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I really don't understand why genocide happens. Every five or ten years we hear about the latest genocide. Every time we hear about it, governments say it will never happen again. After the genocide in Rwanda, the USA and other world powers promised to stop any future killing. Then Darfur came along and all they do is talk. If a crazy government wants to kill thousands of innocent civilians, no one can stop them. Genocide is the biggest shame in our history. Countries go to war because of oil, but not to stop innocent people being murdered. Only recently has the international community started chasing those who organize genocide. The International Criminal Court prosecutes those who commit crimes against humanity.


I really don't understand why genocide happens. Every five or ten years we hear about the latest genocide. 5、10年ごとに最新の虐殺について耳にします。 Every time we hear about it, governments say it will never happen again. After the genocide in Rwanda, the USA and other world powers promised to stop any future killing. ルワンダでの大虐殺の後、米国と他の世界の大国は、将来の殺害を止めることを約束しました。 Then Darfur came along and all they do is talk. それからダルフールがやって来て、彼らがするのは話だけです。 If a crazy government wants to kill thousands of innocent civilians, no one can stop them. Genocide is the biggest shame in our history. Countries go to war because of oil, but not to stop innocent people being murdered. 国は石油のために戦争に行きますが、罪のない人々が殺されるのを止めるためではありません。 Only recently has the international community started chasing those who organize genocide. 国際社会はごく最近、ジェノサイドを組織する人々を追い始めました。 The International Criminal Court prosecutes those who commit crimes against humanity.