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Cantonese without toil, 第 三十九 堂

第 三十九 堂


一陣 我哋 坐 卡 啦 O K 呀 。

去 邊 間 呀 ?

對面 嗰 間 囉 。 上 個 禮拜 新 開 嗰 間 呀 。

哦 , 我 去 過 啦 , 嗰度 唔錯 㗎 。

聽講 佢哋 有 好多 本地 歌 㗎 。

你 重 可以 坐 好 耐 添 。

練習 一 翻譯

我 今日 唔 可以 揸車 。

佢 件 褸 新 㗎 , 重 好 平 添 。

聽講 你 嘅 身手 唔錯 。

好耐 冇 打 過 電話 畀 佢 喇 。

我 讀 過 嗰 間 小學 就 喺 對面 。

第 三十九 堂 |Lesson 39| Lesson 39 Classe 39 クラス39 39급 Klasse 39 第三十九堂

唱歌 Sing songs Singing

一陣 我哋 坐 卡 啦 O K 呀 。 |we|sit|minibus|let's|"O" in this context can be translated to "okay" or "alright."|OK|particle indicating affirmation For a while, we'll go to Karaoke, OK?

去 邊 間 呀 ? |which place|which place| Where should we go?

對面 嗰 間 囉 。 opposite|that|room|over there The one opposite, that one. 上 個 禮拜 新 開 嗰 間 呀 。 last|a|last week|new|opened|that|store| The one that just opened last week.

哦 , 我 去 過 啦 , 嗰度 唔錯 㗎 。 Oh|I|indicates past action|been|already|there|not bad|is Oh, I've been there. It's not bad.

聽講 佢哋 有 好多 本地 歌 㗎 。 "heard"|they|have|many|local|songs| I heard they have a lot of local songs.

你 重 可以 坐 好 耐 添 。 ||"can"|||a long time|"even more" You can sit for a long time.

練習 一 翻譯 |one| Practice a translation.

我 今日 唔 可以 揸車 。 |today|not|can|drive a car I can't drive today.

佢 件 褸 新 㗎 , 重 好 平 添 。 |||||||flat|"even more" His jacket is new, looks very stylish.

聽講 你 嘅 身手 唔錯 。 |||skills|not bad I heard you're good at singing.

好耐 冇 打 過 電話 畀 佢 喇 。 A long time||||phone||| It's been a long time since I called him.

我 讀 過 嗰 間 小學 就 喺 對面 。 |||that|||right||opposite side I went to that primary school across the street before.