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WORD LISTS, NGSL 3rd 1000 others

NGSL 3rd 1000 others

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language.

dominates dominated dominating suppliers prizes prized peers peered peering pensions pensioned pensioning wings winged winging acquisitions recognitions assistances roofs roofed roofing retirements variations proofs proofed proofing soils soiled soiling smarts smarted smarting smarter smartest layers layered layering upsets upsetting teeth toothed representations preparations disputes disputed disputing agendas emphases editions silvers silvered entertainments undertakes undertook undertaking undertaken undertakings retails retailed retailing wires wired wiring wirings unlikelier unlikeliest gayer gayest gays publications slights slighted slighting slighter slightest unknowns frameworks zones zoned zoning zonings restricts restricted restricting traces traced tracing tracings inches inched inching equivalents solids enterprises enterprising owes owed owing governors uniforms uniformed ports ported porting pitches pitched pitching arrivals contemporaries gates gated gating eases eased easing beers specialists assures assured assuring profiles profiled profiling profilings moods episodes cracks cracked cracking submits submitted submitting symptoms eras tensions tensioned tensioning cables cabled cabling inputs inputted inputting isolates isolated isolating prisoners eliminates eliminated eliminating tighter tightest wets wetted wetting wetter wettest welfares recruits recruited recruiting excludes excluded excluding strings strung stringing clouds clouded clouding persuades persuaded persuading inspires inspired inspiring grander grandest crews crewed crewing phenomena pupils falser falsest assists assisted assisting restores restored restoring formulas formulae alters altered altering perceives perceived perceiving routines sinks sank sinking sunk stares stared staring heroes supporters converts converted converting steadies steadied steadying steadier steadiest meters metered metering metre metres trucks trucked trucking noses nosed nosing sails sailed sailing disasters paces paced pacing devotes devoted devoting terrorists justifies justified justifying vitals fascinates fascinated fascinating externals spares spared sparing sparer sparest depressions guiltier guiltiest underlies underlying underlain moms mommy mommies distinctions satisfactions incorporates incorporated incorporating pours poured pouring sweeps swept sweeping sweepings obligations evaluates evaluated evaluating angers angered pubs perceptions currencies databases territories streams streamed streaming heights westerns expansions muscles muscled scares scared scaring boundaries ratios essays essayed essaying screams screamed screaming withdraws withdrew withdrawing withdrawn pollutions disorders disordered disordering symbols apartments demonstrations analysts platforms steels steeled steeling cakes caked caking transforms transformed transforming wounds wounded wounding restrictions foundations designers strains strained straining innovations albums singers trails trailed trailing traps trapped trapping trappings looses loosed loosing looser loosest extensions tanks tanked tanking evils eviler evilest tunes tuned tuning grasses grassed grassing invitations transitions transitioned transitioning frightens frightened frightening bids bade bidding breeds bred breeding advisers stems stemmed stemming reverses reversed reversing modes mirrors mirrored mirroring poses posed posing adjusts adjusted adjusting poems competitors alcohols festivals vegetables vans confidents planets curves curved curving knees kneed kneeing overcomes overcame overcoming webs webbed webbing webbings depths entrances entranced entrancing logs logged logging giants gods portions portioned portioning substances interprets interpreted interpreting independences sugars sugared inners harms harmed harming consults consulted consulting pinks pinked pinking pinker pinkest shadows strips stripped stripping smoothed smoothing smoother smoothest interventions impresses impressed impressing exams vices radicals behaves behaved behaving louder loudest dimensions dimensioned dimensioning infections jackets efficiencies dirties dirtied dirtying dirtier dirtiest statistics resorts resorted resorting irons ironed ironing broadcasts broadcasted broadcasting memberships breads breaded breading blinds blinded blinding blinder blindest purer purest bloodies bloodied bloodying bloodier bloodiest allies allied quantities bends bended bending bent matures matured maturing alarms alarmed alarming disturbs disturbed disturbing sustains sustained sustaining floods flooded flooding crazier craziest crazies cites cited citing parallels paralleled paralleling genders gendered sponsors sponsored sponsoring boots booted booting dealers buttons buttoned buttoning burdens burdened burdening deserts deserted deserting mates mated mating shareholders bowls bowled bowling discoveries resistances baths frequencies criticizes criticized criticizing criticise criticises criticised criticising taps tapped tapping philosophies lips lipped attributes attributed attributing apologizes apologized apologizing apologise apologises apologised apologising approvals grabs grabbed grabbing entitles entitled entitling lends lent lending involvements exposures digitals translates translated translating edits edited editing formations deposits deposited depositing pleasanter pleasantest oversea advocates advocated advocating establishments summaries roughs roughed roughing rougher roughest pens penned penning recoveries seals sealed sealing sealings tubes tubed tubing towers towered towering characterizes characterized characterizing characterise characterises characterised characterising specifies specified specifying exacts exacted exacting spins spun spinning operators infants digs dug digging drags dragged dragging mounts mounted mounting mountings wraps wrapped wrapping wrappings anticipates anticipated anticipating dependents specializes specialized specializing specialise specialises specialised specialising angles angled angling chickens chickened anxieties viruses rivals rivaled rivaling rivalled rivalling offenses offence offences detects detected detecting teenagers admires admired admiring moderates moderated moderating surgeries musicians significances showers showered showering charities universals cigarettes constitutes constituted constituting consultants historians cousins visuals stupider stupidest keens keened keening keener keenest ethnics twins forecasts forecasted forecasting segments segmented segmenting customs adapts adapted adapting sands sanded sanding caps capped capping prompts prompted prompting promptings charms charmed charming reacts reacted reacting lectures lectured lecturing ventures ventured venturing compounds compounded compounding rescues rescued rescuing messes messed messing preferences incentives leagues dialogs dialoged dialoging dialogue dialogues dialogued dialoguing creams creamed creaming cancels canceled canceling cancelled cancelling regrets regretted regretting dismisses dismissed dismissing margins opponents resists resisted resisting capabilities absolutes corresponds corresponded corresponding strokes stroked stroking dares dared daring barriers rids ridded ridding divorces divorced divorcing ruins ruined ruining buries buried burying counsels counselled counseled counselling counseling tendencies frequents frequented frequenting motors motored motoring survivals counters countered countering possesses possessed possessing permissions valleys floats floated floating madder maddest electrics evolutions slaves slaved slaving wealthier wealthiest architectures journals journaling coals measurements depresses depressed depressing illustrations bursts bursting privileges privileged privileging buyers rails railed railing railings motivates motivated motivating laboratories mortgages mortgaged mortgaging promotions passions champions championed championing fulfills fulfilled fulfilling fulfil fulfils fulfiled fulfiling dusts dusted dusting dedicates dedicated dedicating skirts skirted skirting provinces marches marched marching evaluations compromises compromised compromising accomplishes accomplished accomplishing weaknesses announcements salts salted salting glances glanced glancing operas contests contested contesting brushes brushed brushing brushings embarrasses embarrassed embarrassing galleries chests formats formatted formatting governs governed governing embraces embraced embracing praises praised praising pumps pumped pumping publishers celebrations golfs golfed golfing compensations weighs weighed weighing deficits modifies modified modifying flashes flashed flashing friendships professions equations gestures gestured gesturing entertains entertained entertaining assigns assigned assigning inflations injures injured injuring remoter remotest therapies oranges twists twisted twisting imaginations disagrees disagreed disagreeing throats insights tackles tackled tackling exceeds exceeded exceeding expenditures joys reliables gears geared gearing gearings poets fortunes ceremonies piles piled piling pigs pigged pigging mixtures scholars stakes staked staking creatures partnerships participations clauses penalties chambers chambered chambering fancies fancied fancying fanciest poetries chats chatted chatting evolves evolved evolving sakes shelves shelved shelving boosts boosted boosting tails tailed tailing possessions abortions curiouser booms boomed booming tales maintenances pots potted potting cows cowed cowing strengthens strengthened strengthening constraints folds folded folding bins binned binning undergoes underwent undergoing undergone scopes scoped scoping pretends pretended pretending diversities alleges alleged prides prided priding inquiries resigns resigned resigning crafts crafted crafting stricter strictest concretes concreted concreting shells shelled damns damned damning humors humored humoring humorings humour humours humoured limitations indications stabilities wises wised wising wiser wisest neglects neglected neglecting composes composed composing jails jailed jailing shelters sheltered merest carbons regulates regulated regulating cheeses triggers triggered triggering pipes piped piping destructions guitars flags flagged flagging pianos mysteries skis skied skiing whispers whispered whispering whisperings rears reared rearing menus moons mooned blesses blessed blessing blessings blest airlines amendments grandmothers juries civilians compositions coins coined coining scans scanned scanning bunches bunched bunching racials greets greeted greeting greetings sanctions sanctioned sanctioning tricks tricked tricking paragraphs paragraphed paragraphing makers chocolates stimulates stimulated stimulating belts belted belting potatoes narratives tissues invents invented inventing pros stairs hesitates hesitated hesitating shines shined shining shone motivations romantics interiors stomachs stomached stomaching prays prayed praying championships servants immigrants excesses complexities liabilities extracts extracted extracting implementations biases biased biasing catalogs cataloged cataloging catalogue catalogues catalogued cataloguing stamps stamped stamping guidelines envelopes knifes knifed knifing knives consumes consumed consuming luxuries weeklies bites biting bitten printers adventures adventured adventuring fences fenced fencing fencings exhausts exhausted exhausting attractions oceans castles castled castling veterans reflections nerves nerved nerving determinations fictions carpets carpeted carpeting clusters clustered clustering confusions hurries hurried hurrying logics rawer rawest grammars revises revised revising hints hinted hinting hooks hooked hooking bells belled belling liquids panics panicked panicking uncles rices slopes vessels verbs reckons reckoned reckoning sillier silliest transportations harbors harbored harboring harbour harbours harbouring comedies chases chased chasing storages universes lovers rats ratted ratting portraits innocents substitutes substituted substituting supplements supplemented supplementing adjustments filters filtered filtering abstracts abstracted abstracting tents tented tenting strangers shades shaded shading grains grained graining situates situated situating summarizes summarized summarizing summarise summarises summarised summarising leaps leaped leaping leapt snaps snapped snapping probabilities leathers leathered leathering uncertainties swears swore swearing sworn refugees shores shored shoring comprises comprised comprising stirs stirred stirring stirrings excitements sighs sighed sighing pregnancies experimentals slices sliced slicing wanders wandered wandering wanderings empires gentles gentled gentling gentler gentlest attendances ownerships qualifications suspends suspended suspending pales paled paling paler palest stains stained staining athletes organics tongues tongued tonguing servers fools fooled fooling unites united uniting computes computed computing wipes wiped wiping weirder weirdest gazes gazed gazing fades faded fading coughs coughed coughing hypotheses royals curtains curtained curtaining mayors aunts tournaments registrations fragments fragmented fragmenting listeners tenders densities uglier ugliest modules autumns cheeks cheeked attachments holders grins grinned grinning nouns lazier laziest hungers hungered hungering insures insured insuring founds founded founding thirsts thirsted thirsting

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NGSL 3rd 1000 others NGSL 3. 1000 andere NGSL 3.000 otros NGSL 3° 1000 altri NGSL 3rd 1000 기타 NGSL 3º 1000 outros NGSL 3 1000 других

Hello, thank you for watching this lesson. So, this lesson is not designed as a study lesson, but it is more designed as a checking lesson for how far have you come in the basic word lists and in the basic usage of English language.

dominates dominated dominating suppliers prizes prized peers peered peering pensions pensioned pensioning wings winged winging acquisitions recognitions assistances roofs roofed roofing retirements variations proofs proofed proofing soils soiled soiling smarts smarted smarting smarter smartest layers layered layering upsets upsetting teeth toothed representations preparations disputes disputed disputing agendas emphases editions silvers silvered entertainments undertakes undertook undertaking undertaken undertakings retails retailed retailing wires wired wiring wirings unlikelier unlikeliest gayer gayest gays publications slights slighted slighting slighter slightest unknowns frameworks zones zoned zoning zonings restricts restricted restricting traces traced tracing tracings inches inched inching equivalents solids enterprises enterprising owes owed owing governors uniforms uniformed ports ported porting pitches pitched pitching arrivals contemporaries gates gated gating eases eased easing beers specialists assures assured assuring profiles profiled profiling profilings moods episodes cracks cracked cracking submits submitted submitting symptoms eras tensions tensioned tensioning cables cabled cabling inputs inputted inputting isolates isolated isolating prisoners eliminates eliminated eliminating tighter tightest wets wetted wetting wetter wettest welfares recruits recruited recruiting excludes excluded excluding strings strung stringing clouds clouded clouding persuades persuaded persuading inspires inspired inspiring grander grandest crews crewed crewing phenomena pupils falser falsest assists assisted assisting restores restored restoring formulas formulae alters altered altering perceives perceived perceiving routines sinks sank sinking sunk stares stared staring heroes supporters converts converted converting steadies steadied steadying steadier steadiest meters metered metering metre metres trucks trucked trucking noses nosed nosing sails sailed sailing disasters paces paced pacing devotes devoted devoting terrorists justifies justified justifying vitals fascinates fascinated fascinating externals spares spared sparing sparer sparest depressions guiltier guiltiest underlies underlying underlain moms mommy mommies distinctions satisfactions incorporates incorporated incorporating pours poured pouring sweeps swept sweeping sweepings obligations evaluates evaluated evaluating angers angered pubs perceptions currencies databases territories streams streamed streaming heights westerns expansions muscles muscled scares scared scaring boundaries ratios essays essayed essaying screams screamed screaming withdraws withdrew withdrawing withdrawn pollutions disorders disordered disordering symbols apartments demonstrations analysts platforms steels steeled steeling cakes caked caking transforms transformed transforming wounds wounded wounding restrictions foundations designers strains strained straining innovations albums singers trails trailed trailing traps trapped trapping trappings looses loosed loosing looser loosest extensions tanks tanked tanking evils eviler evilest tunes tuned tuning grasses grassed grassing invitations transitions transitioned transitioning frightens frightened frightening bids bade bidding breeds bred breeding advisers stems stemmed stemming reverses reversed reversing modes mirrors mirrored mirroring poses posed posing adjusts adjusted adjusting poems competitors alcohols festivals vegetables vans confidents planets curves curved curving knees kneed kneeing overcomes overcame overcoming webs webbed webbing webbings depths entrances entranced entrancing logs logged logging giants gods portions portioned portioning substances interprets interpreted interpreting independences sugars sugared inners harms harmed harming consults consulted consulting pinks pinked pinking pinker pinkest shadows strips stripped stripping smoothed smoothing smoother smoothest interventions impresses impressed impressing exams vices radicals behaves behaved behaving louder loudest dimensions dimensioned dimensioning infections jackets efficiencies dirties dirtied dirtying dirtier dirtiest statistics resorts resorted resorting irons ironed ironing broadcasts broadcasted broadcasting memberships breads breaded breading blinds blinded blinding blinder blindest purer purest bloodies bloodied bloodying bloodier bloodiest allies allied quantities bends bended bending bent matures matured maturing alarms alarmed alarming disturbs disturbed disturbing sustains sustained sustaining floods flooded flooding crazier craziest crazies cites cited citing parallels paralleled paralleling genders gendered sponsors sponsored sponsoring boots booted booting dealers buttons buttoned buttoning burdens burdened burdening deserts deserted deserting mates mated mating shareholders bowls bowled bowling discoveries resistances baths frequencies criticizes criticized criticizing criticise criticises criticised criticising taps tapped tapping philosophies lips lipped attributes attributed attributing apologizes apologized apologizing apologise apologises apologised apologising approvals grabs grabbed grabbing entitles entitled entitling lends lent lending involvements exposures digitals translates translated translating edits edited editing formations deposits deposited depositing pleasanter pleasantest oversea advocates advocated advocating establishments summaries roughs roughed roughing rougher roughest pens penned penning recoveries seals sealed sealing sealings tubes tubed tubing towers towered towering characterizes characterized characterizing characterise characterises characterised characterising specifies specified specifying exacts exacted exacting spins spun spinning operators infants digs dug digging drags dragged dragging mounts mounted mounting mountings wraps wrapped wrapping wrappings anticipates anticipated anticipating dependents specializes specialized specializing specialise specialises specialised specialising angles angled angling chickens chickened anxieties viruses rivals rivaled rivaling rivalled rivalling offenses offence offences detects detected detecting teenagers admires admired admiring moderates moderated moderating surgeries musicians significances showers showered showering charities universals cigarettes constitutes constituted constituting consultants historians cousins visuals stupider stupidest keens keened keening keener keenest ethnics twins forecasts forecasted forecasting segments segmented segmenting customs adapts adapted adapting sands sanded sanding caps capped capping prompts prompted prompting promptings charms charmed charming reacts reacted reacting lectures lectured lecturing ventures ventured venturing compounds compounded compounding rescues rescued rescuing messes messed messing preferences incentives leagues dialogs dialoged dialoging dialogue dialogues dialogued dialoguing creams creamed creaming cancels canceled canceling cancelled cancelling regrets regretted regretting dismisses dismissed dismissing margins opponents resists resisted resisting capabilities absolutes corresponds corresponded corresponding strokes stroked stroking dares dared daring barriers rids ridded ridding divorces divorced divorcing ruins ruined ruining buries buried burying counsels counselled counseled counselling counseling tendencies frequents frequented frequenting motors motored motoring survivals counters countered countering possesses possessed possessing permissions valleys floats floated floating madder maddest electrics evolutions slaves slaved slaving wealthier wealthiest architectures journals journaling coals measurements depresses depressed depressing illustrations bursts bursting privileges privileged privileging buyers rails railed railing railings motivates motivated motivating laboratories mortgages mortgaged mortgaging promotions passions champions championed championing fulfills fulfilled fulfilling fulfil fulfils fulfiled fulfiling dusts dusted dusting dedicates dedicated dedicating skirts skirted skirting provinces marches marched marching evaluations compromises compromised compromising accomplishes accomplished accomplishing weaknesses announcements salts salted salting glances glanced glancing operas contests contested contesting brushes brushed brushing brushings embarrasses embarrassed embarrassing galleries chests formats formatted formatting governs governed governing embraces embraced embracing praises praised praising pumps pumped pumping publishers celebrations golfs golfed golfing compensations weighs weighed weighing deficits modifies modified modifying flashes flashed flashing friendships professions equations gestures gestured gesturing entertains entertained entertaining assigns assigned assigning inflations injures injured injuring remoter remotest therapies oranges twists twisted twisting imaginations disagrees disagreed disagreeing throats insights tackles tackled tackling exceeds exceeded exceeding expenditures joys reliables gears geared gearing gearings poets fortunes ceremonies piles piled piling pigs pigged pigging mixtures scholars stakes staked staking creatures partnerships participations clauses penalties chambers chambered chambering fancies fancied fancying fanciest poetries chats chatted chatting evolves evolved evolving sakes shelves shelved shelving boosts boosted boosting tails tailed tailing possessions abortions curiouser booms boomed booming tales maintenances pots potted potting cows cowed cowing strengthens strengthened strengthening constraints folds folded folding bins binned binning undergoes underwent undergoing undergone scopes scoped scoping pretends pretended pretending diversities alleges alleged prides prided priding inquiries resigns resigned resigning crafts crafted crafting stricter strictest concretes concreted concreting shells shelled damns damned damning humors humored humoring humorings humour humours humoured limitations indications stabilities wises wised wising wiser wisest neglects neglected neglecting composes composed composing jails jailed jailing shelters sheltered merest carbons regulates regulated regulating cheeses triggers triggered triggering pipes piped piping destructions guitars flags flagged flagging pianos mysteries skis skied skiing whispers whispered whispering whisperings rears reared rearing menus moons mooned blesses blessed blessing blessings blest airlines amendments grandmothers juries civilians compositions coins coined coining scans scanned scanning bunches bunched bunching racials greets greeted greeting greetings sanctions sanctioned sanctioning tricks tricked tricking paragraphs paragraphed paragraphing makers chocolates stimulates stimulated stimulating belts belted belting potatoes narratives tissues invents invented inventing pros stairs hesitates hesitated hesitating shines shined shining shone motivations romantics interiors stomachs stomached stomaching prays prayed praying championships servants immigrants excesses complexities liabilities extracts extracted extracting implementations biases biased biasing catalogs cataloged cataloging catalogue catalogues catalogued cataloguing stamps stamped stamping guidelines envelopes knifes knifed knifing knives consumes consumed consuming luxuries weeklies bites biting bitten printers adventures adventured adventuring fences fenced fencing fencings exhausts exhausted exhausting attractions oceans castles castled castling veterans reflections nerves nerved nerving determinations fictions carpets carpeted carpeting clusters clustered clustering confusions hurries hurried hurrying logics rawer rawest grammars revises revised revising hints hinted hinting hooks hooked hooking bells belled belling liquids panics panicked panicking uncles rices slopes vessels verbs reckons reckoned reckoning sillier silliest transportations harbors harbored harboring harbour harbours harbouring comedies chases chased chasing storages universes lovers rats ratted ratting portraits innocents substitutes substituted substituting supplements supplemented supplementing adjustments filters filtered filtering abstracts abstracted abstracting tents tented tenting strangers shades shaded shading grains grained graining situates situated situating summarizes summarized summarizing summarise summarises summarised summarising leaps leaped leaping leapt snaps snapped snapping probabilities leathers leathered leathering uncertainties swears swore swearing sworn refugees shores shored shoring comprises comprised comprising stirs stirred stirring stirrings excitements sighs sighed sighing pregnancies experimentals slices sliced slicing wanders wandered wandering wanderings empires gentles gentled gentling gentler gentlest attendances ownerships qualifications suspends suspended suspending pales paled paling paler palest stains stained staining athletes organics tongues tongued tonguing servers fools fooled fooling unites united uniting computes computed computing wipes wiped wiping weirder weirdest gazes gazed gazing fades faded fading coughs coughed coughing hypotheses royals curtains curtained curtaining mayors aunts tournaments registrations fragments fragmented fragmenting listeners tenders densities uglier ugliest modules autumns cheeks cheeked attachments holders grins grinned grinning nouns lazier laziest hungers hungered hungering insures insured insuring founds founded founding thirsts thirsted thirsting