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Crash Course: English Literature, Liberals, Conservatives, and Pride and Prejudice, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 412 - YouTube (2)

Liberals, Conservatives, and Pride and Prejudice, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 412 - YouTube (2)

argument for personal happiness as a moral category worth celebrating.

So go forth and pursue some happiness yourself.

And thanks for watching.

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Liberals, Conservatives, and Pride and Prejudice, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 412 - YouTube (2) Liberales, conservadores y Orgullo y prejuicio, Parte 2: Curso acelerado de Literatura 412 - YouTube (2) Ліберали, консерватори та гордість і упередження, частина 2: Підсумковий курс Література 412 - YouTube (2) 自由派、保守派以及傲慢与偏见,第 2 部分:文学速成班 412 - YouTube (2) 自由派、保守派和《傲慢与偏见》,第二部分:文学速成班 412 - YouTube (2)

argument for personal happiness as a moral category worth celebrating.

So go forth and pursue some happiness yourself.

And thanks for watching.