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Murder is the most evil thing in the world. I don't know how it is possible for one person to murder another. Why do they think they can take someone else's life? Even worse are people who commit multi-murder. Mass killing seems to be more and more common today. Shootings at schools are especially bad. How can we prevent murder? Every time we look at the news, there's another murder. I hope it is not something that will stay with the human race forever. What is the correct punishment for murder? In some societies it is just a few years in prison. In others it is the death penalty. But there are some countries that don't punish people for murder. If you are in power and are rich, you can literally get away with murder.


Murder is the most evil thing in the world. 殺人は世界で最も邪悪なものです。 I don't know how it is possible for one person to murder another. ある人が別の人を殺害する方法がわからない。 Why do they think they can take someone else's life? なぜ彼らは他人の命を奪うことができると思いますか? Even worse are people who commit multi-murder. さらに悪いのは、複数の殺人を犯す人々です。 Mass killing seems to be more and more common today. 大量殺人は今日ますます一般的になっているようです。 Shootings at schools are especially bad. How can we prevent murder? Every time we look at the news, there's another murder. I hope it is not something that will stay with the human race forever. 私はそれが永遠に人類にとどまるものではないことを願っています。 What is the correct punishment for murder? In some societies it is just a few years in prison. 一部の社会では、わずか数年の刑務所です。 In others it is the death penalty. But there are some countries that don't punish people for murder. しかし、殺人で人々を罰しない国もあります。 If you are in power and are rich, you can literally get away with murder. あなたが権力と金持ちであるならば、あなたは文字通り殺人で逃げることができます。