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Models are strange people. It's almost as though they live in a totally different world to the rest of us. Every day they are told how beautiful they are. I'm sure this affects them in some way. They constantly think about their beauty and their figure. Male models too. A lot of female models also have to be very strict with what they eat so they don't put on weight. Today, a model has to be size zero to be successful. This is unhealthy. The sad thing is that many normal girls want to look like a model so they end up having health problems. I suppose the life of a model is glamorous. The supermodels fly all over the world. They walk the catwalks at fashion shows and visit exotic locations for photo shoots. And get paid big money.


Models are strange people. It's almost as though they live in a totally different world to the rest of us. それはまるで彼らが私たちとは全く異なる世界に住んでいるかのようです。 Every day they are told how beautiful they are. 毎日、彼らはどれだけ美しいかを知らされます。 I'm sure this affects them in some way. これは何らかの形で彼らに影響を与えると確信しています。 They constantly think about their beauty and their figure. 彼らは常に自分の美しさと姿を考えています。 Male models too. A lot of female models also have to be very strict with what they eat so they don't put on weight. また、多くの女性モデルは、彼らが食べるものを非常に厳しくしなければならないので、体重を増やしません。 Today, a model has to be size zero to be successful. 今日、モデルを成功させるにはサイズをゼロにする必要があります。 This is unhealthy. The sad thing is that many normal girls want to look like a model so they end up having health problems. 悲しいことに、多くの普通の女の子はモデルのようになりたいと思うので、健康上の問題を抱えることになります。 I suppose the life of a model is glamorous. モデルの寿命は魅力的だと思います。 The supermodels fly all over the world. スーパーモデルは世界中を飛びます。 They walk the catwalks at fashion shows and visit exotic locations for photo shoots. And get paid big money. そして、大金が支払われます。