可以 留言 分享 下

咁 呀, 今日 就 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦

好 多謝 你哋 嘅 收聽 , Thank you for listening to my podcast,

希望 你哋 都 可以 俾 個 review 我 啦

咁 呀,讓 更 多 人 都 可以 容易 啲

搵 到 我 呢 一個 嘅 podcast 咁 樣

多謝 大家

咁 我哋 下 集 就 再見 啦


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Ep. 59 Living in a Big City or Rural Area Episode|Life in|在||Large|Big City|or|Countryside area|Rural Area Ep. 59 [Cantonese Talk] Living in a Big City or Rural Area Ep.59 \[Conversación en cantonés\] Vivir en una gran ciudad o en una zona rural 第59話 【広東語トーク】大都市と地方で生活してみる Ep. 59 [Cantonese Talk] Living in a Big City or Rural Area

Hello 大家 好 呀 。今日 呢 , 係 2023 年 4 月 17 號 星期一 ,而家 係 晚上 8 點 47 分。 Hello everyone.|everyone||"呀" in this context can be translated to "!" or "ah" or "ya".|"today"|"today"|"is"|year|month|"day"|Monday|"right now"||evening|o'clock|minutes Hello everyone, how are you? Today is Monday, April 17, 2023, and it's 8:47 pm.

咁 有 幾日 冇 錄音 係 呢度 同 大家 傾計 "So"|"been"|a few days|not have|recording audio|"is"|here|with|everyone|chatting with It's been a few days since we've had a recording and we've been talking about it.

今集 呢, 就 簡單 同 大家 update 下 近況。 This episode||"just"|briefly|||catch up on|a bit|recent updates In this episode, we will briefly update you on the latest situation.

唔,同埋 上 一集 啦 |"and also"|previous|previous episode|"lah" Well, the same as the last episode

last episode 上 一集 previous|Last episode|last|previous episode last episode 上一集

我 就 講到 金金 有啲 唔 舒服 ||mentioned|Goldie|"a bit"|not|not feeling well I was talking about how uncomfortable Jin Jin was

咁,結果 我哋 上個星期 四 就 第一次 去咗 動物 醫院 睇 獸醫。 |result|||||||animal|hospital||veterinarian So, as a result, we went to the animal hospital last Thursday to see the vet for the first time.

唔,咁 啦 個 間 動物醫院 都 好好,服務 好好 啦 very good service |"so"|particle||the|Animal hospital|"also"|very good|service|||extremely|very good|very good service Well, the animal hospital is quite good, the service is very good, very good service.

員工 呀 、 獸醫 呀,非常之 親切。friendly 好 親切,好好 人。 staff||Veterinarian||extremely|kind and friendly|very kind||kind|| The staff and the vet are very friendly. They are very friendly and nice people.

好 專業。very professional 咁 呀,我 就 好 鍾意 個 間 動物醫院 呀 . |"very professional"|very|Very professional||||then||like|that|that|animal hospital| Very professional, I like this animal hospital very much.

咁,我 都 非常之 感恩 呀。可以 搵 到 個 間 動物醫院 呀。 ||||grateful||"able to"|find|to find|||animal hospital| I am very thankful for that. I can find an animal hospital.

咁,金金 食 咗 藥, 打 咗 針, 就 好 快 就 好 返. |Jinjin|took||medicine|got||injection|"will"||quickly|"will"||get better Then, Kim took the medicine and got the injection, and she got well soon.

咁 呀, 冇 大礙 ||no|serious problem So, it's no big deal.

咁 呀,廣東話 如果 我哋 話, 呀, 冇 大礙 啫 . "so"|"well"|Cantonese|"if"|we||||big problem|"just" Well, speaking Cantonese wouldn't be a big problem for us.

no serious health problem 冇 大礙 no|major|No major issues|No problem||big trouble No serious health problem.

非常之 感恩 . 係 啦. |grateful|| Very grateful. Yes.

咁 啦, 除咗 update 飯 金金 嘅 情況 呢, ||"besides"|update|meal|money|"of"|situation| So, besides updating everyone on the situation with Golden's meal,

咁 今日 都 想 同 大家 講 一個 題目 嘅。 so|today||||everyone|talk about|a|topic| I also want to talk about a topic with everyone today.

咁 呢,關於 你 鍾意 住 喺 大城市 big city ||"about"|you|"like"|live in|"in"|big city||city So, about living in a big city that you like.

定係 鍾意 住 喺 一啲 鄉郊 嘅 地方 啦。 "or"|"like living"|||some|rural areas|"of the"|rural areas| I prefer living in rural areas.

一啲 rural areas |rural|rural areas Some rural areas

鄉郊 地方 或者 鄉郊 地區 rural||or|rural area|Rural area Rural areas or rural areas

鍾意 大城市 定係 住 喺 一 啲 鄉郊 呀, |big city||live in|||some|countryside| Do you prefer big cities or living in the countryside?

或者 another way to say 鄉邨 "Or"|Another term for 鄉邨 is "rural village."|Public housing estate|Another term for 鄉邨 is "rural village."|Public housing estate|Village estate Or another way to say countryside

咁 我 自己 啦, 就 喺 香港 出世, "In that case"||"myself"|emphasis particle|||Hong Kong|born in Hong Kong As for myself, I was born in Hong Kong,

喺 香港 長大, "In"||"grew up" I grew up in Hong Kong.

我 一直 都 係 住 喺 大城市 㗎 喇。 |always||||||| I have always lived in a big city.

香港 就 好多 人 呀。 ||"a lot of"|people| There are a lot of people in Hong Kong.

交通 各樣 好 方便 Transportation|all kinds of||very convenient The transportation is very convenient in various ways.

去邊 一度 呢, 就 搭 地鐵 呀, "Where to"|"one place"|"then"|"then"|take|subway| Go to the side once and take the subway

搭 一啲 公共 交通工具, public transport. Take|"some"|public|Public transport vehicles|public|Take public transport Take some public transport.

公共 交通工具 Public|Public transport Public transport

去 邊度 都 好容易 好快 嘅 。 "Go to"|"wherever"||very easy|very quickly| It's easy and quick to go anywhere.

咁 呀,離 咗 美國 啦。 ||left|left|United States| So, we have left the United States.

咁 我 住 嘅 地方 So, the place where I live

唔 係 一個 真係 好 大 嘅 城市 |||really|||"of a"|city is not a really big city,

但係 其實 啦, "But actually,"|"actually"| but actually,

如果 只要 你 識 揸車 |as long as||know|drive a car If, if you know how to drive a car.

其實 去 好多 地方 都。。。唔,都 方便 嘅。 "Actually"|"go to"|many|places|"all"|||convenient|"actually" In fact, there are many places to go. Well, they are convenient.

要 去 買嘢 呀。 ||shopping| I want to go shopping.

要 去 食 嘢 呀, I want to go eat.

唔, 買 唔同 嘅 日用品, daily necessities . |buy|different||daily necessities|daily necessities|daily necessities No, buying different daily necessities.

或者 去 睇 戲 呀 ||watch a|a movie| Maybe go watch a movie?

去 戲院 , cinemas. |the cinema|theaters Go to the cinema.

如果 你 識 揸車 If you know how to drive.

其實 就 都 好好 啦. |actually||| Actually, it's all quite good.

係呀,當然 如果 你 唔 識 揸車 嘅 話, |of course||||know||particle| Yes, of course, if you don’t know how to drive,

咁 就 比較 麻煩 啲 |then|more|troublesome| then it can be a bit more troublesome.

大城市 就 係 你 去邊一度 落街, 跳 上車 . big city||||go anywhere|get off|jump|get in The big city is where you go down the street and jump in the car.

咁 就 可以 去 到 你 一個 地方 Then we can go to your place.

咁,但係 雖然 喺 香港 生活 啦 , 好 方便 . |||||living||| But it is convenient to live in Hong Kong.

但係 其實 我 就 都 好 鍾意 住 喺 一啲 比較 鄉邨 啲 嘅 地方 嘅。 ||||||||||relatively|rural village|||| But in fact, I like to live in places that are more rural.

咁 唔係 因為 我 鍾意 揸車 . It's not because I like to drive.

其實 我 到 而家 都 未 有 車牌 . ||||still|not yet||license plate Actually, I didn't even have a license plate when I got home.

咁,但係 呢, 我 就 唔 鍾意 咁 人 多 嘅 地方 喎. ||||||||||||you know Well, I don't like such a crowded place.

同埋 唔 鍾意 咁 嘈雜 嘅 地方 and||||noisy|| And I don't like such noisy places

嘈雜 或者 嘈吵, noisy. noisy||noisy|noisy Noisy or loud, noisy.

我 唔 鍾意 咁 嘈雜 嘅 地方 ||||noisy||noisy place I don't like such noisy places

我 鍾意 比較 靜 啲 嘅 環境 ||rather|quiet|||environment I prefer a quieter environment

咁 同埋 喺 香港 得 呢啲 大城市 啦 |||||these|big cities| Then the same in Hong Kong to the big cities

住 嘅 地方 呢, 好細 好 窄 |that|||very small||narrow The place where we live is so small and narrow.

窄 係 narrow 好 窄 呀。 narrow||narrow||| Narrow is really narrow.

咁 呀, 住 嘅 環境 生活, 環境 呢, 一定 呢, 冇 咁 好 ||||environment|life|environment||definitely|"in terms of"||| Well, the living environment here is definitely not that good.

咁 呀,喺 呢 一度 呢, 我 雖然 一個人 住 |||||||although|| Well, here, although I live alone.

咁 但係 地方 就 好 大 喇, 咁 樣 呢。 |but||then|very|big|already||like this| But then, it is a big place, so big it is.

有 兩個 房 啦 , 兩個 廳 呀 ||rooms|||hall| There are two rooms and two living rooms.

有 一個 開放式 廚房, Open kitchen 咁樣。 ||open|kitchen|open|kitchen|like that There is an open kitchen, like an open kitchen.

咁 呀,非常之 好 嘅 一個 Well, it's a very nice one.

我 自己 覺得 好好 嘅 居住 環境 啦 |myself|feel|good|that|living environment|environment| I think I have a good living environment.

但 如果 喺 香港 呢 個 價錢 ||||||price However, if the price in Hong Kong

去 租 香港 嘅 一個 單位 , 一個 apartment 一個 flat , |rent||||unit||apartment||flat Go rent a unit in Hong Kong, an apartment or a flat,

就 只 可以 租到 呢, 我哋 所謂 嘅 劏房 |only|only|rent a|||so-called||subdivided flat ||||||||分譲マンション You can only rent this, what we call a subdivided flat.

一個 劏房 啫 即係 一個, small single room 咁 樣 . |subdivided flat|just|that is|||single|small single room|| A subdivided flat is just a small single room.

係 一個 好細 一個 嘅 可能 百幾 呎 ||very small||of||hundred plus|feet It's a very small one, possibly around a hundred square feet.

100 square feet 百幾 呎 foot|feet|a hundred or so|feet 100 square feet.

## 或者 一個 二百 幾 呎 嘅 一個 劏房 咁樣 ||two hundred||feet|||subdivided flat| ## Or a 200-something square feet subdivided unit like this

但係 我 呢 一度 呢, 比 香港 平 嘅 租金 |||this|emphasis particle|compared to||cheaper|that|rent But here, the rent is cheaper than in Hong Kong

但係 就 差唔多 有 八百 幾 呎 ||about||about 800|about|feet But it's almost about 800-something square feet

九百 呎 嘅 地方 nine hundred||| 900 square feet of space

咁 我 就 鍾意 住 係 一啲 鄉郊 嘅 地方 啦。 |||||||rural areas||| Well, I like to live in some rural areas.

咁 呀,好 快 呢, 我 就 可以 |||||||can Well, it’s very quick, I can

揸 車 周圍 去 drive||around| Drive around

我 就 覺得 好 興奮 呀, ||||excited| I just feel very excited,

因為 當識 揸車 嘅 時候 呢 |when driving||possessive particle|when| because when I learned to drive

周圍 去 買嘢 呀, 食嘢 呀 , around||shopping||eat| Go around and buy and eat.

去 睇戲 呀,咁 都 可以 好 方便 . |watch a movie||||||convenient To go to the movies, so can be so convenient

乜 當然 啊 |Of course| What? Of course!

乜 大城市 啦 選擇 |big city||choose What? Big city? Choose?

choices 選擇 就 有 好多 啦 choices|selection|||| There are many choices.

最 令 我 懷念 嘅 , miss, 懷念 , most|makes||miss||miss|miss What I miss the most is Hong Kong, which has many different types of restaurants.

就係 香港 呢 有 好多 唔 同 類型 嘅 餐廳 , different types of restaurants, different types of cuisines. |||||||type||restaurants|different|types||restaurants||||cuisines Different types of cuisines.

咁 有 好多 唔同 嘅 餐廳 啦 |||||restaurants| There are many different restaurants.

唔同 嘅 菜式 ||dishes Different types of dishes.

咁 我 食 乜嘢 嘢 都 可以 好 方便 |||what|||can||convenient So it's very convenient for me to eat whatever.

但係 住 係 一啲 鄉郊 地方 ||||rural area|

譬如 我 呢 一度 啦 |||this time| For example, this place of mine.

咁 都 有 餐廳 There are also restaurants.

但係 選擇 唔係 話 真係 咁 多 |choice||||| But the choices aren't really that many.

真係 多 嘅 係 一啲 美式 嘅 快餐 , American style fast food shops. |||||American style||fast food|American|style|fast food||shops It's a lot of American fast food

美式 嘅 快餐店 多 啦 American-style||fast food restaurant|| There are many American-style fast food restaurants.

但係 你 話 好似 香港 咁 |you|said|like|| But you mentioned that it seems like Hong Kong,

可以 食到 唔同 國家 嘅 菜式 啦, |eat||||dishes|emphasis particle where you can eat different cuisines from various countries.

呢 一度 啦 都 有啲 亞洲 餐廳 |||||Asian|restaurant there are also some Asian restaurants here.

但係 就 唔係 有 太 多 嘅 選擇 啦 咁樣。 |||||||choice|| But there are not too many choices.

香港 真係 美食 天堂 ||food paradise|food paradise Hong Kong True Gourmet Paradise

美食 天堂 , Food paradise . |paradise||

美食 天堂 Food paradise

呢 樣 嘢 係 |thing|| This thing is

我 係 好 掛住 香港 嘅 一個 地方 , miss Hong Kong so much on that point. |||miss|||||||||very|||that point I really miss a place in Hong Kong, miss Hong Kong so much on that point.

呢 一點 係 非常 掛住 香港 |bit|||missing| This point is very much linked to Hong Kong.

就 係 嗰 啲 美食 呀 ||||food| It's those delicacies.

唔同 地方 嘅 嘢食 啦 Different places' food.

同埋 餐廳 . 係 啦 . And restaurants, yes.

但係 總括 而言 , overall speaking, |overall|in terms of|overall| But overall speaking,

總括 嚟 講 喇, or to conclude, in summary||||||conclude In summary, or to conclude,

我 都 係 鍾意 一啲 I still like some

比較 鄉郊 嘅 地方 comparatively|countryside|| more rural places.

少人 啲 啦 less people|| There are fewer people here.

地方 大啲 啦 |bigger| The place is bigger.

呢 一度 我 住 嘅 地方 呢 This is where I live.

周圍 都 好多 公園 呀 around|||parks| The surrounding area is full of parks

一啲 好 大 嘅 草地 , grassland park |||of|grassland|grassland park|park

好多 草地 啦 |grassland| There are a lot of grasslands.

好多 公園 , 特別 係 夏天 嘅 時候 呢 a lot of|||especially in|summer||| There are many parks, especially in the summer.

公園 都 好多 人 會 去 聚集 , 去 玩 呀 the park||||will|go|gather||| Many people gather and play in the parks.

咁 喺 香港 都 有 啲 公園 嘅 There are some parks in Hong Kong

但係 就 當然 細 好多 囉 ||of course||| But, of course, it's much smaller.

唔,各有各好 啦 |each has its merits| Well, to each his own

大城市 都 有 大城市 好 嘅 |||big city|| Big cities have big cities that are good

有 大城市 嘅 方便 |||convenience

就 係 咁 啦 That's it then.

咁 係 你 地 啦 ? So it's you guys?

你哋 而家 住 嘅 地方 The place where you are living now.

係 屬於 大城市 呀, is|belong to|| belongs to a big city,

定係 比較 鄉村 啲 嘅 地方 呢 |more|rural|||| Or is it that you prefer places that are more rural?

你 鍾 唔 鍾意 住 大城市 ||not||| Do you like living in big cities?

定係 鍾意 住 一啲 or||| Or do you prefer to live in some?

少人 啲 嘅 鄉村 地方 |||rural| less populated rural areas

都 可以 留言 分享 下 ||message|share| can also leave a message to share

咁 呀, 今日 就 同 大家 講到 呢 一度 啦 Well then, today I will talk to everyone about this.

好 多謝 你哋 嘅 收聽 , Thank you for listening to my podcast, ||||listening|Thank|||to my podcast||my| Thank you all for listening to my podcast,

希望 你哋 都 可以 俾 個 review 我 啦 I hope you can give me a review.

咁 呀,讓 更 多 人 都 可以 容易 啲 ||let|more|||||easily| So that more people can find my podcast easier.

搵 到 我 呢 一個 嘅 podcast 咁 樣 Like this.

多謝 大家 Thank you, everyone

咁 我哋 下 集 就 再見 啦 then|||episode|then|see you| So, we'll see you again in the next episode

拜拜 Bye bye