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Easy Conversations, 72. Life after Death

72. Life after Death

A: What are you going to do about your death?

B: Well, mostly I'll try to avoid it. A: I mean, are you going to get buried or cremated?

B: My wife and I will be cremated.

A: Are you going to be buried next to each other?

B: Oh, no. Our ashes will be shaken into the ocean.

A: You're not going to be buried? B: A coffin costs too much and takes up too much space.

A: Yes, but it will be in a cemetery where your children can visit you.

B: Children seldom visit their parents in a cemetery.

A: That's true. A cemetery is for dead people, not living people.

A: We figure our kids can visit us whenever they go to the beach.

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72. Life after Death 72. Leben nach dem Tod 72. 72. La vida después de la muerte 72. La vie après la mort 72.死後の生命 72. Жизнь после смерти 72. Ölümden Sonra Yaşam 72.死後的生命

A: What are you going to do about your death?

B: Well, mostly I'll try to avoid it. A: I mean, are you going to get buried or cremated?

B: My wife and I will be cremated.

A: Are you going to be buried next to each other?

B: Oh, no. Our ashes will be shaken into the ocean.

A: You're not going to be buried? B: A coffin costs too much and takes up too much space.

A: Yes, but it will be in a cemetery where your children can visit you.

B: Children seldom visit their parents in a cemetery.

A: That's true. A cemetery is for dead people, not living people.

A: We figure our kids can visit us whenever they go to the beach.