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男人唔可以窮Men can't be Poor, 男人唔可以窮chapter 4.2

男人 唔 可以 窮 chapter 4.2

爸爸 :「阿爸 個 舊 同事 ,阿球 叔 呀 ,上個月 走咗 囉 ,肺癌 呀 係 ,你 話 做人 幾 搞笑 ,阿球 成世 人 煙 都 唔 食 一支 ,燒嘢食 都 話 唔 多 去 嘅 ,無 啦 啦 又 會 整 個 咁 嘅 病 畀 佢 ,佢 出殯 嘅 日 ,我 去 上 咗 支 香 ,見到 佢 幾個 仔女 都 唔 係 好 大 個 ,真 係 凄涼 。」

嗰 陣 時 ,我 見到 老豆 對眼 有 小小 淚光 ,拍 一 拍 佢 膊頭 ,佢 對 我 笑 咗 笑 ,繼續 講 :

「見 畀 勇 仔 出 嚟 ,又 望 下 你 哋 兩 兄弟 都 大個 囉 ,仲 執著 乜嘢 丫 ,但求 一家人 整整齊齊 ,健健康康 ,你 話 幾 好 呢 ? 不過 最 緊要 就 係 你 哋 兩個 要 堂堂正正 , 勇仔 以後 就生 生性 性 , 咁 樣 阿爸 就 開心 喇 。

我 :「阿爸 ,你 諗 得 咁 就 好 囉 。」

爸 :「唔 遲 呀 可 ? 」我 :「點會 呢 ,嚟 ,我哋 一齊 行返 屋企 。」 爸 :「好好好 。」

嗰 晚 ,我 返到 屋企 完完全全 訓 唔 到 ,點解 ? 因為 短短 呢 三 幾 日 入面 ,唔 知 點解 我 嘅 生活 已經 有 翻天覆地 嘅 變化 ,我變 咗 做 單身 ,仲 雙失 埋 ,阿爸 突然 開口 同 我 講 咗 好多 嘢 ,可勇 放 監 出 返 嚟 ,所有 嘢 入面 有 開心 又 有 唔 開心 ,就 好似 周星馳 咁 講 ,人 喺 極樂 同 [極哀 ]當中 對 扯 ,係 會 唔 識得 表情 同 反應 。

除咗 本身 嘅 人際關係 有 變化 之外 ,仲有 另 一樣 嘢 係 令 我 好 糾結 ,

係 我 咁 多年 嘅 人生觀 同 價值觀 出現 咗 問號 。

聽 完 Yoyo 嘅 一席話 之後 , 其實 我 真 係 好 想 接觸 下 呢 個 倫敦 金 嘅 世界 , 自問 原則 我 有 丫 , 勤力 我 亦 算 得 上 係 , 除 咗 冇 條 【 事業 線 】 之外 , 我 有 冇 可能 好似 Yoyo 咁 搵 到 幾皮 嘢 一個月 呢 ? 再 諗 真 小小 阿栽 又 咪 係 【 麻 甩 佬 】 , 佢 個 樣 好似 仲 【 撈 得 掂 】 過 好多 人 咁 , 唔 知 我行 入去 做 , 又 會 係 一個 乜嘢 故事 呢 ?

但 處身 呢種 唔 熟悉 而 又 不安穩 嘅 世界 入面 ,我 會 唔 會 唔 習慣 ?

不過 我 知道 點諗 都 係 冇用 ,最大 嘅 問題 係 我 要 返 公司 搵 Jeffrey 講數 ,無 啦 啦 咁 樣 炒 我 應該 要點 計 ,同埋 我 始終 想 同 Marcus 見 一次 面 ,就 當 係 好來好去 。

諗 下 諗 下 , 我 終於 訓 咗 。

第二日 , 食飯 時間 我返 咗 公司 , 門口 接待處 嘅 Ceci 見到 我 好 緊張 , 【 猛 咁 】 【 喝止 】 我 叫 我 出面 等一等 先 , 佢 要 打入 去 畀 Jeffrey 通傳 咗 先 。

你 條八婆 以前 受 我 唔少 恩惠 ,依家 招呼 都 唔 敢 同 我 打個 咁 無情 ?

Ceci 開 咗 個 speaker 駁入 去 同 Jeffrey 講 我 嚟 咗 ,點知 呢 個 賤種 就 好 大聲 咁 答 佢 :

「叫 薛 可 正 嘅 條 廢 柴 入 我 房 啦 。」

Ceci:「正呀 ,你 入得去 喇 。」

我 冇 應到 呢 個 八婆 ,大 大步 咁 就 行入去 ,行到 入去 唔 算 好多 同事 喺 度 ,但係 見到 我 嘅 好多 都 會 故意 迴避 我 眼神 ,短短 呢 幾十步 路 令 我 好 矛盾 ,亦都 好 難受 ,呢 個 曾經 我 最 熟悉 嘅 地方 ,點解 依家 會 咁 陌生 ,連 平時 同 我 感情 唔 錯 嘅 同事 ,最夠 膽 最 敢言 嘅 劍輝 ,都 只 係 同 我 打 個 眼神 示好 。

到底 呢 幾日 發生 咗 乜嘢 事 ?

行到 入 Jeffrey房 ,佢 已經 企 喺 度 歡迎 我 ,當然 ,佢 用 嘅 歡迎 手法 嚟 嚟 去 去 都 係 嗰 三 幾樣 啦 。

Jeffrey :「喂 你 返 嚟 做 乜 ,我咪 同 Auntie 講 咗 叫 你 放 埋 剩 底 嘅 假 先 好 返 嚟 囉 。」

我 :「 我要 見 Marcus。」

Jeffrey:「你 話 事 呀 ? 走 啦 ,放完 假 返 嚟 我 會 同 你 慢慢 計返 份 糧 ,一蚊 都 唔 會 計 少 你 ,因為 驚 你 冇 飯 開 呀 哈哈哈 。」

我 :「 你 知 唔 知 我 手 上面 有 聯絡 嘅 客 有 幾多 ? 只要 我 打 去 係 咁 意 亂講 幾句 嘢 ,一百個 客 入面 走 十個 你 賣 屎 忽 都 唔 掂 。」

Jeffrey:「你 嚇 鬼 呀 ? 」我 :「要 試 ? 」 Jeffrey :「你 同 我 企 定定 喺 度 。」 Jeffrey 轉身 行去 Marcus 間 房 ,其實 點解 我 唔 直接 搵 Marcus傾 ,因為 我 知道 佢 為 人 做 嘢 係 點 ,放 咗 手交畀 下面 嘅 人 處理 嘅 事 ,佢 一定 唔 會 再 自己 親手 跟 ,只有 下面 嘅 人 搞 唔 掂 搵 佢 ,佢 先 會 再 自己 去 處理 。

所以 就算 我 自己 私下 打 畀 佢 ,佢 都 會 係 叫 我 搵 返 Jeffrey 自己 傾 ,不過 如果 咁 做 ,分 分鐘 會 令 Marcus 對 我 嘅 印象 更 差 ,而且 未知 內裡 發生 乜嘢 事 之前 ,我 一直 冇 自己 去 搵 佢 。

Jeffrey 行開 咗 , 我 亦 都行 咗 返 我 自己 本來 嘅 房 , 代替 我 嘅 Rocky 出 咗 去 食飯 , 我行 埋 我部 電腦 , 試下 再 入 返 我 嘅 密碼 , 竟然 俾 我 順利 入到 。

呢 間 公司 入面 我 知道 自己 已經 冇 得 翻身 ,依家 咁 嘅 情況 ,就算 我 搵 到 Marcus ,就算 佢 肯 俾 我 返 嚟 ,我 都 唔 會 做 得 開心 。 只不過 我 對 佢 哋 今次 嘅 處理 手法 實在 太 過 嬲 ,所以 今朝 嚟 之前 我 做 咗 一個 決定 。

如果 我 開 唔 返部 電腦 就 當 冇 事 發生 ,如果 我 開 得 返 ,我 就 一次 過 毀滅 哂 我 跟 開 嘅 班 嘅 所有 資料 。

正邪 懸 一念 ,生死 懸 一線 。

當我 搵到 我 呢個 電腦 檔案 出嚟 想 毀滅 佢 嗰陣時 ,好似 有 一盞燈 喺 我 個 腦 度 突然 閃出嚟

「咁 樣 毀滅 佢 ,我 有 乜嘢 得 著 ? 」我 諗起 Yoyo 嘅 日 同 我 講 嘅 其中 一句 嘢 ,目標 為 本 。 嘅 然 我 自己 都 知 我 喺 呢 間 公司 入面 已經 冇 哂 機會 ,仲 點解 要 冒 呢 個 險 去 做 呢 個 行為 ? 我 自己 完全 冇 得 著之餘 , 只 係 見到 佢 哋 損失 ,

冇 錯 ,我 可能 會 得到 一時三刻 嘅 快感 ,但 呢 堆 快感 我要 嚟 做 乜 ? 快感 之後 分 分鐘 係 畀 人 發現 , 跟 住 報警 拉 人 封艇 ,禽晚 阿爸 先 同 我 講好 想 一家人 齊齊整整 ,我 今日 就 嚟 做 一個 咁 反 智 嘅 行 為 ?

為咗 一次 快感 而 去 賭 上 自己 嘅 前途 ,呢 條數 我 點 計 都 唔 化算 。

跟 住 我 慢慢 咁 閂 返 電腦 , 靜靜地 咁 行返 去 Jeffrey 間 房門口 , 好快 ,Jeffrey 行返過 嚟 。

Jeffrey :「林生 話 佢 會 自己 搵 你 ,叫 你 冷靜 小小 唔好 亂 嚟 。」

我 :「好呀 ,我 等 佢 電話 。」

講完 我 就 走咗 ,因為 我 好似 開始 搵到 自己 正確 嘅 路 ,從前 我 打 嘅 都 係 順境 波 ,由 細 到 大 都 好少 話 遇到 挫折 。 今次 ,睇嚟 我 要 學下 點 下 逆境 波 ,點樣 由 嘅 定 範圍 入面 ,搵到 自己 想 走 嘅 路 ,再 去到 自己 創造 出嚟 嘅 世界 。

反正 ,我 講到 明會 玩嘢 ,我 相信 Marcus 點都 會 見 一見 我 。

落 咗 樓 ,周圍 都 好多 人 ,行 咗 去 中環 中心 睇 咗 陣 財經 直播 ,見 周圍 都 仲 係 好多 人行 到處 行下 ,一路 行 一路 諗 下 嚟 緊 應該 點做 ,行 下 行 下 ,我 行 咗 去 上環 ,行返 去 以娜 公司 附近 。

佢 依 家 應該 仲 喺 星 加 玻 。

我 望望 平時 我 等 以 娜 嘅 位置 , 回味 一下 以前 嘅 事 , 跟 住 就 諗 住 返 屋企 , 點知 一 擰 轉頭 , 二百米 外 嘅 紅燈 燈位 前面 , 我 又 見 返 呢 樣令 我 皮質醇 標高 嘅 物件 –

車牌 JC115 嘅 保時捷 跑車

點解 我 又 會 喺 同一個 位置 見到 架車 ? 以娜 依 家 喺 星 加 玻 ,呢 間 車 應該 唔 會 出現 喺 呢 度 ,唔 通 以娜 根本 冇 走 到 ?

我 立即 拎 個 電話 出 嚟 打 畀 以娜 ,電話 接通 咗 ,長途電話 嘅 響聲 令 我 鬆 咗 一口氣 ,都 好 ,佢 終於 有 樣 嘢 係 冇 呃 我 。

但 我 始終 好奇 呢 架車 又 點 出現 喺 呢 度 ,我 急步 咁 行 上去 ,呢個 時候 開始 轉燈 ,我 開 始 發 力 跑 過去 ,架車 轉 咗 入 以娜 公司 嘅 座 大廈 嘅 後面 ,我 立即 兜 另外 一邊 跑 過去 ,我 見到 架 波子 行 咗 入 以娜 公司 嘅 停車場 入面 。

我 走 到 去 停車場 門口 嗰 時 停 咗 步 ,我 開始 猶豫 ,我 喺度 諗 ,行到 入 去 ,俾 我 見到 對方 ,我 可以 點做 ?

將以娜 帶走 ,以 我 自信 擊倒 嘅 ,並唔 係 一個 人 嘅 造成 ,而 係 之前 我 所 講 ,係 Grace 最 推崇 嘅 金錢 成功 論 ,人 哋 渣 住 架 波子 入 嚟 ,我 就 以 一個 潦倒 失業 漢 嘅 造型 走埋 去 ,除咗 乞 錢 我 仲 可以 做 乜 ? 唔 通 又 諗 住 打人 呀 ?

如果 打 佢 可以 令以娜 返 我 身邊 ,就 好似 以前 咁 乜嘢 事 都 冇 發生 過 ,我 會 選擇 將 呢 條 波子友 凌遲 ,可惜 唔 會 。

嗰 一刻 ,其實 我 知道 自己 輸 哂 信心 。

不過 ,人 除咗 有 基本 自信心 之外 ,都 有 相等 程度 嘅 好奇心 ,我 唔 同 佢 正面 衝突 ,但 我 望下 佢 係 邊個 都 應該 唔 成問題 掛 。

我 慢慢 行入 停車場 ,首先 經過 時租 位 嗰 邊 ,因為 個 停車場 實在 太 多 彎 位 嘅 關係 ,我 唔 可以 一眼 望 哂 所有 嘅 車 ,我 一路行 一路 搵 ,搵 咗 好 耐 都 係 見 唔 到 架 車 。

我 再 轉過 去 月租 嗰 邊 , 因為 月租 多數 係 老闆 嘅 車 嘅 關係 , 大部份 嘅 車 都 係 貴 嘢 , 法拉利 、 瑪莎拉蒂 、 【 林保 堅尼 】 仲有 我 成日 睇 雜誌 睇 到 嘅 賓利 , 個 情景 就 好似 一個 流浪漢 去 咗 睇 車展 咁 , 到底 一個 人 一個月 要 搵 幾多 錢先 可以 渣 呢 款車 ? 聽講 呢 個 級數 嘅 車條 死氣 喉 係 噴 五蚊 銀 ,唔知 屯門 出 一轉 中環 又 要 幾多 錢 ?

行到 最尾 ,我 終於 見到 架車 ,可惜 個 司機 已經 走咗 ,我望咗 一陣 ,個腦 唔知 點解 念過 以娜 拎住 個 LV 走上 呢 架 車 嘅 畫面 ,我 感覺 呢度 唔係 屬於 我 ,我 轉身 走 ,行咗 唔夠 半分鐘 ,我 突然 聽到 後面 有人 開 防盜 嘅 聲 ,我 望一望 ,原來 架 波子 嘅 司機 返 轉頭 拎 嘢 ,我 終於 見到 個 司機 係 邊個 ,原來 就 係 佢 。

趙 子樂 ,FrankieChui,以娜 公司 嘅 出名 二 世祖 ,同 我 公司 嘅 Jeffrey 一樣 ,又 係 黃馬褂 關係 ,平時 喺 公司 又 係 訓 多過 做 嗰 隻 。

個 司機 ,原來 就 係 佢 。

但 同 Jeffrey唔 同 ,呢 個 Frankie 係 屬於 極度 靚仔 ,極度 女人 湯 丸 嗰 個 類型 ,身高 六 呎 有 多 ,個樣 十足 十奇洛 李維斯 咁 ,點解 ? 因為 佢 係 混血兒 囉 。 仲有 另 一個 同 Jeffrey 完全 唔 同 嘅 分別 , 就 係 佢 極度 有 禮貌 , 死 返書仔 上次 去 以娜 公司 個 大 食會 , 見 人 拎 支叉 比 佢 佢 都 會 Thx 人 哋 十幾聲 , 講 嗰 時 又 懶 型 咁 露 哂 齒 , 班死港 女仲點 會 唔 起 痰 。

只不過 係 我 自己 太有 自信 , 唔 相信 以娜 都 係 死 港 女 之一 而 出事 。

不過 唔 好話 女人 ,如果 我 係 基 嘅 我 都 第一 時間 吉 佢 。

我 見過 佢 嘅 次數 唔 多 ,就 正正 係 大食會 嗰 一次 咁 大 把 ,點解 會 咁 深 印象 ? 就 好似 劉德華 如果 同 鄭中基 喺 中環 相遇 對 望 ,永遠 都 只有 鄭中基 認得 劉德華 ,而 唔 會 係 劉德華 認得 鄭中基 。

但 係 佢 一定 唔 會 唔 認得 我 ,佢 溝 咗 我 條 女 ,我 打 過 佢 部 車 ,等 佢 望 過 嚟 ,我 就 會 報以 一個 兇悍 嘅 眼神 畀 佢 。

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男人 唔 可以 窮 chapter 4.2 man|not|can|poor|chapter 男人唔可以窮chapter 4.2 A man cannot be poor chapter 4.2

爸爸 :「阿爸 個 舊 同事 ,阿球 叔 呀 ,上個月 走咗 囉 ,肺癌 呀 係 ,你 話 做人 幾 搞笑 ,阿球 成世 人 煙 都 唔 食 一支 ,燒嘢食 都 話 唔 多 去 嘅 ,無 啦 啦 又 會 整 個 咁 嘅 病 畀 佢 ,佢 出殯 嘅 日 ,我 去 上 咗 支 香 ,見到 佢 幾個 仔女 都 唔 係 好 大 個 ,真 係 凄涼 。」 Dad|Dad|possessive particle|old|colleague|Uncle Qiu|uncle|particle|last month|passed away|particle|lung cancer|particle|is|you|said|being a person|quite|funny|Uncle Qiu|whole life|person|cigarettes|all|not|eat|one stick|barbecued food|all|said|not|much|go|particle|no|particle|particle|again|will|give|particle|such|particle|illness|to|him|he|funeral|particle|day|I|go|offer|past tense marker|measure word|incense|saw|his|several|children|all|not|are|very|big|particle|really|is|desolate Dad: "Your father's old colleague, Uncle Qiu, passed away last month. It was lung cancer. You know, life is quite funny. Uncle Qiu never smoked a single cigarette in his life, and he said he didn't eat barbecued food much either. Yet, he ended up with such a disease. On the day of his funeral, I went and offered a stick of incense. I saw that his children were not very grown up, it was really tragic."

嗰 陣 時 ,我 見到 老豆 對眼 有 小小 淚光 ,拍 一 拍 佢 膊頭 ,佢 對 我 笑 咗 笑 ,繼續 講 : that|time|when|I|saw|dad|eyes|had|little|tear|pat|one|pat|he|shoulder|he|to|me|smile|past tense marker|smile|continue|talking At that moment, I saw a little tear in my dad's eyes. I patted his shoulder, and he smiled at me, continuing to speak:

「見 畀 勇 仔 出 嚟 ,又 望 下 你 哋 兩 兄弟 都 大個 囉 ,仲 執著 乜嘢 丫 ,但求 一家人 整整齊齊 ,健健康康 ,你 話 幾 好 呢 ? see|let|brave|son|come|out|again|look|at|you|plural marker|two|brothers|all|grown up|particle|still|obsessed|with anything|particle|just want|family|whole and complete|healthy|you|say|how|good|particle "Looking at Yongzi being born, and seeing you two brothers grow up, what else is there to hold on to? All I wish for is for our family to be together, healthy and happy. How good would that be?" 不過 最 緊要 就 係 你 哋 兩個 要 堂堂正正 , 勇仔 以後 就生 生性 性 , 咁 樣 阿爸 就 開心 喇 。 |||||||||upright and proper|Yung Jai|||by nature||||||| But the most important thing is that you two need to be upright and proper. In the future, if you are both true to yourselves, then Dad will be happy.

我 :「阿爸 ,你 諗 得 咁 就 好 囉 。」 I|Dad|you|think|can|like this|then|good|sentence-final particle Me: "Dad, it's good that you think that way."

爸 :「唔 遲 呀 可 ? Dad|not|late|question particle|can Dad: "Isn't it late?" 」我 :「點會 呢 ,嚟 ,我哋 一齊 行返 屋企 。」 I|how could|question particle|come|we|together|walk back|home Me: "How could it be? Come on, let's walk home together." 爸 :「好好好 。」 Dad|very good Dad: "Very good."

嗰 晚 ,我 返到 屋企 完完全全 訓 唔 到 ,點解 ? that|night|I|returned to|home|completely|sleep|not|able|why That night, I got home and couldn't sleep at all. Why? 因為 短短 呢 三 幾 日 入面 ,唔 知 點解 我 嘅 生活 已經 有 翻天覆地 嘅 變化 ,我變 咗 做 單身 ,仲 雙失 埋 ,阿爸 突然 開口 同 我 講 咗 好多 嘢 ,可勇 放 監 出 返 嚟 ,所有 嘢 入面 有 開心 又 有 唔 開心 ,就 好似 周星馳 咁 講 ,人 喺 極樂 同 [極哀 ]當中 對 扯 ,係 會 唔 識得 表情 同 反應 。 because|short|this|three|several|days|within|not|know|why|I|possessive particle|life|already|has|earth-shattering|possessive particle|change|I became|past tense marker|to be|single|still|double loss|also|dad|suddenly|spoke|with|I|said|past tense marker|many|things|a name|released|prison|out|back|here|all|things|within|has|happiness|and|has|not|happiness|just|like|Stephen Chow|so|said|people|in|extreme happiness|and|extreme sadness|in between|towards|pulling|is|will|not|able to|expression|and|reaction Because in just these three days, I don't know why my life has changed drastically. I became single, and I lost my partner as well. Dad suddenly opened up and talked to me about a lot of things. He was released from prison, and within all of this, there was both happiness and sadness. It's just like what Stephen Chow said, when a person is caught between extreme joy and extreme sorrow, they won't know how to express their feelings or reactions.

除咗 本身 嘅 人際關係 有 變化 之外 ,仲有 另 一樣 嘢 係 令 我 好 糾結 , apart from|originally|possessive particle|interpersonal relationships|have|changes|besides|there is also|another|one thing|thing|is|make|I|very|conflicted Besides the changes in my personal relationships, there is another thing that is making me very conflicted.

係 我 咁 多年 嘅 人生觀 同 價值觀 出現 咗 問號 。 is|my|so|many years|possessive particle|worldview|and|value system|appeared|past tense marker|question mark In my many years of life, my worldview and values have come into question.

聽 完 Yoyo 嘅 一席話 之後 , 其實 我 真 係 好 想 接觸 下 呢 個 倫敦 金 嘅 世界 , 自問 原則 我 有 丫 , 勤力 我 亦 算 得 上 係 , 除 咗 冇 條 【 事業 線 】 之外 , 我 有 冇 可能 好似 Yoyo 咁 搵 到 幾皮 嘢 一個月 呢 ? ||||a conversation||||||||get in touch with||||London||||I ask myself|principle||||diligent|||||||||||business|line of business|||||||||||a few hundred||| After listening to Yoyo's speech, I really want to explore this world of London gold. I believe I have principles, and I can be considered hardworking. Aside from not having a career path, is it possible for me to earn a decent amount of money each month like Yoyo? 再 諗 真 小小 阿栽 又 咪 係 【 麻 甩 佬 】 , 佢 個 樣 好似 仲 【 撈 得 掂 】 過 好多 人 咁 , 唔 知 我行 入去 做 , 又 會 係 一個 乜嘢 故事 呢 ? |||||||||slack|||||||doing||doing well|||||||||||||||| Thinking a little more, Ah Zai is also a 'mop guy'. He seems to be doing better than many others. I wonder what kind of story it would be if I walked in to work there?

但 處身 呢種 唔 熟悉 而 又 不安穩 嘅 世界 入面 ,我 會 唔 會 唔 習慣 ? but|being in|this kind of|not|familiar|and|again|unstable|possessive particle|world|inside|I|will|not|will|not|get used to But in this unfamiliar and unstable world, will I find it hard to adapt?

不過 我 知道 點諗 都 係 冇用 ,最大 嘅 問題 係 我 要 返 公司 搵 Jeffrey 講數 ,無 啦 啦 咁 樣 炒 我 應該 要點 計 ,同埋 我 始終 想 同 Marcus 見 一次 面 ,就 當 係 好來好去 。 but|I|know|how to think|all|is|useless|biggest|possessive particle|problem|is|I|have to|return|company|find|Jeffrey|discuss|no|particle|particle|so|way|fire|I|should|how to|calculate|and|I|always|want|with|Marcus|meet|once|face|just|treat|is|mutually beneficial But I know that no matter how I think about it, it’s useless. The biggest problem is that I have to go back to the company to talk numbers with Jeffrey. I can’t just sit around and think about how I should calculate things, and I still want to meet Marcus once, just to keep things amicable.

諗 下 諗 下 , 我 終於 訓 咗 。 ||||||slept| After thinking and thinking, I finally fell asleep.

第二日 , 食飯 時間 我返 咗 公司 , 門口 接待處 嘅 Ceci 見到 我 好 緊張 , 【 猛 咁 】 【 喝止 】 我 叫 我 出面 等一等 先 , 佢 要 打入 去 畀 Jeffrey 通傳 咗 先 。 |||||||reception||Ceci|||||suddenly||stopped||called|||||||||||message|| The next day, during lunch, I returned to the company. Ceci at the reception was very nervous when she saw me. She urgently told me to wait outside for a moment because she needed to call Jeffrey first.

你 條八婆 以前 受 我 唔少 恩惠 ,依家 招呼 都 唔 敢 同 我 打個 咁 無情 ? you|that bitch|in the past|received|me|not a little|favors|now|greeting|also|not|dare|with|me|give a|so|heartless You, you old hag, used to receive a lot of favors from me, and now you don’t even dare to treat me with a little kindness?

Ceci 開 咗 個 speaker 駁入 去 同 Jeffrey 講 我 嚟 咗 ,點知 呢 個 賤種 就 好 大聲 咁 答 佢 : Ceci|turned on|past tense marker|measure word|speaker|plugged in|to|with|Jeffrey|told|I|came|past tense marker|unexpectedly|this|measure word|jerk|then|very|loudly|like that|answered|him Ceci opened the speaker and told Jeffrey that I had arrived, but this bastard replied loudly to him:

「叫 薛 可 正 嘅 條 廢 柴 入 我 房 啦 。」 call|Hsueh|can|right|possessive particle|measure word for long objects|waste|firewood|enter|I|room|final particle "Tell that useless piece of trash, Xue Huo Zheng, to come into my room."

Ceci:「正呀 ,你 入得去 喇 。」 |that's right|you|can enter|particle indicating completed action Ceci: "Great, you can go in now."

我 冇 應到 呢 個 八婆 ,大 大步 咁 就 行入去 ,行到 入去 唔 算 好多 同事 喺 度 ,但係 見到 我 嘅 好多 都 會 故意 迴避 我 眼神 ,短短 呢 幾十步 路 令 我 好 矛盾 ,亦都 好 難受 ,呢 個 曾經 我 最 熟悉 嘅 地方 ,點解 依家 會 咁 陌生 ,連 平時 同 我 感情 唔 錯 嘅 同事 ,最夠 膽 最 敢言 嘅 劍輝 ,都 只 係 同 我 打 個 眼神 示好 。 I|not|expected to arrive|this|classifier for people|bitch|big|strides|so|then|walked in|walked|in|not|count|many|colleagues|at|there|but|seeing|me|possessive particle|many|all|would|intentionally|avoid|my|gaze|short|this|several dozen steps|road|made|me|very|conflicted|also|very|hard to bear|this|classifier for people|once|I|most|familiar|possessive particle|place|why|now|would|so|strange|even|usually|with|me|relationship|not|wrong|possessive particle|colleagues|most|courage|most|outspoken|possessive particle|Jianhui|all|only|is|with|me|giving|classifier for people|gaze|friendly gesture I ignored this bitch and walked in confidently. When I got in, there were quite a few colleagues around, but many of them deliberately avoided making eye contact with me. This short walk of just a few dozen steps made me feel very conflicted and uncomfortable. This place, which I used to be so familiar with, now felt so strange. Even my colleagues, who usually had a good relationship with me, like Jian Hui, who was the boldest and most outspoken, only gave me a friendly glance.

到底 呢 幾日 發生 咗 乜嘢 事 ? after all|question particle|few days|happened|past tense marker|what|thing What happened in the past few days?

行到 入 Jeffrey房 ,佢 已經 企 喺 度 歡迎 我 ,當然 ,佢 用 嘅 歡迎 手法 嚟 嚟 去 去 都 係 嗰 三 幾樣 啦 。 walk to|enter|Jeffrey's room|he|already|standing|at|place|welcome|me|of course|he|used|possessive particle|welcome|methods|come|go|go|come|all|are|those|three|things|final particle As I walked into Jeffrey's room, he was already standing there to welcome me. Of course, his welcoming methods were the same few things as usual.

Jeffrey :「喂 你 返 嚟 做 乜 ,我咪 同 Auntie 講 咗 叫 你 放 埋 剩 底 嘅 假 先 好 返 嚟 囉 。」 Jeffrey|hey|you|come|back|do|what|I just|with|Auntie|told|past tense marker|to let|you|put|together|remaining|rest|possessive particle|leave|first|well|return|back|sentence-final particle Jeffrey: "Hey, why are you back? I told Auntie to let you finish your remaining leave before coming back."

我 :「 我要 見 Marcus。」 Me: "I need to see Marcus."

Jeffrey:「你 話 事 呀 ? |you|say|matter|question particle Jeffrey: "What are you talking about?" 走 啦 ,放完 假 返 嚟 我 會 同 你 慢慢 計返 份 糧 ,一蚊 都 唔 會 計 少 你 ,因為 驚 你 冇 飯 開 呀 哈哈哈 。」 go|particle indicating action|finish|holiday|return|here|I|will|with|you|slowly|calculate|measure word for salary|salary|one cent|also|not|will|count|less|you|because|afraid|you|have not|food|open|particle|hahaha "Come on, after the holiday, I will slowly calculate your salary with you, not a single cent will be less for you, because I'm afraid you won't have food to eat, hahaha."

我 :「 你 知 唔 知 我 手 上面 有 聯絡 嘅 客 有 幾多 ? |||||||||contacts|||| I: "Do you know how many clients I have contact with on my hands?" 只要 我 打 去 係 咁 意 亂講 幾句 嘢 ,一百個 客 入面 走 十個 你 賣 屎 忽 都 唔 掂 。」 as long as|I|call|go|is|so|meaning|nonsense|a few sentences|things|one hundred|customers|inside|leave|ten|you|sell|shit|suddenly|all|not|good "As long as I call and just talk nonsense for a bit, out of a hundred clients, ten will leave, and you won't even be able to sell shit."

Jeffrey:「你 嚇 鬼 呀 ? |you|scare|ghost|question particle Jeffrey: "Are you scared?" 」我 :「要 試 ? I|want|to try Me: "Want to try?" 」 Jeffrey :「你 同 我 企 定定 喺 度 。」 Jeffrey|you|and|I|stand|still|at|here Jeffrey: "You stand here with me." Jeffrey 轉身 行去 Marcus 間 房 ,其實 點解 我 唔 直接 搵 Marcus傾 ,因為 我 知道 佢 為 人 做 嘢 係 點 ,放 咗 手交畀 下面 嘅 人 處理 嘅 事 ,佢 一定 唔 會 再 自己 親手 跟 ,只有 下面 嘅 人 搞 唔 掂 搵 佢 ,佢 先 會 再 自己 去 處理 。 Jeffrey|turned|walked to|Marcus|measure word for rooms|room|actually|why|I|not|directly|looking for|talking|because|I|know|he|for|person|do|things|is|how|let|past tense marker|hand over|lower|possessive particle|people|handle|possessive particle|matters|he|definitely|not|will|again|himself|personally|follow up|only|lower|possessive particle|people|handle|not|capable|looking for|him|he|only then|will|again|himself|go|handle Jeffrey turned and walked to Marcus's room. The reason I didn't go directly to talk to Marcus is that I know how he operates. He delegates tasks to his subordinates and won't follow up personally unless they can't handle it and come to him for help.

所以 就算 我 自己 私下 打 畀 佢 ,佢 都 會 係 叫 我 搵 返 Jeffrey 自己 傾 ,不過 如果 咁 做 ,分 分鐘 會 令 Marcus 對 我 嘅 印象 更 差 ,而且 未知 內裡 發生 乜嘢 事 之前 ,我 一直 冇 自己 去 搵 佢 。 so|even if|I|myself|privately|message|to|him|he|also|will|be|ask|me|to find|back|Jeffrey|himself|talk|but|if|that|do|minute|minute|will|make|Marcus|towards|my|possessive particle|impression|even|worse|and|unknown|inside|happening|what|thing|before|I|always|not|myself|to|find|him So even if I privately call him, he will still tell me to talk to Jeffrey myself. However, if I do that, it will only make Marcus's impression of me worse in a matter of minutes. Moreover, I have not reached out to him myself until I know what is really going on.

Jeffrey 行開 咗 , 我 亦 都行 咗 返 我 自己 本來 嘅 房 , 代替 我 嘅 Rocky 出 咗 去 食飯 , 我行 埋 我部 電腦 , 試下 再 入 返 我 嘅 密碼 , 竟然 俾 我 順利 入到 。 |||||||||||||instead of||||||||||my|computer|||||||||||successfully| Jeffrey left, and I also went back to my original room, replacing Rocky who went out for lunch. I walked over to my computer and tried to log in with my password again, and surprisingly, I was able to get in successfully.

呢 間 公司 入面 我 知道 自己 已經 冇 得 翻身 ,依家 咁 嘅 情況 ,就算 我 搵 到 Marcus ,就算 佢 肯 俾 我 返 嚟 ,我 都 唔 會 做 得 開心 。 this|measure word for buildings|company|inside|I|know|myself|already|have not|opportunity|turn around|now|such|possessive particle|situation|even if|I|find|to|Marcus|even if|he|willing|give|me|return|to|I|all|not|will|be|happy|happy In this company, I know that I have no chance of turning things around. Given the current situation, even if I find Marcus, and even if he is willing to take me back, I still won't be able to be happy about it. 只不過 我 對 佢 哋 今次 嘅 處理 手法 實在 太 過 嬲 ,所以 今朝 嚟 之前 我 做 咗 一個 決定 。 just|I|towards|he|plural marker|this time|possessive particle|handling|method|really|too|overly|angry|so|this morning|come|before|I|made|past tense marker|one|decision It's just that I am really too angry about their handling of this situation, so before coming in this morning, I made a decision.

如果 我 開 唔 返部 電腦 就 當 冇 事 發生 ,如果 我 開 得 返 ,我 就 一次 過 毀滅 哂 我 跟 開 嘅 班 嘅 所有 資料 。 if|I|turn on|not|return|computer|then|treat as|no|thing|happened|if|I|turn on|can|return|I|then|once|completely|destroy|all|I|following|taking|possessive particle|class|possessive particle|all|data If I can't turn on the computer, then it's as if nothing happened. If I can turn it on, I will destroy all the data I have been following in one go.

正邪 懸 一念 ,生死 懸 一線 。 right and wrong|hanging|one thought|life and death|hanging|one thread Good and evil hang by a thread, life and death hang by a line.

當我 搵到 我 呢個 電腦 檔案 出嚟 想 毀滅 佢 嗰陣時 ,好似 有 一盞燈 喺 我 個 腦 度 突然 閃出嚟 when I|found|my|this|computer|file|out|wanted|to destroy|it|at that time|seemed|had|a light|in|my|possessive particle|brain|in|suddenly|flashed out When I found this computer file and wanted to destroy it, it felt like a light suddenly flashed in my brain.

「咁 樣 毀滅 佢 ,我 有 乜嘢 得 著 ? then|appearance|destroy|him|I|have|what|| "If I destroy it like this, what do I gain?" 」我 諗起 Yoyo 嘅 日 同 我 講 嘅 其中 一句 嘢 ,目標 為 本 。 I|thought of|Yoyo|possessive particle|day|with|I|said|possessive particle|one of|one sentence|thing|goal|for|basis I think of a day when Yoyo told me one thing, 'The goal is fundamental.' 嘅 然 我 自己 都 知 我 喺 呢 間 公司 入面 已經 冇 哂 機會 ,仲 點解 要 冒 呢 個 險 去 做 呢 個 行為 ? possessive particle|then|I|myself|also|know|I|at|this|measure word for buildings|company|inside|already|have not|all|opportunities|still|why|want to|take|this|measure word|risk|to|do|this|measure word|action Of course, I know that I have no more opportunities in this company, so why should I take this risk to do this action? 我 自己 完全 冇 得 著之餘 , 只 係 見到 佢 哋 損失 , I|myself|completely|have not|gain|in addition to being able to|||seeing|they|plural marker|loss I have nothing to gain myself, I only see their losses,

冇 錯 ,我 可能 會 得到 一時三刻 嘅 快感 ,但 呢 堆 快感 我要 嚟 做 乜 ? no|wrong|I|might|will|get|momentary|possessive particle|pleasure|but|this|pile|pleasures|I need|to|do|what It's true, I might get a momentary thrill, but what do I need this thrill for? 快感 之後 分 分鐘 係 畀 人 發現 , 跟 住 報警 拉 人 封艇 ,禽晚 阿爸 先 同 我 講好 想 一家人 齊齊整整 ,我 今日 就 嚟 做 一個 咁 反 智 嘅 行 為 ? pleasure|after|minute|minutes|is|by|people|discovered|||call the police|arrest|person|boat|last night|dad|first|with|me|talked about|want|family|together|I|today|just|come|do|a|so||intelligent|possessive particle|| After the thrill, it only took a few minutes for someone to discover it, then they called the police to arrest people and seal the boat. Last night, my dad first told me that he wanted our family to be together and complete, so why am I doing such a counterintuitive act today?

為咗 一次 快感 而 去 賭 上 自己 嘅 前途 ,呢 條數 我 點 計 都 唔 化算 。 for|one time|thrill|and|go|gamble|on|oneself|possessive particle|future|this|calculation|I|how|calculate|all|not|worth it To gamble my future for a moment of pleasure, no matter how I calculate it, this deal doesn't make sense.

跟 住 我 慢慢 咁 閂 返 電腦 , 靜靜地 咁 行返 去 Jeffrey 間 房門口 , 好快 ,Jeffrey 行返過 嚟 。 |||||close|return|||||||||||| Then I slowly closed the computer, quietly walked back to Jeffrey's room door, and soon, Jeffrey came back.

Jeffrey :「林生 話 佢 會 自己 搵 你 ,叫 你 冷靜 小小 唔好 亂 嚟 。」 Jeffrey|Mr Lam|said|he|will|himself|find|you|told|you|calm down|a little|not|recklessly|act Jeffrey: "Mr. Lam said he would find you himself, and told you to calm down a bit and not to act recklessly."

我 :「好呀 ,我 等 佢 電話 。」 I|okay|I|wait|he|call Me: "Okay, I'll wait for his call."

講完 我 就 走咗 ,因為 我 好似 開始 搵到 自己 正確 嘅 路 ,從前 我 打 嘅 都 係 順境 波 ,由 細 到 大 都 好少 話 遇到 挫折 。 finish talking|I|then|left|because|I|seem|start|finding|myself|correct|possessive particle|path|in the past|I|play|possessive particle|all|in|favorable|game|from|small|to|big|all|very few|to say|encounter|setbacks After saying that, I left, because it seemed like I was starting to find the right path for myself. In the past, I only faced smooth sailing, and I rarely encountered setbacks growing up. 今次 ,睇嚟 我 要 學下 點 下 逆境 波 ,點樣 由 嘅 定 範圍 入面 ,搵到 自己 想 走 嘅 路 ,再 去到 自己 創造 出嚟 嘅 世界 。 this time|it seems|I|need|learn|how|in|adversity|ball|how|from|possessive particle|fixed|range|inside|find|self|want|walk|possessive particle|path|again|reach|self|create|out|possessive particle|world This time, it seems I need to learn how to handle adversity, how to find the path I want to take within the defined boundaries, and then go to the world I create.

反正 ,我 講到 明會 玩嘢 ,我 相信 Marcus 點都 會 見 一見 我 。 anyway|I|talk until|tomorrow|fool around|I|believe|Marcus|no matter what|will|see|one time|I Anyway, I made it clear that I would be playful, and I believe Marcus will definitely want to meet me.

落 咗 樓 ,周圍 都 好多 人 ,行 咗 去 中環 中心 睇 咗 陣 財經 直播 ,見 周圍 都 仲 係 好多 人行 到處 行下 ,一路 行 一路 諗 下 嚟 緊 應該 點做 ,行 下 行 下 ,我 行 咗 去 上環 ,行返 去 以娜 公司 附近 。 go down|past tense marker|building|around|all|many|people|walk|past tense marker|go|Central|center|watch|past tense marker|period|finance|live|see|around|all|still|are|many|people walking|everywhere|walk|while|walking|while|think|down|come|future marker|should|do|walk|down|walk|down|I|walk|past tense marker|go|Sheung Wan|walk back|to|Yina|company|nearby I went down the building, and there were many people around. I walked to the Central Center to watch some financial live broadcasts. I saw that there were still many people walking around. While walking, I thought about what I should do next. As I walked, I went to Sheung Wan, heading back to the area near Yina's company.

佢 依 家 應該 仲 喺 星 加 玻 。 ||||||||Boh He should still be in Singapore.

我 望望 平時 我 等 以 娜 嘅 位置 , 回味 一下 以前 嘅 事 , 跟 住 就 諗 住 返 屋企 , 點知 一 擰 轉頭 , 二百米 外 嘅 紅燈 燈位 前面 , 我 又 見 返 呢 樣令 我 皮質醇 標高 嘅 物件 – ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cortisol|elevation||object I looked at the usual spot where I wait for Yina, reminiscing about the past. Then I thought about going home, but when I turned around, about two hundred meters away at the red light intersection, I saw that object again that raises my cortisol levels -

車牌 JC115 嘅 保時捷 跑車 license plate|JC115|possessive particle|Porsche|sports car a Porsche sports car with the license plate JC115.

點解 我 又 會 喺 同一個 位置 見到 架車 ? why|I|again|will|at|the same|location|see|car Why am I seeing the car in the same spot again? 以娜 依 家 喺 星 加 玻 ,呢 間 車 應該 唔 會 出現 喺 呢 度 ,唔 通 以娜 根本 冇 走 到 ? Yina|rely|family|at|Singapore|added|Borneo|this|measure word for buildings|car|should|not|will|appear|at|this|place|not|possibly|Yina|fundamentally|not|walk|arrive Yina is currently in Singapore, this car shouldn't be here, could it be that Yina hasn't left at all?

我 立即 拎 個 電話 出 嚟 打 畀 以娜 ,電話 接通 咗 ,長途電話 嘅 響聲 令 我 鬆 咗 一口氣 ,都 好 ,佢 終於 有 樣 嘢 係 冇 呃 我 。 I|immediately|take|classifier for objects|phone|out|come|call|to|Yina|phone|connected|past tense marker|long-distance call|possessive particle|ringing sound|make|I|relax|past tense marker|a sigh of relief|also|good|she|finally|has|something|thing|is|not|deceive|me I immediately took out my phone to call Yina, the call connected, and the long-distance ringing sound relieved me a bit, good, at least she finally didn't lie to me about something.

但 我 始終 好奇 呢 架車 又 點 出現 喺 呢 度 ,我 急步 咁 行 上去 ,呢個 時候 開始 轉燈 ,我 開 始 發 力 跑 過去 ,架車 轉 咗 入 以娜 公司 嘅 座 大廈 嘅 後面 ,我 立即 兜 另外 一邊 跑 過去 ,我 見到 架 波子 行 咗 入 以娜 公司 嘅 停車場 入面 。 but|I|always|curious|this|car|again|how|appeared|at|this|place|I|hurriedly|so|walk|up|this|time|started|changing light|I|started|beginning|exerting|effort|running|over there|car|turned|past tense marker|into|Yina|company|possessive particle|office|building|possessive particle|behind|I|immediately|turned|another|side|ran|over there|I|saw|classifier for vehicles|ball|walked|past tense marker|into|Yina|company|possessive particle|parking lot|inside But I was still curious about how this car appeared here, I hurriedly walked up, at that moment the light started to change, I began to sprint over, the car turned into the back of Yina's company's main building, I quickly ran around to the other side, and I saw the car drive into Yina's company's parking lot.

我 走 到 去 停車場 門口 嗰 時 停 咗 步 ,我 開始 猶豫 ,我 喺度 諗 ,行到 入 去 ,俾 我 見到 對方 ,我 可以 點做 ? I|walk|arrive|to|parking lot|entrance|that|time|stop|past tense marker|step|I|start|hesitating|I|here|think|walk until|enter|to|let|me|see|the other party|I|can|do what When I walked to the entrance of the parking lot, I stopped and started to hesitate. I was thinking, if I go in and see the other person, what can I do?

將以娜 帶走 ,以 我 自信 擊倒 嘅 ,並唔 係 一個 人 嘅 造成 ,而 係 之前 我 所 講 ,係 Grace 最 推崇 嘅 金錢 成功 論 ,人 哋 渣 住 架 波子 入 嚟 ,我 就 以 一個 潦倒 失業 漢 嘅 造型 走埋 去 ,除咗 乞 錢 我 仲 可以 做 乜 ? will take away|take away|by|I|confidence|defeat|past tense marker|not|is|one|person|possessive particle|cause|but|is|before|I|past tense marker|said|is|Grace|most|admired|possessive particle|money|success|theory|people|plural marker|cheat|in|particle indicating possession|ball|in|come|I|then|by|one|down-and-out|unemployed|man|possessive particle|appearance|walk over|to|except for|beg|money|I|still|can|do|what Taking Yina away, the confidence that I knocked down, is not caused by one person, but as I mentioned before, it is the money success theory that Grace admires the most. While others are bringing in their rich friends, I am going in as a down-and-out unemployed man. Besides begging for money, what else can I do? 唔 通 又 諗 住 打人 呀 ? not|understand|again|think|continuously|hit someone|question particle Am I thinking about hitting someone again?

如果 打 佢 可以 令以娜 返 我 身邊 ,就 好似 以前 咁 乜嘢 事 都 冇 發生 過 ,我 會 選擇 將 呢 條 波子友 凌遲 ,可惜 唔 會 。 if|hit|him|can|make Yina|return|me|by my side|then|like|before|so|anything|thing|all|not|happened|in the past|I|will|choose|to|this|measure word for long objects|friend|torture|unfortunately|not|will If hitting him could bring Yina back to my side, it would be like before, as if nothing had ever happened. I would choose to torture this guy, but unfortunately, I won't.

嗰 一刻 ,其實 我 知道 自己 輸 哂 信心 。 that|moment|actually|I|knew|myself|lost|all|confidence At that moment, I actually knew that I had completely lost my confidence.

不過 ,人 除咗 有 基本 自信心 之外 ,都 有 相等 程度 嘅 好奇心 ,我 唔 同 佢 正面 衝突 ,但 我 望下 佢 係 邊個 都 應該 唔 成問題 掛 。 but|people|except for|have|basic|self-confidence|in addition to|also|have|equal|level|possessive particle|curiosity|I|not|with|him/her|direct|conflict|but|I|take a look|he/she|is|anyone|all|should|not|be a problem|particle indicating assumption However, apart from having basic self-confidence, people also have an equal degree of curiosity. I don't want to confront him directly, but it shouldn't be a problem for me to see who he is.

我 慢慢 行入 停車場 ,首先 經過 時租 位 嗰 邊 ,因為 個 停車場 實在 太 多 彎 位 嘅 關係 ,我 唔 可以 一眼 望 哂 所有 嘅 車 ,我 一路行 一路 搵 ,搵 咗 好 耐 都 係 見 唔 到 架 車 。 I|slowly|walk into|parking lot|first|passing|hourly rental|space|that|side|because|the|parking lot|really|too|many|curved|spaces|possessive particle|relationship|I|not|can|at a glance|see|all|all|possessive particle|cars|I|walking|while|looking|looking|past tense marker|very|long|still|is|seeing|not|to|classifier for vehicles|car I slowly walked into the parking lot, first passing by the hourly rental area. Because the parking lot has too many bends, I couldn't see all the cars at a glance. I kept walking and searching, but after a long time, I still couldn't find the car.

我 再 轉過 去 月租 嗰 邊 , 因為 月租 多數 係 老闆 嘅 車 嘅 關係 , 大部份 嘅 車 都 係 貴 嘢 , 法拉利 、 瑪莎拉蒂 、 【 林保 堅尼 】 仲有 我 成日 睇 雜誌 睇 到 嘅 賓利 , 個 情景 就 好似 一個 流浪漢 去 咗 睇 車展 咁 , 到底 一個 人 一個月 要 搵 幾多 錢先 可以 渣 呢 款車 ? |||||||||||boss||||||||||||Ferrari|Maserati|Lamborghini|Lamborghini|||||magazine||||Bentley||situation||||a homeless person|||||||||||||||afford|| I then turned to the monthly rental side. Since most of the monthly rentals are the bosses' cars, most of the cars are expensive, like Ferraris, Maseratis, Lamborghinis, and Bentleys that I often see in magazines. The scene was like a homeless person going to a car show. How much money does a person need to earn in a month to afford such a car? 聽講 呢 個 級數 嘅 車條 死氣 喉 係 噴 五蚊 銀 ,唔知 屯門 出 一轉 中環 又 要 幾多 錢 ? I heard|this|measure word for vehicles|class|possessive particle|vehicle|dead|pipe|is|spray|five dollars|money|don't know|Tuen Mun|go out|one trip|Central|again|need|how much|money I heard that the fare for this level of taxi is five dollars, but I wonder how much it would cost to go from Tuen Mun to Central?

行到 最尾 ,我 終於 見到 架車 ,可惜 個 司機 已經 走咗 ,我望咗 一陣 ,個腦 唔知 點解 念過 以娜 拎住 個 LV 走上 呢 架 車 嘅 畫面 ,我 感覺 呢度 唔係 屬於 我 ,我 轉身 走 ,行咗 唔夠 半分鐘 ,我 突然 聽到 後面 有人 開 防盜 嘅 聲 ,我 望一望 ,原來 架 波子 嘅 司機 返 轉頭 拎 嘢 ,我 終於 見到 個 司機 係 邊個 ,原來 就 係 佢 。 walk to|the end|I|finally|saw|the car|unfortunately|the|driver|already|left|I looked|for a moment|my mind|didn't know|why|thought of|Yina|holding|the|LV|getting on|this|classifier for vehicles|car|possessive particle|scene|I|felt|this place|not|belonging to|me|I|turned around|walked|walked|less than|half a minute|I|suddenly|heard|behind|someone|opening|anti-theft|possessive particle|sound|I|took a glance|it turned out|classifier for vehicles|taxi|possessive particle|driver|returned|turned around|taking|things|I|finally|saw|the|driver|was|who|it turned out|just|was|him At the very end, I finally saw the car, but unfortunately the driver had already left. I looked for a moment, and for some reason my mind recalled the image of Yina walking up to this car with an LV bag. I felt like this place didn't belong to me, so I turned around and walked away. After walking for less than half a minute, I suddenly heard someone behind me opening a car alarm. I looked back and saw that the driver of the taxi had returned to grab something. I finally saw who the driver was, and it turned out to be him.

趙 子樂 ,FrankieChui,以娜 公司 嘅 出名 二 世祖 ,同 我 公司 嘅 Jeffrey 一樣 ,又 係 黃馬褂 關係 ,平時 喺 公司 又 係 訓 多過 做 嗰 隻 。 Chiu|Frankie|Frankie Chui|Yina|company|possessive particle|famous|second|generation|and|my|company|possessive particle|Jeffrey|same|also|is|yellow horse jacket|relationship|usually|at|company|also|is|sleeping|more than|working|that|classifier for actions Zhao Zile, Frankie Chui, the famous second-generation heir of Yina's company, just like Jeffrey from my company, is also in a relationship with a rich family. Usually, he spends more time sleeping at the company than working.

個 司機 ,原來 就 係 佢 。 the|driver|originally|then|is|he The driver turned out to be him.

但 同 Jeffrey唔 同 ,呢 個 Frankie 係 屬於 極度 靚仔 ,極度 女人 湯 丸 嗰 個 類型 ,身高 六 呎 有 多 ,個樣 十足 十奇洛 李維斯 咁 ,點解 ? but|with|Jeffrey not|the same|this|measure word|Frankie|is|belongs to|extremely|handsome|extremely|woman|soup|ball|that|measure word|type|height|six|feet|has|more|appearance|exactly|Channing Tatum|Levi's|like this|why But unlike Jeffrey, this Frankie belongs to the extremely handsome type, the kind that is extremely attractive to women, over six feet tall, and looks just like Keanu Reeves. Why? 因為 佢 係 混血兒 囉 。 because|he|is|mixed-race child|sentence-final particle Because he is mixed race. 仲有 另 一個 同 Jeffrey 完全 唔 同 嘅 分別 , 就 係 佢 極度 有 禮貌 , 死 返書仔 上次 去 以娜 公司 個 大 食會 , 見 人 拎 支叉 比 佢 佢 都 會 Thx 人 哋 十幾聲 , 講 嗰 時 又 懶 型 咁 露 哂 齒 , 班死港 女仲點 會 唔 起 痰 。 |||||||||||||extremely||polite||letter|||||||banquet||||fork|to give|||||thank||||||||lazy|lazy||露||teeth|this dead Hongkonger|how|||spit|phlegm Another difference from Jeffrey is that he is extremely polite. Last time at the big dinner at Yina's company, when he saw someone handing him a fork, he thanked them over ten times, and when he spoke, he lazily showed his teeth, how could those Hong Kong girls not be impressed?

只不過 係 我 自己 太有 自信 , 唔 相信 以娜 都 係 死 港 女 之一 而 出事 。 It's just that I am too confident and don't believe that Yina is also one of those Hong Kong girls and that something went wrong.

不過 唔 好話 女人 ,如果 我 係 基 嘅 我 都 第一 時間 吉 佢 。 but|not|good to say|woman|if|I|am|gay|possessive particle|I|also|first|time|to hit|her But don't get me wrong, if I were gay, I would also hit on him right away.

我 見過 佢 嘅 次數 唔 多 ,就 正正 係 大食會 嗰 一次 咁 大 把 ,點解 會 咁 深 印象 ? I|have seen|he|possessive particle|number of times|not|many|just|exactly|is|big eating event|that|one time|so|big|chopsticks|why|would|so|deep|impression I've only seen him a few times, just that one time at the big food festival, so why do I have such a deep impression? 就 好似 劉德華 如果 同 鄭中基 喺 中環 相遇 對 望 ,永遠 都 只有 鄭中基 認得 劉德華 ,而 唔 會 係 劉德華 認得 鄭中基 。 just|like|Andy Lau|if|with|Ronald Cheng|at|Central|meet|each other|look|forever|all|only|Ronald Cheng|recognizes|Andy Lau|and|not|will|be|Andy Lau|recognizes|Ronald Cheng It's like if Andy Lau and Ronald Cheng met and looked at each other in Central, it would always be Ronald Cheng who recognizes Andy Lau, and not the other way around.

但 係 佢 一定 唔 會 唔 認得 我 ,佢 溝 咗 我 條 女 ,我 打 過 佢 部 車 ,等 佢 望 過 嚟 ,我 就 會 報以 一個 兇悍 嘅 眼神 畀 佢 。 ||he|definitely|not|will|not|recognize|me|he|dated|past tense marker|me|classifier for long objects|girlfriend|I|hit|past tense marker|he|classifier for vehicles|car|wait|he|look|past tense marker|here|I|then|will|give back|a|fierce|possessive particle|glare|to|him But he definitely wouldn't not recognize me; he dated my girl, and I hit his car, so when he looks over, I would give him a fierce glare.

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=5.43 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=6.28 en:AFkKFwvL openai.2025-02-07 ai_request(all=105 err=0.00%) translation(all=84 err=0.00%) cwt(all=2058 err=20.51%)