第 八十九 堂
Lesson 89
Salle 89
Horse racing
Horse Racing
今日 又 係 跑馬 嘅 日子 喇 。
|||horse racing|of|day|
Today is another day for horse racing.
即係 話 啲 男人 又 會 淨係 掛 住 搵 貼士 , 聽 住 收音機 , 同 睇 住 份 馬報 㗎 啦 。
|||men|also|will||hang||||||radio|||||racing form||
That means men will only think about finding tips, listening to the radio, and reading the racing form.
我 老公 連 電視 轉播 都 唔中意 , 直情 入 埋 馬場 睇 現場 賽馬 添 。
||||broadcasting|also|don't like|"directly"|go to||racecourse||live event|horse racing|
My husband doesn't even like watching the televised broadcast, he prefers going to the racetrack to watch the races live.
咁 究竟 佢 贏 過 錢 未 啫 ?
So did he win any money?
賭錢 嘅 嘢 係 視乎 運氣 嘅 , 不過 老實 講 , 佢 通常 都 輸 㗎 。
Gambling||||"depends on"|luck|||honestly speaking|||usually||lose|
Gambling depends on luck, but to be honest, he usually loses.
練習 一 翻譯
Practice translation.
呢個 時間 通常 都 塞車 㗎 , 不如 行 第二 條 街 啦 。
||||traffic||might as well|||street|street|
This time is usually congested, so it's better to take the second street.
因為 佢 賭錢 , 佢 老婆 先至 唔 再 同 佢 一齊 咋 。
Because he gambles, his wife no longer goes out with him.
阿女 嘅 男朋友 好 老實 , 我 覺得 佢 真係 唔錯 。
that girl||||honest||think that|||
My daughter's boyfriend is really honest, I think he's really good.
一 個 人 考試 考 得 好 唔 好 , 係 視乎 佢 讀書 有冇 心機 嘅 。
Whether or not a person does well in exams depends on their dedication to studying.
你 細佬 跑步 輸 咗 呀 ?
Did your younger brother lose in the race?