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Easy Conversations, 62. But Is It Art?

62. But Is It Art?

A: I don't get art.

B: Or artists.

A: They're in a different world.

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils.

A: The artist said the jar was both full and empty.

B: But it was full of pencils! How could he say it was empty?

A: Artists see things differently.

B: Did you ever see anything that Picasso painted?

A: Of course! He's world famous.

B: Did he ever take art lessons?

A: I can't believe it. I drew paintings like that in third grade.

B: Where are they? Maybe they are worth millions.

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62. But Is It Art? 62. Mais est-ce de l'art ? 62. Но искусство ли это? 62\. 但它是艺术吗?

A: I don’t get art. ||||искусство A:アートは得られません。

B: Or artists. |или|артисты B:またはアーティスト。 B:或者艺术家。

A: They’re in a different world. ||||другом|мире

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils. B:我看到一幅画,画的是一个装满铅笔的罐子。

A: The artist said the jar was both full and empty. A: Der Künstler sagte, das Gefäß sei sowohl voll als auch leer. A:アーティストは、瓶がいっぱいで空であると言いました。 A:艺术家说这个罐子既是满的又是空的。

B: But it was full of pencils! How could he say it was empty? 他怎么能说是空的呢?

A: Artists see things differently. A:艺术家看事物的方式不同。

B: Did you ever see anything that Picasso painted? B:你见过毕加索画的东西吗?

A: Of course! He’s world famous.

B: Did he ever take art lessons? B:彼はアートのレッスンを受けたことがありますか? B:他上过美术课吗?

A: I can’t believe it. 答:我简直不敢相信。 I drew paintings like that in third grade. 3年生でそういう絵を描きました。 我在三年级时画过这样的画。

B: Where are they? B:どこにありますか? Maybe they are worth millions. 多分彼らは数百万の価値があります。 也许他们价值数百万。